f ubltr ffitbrarg
This Volume is for
D DDD1 02S13DH 5
rMlatton$ ties auteurs anonyme* et
j?o«r te$ g&n8 &u, monfo* mate* tiworG
raire et U Uographe ; ce 3ont l& ties myst&res ties U&Smtwres
Copyright by
., PRATERS, 115 Ewtsc Sraaw, BOITOK.
work is designed as a Dictionary of American and Eng-
JL lish Initials and Pseudonyms employed from the beginning of
the 18th century to the present time; to which have been added
some of the more recent and important Continental ones, and a
few false-names, which, by a strict definition of words, would be
called soubriquets.
A similar work by Mr. Albert E. Frey, of the Astor Library,
New York City, was placed by the publishers afc the writer's
disposal, from which about two thousand titles were taken, and
added to his own compilation, making an aggregate of twelve
thousand initials and pseudonyms, and eight thousand real names
of authors.
Attention is called to the very complete article, by Mr. Frey,
on " Junius," to be found in the first part.
For the convenience of those using this diction ar}*, it may
be well to state that the first part gives the initials and pseu-
donyms, followed by the real names, of the authors, together with
some representative literary performance ; and the method used in
indexing, with some exceptions, is to treat the literary disguises
as real names, and arrange them as is customary with the latter,
i.e., the last member of the initial or pseudonym is put first, and
determines the alphabetical order. The second part contains the
real names of authors, followed by the initials and pseudonyms,
and short biographical notices.
The writer has endeavored to make this work both compre-
hensive and correct, and, in order to do this, has availed him-
self of the Harvard University Library, and every other source
of information to which the kindness of those interested in the
undertaking has given him access, and believes he has been
enabled to produce' a volume that will be useful to librarians
and of interest to the general reader.
Notification of errors or omissions, o% any information that would
add to the value of the work, will be gladly received by the
OCT. 1, 1885.
*. Henry Ward Beechert in the New
York "Independent," author of "The
•Star Papers " N Y. 1855
*. Rev. Benjamin Franklin De Costa,
in his letters to "The Advertiser" (Bos-
ton), during 1861-62
*. Charles Fenno Hoffman His signa-
ture in the New York "American," m
which he published a series of brilliant
***. William Kelynack Dale. Mam-
mon ; a poem By ... Penzance, 1856
***. Rev. Benjamin franklin De Costa,
in his letters to "The Advertiser" (Bos-
ton), during 1861-62.
*#*,a Magistrate in the Cotmtrey
Sir Francis Grant, Lord Cullen. A let-
ter . . giving a new historical account of
designs, through the Christian world . . .
Edmb. 1701.
***, Americain M. Paul Ulrich Du-
•buisson Abrege de la Revolution de
rAmenque anglaise. Paris, 1778.
**** Rev. Matthew Raine, in Beloe's
" Sexagenarian/' Vol I , chap. 40.
**** Mrs. Ameha Opie, in Beloe's
"Sexagenarian," I., 411 2d ed. L.
#*** Rev John Lewis A dissertation
«on the antiquity and use of seals in
England . . , L 1740.
****, The Late Lord. Henry Hyde,
Lord Hyde and Cornbury The mistakes ;
. , a comedy. L. 1758,
**#*, Priscilla. Priscilla Walcefield.
Leisure hours; or, entertaining dia-
logues ... By ... L. 1794.
**** #*#*#*. J0hn Murray. Letter
to ... on the Eev. W. L. Bowles's
strictures on the life and writings of
Pope " By the Eight Hon. Lord Byron.
L. 1821.
*#*#*t ##*#. $fr$. Anne Penny. Po-
king, with a dramatic entertainment. L.
The Rev James Pycroft.
The collegian's guide, or, recollections
of college days ... L. 1845.
*#**#**j Lady • " '•". John Hall Stev-
enson Moral tales . . 2d ed L. 1783.
#*####*, Sir *##*## gir R0iert Wai-
****«ii»g9 ***#**8 sHjHi^ Esq. Charles
John Darling Scintillas juris. L. 1877.
******** M. A, Fellow of JSTew
College. Thomas Le Mesuner. Trans-
lations, chiefly from the Italian, of Pe-
trarch and Metastasio Oxf 1795.
John H B. Latrobe. Three
great battles Baltimore, 1863.
, The Honourable Mr. Wil-
liam Coombe The auction: a town ec-
logue By ... L. 1778
»Esq , Member of Parlia-
ment for the County of . Sir
John Sinclair. Lucubrations during a
short recess ... L. 1782.
, Lady. Lady Wallace. A
letter to a friend, with a poem called
" The ghost of Werter." By ... L.
s s, M. A. of the Univer-
sity of Oxford Chailes Lucas Free
thoughts on a general reform . . . Bath,
? . Charles Wolcott Balestier, A
potent philter, contributed to " The Trib-
une" (N.Y.), 1884.
g^p*" Joseph Addison* in his contribu-
tions to " The Guardian."
<--i^$. J* Walker. Miscellaneous ob-
servations upon authors ancient and
modern. L, 1731-32
O. — See«Theta."
M iss Ehza Brown Chase.
Over the border : Acadia,
ome Of Erangeline.
B. 1884.
The above musical notes represent *< E.B.G.,"
the initials of the author's name.
A (alpha). Mr. Bowden. Lyra apos-
tolica. Derby and L. 1836.
The above "work consists of a collection of
poems reprinted from «« The British Magazine,"
in -which they had previously appeared over the
following signatures : —
a (alpha). Mr. Bowden (as above).
P. R. Hurrell Froude
•y. John Keble.
8. John Henry Newman
€. Isaac Williams.
£. Rev. Henry William Wilberfwce.
A. Samuel Adams, in the "Boston
A. William Henry Davenport Adams.
The desert world ... L. 1869.
A Wilkes Allen, in "The Polyan-
thos " (Boston), 1806-07.
A. Mrs. Allenby. The starling of the
spire ; or, a bird's-eye view of the church
as it was. [In verse.] . . L 1866.
A. Mr. Anthony. Irwell, and other
poems ... L. 1843.
A. Matthew Arnold. The strayed
reveller. L. 1849 Empedocles on Etna.
L. 1852.
A. Benjamin Brierley. Goin' to Cy-
prus, By A. Manchester, 1879.
A. Rev. John 2£eblet one of the con-
tributors to " Tracts for the Times." L.
A. Bishop Zachary Pearce. Miscella-
neous observations upon authors ancient
and modern. L. 1731-32.
A. Alexander Pope. — See " Bavius."
A. John Smith. His signature to
papers in the "Microcosm," published
at Eton College. 1786 et seq.
A Joshua Smith. Scandal [in verse] ;
by the biographer of Anacreon. Holt,
Norfolk, 1827.
A. Mrs. Caroline Anne Bowles Southey.
Chapters on churchyards, in "Black-
wood's Magazine," commenced Anril.
These contributions to " Black-wood " -were
published separately in 1829, and 2d ed. in 1841.
A Ann Taylor. The wedding among
the flowers, [In verse.] ... L. 1808.
A., A Adam Anderson. Jim Blake's
tour from Clonave to London. Illus-
trated with sketches by E. N., A. &. A.
[Erskine Mcol ] . . Preface and notes
by A. A. Dublin, 1867
A,, A. Mrs. Anna Atkins. ' The
colonel: a story of fashionable life,
1853. A page from the peerage, 1868.
The perils of fashion, 1852.
A», A. A. Hon. Alvey A. Adee Ba-
con s Promus. By . . In the " Repub-
?S&o "^k^011' 3W»-» March, May,
A., A. H. Andrew Hittiard Attentive.
Islam. L. 1878.
A, AS. A. S. Atcheson. The bread
of life . 1849.
A , B. Benjamin Antrobus. Buds and
blossoms of piety ... 2d ed. L. 1091.
A. B. Benjamin F i ankhn. Proposed
new version of the Bible; one ot the
bagatelles (written about 1778).
A B. Matthew Hole An antidote
against the poison of some late pam-
phlets. Oxf. 1717.
A. B. A signature which has been
attributed to Junius (q.v.). See Letter
to the "Public Advertiser," Nov. 5, 1771,
A. B. Joseph Skidmore, Senior. An
essay on the Vth of Matthew, from verse
33rd to 87th . . L 1713.
A. B. Jonathan Swift. See "A Per-
son of Quality "
A., Gr. B 8ir George Biddell Airy, in
his contributions to the "Athenaeum." L
A. B. Philologer. Laurence Sterne
"I happened to he acquainted," says Sterne,
" with a young man from Yorkshne, who lented
a window in one of the paved alleys near Corn-
hill, foi the sale of stationeiy. 1 hired one of
the panes of glass from my friend, and stuck up
the following adveitisement with wafers —
"Epigrams, anagrams, paingiaraa, chrono-
grams, monograms, epitaphs, epitlulammrats
prologues, epilogues, madrioalH, interludes, ad-
vertisements, letteis, petitions, memonuls on
every occasion, essays on all subjects, pamphlets,
for and against ministers, with soimons upon
any text, or for any sect, to he written here on
reasonable term,, by „ A B ^IM^r.
"The uncommonness of the titles occasioned
numerous applications, and at night I used pri-
vately to glide into the office to digest the notes
or heads of the day, and receive the earnest,
which was directed always to be left with the
memorandums, the writing to be paid for on
delivery, according to the subject."— -Percy
A., O. Mtss Charlotte Adams, in con-
tributions to " The Art Age." N.Y.
A , C. Charlotte Anlei/. Miriam ; or,
the power of truth, 1826. The prisoners
of Australia, 1841.
A., C , Esq Christopher Anstey. Brit-
ain's genius: a song . . . Bath, 1797,
A., C. B. C. C. B. C Amicus. Hints
on life; and how to rise in society.
By. . L. 1845. J
A, C. E Clementine Edith Aiken.
The days we live in, B. 1876.
'A., C F Cecil Prances Alexander.
Hymns for little children ... L. 1862.
A. C.I O. (A Cornishman in Glouces-
tershire.) John White. The humorous
adventures of Tim Trevail, related in the
pure, unadulterated vernacular. L. 1872,
A. D. C., The. Francis Cowlev Bur-
nand. Being personal reminiscences of
the university "Amateur Dramatic Club."
Cambridge. L. 1879.
A., D. J. B. de. Don Juan Bautista
de Amaza Coleccion de algunos ver-
sos. Paris, 1805.
A., B. * Edward Aggas. The defence
of death . . . L. 1576.
A, E. Edwin Arnold. The light of
Asia ; or, the great renunciation. . . .
L. 1879.
A. E. R. J. Lane. Marks and re-
marks for the catalogue of the exhibi-
tion of the Royal Academy. L. 1856.
A., E. Edwin Arnold. Political po-
ems by Victor Hugo and Garibaldi.
" Done into English by an Oxford gradu-
ate." 1868.
A., E. Edward Atkinson. Senator
Sherman's fallacies ; or, honesty the best
policy. By ... B. 1868.
A., E. Edward Archer The small
boy's mythological primer, in rhyme.
L. 1858.
A., E. Ezra Abbot. A translation of
the Gospels ... By A. Norton. [Ed-
ited by C. E. N., i.e., C. E. Norton, and
E. A.]
A., E. A. Mrs. Elizabeth Alien Anna-
ble Needham. Incidents in the lives of
good men. By ... B. 186-.
A., E. C. Mrs. Elizabeth Gary Agas-
$iz. Geological sketches. Edited . . .
A., E. C. Miss Emily C. Agnew. Ger-
aldine: a tale of conscience. L. 1837-30.
A., E. G. E. G. Adams. Battle at
Eort Rice, July 28, 1865. Fort Bice,
D. T., 1865.
A., E. M. Ernst Moritz Arndt. Wan- .
derungen aus und um Godesberg.
Bonn, 1844. Deutsche Lieder. Berlin,
A., E. S. Ernest Silvanus Appleyard.
The sure hope of reconciliation. 1&7,
A., E W. Mrs. Ehza Winslow AUder-
dice. Heart's delight. N.Y., 1879.
A., F. Frederick Archer, in his con-
tributions to " The Keynote" (N.Y.}.
A, F. Rev. Frederick Arnold, in
« London Society," " Leisure Hour," 1867.
A. F. James Otis. Considerations
on behalf of the colonists, etc. B. 1766.
A., F. O. .Frances Charlotte Armstrong.
Dick Pord and his father. L. 1875.
A., F, E. Florence Emily Ashley.
Lagonells. [A tale.] . . . L 1872.
A. F. G. John Lister. Epigrams and
jeux d'esprit. Edinb, 1870.
A. F. S. Miss Sarah A. Flint. Hope
Douglass ... B. 1867.
A., O- Ghrace Aguilar. Home scenes
and heart studies. L. 1852.
A,, O. A. G. A. Aynge. Tecumseh ;
or, the death of the Shawnee chief . . .
Weymouth, 1830.
A., G. B. George Biddell Airy. Six
lectures on astronomy. L. 1849.
A., G. F. George French Angas. Aus-
tralia : a popular account ... L, 1865.
A. G. O. T. U O. C. Ouen Manning.
An inquiry into the grounds and nature
of the several species of ratiocination
. . . 1754.
The above letters are the initials of "A gen-
tleman of the University of Cambridge."
A, H. Henry AttwelL A book of
thoughts. Selected ... L. 1865.
A , H. Henry Alford, Dean of Canter-
bury. Gurney's (J*. H.) sermons on the
Acts of the apostles. Edited by H. A.
L. 1862.
A., H W. Henry Wentworth Acland.
Prints for cottage walls . . . Oxf . & L.
A., I. Jasper Atkinson. Catholic
blinds for Protestant eyes ... L. 1820.
A., I* John Atkinson. The state of
our circulation and currency considered
. . L. 1826.
A., J. JohnAikin. The arts of life ...
L. 1802.
A., J. JohnAdy. An exordium to the
reading of the sacred writings of the Old
and New Testaments. L. 1807
A., J. Jacob Abbot. The little scholar
learning to talk ... L. 1836.
A, J. John Albee. In memory of
Gerald Fitz Gerald . . . n.p. 1863.
A , J. John Ago. The ocean harp : a
poem... P. 1819.
A., J. John Anstey. The pleader's
guide . . 1808.
A , J. John Aikin, LL D. The wood-
land companion. L. 1802.
A., J., M.D. John Arbuthnot, M.D
Examination of Dr. Woodward's account
of the deluge ... By ... L. 1696.
A., J., and C,, R. C. John Adarnson
and E. C. C. Ballads from the Portu-
guese translated and versified by ...
Newcastle, 1846.
A., J ti. John Lamcount Anderdon.
The river Dove ; with some quiet thoughts
of the happy practice of angling . . .
L. 1845.
A., J. M. Eev. John Marks Ashley.
The treatise of S. Catherine of Genoa on
purgatory, newly translated . . . 1878.
A., J, R., and J., M. C. John Seed
Appleton and Morris Charles Jones. Evans.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1865.
A., J. S. .7, JS. Attoeood, in his contri-
butions to "Notes and Queries/' L.
1870 et seq.
A., J. Y. John Yonge Akerman. Tales
of other days ... L. 1830.
A., Li. Lombe Atthill The church of
England recommended . . Halesworth,
A, L. Louisa Anthony. Traits of
private life. Manchester, n d.
A., Hi. Ii. Mrs. G. B. or L L. Adams.
A ride through the Holy Land. B 1875
A. Ij. O. E (i.e., A Lady of Eng-
land.) Miss Charlotte Maria Tucker, in
her numerous works for young people.
L. 1875, etc.
A., Li. S. Louis Simon Auger. Notice
sur la vie et les ouvrages de Le Sage.
Paris, 1813.
A.,M. Mrs. Maria Abdy. Her signa-
ture in the "New Monthly." L about
A., M. Matthew Arnold. Christian
life: its hopes, its fears, and its close.
Edited by ... L. 1845.
A, M. Mrs. M. Allen. A history of
Ford Abbey, Dorsetshire: late in the
County of Devon. L. 1846.
A , M. Thaddeus O'Mahony Questions
on Locke's essay concerning human un-
derstanding. L. 1860.
A M., Oxon W. S Moses. Carpen-
terian Criticism. L. 1877.
A. M. B. A. Marie Henri Beyle. His-
toire de la peinture en Italie Paris,
A,M.E. M.E.Arnold. The painted
window : a poem L, 1856.
A., N Nathaniel Ames. Nautical rem-
iniscences. Providence, 1832.
A., N. Col. Nathan Appleton. Sketch
of the life of Albert Kintzmg Post. By
N.A. N.Y.1873.
A, P., Minister of tlie Gospel. Rev
Peter Annet. Judging for ourselves . . .
L. 1739.
A., P. Gr. Prosper Gabriel Audran.
Orammaire Arabe en tableaux . . .
Paris, 1818.
A., B. Richard Ahop ( * ) The enchant-
ed lake of the Fairy Morgana. [Trans-
lated.] 1806.
A., R. Robert Allsop. Letters, conver-
sations, and recollections of S. T. Cole-
ridge . . . Preface by ... L. 1858.
A., H. Rev Robert Aspland. Sermons
on various subjects, chiefly practical.
L. 1847.
A. K. A. James Gameron Lees, D.D.
A rollicking tour in Ireland. By Bag,
Tag, and Bobtail; a rollicking tour in
the land of the Gael. Paisley, 1878.
A., R, F. Rachel Frances Antonina
Dashwood Lee. Memoirs of ... L.
A,, S. Samuel Ayscough Topograph-
ical description of Cudham, Kent, in
« Gent. Mag " Sept. 1804., pp. 830-901.
A , S. A. Samuel Austin Alitbone. An
alphabetical index to the New Testament.
... P. 1868.
A , S. D. S. D. Alexander. Notes on
New Testament literature. [By Joseph
Addison Alexander.] Edited . . . 18G7
A., S M. Stephen Merrill Allan. Reli-
gion and science . . B 1874.
A., T, Captain Light Dragoons
Capt Thomas Ashe. History of the
Azores, or Western Islands . . . L 181o
A , T., Gent. Thomas Ashe Travels in
America, performed in 1806 . . . L 1808
A., T. B. Thomas Bailey Aldnch.
The bells : a collection of chimes. N.Y.
A., T. K. Thomas Kerchever Arnold.
A Latin Syntax and first reading book 4
. . L. 1836
A. V. Arthur Ashley Sykes. A letter
to the Rev. Dr. Sherlock . . L. 1717.
A, W. William Allen. The duty of
abstaining from the use of West India
produce. A speech ... L. 1792
A., W. W Alexander. Fruits of
piety . . . York, 1824.
A, W. Wiiham Asplin. — See "A
presbyter of the Church of England."
A , W. B W. R. Anthony. Essential
memoranda of English grammar. Com-
piled . . . 1881
A, W. E. William Edmonstoune
Aytoun. His signature in "Blackwood's
A , W. E. A. William Edward Armi-
tage Axon. Nixon's Cheshire prophecies
. . With an ... essay on popular
prophecies . . . L. 1878
A., W. H. D. William Henry Daven-
port Adams Black's guide to the history ,,
antiquities, and topography of the County
of Surrey ... L, 1861.
A. Z. Benjamin Gale. The present
state of the colony of Connecticut con-
sidered ... New L. 1755.
A****» Major. Charles Barwell Coles.
Short whist, its rise and progress, to
which are prefixed precepts for tyros.
By Mrs. B*****, with an essay ... by
Prof. P. (q.v.). L, 1866.
By Mrs. B***** is meant Mrs. Battle, whose
opinions on whist were contributed to "Tho
Monthly Magazine." L 1821. By "Etia"
A****d, Mr. William Arnold, Mr.
A— d's motives for renouncing the pop-
ish, and re-embracing the protestant reli-
gion in which he was educated, etc. L.
A****e, D*** of John Campbell, 4th
Duke of Argyle. Letter to the right hon-
orable Sir ****** ******* [Robert Wai-
pole] upon . . expeditions. L. 1740.
A ****, P. C. Philippe Charles Aubry.
Le Petrarque Fran9ais, Poesies diverse
de . . . Tours, 1801
A Arthur Cleveland Coxe. St
Jonathan; the lay of a Scald . . . N.Y. 1838.
A. and lj A and L. Shore Fra
Dolcino, and other poems. L 1870.
A—, the Rev. M Rev. George Fitz-
gerald Galaher, M.A. Auricular confes-
sion proved to be contrary to Scripture.
L. 1875
A— n, E— 1 of. Willougliby Bertie,
Earl ofAbmadon An adieu to the turf:
a poetical epistle from . . to Ms grace
the A— p [Archbishop] of Y— k [Yorkl.
L. 1778.
Ab Benjamin Bnerley. Ab-o'-th'-Yate
at the great show [Signed "Ab."]
Reprinted from "Ben Brierley's Journal"
for August, 1869. Manchester, 1869.
Ab hissel Benjamin Bnerley. Ab-
o'-th'-Yate and the " Wreath." By ...
Manchester, 1879.
AB-o'-th'-Yate Benjamin Brierley.
Ab-o'-th'-Yate and the cobbler of Alder-
burn on the great strike. By Ab. Man-
chester, 1878.
Abacrombi, Signor. James Aber-
cromby, Baron Dunfermlme Thaumatur-
gics. Coal Hole, Pleasance . . . Signer
A. (from Exchequer Land) formerly
Assistant-Juggler to Mr. Cunning ... [A
•satire on J A/s candidature for the repre-
sentation of Edinburgh ] Edinb. 1832
Abaft, Lajos. Lajos Aigner. Mikes
Kelemen. [A biography.] Budapest, 1878.
Abati, Francesco. William Winwood
Reade. See-Saw a novel ... L. 1865.
Abbie, Aunt Abby Skinner. Carroll
Ashton ; or, the rewards of truthfulness . , .
P. 1855.
Abbott, Alice Irving. Miss H. H.
Bw dick
Abbott, Rosa. Rosa (Y.) Abbott
Parker Kosa Abbott Stories
Abdallah. Of way Curry, who con-
tributed to the press at Cincinnati under
this nom de phime.
Abdallah Augusto Pereira Soromenho.
Abdallah, Kh&lid Eb'n Sir Henry
Taylor, K.C., D.O.L. — See Khalid Eb'n
Abdiel. Samuel Hall — See Samuel
Hall, calling himself "Abdiel.-"
Abdiel Joshua William, Brooks. Ab-
•diel's essays on the advent and kingdom
of Christ, and the events connected there-
with.., 1*1884.
Aberdeen Hugh D. Mclntyre.
Abolitionist, An Thomas Fisher,
Esq., F.SA. The negro's memorial . . .
By... L 1825.
Abrabanel, Solomon. William Ai-
nall. The complaint of the children of
Israel ... By S. A. of the House of
David, L. 1736.
Abraham. Abraham, Not wood The
acts of the elders, commonly called the
book of Abraham. B 1845.
Abraham, Brother. Rev. 'Richard
King. An answer to the letters of Peter
Plymley [Sydney Smith]. L. 1808,
Abraham, Father. Benjamin Frank-
lin. Father Abraham's speech to a great
number of people, at a vendue . . . B. 1807.
Abricht, Johann. Jonathan Birch.
Divine emblems embellished with etch-
ings on copper . . . designed and written
byJ. A. L. 1838.
Absent Brother, An. Daniel Wilson.
Letters from . . . 1823.
Absentee residing In Bath, An.
Rev. Eduard Mangm. Utopia found;
being an apology for Insh absentees.
By ... Bath, 1813.
Absented member, An. Sir Wil-
liam Windham A letter . . . upon the
present situation of the affairs of Great
Britain. L. 1739.
Academicus. — See "Antiquarius."
Academlcus. Rev. Aulay Macaulay,
M.A. During his residence at the Univer-
sity of Glasgow he wrote many essays,
moral and literary, in "Ruddiman's
Weekly Magazine," under the signature
of "Academicus."
. Academicus. Charles Seager, M.A,
Auricular confession . . . Oxf. 1842.
Academicus. William Pulteney Alison.
Correspondence between A. and Con-
siliarius on the comparative merits of
phrenology, and the mental philosophy
of Eeid and Stewart. Edinb. 1836.
Ace Clubs. J. O. Lofim. Friendship
a poem . . . Montgomery, Ala., 1871.
Acharius. Frednk Vilhelm Scholander.
Luisella. 1867.
Acheta. Miss L. M. Budgen. March
winds and April showers ... By ...
L 1854.
Acheta Domestica. Miss L M. Bud-
qen. Episodes of insect life. By A. D.
L 1849-51.
Ackerlos, John. John Stores Smith
Selections from the poetry of H. Heine,
trans, by J A. L. 1854.
Ackermann, Gottlieb. Franz Xaver
Mayer. Yolkspredigten und Homilien . . .
Landshut, 1881.
Acorn. James Oakes.
Aetsea. Mrs Elizabeth Cary Agassiz
A first lesson in natural history. B. 1859.
Acton, Lilewellin. Wynne Edit in
Baxter Perseverance ... L. 1863
Actor, An Pieice Egan. The life
of L. 1825.
Actress, An Mrs Anna Cora ( Ogden
ZLouatt} Ritchie Autobiography of . .;
or, eight years on the stage. B 1854
Actual Settler, An H Y Read
Suggestions on ... colonization through
the . . allotment system By ... Mon-
treal, 1865.
Adair, James Sir Richard Phillips.
Five hundred questions and exercises on
Murray's . . English grammar L. 1824.
" Adam " Arthur Hugh Clough.
In his Bothie of Tober-na-Vuolich, Eobbes
•was Ward Hunt, Adam, Clough himself, Lmd-
say, F E. Johnson of Christ Church , Hewson,
J, S Winder of Onel , Arthur, H. W. Fisher of
Christ Church, Aiihe, J. Deacon of Onel, and
Sir Hector . , Mr, Farquharson.
Adam, Onkel Carl Anton Wetter-
bergh The fatal chain Prom the Swed-
ish of . . 1864.
Adam, Uncle. George Mogndge
The Chinese By ... L. 1845
Adam, Adam Fitz. Edward Mooie,
R. 0. Cambridge, Hoi ace Walpole, Lord
Chesterfield, etc. The world L 1755-57.
Adam, Christian Carl Christian
Thorvaldus Andersen. Strid og 3?red. Et
Digt i sex sange. Copenhagen, 1858.
Adams, Moses. Dr. George W. Bagby.
For Virginians only What I did with
my fifty millions. By ... P. 1874.
Adams, Stephen. M Maybnck. A
prominent English singer and writer of
music. Among other songs he was the
author of " Nancy Lee," of which more
than 100,000 copies were sold.
Adams, Will John NeaL Errata ; or,
the works of Will Adams : a novel. 1822.
Addle. Adelaide J. Cooky. Snow-
flake's pleasure-book ; sunshine for dull
days N.T 1879.
Ad***gt*n, Dr. Dr. A Addington.
An appeal to the public ; or, a review of
the conduct of Dr Ad — ng — n to Dr.
Pigott. 1754.
Addison, D. C. Chatles Addison
Daniel! The street-singer a poem.
Chicago, 1880.
Addison, The American Joseph
Denme. 1768-1812
Addison of the North, The. Henry
Mackenzie. 1754-1831.
Addums,Mozis. Dr. George W. Bagby.
Letters to Billy Irvins in the " Southern
Literary Messenger."
Adelaide. Miss Elizabeth Bogart, who,
under this nom de plume, published her
first poem in the " Long Island Star "
(Brooklyn), in 1825
Adeler, Max O/iai'es Ilebcr ClcnL.
Out of the hurly-burly, or, lite in an
odd corner. By . . P 1874
Adeline. Mis E. JF A Sergeant
Ernald ; or, the martyr of the Alps and
other poems . . With an introduction
by A. L 1843
Adept, An. Charles Johnston Chrysal;
or, the adventures of a guinea ... By
L. 1760.
Adhemar, Mme la Csse D'. Baton
J^tienne Le'on Lamothc-Langvn Souvenirs
sur Marie-Antoinette . . . et sur la Gour-
de Versailles . . . Pans, 1836
Adina. Rev. Joseph H. Ingraham Tne
pnnce of the house of David; or, three
years in the Holy City ... L. 1850.
Adirondack Lucius E Ghittenden
Capture of Ticonderoga Rutland, Vt.
Adjutor. Rev. Joseph Bietland, in the
" Theological Repository." L
Admiral. Admiral Bui net/. — See
Lamb's "Elia": "The Wedding."
Admirer of Chivalry, An, Edward
Francis Head Poltroonius; a tragic
farce m one act B. 1856
Admirer of the Fine Arts, An. F
D. Astley Varnishando . a serio-comic
poem. Manchester, 1809.
Admirer of a Great Genius, An.
Stephen Weston A short account of the
late Mr E. Porson ... L. 1808.
Admirer of Monarchy and Episco-
pacy, An Zachary Grey, LL.D. Eng-
lish Presbyterian eloquence . . By ...
L. 1736.
Admirer of Walter Scott, An John
Roby. The lay of the poor fiddler . . .
L. 1814
Admonish Crime. Hev James Cook
Richmond. He published a pamphlet at
Boston under the anagram of "Admon-
ish Crime."
Adna, Aunt. Mrs. Mary S. B. Dana.
Author of numerous tales for children,
Adolf, L Adolf Lasson. Herzenstille,
Lieder und Spruche. 1867.
Adrian. James L. Cole. He published
some fugitive poetry in the "New York
Statesman " and in the " Ontario Reposi-
tory,5' under that signature.
Adrian. Anne Kent. Evelyn Stuart ;
or, Right versus Might. By A. L. 1846
Adrienne. Mrs. J. P. CreswelL
Adrienne. Miss Susan Q. Hooper.
During the war one of the most prominent
contributors to the "Magnolia Weekly,"
Richmond, Va
Advena Evan Evans. His bardic
Advena. Digby Pilot StaiLey, who
contributed to the "Dublin University
Magazine/' under this signature
Adversum. Edward Tuclerman. —
See " Notitia Literana."
Advocate General, The. Sir James
Marriott, LL D. Plan of a code of laws
for the Province of Quebec, reported
Advocate of the Cause of the Peo-
ple, An John Hope. Letters on the
impressing of seamen, m the "Public
Advertiser "
Advocate of the Christian Revela-
tion, An Caleb Fleming Remarks on
[the] "True Gospel of Jesus Christ
asserted", .. By . . . L 1738.
^Bdituus John Smith. Metrical re-
marks on modern castles and cottages
. . . L 1813.
Aednr-nos, Seer I'Noh. John An-
dei son The Chronicles of Reform of the
Children of the Isles, in the days of Ar-
thur [i.e.t A. Wellesley, Duke of Welling-
ton], the chief ruler of the land, and his
colleagues. Translated from the Chal-
daic manuscript by the learned pundit
S I A — N. [A political satire in Bibli-
cal language.] Edinb. 1832.
/Emelia Julia. Emily Julia Black
Byron- Salathiel, or the martyrs; and
other poems By M J. L. 1855.
o^Eneas James Francis Edward Stu-
art -ZEneas and his two sons: a true
portrait. L. 1746.
JEschines. Francis William- Blagdon,
A few brief remarks on a pamphlet . .
entitled Observations .. ByJS. L. 1805.
JEsculapius. Laurence H. Potts (?),
M.D. Oracular communications, ad-
dressed to students of the medical pro-
fession By . . L. 1816
JEsop. Mrs. Lilhe Devereux Blake. In
the New York " Telegram/' Author of
" Fettered for life " . . N.Y. 1874.
JEsop, George Washington. George
T. Lamgan, in the New York " World."
Afflicted Husband, An. Cuthbert
Shaw Monody to the memory of a
young lady who died in childbed. By
, . . L. 1768.
African Roscius, The. Ira Aldndge,
Afterwit, Anthony. Benjamin Frank-
lin, in a letter contributed to the *< Penn-
sylvania Gazette." P. July 10, 1732.
Afton, EflQe. Mrs. Frances Ellen
Watkins Harper. Eventide : a series of
tales and poems. B. 1854. ^
Ag , A. Alexander Agassis. Obituary.
[A biographical notice of Count I.. 3T. de
Pourtales ] Prom the " Amer Jour, of
Science." Camb , Mass 1880
Agapida, Fray Antonio. Washington
Irving. A chronicle of the conquest of
Granada By . . P 1829
Agate. Whttelaw Reid After the
war a southern tour. 1865-66. Gin.
Agatha. Bessie Lau rence ( 7 ) . Thanks-
giving, and other poems N.Y 1880.
Agathon, Paul. Elisabeth Schojen.
Kanulla; Ragnvald, and Jane Gray
Copenhagen, 187-.
Aged Layman, An. Dr. Richard
Poole The grand contrast, God and
man L 1854
Aged Minister, An. Moses Dickin-
son. An answer to a letter from an aged
layman, to the clergy of the Colony of
Connecticut . . . New Haven, probably
Aged Native, An. Thomas Sander-
son An evening lay to the Vale of
Sebergham. By ... in the " Carlisle
Aged Parson, An. Rev. Richard
Warner The diary of . . Bath, 1848
Agent for Barbados, The. G. W.
Jordan. Copies of a letter containing
queries respecting the state Of the silver
and copper coins in Barbados ... L.
Agent of the Corporation, The.
Caleb Eddy Historical sketch of the
Middlesex canal ... B. 1843.
Ager. It. M. Field, in his account of
the 3ourney of the Prince of Wales
through New England, contributed to
"The Boston Post," etc.
Agg, John. Frank Cahill, in his con-
tributions to "The Saturday Press."
Aghonne, Mme d'. Mme. Louise
Lacroix. line amie de pension. P. 1870.
Aglaus. Henry Timrod, who contrib-
uted poetry to the "Southern Literary
Messenger," etc., and published a vol-
ume of poems. B. 1859.
Ago, Felix. Samuel Stehman Halde-
man. Rhymes of the poets. P. 1868.
Agogos. Charles William Day. Max-
ims, experiences, and observations of
Agogos. B 1844.
Agrestis. Gf-en. Joseph Alston (*).
Short review of the late proceedings at
New Orleans, on suspending the writ of
habeas corpus. Richmond, 1807.
Agrlcola. James Anderson. In 1790
he commenced the publication of " The
Bee" (1790-94), consisting of essays
philosophical and miscellaneous. Dr. A.
wrote those marked " Senex," " Timothy
Hairbrain/' " Alcibiades," and many
others without signature.
Agricola. William Elliott. Author
of Address before the St. Paul's Agri-
cultural Society, Charleston, 1850; tfi-
esco, a tragedy, N.Y. 1850; and, Caro-
lina sports by land and water, Charleston,
Agricola. Rev. Percival StocJcdale.
*" In the summer of 1779, he wrote sev-
eral political letters, with the signature of
"Agricola/ in the 'Public Advertiser.'"
Agricola. W. F. Whitehouse. Let
ters and essays on sugar farming in Ja-
maica. L. 1846.
Agricola. John Young. Letters of
Agricola on the principles of vegetation
nnd tillage . . . Halifax, K.S. 1822.
Agricola Rev. Charles Whitaker.
Letters on free trade. 1851.
Agricola. James Anderson. LLJ).
Miscellaneous observations on planting
and training timber-trees . . . Edinb.*
Agrlkler. Joseph Edwards. Rhymes
in the West Country dialect ... L.
Aguaverde, Antonio. Alfred Trum-
bk. Contribution to "The Boys and
Girls' Weekly "(NT.).
Agueeheek. Charles Bidlard Fair-
banks, who contributed sketches of for-
eign travel, and essays, to the Boston
•" Saturday Evening Gazette/* under the
signature of " Aguecheek." B. 1859.
Ahern, Anna. Mrs. Frances West
Atherton Pike. Here and hereafter; or,
the two altars. By ... B. 1858.
Ahiezer. William Brown. A tender
and affectionate address to, and expostu-
lation with, the people of Israel, the
Jews. Huntingdon, 1814.
AITrtn, Berkeley. Fanny Aikin
Kortright. The dean; or, the popular
preacher, L. 1859; The old, old story,
love, L. 1862.
Aflo, Thorny. John Taylor, the Water-
poet. A full and compleat answer
against the writer of the Tale of a tub
in a tub, or a Tub lecture. By T. A
L. 1642.
Aimwell, Walter. William Simonds.
The Aimwell stories. B. 186S.
Afn [the Hebrew word for nobody].
Wiltiam Stevens. A review of the Review
of the new preface to the second edition
of Mr. Jones's "Life of Bishop Home."
Ainslie, Herbert, B.A. Edward
J&aittand. The pilgrim and the shrine ;
or, passages from the life and correspond-
ence of ... L. 1868.
Airy, Mr. Robert Hdbersham, in the
" Harv. Univ. Collegian." Camb. 1830.
AJax. Mr. Ainley. Social wastes and
waste lands ... L. 1862.
Akestes. William Smith. A few re-
marks on the expectant treatment of dis-
eases . . . Bristol, 1847.
Akroates. Josiali F. Polk. A defence
of the Protestant Bible . . . NT. 1844.
Alastor. James Orton. " Excelsior/'
or the realms of poesle, 1852; Poems,
1857 ; Caleb Redivivus, 1858. L.
Alaux, Onstave <T. Maxime Raylaud.
L'empereur Soulouque et son empire.
Paris, 1856.
Alazon. Rev. Richard William Barnes.
Let well alone ; or, removal of blemishes
from church and state. L. 1860.
Alba. Alexina B. Wlrite. Little-folk
songs. NT. 1871, and in her contribu-
tions to "The Riverside Magazine."
Albanes, A. o?. Jean Alexandra Haz-
ard. Notice sur La Fontaine . . . Paris,
Albanes Havard, 6?. Jean Alexandre
Havard. Voltaire et Mme. du Chatelet
. . . avec notes historiques par . . . Paris,
Albanians. The Right Hon. David
Stewart JSrskine, llth Earl of Buchan and
6th Lord Cardross.
" Lord Buchan was an occasional contributor
to various periodical publications. His favorite
signature was 'Albania us ,' under which, in a
letter to his friend < Hortus ' be describee bis
own delightful residence or Dryburgh Abbey
in the fourth volume of « The Bee.' »
There is also, in the " Gent. Mag." in 1784, a
description of the grave of Ossian, with an epi-
taph in blank verse (vol. £4, p. 404), over the
same signature.
Albano. Count Karl August Adler-
sparre, who published novels and lyrics
under this name.
Albe". George Gordon NoSl, 6& Lord
Byron. The footprints of A. [i.e. Lord
Byron] : a poem. Written by E. Bren-
nan. Milan, 1874.
ATben, Bewk. Benjamin Walker.
Rewk Alben the friar; his opinions on
the ministry to the poor . . . Manchester,
Eng. 1872.
Albert. Rev. John Armstrong. Son-
nets from Shakespeare. By ... L. 1791.
Albert. Ablate Giovanni JBattista For-
tis. Travels in Dalmatia. 1774.
Albin, S6bastieEu Mme. Hortense
Lacroix Cornu. Ballades et chants popu-
laires (aneiens et modernes) de 1'Alle-
magne. Traduction nouveUe par S. A.
Paris, 1841.
Albion. Four pleasant epistles writ-
ten for the entertainment and gratifica-
tion of four unpleasant characters ; viz.,
a very exalted subject in his majesty's
dominions [George, prince of Wales],
the mos"t unpatriotic man alive [C. J.
Pox], the most artful man alive [R B.
Sheridan], and Second Childhood [E.
Burke] L 1780
Alcseus. Samuel Boyse, in the " Gent.
Mag." 1741-43
Alcseus. James Montgomery, in the
"Poetical Register," 1801. Byron notices
him in "English bards and Scotch re-
viewers " : —
" "With broken lyre and cheek serenely pale,
Lo ' sad Alcseus wanders down the vale." James Andei son. — See
Alcibiades. Alfred Tennyson, in
"Punch." Feb. and March, 1846.
Alcofribas, le magicien. Jean Bap-
tiste Alfred Assolant. The fantastic his-
tory of the celebrated Du Pierrot . . .
L. 1875.
Alderani, Lorenzo. Niccolb Ugo Fos-
colo" Ultimo lettere di Jacopo Ortis.
Edited by L. A. L 1814
Alderman, The. John Barber. The
city jilt: or. the A. turn'd beau. etc. L.
Aldlborontiphoscophornio. James
JBallantyne. A nickname given him by
Sir Walter Scott, in allusion to his pom-
pous and dignified manner.
Aleph. Humphry Fitzroy Woolrych.
Aleph v Colenso. Maidstone, 1866.
Aleph, William Harvey. The old
city, and its highways and byways . . .
L. 1865.
Alethes Thomas H. Baird, in the
Pittsburgh " Commercial Journal." 1851.
Alethes, Clerophilus. John Constable
(?). A specimen of amendments candidly
proposed to the compiler [Charles Dodd,
pseud., i.e*, Hugh Tootell] of a work
which he calls " The church history of
England from the year 1500 to the year
1688." L 1741.
Alethinos. Rev Harding Furenzo
Ivers. The audibleness of thought dem-
onstrated, and its use explained* 1866.
Alethitheras L. Osborn. Travels by
sea and land. N.Y. 1868
Alethphilos. Mrs. Mary Anne Wool-
frey. letters of . , . Newport, Isle of
'Wight, 1839.
Aletor, Esq. Robert E. Strahorn.
Alex. Eliza A. White. As she would
have it. P. 187S.
Alexander, Mrs. - Mrs. Annie F. Hec-
tor. Her dearest-foe, 1876; The Vooing
o't, 1873. L.
Alexander the Coppersmith. FT.
Boles. Milk for babes, meat for strong
men, and wine for petitioners . . . trans-
lated from the Arabic by ... Cork.
Alexander the Coppersmith, LL.D
Thomas Erslcine, Baton Eislcme. The
speech of , . . spoken at the meeting of
the friends to the abuse of the freedom
of the press. Jan. 19, 1793. [A satire
upon T. Erskine, Baron Erskine ] L.
Alexander the Corrector. Alexan-
der Cruden. The adventures of . . L.
1754. [He entitles himself corrector,
from the nature of his office, which was
to correct the press ]
Alexander, Sir Drawcanstr. Tobias
George Smollett. A faithful narrative of
the base and inhuman arts that were
lately practised upon the brain of Hab-
bakkuk Hilding \ie, Henry Fielding],
justice, dealer, and chapman, who now
lies at his house in Covent Garden, in a
deplorable state of lunacy, a dreadful
monument of false friendship and delu-
sion. By D. A, fencing-master and
philomath L. 1762.— See "Brit. Mus.
Alexander, J. H., B.A. Alexander
H. Japp. Lights on the way. Some
tales within a tale, by the late J. H. A.,
B. A , with an explanatory note by H. A.
Page [also a pseud, of the author]. L.
Alexander, John, a Joyner. John
Taylor, the Water-poet. Love one an-
other: a tub lecture preached at Watford
in Hartf ordshire, at a conventicle on the
25th of December last [1642]. L. 1642,
Alexandra. Alexandre Davy Dumas*
La cour du roi PStaud. Paris, 1829.
Alexis or the Worthy Unfortunate.
Rev. Humphrey Sydenham. Being a true
narrative of the affecting case of a young
gentleman whose ruin was caused by the-
late rebellion. L. 1747.
Alexis, Willibald. Georg Wilhelm
Heinrich Haering. Cabams, 1832; Haus
Busterweg, 1836 ; die zwolf Nachte, 1838;
Novellen, 1830-31 ; Neue Novellen, 1836.
Alfred. Samuel Adams, in the "Bos-
ton Gazette" (Oct 2, 1769).
Allted. Dr. Girardin. One of the
writers, under this signature, of the essays
in Wirt's "Old Bachelor" (1812).
Alfred. Sir James Bland Surges Lamb,
Bart,D.G.L.,in "The Sun ^Newspaper."
A series of letters under this signature,
"in which he took a comprehensive view
of the several states, political objects,
and relative interests of all European
governments These letters he collected
and published in 1792 "
Alfred. Grenutte A Sackett, who
under this signature -wrote some of the
"best and most widely circulated poetry of
the day in "The New York Mirror,"
"New York Times/' and "Long Island
Star "
Alfred. Rev. Samuel Kydd. China'
its symbols, philosophy, antiquities. L.
Alfred. Philip Withers. Nemesis ; or,
a letter to Alfred [relating to the mar-
riage of the Prince of Wales to Mrs
Eitzherbert] from ... L. 1789.
Alfred. Rev. David Alfred Dcudney.
Sympathy ; or, -words for the weak and
weary. L. 1862.
Al Fresco. Dr CJiarlesJ.Kmwortliy(fi).
Alfried, Johan. Jean Jacques JL>e
Laet —See "Bogaerts, Felix."
- AlguSo, Seftor. Nathan Ames. Childe
Harvard • a romance of Cambridge . . .
B. 1848.
All Baba. Aberigh Bfackay, contribu-
tor to "Vanity Fair/* of many sketches
of India life and society.
All Bey. Samuel Lorenzo Knapp
Extracts from a journal of travels m
Korth America, consisting of an account
of Boston and its vicinity. By ... B.
All Bey, El Abassi. Domingo Badia-
y~Leblich. Voyages . . en Afrique et
en Asie, pendant les ann£es 1803, 1804,
1805, 1806, et 1807. Edited by B [i.e.,
J, B. Boniface de Roquefort]. Paris,
Alice, Cousin. Mrs. Alice (Bradley
Neal) Haven. The Coopers; or, getting
under way: a tale of real life. isT.Y.
Alice, Cousin. Miss Miza, Tabor.
St. OlaveV. a novel NY 1870.
Alida. Mrs. Catharine 8tratton Ladd.
One of the noms de plume under which she
has contributed tales, sketches, essays,
and poems to various journals.
Alien, An. Max Friedrkh Mueller.
German love : from the papers of ...
Alient Baptist Dissenter, An, Seth
Brooks A. plowman's complaint against
a clergyman • being a letter to the Bap-
tist Association at Philadelphia. By ...
P. 1767.
Aligny. Glaude Fflix Theodore Garu-
die. A French historical painter.
Aliqua. Mrs. Eliza 0. Peirs&n, in the
periodical press.
Aliquis. JRev. Bichard Marks, who
"communicated his religious history, in
an anonymous form, to 'The Cnristian
Guardian/ in several papers, bearing
the signature of ' Aliquis/ which wore
afterwards published (still anonymously)
in a volume entitled The retrospect ; or,
review of providential mercies." L.
Alio;uis, James Henri/ James. Gov-
ernment as it is : a plea for parliamentary
reform. By A. [In verso,] L. 1858.
Ali<iuis Rev. James Barr A letter
to the Rev George Harris, containing an
examination of the arguments adduced in
his lectures to prove the non-existence
of the devil. Liverpool, 1820.
Alist Francis Barhaw Alist, an
autobiography; or, an author's hfc in
the nineteenth century. L. 1844.
Alister, R. jMexandei llobeitwn.
Extermination of the Scottish peasantry
... By ... Edinb. 1853.
All-Pride, Lord. John Slt&ffidd,
Duke of Buckinghamshire. A very heroi-
cal epistle from my Lord All-Pride to
Dolcommon L 1679
Allan-Kardeo L&on Hippolyte Deni-
sart RivaiL Le livre dcs esprits . , .
Paris, 1857.
Allde, Edward, John Taylor, the
Water-poet The pennyles pilgrimage,
or the moneylesse perambulation of
John Taylor, alias The King's Majostio's
Water-poet. I^om London to Eden-
borough on foot By B. A L 1018,
Alldred, Frederic. Henry F Red-
Allen, Grahame. George A) nold.
Allen, John. Oscar Olnte. The
blessed bees. By. . . N.T. 1878.
Allen, Mrs. Josiah Marietta Holley,
My opinions and Betsey Bobbet's * . * By
J, A .'a wife. Hartford, 1875,
Allen, Paul. John Neal and TobLs
WatLms, M.D. History of the Am..ri-
can revolution By P. A. P, 182i;! M
Paul Allen (1776-1828) was a Journalist of
Philadelphia and Baltimore. He had lo«g prom-
ised this history, and obtained a larp:o subserty..
tion for it; tout 'Mr. "Neal wrote the first volume*
and Dr Watkms the remainder,
Allendale, Alfred, Esq. Theodore
Edward Hoot. The man of sorrow. By
... L. 1809.
Allerdyce, Robert Barclay, Agricul-
tural tour in. the United States. L 1842.
Allid. G-eorge T. Lanigan. National
ballads of Canada . . . Montreal, 1805*
Allin, Abby. Mrs A. A. Carter (wife
of Daniel S,). Home "ballads: a Tbook
for Kew Ejiglanders ... B. 1851.
Allison^ Joy. Mary A. Cmyin. Kate
Jameson and her friends B 1872.
Allspice, Zekel. John, Cooper VaiL
Allyn, Ellen Miss Christina Georgina
JZossetti. Her signature to poems pub-
lished in " The Gem," London, of which
only four numbers were published; writ-
ten almost exclusively by the Rossettis,
Holman Hunt, and Eord Madox Brown
Allyne, Enylla. Mrs. Spencer.
Almaviva. Harry St. Maur, in his
contributions to "The News-Letter"
(Chicago, 111).
Alma Viva. Clement Scott. "The
' Smiff Papers ' did much to extend the
circulation of 'The Figaro/ as did also
the dramatic criticism signed 'Alma
Viva/ Mr. Doughty was the author of
the first-mentioned feature ; Mr. Clement
Scott, of the second/'— See "Journal-
istic London," p 94.
Almaviva. Clement Scott. Drawing-
room plays and parlor pantomimes.
Collected . . . L. 1870
Almore, Caspar. Frederick Wittiam-
son Beasley, D.D. Papers from Overlook
liouse. P. 1866.
Alof, V. Nicholas V. Gogol Home
life in Russia. By a Russian noble. L,
Alonzo. John Wingfield, in Byron's
« Childish Recollections." Newark, 1807.
Alpha. John Abraham, in the "La-
dies' Journal," of Liskeard, Cornwall.
Alpha. George Walker, M.D. Death's
waiting-room ; or, the Girondist's last
supper. A dramatic sketch. By A.
L. 1851.
Alpha, Mrs. L. L. Phelps. Grace
Tilden; or, seven years' service for
Christ B. 1869.
Alpha. Stephen H. Alien. Religion
an$ science ; the letters of " Alpha " on
the influence of spirit on imponderable
ac ieric molecular substances, etc. By
. . . B. 1874.
Alphonso, S G. Alonzo G. Shears
of New Haven (Ct ), in his contributions
to various periodicals.
Alpin. William Wilson, in his poems
contributed to periodicals.
Alq, Mme. Louise d». Olt/a Ebhardt
La science du monde . . Paris, 1876.
Alston, Edith. Miss Mary Green
Gaodale of New Orleans, whose poems
have appeared in the journals of that
city under this pen-name.
Altamont. Rev. &Larles Jenner.
Letters from ... in the capital, to his
friends in the country. L. 1767.
Alter. Rev. Joseph JB. Owen. Chess
studies. L. 18-,
Alter Ego. Robert E. Strahom To
the Rockies and beyond j or, a summer
on the Union Pacific Railroad and
branches Omaha, 1879.
Altisonant, Lorenzo. 8. K. Hoshour.
Letters to 'Squire Pedant by ... Cin.
Alton. A. L. Taveau. The magic
word. B. 1855.
Alumni of the University of Edin-
- burgh. John Lee, DJ)., George Wilson,
M.D., S. Brown, and others. Edinburgh
academic annual for 1840, consisting of
contributions in literature and science
By ... Edinb. 1840.
Alumnus, An. Rev. Daniel Oilier.
Address at Dartmouth College, May 19,
Alumnus, An. John Gforham Palfrey.
A letter to the corporation ... of Har-
vard College ... B. 1835.
Alumnus Cantabrigiensis. Thomas
Ignatius Maria Forster. Harmonia Mu-
sarum . . . Bruges, 1843.
The preface is signed " T, F."
Alumnus Edlnensis. Alexander Pe-
terlm, A letter to the Right Honour-
able the Lord Provost of Edinburgh . . .
Edinb. 1836.
Alumnus of that College, An. John
Lowell, LL.D. Further remarks on the
memorial of the officers of Harvard Col-
lege ... B. 1824.
Alun Glan. Bardic name of the Rev.
Thomas Jones.
Alvarez, Espriella Manuel. Robert
Southey. Letters from England. By . . .
L. 1807.
Amateur, An. 0. Badham. Brief
recollections, chiefly of Italy. By ...
Glasgow, 1835.
Amateur, An. Thomas Wilson. Cat-
alogue raisonne* of the select collection
of engravings of ... L. 1828.
Amateur, An. Captain G. Soid. A
concise history and analysis of all the
principal styles of architecture ... By
... L.1828.
Amateur, An. N. J5 JSngleheart. A
concise treatise on eccentric turning. By
. , . L. 1852.
Amateur, An. William Cox. Crayon
sketches by ... ST.Y. 1833.
-„ Amateur, An. Charles Clark. A
doctor's "Do "-ings; or, the entrapped
heiress of Witham : a satirical poem.
Totham, 1848 —See "Queerfellow, Quin-
Amateur, An. Col. George W. Hooper.
Down the river; or, practical lessons
under the code duello. KT.T. 1874.
Amateur, An. Archibald N Car-
michael. Genealogy of her majesty Queen
Victoria . . . Edin. 1846.
Amateur, An. G-. E.Walker. Horses,
their rational treatment ... By ... L.
Ajnateur, An Charles Winston. An
inquiry into the difference of style observ-
able in ancient painted glass ... By ...
Oxf . 1847.
Ajnateur, An. James Hall The jot-
ting book : a political and literary experi-
ment. By ... L. 1839,
Amateur, An. James KirTce Pauld-
2720(1). The new mirror for travellers ; and
guide to the Springs. By ... NY. 1828.
Amateur, An. Bernard Barton. Poems.
By . . L. 1818.
Amateur, An. Charles Kirkpatridh
Sharps Portraits by ... Edinb. 1832.
Amateur, An. Pierce Egan, the Elder.
Real life in London; or, the rambles
and adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq..,
and his cousin the Hon. Tom Dashall
through the metropolis ... By ... L. 1821.
Amateur, An. Hon. E. 8. Abbot,
afterwards Baroness Colchester. Views
in London. [In verse.] By * . . Chis-
wick, 1833.
Amateur Casual, An James Green-
wood, in " The Pall Mall Gazette," who
" gave it a good start by a graphic sketch
of workhouse life, signed e An Amateur
Amateur Farmer, An. William Holt
J3eever Notes on fields and cattle, from
the diary of ... L 1862.
Amateur IJambeth Casual James
Greenwood The wilds of London . . .
L. 1866 ; The true history of Little Rag-
amuffin, 1866.
Amateur of PasMon, An. James K.
Paulding Jokeby a burlesque on
Rokeby, a poem, in six cantos. L 1813.
[This parotl^ has also been attributed to
John Roby, Thomas Tegg, and to the
brothers James and Horace Smith.]
Amateur Traveller, An. James
Watson Webb. Alto wan; or, incidents
of life and adventure in the Rocky
Mountains. By". . . Edited by J. W.
Webb. N.Y. 184&
Ambassador, The. Samuel Turner^
in Beloe's "Sexagenarian/* Vol. II..
73. 2ded. L, 1818.
Ambrose. Rev. J, Ambrose Wight, of
Bay City, Mich., in his contributions to
"The Evangelist/'
Ambrose, Father. Matthew Henry
JBarker> who wrote a good deal under this
designation and that of "The Wanderer,"
as well as that of « Old Sailor."
Ambrose, Paul. John Pendleton
Kennedy Mr. Ambrose's letters on the
rebellion. H.Y. 1865.
Amelia. Mrs. Amelia ( Ooppuck) Welby
Poems. By A. N.Y. 1842.
A men. der. Benjamin F. Burriham.
A voice from the pews ; or. a tabernacle
supplement. B 1877. ~~^
American, An. Freeman Hunt.
American anecdotes : original and se-
lect . B. 1830
American, An. Edward Habich. The
American Churches the bulwarks of
American slavery By . . . Newbury-
port, Mass. 1842.
American,,. Ail. William Cobbett. An-
nals of blood ... By ... Camb. [Eng.]
American, An. James F. Price.
Castle Crosier: a romance. By...
Annapolis, Md, 1827.
American, An. Noah Webster. The
revolution in France. N.Y. 1874.
American, An, William Barton^
AM. The constitutionalist: addressed
to men of all parties in the United States
... P. 1804
American, An David Christy. Cot-
ton is king . . . Gin. 1855.
American, An Hezekiah Earthy
Wright, Desultory reminiscences o£ \i
tour through Germany, Switzerland, and
France. B 1838.
American, An. Stephen Fiske. En-
glish, photographs ... L 1869.
American, An. 0. Prescutt Killer
English and Scottish sketches. L.
American, An. David Everett, An
essay on the rights and duties of nations,
relative to fugitives from justice . . , B,
American, An. Arthur Lee. An es-
say in vindication of the continental col-
onies of America, from a censure of
Adam Smith ... L. 1764.
American, An. Jfreu. Mathias Bruen*
Essays, descriptive and moral, on scenes
in Italy, Switzerland, and ITraace . . .
EdinU 1823.
American, An- Lewis Cass. An ex-
amination of the question now in discus-
sion between the American and British
governments, concerning the right of
search. By ... Baltimore, 1842.
American, An. William Elliott, Fi-
asco : a tragedy. N'T. I860.
American, An, R, Davidson, Esq.
Geography epitomised ... in Terse . , *
By ... L. 1787,
American, An. James Fenimore
Cooper. Gleanings in Europe : England.
By..,. P. 1837.
American, An Theodore Sedgwith.
Hints to my countrymen, by ... NVY.
American, An. Mrs. Lydia Maria
Child. Hobomok : a tale of early times
. . B. 1824.
American, An Samuel Fmley Breese
Morse. Imminent dangers to the free
institutions of the United States through
foreign immigration . . N.Y. 1835.
American, An. Sidney Edwards
Morse. Letter on American slavery . . .
By ... NY 1847.
American, An. Henry M. Bracken-
ridge. Letter on South American affairs
to Mr, Monroe 1818.
American, An J. Pottinger. Let-
ters of ... mainly on Russia, etc. 1854.
American, An. Alexander Hamilton.
Letters to "The Gazette of the United
States." August 4-18, 1792
American, An. A, Robinson. Life
in California during a residence of sev-
eral years in that territory . . . N.Y. 1846.
American, An Benjamin Young
Prime, M.D Muscipula give Cambromy-
omachia The mouse-trap : or, the bat-
tle of the Welsh and the mice, in Latin
and English, with other poems in differ-
ent languages. By ... N.Y. 1840.
American, An Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow. Outre-mer ; or, a pilgrimage
to the Old World By . . L. 1835.
American, An. Samuel Low The
politician outwitted . a comedy . . .
N.Y 1789
American, An. James Sloan. Ram-
bles in Italy in the years 1816-17. By
Bait. 1818. [Also attributed to
Theodore Lyman.]
American, An. Alexander Hill Ev-
erett Remarks on Gov. C. Strong's
speech ... B. 1814.
American, An. Richard BiddU. A
review of Captain Basil Hall's travels in
North America, in the years 1827 and
1828. L 1830.
American, An. George Henry Cal-
vert. Scenes and thoughts in Europe.
N.Y 1847.
American, An. James E. DeKay.
Sketches of Turkey in 1831 and 1832.
N.Y. 1833.
American, An. Matthew Bennett
Wynkoop Song leaves from the book
of Life and Nature. By... N.Y. 1852.
American, An Benjamin Ghurch,
M.D. The times . a poem ... B. 1765.
American, An. JRey. Charles Inglis.
True interest of America impartially
stated. P. 1776.
American, An. Duff Green. The
United States and England ... L. 1842.
American, An. Joseph Hoplcmson.
What is our situation? and what our
prospects * . . . P. 1799
American, An, formerly a Member
of Congress. Fisher Ames. The influ-
ences of democracy on liberty, property,
and the happiness of society, considered.
By ... L. 1835
American in England, The. Alex-
ander Shdell Mackenzie. The American
m England. L. 1836.
American In London, An. Rev.
Calvin Colton. The Americans 1833.
American in Paris, The. John
Sanderson The American in Paris. L.
American in the Service of the
Viceroy, An. George Bethune English,
A narrative of the expedition to Dongo-
la and Sennaar, under the command of
His Excellence Ismael Pasha . . . L. 1822.
American Long Resident at Con-
stantinople, An Commodore David
Porter. Constantinople and its environs.
,.. N.Y. 1835.
American recently returned from
Europe, An, Robert Walsh. A letter
on the genius and dispositions of the
French government ... P 1810.
American Amateur in Europe, An.
James Jackson Jarves. Art thoughts . . .
American Angler, An. John J.
Brown. American Angler's Guide . . .
By... NY. 1845
American Artist, An. Laughton Os-
born. Handbook of young artists and
amateurs in oil painting . . . N.Y. 1845.
American Cato, The Samuel Adams,
so called by a newspaper writer. 1781.
American Citizen, An. William
Beach Lawrence, as translator of Marbois'
" History of Louisiana/' P. 1830.
American Citizen, An. Orville J.
Victor. The American rebellion ... By
... L. 1861.
American Citizen, An. John Adams.
Discourses on Davila . .-. B. 1805.
American Citizen, An. James Barr
Walker, D.D. The living questions of
the age. By ... P. 1869.
American Citizen, An. Linus Pier-
pont Brockett, MD. The philanthropic
results of the war in America . . . N.Y.
American Consul at X*onxlon, The.
Freeman H. Morse. . . . American sea-
men. . . . Letter from ... n. p. 1869.
American Englishman, An. Sam-
uel Mather, of Boston, An attempt to
show that America must be known to the
Ancients . , , B. 1778.
American Fabius, The. George
Washington, so called in 1781.
American. Farmer, An. Hector St.
John Crevecaur. Letters. 1793.
American Farmer, An. William
Cobbett. Notes on American gardening
and fruit. P. 1803
American Farmer, An. Frederick
Law Olmsted. Walks and talks of ...
in England. N Y. 1852
American Gentleman, An Richard
S. One
American Gentleman, An. William
Ctifftw. Gifford's "The Baviad" and
"Mseviad" [Also], A poetical epistle
to the author, by an American gentle-
man. P. 1799.
American Gentleman, An. JSenja-
min Young Prime, M.D. The patriot
muse . . L 1764
American Gentleman, An. John
Sanderson. Sketches of Pans in fa-
miliar letters to his friends. P. 1838.
American Gentleman, An. Richard
Alsop, as translator of The geographical,
natural, and civil history of Chili. By
Abbs' don J. Ignatius Molina. Middle-
town, Ct. 1808.
American Gentleman, An. Rev.
Galmn Qolton A yoice from America to
England. KY. 1837.
American Girl Abroad, AJDU Miss
Adeline Trafton. An American girl
abroad. B.
American Indian, An, Henry Home,
Jr. The citizen of nature, in a series
of letters from ... in London, to his
friend at home. L. 1823.
American IJady, An. Henry Wood.
Change for the "American Notes "...
L. 1843.
American Lady, An. M. Griffin.
Impressions of Germany . . . Dresden,
American tiady, An. Mrs. Grant
Memoirs . . . with sketches of manners
and scenery in America ... L. 1810.
American UTavy Officer, An. Na-
thaniel Fanning A narrative of the ad-
ventures of an American navy officer,
who served during part of the American
revolution under Pan! Jones. N.Y. 1806.
American. Novelist, Tlie. Mrs. H.
3. Stowe. Byron painted by his com-
peers . . . showing wherein the A. N".
gives a truthful account, etc. L, 1869.
American Officer in the Service of
France. John Skey Eustace. Letters on
the crimes of George HL.., Paris, 1794.
American Pastor, An. Rev. 17u>ma&
Bacon, Two sermons, preached to a
congregation of black slaves . . . L. 1749.
American Physician, An. Dr. Pat-
nek Macaulay. How the cholera is prop-
agated ... L 1831
American Spy, The. Capt. Nathan
Hale. The A S.; or, freedom's early
sacrifice : a tale of the Tie volution,
founded on fact. Albany, 1857. [Writ-
ten by Jeptha Root Simins ]
American Wanderer ~ Arthur Lee
American wanderer through Europe. L.
American Woman, An Mrs L B
Urbmo. An American woman in Eu-
rope . . .
American Woman, An. Helen C
Smith. Hints on dress . . KY. 1872
American Woman, An Mis. H
0. Tracy Cutler. Letter from ... to . .
Lord Palmerston. 1862.
Americanus. Caleb Evans. A letter
to the Rev. John Wesley ... L 1775.
Americus Francis Lieber Manual
of political ethics. P.
Americus. Oscar Montgomery Lieber,
in his contributions to "The Evening
Post " N. Y. 1872.
Americus Vine Wright Kingsley
Spain, Cuba, and the United States . . .
N.T. 1870
Amerus. Alexander Chalmers. Chai-
acter of Dr. Johnson as drawn by him-
self. « Gent, Mag./' April, 1788, p. 300 ,
original letter of Dr. Johnson, June, 1788,
p. 479.
Ames, Mrs, Xelly. Eleanor Kirk Up
Broadway, and its sequel. A life story.
N Y. 1870.
Amey. Louis Xavier Eyma* His sig-
nature to his translations and vaudevilles.
Ami, Un. Rev- Thomas Hartley, Au-
tpbiographie de Swedenborg Sous ce
titre : reponse a une lettre qu'un un ami
m'a £crite. Saint-Amand, 1851,
Arnica. Miss Alice Pearce. An acros-
tic on the Rev. R. H. Hitchins, in the
"Cornish Magazine," 1828.
Arnicas. William A. Brewer, in his
contributions to various old New York
Amicus. Sir Thomas Fairbavrn, in the
London "Times."
Amicus. David JSrown. Defence of
the British and foreign Bible society.
Edinb. 1826,
Amicus. James Gordon. Eight letters
on the subject of the Earl of Selkirk's
pamphlet on Highland emigration . .
Edinb. 1806.
Amicus. Joseph Lancaster. Bruits of
Christian love! a letter . . on the reli-
gious instruction of their [the Quakers']
youth. L. 1808.
Amicus John Canton On the mag-
netic needle, in the " Gent. Mag.," Decem-
ber, 1761, p 669.
Amicus Wdham Alexander. Quaker-
ism unmasked: comprising a glance at
J Wilkinson's "Quakerism examined."
By ... York 1839
Amicus Rev Benjamin Kent A ser-
mon in Marlborough, July 9, 1734. Per
B 1734
Amicus Curiae One of the pseudo-
nyms attributed to Junius (q.v ). [The
letter thus signed is dated June 10, 1769,
and defends the letters of Junius.]
Amicus Curiae John Payne Collier.
Criticisms on the bar. L. 1819.
Amicus Secundus. William A. Thom-
son, D D. Brief statement of reasons for
Bible societies in Scotland withdrawing
their confidence in the British and foreign
Bible society Edinb. 1826
Amigo. Dr. Salmon Skinner, in the
N.Y. "Herald."
Amner. George Steepens. Rev. Kich-
ard Amner (1737-1803), a dissenting min-
ister at Hampstead, near London, and
afterwards at Coseley, in Staffordshire;
still later, left off preaching and retired
to his native town, Hinckley.
" Whilst a resident at Hampstead, he became
the subject of malignant merriment to the learned
commentator on Shakespeare, who, to his ever-
lasting shame be it spoken, fathered on this
harmless Divine many ludicrous notes of his
own "
Amor Patriaa. Thomas Crowley. Dis-
sertations on the grand dispute between
•Great Britain and America. By ... L.
Amor Veritatis. Rev. John Mortlock
Darnell. To F Silver. [Letter, signed
A. V , addressed to P. Silver, in reply to
his pamphlet, entitled " Immannel."] I/.
Amyntor, Gerhard von. Dagobert
von Gerhard. Em priester, historie in
•sechs gesangen Breslau, 1881.
Anacharsis. Jean Jacques Barthe"lemy.
Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Greece.
Paris, 1788.
Anacreon, The French. Pierre Lai*-
jon, 1727-18 11, perpetual president of the
Caveau Moderne, a Pans club noted for
its good dinners, but every member was
obliged to be a poet.
Anacreon Moore. Thomas Moore.
Anacreon of the Guillotine. JBarere
de Vieuzac, 1756-1841.
Anacreon, The SioiHan. Giovanni
Meli, 1740-1815
Analytical Teacher, An. John U*
Pai sons. The analytical spelling-book . .
Portland, Me
Anchor John Watts De Peystet . Chan-
cellorsville and its results ... NY lb<> 3
Ancien Cur6 du diocese de Quebec,
Un Very Rev. Thomas Magmre Kecueil
de notes diverses sur le gouvernement
d'une paroisse . Paris, 1830.
Ancien enfant de choeur, Un. $m de
Laurent. Les abbes galants P. 1882.
Also ascribed to Emile Colombey
Ancient Brahmin, An. Robert Dods-
leij. The (Economy of human life . . .
Written by ... L. 1750.
Ancient, Oliver. Robert W Me Alp me,
in his contributions to " iNoah's Sunday
Times" (N.Y.).
Andersson, Anna. Anna Andersson
Wastberg. Styfmorsblommorna. 1857.
Anderson, Ralph Bpbert Heron. A
letter from K A. Esq. to Sir J. Sinclair . . .
Edinb 1797
Andolt, Ernst. Bemhard Rudolf
Abeken. Studies on the Divine comme-
dia of Dante. 1826.
Andrade. Joao de Andrade Corvo de
CamVes. Un conto ao serSo, 1852
Andre, W. J. William Jordan.
In his autobiography he says: "I have not
been a careful preserver of my productions, and
have not (I now -wish I had) a copy of my
'Eclogue,' which, if I remember rightly, appeared
as the writing of W. J Andre" 9 an anagram of my
name, which, lite the signature of * Teutha ' (the
ancient name of Tweed), used by me from the
period of my earliest to my latest contributions
to the press, may guide the curious (if such
there may be) to many of the anonymous essays,
in prose and verse, of William Jordan."
Andrew of Mitchell Street. John
Andrews Jones.
Andrew, James, A. M. Andrew
Mackay. Astronomical and nautical
tables... L. 1805
Andrews, Joseph. Henry Fielding.
The history of the adventures of . . and
of his friend Mr. Abraham Adams L.
Ane of that ilk William Edmon-
stoune Aytoun. OurZion... By. . 1840.
Ang, Phil. John Pennyman A bright
shining light, discovering the pretenders
to it, to the . * . Quakers, etc. By ...
L. 1680.
Ange Benigne. Mme. la Comtesse Paul
de MoleneSj in her contributions to " La
Vie Parisienne."
Angelina. Mrs. Angelina Levy Goetz,
in music to numerous songs, among others
Sir Marmaduke; The stream of life.
I*. 1858.
Angelina. Harriet Martineau.
Angelina. Thomas Prescott Prest.
Miser of Shoreditch: drama. JsT.Y. 1857.
Angeloni, Battista, John Shebbeare,
M.D. Letters on the English nation. By
B. A., a Jesuit . . . L. 1755
Anglais Voyageur, Un. Martin Sher-
lock. Lettres d* . . . Geneva, 1779.
Angler, An. Charles Lanman. Adven-
tures of . . in Canada, Nova Scotia, and
the United States L. 1848.
Angler, An. Thomas Tod Stoddart.
An angler's rambles and angling songs
L. 1866.
Angler, An. John Henry CUffe Notes
and recollections of ... rambles among
the mountains of "Wales. L. 1860.
Angler, An. Sir Humphry Davy. Sal-
monia ; or, days of fly-fishing 1828.
Angler, A North Country - Thomas
Doubteday. Coquet-dale fishing songs . . .
Edinb. 1852.
Angler and Bibliopolist, An Old.
Thomas Boose y. Piscatorial reminiscences
and gleanings. L. 1835.
Anglicanae Presbyter. John Wesley
C. Sallustii Crispi bellum Catiliniarum et
Jugurthinum . . . edidit ... L. 1749.
Anglicanus. R S. Ellis. The travel-
ler's handbook to Copenhagen and its
environs. Copenhagen, 1858
Anglicanus, L. T Arthur Penrhyn
Stanley, Dean of Westminster.
Anglicanus Presbyter. Joseph Hem-
ington Hams. Auricular confession not
the rule of the Church of England . . .
L. 1852
Anglo-American. Sir Brenton Halh-
burton, Knt., who contributed frequently
to the press, the most noteworthy of his
writings being a series of letters, in 1813,
on the American war, which appeared
in the Halifax "Recorder," under this
Anglo-Canadian, An. Rev. Adam
Townley, DJ). Ten letters , . . on the
Church and Church establishments . . .
Toronto, 1839.
Angove, Grace. Mrs. Grace Michell.
The gold fields of California, and strug-
gles to win gold there and in England . . .
Anicetus. William Adolphus Clark,
The cannonade. B. 1861.
Animal Painter, An. James Wilson.
The rod and the gun j and a voyage round
the coasts of Scotland and the Isles.
Ann Mrs. Ann Thomas. The dove-
cot. 1634.
Ann of Swansea. AnnKewble. Cesa-
rio Rosalba ; or, the oath of vengeance : a
romance. L. 1819.
Ann Jane. Mrs. Ann Jane Morgan.
John Pottle, the farmer's man. L.
Anna Matilda. Mrs. Hannah Park-
house Cowley. She composed, besides
other plays, two remarkably successful
comedies called "The Kunaway," and
"The Belle's Stratagem" She also
wrote " The Maid of Arragon," and other
Anna Matilda' Mrs. Hester (Lynch
Thrale) Piozzi. In 1785, during her resi-
dence at Florence, she contributed under
the signature of "Anna Matilda" to the
" Florence Miscellany." Florence, 1785.
Annibale. Miss Anna Bollard Fif-
teen vocalises . . B 1870 Also in
her contributions to "The Mail" (N.Y )
Annotator. John Colder. Notes to
Nichols's edition of "The Tatler." L. 1786.
Annual Visitor, An. Henry Huntt,
M.D A visit to the Red Sulphur Spring
of Virginia during the summer of
1837 ... By ... B. 1839
Anonym, Walter, Residuary Lega-
tee of the late. Henry Jackson Sar-
gent Feathers from a moulting muse.
B. 1854.
Anonymous. Benjamin Dawson.
Animadversions upon the conduct of
the Rev Dr Rutherforth , . . L 1768.
Anonymous, Londinensis. Matthias
Earbery, ABA. letter to Dr. Calamy .
L. 1718 [Also ascribed to Thomas
Lewis ]
Another considerable personage
Sir William Drummond, in Beloe's " Sex-
agenarian/' Vol. II, p. 124, 2d ed. L.
Another Gentleman of Cambridge.
John Duncembe. An evening contempla-
tion hi a college : being a parody on the
Elegy in a country churchyard. By . . .
L 1753.
Another Gentleman of Lincoln's
Inn. Thomas Edwards. A supplement
to Mr. Warburton's edition of Shake-
spear ... By ... L. 1748.
Another Layman. Warwick Pal-
fray. Remarks on the recent ordination
at Beverly . . . Salem, 1824.
Another Member of Parliament
Sir William Blackstone A letter to [Sir
William Meredith] the author of "The
Question Stated/' L 1769.
Anselmus. Rev. Samuel W. Duffield,
of Bloomfield, N J., in his contributions
to "The Evangelist/*
Anstey, F. F. Anstey Guthrie, Vice
versa L. 1882.
Anthony, Grey. Henry Carl Schil-
ler. Christmas at the grange. Graham,
Anti- Abolitionist, An. Russell Jar-
vis. Facts and arguments against the
election of General Cass „ . . N.Y. 1848.
Anti-Belial. One of the pseudonyms
attributed to Junius (q v.).
The letters thus signed "are minor Philo-
Juniuses, to explain, defend, and support the
reputation of the principal."
Anti-Bureaucrat, An. Adam Thorn.
Remarks on the convention . . . Mon-
treal, 1835.
Anti-Cotton. R. A. T. Gascoyne
Cecily Viscount Cranborne, Marquis of Sal-
isbury, in his contributions to "The
Quarterly Review." L.
Anti-Draco. John Disney. 3Tive let-
ters to Sir Samuel Romilly . . . L. 1810.
Anti-Fox. One of the pseudonyms
attributed to Junius (qv.).
Under this signature he replied to Mr. Fox, in
a letter dated Oct. 16, 1771.
Anti-Harmonicas Alexander Peter-
kin. A poetical epistle to J*** T***
[John Tait], Esq Edinb. 1807.
Anti-Monopoly. William Duane.
Observations on the principles and op-
eration of banking . . . Helmbold, 1804.
Anti-Quary. William H. Tuthill.
His signature to a series of articles in
the newspapers, consisting chiefly of in-
cidents and anecdotes relative to early
settlers of Cedar County, Iowa.
Anti-Scriblerus Histrionicus. John
Roberts. — See " A Stroling Player/'
Anti-Sejanus Rev. James Scott. The
author of political essays published
under the signatures of " Anti-Sejanus "
and " Old Slyboots."
Anti-Sejanus, Jr. One of the pseu-
donyms attributed to Junius (q.v.).
It is appended to a letter contributed to ** The
Public Advertiser," dated June 24, 1767, and
which is principally devoted to attacks on Lords
Bute and Chatham.
Anti-Soclnus. Anselm Bayly. Re-
marks on David Levf s second letter to
Dr. Priestley ... By ... L. 1787.
Anti Stuart. One of the pseudonyms
attributed to Junius (q-v.).
This letter, contributed to " The Public 4-d-
vertiser," and dated March 24, 1768, is a reply
to a letter signed " Anti van Teague,*' the author
of which had defended the grant to Sir James
Lowtber. That signature seems to indicate
that '* Junius " was supposed to be an Irishman,
and Mr. Burke " Junius " signs " Anti Stuart "
in reference to John Stuart, Earl of Bute, whose
daughter Sir James Lowtber had married* He
then attacks the public character of the Duke of
<3-raftorii the Piime Minister, and says he had not
meddled with his private character, which lie left
for the Duke to earth in, whenever be is hard
run, «« according to the laudable example" of
Lord Itfortb.— WADE.
Anti-theatricus- Thady Fitgpatnck.
— See"T. F."
Anti-Tindalian. Robert Lyons A
letter to the Eev. ]M>. James Adams at
Einnaird . . . Edinb. 1734.
Anticant, Dr. Pessimist. Thomas
Carlyle, in Anthony Trollope's "War-
resents _
(Grantly), ., f ,
uel (G-rantJy)," Bp. Wilberfoice of Oxford,
then of Winchester In Trollope's political
novels, "Mr. G-resham" is said to mean Mr.
Gladstone; "Mr- Daubeny," Lord Beaconsfield;
"Lord de Terrier," Lord Derby; and "Mr.
Plantagenet Palisser," Lord Carlmgford
Anticipation. John Dickinson. An
address on the past, present, and event-
ual relations of the United States to
France N.Y. 1803.
Antigallican, An. John Free, D.D.
The monthly reviewers reviewed by ...
L. 1755.
Antilore. Darnel Dittany. His sig-
nature in his newspaper controversy with
Charles Carroll, before the American
Antipolemus. Vicesimus Knox, D.D.
"At that time [1792] he translated and
printed, under the title of * Antipolemus/
the adage of Erasmus, * Bellum dulce
inexpertis/" — See "Gent. Mag/' Sept.
Antiquarian, An. Royal R. Hinman.
The blue laws of New Haven Colony . . ,
Compiled . . . Hartford, 1838.
Antiquarian, An. Henry Phillips, Jr.
Historical sketches of the paper money
issued by Pennsylvania ... P. 1862.
Antiquarian Doctor, An. Thomas
Amory, An antiquarian doctor's sermon
on an antiquated subject ... L. 1768.
Antiquarius John Loveday, D.Q.L.
Tor many years a, contributor to the
"Gent. Mag.," under the signatures of
« Antiquarius," " Academicus," « Vin-
dex," " Scrutator," and others.
Antiquary, An. Richard Thomson.
Chronicles of London Bridge. I/. 1827,
Antiquary, An. Alexander Maxwell
Adams. The Crawf urd peerage. Edinb.
Antiquary, An. Samuel Pegge, LL.D.
Fitz-Stephen's description of the city of
London, newly translated from the Latin
original ... By ... L. 1772.
Antiquary, An Col. PMip De la
Matte. The principal historical and allu-
sive arms borne by families of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
Collected by ... L. 1803.
Antiquary, An. Thomas Wright.
Wanderings of ... L. 1861.
" Antiquary, The." George Livermore.
The origin, history, and character of the
New England Primer; being a series of
articles contributed to the "Cambridge
Chronicle" by ... Camb., Mass. 1849.
Antiquitatis Conservator. Thomas
Fisher, Esq , F.S.A. The Crown Inn at
Rochester, and its curious cellars, in the
" Gent Mag ," vol. 59, p. 1185.
Antonelli, Giuseppe. Humphry Sand-
with. The hekim bashi; or, the adven-
tures of ... a doctor in the Turkish ser-
vice. L. 1864
Antony. Antoine Nicolas Bfraud.
Guido Reni, 1833; Le Gars, 1834; Mia,
1834; La Lescombat, 1841. Pans.
Anvil, Sir John. — Crowley. A man-
ufacturer, the " Sir John Anvil " of Ad-
dison's" Spectator."
Ape. Mons. Pellegrini, in his contribu-
tions to "Vanity Fair" (L.).
Apex. William A. Brewei , in his con-
tributions to "The Herald" (St. Joseph,
Apostle of Temperance. Rev. Theo-
bald Mathew.
Aptommas, Mr. Mr. Thomas, the
harpist. A history of the harp. 3ST.Y. 1864
Aquila Samuel Alexander. Serious
thoughts on the fall and restoration of
man ... By ... L. 1814
Aquilius. John Wilson. Horas Catul-
lianse, in " Blackwood's Magazine/' Vol.
61, p. 374, etc.
Aq. — s, Vive Valeque. Rev. John
Eagles — See "Blackwood's Magazine/'
vol. 78, p. 72. Also " Vive Vaieque."
Aqvaticvs, Mercvrivs. John Taylor,
the Water-poet. M A.; or, the water-
poet's answer to all that hath, or shall be
writ by Mercvrivs Britanicvs. L. 1643
Arachnophilus. Adam White. A.
contribution towards an argument for
the plenary inspiration of Scripture . . .
Arbitrator, An. T. H. Williams.
Employers and employed. Manchester,
Arc, Gaston dj. Maurice Champion.
Les Jnondations en France depuis le VIe
siecle jusqu'a nos jours . . . Paris,
Archaeologist, An. Frederick Wil-
liam Fairholt, F.8.A. Eambles of ...
among old books and in old places . . .
L. 1871.
Archaeologist, An. Henry Noel Hum-
phreys. Stories by an archaeologist and
Msfeends. L. 1856.
Archaeus. Mchael Aislaoie Zhnham.
Antiquarian discoveries at Carleburg,
County Palatine of Burham, AJD. 1856 , . .
Durham, 1856.
Archseus, John Sterling. Hymns of
a hermit, in " Blackwoodvs Magazine,"
vol. 47, p. 80, etc. ["Archgeus" was
Sterling's signature in " Blackwood "]
Archard, Eliza. Mrs, E. A. Conner,
in her contributions to "Truth" (N.Y ).
Archdeacon, The. Bev. Edward Ed-
wards. Pity upon the poor. Preached
. . . in St Mary's Church, Brecon . . .
By .. L. 1802.
Archdeacon of St Allban's, The.
Samuel Horsley, D.C.L. Letters from . . .
in reply to Dr. Priestley ... L. 1784
Archer. George A. StocJcwell.
Architect, An. John Carter, F A JS
"In 1798, a series of communications
was commenced in this miscellany [the1
'Gent. Mag'] under the title of 'Pur-
suits of architectural innovation' (1798-
1817), with the signature of 'An Archi-
tect.' " These were universally ascribed
to Mr. Carter.
Architect, An W. Bardmll. Ac-
count of ancient and modern Westmin-
ster. By ... L. 1839.
Architect, An Arthur William Hake-
will. An apology for the architectural
monstrosities of London ... By ...
L 1835
Architect, An. Christopher Davy
Architectural precedents. L. 1840
Architect, An. Joseph Woods, Esq
Letters of ... from Prance, Italy, and
Greece L. 1828.
Architect, An. John Bui ley War my.
Poems. By . . L. 1858
Arco, Ciu D'. Giuseppe Totelli. C.
de Cavour : commemoration . , . Traduit
de ritalien. Paris, 1861
Arctnrus Mrs. Catharine Strattvn
Ladd, one of the noms dc plume under
which she has contributed tales, sketches,
essays, and poems to various journals.
Ardboe, Gen, F. F, Millen, in his con-
tributions to various periodicals.
Arden, Henry T. Henry Thomas
Arnold* Princess Charming ; or, the bard,
the baron, the beauty, the buffer, and
the bogey. L. 1850.
Arden, Hope. Mrs. R. A. Brennan.
Her heart belongs to me. Ballad. B,
Ardesler-Macdonald, Charles. ^1»-
drew K. H. Bo\jd, who published in
" Eraser's Magazine " a number of essays
which appeared in 1860 under the title of
" Recreations of a Country Parson "
Aretophilos. Alexander Dalrymph.
Extracts from [G. Wither's] "Juvenilia/*
etc. Edited by A. L. 1785.
Argonaut. Edwin D. Briokwood. The
arts of rowing and training ... By A,
Argonaut. John Etches. An authen-
tic statement of all the facts relative to
Nootka Sound . L 1790
Argus Fiederic James Pi outing, in
his contributions to various English peri-
Argus Irwtn Wdles, a sporting writer
for "The Morning Post." L. He also
signs "Argus the Exile."
Ariel Rev. Stephen Fiske, in his con-
tributions to " The New York Leader "
Ariel Buckner ff. Payne. The negro:
what is his ethnological status . . . Cin.
Ariosto of the North, The Sir Walter
Aristarchus, Anti-Blomfieldianus.
Edmund Henry Barker.
AristSnete. Frangois Felix Nogaret.
Les comperes et les bambms Paris, '1807.
Aristide. Victor Mane Hugo. Les Tu
et les Vous, a political satire contributed
to "Le Conservateur LitteYaire" (Paris).
Aristides Francis William Blagdon.
In 1805, he suffered an imprisonment of
six months in the King's Bench, as the
author of a suppressed pamphlet, with
the signature "Aristides," reflecting on
the naval administration of Earl St.
Aristides. Noah Webster. — See "A
Aristides Alexander Contee Hanson.
Considerations on the proposed removal
of the seat of government . . . Annapo-
lis, 1786
Aristides. Thomas L McKenney.
Essays on the spirit of Jacksonism . .
P. 1835
Aristides. William P. Van Ness. An
examination of the various charges ex-
hibited against Aaron Burr, Esq. Wash.,
D.C. 1804.
Aristides ThomasWihonDorr. Polit-
ical frauds exposed . . . Providence,
E.I 1838.
Aristippus John Gilbert Cooper.
Epistles to the great, from ... in retire-
ment L 1757.
Aristobulus. Rev. TJiomas Woolston.
A letter to Dr. Bennet on the Quakers . . .
By .. L. 1720.
Aristobulus. James Turner. Thoughts
on mixt communion . . Coventry,
Eng 1773.
Aristocles. Samuel Johnson, D.D.
Ethices elementa ; or, the first principles
of moral philosophy ... B. 1746.
Aristocrat, An. John Lettsom Elliot.
A letter to the electors of Westminster.
L. 1850.
Aristocratic Tout, A name assumed
by I7. Wood, a sporting writer.
Aristogeiton. Rev. P. Ftazer. An
address to Baptists of all denominations,
on the tenets of their religion. By . .
L. 1837
Aristophanes Arthur Boyne. Pot-
ter's field; or, the gentleman with the
black humor A tragedy S. F. 1873.
ArkTvright, Peleg. David L. Proud-
Jit. Love among the gamins, in the
"Daily Graphic » (N.Y ).
Arley Miles Peter Andrews. His
signature to poetry m "The World."
L. 1788
Arlington. Robert M. Baxter, in the
New York "Star'*
Armand. Fnednch Armand Strubberg.
Ralph Norwood. Hannover, Cassel, 1860.
Armateur, I/. M. B Louis Marie
Prudhomme. Dictionnaire universel, ge~
ographique . . . de la Prance. Paris,
Armenian in Ireland, An. Sdrn.
Sexton Pert/. Letters . . to his friends
at Trebisond ... L. 1757.
Army Chaplain, An. Rev. Joseph
Cross. Camp and field . papers of ...
1863. Macon, 1864.
Army Surgeon, An. Thomas T. El-
lis. Leaves from the diary of ...
1861-62 N.Y. 1863.
Armytage, Dudley. William JS. A.
Axon Shakespeare's house. Glasgow,
Arnett, John Andrews John Han-
nett Bibhopegia; or, the art of book-
binding L. 1885, 1837.
Arnold, A. Alfred Salomons. The
Count of Talavera, from the Dutch of
J. van Lennep. By A. A. L, 1880
Arnold, Birch. Mrs. J. M. D. or
A E. Bartlett. Until the day break P.
Arnold, Eric. Henrietta Matson.
Acton; or, school and college days.
Arouet. Joseph Brown Ladd, the most
of whose poems were addressed, under
this signature, to " Amanda," a name by
which he designated the young lady to
whom he was attached.
Axp, Bill. Charles H. Smith. A side
show of the Southern side of the war.
N.Y. 1866
Arpinas, Laurea. Charles KelsalL
Arr, E. H. Mrs. Ellen E. Rollins. Old-
time child-life. P. 1880
Arrelsee. Robert L. Cope. The life,
confessions, and adventures of Albert
Teufel. Doylestown, P. 1867.
Arria- Mrs. Eliza Lofton (Phillips)
Puaht who published, under this nom de
plume> short sketches, literary and politi-
cal, in the New York "World," the New
Orleans " Times/' and other journals.
Arriala, Ramon de, Mariano Jose" de
Lan a. Un desafio : drama . . . Madrid, 1834.
Artist, An. Lester A. Roberts (*).
Hugo Blanc, the artist : a tale of practi-
cal and ideal life. By ... N.Y. 1867.
Artist, An. George William Novice.
Lights in art : a review of ancient and
modern pictures. By ... Edinb. 1865.
Artist, An. J. Beugo (?). Poetry,
miscellaneous and dramatic. By ...
Edmb 1797
Artist, An. Mrs. Elizabeth Murray.
Sixteen years of an artist's life in Mo-
rocco, Spain, etc., 1842-58. L, 1859.
Artist, An. Paul Kane. Wander-
ings of ... among the Indians of North
America ... L. 1859.
Artlove, Sir Andrew. John Dennis.
A free consideration and confutation of
Sir J. Edgar. By Sir A A. L. 1791
Arundell, Harris. William Arundell
Harris Arundell. The fall of Sebastopol :
a poem. By ... L. 1855.
Asne, Tom. Jonathan Swift, D.D.
. . . the dying speech of ... whose
brother, the Rev. Dillon Ashe, was nick-
named Dilly. 1711.
Asbton, Warren T. William Taylor
Adams. Hatchie, the guardian slave;
or, the heiress of Bellevue. A tale of the
Mississippi and the South-west. B. 1853
Asiaticus. John Scott Waring. Let-
ters to the right honourable Henry Dun-
das on his inconsistency as the minister
of India. L. 1792
Asmodei, Count. Oount Vittorio
Amadeo Aljieri. The generous husband
. . . containing . . . the genuine memoirs
of Count Asmodei. 1771.
Asmodeus. Thomas Nichols (?). As-
modeus in New York. N.Y. 1868.
Asmodeus ThaddeusW.Meighan(1).
The Jenny Lind mania in Boston ; or, a
sequel to Barnum's Parnassuf . . . B. 1850.
Asmodeus Secundus. Charles Soth-
eran. Author of Percy Bysshe Shelley
as a philosopher and reformer . . .
N.Y. 1876.
Asmus. Matthias Claudius. Asmus
omnia sua secum portans ; oder, Werke
des Wandsbecker Boten. Wandsbeck,
Aspirant, An. James Beresf or d. Bib-
liosophia; or, book-wisdom. By . . .
L. 1810.
Assistant Librarian, An. Thomas
Mason. The free libraries of Scotland.
By ... Glasgow, 1880.
Assistant Secretary of State, The.
Pennock Pusey. Statistics of Minnesota
for 1869: being the first annual report
of ... St. Paul, 1870.
Astarte. Mrs. Ann Olivia Adams.
Poems. N.Y. 1865.
Astell, Hon. Edward. Jane Tm-
bury. The male coquette ; or, the history
of the Hon E A. L. 1770.
Aston, Tony Anthony Aston. A brief
supplement to Colley Uibber, Esq , his
lives of the late famous actors and ac-
tresses. By . . L. 1747.
Astronomer Royal, The. Sir George
Biddell Airy Lunar motion. [By Jel-
inger Cookson Symons.] With letters
from ... L 1856.
Asyncritus. J. E. Howard. The
inward light. L. 1839.
Atall, Peter. Robert Wain, Jr. The
Hermit on America ... 1st and 2d series.
P. 1819, 1821.
Atherton, Harper. Frank Fowler.
Adrift ; or, the rock in the South Atlan-
tic ... L. 1861.
Atom, Ann. Miss Jeanette R. Hader-
man. Against the world. B. 1873.
Attache*. Mme. Frances Erskme (In-
qhs) Oalderon de la Barca. Attach^ in
Madrid, 1853-54 N.Y 1866
Attains. William Mudford. The five
nights of St. Albans. L. 1829
Attious. Richard Heber, in Dibdin's
" Bibliomania/'
Mr. Dibdin says of him, " AtticuB unites all
the activity of De Witt and Lomenie with the
retentiveness of Magliabechl and the learning of
Le Long . . . Yet Atticus doth sometimes sadly
err He has now and then an ungovernable pas-
sion to possess more copies of a "book than there
weie ever parties to a deed, or stamina to a plant,
and therefore I cannot call him a duplicate or a
triplicate collector . . . But he atones for this by
being liberal in the loan of his volumes. The
learned and cnrious, -whether rich or poor, have
always free access to his library.'*
Atticus. William MaccalL He con-
tributed to the London " Cntic " [about
1845] many papers and reviews, generally
employing the signature " Atticus/'
Atticus. Thomas CooTce. The letters
of ... as printed in the "London Jour-
nal," in 1729 and 1730, on various sub*
jects . . . L. 1731.
Atticus. Richard Fitzwittiam., 1th Vis-
count Fitswilliam. Lettres d'Atticus . ,
L. 1811.
Atticus. De Witt Clinton. Remarks
on the proposed canal from Lake Erie to
the Hudson River. N.Y. 1816.
Atticus. One of the pseudonyms
adopted by Junius (q.v.).
The letters signed " Atticus" and "Brutus"
relate chiefly to the growing disputes with the
American colonies, — WADE, "Junius "
The first of these letters appeared in " The
Public Advertiser," Aug. 19, 1768.
Atticus Secundus. Joseph Bolles
Manning. Junius unmasked; or, Lord
•George Sackville proved to be Junius . . .
B. 1828.
Atticus Secundus. John MacDiarmid.
Letters of Junius, with preliminary dis-
sertations and copious notes. By A, S.
L. 1822.
Attorney, An. Sir George Stephen —
See " Caveat Emptor."
Attorney, An Samuel Warren. Ad-
ventures of ... in search of practice. L.
Attorney, An William Muir. Let-
ter to the law practitioners of Scotland
on the attorney tax. Edmb 1833.
Attorney-at-Law, An. J C. Wells.
My Uncle Toby : his table-talks and re-
flections By ... Gin 1875.
Aubigny, D'. Jean Mane Theodore
Bauduin. Washington; ou, TOrpheline
de la Pennsylvanie : melodrame en trois
actes, etc. Pans, 1816.
Auctioneer, An. G Robins (q). Pro-
fessional excursions By ... L. 1843.
Aude, M. Joseph Octave Delepierre.
Dissertation sur les idees morales des
Audi Alteram Partem Lieut- Gen
Thomas Perronet Thompson, F R.S
" In 1848 he published a ' Catechism on the
currency ' ; and in 1857-58-59 weekly letters to
his constituents, under the title of « Audi Alte-
ram Partem,' mamly on the treatment of the
native army and people of India."
Aner, Adelheid von Charlotte ion
Cosel Im Labyrinth der Welt 1879.
Augspur. Henry J. M. Sampson, in
"Fun's Prophet"
Augur William JBlaJce. America : a
prophecy, 1793; Europe, a prophecy,
Augur. Henry Mort Feist. The
racing prophet. L. 187-. Also in " Lon-
don Life."
Augur. One of the pseudonyms at-
tributed to Junius (q.v.).
The letter thus signed is dated Sept 8, 1769,
-and reprobates the abusive language of the min-
isterial writers.
Auguste. Kathinka Zite. — See " Zian-
itzka, K. Th."
Augustsohu, W. Wilhelm von Kotze-
bue. Zwei Sunderinnen. 18 — .
Aanet, Leonle d*, Madame Mine
Auguste Francois Biard. Le voyage
<Tune femme au Spitzberg. Paris, 1854.
Aura. William Gale, in the Lon-
don " Morning Advertiser."
Aura. Mary Catharine Irvine. Ash-
burn- a tale. 'L, 1857.
Aurelius. John Gai dner. A brief con-
sideration of the important services . . .
which recommend Mr. Adams for the
presidency ... B. 1796.
Aurelius Prudentius, Americanus
Samuel Mather, of Boston. The sacred
minister ... B. 1773.
Austin, the late Arthur. Prof, John
Wilson Lights and shadows of Scottish
life ... Edinb. 1822.
Austin, Miss Betty. Miss Eliza How-
ard Austin, "better known as 'Miss
Betsy Austin/ Amusing incidents are
chronicled of her in the pages of Marry-
at's 'Peter Simple/ 'Tom Cringle's log,'
and other naval authors."
Australie. Mrs Emily (Manning)
Heion, The balance of pain* and other
poems. L. 1877.
Austro-Borealis. Edward Jbsiah
Steams, D D. A platform for all par-
ties Bait, 1860.
Author, An. William Warburton,
Bishop of Gloucester. A letter from . . .
to a member of Parliament, concerning
literary property. L. 1747.
Author, The. Capt — Clarke, R.M.
Angler's desideratum . . with some new
and valuable inventions by . . . from a
>ractice of nearly half a century. Edinb.
Author, The Charles Edward Stew-
art. Extracts from the regicide: an
heroic poem . . L 1801.
Author, The. William Edward Arm-
itage Axon. The tobacco question . . .
considered . . . Revised by . 1871.
Author of ** Modern Painters," The.
John Ruskin. Modern painters.
To the editor of the "Weekly Chronicle,"
Letter signed . . . Sept. 23, 1843; also, Two let-
ters from ... In the "Artist and Amateur's
Mag,*' 1843-44; also, Banger to the National
Gallery, in the "Times," Jan. 7, 1847, also,
The Pre-Raphaehtes. Letter to the editor of the
" Times," May 13, 1851 , also, The Pie-Raphael-
ite artists ..." Times," May 30, 1851; also, The
National Gallery, " Times," Deo. 29, 1862, all
signed as above.
Author of " Susie Jj — 's Diary/' The.
Miss Eliza Jane Gate. She contributed
many stories to " Peterson's Magazine,"
under the signature of " By the Author
of Susie I, —'B Diary/'
Author of "The Life of Goethe,"
The. George Henry Lewes. Carlyle's
Frederick the Great. By . , . In "Fra-
ser's Magazine," December, 1858.
Authors of the "Dramatic Cen-
sor," The. Francis Gentleman. Bell's
edition of Shakespeare's plays . . . By. . ,
L. 1774.
Autochthonos. Edward Augustus
Autocrat of the Breakfast Table.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, who, under this
nom de plume, contributed certain humor-
ous papers to the " New England Maga-
zine," in 1836, which he resumed some
twenty years afterwards, in the "Atlan-
tic Monthly."
Autograph. Charles F. Coburn, in the
"Lowell Citizen."
Autolycus. John Edwards, in his con-
tributions to the "Springfield Wheel-
men's Gazette "
Autolycus. Michael Aislabie Den-
ham. Odd names of places in the north
of England. Durham, 1856.
Auton, C. Augustus Hoppin. Recol-
lections of Auton house. B. 1881.
Avalanche, Sir Anthony. — Blau-
velt. Fashion's analysis ; or, the winter in
town : a satirical poem, by ... with notes,
illustrations, etc. N.Y. 1807.
Avaline, Alfred d'. Andre' van Has-
self. Essai sur Thistoire de la poesie
francaise en Belgique. Bruxelles, 1838.
Avia Arthur S. Way (1). The Odys-
sey of Homer done into English verse.
By... L. 1880.
Avocat, Tin. Hon. Dominique Monde-
let. Traite* sur la politique coloniale du
Bas-Canada . . . Montreal, 1835.
Avon, W. William Kenrick. A mid-
summer day;s dream, and other poems.
L 1858.
Awkward Man, An. F. L. Slous.
Leaves from the scrap-book of ... L.
Awl, Roby. Robert Kirkwood. — See
"Jamie, Daft/'
Axis. — See " Waverley."
Axtern, H. Xavier Contf. Moeurs et
usages des Israelites, etc. Pans, 1868
Aymar, Patterson. Charles Knight,
in his contributions to u Knight's Quar-
terly Magazine."
Ayres, Alfred. Dr. Thomas Embly
Osmim The orthoepist : a pronouncing
manual, containing about 3,500 words.
N.Y. 1880.
Azamat-Batuk. Nicolas L€on Thie-
blm. A little book about Great Britain.
By ... L. 1870. Also in his contribu-
tions as war-correspondent of the " Pall
Mall Gazette/' 1870.
Azarias, Brother. P. F. Mullany.
The development of English literature :
the old English period. N Y. 1879.
Azelee Mrs. Sarah C. ($mith) Yeiser,
whose contributions to the New Orleans
"Crescent" were signed with this pen-
name, and whose nom de plume of " Aunt
Charity " is more familiar to Southern
B. L. J. Bates, ex-president of De-
troit Bicycle Club ; an editorial writer of
the "Detroit Post and Tribune."
B. Rev. Robert Bland, B.A., in the
" Greek Anthology."
"Those articles m the * Oreek Anthology*
which were from his pen are distinguished by
the signature B. Many of them had been pub-
lished in a smaller previous work of his, entitled
* Translations chiefly from the Greek Anthology,
with tales and miscellaneous poems/ L. 1806."
B. Rev. William Copeland Borlase. —
See '* Trinity Undergraduates."
B. Sraftam, now a Christian — See
Lamb's "Elia" : Imperfect Sympathies.
B. Rt. Hon. George Canning, D.C.L,,
who " at Eton contributed to that cele-
brated display of rising talent entitled
the 'Microcosm/ published m weekly
numbers, from ifov. 6, 1786, to July 30,
1787. The essays signed * B/ and a poem
entitled * The Slavery of Greece/ are the
contributions of Mr. Canning."
B. Bryan Waller Procter, in the Lon-
don " Literary Gazette/*
B. &ev. George Burden Bubier. Hymns
and sacred songs for Sunday-schools and
social worship. Edited . . . Manches-
ter, 1855.
B. Samuel Fmley Breese Morse, The
present attempt to dissolve the American
Union, a British aristocratic plot. By
... N.Y. 1862.
B. William Black. Readings by
starlight, in the " Evening Star/' signed
" B."
B. Oliver Bell Bunce. Reconstruc-
tion of the Union. N. Y. 1862.
B A. Broderick. Rhymes with a
reason. By ... L. 1857.
B., Serjeant. Robert Butler. Narrative
of the life and travels of ... Edinb. 1823.
B., A. A. Bayne. An introduction to
the knowledge and practice of thoro*
bass . . . Edinb. 1717.
B., A. Anne Beattie. Songs in the
desert. By ... Manchester, 1845.
B., A., Esquire. Jonathan Swift, 2).D.
A letter to the kine at arms. 1721.
B , Don A. Capt. Alexander Bruce. A
discourse of a cavalier gentleman . . ,
B., A. B. A. B. Bialey. Bosh about
Bacon. By ... In the "Sunday Tele-
graph" (Milwaukee, Wis.), May 20,
1883 ; also, The Bacon cranks ... In
the same paper, June 10, 1883.
B., A. C. Amos C. Barstow. Letters
[from Europe] 1873, n.p n.d.
B , A. O. Arthur Coke Burnett. Speci-
mens of S. Indian dialects. Collected . . ,
B,, A G , Jr Albert Gallatm Browne,
Jr In memoriam J. W. B. (i,e , John
W. Browne). B. 1860.
B., A. K. H. Andrew Kennedy Hutch-
ison Boyd. The critical essays of a coun-
try parson L. 18fi5.
B , A. Li. Mrs. Anna Letitia Barbauld.
Hymns in prose for children. By ...
L, 1781.
B, A. M. A. M. Barkly. Revised
list of the ferns of South Africa. Cape
Town, 1875.
B. B. Caroline Oliphant, the Baroness
Nairn, in numerous fugitive poems con-
tributed to Smith's " Scottish Minstrel,"
B. B. Rev. William Stabbach Johns
and W. M. Rogers. The fall of Alba.
"Helston Gram School Mag ," 1852
B B. Benjamin Franklin A modest
inquiry into the nature and necessity of
a paper currency. P. 1729.
B., B Bernard Barton. Triplets for
the truth's sake. L 1842.
B. B , The Hon. Joseph Green, Esq.
Entertainment for a winter's evening . . .
By me ... the Hon B. B., Esqf B. 1795.
B, Beatrice. Mzss Beatrice Biddle,
society editor of "The World" (N.Y.).
B , Betsy Mrs. Mart/ Therese Austin,
in her contributions to the " Argonaut"
and the "Overland Monthly" (San Fran-
cisco, CaL).
B , B H. Rev. Beaver Henry Blacker,
M.A. Gloucestershire notes and queries.
Edited by ... L. 1879.
B B. M A. C. [Black Balled Mem-
ber of the Apollo Club, Son of Vermont].
Henrt/ Stevens.
B , C. C. Bullock. Breaches in the
family fireside. By the late Hugh Stow-
ell . . . Edited ... L. 1865.
B., C- Mrs. C (Bickersteth] Wheeler.
Dawn and sunrise ... L. 1860.
B., C. Charles BucJce. The Italians;
or, the fatal accusation . a tragedy. L.
B,, C. Christopher Batty. The Ken-
dal hymn book. Kendal, 1757. By *T.
A , C. B., etc. Thirty of the hymns were
by C. B.
B., C. Charles Bathurst. Remarks on
the differences in Shakespeare's versifica-
tion ... L, 1857.
B, C. Charles Butler. Undivided
allegiance of Roman Catholics to their
sovereigns. By . L. 1825.
B., Mine. C- — de la Mme. Frances
Ershne (Inghs) Calderon de la Barca.
Life in Mexico ... L. 1843.
B , O. A Cyrus Augustus BartoL In-
fluence of the Ministry at Large in the
city of Boston By a spectator. B. 1836.
B, C B. Charles Brockden Brown.
Wieland; or, the transformation. N.Y.
B , C. C. Mrs. C. C. Benton. France
and her people P. 1872
B , C C Rev. Charles Cardale Bab-
ington. Index to the Baker manuscripts
by four members of the "Cambridge
Antiquarian Society " ( J. J. S , C. C. Bv
etc ). 1848.
B,, C. E. C. J3. Bowen. Sybil and
her live snowball . . L. 1865.
B., C. F. Charles F. Briggs, Sea-
weeds from the shores of Kantucket. B.
B , O. J., Roman Catholic priest of
Atnerstone. Rev C. J. Bowen. Hid-
den joy. Compiled . . . Derby, 1869.
B , C. T. Rev. CJiarles Timothy Brooks,
A M. Roman rhymes : . . . Newport,
R I., Aug. 27, 1869. Camb., Mass 1869.
B , D. Deodatus Bye, in." Gent. Mag /*
May, 1817, p. 445.
B , D Daniel Bagot. Original hymns
... Dublin, 1858.
B., I>. Daniel Benham. Some ac-
count of the village of Tadley in Hamp-
shire, 1862.
B., D. W. D W. Bartlett, in the New
York "Independent"
B., B. Edward Burney, in Lamb's
"Elia"; Valentine's Day.
B-, B. Ehas Brockett The advo-
cate: a defence of the B. of Lichfield
and Coventry . . . [Ironical.] L. 1732.
B., E. Rev. Evelyn Bartow, M.A Bar-
tow genealogy , . . [Bait 1878 ]
B., E. Edward Brooke. A catalogue
of modern law books ... L. 1794.
B., E. Rev. Edward Bentham. A cer-
tain proposal of a certain little tutor . . „
L. n d. *
B., E. Rev. Edward Budge. The city
of God... L. 1850.
B., E. Ezehiel Bacon, LL.D. The gath-
ered alumni of Tale to their Alma Materf
by a graduate of 1794. New Haven, 1846.
B., E. Edward Bickersteth, D.D. A
help to the study of the Scriptures. L.
B., 3E. Miss Elizabeth Blower. Maria :
a novel. L. 1785.
B, E. Mrs. Ethel Lynn Beers. The
picket guard ; or, all quiet along the Po-
tomac to-night, in " Harper's Weekly "
for November, 1861.
B , E. Edward Broiherton. The pres-
ent state of popular education in Man-
chester and Salford . . Manchester, n.d.
B , E. Mrs. E. Babmgton. Selections
from the poems of C. Elliott < With a
memoir . . . 1873.
B , E. Elisabeth Bentlei/. Stanzas on
Lord Nelson's death . . 1806.
B., E. E. Bibby. Thoughts in verse.
L. 1873.
B., E., DD, Edward Burton, D.D.
The holy oblation ... By an Anglo-
Catholic priest. L. 1848
B.,E C J5.B.Chiisty G.Christy's
<f Ethiopian Joke Book." Edited . . .
B,E. C. C. E. 0. C. Baillie. The
way of the wilderness, and other poems.
B., E. E. Hiss Emma Elizabeth. Brown,
•" author of the many charming sketches
and dainty little poems which have ap-
peared over the signature of 'B , E. E.' "
B., E. F. E. F. Sevan. Songs of
Eternal Life. Trans ... L. 1858
B., E. G. Edward George Ballard,
3$$q., who " made many communications,
chiefly in verse, to a variety of periodi-
cals, among which were the 'Literary
Chronicle* and the 'Imperial Maga-
zine.* These were signed with his ini-
tials, <E. G. B/" He also wrote for the
"Gent. Mag." under the same signa-
B., E. H. Rev. Edward Henry Bick-
Grsteth. Poems and songs. L. 1848. -
B., E. H. E. H. Blackwett. A prac-
tical treatise on the power to sell land
for taxes. Enlarged . . . 1864.
B., E. J. Miss Elise Justine Bayard,
in "The Literary World," "The Knick-
B., E. J. Mrs. E. J. Bwrlury. The
trust. 1849.
B., E, L. Edward Laman Blanchard.
John [Hunt's] birthday . . . Aug. 28,
1875. A birthday ode ... L. 1875.
B., E. Ju. Sir Edward George Eark
Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, Baron Lytton. The
lady of Lyons ; or, love and pride : a play
. . , L. 1843.
B., E. M. E. H. and E. M. Bliss.
Three months in the Orient. Edited . . .
B., E. O. Mrs. E. 0. Bull. A sequel
to Mrs. Sherwood's questions for a little
child. By... L. 1848.
B., E. S- E. S. Burnaby. John Bry-
ant; or, the stag hunt: a true tale.
B , E. S. H. Miss E. S. H. Bagnold.
A handy book of English spelling . . .
L. 1870.
B, E. V Hon. Mrs Eleanor Vere
(Gordon) Boyle. Child's play Seven-
teen drawings, by ... L 1852
B., E. W. E. W Ba'drnhelm. Archi-
bald Hamilton. B. 18-
B,E. W. Eev Edward Waller Bar-
ker (i\. Vigilemus et orenaus... L.
B., F. Francis Bourdillon. Admis-
sion free. L. 1871.
B. F. Edward Claudius Herrick,
A.M. An answer to the Bible reader, No.
II., of Henry Jones, New York . . . New
Haven, 1844.
B., F. Francis Bowen, LL.D. Berke-
ley and his philosophy. From the
" Christian Examiner " for July, 1838.
Camb., Mass. 1838.
B., F. Sir Francis Beaufort. Klint's
sailing directions for the Baltic. Ed-
ited . . . 1854.
B., F. F. Bat/ley. The origin and
object of Roman Catholic doctrines . . .
By a County Court Judge . . . L.
B., F. N. Frederick Napier Broome.
Lady Barker's station life in New Zea-
land. Preface by ... L. 1869.
B., G. George Brewer. Maxims of
gallantry j or, the history of Count de
Verney... 1793.
B, G. Dr. Robinson. Miscellaneous
observations upon authors ancient and
modern. L. 1731-32.
B, G George Burnett. The Scottish
bar fifty years ago. Sketches of Scott
[Robert Scott Moncrieff) and his con-
temporaries, with biographical notices,
by... Edmb.1871.
B., G. C. Rev. George Clement Boase.
Thoughts and memories in, verse. L.
B., G E. Rev. George Edward Biber.
The kingdom and church of Hawaii . . .
By a f nend of the Hawaiian church mis-
sion. L. 1865,
B., G. F. Sir Georije Ferguson Bowen,
G. C. M. O-, Handbook for travellers in
Greece... L. 1854.
B., G. H. G. H. %udd. An offering
to the Muses, worthy, of being "a burnt
offering." By.., L. 1836.
B., G. S. G. B. Bryan, Esq. Biographi-
cal sketch of Charles Fraser. Charles-
ton, 1857.
Forms a supplement to the catalogue of hia
pictures, by 8. G-., *.e., Samuel Ohlman, D.D.
B., G. W. George William Blunt, in
his contributions to the "Evening Post "
B , H. Hamilton Stisbey, in his contri-
butions to the "Turf. Field, and Farm"
B , H. Henry Blundell. An account
of the statues, busts, bas-reliefs, cinerary
urns, and other ancient marbles and
paintings at Nice, Liverpool, 1803.
B , H H. Boaz The angler's prog-
ress : a poem . . 1820.
B , H. Henry Blackwell The gentle-
man's tutor for the small sword ... L.
B., H Horace Bmney The leaders
of the old bar of Philadelphia. P 1866
B., H. H. Blomfield. The old plough-
man again ! . . . L. 1835.
B., H Henry Baldwin. St. James's
chronicle. The yearly chronicle for 1761.
L. 1762.
B , H. Rev. Henry Bailey, A ser-
mon . , . after the death of C. M. Betts.
B , H. * " f^ftfifapke. A story of the
fifth com>»«diOTfent. L. 1866
B , H. Henry Bewley. Thoughts and
suggestions submitted to the considera-
tion of the Society of ITriends. By . . .
Dublin, 1859
B , H. Henry Ballow A treatise of
equity. L. 1737.
B, H., B. H. Henry Beaufoy, Esq.,
of Hampton-wick. Journal kept by H. B.
H. B. during an aerial voyage . . . from
Hackney to East Thorpe, Essex, Aug
29, 1811. L. 1811
B , H. C. Henry Clark Barlow, M.D
God's temple-throne: a hymn. Roma,
B, H. B. Sir Henry Edward Bun-
bury, Bart. Narratives of some passages
in the great war with France from 1799
to 1810, L. 1854.
B., H. N. W. Harriet Newell Woods
Baker. Edith Withington ; a book for
girls... By. . n p. 1871.
B., H. R. F. Henry Richard Fox
Bourne. J. S. Mill, notices of his life
and works. Edited ... L. 1873.
B , H. W. Sir Henry Williams Baker.
A daily text book ... L. 1854.
B., H, W. Henry William Ball. Notes
on Mr. W. Fowler of Winterton, and his
works. Hull, 1869.
B., I. John Becde. Herefordshire or-
chards ... L.1724,
B., I. fc. Mrs. Isabella L (Bud)
Bishop. Notes on old Edinburgh. Edinb
B , J. John Blanch. — See " A Gen-
tleman in Gloucestershire."
B , J. John Charles Brooke.
B , J. Jeremy Bentham. The ballot :
a cure for the ballotophobia . . . Pre-
scribed to H. Brougham L. 1830
B , J J. Bentley Banking how to-
make it safe and profitable. L. 1868,
B., J. W. Inglis. Book-keeping . . .
Manchester, 1871.
B , J John Blackburn. The cat's pil-
grimage ... of J. N. Froude With
illustrations by . . n.p. 1870.
B, J. JBev. John Besly. Chronicle
of the family of Percy, by W. Peens.
Edited . . . Newcastle, 1847.
B., J. Joseph Besse. A cloud of wit-
nesses, proving that the Bishop of Lich-
field and Coventry . . hath misrepre-
sented the people called Quakers. L.
B., J. John Bartlett. A collection of
familiar quotations . . Camb , Mass.
B., J. Jamet Burgh. The dignity of
human nature . . . By ... L. 1754.
B., J James Budd. Directions for
entrance into a religious life . . L.
B, J John Brazer, D.D. The effi-
cacy of prayer, first published in the
"Unitarian Advocate." B. 1832
B , J. J. Bragg Extracts on v-arious
subjects ... L. 1862.
B , J. Sir James Burrow. A few-
thoughts upon pointing ... L. 1768.
B., J. Joseph Burton. Gold and com-
petition ; or, the wailings of a commis-
sion man : a satire. Hull, 1863.
B., J. James Beezley. A letter to Dr.
Formey, F.B S L. 1776.
B, J. Miss JaneBelknap. Life of
Jeremy Belknap, D D . . . N.Y. 1847.
B, J. Beo, John Baylie. Life, the
day for work ... L. 1854.
B, J. James Buckridge. The lives of
the most eminent modern painters . .
L. 1754.
B, J J. Backhouse. A memoir of
Deborah Backhouse of York. York,
B., J. John Budge Memoir of John
Duns-tone, who was blind forty-four
years, till his death, in 1856. L. 1857
B, J. John Barrow. Memoir of
Sir J. Barrow, by Sir G. T. Staunton,
Bart. Edited... 1852.
B-, J. Jane Bewick. A memoir of
Thomas Bewick. Edited , . . 1862
B., J. John Broughton. Miscellanies
in prose and verse . . of Thomas Chat-
terton Edited . .
B., J Jonathan Barrett. Observations
on endowments for charitable purposes.
L. 1852.
B-, J James Bateman. The Oxford
crisis . . By a member of Magdalen
College, Oxford. L. 1845
B , J Joseph Bentley Politics made
easy for Englishmen. L. 1859.
B, J John Bellows Ritualism or
Quakerism * Being remarks on a pam-
phlet by J. W. C[udworth], entitled
•"Quakerism and the Church." L. 1870.
B , J Mrs. J. B Blackburne Scenes
of animal life and character , . L 1862.
B , J Joseph Barker Self-abasement
and self-exaltation . . . Wortley, 1845.
B , J John Budge Some observa-
tions on important subjects . . . Cam-
borne, 1846.
B , J. Rev. John Badcock. Thoughts
on the building .of a ... church at
Summer-town, near Oxford . . . Oxf 1832.
B ,-J , Nottingham. John Burton, in
the "Evangelical Magazine" for 1805.
B , J., a Friend of the Aborigines
Protection Society. John Burtt The
young patriot, and other poems . . .
Manchester, 1846
B., J , A Servant of Jesus Christ.
James Bardwood. Hearts-ease in heart-
trouble ... L 1691
Ascribed also to John Banyan.
B , J A. John Alexander Baxter. A
selection of hymns and psalms . . . 1830.
B , J. B. E. Jean Baptiste l!mile Bail-
here, in the "Journal de la Lihrairie,"
B., J. C. John Coxe Boyce. Poetical
productions of my youth. Birmingham,
B., J D. J. D Bayly. Our homeless
poor ... L 1860
B , J E. J-E. Balron. A day by
the fire, and other papers ... By Leigh
Hunt Edited ... B. 1881.
B , J. E J. E, Broum. The Dove on
the Cross, and other thoughts in verse
L. 1849.
B , J. E. J. E. Babron. Lamb's "Elia."
Edited... L. 1866.
B., J. Cr. John George Belktt. Short
meditations . . . Dublin, 1866.
B., J. G-. H. John George Hamilton
Bourn*. The exile of Idria: a German
tale ... £. 1833. The name is also
given John Gervase Hutchinson Bourne,
B., J. H. Joseph H. Buckingham, in
ihe "Boston Courier/' 1840-48.
B., J. Harcourt. J. JBarcourt Bland.
An apology for war . . . 1854,
B, J I John Ilderton Burn, Esq. "For
several years he acted on the committee of
the Labourers' Friend Society, and con-
tributed many valuable papers, under the
signature ot ' J. I B./ to the pages of
the monthly publication ' The Labourers'
B , J. J , B D. Rev. James John
Douglas. The voice of prayer . . . Ab-
erdeen, 1873
B , J K J K, Bangs, in his contri-
butions to " Life " (N.Y.).
B , J. K J. K. Bloomfield. Patient
Susie ; or, paying the mortgage . . . Gin.
B , J. M. John Montgomei le Bell Bell's
(A M ) lectures on conveyancing . . .
Edited. . 1876
B,, J P. Joshua P. Blancfiard. Plan
for terminating the war, by division of
the U. S 1861
B., J B. James E Ballantyne. The
Tarka-Sangraha of Annam Bhatta. Ed-
ited .. 1851.
B, J. T. John Trotta fiiockett Hints
on . . a typographical society in New-
castle-upon-Tyne Newcastle, 1818.
B , J T. Joseph Tinker Buckingham
The rosary. B 1834
B.,J V. Reo. James Vila Blake "The
morning stars sang together" ... B.
B., J. W- John W Bell An anti-
Shakespearian plea. By ... In the
Madison (Wis ) "State Journal," July
22, 1882.
B., Lucinda. Miss Lucinda Bowser.
Angel visitants. L. 18-.
B., Ii. H. Lyman Hotchkiss Bagg.
His signature in the English " Stamp
Collector's Magazine" (Bath), and "The
Philatelist" (Brighton), and in similar
American prints.
B , L. Xi. Louis Lucien Bonaparte. Or-
thographie applicable aux dialectes de la
langue d'Oil . . . L. 1867.
B., M. Mona (Drew) Bick&rsteth.
Poems Wales, 1856.
B , M. Mary Brook. Eeasons for the
necessity of silent waiting, in order to the
solemn worship of God . . By ...
L. 1774.
B , M, E. Mrs. Mary K Bennett. Queer
people... By... N.Y. 1872.
B , M. H. Mrs. Mary Hewins Burn"
ham, in her contributions to the " Bepub-
lican" (St. Louis, Mo),
B,M. I. M. I.Bromley. Poems. L.
B., M. I. M, I Booth. The wooing
of King Sigurd. Illustrated . * . 1864.
B. O. W. C. [Brethren of the White
Cro- J James de Mille A book for
3<vs. B. 1878.
B., B. Nathaniel Crouch. — See " Bur-
son, Richard."
.B, B. Richard Barrett. The Bible
not a dangerous book . . . 2d ed. Dub-
lin, 1821.
B., B Robert Brett. Devotions for
the sick-room. L. 1848 — r- Prayers in
the time of cholera By ... L 1849.
B, B. Robert Bloomjield. The his-
tory of little Davy's new hat. L
B, B. Richard Bioivn Hospitalla-
ria . . . L 1837.
B,B. Rev. Robert Bolton. The Lighted
Valley ;» or, the closing scenes of a be-
loved sister . . N.Y. 1850
B., B. Richard Brooke. Eemarks
and conjectures on the voyage of the
ships " Resolution " and " Discovery " in
search of a northerly passage from
Kampschatka to England after the death
of Capt. Cook . . . Byv. L. 1780.
B., B Robert Browning. A selection
from the poetry of E B. Browning.
Edited . . . 1866
B , B., Gent. Robert Blackwetl The
corn-dealer's companion ... L 1726.
B , B , a Servant of the Church of
Christ Robert Barclay. A Catechism
and Confession of Faith ... L. 1726.
B , B C Hi Robert Casper Lee Bevan.
Accommodated texts ; or, texts and con-
texts By ... L. 1854.
B., B. H. R. H. Blades. Who was
Caxton ? . . . a monograph L 1877.
B, B J. Robert Jefferson Breckm-
ndge, D D. Jesus and the Coming Glory
. . . Edited . . B. 1865.
B , B. Jj. Rev. Robert Lewis Bamp-
field Our fisheries, exhortation and
prayers concerning them (Chiefly from
Bishop Wilson ) Great Yarmouth, 1858.
B,, S Sylvester Baxter, when Mexican
correspondent of the "Boston Herald."
B , 3 Samuel Birch Italian mediae-
val coins ... By . . L. 1845
B , S Samuel Brewster. A letter to
the parishioners ot St B[otolph] A [Id-
gate], recommending parochial commun-
ion .. L 1701.
B,, S Samuel Bailet. Miscellaneous
observations upon authors ancient and
modern. L 1781-32
B., S E. Sir Samuel JEg&rton Brydges,
Ban. Arthur ITitz-Albini : a novel.
By . L 1810.
B., S. G. Sarah G. Bagley. Biogra-
phy of self-taught men, continued . . .
B 1846-47.
B., S. Ii." M. JS. L, M. Barlow. Let-
ter of C Columbus describing his first
voyage . . . Edited ... L 1875
B, S O. S. O. Beeton The works
of Lord Bacon . . . With a ... memoir
of the author by ... L 1877
B , T. Rev. Thomas Belsham. The
Book of Common Prayer reformed . . .
Edited ... L. -1813
B., T. Rev Thomas Baiker, H.A. The
canticles pointed for Anglican chants . .
By an English presbyter ... L 1863.
B., T Thomas Bates A few words
on the temperance question . . . L 1ST?
B, T. Thomas Bnghtwell Journal
of a tour . . 1825, through Belgium . .
Norwich, 1828.
B., T. Rev. Thomas Brett. A letter
shewing why our English Bibles differ so
much from the Septuagint ... By ...
L 1743
B., T. Thomas Burtt. Ode . . L
B, T. Thomas Boosey. Piscatorial
reminiscences and gleanings by an old
angler and bibliopolist . . L. 1835.
B., T. Thomas Branch. Principia le-
gis or equitatis- being an alphabetical
collection of 20,000 maxims, principles
or rules, definitions, and memorable say-
ings in law and equity. By ... L. 1753.
B , T. Thomas Bawdier. Twelve anni-
versary sermons preached before the So-
ciety for the Propagation of the Gospel
in foreign parts. Edited ... L 1845.
B, T, Minister of the Gospel.
Thomas Bradbury. A mug-house song.
L. 1717.
B , T. B. Thomas Bagnall Baker. A
doctrinal catechism of the Church of
England '. . . By ... L. 1840.
B., T. C. Thomas Christopher Banks.
A letter to ... Lord Brougham . . . signed
. . . L. 1831.
B., T. M. T. M. Baker. The slave
lover; or, pride humbled: a tale. B.
B., T. S. Thomas Squire Barrett. An
examination of ... argument h priori for
the existence of a Great First Cause. By
. . L. 1869.
B., T. S. T. Seymour Burt. Monody
on the death of H. R. H., the Duchess of
Kent. By... L. 1861.
B., V. Vincent Brooks. Chromo litho-
graphs. L. 18-.
B., W. William Bigg. The art of
swimming. L 1832.
B, W, Walter Bagehot. Bocastle.
"The Spectator," Sept. 22, 1866.
B., W. FPY#WB» Burge* The choral
service of the Anglo-Catholic church. L.
B., W. Rev. William Bright. Eng-
lish Church defence tracts. Edited by
H P. L. [Henry Parry Liddon] and W.
B. L. 1872.
B , W. William Bromfield. The faith
of the true Christian, and the primitive
Quaker's faith. By . . . L. 1725
B., W. William Blake The gates of
Paradise. L. 1793.
B., W. William Bruce, D.D. An in-
troduction to the scanning of the Greek
metres ... By ... Belfast, 1823.
B , W. Wilham Boyne. A manual
of Roman coins ... L. 1865.
B., W. William Bennett My mother's
meetings . . . Edited ... L. 1803.
B., W. William Blades. The rules
of the Candlewick Ward Club . . . L. 1876.
B., W. William Brown. Sketch of
the life and character of the late Dr.
William Brown . . Edinb 1854.
" B., W., Gent. William Brown. Im-
piety and superstition exposed : a poeti-
cal essay . . . Edinb. 1710.
B., W., Gent. William Breton. Mili-
tia discipline. By ... L. 1717.
B., W , Fowey. William Browne. A
geological puzzle; the beach at Ready-
Money Cove, Fowey: "Hardwicke's
Science Gossip/' 1869.
B , W., and J. B. Walter Besant and
J, Rice. This son of Vulcan : a novel
L. 1876.
B , W. A. William A. Brewer, in his
contributions to the "Journal of Com-
merce " (N.Y.).
B , W. B. W. B. Buchanan. Balti-
more ; or, long, long time ago. Bait. 1853.
B., W. B. William Balfour Baikie.
List of books and manuscripts relat-
ing to Orkney and Zetland ... By ...
Kirkwall, 1847.
B., W. B. W&ham Binnmgton Boyce.
Sketches of Protestant missionary soci-
eties, 1872-73. Compiled , , . L. 1874.
B.y W. D. William D. BicJcham, cor-
respondent of the " Cincinnati Commer-
cial/* Rosecrans* campaign . . . Cin.
B., W. F. W. F. Bateman. Instruc-
tions given to the guild of St. John the
Evangelist, Upper Norwood, in the
course of the year 1876, By ... L. 1877.
B, W. H, JBeu. William Hiley Ba~
thurst. Metrical musings; or, thoughts
on sacred subjects in verse. L. 1849.
B,, W. J. W. J. Battersby. A com-
plete Catholic directory . . . compiled . . .
L. 1830.
B., W, JT. William John Butler, M.A.
School prayers for morning and evening.
Compiled... Oxf.1848.
B., W. J. E. Rev. William James
Early Bennett. Advent readings from
the Fathers ... By ... Oxf 1852.
B., W. S. Wilfrid Scawen Blunt.
Lady Blunt's Bedouin tribes of the Eu-
phrates . . . Edited ... L. 1879
B., W. W. W. W. Beldene. A trib-
ute to the memory of Gen. George B.
Boomer . . . About 1865.
B***, le baron. Charles Dons.
Amours secretes de Napoleon Buona-
parte . . Parii, 1817.
B***, Henri. Honors' de Balzac, in his
contributions to " La Caricature" (Paris).
B****, Bishop. Bishop Lewis Bagot,
in Beloe's " Sexagenarian," L, 422, 2d ed.
L. 1818.
B****, Lieut. Col. Henry Charles
Bunbury. The whist-player: laws and
practice of short whist. L. 1857.
B*******, Lord Frederick Richard
Chichester, Earl of Belfast. The farce of
life : a novel, 1852 ; Wealth and labour :
a novel, 1853; The county magistrate^
Naples, political, social, and religious,
1856 ; The fate of folly, 1859 L
B*******, Lord. Henry Brougham,
Lord Brougham. The country magis-
trate : a novel L. 1854.
B , The Bight Honourable the
Karl of. Colin Lindsay, third Earl of
Balcarres. An account of the affairs of
Scotland relating to the revolution in
1688. L. 1714
B , Lord. Henry St. John, Lord
Viscount Bolingbroke. Lord Boling-
broke's three letters on patriotism. L.
B , Lord, Frederick Richard Qhi-
Chester, Earl of Belfast. Masters and
workmen : a tale ... L. 1851.
B , Prof. Mark H. Beecher or
William W. Benedict —See "P., Z ," or
"Pundison, Zachariah."
B , Sergeant. Robert Butler. Nar-
rative of the life and travels of ...
Edinb. 1823
B , E. Edmund Burke. Mr. E.
B/s answer to his own speech on the llth
of February, 1780 L. 17SO.
B , E., D.D. Edward Bentham,
D.D. The honor of the University of
Oxford defended ... L. 1781
B , F . Sir Francis Bernard.
The causes of the present distractions in
America explained ... B. 1774.
B , J . Joanna Baillie, in Be-
100*8 « Sexagenarian," L, 409, 2d ed. L.
B , J , M.D. William Temple..
A vindication of commerce and the arts , . ..
-, Esq. Richard Bentley.
A letter to R — B— , Esq 3 author of the
new comedy called "The Wishes" L.
B— e, Dr. Matthew Baillie, MD , in
Beloe's "Sexagenarian," I. 314. 2d ed.
L 1818.
B— e, Earl of. John Stuart, third Earl
of Bute. A man of abilities for the Earl
of B— e; or, Scotch politics defeated in
America . . L. 1766.
B— e, the Right Hon Lord. Fred-
erick Calvert, Lord Baltimore —See
" Young Gentleman of Sixteen, A."
B — n, Ch — . Charles Bateman. An
enquiry into a late very extraordinary
physical transaction at Eftoln ... L.
B ke, ti — d. Henry
St. John, Lord Yiscount Bolingbroke.
Speech upon the convention. To the
tune of "A cobbler there was." L. 1739.
Bab. William Schwenck Gilbert. The
"Bab "ballads. L. 1869.
Babble, Nicholas, Esq. Edward
Long, The "Prater." L. 1757.
This imitation of the "Spectator'* was pub-
lished under the dnection of J. Holcombe. Ed-
ward Long was a contributor.
Babbler. Alfred Trumble, in his con-
tributions to "The Sunday News" (N.Y.).
Babbler, The. Hugh Kelly, in Owen's
"Weekly Chronicle," the "Public Ledg-
er," the "Royal Chronicle," etc.
Baboon, Lewis. France. — See
" Strutt, Lord "
Bach, Jenny. Jenny Fischer.
Bachelor, A. James Mac Gngor Al-
lan. The last days of ... an autobiog-
raphy. L. 1863.
Bachelor, A. Donald Grant Mitchell.
Reveries of ... N.Y. 1869.
Bachelor of Arts, A A. J. P. Mar-
shall. The Oxford undergraduate of
twenty years ago L. 1874.
Bachelor of Divinity, A. William
Josiah Irons. An answer to the Eight
Rev. Dr. Wiseman's letter entitled " Con-
version." L. 1847.
Bachelor, The Mysterious. Dana
Boardman Clark.
Bachelor, The Travelling. James
Fern more Cooper. The travelling bache-
lor ; or, notions of the Americans. N.Y.
Backwoodsman, A. Hon. Thomas
D'Arcy Me Gee. The Crown and the Con-
federation , . . Montreal, 1804.
Backwoodsman, A. Dr. William
Dunlop* Statistical sketches of Upper
Canada, for the use of emigrants. L.
Baconian. William W Fen iei . Who
wrote Shakespeare * By ... In tho
Angola (Ind.) « Herald " for March and
February, 1881.
Bagatelle. A. G. Bagot Sporting
sketches at home and abroad. By . .
L. 1879.
Bailey. Frederick Douglass
Bailey, Junior. William Stevens Rob-
inson, in the " Carpet Bag," 1852
Baker, Frank, D.O N Richard Fran-
cis Burton. Stone talk (Ai&o^cavr}fLa)
being some of the marvellous sayings of
a petral portion of Meet Street, London,
to one Doctor Polyglott, Ph D. By . .
[In verse.] L. 1865.
Baker, The Literary. Caleb Jeacocke,
the celebrated baker, who disputed so
much at the. Robin Hood Society, where
he presided, and was the author of A
vindication of the moral character of the
apostle Paul ... L. 1765.
Baker Poet, The. Jean Reboul, au-
thor of "Poe'sies." Paris, 1836.
Baldwin, Rev. Edward. William
Godwin. The Pantheon . . . gods of
Greece, 1806 ; Pables, ancient and mod-
ern, 1821. L.
Balfour, Clara. Mrs. Felicia Doro-
thea (Browne) Hemans. Modern Greece
a poem. L 1817.
Balfour, Felix. Watts Phillips, in
the " London Journal."
Ballantyne, Colin, RN William
Dunlop, MJD , who wrote sketches of In
dian fife, and other papers for " Black-
wood," over this signature; a nom de
guerre under which, it is said, he figured
in India during his controversies with
BaUinasloe. Frederick Taylor. Con-
fessions of a horse-coper. L. 1861. He
also contributed to "The Field" (Lon-
don), under this signature.
Balloonist. A Ifred Ford.
Ball's Bluff Prisoner, A. W. C.
Harris. Prison-life in the tobacco ware-
house at Richmond. By . , . P. 1862.
Balscopo, Giovanni Battista. John
Trotter, Jr. Travels in Phrenologasto . . .
L 1829.
Baltimore Trader, A. George Stan-
dish. Adventures of ... on tjie coast of
the Pacific. P. 187-.
Balwhidder, Rev.Micab.. John Gait.
The annals of the parish . * . Edinb.
Bank Crash, Esq;. George Button.
The present crisis ; or, tlie currency . . .
Rochester, N.Y,, 1857.
Banker Poet, The. Charles Sprague,
Bantley, Doctor R. John Arbuthnot.
Critical remarks on Capt Gulliver's
travels. By ... Camb. 1735.
Bantry, Ign L —See "The Catholic
Bishop of Bantry."
Baptist, A. Rev Henry Burgess, LL D
The Bible Translation Society of the Bap-
tists shown to be uncalled for and injuri-
ous ... By ... L 1840.
Baptistet. Alphonse Daudet. Lettres
sur Pans, in the " Petit Moniteur," 18G5
Baragwaneth, Robin John Jeffery.
The wooden horse for the rounder and
the horse without a head . . . Penzance.
Baragweneth, Barzlllai. Mrs. Char-
lott Champion ( Willyams} Pascoe. Wan
an* aell, a Cornish drawel, as zung, zold,
an spauken . . . Penzance, 1861.
Barbadoes Planter, A. John Ash-
ley. The sugar trade ... By ... L.
Barbarc, line. Marie Sophie Schmidt
Colban. Lettres de . . . Paris, 18-
Barbarossa. John Scott The lost
principle , or, sectional equilibrium . . .
Richmond, 1860.
Barber, A. Joseph Moser The meal-
tub plot ; or, remarks on the powder tax.
By... L. 1795.
Barber, George. George Dmkett Bar-
ler Beaumont, in his legal works.
Barber Poet, The. Jacques Jasmin,
Barbican, Geoffrey. Richard Thom-
son. Chronicles of London Bridge. L.
1827. — See " Antiquary."
Barclay, Sydney. Mrs Lydia Min-
ium Post. Grace Barclay's diary . . .
N.T. 1867.
Bard. George Monde Berkeley. His
signature in the "World," 1788.
Bard, The. Edward Jerningham. The
British album, containing the poems of
Delia Crusca . . . The bard, etc. L. 1790,
Bard of Ayrshire, The. Robert
Bard of Hope, The. Thomas Camp-
Bard of Memory, The. Samuel
BardofOlney, The. William Cowper.
Bard of Rydal Mount, The. Wil-
liam Wordsworth.
Bard of the Forest, The. William
Wickenden. Prose and poetry* By . , ,
L. 1852.
Bard, Samuel A. Dr. Ephraim George
Squier. Waikna; or, adventures on the
Mosquito shore. L. 1854.
Bards of Ep Worth, The S. Wesley,
Sen., S. Wesley, Jun.t 0. Wesley, and M.
Wesley. The bards of Epworth; or,
poetic gems from the Wesley cabinet.
L. 1850
Bareacres, Hon Botibol John Bur-
ley Wai ing. Poems inspired by certain
pictures at the Art Treasures Exhibition,
Manchester, by Tennyson Longfellow
Smith, of Cnpplegate Within . . . Illus-
trated . . . Manchester, 1857.
Barebone, Issaehar Ralphs (').
The Protester ... By . . L. 1753
Barebones, Caustic. Thomas Bndges
The first volume of a new translation of
Homer's Iliad, adapted to the capacity ot
honest English roast beef and pudding
eaters. By ... a broken apothecary . . .
L. 1762.
Barnacle. A. 0. Barnes
Barnacle, Capt Charles M. New-
ell. Leaves from an old log Pehe Nu-e,
the Tiger Whale of the Pacific. B. 1877.
Barnaval, Louis. Charles De Kay.
Poems. [Edited (or probably written)
by Charles De Kay ]
Barnes. Grevdle Fennell The rail
and the rod, or, the tourist-angler's guide
to waters and quarters thirty miles around
London ... L. 1807.
Barnivelt, Esdras, Apoth. Alexan-
der Pope, A key to the lock . . . By . , .
L. 1718
Barnwell. Robert Barnwell Roosevelt.
Game fish of the northern states of
American and British provinces. N.Y.
Barrett, IJawrence. Larry Bianni-
gan. A nom de theatre.
Barrett, Mary. Man/ 0. Nutting.
The story of William the Silent and the
Netherland war, etc. 1556-1584. By ...
B. 1869
Barrett, Walter, Clerk. Joseph A.
Scomlle. The old merchants of New-
York city, N.Y. 1861-64.
Barrington, F. Clinton. Julius War-
ren Lewis
Barrister, A. Sir James Mackintosh, in
Beloe's " Sexagenarian/' JL, 106. 2cl ed,
L. 1818
Barrister, A. Henry Jeremy. An
analytical digest of the reports of cases
decided in the courts of common law . . .
L. 1818.
Barrister, A. James Maitland Roy,
Brief view of British colonial slavery
Edinb. 1827.
Barrister, A. Richard Power. A
comparative state of the two rejected
money bills hi 1692 and 1709 . . . Dub-
lin, 1770.
Barrister, A. Frederick Laiorence,
Culverwell v. Sidebottom ... By ...
£. 1857.
Barrister, A. Sir James Fitzjames
Stephen, Essays. By ... L. 1862.
Barrister, A. Charles Clark, Esq.
A few words on the subject of Canada
By... L.1837.
Barrister, A. Right Hon. Sir John
Bamaid Bijles. Tree trade and its so-
called sophisms . . examined by ...
L 1830.
Barrister, A. Edward Reynolds. A
guide to the law : for general use. By ...
L. 1863.
Barrister, A. John Macqregor. " Go
out quickly" (Luke 14 21). By...
L. 1855.
Barrister, A. Bichai d Harris. Hints
on Advocacy ... By ... L 1870.
Barrister, A James Sedgwick, Esq
Hints to the public and the legislature
on the nature and effects of Evangelical
preaching. By ... L. 1808.
Barrister, A. Barron Field. Hints
to witnesses in courts of justice. By ...
L 1815.
Barrister, A. Isaac Espinasse. A
letter from Catiline to the surviving
members of the constitutional and other
societies of the year 1794 ... L. 1810.
Barrister, A. William Johnson. Let-
ter to Joshua Spencer, Esq., occasioned
by his thoughts on an union [between
Great Britain and Ireland]. By ...
Dublin, 1798.
Barrister, A. Henry H. Joy. Letter
to ... Lord Lyndhurst on the appoint-
ment of sheri&s in Ireland ... By ...
L. 1838.
Barrister, A Sir John Taylor Cole-
ridge. Notes on the Reform Bill ... L. 1831.
Barrister, A. Sir John Joseph Dil-
lon. The question as to the admission
of Catholics to Parliament, considered * , .
L. 1801.
Barrister, A. Richard Fenton. A
tour in quest of genealogy ... L. 1811.
Barrister, A. Forbes. A trip to
Mexico ; or, recollections of a ten-months'
ramble in 1849-50 . . . L. 1851.
Barrister, Another. Reader Wain-
wright. Letters to a Protestant divine in
defence of Unitarianism. By . . . etc.
L. 1824.
Barrister at Law, A. Sir John Sard-
ley Eardley WHmot. An abridgment of
Blackstone's commentaries on the laws
of England ... L. 1822.
Barrister at Law, A Sir Benjamin
Hobhouse. A treatise on heresy . . . By
... L. 1793.
Barrister-at-)Daw of the Inner-
Temple, A Edmund Bott* A collec-
tion of decisions of the Court of King's
Bench upon the poor laws ... By ...
I.. 1771.
Barrister of Lincoln's Ina, A E
Boodle The Gospels collated . . L.1S43
Barrister of the Inner Temple, A
Leonard Alac-Nally. Acts passed in Par-
liament L. 1786
Barrister of the Inner Temple, A
George S pence, Esq , Q C. The Code
Napoleon; or, the French civil code,
literally translated, by ... L. 1827.
Barrister of the Inner Temple, A.
Thomas Edh/ne Tomltns. A familiar,
plain, and easy explanation of the Law ot
Wills... L. 1785.
Barrister, A Retired. C. Ambler.
A review of the proceedings and argu-
ments in a cause in Chancery between
James Fox, Esq , and B. Mackreth, Esq
. . . L. 1792.
Barrow, Rev. S. Sir Richard Phil-
lips. The poor child's library. Ques-
tions on the New Testament. Sermons
for schools. L. 1812.
Barrow-Knight, A. Rev. Stutemlle
Isaacson. Barrow-digging by a Barrow-
knight, in six fyttes. L. 1844-45
Barrowcltffe, A. J. Albert Julius
Mott. Amberhill. L. 1850
Barteville, Alexis. Edmond de
Manne. Chansons. Paris, 1835.
Bartholomew-Lane Han, A. Alex-
ander Chalmers. Strictures on improve-
ments proposed near the Bank, "Gent.
Mag.," December, 1802. p. 1110.
Barton, Fanny M. Mrs. If. F. Butts.
Three girls. B. 18-.
Barton, J. A. G-. Shoshee Ghunder
Dutt. Historical Studies. L. 1879.
Bashful Irishman, A. William Fred-
erick Deacon. The exile of Erin ; or, the
sorrows of ... L. 18D5.
Bashibazouk. William Harding, in
his contributions to the " Clipper " (N. Y. ).
Bashi-Bazouk, Our own William
Makepeace Thackeray. Letters from the
East by ... "Punch," 1854.
Basil. Richard Walker. The legend
of Cosmo ... By ... L. 1860,
Basilicas. Edmund Lenthal Swift*
The ecclesiastical supremacy of the
Crown proved to be the common law of
England... L.*1814.
Basilicas. Rev. Lewis Way. Thoughts
on the scriptural expectations of the
Christian Church ... L. 181-.
Baste. Pierre Eugene Grange". Les-
enfants d'Adam et d'Eve. Paris, 1840.
Bates, President. L. J. Bates, ex-
president of Detroit Bicycle Club, an
editorial writer of the "Detroit Post and
Bathoniensis. Jonas Dennis, B.C.L+
A challenge to the Pope . . . Bath, 183Q.
Batkins, Jefferson Scattering* Jo-
seph Steiens Jones. Plays, !^TY, 1857;
Life of Jefferson S. Batkins, member
from Cranberry Centre, B 1871
Bavius Dr. John Martyn. Memoirs
of the Society of Grub-Street, L. 1737,
These memoirs commenced on Thursday, Jan.
S, 1730, \\ ere continued once a week, and attained
their 133tb (and last) number on Aug. 24, 1732.
To this publication we owe the " Gentleman's
Magazine " , for Cave pi ejected an improvement
on it to be published once » month. The signa-
ture of "Bavins" belongs to Dr. John Martyn,
and that of " 3Ioevius" to Dr. Richard Russell ;
and those papers signed " A " aie by Alexander
Pope. Bat m CarrutlieiV " Life of Pope " (1857)
it is conjeettned that Pope had free admission to
the journal under an^ guise, and that some
signed "31" and "B " are by him, and also that
there were other contributors — HALKETT .AND
Bayard. Fianhlin J. Ottarsen. New
York editor.
Bayard of India, The. Sir Charles
Bayard, The Polish, Prince Joseph
Bayle, Mr. Rev. Henry Penneck, M.A.
Apostolical Succession* everything else
and a few things beside . . , Penzance,
Bayley, Alphabet. Frederic W.N.
Sat/lei/. The new tale of a tub : an ad-
venture in verse. N.Y. 1869.
Beadle. John Hanson Beadle. Wes-
tern \vilds, and the men who redeem
them. Cin. 18T7.
Beakitorius Benjamin Disraeli, Earl
of Beaconsfield. — See " Gladiolus/*
Beardless Yankee, The. Dana
Boardman Clark.
Beaseley. Samuel Beazley. The roue*,
L. 1828 ; The Oxonians : a glance at so-
ciety, L 1830,
Beatrice Anne Manning. An En-
glish girl's account of & Moravian settle-
ment in the Black forest L. 1858.
Beaucnamp, Philip. Jeremy JBen-
them. Analysis of the influence of natu-
ral religion on the temporal happiness of
mankind ... L< 1822.
Beauc&, Shelsley. T, WaUron
Bractley Grantley Grange: benedicts
and bachelors. L. 1874*.
Beaufort, John., IXiD. John Thd-
walL The daughter of adoption : a tale
of modern times. X. 180L
Beaujolais Hans Busk. Maiden-hours
and maiden -wiles. Designed by . , . L 1S69
Beaumont, Averil Mrs. Margaret
Hunt. aiagdalen Wynyard ; or, the provo-
cations of a Pre-Baphaelite . „ . L. 1872
Beaumont^ George George Duckett
Barber Beaumont^ in hig legal works.
Beaumont, Sir Harry. Itev. Joseph
Spence Moralities . . . L. 1753, previ-
ously printed in the "Museum"; and
Crito; or, a dialogue on "beauty, L.
1752. —Tinder this pseudonym he also
published a letter fron^F. Attiret, ft
French missionary, containing " A par-
ticular account of the Emperor of China's
gardens." L. 1752
Beautiful and Unfortunate Young
Lady, A. JRev. Thomas tfedgmcl Whal-
ley. The fatal kiss • a poem ... L,
Beauty, A. Mrs Edwin James. Wan-
derings of ... NY. 1873
Beaver, Barrington, Esq. William
H. G-. Kingston* Adventures of Dick
Onslcm among the Tledskins . , . L. 1803.
Bcccarla Angllens Rev. Itichcnd
Wright. Letters on capital punishments
. . . L 1807.
Bede, Adam. Robert Evans.
"Adam Bede himself was the authoress* own
father, Mr. Robert Evima . . . Hie toother Sam-
uel [was] the Seth of the novel . . , Elizabeth
Tomlineoa ftvaef Daaib Morris. A poor girl,
Mary Voce, waa "Hetty." (< The [London] Sun-
day Magazine."
Bede, Cuthhert, B A. Rev. Edward
Bradley. The adventures of Mr. Ver-
dant Green, an Oxford freshman. L,
Bede, Seth. Samuel Evans. Seth
Bede "the Methody " : his life and labours ;
chiefly written by himself. L. 1850.
Bedott, Widow PrisciHa P, Mrs.
Frances Miriam (JBerry) Whitcher. Widow
Bedott papers. NY. 1807,
Bee, Hookanit, Esq. S J&. Wiyram.
Flotsam and jetsam : a cargo of Christ-
mas rhyme* L. 1853.
Bee, Jon. John Badcock. The dra-
matic works of Samuel Foote. With re-
marks on each play, and an essay on the
life, genius, and writings of the author
by... L.1830.
Bee Hunter, The, Col Thomas Bangs
Thorpe. Mysteries of the backwoods , , .
P. 1846.
Bee-master, "The Times." John
OummingtD.D. Bee-keeping. L, 1864.
Beef Eater, A. George Vasey* Illus-
trations of eating ... L. 1847.
Beefeater, Domestic Chaplain to
Fill Potts. Rev. John Allan. The Len-
tiad j or, Peter the Pope, and his pioneers
the Puseymen pummelled and pounded
with a Hudihrastic cudgel ... L. 1863.
Beelzebub. H* Newtm Goodrich.
"I too"... Ii,1850.
Beggar Boy, A- James £awson Bum
The autobiography of ... L. 1856,
Belani, H. B B. Karl Ludwig
erlin. Per Heimathlose. 1835.
Belarius of Cymbellne. Estmcl
Evans. The first of a series of a work
in six numbers, in favor of the consti-
tutionality of a national bank. W.
Belkine, Ivan Alexandie Sergeie'-
vitch Pouchkme [French spelling of his
name]. Boris feodounow: a dramatic
poem St. Petersburg, 1831.
Bell, Acton Anne Bronte. The ten-
ant of Wilclf ell Hall. L. 1848.
Bell, Currer Mrs. Charlotte (Bronte)
Nlcholls Jane Eyre : an autobiography.
When the Bronte sisters published their vol-
ume of poetry in 1S46, under their respective
pseudonyms, numeious paities made the mistake
of thinking that they were thiee brotheis.
Among others was Miss Martmeau, who ad-
diessed a letter to Charlotte Bronte, — "Currer
Bell, Esq."
"Averse to publicity, we veiled our own
names under those of Cuner, Ellis, and Acton
Bell; the ambiguous choice being dictated by a
sort of conscientious sciuple of assuming Chris-
tian names positively masculine, while we did
not declare ourselves women, because — without
at the time suspecting that our mode of writing:
and thinking was not what is called * feminine,*
— we had a vague impression that authoresses
are liable to be looked on with prejudice." —
GASKBLL, Life ofJBronte' (1855), p. 240.
Bell, Ellis. Emily Jane Bronte. Po-
ems. L. 1846.
Bell, Mrs. Martin. Mrs. Bell Martin.
Julia Howard. N.Y. 1850.
Bell, Solomon. William Joseph Smi-
ling. Tales of travel in the north of Eu-
rope ; Tales of travel west of the Missis-
sippi. B. 1830-31.
Belles of Mauchline, The.
"In Mauchline there dwells six proper young
Miss Millei is fine, Miss Markland's divine,
Miss Smith she has wit, and Miss Betty is braw :
There's beauty and fortune to get wi1 Miss Mor-
BSit Armour's the jewel for me o' them a'."
Belphegor. William Coombe. The
Diabo-lady ; or, a match in hell : a poem
... L. 1777.
Belzebub. Rev. Samuel Bourn. A
sure guide to hell . . . 1787.
Ben, Uncle. Walter Cavendish Crof-
ton. Brief sketch of the life of Charles
Baron Metcalfe . . . Kingston, 1846.
Ben, Uncle. Mrs. Rhoda E. Water-
man White. Portraits of my married
friends; or, peeps into Hymen's king-
dom. By... N.Y. 1868.
Benauly. A pseudonym adopted by
the three brothers, Austin, Benjamin
Vaughan, and Li/man Abbott, in two nov-
els, "Conecut Corners" and "Matthew
The pseudonym is composed of the first syl-
lable of the names of the three bi others
Ben David. John Jones, LL D. Three
letters, addressed to the editor of the
" Quarterly Renew" ... L. 1825.
Ben-Ezra, Juan Josafat Emanuel
Lacunza. The coming of Messiah in
glory and majesty . . L. 1827.
Ben-Saddi, Nathan. Robert Dodsley.
The chronicle of the kings of England,
from William the Conqueror to 1795 . . .
Worcester, Mass. 1795.
Ben Uzair, Salem. Richard Hengist
Hoi ne. Sithron, the Star-Stricken. Trans-
lated (Ala bereket Allah) from an
ancient Arabic manuscript, by ... L.
Ben Yamen. Benjamin Peirce. Ben
Yamen's song of geometry . . . Clover-
den, 1854.
Bendbow, Hesper George W- Archer.
More than she could bear story of the
Gachupin war in Texas. P. 1871,
Benedict. Edward Walter Dawson.
Benedict's wanderings in Ireland, Scot-
land, Italy, and Sicily . . . New Haven,
Ct. 1873.
Benedict Joseph Heed. Letters [in
defence of Mr. Gamck] printed origi-
nally in the "Morning Chronicle," and
afterwards added to Eenrick's "Love in
the Suds" 5th ed. L. 177-.
Benedict, Mrs. Hester. Mrs. T. P.
Dickinson. Vesta. P. 1872.
Beneficed Clergyman of the Estab-
lished Church, A. Rev. Hams Ham-
ilton. The doctrines of the Church of
England neither Calvinistic nor Armin-
ian . . . L. 1819.
Benengeli, Old Hamet. Thomas
Babmgton J&facaulay. Fragments of an
ancient romance. Leicester, 1826; L.
Benevolus. William Duncombe. —
Benevolus, Hilarls & Co. John
Bntton. The pleasures of human life;
in a dozen dissertations on male, female,
and neuter pleasures ... L. 1807.
Bengal Civilian, A. William Ed-
wards. Reminiscences of ... L. 1866.
Bengalensis. Major John Scott Waring.
Benjamin, Saint. Richard Grant
White The new gospel of peace. 2ST.Y.
Benjamin the Florentine. Benja-
min Peirce, Ben Yamen's song of ge-
ometry . . . Clorerden, 1854.
Benjamins, Mr. Charles B. Hart.
Lotbaw. 18-.
Bennet, H,, 31 A. John Pmlerton,
Esq. The treasury of wit ... L. 1787.
Hennetj Silvia. Olivia Levison
Renning, Howe Mrs. j\fary H.
Henry. Essie's journey and what she
found in it. N.Y. 1871.
Benoni, Lorenzo. Giovanni Domen-
ico Rujfini. Lorenzo Benoni; or, pas-
sages in the life of an Italian. Edmb.
Benson, Carl Charles Astor Bristed.
A letter to Dr. Henry Halford Jones
[Josiah" Gilbert Holland] (editor of
the " Winterto^n Democrat" ["Spring-
field Republican"]) concerning his habit
of giving advice to everybody, and his
qualifications for the task, by ... NY.
Benson, Edgeworth. Mm Scott.
Visit to Paris. Articles in the " London
Magazine," of which he was editor, 1815.
Bentley, Walter. (A nom de thea-
tre*} Begg, fourth son of the Bev. Dr.
Begg, of Edinborough.
Bentzon, Tberdse. Marie The~rese
Blanc. Georgette. Paris, 1880 ; also as
a regular contributor to "Uevue des
Deux Mondes."
Bereaved Husband, A, John Mock-
ett Cramp. A portraiture from life . .
Halifax, 1862.
Bereiiger, Paul. Jacques Albin Simon
Collin de Plancy. Yoyage de . . . dans
Paris, apres quarante-cinq. ans d'absence
. . Paris, 1818.
Berg, O. F. Ottokar Franz Ebersberg.
Eine resolute Person. Berlin. 185-.
Berg, Wilhelm. Lino. ( Wetter) Schnei-
der. Geschichte der niederlandischen
lateratur. 1870-72.
Berger, Elizabeth. Elizabeth S.
Sheppard. Charles Auchester. L. 187-.
«f Elizabeth Sheppard (E. Berger) wrote three
novels, viz, 'Charles Ancbester/ * Counter-
parts,' and c Bunaor,' Beethoven figures m * IJu-
mor* under the name of Rodomant, Porphyio
represents Napoleon HI., and Diamond Albany
is intended for Disraeli. In « Charles Auches-
ter* Mendelssohn's sister !*amw Is Cecilia. The
other chief characters la the hook were given
correctly in « Tranecnpt » of April 28, 1884:, the
mistake being in not designating which belonged
to * Charles Auchester ' and which to * Rniaor.'
In the * Atlantic Monthly,* June, 1862, will be
found an article of some length upon Miss Shep-
pard and her ^works/*
Berger, Ifce I<. Thomas W. Eichd-
Berintho. jRobert Rcberthin, in his po-
ems contributed to H. Albert's " Anon/*
Berkeley, Everard. Tn/on M-
wards, S.TJ). The world's laconics. 1852
Berkeley Men. Edwin Williams and
C&arles Edwards Lester. Napoleon dr-
Berkley, 31rs. Helen. Mis. Anna
Cora (Ogden Mowatt) Ritchie. The for
tune hunter : a novel. P, 1854.
Berkshire Farmer, A John Oslorm
Sat gent. Chapters for the times. By . .
Lee, Berkshire Co , Mass. 1884
Berliner. Rev. Dr Joseph Parnsk
Thompson, from the time of lua residence
in Berlin, 1873.
Bernadillc. Fian$ots Victor Fournel^
in "Le Frai^ais."
Bernard, Charles de C/tarles Bo
nard Du Giail de, la VtHette. A fatal
passion; or, Gerfaut. N.Y. 1874.
Bernard, H. H , Pli D JSev Geoigt
Skinner. Cambridge frco thoughts and
letters on bibliolatry. L, 1802
Hernadino. Thomas 3. Chjtjstal, in
his contributions to the "Hackcnsack
Repiiblicau "
Bernardo. Joseph Haslewood, in Dib-
din's "Bibliomania.3*
Bernd von Guseck. Karl G-ustav von
Berneck. Der schlimmste !Feind. 1870.
Bernliard, Karl. Kail Sctnt-Aubm,
CBuvres completes. Leipsic, 1840-47.
Bertall. Chailes Albert d'Arnoiw, La
vigne : voyage autour des vins de France.
Paris, 1878.
Bertaudiere. Low's Alexis Chame*
roizow. Chronicles of the Bastile. L.
Berthold, Ernst. Mrs, Theiese
Albertma Louise (ron Jakob) Robinson,
who, in 1822, translated Scott's " Old Mor-
tality" and " Black Dwarf " into German
under this nom de plume.
Berton, P. BI. Edgar Pemberton.
Charles Lysaght. L. 18-.
Bertram. Walter Colton, who, soon
after graduating at Yale College, wrote
a number of articles in prose and verse
with this signature in various journals.
Berwick. James Redpath, correspond-
ent and one of the editors of the " Trib-
une" (N.Y.) .
Berwick, E3. L. A., Esq. James Rey-
nolds. The dwarf ; or, mind and matter :
a novel. L. 1855.
Berwick, Miss Mary. Miss Adelaide
AnneProcter. Legends and Lyrics. L. 1858.
Bescliter, Kev. John. Rev Anthony
Koklman, S, J, The blessed reformation
... ?. 1818.
Besieged Resident* Henry Du Pitf
Labouchere. Diary of the besieged resi-
dent in Paris L. 1872.
Besson, Charles. AcWe JStienne
Fillias, his signature in the "Science/*
etc., of Paris
Beta. Edward Barnard Bassett. The
model town . . . Camb. 1869.
Beta, H. Heinnch Betteiech. Die
Bewirtschaftung des Wassers und die
Ernten daraus . . . Leipsic, 18G8.
Betterton, Mr. Thomas. William
Oldt/s. The history ot the English stage.
L 1741.
Bettina. Elisabeth (Brentano) von
Arnim Correspondence of Goethe with
a child Berlin, 1835
Bstty. Elizabeth O'Neil. Opposition
mornings, with Betty's remarks ... L.
Beulah Miss Fanny D. Bates. My
Sister Kitty. B. 1881.
Beverley. Mrs. S. B. Hughes Cox,
who contributed to the papers of Vicks-
burg and Shreveport, Miss., among other
articles, several appeals to the Southern
people upon subjects pertaining to the
Civil War, under this nom de plume.
Beverly, Elise. Miss Eliza Spencer.
Mary Ashburton: a tale of Maryland
life . . . m « The Land we Love," 1867-
Biascioli. Nicola Giuseppe Biagioh.
Trattato della poesia Italiana. Paris,
Bible Student, A Thomas Foster
Bafham. Colonel Gardiner . a Christian
drama ... L. 1823.
Bible Student, A. Rev. John Hyde.
Our Eternal Homes ... L. 1864.
Biblicus. Alexander Tdloch, LL.D.
Dissertations on the Sealed Book . . .
Arbroath, 1819 These letters originally
appeared in the "Star" (L.) under the
above signature.
Biblicus. Rev. William Thorn. The
history of tithes, Patriarchal, Leviti-
cal, Catholic, and* Protestant ... L.
Bibliomaniac, A. Almon W. Gris-
wold. The library of ... N.Y. 1880.
Bibliophile. Samuel Austin Alhbone,
in his contributions to "Norton's Lit-
erary Gazette " (N.Y.).
Bibliophile, Un. Pierre Deschamps.
Dictionnaire de ge'ographie, ancienne et
moderne . . Paris, 1870.
Bibliophile Jacob, Le. Paul La-
croix, in his " Bibliographic Molier-
esque " (2d ed , Paris, 1875), and
many other works. The dedication
of the above is signed "P. L. Jacob,
Mons. Lacroix took his pseudonym from Ja-
cob de Saint-Charles, a Jesuitical savant of the
reign of Louis XIII. and Louis XIV. This
writer was called " Le Pere Jacob," and was the
author of «« Traite" des plus belles bibliotheques '*
Bickerstaff, Isaac, Esq, Astrolo-
ger. Sir Richard fiteele, as editor of the
"Tatler," 1709-11. See "John Bright-
Bickerstaff, Isaac, Esq , Student in
Astrology, Commentator on the Oc-
cult Sciences, and one of tlie eighth
order of poets of the cities of London
and Westminster. Jonathan Swift.
BickerstafE's almanac ... L. 1710.
** Dr. Swift, when he had -written those Predic-
tions, being at a loss what name to prefix to
them, obsei ved a sign over a house where a lock-
smith dwelt, and found the name of Bickeistafc
written under it, which being a name somewhat
uncommon, he chose to call himself Isaac Bick-
erstaff. The name was afterward adopted by
Mi Steele, as author of the ' Tatlei f This
humourous tract was seriously burnt by the Inqui-
sition in Portugal, as the author was assured by
Sir Paul Metbuen, then ambassador at that
court." — JOHN NICHOLS.
Bideford Kural Postman, The. Ed-
ward Capern. Poems, L. 1856; Ballads
and songs, L. 1858.
Bienvenu, Louis. Louis Francois
Foucqueron. L'ami de la famille . eome-
die en trois actes. Rennes, 1864.
Bifrons. One of the pseudonyms
adopted by Junius (q-v.). The letter
thus signed is dated April 23, 1768, and
"charges the ministry with duplicity as
their general characteristic."
Big-endians and Small-endians.
Catholics and Protestants. — See uFliin-
nap the Lilliputian premier."
Bigex. Francois Marie Aroue't de Vol-
taire. Trois lettres a I'abbe' Toucher.
Paris, 1769.
Biglow, Hosea James Russell Loto-
ell Melibceus-Hipponax. The Biglow
papers . . . Camb. 1848 ; L. 1805.
Bigly, Cautell A. George W. Peck.
Aurifodina; or, adventures in the gold
region. N.Y. 1849.
Bigod, Ralph. John Ralph Fentoick.
— See Lamb's " EHa." The Two ftaees
of Men.
Billaber, She P. Benjamin P, Shilla-
ber. His signature to lines in the " Bos-
ton Journal," December 22, 1880, ad-
dressed to Bismarck.
Billings, Josh. Henry W.Shaw. His
book of sayings. 1866.
Binet, Satane*. Francisque Sarcey.
Binney, Mrs. J. G. Juliette Patterson
Bmney. Twenty years in Bunnah F.
Biographer of Anacreon, The.
Joshua Smith. — See '* A." '
Bion. Robert Soitthey. Poems by
Bion and Moschus [i.e., Bobert Lorell].
Bristol, 1794.
Birch, Harry. Charles Albert White.
Old Grimes's horse. Comic song. B.
Bird at Bromsgrove, A. John Crane.
An, address to bachelors, and the apron
farmer Birmingham, 1802.
BirkenbiiM, Karl Hans Gra&b&ger.
Singcn und Sagen [poetry]. 18G9.
Birmingham Clergyman, A. John
Cale Mill 1 1 , D.D The bicentary contro-
\ersy. . L. 1802.
Birmingham Liberal, A. J Arthur
Partridge. Citizenship lersus Secularists
and Sacerdotabsts in the matter of
national teaching. L. 1870
Bishop, The. John Barrett Kerfoot,
D /). The bishop's address and charge to
the . . . Diocese of Pittsburgh . . . June
14th, 1870 Pittsburgh, 1870.
Bishop, The Daniel Wilson, Bishop
of Calcutta Final report of St. Paul's
cathedral, Calcutta . . . 1847
Bishop of Capetown, The. Rev
Robert Giay A statement relating to
facts which' hare been misunderstood . . .
in connexion with the consecration, trial,
and excommunication of the Eight Rev.
Dr. Colenso L. 1867.
Bishop of Cloyne, The. Dr. George
llerleley. A miscellany containing sev-
eral tracts on various subjects. By . . .
L. 17^2.
Bishop of London, The. Archibald
Campbell Tait. The dangers and safe-
guards of modern theology. L. 1861.
Bishop of Montreal, The. George
Jehoshaphat Mountain. Journal of ...
during1 a visit to the Church Missionary
Society's North-west American Mission
[Red River] ... L. 1845,
Bishop of Natal, The. Rt. Rev. Wil-
liam Colenso, DJ>. The New Testament
translated into Zulu-Kaffir. By ...
Ekukanyena. 18-.
Bishop of Oxford, The. William
Jackson. Rise, progress, and present
state of the dispute between the people of
America and the Administration. L. 1770.
Bishop of the Church of England,
A. John Free* D.D. Matrimony made
easy... L. 1764.
Bitter, Arthur. Samuel Haoerstich.
Erzahlungen, Novellen, und Gedichte.
Bizarre. John Russell Young, in his
contributions to the "Chronicle" (Wash.,
Bishop, Thomas. Mr, Hayes. Ko-
ranzzo's feast ; or, the unfair marriage :
a tragedy. L. 1811,
"This most extraordinary production (doubt-
less the work of a madman) was written by one
Hayes, A footman to Lord Belgrade. 150 copies
were printed, of which more than 130 were burnt
atSmeetoa's fire. The 16 plates are quite as
unique as the text." — Ms. JKote by GEORGE
DANIEL, in his copy.
Black Dwarf, The. Thomas Jona-
than Wooler. A political lecture on heads.
L 1820
Black, Ivory. Thomas A Jianoiei.
An effect in yellow, in the "Century " for
August, 1884
Blackburne, E Owens Elizabeth
Casey. Illustrious Irishwomen ... L
Blackmantle, Bernard. Chai les
Jl/b,'% Westmacott. The English spy ...
comprising scenes and sketches in every
rank of society. . . drawn from the life . , .
L. 1826.
" In the pages of this extraordmaiy -work fig-
ure all the notabilities of the day, eithei openly
or under slight disguise, and Tom Best, M'hite-
headed Bob, ' Pea-gieen ' Hayne, Colonel Beike-
ley, Beau Bmmmell, Pierce Egan, the « Golden '
Ball, IDr.-fEett'Xknown as ' Horse Kett/ from his
equine length of visage), Chailes Mathews,
Jemmy 0ordoi»j and a host of others of equal
notoriety, mingle, cheek by jowl, m the \ivid and
mo\ mg panorama," See " The Maclise Portrait-
* Samuel Fous' is Samuel
G-abery,' p. 240,
In JFitzalleyne
Foote, "Maria Pous,' his lovely daughter, «JFitJ5-
alleyne of Berkeley* is the lady-killing colonel,
* William the Conqueror ,' as he was termed by
the buxom damsels of Cheltenham ; * Lord A — y '
is the Regent's friend, Alvariley , * Major H — r ' is
Gteorge Hanger, not so well known as Lord
Coleraine; «Mr. Optimus'te Tom Best, under
whose fatal pistol poor Lord Oaroelfoid fell,
•Mary Carbon' is Maiy Cole, the butcher's
daughter of Gloucester, afterwards Countess of
Berkeley , and the ' Pea-gieen Count ' is the nin-
compoop, Hayne." See "TheMachse Portrait-
G-allery," p. 239.
Blacksmith, A. John Witherspoon,
DJ). A letter from ... to the ministers
and elders of the Church of Scotland . . .
L. 1750.
Blacksmith, The Learned. Ehhu
Bumtt. Walks in the Black Country
and its green borderland. L. 1868.
Black-well, James. Jonathan Swift,
DD. A friendly apology ... by ...
Operator for the feet.
Blair, Rev. David. Sir Richard
Phillips. A million of facts . . . L. 1835.
Blake, Mary Mrs. Mary N. Blakes-
lee, in her contributions to the "Cen-
tury " on household matters
Blanche. Mrs. E. B Field, in her
contributions to "Saturday Night"
Blank Etcetera, Sen. Robert Charles
Winthrop, a member of the "Polyglot
Club/' See the "Harvard Register,"
December, 1827.
Blaze, Henri. Anqe Henri Blaze de
Bun/. Etudes de Beethoven, Paris,
1833, in the "Kevue des Deux Mondes " ;
Musique des drames de Shakspeare,
Paris, 1835, in the same.
Blenkiasop, Vicesimus,
FRS., ASS, <&c. Tlieodore Eduuard
IJool. Tentamen ; or, an essay towards
the history of Wmttmgton, sometime
Lord Mayor of London. L 1820.
Blind Preacher, The William
Hem y Milburn. Ton years of a preach-
er's life K.Y 1839
Blind Traveller. James Emihus
William Eieli/n Gascoyne Cecil, Viscount
Cianbourne. He wrote many papers in
"St. James's Medley," signed "The
Blind Traieller"
Blind Traveller, The. James Hoi-
man. Travels in Madeira, Sierra Leone,
Teneiiffe L 1840.
Bloc Clarence F Gobi. The Yision
of Judgment revived. Wash , D C 1870.
Blockade-Runner, A. John Wilkin-
son Narrative of . . N.Y. 1877.
Blockaded British Subject, A.
Miss Catherine C. Hopley or Miss Sarah
L Jones. Life in the South from the com-
mencement of the war, hy . . L. 1860.
Blodgett, Levi. Theodore Parker
The previous question between Andrews
Norton and his alumni ... B 1840.
Blondel W. F. Williams, in his con-
tnbutions to the " New York Mail."
Bloodgood, Harry. Cat lo Moran.
Bloomer, Ben, Oscar C Wluttlesey.
Bloomfield, Robert. Elizabeth jE
Flagq (7) Little people whom the Lord
lovea. KY. 1871.
Blotter, Samuel. Charles Henry Doe,
in the Boston " Galaxy "
Blount, Margaret Mrs. Mary
O'Francis. Clifford and the actress . . .
P. 187-
Blue, A. Robert Huish. 3Titz-Allan
. . . L 1832.
Bluebell, Kingcups, Mignionette,
and Thistle Respectively, Lady Hes-
ter G. Brouune, the Hisses Knatchlull, Miss
Hume Middlemass, and R. Hume Middle-
mass, Senior , in " The bouquet culled from
Marylebone Gardens by Bluebell, King-
cups, and Mignionette, and arranged by
Thistle." L. 1851-65.
Bluebell. Lady Hester G. Browne.
The bouquet culled from Marylebone
Gardens by Bluebell, etc., and arranged
by Thistle. 1851-55.
Blue Bonnet, fiev. Thomas Fenwiclc,
a Canadian clergyman who has contrib-
uted to the newspaper press, prose and
verse, on subjects connected with tem-
perance and religion, over this signature
and "Hydrophilus."
Blue Jacket. John Adolphus Bernard
Dahlfjren Essays on naval matters in
the " National Gazette " of Philadelphia,
Bluenose, A, George E Fenety. The
lady and the dressmaker ; or, a peep at
fashionable folly ... St John, 1842.
Blue-Skin. Joseph Blake. Bine-Skin's
ballad. 1724-25. By Jonathan Swift,
Bluff, Bachelor. Oliver Bell Bnnce.
Romance of the Revolution: stories of
tne days of 76. P. 1870.
Bluff, Harry. Matthew Fontaine
3Jaury. Scraps from the lucky bag,
by ... in the "Southern Literary Mes-
senger," 1839-40.
Blumtal, J. James Bhmtal BelMc.
Buds from the opera. B. 1854.
Blunt, Alexander. Elias Beckett.
Geneva: a poem, address'd to the Right
Hon. R— W— [Sir Robert Walpole],
By ... Distiller. (In Miitonic verse )
L 1729.
Bluster. James Otis. — See "Trow-
ell, Adjutant."
Bob of IJyn. Sir Roleit Walpole.
The compleat history of Bob of Lyn. L.
Bobbin, Tim. John Collier. The
Lancashire dialect . . . Manchester, 1859.
Bobbin, Tim, the Second. Robert
Walker. Plebeian politics . . . Man-
chester, 1796.
Bodin, Camille. Mme. Jenny (Du-
fourquet) Bastide. El Allanico, 1833;
Un remords, 1834. Paris.
Bogaerts, Felix. Jean Jacques De
Laet, a Belgian journalist.
Boggs, Robert. H. A. Clark. After
many days. Jtf.Y. 1880.
Boggy, Tom. William King, LL.D.
Two letters from honest . . to Thomas
Goddard, M.A., Canon of Windsor . . .
L. 1710.
Bogor, Maria. Annie G-eiger. Sou-
venirs de fenrme, 1875 ; Kousouma, 1877 j
also as a contributor to "Illustration"
(Florence, Italy).
Bohemia, The Queen of Miss Ada
Clare, pseud, for Mrs. Jane McElhinney.
Bohemians, The King of the.
Henri/ Clapp, Jr.
Boissy, M. de. Baroness Elisabeth
Gu€narddeM&& Trois momes. Paris,
Bolanden, Konrad von.. Joseph Ed-
uard Konrad Bischojf. Die Bartholo-
mausnacht. 1879.
Boleyn, Mrs. B. S. (A nom de
the'atre.) Fanny Whitesitie Brovgh.
Bolton Bow. Hon. Spencer Cecil
Brabason Ponsonby (*). Peril. L. 18-.
He was assisted by " Saville Row" (q.v.).
Bolton Bowe. Clement Scott.
Bolton Bowe. B. C. Stephenson, in
numerous contributions to periodicals,
Bombet, £. Alexandra Cesar. Marie
Henri Beyle. Lives of Haydn and
Mozart ... L. 1818.
Bon Gaultier. Theodore Martin and
William Edmonstoune Aytoun. The book
of ballads Edited . . . L. 1849. [Re-
printed from " Blackwood's Magazine "]
Bon Vieux Temps, fce. The politi-
cal letters over this signature contributed
to the "Montreal Herald" (about 1815),
have been ascribed both to a Mr. Viger
and a Mr Quesnel.
Boacoeur, Hi. Levina Buoncuoie Ur-
lino. L'instructeur de Tenfance. B.
Bones, Brudder. John F. Scott.
Brudder Bones's book of stump speeches
and burlesque orations . . . N.Y 1808
BonLn, Blaise. Mme. Amandine Lucile
Attrore (Dupin) Dudevant employed this
signature occasionally in political pam-
phlets, etc
Bonner, Sherwood. Mrs Kate Sher-
wood (Bonner) McDou.aU. Dialect tales.
N.Y. 1883.
Bookseller, A. Charles Marsh. The
library : an epistle from ... to a gentle-
man, his customer, desiring him to dis-
charge his bill. L. 1766.
Bookseller, A. John Dunton, Re-
ligio Bibliopolse, or, the religion of ...
L. 1728.
Bookworm. Thomas F. Donnelly t in
his contributions to various periodicals.
Booth, Albert J. Cecil Bwleigh, in
contributions to various New York peri-
Booty, Bob. Sir Robert Walpole.
Bob Booty's lost deal . . . L. 1742.
Bore, Dr. Helle. Charles H. Smith.
— See "Bill Arp."
Bornnatural, A. Henry Ellison. Mad
moments; or, first verse attempts . . .
L. 1839.
Borys, Gontran Eugene Berihoud.
Les paresseux de Paris. Pans, 187-.
Bos. George W. M. Reynolds* Pick-
wick abroad. L. 1840.
Boscawen. Nathaniel Greene, succes-
sively editor of the "Concord Gazette,"
the " New Hampshire Gazette," at Ports-
mouth, the "Haverhill (Mass.) Gazette/'
the "Essex Patriot/* and the "Boston
Bossut, M. 1'Abbe, Professor of
Languages. Sir Richard Phillips. The
first Trench Grammar. L.
Boston Amateur Poet, A John
Patch. The poef s offering. B. 1842.
Boston Bard, The. Robert S, Coffin.
The life of the Boston bard. Written by
himself. Mount Pleasant, N.Y., 1825.
Boston Boy, A. Andrew Miot Bel-
knap, in the Boston newspapers.
Boston Merchant, A. tiilas Pmckney
Holbrook. Letters from, in the "Boston
Courier/' 183-
Boston Rebel, The. John Lowell
The author of many pamphlets and
numerous papers in periodicals on poli-
tics, theology, agriculture, etc , under the
signatures of "The Eoxbury Farmer/'
"The Yankee Farmer," "The New Eng-
land Farmer," " The Boston Rebel/' etc
Boston Supernumerary, A. Tom
Fo7d Peep behind the curtain. By ...
B. 1850.
Bostonian, A /Samuel Adams, in the
"Boston Gazette/' April 24, 1769.
Bostonian, A. John Lowell, LL D.
The diplomatic policy of Mr. Madison
unveiled ... L. 1810
Bostonian, A. William Haliburton.
Effects of the stage on the manners of a
people, and the propriety of encouraging
and establishing a virtuous theatre. B.
Bostonian, A. William Boott. A
fagot from the Coliseum. B. 1869
Bostonian, A. ' Edgar Allan Poe.
Tamerlane ; and other poems. 1827.
Bostonian, A. Benjamin Bit*sey
Thatcher. Traits of the Tea Party : me-
moir of G. K. T. Hewes. N.Y. 1835.
Bos well. W. B. Johnson.
Boswell Redivivus William Haz-
litt, in the "New Monthly Magazine/'
Bouquet, Johnny. George Alfred
Tounsend, in his contributions to the
"Tribune** (N.Y.) .
Bourne, Margaret. Mrs. Jennie A.
(Abbott) Johnson.
Bouverie, Bartholomew. William
Ewart Gladstone. The Eton miscellany.
By ... 1827.
Bouverie, Lionel. Rev. John Hum-
phry St. Aubyn. The elopement, or deadly
struggle. By ... L. 1838.
Bowline, Billy. Hemy S. Raymond.
Boy, A. Charles Nordhojf. Man-of-
war life: a boy's experience in the
United States navy. N,Y. 1855.
Boy, A. Samuel Smiles, Jr. Round
the world. By ... L. 1872.
Boy, Tenpin. Francis Shubael Smith.
Boy Preacher, The. Rev. Chailes
Haddon Spurgeon.
Boyd, Belle. Mrs. J. S. Hammond.
Boyd, Belle. Mrs. Belle Boyd Har-
dinge. Belle Boyd in camp and prison.
L. 1865.
Boyd, Walter, Esq., M,P. William
Ooombe A letter to the Right Hon. Wil-
liam Pitt ... L. 1811.
Boythorn. William Stevens Itobinson,
his signature in the " Worcester (Mass.)
Transcript" in 1857-60.
Boz. Chailes Dickens. The boarding
house, No. II In the "Monthly Maga-
zine, or British Register of Politics, Lit-
erature, Art, Science, and Belles Lettres,"
London, for August, 1834.
This was the fiist paper to which the author
appended the signatuie of " Boz "
Bozzy and Piozzi. James Bosuett
and Mrs Hester Lynch Piozzi.
" Dr. Wolcot published a poem, m -which he
satmzed Mr Boswell and this literary lady
Rfrs. Piozzi] under the titles of 'Bozzy and
ozzl.' "
Bracquemond. Theodore Faullain de
Banmlle. Odes funambulesques. 1873.
Braddon, Paul. J. Howard Van
Bradley, John J. A. Lawson A
narrative of travel and sport jn Burmah,
Siam, and the Malay Peninsula. L. 1876.
Bradshaw, Serjeant. Sir James
Bland Surges Lamb, Bart. Heroic epis-
tles from . . in the Shades, to John Dun-
ning, Esq. L. 1778.
Bradshaw, Wesley. Charles Alex-
ander. Gertrude Morgan's adventures
among the Indians of the far West. P.
Brag, Sir Jack. Gen. John Burgoyne.
Braganza. H.A.Bragg. Tekel; or,
Cora Glencoe. P. 1870.
Bramble, Benjamin. George Win-
ter. The farmer convinced; or, the re-
viewers of the " Monthly Review " anat-
omized . . . By ... an old, experienced
farmer. L. 1788.
Bramble, Matthew. Andrew Mac-
Donald. Velina: a poetical fragment.
Glasgow, 1782.
Brancassine. R F. Hughes JR. P.
Fraser Halle, LL.D. Critical letters on
scribbleomama. L. 1842.
Brandywine. Alexander McG-rew, in
the " Memphis Appeal."
Bras de Fer. Comijns Cole, in his
contributions to "The World" (L ).
Breachan. Rev, Robert Stephen
Hawker, M.A. Sir Beville: a poem;
signed B . . . 1861.
Brechin Poet, The. Alexander La-
ing, author of "Wayside flowers," "Ar-
chie Allan," etc.
Breitmann, Hans. Charles Godfrey
Leland. Hans Breitmann's ballads. P.
Brenda. Mrs. Castle Smith, Little
coftsins; Especially those; Froggy's lit-
tle brother; A Saturday's bairn. L.
Brennglas, Adolf. Adolf Glassbren-
ner. Berlin, wie es ist und — trinkt.
Brent, Linda Mrs. Hairiet Jacobs.
Incidents in the life of a slave girl. B.
Brentford, Burke. Nathan D. Ui-
nei, in his contributions to the "Kew
York Weekly."
Brevior, Thomas. Thomas Shorter.
Poetry for school and home. Edited . , .
L. 1861.
Brick, Jefferson. Alexander JBlaclc,
in the " Brooklyn Times."
Brick, Titus. Augustus Seaman.
Brick, Titus A. C E. File, in the
New York " Star."
Brick, Titus A. John Camden Hot-
ten. Awful crammers. L. 187-.
Bricktop. George &. Small Trip
of the "Porgie"; or, tacking up the
Hudson ... N. Y. 1874
Bride of Fort Edward, The. Miss
Jane McCrie. The bride of Fort Ed-
ward; founded on an incident of the
Revolution. N.Y. 1839. By Miss Delia
Bacon («).
Briefless Barrister, A William Pitt
Scaigill. Tales of ... L 1829.
Briggs, Jimuel Phillips Thompson.
Bright Eyes. Tnshtatheamba.
Brighte, John. J. Duncan. "Witty
sayings. L. 18-.
Brightland, John. Sir Richard
Steele. A grammar of the English
tongue ... L. 1726.
The " Approbation" is signed " Isaac Bicljer-
staff » Censor."
Brindamour. Jacques Albin Simon
Oollin de Plancy, in his contributions to
various French periodicals.
Brine, Barnaby, Esq. , R N. William
H. G. Kingston. The cruise of the
"Frolic"; or, yachting experiences of
... L.1860.
Brisk, Richard. J. Duncan. Rail-
way book. L. 18-.
Bristol Bill. Henry Hyde Parker.
Bristol Junius, The. John Matthew
Quick, Esq.
Britannicus. Thomas Gordon. — See
"An Englishman."
Britannicus. Adam Thorn, a Cana-
dian journalist, one of his signatures in
the "Montreal Herald/' 1837-38.
Britannicus. Allan Ramsay, Jr.
Letters on the present disturbances in
Great Britain and her American prov-
inces. Rome, 1777*
Britannicus Ni*l Douglas. A mon-
itory address to Great Britain . . 1792,
Britannicus. Rev. Geonja Clement
Boase. My native home : a song. "Cor-
nish Magazine/' 1828.
Britannicus. Henry Boase. An ode
for the 2oth October, 1309, on the cele-
bration of George the Third's jubilee.
"Poetical Mag ," 1809.
Britannicus. John Stockdale Haidy,
Esq , F.S A. A series of letters, ad-
dressed to a friend, upon the Roman
Catholic question. By ... 1820.
Britannicus fit. Rev. Edicatd Co-
pleston, D.D. Two letters on Welsh bish-
ops, signed . . . October, 1840.
Britannicus, Mela. Chaites Kelsall.
Remarks touching geography, especially
that of the British Isles. L. 1825.
Britannicus, Probus. Samuel John"
sont LL.D. Manner ^Torfolciense , or,
an essay on an ancient prophetical in-
scription in Monkish rhyme, lately dis-
covered near Lynn, in Norfolk. By . . .
Reprinted, L. 1820.
British American, A. Thomson Ma-
son. In 1774 lie published a series of
masterly papers on the duty of open
resistance to the mother-country, of
which the first was signed "A British
British American, A. — Wetherly.
Dawn of a new empire . . . Halifax,
British Bostonian, A. Rev. John
Allen. An oration upon the beauties of
liberty; or, the essential rights of the
Americans . . . New London, Conn.,
1778. Also ascribed to Isaac Skillman.
British Canadian. Edward Ermat-
inqer, in his letters to "The Spectator"
(Hamilton, Can,, about 1850).
British Commoner, A. Edward Ru-
pert Humphreys, LL.D. Letters by ...
No. n., "The dangers of England and
duties of Englishmen." L. 1855.
British Freeholder, A George Ma-
son, Esq. A. B. P.'s answer to Thomas
Paine. L. 179-.
British Merchant, A. Malachy Pos-
ththwayt. The African trade the great
pillar and support of the British planta-
tion trade in America. L, 1745.
British Merchant, A. J. H. Renny.
Hints on wages, the corn-laws, high and
low prices, paper money, and banking . . .
L. 1832.
British Merchant,, A. Simon Cock.
Observations on the report , , . relative
to the timber trade ... L. 1821.
British Officer, A. Colonel Leith
Hay* Memoirs of the late Lieutenant-
General Sir James Leith, G.C.B. ... L.
British Officer in the Service of
the Czar, A. Daniel Defoe An impar-
tial history of the life and actions of
Peter Alexovitz . . . L 1723.
British Officer of Hussars, A.
— Owen. The civil war in Portugal, and
the siege of Oporto ... L. 1836.
British Phidias, The. Sir Fiancis
Chantrei/, R A
British Kesident, A John Scarth
Twelve years in China. The people, the
rebels, and the mandarins. Edinb. 1860.
British Resident of Twenty Years
in the East, A. James Henri/ Skene.
The frontier lands of the Christian and
the Turk . . . L 1853.
British Settler, A. John Fleming.
The political annals of Lower Canada . . .
Montreal, 1828
British Soldier, A. Michael Consta-
ble. National lyrics, for the army and
navy , . . Dublin, 1848.
British Spy, The. William Witt.
Letters . . . Richmond, 1803. Origi-
nally contributed to the "Argus" (Rich-
mond, Va.).
British Subject, A. Walter Millar
Thorhtrn, B.A. The great game : a plea
for a British imperial policy ... L. 1875.
British Subject, A Sir Francis Bond
Head. Three letters to Lord Brougham
on the execution in Upper Canada of the
traitors Lount and Matthews ... L.
British Subject, A Mr. Beaufoy.
Tour through parts of the United States
and Canada. L. 1828.
British Timon, The. Charles Gos-
ling. — See "Gent. Mag.," LIV., 814
Briton, A John Cleland, who was
the author of long letters given in the
public press, from time to time, signed
"A Briton/' "Modestus," etc.
Briton, A. W. P. Russell. Animat-
ing hints for British statesmen ... L.
Briton, A. Morris Robinson, 3d Lord
E-okeby of Armagh, etc. An essay on
bank-tokens, bullion, etc. Stockton, 1811.
Brittan, Belle. Hiram Fuller.
Transformation scenes in the United
States. N.Y. 187-.
Brittle, Gath. Robert W. McAlpine,
in Ms contributions to periodical litera-
Brittp-Batavus. John Toland. The
description of Epsom. L. 1711.
Broadaxe. Martin Knapp, in his
contributions to the *' Rocklaud County
Press " (N.Y.).
Broad Church. Thomas Atcheson,
Louisville (Ky ), correspondent of "The
Spirit of the Times " (N Y ).
Broad Churchman, A. E. A. War-
rmer. Victor La Tourette. B. 1875
Brpadbent, Charles. Charles G
Halpine, as associate editor with B. P.
Shillaber ("Mrs. Partington ") of the
"Carpet-bag." B. 1852.
Broadbrim. J. H. Warwick. TVas
Shakespeare a myth* In the Angola
(Ind ) " Republican," May and June.
Broadluck, Cephas. Allen TF. Gaz-
lay. Races of mankind ; with travels in
Grubland. Cin 1856
Broadway Lounger, A. George Al-
fred Townsend, in his " Broadway Note-
book," contributed to "The Tribune"
Brock, Sallia A. Mrs. Sarah A.
(Brock) Putnam. Kenneth my king. N.Y.
Broken-down Critic, A. Charles
Astor Bnsted. Pieces of ... picked up
by himself. Baden-Baden, 1858-59.
Bromley, Henry. Anthony Wilson.
A catalogue of engraved English por-
traits. L. 1793
Bronner, Benno. Wilhelm Mohtor.
Die Blume von Sizilien. 1880.
Bronson, Doctor. W. A. Peters.
Brook, A. Johanne Antome BroeTcel.
Licht und Schatten. 1880.
Brook, Babble. John H. McNaugh-
ton, of Caledonia (NY.), author of " Belle
Mahone," and other popular lyrics.
Brook, Nelsie. Mrs. Ellen J?oss.
Little Mother Mattie. L. 18-. (
Brook, Sarah. Miss Caroline Emilia
Stephen. French history for English
Brooke, Arthur. John Chalk Claris.
Durovernum; with other poems. L.
Brooke, Wesley. George Lunt. East-
ford ; or, household sketches, by ... a
novel. B. 1855,
Brooklyn. Thomas Kinsella, in the
"Eagle" (Brooklyn).
Brooks, Chatty. Miss RoseJIa Rice,
in her contributions to " Arthur's Maga-
Broomstraw. Alfred Duke, in his
contributions to the "State" (Richmond,
Brother, A. William Biglow, Com-
mencement: a poem; or rather com-
mencement of a poem. Recited before
the Phi Beta Kappa Society ... in Cam-
bridge, Aug. 29, 1811. Salem, 1811.
Brother, A. Rev. George Clement
Eoase. To husbands, fathers, and broth-
ers .. a word in season ... L. 1848.
Brother Fish Dealer from the Far
North, A. Mr. Andetson. A letter to
the Duke of Richmond ... L. 1844.
The letter is signed, " The Originator of
the Shetland Pishery Company "
Brother Methodist, A. Rei\ Benja-
min Gough. A few earnest words to
British Methodists, from . . . Leeds,
Brother of the Apollo Lodge, 711,
Oxford, A. Bishop Walter Mant, M.A.
A Freemason's pocket companion . .
L. 1831.
Brother of the Birch, A, William
Cobbett. A twig of birch for the butting
calf ... N.Y. 1795
Brown, Mr. William Makepeace
Thackeray. Mr. Brown's letters to a
young man about town, in "Punch/7
Brown, Isaac. William MotherwelL
Renfrewshire characters and scenery.
L. 1881.
Brown, James. Joseph Robertson.
The new "Deeside Guide*' . . . Aberdeen,
Brown, John James Edward Neild,
M.D. His signature to a letter to the
editor of the "Melbourne (Victoria] Ar-
gus "in 1867, on "The Hamlet Contro-
Brown, John, Esqre Thomas Jeffer-
son Hogg. Memoirs of Prince Alexy
Hairaatoff. Translated from the origi-
nal Latin. Mss. under the immediate
inspection of the Prince. By ... L,
Brown, The Late J. Alexander
Wheelocfc Thayer. Signer Masoiii, and
other papers of the ... Edited by ...
Berlin, 1862.
This Is a collection of Mr. Thayer's contribu-
tions to American periodicals.
Brown, Pisistratus. William Black.
Brown, Polemophilus, Curate of
P— n. Alexander Geddes, LL.D. A
new year's gift to the good people of
England . . . 1798.
Brown, Theomophilus. Rev. Alex-
a-nder Geddes. A sermon preached on
the day of the general fast, Feb. 27,
1799, by... L.1799.
Brown, Thomas, redivivus. Caro-
line Frances Cornwalhs. An exposition
of the vulgar and common errors adapted
to the year of grace MDCCCXLV.
Edited,.. B. 1846.
Brown, Thomas, the Younger.
Thomas Moore. Intercepted letters; or,
the twopenny post bag. L. 1813.
Bro-wn, Vandyke. Frederic J
Fronting, editor of the "Berkshire Bell
and Counties' Review" (Reading)
Brown, Vandyke William Penn
Brannan. Harp of a thousand strings. 18-.
Browne, Dunn Rev. Samuel FtsL.
Letters from Europe, in the " Springfield
Republican." IS-.
Browne, Junius Henri Albert
Deane Richardson. Four years in Seces-
sia* adventures within and beyond the
Union lines N Y. 1803.
Browne, Matthew. William Briglity
Bands. The chain of lilies; and other
poems, L 1857.
Browning, Francis. Francis Brown-
ing Onen. Poems . . Detroit, 1874.
Brownjohn, Bellamy. Robert Oarr
Dunham. No thoroughfare. B. 1868
Brownjohn, John. Charles Reming-
ton Talbot. Miltiades Peterkin Paul:
Ms adventures. B. 1877.
Brownlow, Parson. William Gan-
naicay Brownloiv.
Brownrig, Henry. Douglas Wil-
liam Jetrold. Black eyed Susan, L.
1826 ; The rent-day, L. 1830.
Brulart de Sillery, Stephanie
FSIicite. Mme. Stephanie Fe'licite Du-
crest de Saint- Aubin. La botanique his-
toriqjie et litteraire. Paris, 1811.
Bruminel, Beau. George Bryan
Brnmore. 2V» Guyton de fifoneau.
Traitd curieux des charmes de Tamour
conjugal dans ce monde et dans Pautre.
Ouvrage [of Swedenborg] traduit du
Latin ... par ... Brussels, 1881.
Bruno, G. Alfred Jules Emile Foml-
tie. Tour de la France par deux enf ants.
Paris, 187-.
Bruuold, Friedrich. August Fried-
rich Meyer. Die Askanierburg Werbel-
lin. Zurich, 1880
Brunswick. Hiss Jeanette L. Gilder,
as correspondent in New York, for many
years, of the "Boston Saturday Evening
Brutus. Fisher Ames, in contribu-
tions to the newspapers of Boston
(Mass ).
Brutus. Henry Mackenzie, Esq.
"In political literature he was the author of a
« Review of the Proceedings of the Parliaments'
Tvhich met first in the year 1784, and of a series
of letters under the signature of * Brutna.' "
Brutus. David Owen*
Brutus. Stephen Simpson, who, under
this signature, contributed to the Phila-
delphia "Aurora."
Brutus. jRobert James TurnbulL The
crisis; or, essays on the usurpations of
the Federal Government. Charleston
(S C ), 1827.
Brutus. Samuel Ftnhy Breese Morse.
Foreign conspiracy against the liberties
of the United States . . . N.Y. 1835.
Brutus. Eo'beit Coram. Political in-
quiries . . . Wilmington (Del.), 1791.
Brutus One of the signaturer,
adopted by Junius (qv ). He addressed
a letter to Lord North under this name,
dated Feb 21, 1771 —See « Atticus "
Brutus, Lucius Junius. Wdham
Cranch. Examination of the President's
reply to the N. Haven remonstrance.
N.Y. 1801
BubTb, Belle Z. Samuel W. E. Bed;-
ner, editor of the " Corner Stone " (N.Y.).
Buck, Ruth. Mi s. Joseph Lamb
How Charley helped his mother ... L.
Buddie, Jasper. Albert Smith, who
while a member of the London College
of Surgeons, in 1838 et seg., attracted at-
tention by a series of papers in the
"Medical Times," entitled "Jasper Bud-
die ; or, Confessions of a Dissecting-room
Budlong, Pharaoh Frederic Beechcr
Perkins. President Greeley, President
Hoffman, and the resurrection of the
Eing: a history . . . Budlington, 1872.
Bndock, George. Sydney Hodges.
A tale of the "Western Counties.
Burger, Hugo. Hugo Lulliner. Auf
der Brautfahrt 1880.
Burger, W. Theophile Etienne Jo-
seph Thore'. Histoire des peintres de
toutes les ecoles . . . Paris, 1863,
Buffalo Bill. Hon William P. Cody.
Bull, John. Great Britain and Ire-
land.—See "Strutt,Lord."
Bull, Thomas. William Jones. A
letter to John Bull, Esq L. 1793.
Bull, W. Ann Jebb. Two penny-
worth of truth for a penny ... L. 1793.
Bullcalf, Peter. Joseph Storrs Fry.
The history of John Bull and his throe
sons ... By ... L. 1819.
Buller of Brasenose. John Hughes ,
Esq., celebrated in " Christopher in the
Tent," was a contributor to " Blackwood's
Magazine," Edinb. 1819, etc.
Bullion, Thomas. Joseph Langton ( * ).
Internal management of a country bank.
L. 1850.
Bull-us, Hector. James Kirke Pauld-
ing. The diverting history of John Bull
and Brother Jonathan. KY. 1812.
Bumpas, Azarias. John Quinc?/
Adams Griffin. Reports of cases argued
and decided in the Old Fogy Court, dur-
ing Hilary and Michaelmas terms, before
the Rt. Hon. Bepee Dicgues, Baron Cu-
cumbre, C.J., Hon. Danelle Needhame,
33., and Hon. B Roussiele, J , in the
" Carpet-Bag," Boston, 1852.
Buncle, John, Esq. Thomas Amory.
The life and opinions of John Buncle,
Esq. L 1756-66.
Bundelcund. Edmund Burke, in the
" Washington Union," 1846.
Bunker Hill. Rev. Benjamin FranL-
lin De Costa, in his letters to the "Adver-
tiser" (Boston), during 1861-62.
Bunker Hill Boy, A John Qmncy
-Adams Griffin. Some fresh suggestions
on the project of annexing Charlestown
to Boston. By ... Charlestown, 1855
Bunker, General. C. Loram Rug-
ales The great American scout and spy.
NY. 1870.
Bunker, Timothy, ESQ. William
Chft The Tim Bunker papers; or,
Yankee farming. N.Y. 1868.
Bunsby, Jack. Theodore H. Vanden-
Buntline, Ned. Edtuard Z. G. Jud-
son. The king of the sea, NY. 1848;
The ghouls of New York, N.Y. 1850.
Bunyan, John. Rev. James Bard-
wood. Heart's ease in heart-trouble . . „
By... L. 1762,
Bunyan, John, Junior. Rev. Wil-
liam Arnot. The drunkard's progress . .
Edinb. 1853.
Burghley, Feltham. C. A. Ward.
England subsists by miracle L. 1859.
Buritonensis, Johannes. John Jo-
sias Arthur Boase. Spicelegia, " Cornish
Mag ," 1828.
Burlcigh. William Henry Burleigh.
Burleigh Rev. Matthew Hale Smith.
Sunshine and shadow in New York,
Hartford, 187- ; also in his contributions
to the "Boston Journal," etc.
Burlington Robert Sanders. — See
"Spencer, Nath."
Burlington, Charles, and others
Robert Sanders, LLD., and others The
modern universal British traveller. L.
Burlington Hawkeye-man. Rob-
ert J. Burdette.
Burt, Caleb. Cecil Burleigh.
Burton, Junior. Charles Lamb, in
his essay, On the melancholy of tailors,
contributed to the "Reflector."
Burton, Alfred. John Mitford, R N.
The adventures of Johnny Newcome in
the navy : a poem ... L. 1818.
Burton, H. A. John ffabberton. Hel-
en's babies : by their latest victim. B.
Burton, Richard. Nathaniel Crouch.
Admirable curiosities, rarities, and won-
ders in Great Britain and Ireland. 10th
ed. L 1737.
Bury, Viscount, M.P. William
Coutts Keppel, Viscount Bury. Exodus
of the western nations. By ... !L. 1865.
Busby, Scriblerus, MJD. Guhan
Cro?7unelm Verplanck " Prolegomena,'
notes, and other scholastic trimmings "
to The epistles of Brevet Major Pindar
Puff N.Y. 1819.
Bushwhacker, Dr Frederic S. Coz-
zens. Sayings of ... and other learned
men. N Y. 1867.
Buskin, Captain Sock. W. J. Sen-
rel ( 7 ) How to "get up " theatricals in
a country house ... L. 1866.
Bust, Urastix. Charles H. Fox. Sa-
ble songster. Selected and arranged
by... P. 1859.
Busybody, The. Benjamin Franklin.
Benjamin Franklin " -wrote a series of smart
articles in his old, favourite style of the * Spec-
tator,' which he called "The Busybody,' and
•which he published m Bradshaw's despised pa-
per, throwing ridicule on Keiiner and his * Gra-
zeite.'" (Phila 1728-).— ANDBITWS'S History
of Journalism.
Busy Woman, A. Mrs. Mary Bay-
ard (Devereux) Clarke. Mosses from a
rolling stone ; or, the idle moments of a
busy woman. Winchester, Va. 186-.
Butcher, The. William Fowler.
Butler, Diana. Mrs. Henrietta E.
Tindal. The heirs of Blackridge Manor :
a tale of the past and the present . . .
L. 1856.
Butt, Bos well. Charles H. Ross.
Hush Money : a life drama. L. 187-.
Butterfly, A Rev. J. A. Allan. Day
dreams by ... Kingston, Can. 1854.
Buttons. T. Z. C. Cowles.
Byfield, T., MD. John Woodward ,
M D. The two Sosias ... [A. satire on
Dr. Mead.] L. 1719.
Byfielde, J. John Freind, M.D. A
letter to the learned Dr. "Woodward. L.
Byles. Edmund Quincy, in the "New
York Tribune."
Byr, Robert Robert i on Bayer. Eine
geheime Depesche. 1880.
Byrne, Janet. Jane Besemeres. Pat-
sy's first glimpse of heaven. L. 1873.
Byro. John Roby (*). Compendium
of county history. By ... in " Gent.
Mag ," LXXXVL, Pt. 2, p. 313 et seq.
Byron, G. O. N , Baron. Dr. Louis
Eustache Polidori. The Yampyre : a tale
by the Bight Honourable Lord B, L,
, Lord. Jacques Attnn Simon
de Plane i/. La mort de Kapoleon,
dithryambe traduit de 1' Anglais de Lord
Byron • precedc'e d'une notice sur la
vie et la mort de Napoleon Bona-
parte, par Th. Moore (idem), Paris,
Bystander, A. Patrick JFraser, LL.D,
Domestic economy, gymnastics, and
music, an omitted clause in the educa-
tion bill . . . Edmb. 1865
Bystander, A. Corbyn Morris. A
letter from ... to a member of Parlia-
ment ... L. 1741.
CD* Charles Clarice. Twelve maxims
on swimming. L. 1833.
C The signature adopted by Junius
(fl.t\) in his private letters to Mr. Wood-
fall Several letters to the "Public Ad-
vertiser" (e.g., March 24, 1768, etc.) are
also signed tlius,
C Mrs FJ ancesca Anna (Pascahs) Can-
field, who made translations from the
French and Italian, wrote original hymns
in Italian, and was a frequent contributor,
under various signatures, to literary jour-
C John Cfonan, in the " Times " (Brook-
lyn, N.T.).
C. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, in Lamb's
" Eha," passim,
C. Et. Hon. John Wilson Croker, in
" ]STotes and Queries," L 1850.
C Jfer. JSdward Bourerie Puseyt one
of the contributors to "Tracts for the
Times," L. 1840-48.
C. Robert Smith. His signature to
papers in the u Microcosm/* published at
Eton College, 1787 et seq.
C. Mrs. Caroline Anne (Bowles) Southey.
For more than twenty years her writings
were published without her name, and
many of them in "Blackwood's Maga-
zine*7' under the signature of "C."
C Hon. Charles ITorle, in his contri-
butions to the "Athenian Letters" . . ,
L. 1741-43.
C, llathew Carey. Advices and sug-
gestions to increase the comforts of per-
sons in humble circumstances. P. 1832.
C. Un< Arthur Cleveland Coxe. Chris-
tian ballads. N.Y. 1840.
C. Alexander Chalmers. Dissenter's
psalms, " Gent Mag ," August, 1794, p.
60G ; Biographical anecdotes of the late Mr.
Bos well, " Gent Mag./' June, 1795, p. 469.
C- Francis Kingston* Essay on friend-
ship, " Cornish Magazine," 1828,
C« Edward Capper* Miscellaneous
observations upon authors, ancient and
modern. L. 1731-32,
C, or Coadjutor. Rev, Menru 3&en,
Translator of "Coluthus Lyco-
polites,J> in Dr, Anderson's edition of
" Translations," in which " C " stood for
" Coadjutor," who was Mr. Meen.
C, Dr Samuel Cooper, D.D,}m Be-
loe'a " Sexagenarian," L, 39, 2d ed. L.
C., Lord Lord Camelfcrd — See
Lamb's "Elia" Distant correspond-
C.; J^Irs. Mrs Jfaria Susanna Cooper>
in Beloe's "Sexagenarian," I., 40, 333.
2d ed. L 1818.
C,, A. Antome CaiUot Abreg(J des
voyages modernes . . . Paris, 1820,
C , A. Alexander Cameron A letter
to the Eev, John Smith, D D. . . . on Ms
Life of St Cohimba. 1798.
C, A. Alexander Chalmets. Memoir
of John Nichols, Esq., PSA.... L.
C , A } Esq. Anthony Collins. A dis-
sertation, on liberty and necessity . , . L.
C, Sir A. Sir Astleij Cooper. — See
Lamb's "Elia," Ellis toniana.
C , A. C. Eev. Arthur Cleveland Coxe.
Saul : a mystery . . . N.T, 1845.
C., A. N, Archibald N. Oarmichael
Genealogy of her Majesty. Queen Vic-
toria . . . Edinb. 1845.
C., B. Benjamin Chandler. The Apos-
tles' Creed b'etter than the Assembly's
Catechism ... L. 1720.
C., B. Bracy Clark. A new exposi-
tion of the horse's hoof. L. 1820
C., B., Vestryman of Marylefcoae.
Bracy Clark An exposure of the cor-
ruption of the Saxon name Arm's Housen
into Almshouses ... L.
C., C. Charles Coghlan. Love and
hate ; or, the court of Charles I. A his-
torical drama ... L 1857.
C, C. Charles Clark. Tiptree races :
a comic punning poem, a la Hood's cele-
brated " Epping Hunt." L. 1884.
C., C. Charles Chorley* Translations,
1866; Verse, 1867; Horutian metres at-
tempted in English, 1867; The episode
of Hector and Andromache . . , 1867 j
from the Italian of Tasso's sonnets.
1867, Truro.
C C , alias Chilly Charley Charles
Clark Bills, ills, and chills ,* or, rhyme
and fun about sixty-one. 1801
C., Charles. Charles Coiu>m.
C. C. C. Wilham Ralston Balch, in his
contributions to various periodicals.
C,, C. C Rev C. C. Cotton. Remarks,
critical and moral, on the talents of Lord
Byron and the tendencies of Don Juan
. . L. 1819.
C., C. D Charles Dexter Cleveland.
First lessons in Greek . . By ... B
C , C M Charlotte Moon Clark. How
she came into her kingdom . a romance.
Chicago, 1878.
C , C P Charles Purton Cooper, The
case of Arnold r. Arnold . . L. 1847.
C., C S. Charles Stuart Cakeiley.
Fly-leaves N.Y 1875
C, D Dutton Cool, in his contribu-
tions to the " World/' L.
CD S. De Morgan From matter
to spirit . . . Ten years experience hi
spirit manifestations. With a preface
by A B, [i.e , Augustus (? ) De Morgan].
L, 1863
C, E Elizabeth Cummings, in her
contributions to various periodicals on
musical subjects.
C. E. Mrs Charlotte Elizabeth (Phe-
lan) Tonna. Maternal martyrdom, a
fact illustrative of the improved spirit
of popery in the 19th century. L. 1830.
C, E. Edward CapelL Notes and
various readings to Shakespeare . . L.
C., E Ebenezer Cornwall. The un-
veiling of the everlasting Gospel ... L.
C, E., Gent Ebenezer Cook. Sot-
weed redivivus , or, the planter's looking-
glass, In burlesque verse Calculated
for the meridian of Maryland. By . . .
Annapolis, 1730
C , Mrs E. Mrs. Elisabeth Carter, in
Beloe's " Sexagenarian," 1 , 336. 2d ed.
L. 1818
C., E. B. Mss Essie B. C heesborough,
who, under these initials, wrote much for
Southern periodicals.
C , E. B. Eliza B. Chase. Over the
border. Acadia, the home of " Evange-
Ime." By. . B. 1884.
C., E I Edward John Carlos. His
signature in the " Gent. Mag,"
C., E J. Edward John Carlos Niche
in St. Bartholomew's Church, London
L. 1841.
C., E B, Eustace M. Conder* An
order for the solemnization of matri-
mony L. 1854
C., E V. E. V. Chide — See "A
C., P E. FiedenckE. Ciishman. His-
tory of the 28th regiment Massachusetts
vols . . . Wash., D C. 1865.
C , F. M. Frances Jfcuy Gusack. An
illustrated history of Ireland , . L. 1868
C,F S JFrancis Sewell Cole. — See
C, O., Esq. Gewge Cartwright, Esq
Labrador • a poetical epistle . . . Don-
caster, 1783.
C., G. R Geoige Hichcnd Comer, Esq.
Grammar school of St Olave's, South-
wark, in " Gent. Mag.," 1836. Pt. I , pp.
15, 137.
C, H Howard Can oil, in the New
York "Times."
C , H Hugh Cleghorn, M.D Hortus
Madraspatensis. Catalogue of plants . . .
in the Agri-horticultural Society's gar-
dens, Madras. Madras, 1853
C., H Henri/ Chamberlain. A new
and complete history and survey of the
cities of London and Westminster . .
L. 1770.
C , H. A. Henry Acheson Crozicr,
C S Parc-au-Chapel, Cape Corn-
wall. Exon. 1856
C , H F. Henry F. Clunky. Old
love and new fortune : a play . . . L. 1850.
C,H. G.,Es<i. H.G.Qunan. Con-
fessions of a Whitefoot . . L. 1884.
C., H. O. Henry Octavlus Coxe. Forms
of bidding prayer . . Oxf. 1840
C., H S. H. S. Cunningham Chroni-
cles of Dustypore : a tale 'of modern An-
glo-Indian society ... L. 1875
C., I. Sir Hay Campbell. Hints upon
the question of jury trial ... L. 1809.
C.,I.,M.D Hev. James ClarL Christ's
impressions strong, sweet, and sensible on
the hearts of believers . . . 1700.
C., I. E, B Irvine E. B. Cox The
angler's diary ... L. 1866-67.
C., J. Rev. John Courtarey. — See "A
Clergyman "
C , J. John Campbell. The case of the
publicans, both in town and country, laid
open ... L. 1752.
C., J. John Corey. A cure for jeal-
ousie : a comedy ... L. 1701.
C., J. Sir James Cddwdl. Debates
relative to the affairs of Ireland ... L.
C., J. J. Clay. The laws of short
whist, edited by John Loraine Baldwin . . *
and a treatise on the game by ... L.
C., J. J. Carrick (?). Life of Sir Wil-
Ham Wallace. 3d ed. L. and Glasgow,
C,J J. ClfiiL Newcastle remem-
brancer, and freeman's pocket companion
Newcastle, 1817.
C, J Rev. James Ciatg Spiritual
life, poems on several divine subjects
Eihnb. 1727,
C , J Joel Cool Slimmer rambles.
P. n d
C , J John Canton On the thermom-
eter and barometer, " Gent. Mag.," Octo-
ber and December, 1748, pp. 452 and
C., J , Esq.., a Volunteer John Calef.
The siege of the Penobscot by the rebels
. L. 1781.
C., J , 31 D. Di . J. Castro A disser-
tation on the method of inoculating the
small-pox ... L 1721.
C, J., Med. D Rei. John CoJbatch.
Memoirs of Denmark ... L 1700.
Also ascribed to Jodocus Crull
C., J, 3ID JoJm CooletMD. The
new theory of generation . . L. 1762.
C., J , 31 D , Fellow of the Royal
Society. Jodocus CrulL The antiqui-
ties of St Peters . . L. 1711,
C., J., one of the Ministers of the
Gospel at Glasgow. Rev. James Clark.
Just and sober remarks on some parts
and passages of the overtures concerning
kirk-sessions . . . 1720.
C, J. D. John David Chambers. A
companion to Confession and Holy Com-
munion . . . L 1858. — See " A Layman "
C., J. P. J. F Coates, in his contribu-
tions to the "Mail and Express" (N.Y.).
C., J. F. & I» James Freeman^ and
Lilian, Clarke. Exotics. B. 1875.
C., J. H. James H. Connolly, in his
contributions to the "World" (K.Y.).
C., J. M. and C. John Hill, and Char-
lotte, Chanter, Jack frost, and other
tales. L 1858.
C., J. P. John Payne Collier. A light
Bondell of livly discourses called Church-
yardes Charge, etc Edited . . L.
C., J. R. Dr. John Rose Cormach.
Notice of the late Dr. Abercrombie.
C, I/ Rec. Ltfman Coleman. Guide-
book of the Lehigh Valley Eailroad . . .
P. 1872.
C. Ij. I. O. Joseph Addison. In the
"Tatler" his papers have no signature;
in the "Spectator" they are either
"C.," "L," «!.," or «O.»; in the
"Guardian" they are marked by a hand.
C., I/. M. Miss L. M. Cole. Science
of food. L. 1883.
C. L. M. Alexander Chalmers. Trib-
ute to the memory of Dr. Andrew
Kippis, " Gent. Mag ," October, 1795, p.
803, etc
C., M. Michael Constable. — See "A
British Soldier."
C, M Mathew Carey. To Messrs
N. Goddard . . . the committee of the
Boston merchants. P. 1828.
C , M. A, Miss Mary Anne Ci use.
Cameron Hall... P. 1867.
C., C. M Chatlotte Moon Clark. How
she came into her kingdom • a romance.
Chic. 1878.
C , M D. Mbncio e D Conway. Shake-
speare at home. Letter from . . . from
Stratford-on-Avon, April 21, 1883. In
the "Commercial Gazette,'* Cin., May
26, 1883.
C,M J. Mrs. M. J. Gairington. Ab-
sa-ra-ka. Home of the crows . . P. 1868
C., M. J., Minister of the Gospel at
Dirletown Rev. James Clark. A dis-
course of the duties of people to their
pastors . . . Edmb 1701.
C , M. J., Minister of the Gospel in
Glasgow James Clark. Gospel cor-
dials . Glasgow, 1722.
C , X Nicholas Cat lisle. — See " D., J.,"
James Dallawai/.
C., P. P. Rev. Phdip Pearsatt Cat-
penter. On chanting ITrom the " Chris-
tian Reformer" for December, 1848.
Warrington, Eng. 1848.
C., P. W. Peleg Whitman Chandler.
The authenticity of the Gospels . . . from
the "New Jerusalem Magazine," for
June, 1866. B. n.d.
C., R. Rev. Rowland Connor , in his
contributions to the " International Ee-
C , R. Rev. Robert Colvill. The Cal-
edonian heroine . . . Edmb. 1771.
C , R. Richard Cattermole. Gems of
sacred literature. Edited ... L. 1841.
C., R. Robert Clark. Golf: a royal
and ancient game. Edinb. 1875.
C., R. Robert Carruthers. The history
of Huntingdon. 1824.
C., R. Robert Colder The lawfull-
ness and necessitie of observing the anni-
versary fasts . . . 1710.
C., R. C. Richard Charles Coxe. The
mercy at Mareden Rocks . . . Newcastle,
O., R. C. Richard Colama Close. "Was
Bacon Shakespeare? In the " Victorian
Beview," Melbourne, Australia, for No-
vember, 1880.
p., R. E. Mrs. R. E. Ciesswett. Mem-
ories of her mother [Mrs. Fry], in a let-
ter to her sisters . . . Lynn, 1845.
C, B. H. Robeit Henri/ dive. Docu-
ments connected with the history of Lud-
low and the Lords Marchers. By ...
L. 1841. *
C , R. L. Eev Russell Lant Carpenter.
Free blacks and slaves. From the " Chris-
tian Reformer " for August, 1853. n.p.,
C., S. S Courtauld. Ferns of the
British Isles described and photographed.
L 1877.
C., S Mrs. Croft. A Gospel har-
mony of the events of Good Friday . . .
L 1878.
C., S Samuel Colliber. An impartial
enquiry into the existence and nature of
God ... L. 1718.
C., S. Samuel Carter. The law of
executions L 1706.
C., S Stephen Crisp. Short history
of a long travel from Babylon to
Bethel... L. 1718.
C., S, Barrister at Law. Samuel
Carter. Lex customariaj or, a treatise
of copy-hold estates ... L. 1701.
C,S. S. Samuel Stillman Conant C2).
The Circassian boy Translated . . .
B. 1875.
C., S. T. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, in
Lamb's "Elia": The two races of men.
C., T. Thomas Carlyk. His signature
to some of the articles he contributed to
"Brewster's Edinburgh Encyclopaedia,"
in Vol. XIV., XV., and XVI.; also in
" Macraillan's Magazine," July, 1862.
C, T. Thomas Chatterttn, in the
" Freeholder's Magazine/'
C., T. Thomas Crowlei/. Account of
a plan for civilizing the North American
Indians. L. about 1766.
C , T. Thomas Corbett. An account
of the expedition of the British fleet to
Sicily, in the years 1718, 1719, and 1720 . . .
L. 1739.
C., T, Thomas Church. Entertaining
passages relating to Philip's war. B.
C , T. Thomas Crawfurd. Notes and
-observations on Mr. George Buchanan's
" History of Scotland." Edinb. 1708.
C, T. A. Thomas Adolphits Cragoe.
The river Fal and Falmouth harbour,
illustrated . . . Truro, 1876.
C., Th. Theodore Child, in his con-
tributions to the "Sun" (N.Y.).
C., T. G. T. <?. Carroll. Clavis Phar-
macopoeia Collegii Dublinensis . . . Dub-
lin, 1825.
C., T. G. Thomas Greaves Cory. Des-
tiny; Progress. 1848.
C. T. H. Chauncy Sare Townskend.
Journal of a tour through part of the
Western Highlands of Scotland in the
summer of 1839, by ... JSTewcastle,
C. Tf O. Henry Headley, who contrib-
uted to the " Gent. Mag ," under the sig-
nature of "C. T. O," "Poems, and other
pieces," which were brought out in a
separate volume, L. 1786.
C. V. S. Sir Richard Davis Hanson.
Letters to and from Kome ... L. 1873.
C., W. William Cheyne. — See "A
true Son of the Church of Scotland."
C., W. Wilham Cowley. Don Juan
reclaimed . . . Sheffield, 1840.
C., W Wilham Chambers. Poems for
young people. Edinb. 1851.
C., W., M.D., C.M., L.C. Wilham
Coward. The grand essay; or, a vindi-
cation of reason and religion ... L.
C., The Rev. W. Rev. William Cole.
A key to the Psalms . . . Camb. 1788.
C., W. and B William and Robert
Chambers. Shipwrecks, and tales of the
sea Edited . . . L. 1860.
C., W. A. Wtlliam Andrew Chatto.
Views of ports and harbours . . . En-
graved by W. and E. Finden. With a
descriptive letter-press by ... L. 1838.
C , W. A. Wilham A. Crqffut, in his
contributions to various periodicals.
C , W. B. William Butlei Crittenden,
in several papers relative to reminiscen-
ces of American tragedians, contributed
to the "Rochester (N.Y.) Union and
C., W. B. Wilham Bell Crafton. A
short sketch of the evidence for the
abolition of the slave trade, delivered
before a committee of the House of
Commons ... L 1792.
C, "W. C. Wilham Charles Cotton.
Buzz a buzz ; or, the bees [by Wilhelm
Busch, a German artist]. Done freely
into English by ... L. 1875.
C., W. C. William C. Coward. Vic-
torianism; or, a re-organization of the
people L. 1843.
C., W. E., and T., S. C. William El-
lery Channina, D.D., and Rev. Samuel
Cooper Thachert A.M. Elements of re-
ligion and morality, in the form of a cat-
echism. B. 1813.
C., W. W. William Warland Cktpp.
Joseph Dennie: editor of "The Port-
folio," and author of " The Lay Preach
er." Camb. Mass.
C***, diaries. Charles Cousin
Voyage dans un grenier. Paris, 1878.
C***, F. JWia? Carieaw. Histoire
des de*sastres de Saint Dominique . . .
Bordeaux, 1802.
, Hugh, Hugh Carew. The life
of Sir E. Carew. L. 1811.
C*****, M. Charles Yves Cousin d'Av-
alon. Gasconiana . . . Pans, 1801,
C#*#*#**? ££*•##*##. fiichard Challoner,
DJ). The Catholick instructed in the
sacraments, sacrifice, ceremonies, and
observances of the Church L. 1837
C««**»«», jjvw**##*#. Frederick Cor-
field. The Melange, containing the Luna-
rian : a tale . . . Taunton, 1819.
flatim***, BHIe. V. de Victorwe
Chastenay de Lanty. Du ge'me des peuples
anciens . . . Paris, 1808.
£ f j^ f ESQ. Anthony Collins. A
letter from the late A— C— , Esq., to the
Reverend Dr. C— M— [Conyers Middle-
ton] on his examination ... L. 1750
C , De Ua B , Mme Mme
Frances Ersline (Inghs) Calderon de la
Barca. Life in Mexico ... B. 1843.
£< 1 E . Eliza Coltman. Plain
tales; or, the advantages of industry,
adorned with copper plates . , . L about
C— s D— s, Bellamy Brownjohn,
andDombey. ^Robert Carr Dunham. No
thoroughfare. B. 1868.
Caballero,Fernan. Cecilia(B6hl de Fa-
for) Arrom. La familia di Alvareda. 1850.
Cabinet, Old. Richard Watson Gil-
der, successor of Dr. J. G. Holland as
editor of the " Century."
Cadenus. Jonathan Swift. Cadenns
and Vanessa [Miss Esther Vanhomrigh] :
a poem. 1726.
Cadvan. Hugh Williams His bardic
name. He was editor of the "Cymro"
(Bangor), and one of the translators of
Mrs. Stowe's " Uncle Tom's Cabin'* into
Cadwallader. William G. Hudson,
in Ms contributions to the " Daily Eagle,"
Brooklyn, N,Y.
Csemeterius. Richard Littlehales (?),
his signature to a letter in the " Micro-
cosm," published at Eton College. 1787.
Caesar. Julius Bleyer, of the " Even-
ing Wisconsin" (Milwaukee), in letters
to various newspapers.
Csesariensis. James Wad dell Alex-
ander, in the "Newark Daily Adver-
tiser " and the "Literary World."
Cagliostro, Alessandro, Conte dl.
Giuseppe Balsamo. Vie de . . . connu
sous le nom de . . . Paris, 1791.
Caigh, Essay. S. A. Kenner> corre-
spondent of the " Salt Lake City Herald "
Caius. DT. James Cunie, in his con-
tributions to the "Public Advertiser/*
L. 1780.
Caius. MathewCareij. Address to the
President of the United States. P. 1795.
Colder, Alma. Mrs. Alma Calder
Johnston Miriam's heritage: a tale of
the Delaware N Y. 1878.
Caledfryn Gwilym. Rev. William
Williams, author of the " Gawn Awen "
(the Treasure of the Muse) and other vol-
umes of poetry, and for forty years
(1820-60) "one of the leaders of the
poetical choir."
Caledonian Comet, The. Sir Walter
Scott. The Caledonian comet, by J.
Taylor. L. 1810.
Caledonian Fisher, A. J. Rose.
An essay upon the British fisheries . . .
By ... Edinb. 1705.
Caledonius, Cincinnatus John Gor-
don Barbour. Lights and shadows of
Scottish character and scenery . . .
Edinb. 1824.
Caledonnlcus. Whitelaw Ainshe, M.D*
Eitz-Kaymond ; or, the rambler on the
Rhine : a metrico-political sketch . . .
Edinb. & L. 1831
Caliban Robert Buchanan, in some
poetical contributions to the " Spectator.'*
L. 1867
Caliban Hector A. Stuart. Ben
Nebo : a pilgrimage in the South. Seas.
San Eran. 1871.
Caliban Jules Arnaud Arsene Clare-
tie, in his contributions to "1'Illustra-
tion" Paris, 1865.
Caliban. Louis Jean Emmanuel Gon~
zales. La servante du diable ; and Les-
trois fiancees. Paris, 1877.
California Joe. T. Head.
Calisthenes. Josiah Qumcy, Jr., in
the "Boston Gazette," Feb. 10, 177-.
Call-Boy, The. Charles J. Smith, in
Noah's "Sunday Times."
Callender, Tom, Esq, Citizen of
the World James Thomson Callender.
Letters to Alexander Hamilton, King of
the Eeds . . . Being intended as a reply
to a scandalous pamphlet lately pub-
lished . . . under the signature of " Junius
Philsenus." N.T. 1802.
Caller Herrin*. Caroline Symington*
Poems, L. 18-.
Calm Observer, A. George Joy.
American question : a letter from ... to
a Noble Lord ... L. 1812.
Calm Observer, A. Sir David Brew-
ster. An examination of the letter ad-
dressed to Principal Hill, on the case of
Mr. Leslie . . . Edinb. 1808.
Calm Observer, A. Vicesimus Knox,
LL.&., or Benjamin Vaughan. Letters on
the subject of the Concert of Princes,.
and the dismemberment of Poland and
Prance ... L. 1793.
Calpe, Adadas. Antonio D de Pas-
cual. The two fathers ... NY. 1852.
Calvinianas Presbyter. Rev. Archi-
bald Bruce. Armus secularis . Edinb.
Calvinus. James Grahamc Another
letter ... to the Bev. Dr. Thomas M Crie,
and the Key. Mr. Andrew Thomson,
on the parody of Scripture, lately
published in "Blackwood's Edinburgh
Magazine." Edmb. 1817.
Calvinus Minor, Scoto Britannus
Rev Archibald Bruce. Free thoughts on
the toleration of Popery. 1780.
Cam. Samuel Badcock. The farmer
and his ass, in the " Gent. Mag ," Sep-
tember, 1786, p. 790.
Cam. Walter Lewis, AID. Whist:
what to lead. L. 186C.
Cambridge Gentleman, A. Mr.
Rawson. A letter to the Reverend Dr.
Henry Sacheverell . . L. 1710.
Cambridge Graduate, A. Cornelius
Neale Dalton. Poems, original and trans-
lated. L. 1868
Cambridge M.A, A. Rev. Robert
Howe Knott. The new aid to memory
. . . L. 1839.
Cambridge Man, A. Henry Arthur
Bright. Free blacks and slaves L. 1853.
Camden of the Eighteenth. Cen-
tury, The. Richard Gough.
Cameron, Leila. Mrs. Catherine A.
(Richards) Du Bose. The pastor's house-
hold NY. 1858.
Cameroy. James Woods Lane, S.T.D.,
in the "New York Observer/' about 1851.
Camillus. Fisher Ames, in contribu-
tions to the newspapers of Boston.
Camillus. Rufos King, who advo-
cated Jay's treaty in several eloquent
speeches, 1795.
Camillus. Adam Thorn. Anti-Gallic
letters . . . Montreal, 1836.
Camillus. Alexander Hamilton. A
defence of the treaty of amity ... be-
tween the United States and Great Brit-
ain ... N.Y. 1795.
Camillus. J Henry. An enquiry
into the evils of general suffrage and
frequent elections in Lower Canada . . .
Montreal, 1810.
Camillus. William Duane. The
Mississippi question ... P. 1803.
Camlan, Gorovna. Rev. Rowland
Williams. Lays from the Cambric lyre
... L. 1846.
Campbell, Donald. Stephen Cullen
Carpenter. A journey over land to
India... L. 1796.
Campbell, Kate Mrs. Jane Eliza-
beth (Larcombe] Lincoln
Under the name of " Kate Campbell,*' she
was a large contributor to the periodicals pub-
lished by Godey, Peterson, Sartam, Neal, etc.,
and to the annuals , afterwards she wrote for the
Baptist religious publications.
Campbell, Mary. — See "M. E. B."
Canadian, A. J. Bell Forsyth. A
few months in the East ; or, a glimpse of
the Bed, the Dead, and the Black seas
. . . Quebec, 1861.
Canadian, A. Pierre de Salles La
Temeret 3LD. A political account of
Lower Canada ... L. 1830.
Canadian, A. James Lynne Alexan-
der. TVonders of the West . . . Toronto,
Candid Enquirer. James Anderson,
LLD. The antiquity of the woollen
manufacture, in the "Gent. Mag.,"
August, 1778, p. 348.
Candidate, An Hlused «/". C. Caley.
Indignant rhymes ... L. 1859
Candidate for Orders in the
Church, A. Joseph Salkeld. Birds,
blossoms, and fruit of the Church . . .
N.Y. 1843.
Candide, Jules Arnaud Arsene Cla-
retie, who, in 1868, published articles in
the " Figaro '* under this signature, which
were marked by a bold denunciation of
the double execution of Martin Bidaure,
which took place in Var in 1851.
Candidas. Thady Fitzpatrick. — See
«F., T."
Candidas. Samuel Adams, Address
to the people of Pennsylvania, Feb. 3,
1775. He also contributed frequently,
under this pseudonym, to the " Boston
Gazette" and "Boston Evening Post,"
during the years 1768-1774.
Candidas. Charles Inglis. Plain
truth. P. 1776.
Candor. Noah Webster. Articles in
"Conn. Courant," July 29, 1793, On
the French revolution, Trade with. St.
Domingo; Aug. 12, 1793, True republi-
Canne, John. Samuel Butler, the poet.
The acts and monuments of our late
Parliament. L. 1744.
Cannibal Jack. CJtarles Beach. The
way to win. L. 1869.
Canon. Henry William Pullen. Mod-
ern Christianity, a civilized heathenism.
Salisbury, 1872.
Canonicus. Rev. William Shedd.
Letters to W. E. Channing on the exist-
ence and agency of fallen spirits. B.
Canonicus. Charles Chauncy, DJ).
A second letter to the Hev. Mr, George
Whitefield, urging upon him the duty of
repentance, and returning into the bosom
of that church of which lie professes
himself a member. Designed as a sup-
plement to the first letter. B. 1743
Cantabar. Josiah Hams. A "bio-
graphical notice of Thomas Stark, the
Mevagissey Quaker. Bath
Cantabrigiensls. Richard Parson,
M.A. Letters on the Three Heavenly
Witnesses, in the " Gent. Mag./' 1788, pp.
875, 1063; 1780, pp. 101, 297, 386, 512,
G90 ; 1790, p. 12S.
Cantabrigiensis. Dr. Taylor. Mis-
cellaneous observations upon authors
ancient and modern. L. 1731-32.
Cantabrigius. Richard Owen Cam-
Lord Chesterfield said of him " Cantabri-
gius drinks nothing but -water, and rides more
miles in a year than the .keenest sportsman."
Cantianus jRev. Edmund Marshall,
author, under this signature, of a series
of articles in the " Kentish Gazette."
Canute, Judith. Mrs. Juliet H
(Lews) Campbell, Eros and Anteros,
the old love and the new. 18-.
Cap Paul Antome Oratacap. Re-
cherches sur les lactates. Pans, 1838.
Cape Cod Bard, The. Henry S.
ElleniLOQd.— See "Pindar, Peter, Jr"
Cape Colonist, A, May $yrne. Ing-
ham Place ... L. 1874.
Cape Correspondent,. A. (?. W.
Boyce. The Zulu ^ar. [Inverse.] Wells,
Capelsay, Joan. John Sounders Molt.
Life and opinions of Abraham Page.
Capo de FeuUIide. Jean Gabriel
Cappot. L'Histoire du peuple de Paris.
Pans, 1844.
Capsadell, Louise. Mrs. Hammond.
Her waiting heart. NX 1875.
Capsicum. JRev. George Oharles Smith.
Tarbucket; or, the humble petition of
the Bethel Union Society in the year
1820... £.1820.
Captain, The. Rev. Edmund George
Harvey, J3.A.+ Our cruise in the Undine.
Journal of an English pair-oar expedi-
tion through France, Prussia . . . With
etchings by one of ourselves. L. 1854,
Captain in the Xavy, A. Frederick
Chamier. The life of a sailor ... L.
Captain of the " Cumberland/' The.
Alfred Henry Alston. Ready, O ready!
or, these forty years ... L. 1873.
Captive Missionaries, The. Henry
A. Stern, A. Rosenthal, and others. Let-
ters from ... in Abyssinia, L. 1866.
Ca^ueteur Charles Hull Webb, in
Ms contributions to the " Boys and Girls'
Weekly" (NX)
Caractacus. E. Sendall, in the "Live
Stock Journal" (L ),
Carboy, John. John A. Harrington.
Between the crusts. K"T. 1875.
Cardiganshire Landlord, A. Col.
Thomas Jokne& A C L/s advice to his
tenants. ISO-
Carey, ftlathew, Jr. Augustus JR.
Cazaui <m ( * ) . The Democratic speaker's
hand-book . . , Cin 1868.
Carl. C. S. Newhdl. Joo and the
Howards ; or, armed with eyes. B 187—.
Carl, and Cauty Carl. Frederick
Wdham Sawyer. Hits at American
whims, and hints for home use. B. 1860.
Originally published under the above
signatures in the Boston " Evening Tran-
script," to which, from 1847, Mr. Sawyer
was a regular contributor.
Carle. Victorien Sardou. Les femmes
fortes. Paris, 1860.
Carleton Walter Churlton, M.D.
Carleton. Charles Carleton Coffin.
Caleb Krinkle B 187-
Carleton, Carrie. 2frs. Mary (Sooth)
Wright. Inglenook: a story for chil-
dren. NX 1808.
Carleton, Capt. George. Daniel De-
foe. The memoirs of an English officer . . .
L 1728. Also attributed to Jonathan
Carleton, Cousin May. Mrs. M A.
(Early) Fleming. Since the age of seven-
teen she has been on the staff of the
New York "Mercury," writing under
this pen-name.
Carlfried diaries F. Wingate. Tiews
and interviews on journalism. NX
Carlin, Michel, J. H. Bonnye. Bald-
ness* its cause and cure. Manchester,
Carlo Khan. Charles James Fox.
"At the time when For was introducing
his famous ' India Bill/ he got the title
of * Carlo Khan,' as supreme dictator of
the East " — Sec " Northelia "
Carlone. Charles Brown, the friend
of Keats. Les Charmettes and Rous-
seau, contributed to "The Liberal/*
Conf. "Notes and Queries," 6th Series,
viii., p. 392.
Carlopago. Karl Ziegler. Vom
Kothurn der Lyrik . . . 1869.
Carlos, Don. Henry T. Cheever, in
his contributions to the "Sunday Mer-
cury" (P.).
Carlton. Joseph Caldwell. S.TJ>.
Letters of... 1825.
Carlton, Admiral George. King
Geoige IV. of England. The voyage
of . . in search of loyalty : a poetic
epistle. L. 1820.
Carlton, Jay. Jay Carlton Gold-
Carlton, Robert, Esq Baynard
Rust Hall, S.TD. The new purchase.
N.Y. 1843.
Carluccio Chat les Brown, the friend
of Keats La Bella Tabaccaia, contrib-
uted to the "Examiner," 1823. Conf.
"Notes and Queries," 6th Series, viii., p.
Carlyle, Jupiter Alexander Carlyle,
whose friends remarked that his noble
countenance bore a striking resemblance
to the Jupiter Tonans of the Capitol.
Carmen Sylva. Queen Elizabeth of
Roumania, who, under this pen-name,
has just published four stories in verse,
Sturme Bonn, 1882
Carmichael. — Vernon. Grace Dar-
ling, the Maid of the Isles . . . Newcastle-
upon-Tyne, 1839.
Carnes, Capt M. J. Cummmgs. Un-
cle Anthony B 1873
Carnhuanawe Thomas Price He
contributed chiefly under the signature
of " Carnhuanawe " [Man of the Sunny
Mound], to fifteen Welsh periodicals.
Caro Mrs. Caroline Atherton (Biiggs}
Mason Her earlier poems were pub-
lished in the Salem (Mass.) "Kegister,"
tinder the signature of " Caro."
Carolinian, A. Edward J. Pnngle.
Notes on Spain and the Spaniards.
1859 . . . Charleston, 1861.
Carolinian, A. William Henry Dray-
ton. To their excellencies Richard Vis-
count Howe, Admiral; and William
Howe, Esq., General . . . Charleston,
S C , 1T76
Caroll, Martha Martha Brools.
How Marjory helped B. 1874.
Carp. Frank Carpenter, Washington
correspondent of the "Leader" (Cleve-
land, 0 ).
Carpus. Samuel Cox. Expository
essays and discourses. L. 1877.
Carr, Gabrielle. Mis. Anne Steele,
Ephemera L, 1805.
Poems written by Mrs. Steele, and illustrated
by Lady "Wood.
Carr, Helen, Lady William Page
Wood. Ephemera. L. 1865.
The poems were written by Mrs. Steele, and
illustrated by Lady Wood.
Carra, Emma. Mrs. Avis & 8pen-
Carra, Emma. Mrs. Agnes Jane
Stibbes, who, during the Civil War, con- ,
tributed novelettes and sketches to the
"Field and Fireside" under this pen-
Carrie Miss Mary Caroline Gris&old.
Zaidee . a tale of the early Christians ;
and other novelettes and poems, in the
" Southern Field and Fireside." Charles-
ton, S C , 1864.
Carrie, Aunt Miss Caroline TomJm-
Carrie, Aunt. Caroline L. Smith (?).
Popular pastimes . . or, amusements
for old and young . . Springfield, Mass.,
Carrier Boy, and Carrier Mercury.
Rev. Charles Timothy Brooks. Signatures
to " addresses " which he wrote for the
"carriers" of Newport (K.I.) papers.
Carroll, Lewis. Rev Charles Lut-
widge Dodgson. Alice's adventures in
Wonderland. L. 1869
Carry, Aunt. Mrs, Caroline Eliza-
beth Sarah (Sheridan-Norton] Maxwell.
Aunt Carry's ballads for children. L.
Carson, Kit. Christopher Carson. Life
and adventures of Kit Carson. NY.
Cartaphilus. David Hoffman. Chron-
icles selected from the originals of Car-
taphilus, the Wandering Jew. L. 1858.
Carteromaco, NicolO. Nicolb Forte-
guern. Ricciardetto di . . . Milan, 1813.
Carthusian, A. TT- J. I). Rt/dc?.
Chronicles of Charter-House. L. 1847.
Carton, R. C. Richard Claude Critch-
ett. A nom de the'dtre.
Carver, John, Esquire, Justice of
the Peace and Quorum. Nathaniel
Shatswell Dodge. Sketches of New Eng-
land ; or, memories of the country . , .
N.Y, 1842.
Caryl, Arthur Laughton Osborn.
Arthur Caryl : a novel. 18-.
Casca. John Thompson. He published
articles signed " Casca *' and " Gracchus,"
before 1799, against the Federal admin-
istration in the Petersburg (Va ) " Ga-
zette "
Caspar Mis. Virginia Durant Cov-
ington. — See " Fabian."
Caspipina, Tamoc. Jacob Duch€, in
" Caspipina's Letters" . . . Bath, 1777.
The word Caspipina is formed from tbe initial
letters of " Curate at St. Peters, in Philadelphia
in North America."
Cassander, J. John Bruckner. Criti-
cisms on the diversions of Purley . . .
L, 1790.
Cassio. Edward S. <?OZIK£, his signa-
ture in Mr, Charles King's "American."
Cassius dSdanus Burke. Address
to the freemen of South Carolina.
Charleston, 1783.
Castel Chuiso, Giorgione di Peter
Bailey, Sketches from St George's
Fields. L 1820-21
Ascribed by Lo^mdes to Sir John C. Hot-
house, Lord Broughton.
Castil-Blaze. Francois Henri Jo&eph
Blaze De 1'opera en Prance. Paris,
Castlemon, Harry. Charles A Fos-
dtd:. iFrank and Archie series. P. 1865.
Cate&pole, Margaret. Rev. Packard
CMotd Adventures of . . L 1852.
Catholic, A. Rev. John Lingard. A
new version of the four Gospels ... L.
Catholic and Burkist, A Theobald
MacKenna. An argument against ex-
termination . . . Dublin, 1800.
Catholic Bishop of Bantry, The.
T* Dicker, of Lewes. An appeal for the
erection of Catholic churches in the rural
districts of England ... L. 1852. On
p. 22 he signs " Iga L. Bantry " (ie , Ig-
natius Loyola, Bishop of Bantry).
Catholic Clergyman, A Most Rev.
John Carroll. An address to the Eoman
Catholics of the United States of Amer-
ica ... Annapolis, 1784.
Catholic Clergyman of Baltimore,
A. /. B. David. True piety; or, the
day Tvell spent . . . Baltimore, 1809
Catholic, Irish. James Warren Doyle.
An essay on education and the state of
Ireland . . . Dublin, 1880.
Catholic Layman, A. Mathew Carey.
letters on religious persecution. 4th ecu,
P. 1827.
Catholic, A Protesting. Alexander
Greddes. An answer to [Gibson] the
Bishop of Comaaa's pastoral letter. L.
Catholick, A. William Notes. Mod-
est reflections on [Charles Trimnel] the
Kigbt Keverend the Bishop of Norwich,
his late charge . . . 1710.
Catholicus. Cardinal John JE&nry
Newman, in the London " Times "
Catholicus. Rev. Joseph Sfendham.
The Episcopal oath of allegiance to the
Pope, in the Church of Borne . . . Bir-
mingham, 1822.
Catholicus. William Matthews. A
new and seasonable address to the disci-
plinarians of the people called Quakers,
relative to tithes and taxes . . . Bath,
Catholicus. Henry Cotton, D.C.L.
Notes on the Preface to the Rhemish
Testament (printed in Dublin, 1813) , . .
Dublin, 1817.
Catholicus, a peaceable member of
the Society of Quakers Henry Ports-
mouth An essay on the simplicity of
truth L 1779.
Cat&olicus, Johannes. John Butty,
3ID An essay towards a contrast be-
tween Quakerism and Methodism .
Bristol, 1771.
Catholicus, Presbyter Rev. Wil-
liam Harness Visiting societies and lay
readers. L 1844.
Catholicus verus. Andrew Ca/mi-
chael. A letter to the Roman Catholic
clergy of Ireland ... L. 1824.
Catlyne, Mr,Q. C. Martin Fiancis
Mahvmj. The adventures of ... In
" Eraser's Mag "
Cato. Walter Ending, Esq., of "West-
cotes, near Leicester. " His papers signed
'Cato,' 'Anglo-Saxon,' 'Millions,' etc.,
which appeared in the ' Leicester Chron-
icle/ manifested a praiseworthy regard
for the constitutional rights of English-
men "
Cato. George Burges, £sq. Cato to
Lord Byron on the immorality of his
writings. L 1824
Cato. John Trenchard. Cato's letters,
in the " London Journal," 1720, and
" British Journal," 1722
These letters -were published In book form in
1724, and several times afterwards.
Cato. EzeLiel Webster. Defence of
the national administration . . . Concord,
Cato. Thomas Gordon. A discourse
of standing armies ... By ... L.
Cato. Alexander Hamilton Exami-
nation of the treaty of amity, commerce,
and navigation, between the United
States and Great Britain . . . N.Y. 1795.
Cato. Stephen Higginson. Examina-
tion of the treaty of amity, commerce,
and navigation, between the United
States and Great Britain . . . N.Y.
Cato. Robert JK. Livingston. Obser-
vations on Mr. Jay's treaty, Nos. 1, 2, in
the " American Remembrancer," 1795
Cato, Marcus. Earl of Bath. — See
"Florus, Julius."
Cato Parvus. Richaid Heber. Bib-
liophobia . . . "With notes by . . L.
1832. By Mercnrius Rnsticus, i.e., Thomas
Frognall Dihdin.— See " Atticus."
CanoUe, Mrs. Margaret. Douglas
William Jerrold, Mrs. Caudle's curtain
lectures. L. 1846.
Causeur. William Alfred Eovey.
Causerie, in the " Evening Transcript."
B. 1880.
Caustick, Christopher, M.D , A.S S ,
Fellow of the Royal College of Phy-
sicians, Aberdeen Thomas Green Fes-
senden The modern philosopher; or,
terrible tractoration ... P, 1806.
Caustic, Cosmo, Gent Christopher
Reid. Killvillain : a catechetical ode, by
the late Tyro Trimstave, M.D, With
a preface and notes, by ... Edinb.
Cauty Carl. Frederick William Saw-
yer — See " Carl."
Cavalry Officer, A Capt. Maurice
Haitland Mahon(*). The handy horse
book . . . Edinb. and L. 1865.
The preface is signed "Magenta," a sobri-
quet of the author.
Caveat Emptor, Gent. Sir George
Stephen. The adventures of a gentleman
in search of a horse. L 1835.
Cavendish Henry Jones Card es-
says, Clay's decisions, and card-table
talk. L. 1879.
Cavendish. Capt TF* Johnson Neale.
Cavendish. L. 1841.
Cavendish.. Samuel Sevan. To all
who smoke: a few words in defence of
tobacco ; or, a plea for the pipe ... L.
Caxton. William Henry Modes. Dis-
covery of the Pacific Ocean: a sketch
. . . in the " Hesperian," 1859.
Caxton, Laura, Lizzie B. Comins.
Marion Berkley, a story for girls. B
Caxton, Pisistratns JSdward George
Earle Lytton-Bulwer, Baron Lytton. My
novel. L. 1853.
Caxton, Tim. John Close. — See
"Dowell, S"
Cayron, C. A J. C. A. Jules Noriac.
Ouvrages. Paris, 1863-70.
CeciL Charles James Apperley.
Cecil. Mrs. S. J. Battey.
Cecil. William Hone. Cecil's sixty
curious, interesting, and authentic narra-
tives L. 1824.
Cecil. Charles Edward Fisher. Kan-
sas and the Constitution. B. 1856.
Cecil. Cornelius Tongue. Records of
the chase, and memoirs of celebrated
sportsmen ... L. 1854.
Cecil, Arthur. Arthur Cecil Blunt.
A nom de theatre.
Cecil, Davenant. Rev. Derwent Cole-
ridge Under this nom de plume he
became a contributor to " Krrighfa Quar-
terly Magazine."
Cecil, Dr. Dalney Carr, one of the
writers, under this signature, of the es-
says in Wirf s (W. ) " Old Bachelor/' 1812.
Celatus. Mobett Owen. The modern
theme, or, education the people's right
and nation's glory ... L. 1847.
Celebrated Author of that Coun-
try, A. Mrs, Eliza Haywood. Memoirs
of a certain island adjacent to the king-
dom of Utopia ... L. 1725.
Celebrated Commoner, A. Rt. Son.
William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. The
celebrated speech of ... L. 1766.
His speech in favor of the repeal of the Amer-
ican Steimp ,A.ct>
Celebrated Literary and Political
Character, A. Richard Glover. Me-
moirs of ... from 1742 to 1767 ... L.
Celia. Mrs. Ceha M. (Kellum Bun-)
But high, who, under this pen-name,
wrote prose and Terse for the leading
Western papers.
Cellarius. Rev. Thomas Welbank
Fowle. A new analogy between revealed
religion and the course and constitution
of nature L. 1881.
Celler, Ludovic Louis Leclerc. Les
decors, les costumes, et la mise en scene
au XVIIe siecle, 1615-1680. Paris, 1869.
Celnart, Elisabeth Felicie. Mme.
Elisabeth jpe'ticie Canard Bayle-Mouillard.
Bethsali; ou, la dispersion des Jnifs.
Paris, 1825.
Celt, The. Thomas Dams, in, his con-
tributions of lyrics and ballads to the
"Dublin National," 1842 et seq.
Celtophile, A- Rev. Francis Craw-
ford, LL.D. Erenna; or, an investiga-
tion of the etymons of words and names,
classical and Scriptural, through the
medium of the Celtic ... L. 1875.
Censor. Oliver Bell Bunce* Don't : a
manual of mistakes and improprieties
more or less prevalent in conduct and
speedh. N.Y. 1888.
Censor of the Age, The. Thomas
Centaur. Charles Sass, in his contri-
butions to the "Mail and Express" (N.T.).
Centz, P. C., barrister. Bernard J.
Sage. Davis and I/ee, L. 1865 j The re-
public of letters, L. 1881.
Cerberus, The. Nathan HasheE Dole,
as art, dramatic, and literary editor to the
"Philadelphia Press."
Cerimon. Dr. William Thomson. The
political purpose of the Renascence
drama . . . Melbourne, 1878.
Certain Free Enquirer, A. Peter
Annet. A collection of the tracts of ...
L. 1766.
Certain Northern "Vicar, A. Rev.
John Ellison. The will of ... carefully
copied . , . upon T — . [In verse.] 1765.
Also ascribed to Rev. W. Cooper,
Certain Traveller, A. Geoige Am-
ory Btthune, JLf.JP. The uncertainties of
travel. A plain statement by ... B,
Certain Unknown Vicar, A. fiev.
W. Cooper. Will of ... L. 1765.
Cey, Arsene de. Frangois Arsene
Chaise de Cahange. La fille du cure.
Pans, 1832.
CezinsJd, Marie. Miss H. A. Stem-
kauer. Helen Egerton. P. 1873
Chabreul, Mme de. Mme. £>u Par-
quet. Jeux et exercices des jeunes filles
par . . Paris, 1867.
Chaff, Gumbo Elias Howe, Jr. Ac-
cordion songster. B. 1860.
Chairman of the Committee on
the State of the Church, The. Rich-
ard Sharp Mason, D,D A letter to the
Bishop of North Carolina on ... his late
pastoral on the Salisbury convention . . .
N.Y. 1800
Chaliere, Louis. L. C. Norbert. In-
genio. Paris, 186-.
Chalk, Old. Henry Chadwick, in the
Brooklyn " Union."
Cham. Amedee' de Noe't the French
caricaturist, who, from 1842, contributed
numerous caricatures to albums and
almanacs, and especially to the " Chari-
vari," most of •which were collected in
albums, 1843-67.
Chamier, Capt. William James. Na-
val history of Great Britain; with ad-
ditional notes and continuation. L.
Champ. James Wells Champney.
All around a palette. By Lizzie \v.
Champney. Illustrated by ... B.
Champflenry. Jules Frangois JPe'lix
Husson-Fleitry ktude sur Balzac. Paris,
Champion Wing Shot of America,
The. A. H. Bogardus. Field, cover, and
trap shooting. By ... N.Y. 187-.
Champlin. George C. Mason, the
Newport (BX) correspondent of the New
York «' Evening Post."
Chancellor of the Exchequer, The.
William Ewart Gladstone.- Speech of ...
on the finance of the year and the treaty
of commerce with Prance. Delivered in
the House of Commons . . . February
10th, 1860. L. 1860.
Chandeneux, Claire de. Mme. Emma
Berenger Bailly. Secondes noces . . .
Pans, 1881.
Chapel minister, A. Rev. John
M'Gill The Biblical criticism of the
Glasgow presbytery criticised. Glasgow,
Chaperon, A. Mrs. Arabella Sullivan.
Recollections of . . edited by Lady Da-
cre. L.1833.
Chaplain, A. Henry Norman Hud-
son Campaign with Gen. Butler. N.Y.
1865 ri
Chaplain, A Rev. John Lucley*
Prison sketches . . . N.Y. 1849.
Chaplain, The. Bradford Kinney
Peirce. Stories from life which the
chaplain told, B. 1866.
Chaplain in H M Indian Service,
A. Rev. James MacLay Prom London
to Lucknow ... L. 1860.
Chaplain of said Society, The
Chailes E. What ton, D.D. A letter to
the Roman Catholics of the city of Wor-
cester [England], from . . . stating the
motives which induced him to relinquish
their communion and become a member
of the Protestant Church P. 1784.
Chaplain of the U. S. Army, A.
Rev Stephen A. Hodgman. The nation's-
sin and punishment ; or, the hand of God
visible in the overthrow of slavery . . .
N.Y. 1864
Chaplain to the Mayorality, The*
Rei. Robert Giauford Dillon. The Lord
Mayor's visit to Oxford ... L 1826
Charfy, Guiniad, Esq James Saund-
ers or Geoige Smeeton. The fish woman j
or, the art of angling made easy ... L.
Chariessa. Mrs. Elizabeth Carter).
who contributed two papers to Dr. John-
son's "Rambler," No. 44, and No. 100,
the latter on "Modish pleasures," and
signed " Chariessa."
Charity, Aunt. Mrs. Sarali C. Yei-
ser. Her contributions to the New Or-
leans " Crescent " were signed " AzeMe " ;
but her nom de plume of " Aunt Charity "
was more familiar to Southern readers,
Charity-Organizationist, A. J.
Hornsbt/ Wright. Thoughts and experi-
ences of ... L. 1878
Charles, Z<ord HawfcesTbury. Charles
Jenkmson, 1st Earl of Liverpool. A dis-
course on the conduct of the government
of Great Britain, in respect to neutral
nations, during the present war ... L.
Charlet, Henri. Pierre. Gfiffard. Pro-
ces de Racine. Paris, 1877.
Charley, Snarly. Charles Clark. The
fashionable folly „ . . 1860
Charlie, Champaigne. Charles
Charlotte, Aunt. Mary Charlotte
Yonge. Aunt C.'s evenings at home with
the poets . . . L. 1881. . "
Charlotte Elizabeth Mrs. Charlotte
Elizabeth (Browne Phelari) Tonna. Floral
biography, 1S60 , Judah's lion, 1868. L.
Ch — rt — s, Fr — no — s, Colonel. Col.
Ftands Charter is. Scotch gallantry dis-
play'd , or, the life and adventures of ...
L. 1730.
Chartist Parson. Chailes Kingsley,
who took part in the ragged school
movement and in the various efforts to
ameliorate the condition of the working
classes, to such an extent as to earn this
name, which was signed to magazine
Chasuble, Archdeacon, D D. Thom-
as William Marshall. The comedy of
convocation in the English Church . . .
NY. 1868
Chatfield, the late Paul, M.D. Hor-
ace Smith. The tin trumpet ; or, heads
and tales for the wise and waggish . . .
Edited by Jefferson Saunders, Esq.. L.
Chatterbox, Charles, Esq. William
Biglow, writer of the "Omnium Gath-
erum," in the "Federal Orrery." B.
1794 et seq.
Chatterer, A. Samuel Adams, in the
"Boston Gazette," Aug. 20, 1770.
Chavette, Eugdne. Eugene Vachette.
Nous marions Virginia . . . 1879.
Chazel, Prosper. Adolphe Le Re-
boullet Le chalet des sapins. Paris,
Cheakill, Sir Joseph, K.F., K.S.
Watson Taylor. The Cross-Bath guide
... L. 1815.
Cheekl, Tomo, the Creek Indian In
Philadelphia. Philip Freneau, in his
" Time-Piece/' with this preliminary no-
" A number of eccentric writings under this
title are in the hands of the editor of the " Time-
Piece," said to be translated from, one of the
Indian languages of this country. They were
transmitted to him more than two years ago, and
a few numbers published in a gazette edited by
him in a neighboring State, but discontinued
with that paper "
Cheem, Aliph. Walter S. Yeldham.
Lays of Ind. Calcutta, 1879.
Cheery Die Brothers. William Grant
and Brothei s, a well-known firm of Man-
chester, supposed to have been depicted
by Mr. Dickens under this title.
Chelsea. Charles Alexander Nelson,
as Boston correspondent of the " Book-
seller and Stationer," Chic. 1883-84.
Cherith. Miss Fannie Surtees. Home-
spun stories, and Bric-a-brac stories. L.
Cheshire Weaver, The. J. D. La-
touche. Auglia Kestatirata . . . L. 1727.
Chesney, Esther. Miss Clara K
Dargan. Under this signature, m 1860>
she wrote several stories for the " South-
ern Guardian," published in Columbia,
S.C., and in 1861 contributed to the
" Southern Field and Pireside," Charles-
Chester. William Broome. " Towards
the close of his life he ... amused him-
self with translating odes of Anacreon,
which he published in the * Gentleman's
Magazine/ under the name of * Ches-
ter ' " — CHALHEUS, Vol. VII.
Chester, Elizabeth. S. Elizabeth A.
Chester, John. Rev* John Mitchell,
Derwent ; or, recollections of young life
in the country . . . N.Y. 1872.
Chevalier. M. 0. Hart, in his contri-
butions to the "Sunday Mercury" (P ).
Chicagoan, A. James L. Batchelder.
Societyism and its evils . . . Chic. 1871.
Chickasaw, the Scout. L. H. No-
ron. Life and adventures of ... Chic.
Chief Engineer of the Board of
Sewerage Commissioners, The. J3. S.
Ghesbrough. Chicago Sewerage Report
. . . Chic. 1830
Chief Incendiary of the House.
Samuel Adams. So termed by Hutchin-
son in a letter to Eichard Jackson, 1772.
Chierico, Dedimo. Niccolti Ugo Fos-
colo. Sterne's Sentimental Journey,
translated . . . 1813.
Child of Candour, A. Mrs. Mary
Knowles (Molly Knowles). Her signature
to an interesting dialogue between Dr.
Samuel Johnson and Mrs. Knowles, in
the " Gent. Mag.," LXI, Ft L, 500.
. Chincapin. PF. R. Barber, in his
contributions to "Punchinello" (N.Y ).
Chinese Philosopher, A. Oliver
Goldsmith. The citizen of the world ; or,
letters from ... in London to his friend
in the East. L. 1762.
Chip of the Young Block, A. Maria
Stewart Stewart. Historical, political^
and spiritual view of the history of Alex-
ander Stewart ... L. 1861.
Cbiquita. Eppie Bowdre Castlen*
Autumn dreams . . . N.Y. 1870.
Chirurgus. John Dix. "The great
fact" examined and disproved; or, ho-
moeopathy unmasked ... L. 1857.
Chislon. — Nichols. Memorial of
A. B. Soule. Salem, 1866.
Chloroform. William $ W. Ruschen-
berger, U.&.N. Assimilated rank of the
civil branch of the navy. P. 1848.
Chollet. Louise E* Fwrniss, in her
contributions to «e Harper's Magazine'*
Ohor-Episcopus Rev. John Waugh.
Episcopacy examined . . . Utica, N.Y.,
Christabel. Miss Zfahoney, of Ken-
mare. Poems on various occasions.
Christen, Ada. Fnderik Christine.
Aus dem Leben, 1876; Aus der TIefe,
1S7S, etc.
Christian, A. Gerard Leah. A
case of conscience resolved ... L,
Christian, A. Andrew Henderson,
The case of the JCTVS considered, -with
regard to trade, commerce, manufac-
tures, and religion ... L. 1753.
Christian, A William Hewetson. A
letter to the Clergy of England, in the
County of ^Northumberland . . . 1732.
Christian, A. Gilbert Dalrymple. A
letter to . . . Mr, Stebbing ; being remarks
upon Ms late book relating to sincerity
... L. 1718.
Christian Believer, A. Alexander
Dalrymple. A letter to a friend on the
Test Act. n.p. 1790.
Christian Poet. A. John Holland.
The bazaar ; or, money and the church :
a rejected offering, in blank verse . . .
Sheffield, 1861.
Christian Whig, A. Richard Wat-
son, D.D A letter to the members of
the House of Commons, respecting the
petition for relief in the matter of sub-
scription . . . L. 1790.
Christian, TheopMLus, Esqt- John
Oiren, M,A* The fashionable world dis-
played . . L. 1804.
Christianas. Joseph Cockjield, of
Upton, near Plaistow and West-Ham,
Christianas Phileleutherus. Rev.
Thomas JBroughton. Christianity distinct
from the Keligion of Nature . . . L. 1732.
Christfcola. John Bevans, Jr. Some
tracts relating to the controversy hetween
Hannah Barnard and the Society of
Friends , . . £. 1802.
Chrfstlieb, Theophiie. KatUnka
Zitzs one of her pseudonyms.
Christodor. Cornelius Peter Bock.
Christophe, M., vigneron. Jacques
Boucher de Creve cceur de Perthes. Opin-
ions . . . SOT les prohibitions de la lib-
erte" du commerce. Paris, 18S1-34.
Chrfstmp, Jens. Jens Christian Ho$-
tmp. Den Tredie; Den gamle Elsier.
lo*— .
^ Christy, George. George N. Har-
Chronlqueuse. Mrs. Qtive Logan
Sikes. Photographs of Paris life ...
L. 3361.
Chrononhotonthologos David Ca-
rey. Ins and outs; or, the state of par-
ties ... L. 1807,
ChrysaL Sir William Scott, Loid
StoicelL Letters on the lugh price of
bullion... L. 1813.
Chrysauthea; Chrysantheus Mrs.
Lilly C., and Thomas Lake, JEf arris.
Hymns of the Two-in-one: for "bridal
worship of the New Life, Salem^on-
Erie, 1876.
Chubb, Mr. Thomas Johnson. An
essay on moral obligation ... L 1781.
Church of England Divine, A Ztev.
Edward iSynge. Free-thinking in mat-
ters of Religion stated and recommended.
L 1727
Church of England Man, A. Jona-
than tfwjl, D.D. The sentiments ot . . .
Oh— Ch— 11, Mr. C . Charles
Churchill, The Anti-Times, Addressed
to... L. 1764
Churchill, Frank. George Henry
Lewes (?) Taking by storm. L. 1850.
Churchman, A. Rev. Arthur Philip
Perceval, B.C L. An address to the
members of the Church of England . . .
L. 1835.
Churchman, A. E B N. Sauma*
rez. The Bible- Strictures on the im-
perfections of the present version . . .
Bath, 1848.
Churchman, A. John Jay. Caste
and slavery in the United States. N.Y.
Churchman, A. Alexander Chalmers.
Christening of ships, "Gent. Mag./1 Janu-
ary, 1803, p. 40.
Churchman, A. Rev. John Gordon
fcorimr. Cfrarch establishments de-
fended ... 3d ed. Glasgow, 1883.
Churchman, A. M. Bickersteth. A
help to the study of the Scriptures , . .
JTorwieli, 1815.
Churchman, A. -2?. A. JBumphrey.
Lessons on the'liturgy of the Protestant
Episcopal Church in America. B, 1861,
Churchman, A. John jBowden, D.D.
Letter from ... to his friend in New
Haven . . . New Haven, 1808.
Churchman, A. William Jay, A let-
ter to ... Bishop Hobart . . , 3ST.Y. 1823.
Oburchraan, A. Rev. Wdliam Fran-
cis Wilkinson. The Eector in search, of
a Curate ... L. 1843.
Churchman, A. Brabazcn Ellis. Re-
joinder to "A Dissenter's reply on the
subject of Church, rates, etc." » . . Burs-
lem, 1840.
Churchman, A. Rev. Edward Smed-
Uy. Religio ClencL I,. 1821.
Churchman, A. Edward Berens,
M.A. Remarks on Lord Henley and
Dr Burton on Church reform. L. 1833.
Churchman, A. /Samuel Roffey Mait-
land, DJ) The voluntary system . . .
Gloucester, Eng , 1834-35.
Churchman, A Broad. Edward A
Warnnei . Victor La Tourette. B. 1875.
Churchman, An English. Rev. Rich-
ard SunLey, M.A. An English Church-
man's reason for his hope. L 1851.
Churchman, A Free. Rev. Andrew
Gray. Dr. Struthers on the Free Church.
Perth, 1845.
Churchman of the Diocese of New
York, A. William Jay. A letter to the
Eight Rev. Bishop Hobart; occasioned
by the strictures on Bible Societies, con-
tained in his late charge to the Conven-
tion of New York. N.Y. 1828. — See
ChurUow, B— t H— e E— d, L — d.
Edward Thurlowt Baron Thurlow. An
English green box ; or, the green box of
. . . given by Mrs. Harvey to B. O'Tickle
... L. 1779.
Churne, William, of Staffordshire.
Rev. Francis Edward Paget. The hope
of the Katzekopfs: a fairy tale . . .
Rugeley, 1844.
Churton, Henry. Albion Winegar
Tounte. Toinette : a tale of transition.
N.Y.' 1875.
Cibber, Colley. James Rees. The
life of Edwin Forrest. P. 1874. Mr.
Rees has also, under this signature, pub-
lished articles on " Shakespeare and Lord
Bacon/3 June and July, 1874, in the "Sun-
day Mercury" (P.).
Cicely, Cousin. IJ. Lermont. Lewie ;
or, the bended twig Auburn, N.Y., 1853.
Cicero. Joseph Galloway. Letter from
... to Catiline the Second [Charles
James Eos] ... L. 1781.
Cicerone. Rev. J. S. Bloom, Vicar of
Castleacre. Handbook to the ancient
remains of Castleacre, Norfolk.
Cicestrensls, Preshyter. Henry La-
tham. Anthologia Davidica . . . L. 1846.
Cigarette. Willis H. Bocock, in his
contributions to the " Despatch " (Rich-
mond, Va.).
Cincinnatus. William Plumer. For
thirty years preceding his death, he con-
tributed largely to the papers, under this
Cincinnatos. Joseph Cawthorne. The
false alarm ... L. 1782.
Cincinnatus Caledonius. John Gor-
don Barbour. Lights and shadows of
Scottish character and scenery. Edinb.
Cinna. Robert Baldwin Sullivan, who
"was wont, in his younger days, to con-
tribute papers of a humourous and play-
ful character to the literary periodicals
of the day. In Sibbald's 'Canadian
Magazine/ published at York (Toronto)
in 1833, are to be seen communications
of his under the nom de plume of
Cinna. William Benjamin Wells, who
wrote for Wilkes' " Spirit of the Times "
(N.Y.) with this signature. Author of
"Canadiana"... L. 1887.
Cirujano, M. M. C. Geoige Borlase
Childs. Barbadazulo Vanagloroso, the
demon of the Castle Heights ... L.
Citizen, A. James Hack, Jun. An
address to the inhabitants of Chichester,
on the subject of the distribution of the
Scriptures. Chichester, 1812.
Citizen, A. Charles Christian. A
brief treatise on the police of the city of
New York , . . N.Y. 1812.
Citizen, A. Hon. Ttmothy Fuller. The
election of President of the United States
considered ... B. 1823.
Citizen, A. Hugo Arnot. A letter to
the heritors, farmers, and inhabitants of
the county of Edinburgh . . . Edinb.
Citizen, A. James Cleland. Letter
to the Honourable the Lord Provost,
respecting the proposed Statute Labour
Bill for Glasgow. Glasgow, 1819.
Citizen, A. James B. Congdon. Let-
ter to the Representatives hi the General
Court, from the town of New Bedford . . .
New Bedford, 1847.
Citizen, A. Francis Hare, Bishop of
Chichester. A letter to Sir. R. Brocas,
Lord Mayor of London. L. 17SO.
Citizen, A. Hon. Henry Sherwood.
Letter ... on the Usury Laws . . . To-
ronto, 1847.
Citizen, A Philip Livingston. The
other side of the question ; or, a defence
of the liberties of North America . . .
N.Y. 1774.
Also ascribed to Myles Cooper.
Citizen, A. James Dunwoody Brown-
son De Bow. The political annals of
South Carolina . . . Charleston, 1845.
The author also signs himself '* J. D.'*
Citizen, A. Edmund Kimball. Re-
flections upon the Law of Libel ... B.
Citizen, A. William Findley. A
review of the revenue system adopted
by the first Congress under the Federal
Constitution ... P, 1794.
Citizen, A. Cyprian Rondeau Bunce.
A. translation of the several charters,
etc.., granted . . to the citizens of Can-
terbury . . . 1T91.
Citizen of Aberdeen, A William
Gordon. A letter to Mr. Francis Mel-
vii . . . L. 1718.
Citizen of Albany, Ouyler Stoats.
Tribute to the memory of DeWitt Clin-
ton . Albany, 1828.
Citizen of America, A Jonas Clop-
perr — $ee « Thwackus, Herman "
Citizen of Baltimore, A. John S
Tyson. Life of Elisha Tyson, the phil-
anthropist . . . Bait. 1825.
Citizen of Baltimore, A. Richard
n.Tuunsend. Original poems.
Citizen of Boston, A George Rich-
ards. The Declaration of Inde-
pendence : a poem accompanied by
odes, songs, etc, adapted to the day
. . B. 1793
Citizen of Boston, A. Alden Brad-
ford. A particular account of the hattle
of Bunker or Breed's Hill, on the 17th
June, 1775. B. 1825.
Citizen of Boston, A Elias Basket
D&by. Heality vs. Fiction ... B.
1850. See«D.,E. EL"
Citizen of Boston, Ar — Ward.
Remarks upon an oration delirered
[July 4, 1845] by Charles Sunnier be-
fore the authorities of the city of Bos-
ton ... B. 1845.
Citizen of Burlington, A Henry
<7. Caret/. Beauties of the monopoly sys-
tem in Xe\v Jersey ... P. 1848
Citizen of Cambridgeport, A. Dan-
id Nason. A journal of a tour from
Boston to Savannah, thence to Ha-
vana . . . Camb., Mass , 1849.
Citizen of Connecticut, A. Henry
TrumbuU. History of the discovery of
America . . . Norwich, Conn., 1810.
Really by James Steward, D.D., and pub-
lished as his own by H T.
Citizen of I/ondon, A. Francis
Hawling. The impertinent lovers . . .
A comedy ... L. 1723.
Citizen of Maine, A. Edward Pay-
son. The Maine Law in the balance . . .
Portland, Me., 1855.
Citizen of Maryland, A. Rev. John
Allen. An essay on the policy of appro-
priations being made by the government
of the United States, for purchasing, etc.
the slaves thereof . . . Bait. 1826.
Citizen of Maryland, A. Virgtt
Maxcy* The Maryland Resolutions, and
the objections to them considered . . .
Bait. 1822.
Citizen of Maryland, A. H. Man-
hn. Thoughts on labor, capital, cur-
rency ... Bait 1864.
Citizen of Massachusetts, A. Her*
mann Mann The Female Review . . *
Dedham, Mass , 1797.
Citizen of Massachusetts, A. S al-
ma Hale. History of the U S of Amer-
ica ... Keene,1832
Citizeo of Massachusetts, A John
Lowell, LL I). The impartial inquirer . . .
B. 1811
Citizen, of Massachusetts, A. George
TicLnor Ciutis The merits of Thomas
W. Dorr and George Bancroft, as they
are politically connected . . B. 1844.
Citizen of Massachusetts, A. Alfred
E. Giles. The Mormon problem ... .B.
Also ascribed to James S. Halt.
Citizen of Massachusetts, A. James
Botcdom. Opinions respecting the com-
mercial intercourse between the United
States of America and the Dominions of
Great Britain ... B 1797.
Citizen of Massachusetts, A James
Sullivan. The path to riches. An in-
quiry into the origin and use of money . . .
B. 1792.
Citizen of Massachusetts, A James
Trecothid; Austin. Remarks on Dr. Chan-
ning's " Slavery w . . . B. 1835.
Citizen of Massachusetts, A. Oliver
Holden. Sacred dirges, hymns, and an-
thems, commemorative of the death of
General George Washington . . . B. 1800.
Citizen of New England, A, Isaac
HUl. Brief sketch of the life, character,
and services of Major-General Andrew
Jackson . . Concord, N.H., 1828.
Citizen of New England, A. Josiah
Hooke (*), The practical expositor and
sententious reader . , . Gardiner, Me.,
Citizen of New England, A. Rev.
Cyril Pearl. Remarks on African Colo-
nization and the abolition of slavery.
Windsor, Vt., 1833.
Citizen of New York, A. John H.
Lathrop. An address ... on the . . . Anti-
Masonic excitement . . . Albany, 1830.
Citizen of New York, A, John Jay.
An address to the people of the State of
tfewYork... N.Y. 1787.
Citizen of New York, A, Myron
Holley. An address to the people of the
"United States on the subject of the
Anti-Masonic excitement, or new party
... Albany, 1830.
Citizen of New York, A. Russell
Jarvis. A biographical notice of Com.
Jesse D. Elliott ... P. 1835.
Citizen of New York, A. Nicholas
F. Seek. Considerations in favour of
the construction of a great state road
from Lake Erie to the Hudson River
Albany, 1827.
Citizen of New York, A. Edmond
Charles Genet. Letter to the Electors of
President and Vice-President of the
United States N.Y. 1808.
Citizen of New York, A. Fieeman
Hunt Letters ahout the Hudson River
and its vicinity. Written in 1835 and
1886... N.Y. 1836.
Citizen of New York, A James
Cheetham. A narrative of the suppres-
sion by Col. Burr of the history of the
Administration of John Adams . . .
N.Y. 1812.
Citizen of New York, A. James
Hawkes. A retrospect of the Boston
Tea Party... NY. 1834.
Citizen of New York, A. Rev. R.
Fisher. Seventeen Numbers, the signa-
ture of Neekar, upon the Causes of the
present distress of the Country. N.Y.
Citizen of New York, A. Clement
Clarke Moore, LL D. A sketch of our
political condition . . . N.Y. 1813.
Citizen of North Carolina, A. E.
K. Bergiun. Considerations relative to a
Southern Confederacy. Raleigh, 1860.
Citizen of Pennsylvania, A. Albert
Gallatin. An examination of the con-
duct of the Executive of the United
States towards the French Republic . . .
P. 1797.
Citizen of Pennsylvania, A. Charles
Ingersoll. A letter to a friend in a Slave
State ... P. 1862.
Citizen of Pennsylvania, A. Fred-
wick Adolphus Packard, LL.D. Thoughts
on the condition and prospects of popu-
lar education in the United States . . .
P 1836.
Citizen of Pennsylvania, A. Wil-
liam Bradford Heed. Thoughts on Inter-
vention, by ... P. 1852
Citizen of Philadelphia, A- Mathew
Carey. Common sense addresses to the
•citizens of the Southern States ... P.
Citizen of Philadelphia, A. Benja-
min Rush. Letters ou the Rebellion, to a
citizen of Washington from ... P. 1862.
Citizen of Philadelphia, A. Paul
Beck, Jr. A proposal for altering the
eastern front of the city of Philadelphia
... P. 1820.
Citizen of the United States, A.
George Armroyd, A connected view of
the whole internal navigation of the
United States ... P. 1830.
Citizen of the United States, A.
Pelatiah Webster. Essay on monej as a
medium of commerce ... P. 1786,
Citizen of the United States, A.
Alexandei Hill Eierett. Europe; or, a
general survey of the principal Powers
. . . L 1822
Citizen of the United States, A.
Joel R. Pomsett Notes on Mexico . . .
P. 1824
Citizen of the United States, A.
William Vans Murray. Political sketches
... L. 1787.
Citizen of the United States, A.
James McBnde. Synimes's theory of
Concentric Spheres . . . Gin. 1820.
Citizen of the United States, A.
Silas Wood. Thoughts on the state of
the American Indians . . N.Y. 1794.
Citizen of the United States, A.
Rev. John Cosens Ogden. Tour through
Upper and Lower Canada . . . Litch-
field, 1799.
Citizen of the United States, A.
Charles Phelps. Yermonters unmasked
... N.Y. 1782.
Citizen of the United States, A.
Benjamin Lundy. The war in Texas . . .
P. 1837.
Citizen of Virginia, A. John Taylor.
Arator: being a series of agricultural
essays, practical and political, in sixty-
one numbers . . Georgetown, I).C., 1813.
Citizen of Virginia, A. Rev. Gkotge
Bourne. The condensed anti-slavery
Bible argument. N.Y. 1845.
Citizen of Virginia, A George
Tucker. Essays on various subjects of
taste, morals, and national policy.
Georgetown, D.C., 1822.
Citizen of the West, A. Robert Dale
Owen. Pocahontas : a historical drama . . .
N.Y. 1837.
Citizen of the World, A. James
Broadhead or James Boardman. America
and the American ... L. 1833.
Citizen of the World, A. Mathew
Carey. Fragment. Addressed to the
sons and daughters of Humanity. P.
Citizen of the World, A. J. Easby*
Manchester and the Manchester peo-
ple... Manchester, 1843.
Citizen of the World, The. Oliver
Goldsmith. — See "A Chinese Philoso-
Citizen, -who continued all the
while in London, A. Danid Defoe.
A journal of the plague year ... L.
1722. Signed «H. F."
Citizen, The First. Charles Carroll,
of Carrollton, in 1770-71.
Citoyen, Am^ricain, Un. William
Lee. Les Etats-Unis et FAngleterre ; ou,
souvenirs et reflexions d' . . . Bordeaux,
Citoyen des Etats-Cnls, Un. /. E.
Bonnet. Reponse aux principales oues-
tions, quipeuvent Gtre faites sur les Eltats-
Unis de 1'Amerique . . . Lausanne, 1795.
Citoyen des Etats-TJnis, Un.** George
Id. Gibbs. Traite' du 4 Juillet, 1831,
entre la France et les Etats-Unis . . .
Paris, 1835.
Citrouillard, Joseph. Joseph Jacques
Commerson. Les Binettes contempo-
rames . . . Pans, 1854-59.
City Waiter, The John T. Bedford,
in his contributions to " Punch" (L ).
Cludadano de los Estados Unidos,
Un Alexander Hill Everett. America ;
d, examen general de la situacion polit-
ica . . . Northampton, Mass., 1828.
Civilian. Matthew James Higgins.
Civilian, A. William W. Stephens.
A review of the evidence before the sec-
ond court-marshal on Lieutenant Perry,
of the 46th regiment ... L. 1855.
Civilian, an Officer in the Bengal
Establishment, A. Sir Charles D'Oyly,
Bart. Tom Eaw, the Gnffin. a bur-
lesque poem ... L. 1828.
Civis. John Coles. The Corporation
Commission and the Municipal Compa-
nies of London ... L. 1834.
Civis. Rev. Alexander Dunlop. Em-
erson's orations to the modern Athe-
nians ; or, Pantheism. Edinb. 1848.
Civis. Alexander Peterkin. A letter
to the Et. Hon. E. Ersrkine . . . Edinb.
1806, 1807.
Civis. Sir Henry Russell. Letters of
"Civis" on India affairs, 1842-49; re-
printed from the "Times " (L.J.
Civis. Rev* Qliailes Valentine Le
Grice. Letters on Church subjects in
the "West of Cornwall . . . Tmro, 1844.
Civis. WiUiam WelfiU. Minutes, col-
lected from the ancient records and ac-
counts in the Chamber of Canterbury, of
transactions in that city from JL.D. 1234,
etc. Canterbury, 1801.
Civis, Sir William Scott, Lord Stow-
ell Some observations ... L. 1811.
Civis. George Thomson. Statement
and review of a recent decision of the
Judge of Police in Edinburgh . . . Edinb.
Cladpole, Tim. Richard Lower. T.
C.*s journey to Lunmm . . . and -written
in pure Sussex doggerel by his uncle
Tim. Brighton, 1831, '49, '50; J. C/s
trip to Itferricur * . . written ... by his
father Tim . . . Hailsham. 1844.
Clairville. Louis Francois Nicolaie*
Les trois gamins. Paris, 1854
Clara. Mrs Clara Coles. Clara's
poems. P. 1861.
Clara Miss Ca?rie Bell Sinclair.
Heart whispers ; or, echoes of ^ song.
Her first appearance in print was in the
"Georgia Gazette" (Augusta, Ga ), Tin-
der this nom de plume.
Clara, Cousin. Rev. Daniel Wise.
The Lindendale stories. N.Y. 18-.
Clara Augusta. Mrs. S. Trask, of
lYammgham, Mass.
Clara Belle. The letters in the "En-
quirer " (Gin., 0 ) thus signed, are writ-
ten by Olive Logan3 Mr. and Mrs. Jumus-
Henri Browne, and others.
Clare, Ida. Mrs. Lelia J. (Robinson)
Chute, as correspondent of the " St. Louis
Post-Dispatch," " Memphis (Tenn.) Av-
alanche," and other newspapers.
Clare, Mary Frances. Mary Fran-
ces Cusack. Her religious name.
Clare, Miss Ada. Mrs. Jane McEl-
hinney. Only a woman's heart. N.Y.
1866. See " Bohemia, Queen of."
Clarence, Charles. Barnard Rust
Clarence, Fitzroy. William Make-
peace Thackeray. Lore songs made
easy. " What makes my heart to thrill
and grow1" Song. « Punch," March
6, 1847.
Claribel. Mrs. Caroline Barnard.
Fireside thoughts, ballads ... L. 1866.
Claridge, Jonn, Shepherd. Dr. John
Campbell, known as "The Shepherd of
Banbury," author of a Weather guide.
Clarinda. Mrs. Agnes Craig Made-
hose, the " Clarinda " of Burns, the poet,
who addressed her as a lover in a series-
of letters which have been often sought
for publication, but in vain.
dark, The Rev. T. John Gait. The
Wandering Jew ; or, the travels and ob-
servations of Hareach the Prolonged.
L 1820.
The initials of the concluding four sentence*
in the above work make the name of the* author,,
thus:— G-(reatness), A(ll), L(iterally), T(o).
Clarke, Rev. C. C. Sir Richard Phil-
lips. The hundred wonders of the world
. . . L. 1818.
Clarke, John. Thomas Hartweli
Horne,D.D. Bibliotheca legum. L. 1810.
Clarke, N. H. Belden, ESQ. N. H.
Belden. O'Neal the Great. N.T. 1857.
Clarke, R. S.— See "May, S."
Claudero, the Bon of Nimrod.
James Wilson. Poems on sundry occa-
sions . . . Edinb- 1758.
Claudia Miss Clara V.Dargan. Un-
der this ?2077i de plume she published her
first poem, "Forever Thine," in the
" Courant," Charleston, S.C., 1859.
Claudia. Mary P. Hack Conse-
crated women. By- ... L 1880.
Claudius. Charles Ruelle. La sci-
ence populaire de Claudius. Paris, 1837.
Claudius, Martin Rosa Petzel. The
cottage by the lake . . . Trans. ... P.
Clauren, H. Karl Gottlob tiamuel
Heim Scherz und Ernst. Dresden.
Clavers, Mrs. Mary Mrs. Caroline
Mattlda (Stansbury) Kirkland. G-arland
of poetry for the young. 1872.
Clay, Charles M. Mrs. Charlotte
Moon Clark. Baby Rue. L 1881.
Clayton, John. John Alfred Clayton
Calthrop A nom de theatre.
Clayton, May. Mrs. Mamie Wilson.
Cleishbotham, Jedediah, School*
master and Parish clerk of Gander-
clongh. Sir Walter Scott. Tales of
My Landlord. Edinb. 1816.
Cleishbotham is supposed to be the editor,
and his assistant, a certain Peter Pattteson, is
credited with the authorship of the " Tales."
Clemens, Anglicanus. Thomas Tur-
ton. Remarks upon Mr. Evanson's pref-
ace to his translation of Knittel's new
criticisms on 1 John, v. 7. Camb., Eng.,
Clement. Alonzo G. Shears, in his
contributions to various periodicals.
deon. Edward, Long, in Byron's
"Childish Recollections/' Newark, 1807.
Clergyman, A. Richard Valpy, D D.
Address from ... to his parishioners.
L 1810
Clergyman, A. Jonathan Swift Ad-
vice to a son at the University design'd
for Holy Orders L 1725.
Clergyman, A. William Goode. An
answer to a letter addressed to the Lord
Chancellor on the case of the Dissenters
. . . L. 1834.
Clergyman, A. Samuel Horsley. An
apology for the liturgy and clergy of
the Church of England . . . L. 1790.
Clergyman, A. Rev. John Morrison.
Australia as it is. L. 1867.
Clergyman, A. Thomas Lewis.
Churches no charnel-houses ... L.
Clergyman, A. Rev. William Sewell
A clergyman's recreations; or, sacred
thoughts in verse. L. 1831.
Clergyman, A. Richard Tyrwhitt.
Concerning doubt. A letter to "A Lay-
man." Oxf. and L. 1861.
Clergyman, A. Rev John Jacljnan.
The . . . conduct of Mr. Peirce examined.
Oxf. 1717
Clergyman, A. George Hoi ne} Bishop
of Norwich. Considerations on the pro-
jected reformation of the Church of
England ... L 1772.
Clergyman, A. Rev. Manton Robert
Taylor Convocation The new lay
representation briefly considered ... L.
Clergyman, A. Philip Morant. The
cruelties and persecutions of the Romish
Church displayed ... L. 1728.
Clergyman, A. Rev. Hugh Stowell.
The day of rest and other poems ; by ...
L. 183-.
Clergyman, A. Henry Stebbing, D.D.
The doctrine of Justification by Faith in
Jesus Christ ... L. 1757.
Clergyman, A. Rev. John Balguy.
The foundation of moral goodness . . .
L. 1728.
Clergyman, A. Rev. Benjamin Rich-
ings, A general volume of epitaphs . . .
Clergyman, A. Rev. James Lupton,
MJi. Gulliver's travels. Few edition,
carefully edited ... L. 1867.
Clergyman, A Rev. James Murray.
A history of the churches in England
and Scotland . . . Neweastle-upon-Tyne,
Clergyman, A. Rev. Beauchamp W.
Stannus The inquiring parishioner . . L.
Clergyman, A. Rev. William. Robert-
son. Journal of ... during a visit to the
Peninsula L. 1841.
Clergyman, A. Rev. Mr. Parfect. A
letter . . . giving his reasons for refusing
to administer baptism in private, by the
public form ... L. 1763
Clergymanj A. Rev. John Courtarey.
A letter ... to his parishioners ... on
their breach of the Sabbath and neglect
of all religion. About 1810. SigreJ
« J. C."
Clergyman, A. Rev. Skeffington A) m-
strona. A letter to ... Lord Dufferin
and Clandeboye, on the subject of the
Irish branch of the United Church . . .
L. 1868.
Clergyman, A. Rev. Peter Leopold
Dyke Acland. A letter to a physician
on the domestic management of invalids
in a mild winter climate . . . Orf . 1866.
Clergyman, A, Nathaniel Paterson,
D.D. The Manse garden . . . Glas-
gow, 1836.
Clergyman, A. Rev. John Jackson.
Memoirs of the life and writings of Dr.
Waterland ... L. 1736.
Clergyman, A. Rev. James Franks,
AM. Memoirs of pretended Prophets,
%rho have appeared in different ages of
the world, and especially in modern
times ... L 1795.
Clergyman, A Rev Charles Lyne,
3I.A. Modem Methodism not in accord-
ance with the principles and plans of the
Rev. John TTesley during any period of
Ms life. A dialogue between . . . and
one of his Methodist parishioners . . , L.
Clergyman, A. Rev Edward Spooner.
Parson and people; or, incidents in the
every-day life of ... L. 1863.
Clergyman, A. Bet. Henry John
Dizon, 3I.A. The sad experience of
... of the Established Church. L.
Clergyman, A. Rev. Arthur Ashley
Sykes. The safety of the Church . . .
considered ... L. 1715.
Clergyman, The Francis Hare,
D.D. The C 's thanks to Philelentherus
for his remarks on the late discourse of
free-thinking: in a letter to Dr. Bentley.
I* 1713.
Clergyman, A Catholic. Bishop
John Carroll. An address to Roman
Catholics of the United States of Amer-
ica. Annapolis, 1784.
Clergyman in the Country, A.
Matthew fforbery. Animadversions upon
a late pamphlet (by John Jackson) en-
titoled "Christian liberty asserted" . . .
L. 1735.
Clergyman, la the Country, A. Rev.
Isaac Madox. The case of Dr. Rundle's
promotion to the See of G-locoster im-
partially considered ... L. 1734.
Clergyman la the Country, A. Rev,
John Jackson. A discourse shewing that
the e:spositions which the Ante-Nicene
Fathers have given of the texts alleged
against the Beverend Dr. Clarke . . .
are more agreeable, etc. L. 1714.
Also ascribed to the Rev. Daniel
Clergyman In the Country, A Rev.
Sai)*xel J&olde. The duty of Christians
.. L, 1717.
Clergyman in the Country, A, Rev.
Arthm Ashley Sgkes. A modest plea for
the baptismal and scripture-notion of the
Trinity ... L. 1720.
Clergyman, In the Country, A. j&m-
uel Clarke, D.D., the son. Reply to Dr.
Waterland's defence of his oueries . . .
L. 1722.
Clergyman in the West, A. Rev.
Samwl Nicholson Kwgdont B.D. Schism
And its results ... t». 1856.
Clergyman living in the Neighbor-
hood of that famous Monument of
Antiquity, A. Rev. Stamford Wallis.
A dissertation in vindication of the an-
tiquity of Stone Henge . . . Sarnrn,
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A. Rev. Moses Margoliouth. The
Anglo-Hebrews . , . L. 1856.
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A. Rev. Arthur Ashley Sykes. An
answer to the nonjurors* charge of schism
upon the Church of England ... ~L
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A. Rev. J. Bradley Rhys. An
answer to some passages in a letter from
the Bishop of Rochester to the Clergy
upon the lawfulness of War ... it.
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A John Plumptre, D.D. A con-
cise view of the history of religious
knowledge . . Kidderminster, 1795
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A. Rev. Legh Richmond The
dairyman's daughter, L. 1822
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A Rei Robert Shiftier. The do-
mestic commentary on the whole Word
of God. L. 1854
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A. Rev. Benjamin, Dawson, LL D
An examination of Dr. Rutherford's
argument respecting the right of Protes-
tant Churches to require the Clergy to
subscribe to an established Confession of
iFaith and Doctrines ... I/. 1766.
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A. Rev. John Clowes. The golden
•wedding ring. Manchester, 1813.
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A. Rev. Henry Walter. A his-
tory of England ... on Christian princi-
ples. L. 1828-39.
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A Dr. Zachary Pearce. A letter
to the Clergy of the Church of England
. . . L 1722.
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A. Rev- John Firebrace. A letter
to the Rev. James Ibbetson ... L.
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A. R&v. John Frederick Denison
Maurice, M.A. Letters to a member of
the Society of Friends, by . . ., L. 1837-
38; The kingdom of Christ, L.
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A. Rev. WiUiam Pace. Lydia;
or, conversion : a sacred drama . . L
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A. Rev. Thomas Stackhouse. The
miseries and great hardships of the infe-
riour Clergy ... L. 1722.
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A. Rev. Henri] Corny n A. parish,
lecture on Regeneration. L. 1850.
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A. Rev. Christian Lenny. Shak-
•speare for schools ... L 1847.
Clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land, A. Mathew Caiey. Vindiciae
Hibernicae . . P. 1818.
Clergyman of the Church of Scot-
land, A. Rev William Peebles. The
crisis ... a poem. Edmb. 1803.
Clergyman of the Church of Scot-
land, A. David Thorburn. The Divine
origin and perpetual and universal obli-
gation of tithes. Edmb. 1841
Clergyman of the Church of Scot-
land, A Charles John Brown, DJ).
Irish education . . . Glasgow, 1832.
Clergyman of the Diocese of Dur-
ham, A Rev. Henry Phillpotts. A letter
to the author of " Remarks on a charge
delivered by Shute [Barrington] "...
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1807.
Clergyman of the Diocese of Dur-
ham, A. Thomas Le Mesurier. A let-
ter to the Right Honourable Earl Grey
. . . Durham, 1819.
Clergyman of the Established
Church, A Rev. John Clowes, of Man-
chester. An affectionate address to the
Clergy ... on the theological writings of
the Tblon. Emanuel Swedenborg Man-
chester, n d.
Clergyman of the Established
Church, A. Rev J. A. Wood. A Bib-
lical link; or, a connection of the Holy
Scriptures ... L 1849.
Clergyman of the Old School, A.
John Alton, D D. Clerical economics . . *
Edmb. 1842.
Clergyman of the Protestant Epis-
copal Church, A Rev. G. W. Hyer.
How I became a Unitarian : explained . . .
B. 1852.
Clergyman thirteen years resident
in the Interior of Xew South Wales,
A. John Morison. Australia as it is ...
L. 1867.
Clergyman, A Moderate, of the
Synod of Aberdeen. Rev. G-. Skene
Keith. Address to the ministers of the
Church of Scotland. 1797.
Clergyman's Daughter, A. Selina
Qaye. Aunt Agnes; or, the why and
the wherefore of life. An autobiogra-
phy ... L. 1816.
Clergyman's Daughter, A. Miss
Eliza Smith The battles of the Bible?
Edmb. 1852.
Clergyman's Daughter, A. JItss
Mana Gharlesivortfi. The female visitor
to the poor ... L 1840
Clergyman's Daughter, A. Frances
Lydia Bingham. Hubert , or, the or-
phans of St. Madelaine ... L. 1845.
Clergyman's Daughter, A Miss E.
F. Lloyd. Readings for the Sundays . . .
L. 1862.
Clergyman's Daughter, A. Mrs.
Helen Clacu. Wonderful works ; or, the
miracles of Christ L. 1864.
Clergyman's Wife, A. Mis. Fian-
ces Elizabeth Georgtna (Baynes) Caiey-
Brock. Almost persuaded. L. about
Clergyman's Wife, A. Mrs. Fanny
(Wlieeler] Hart. Charade: armhole.
Manchester, n.d.
Clergyman's Wife, A. Mrs. S. £.
Mapleton. A letter to my class .
Leeds, 1852.
Clergyman's Wife, A. Mrs. Fanny
Alford. Reminiscences "by ... Edited
by the Dean of Canterbury [Henry Al-
ford]. L. 1800.
Clerical Friend, A. Rev. Gfeorge
Huntington. The autobiography of John
Brown, the cord-wainer . . . Edited . . .
Osf. 1867.
Clerical Member of the Convoca-
tion, A Rev. Henry William Wdbei-
force. The foundation of the Faith as-
sailed in Oxford . . . L. 1835
Clerical Member of the Society for
promoting Christian Knowledge, A.
Rev. Samuel Charles Wilks. Strictures
on the work entitled "Death-bed Scenes,
etc.," in refutation of its doctrinal errors.
L. 1833.
Clerical Recluse, A. Rev. Francis
Jacox. Cues from all quarters; or, lit-
erary musings of ... L. 1871.
Clericus Rev. David Murray, of Dy
sart. The Biblical student's assistant . . .
Edinb. 1844.
Clericus. Rev. W. Cartwright. Pacts
and fancies of salmon fishing ... JL.
Paris, and N.Y. 1874.
Clericus. George Smith, Pacts de-
signed to exhibit the real character and
tendency of the American Colonization
Society. Liverpool, 1833.
Clericus. Rev. Augustus Glissold. A
letter to the Her. the V ice-Chancellor of
the University of Oxford on the present
state of theology . . . Oxl 1856.
Clericus. Rev. William, Cart&right.
Rambles and recollections of a fly-fisher.
L. 1854.
Clericus. Rev. J. E. Pettingell. The
theological trilemma . . . N.Y. 1878,
Clericus Dorcestriensis. Rev. J. L.
Jaclson, Af.A Christ's Coming to Judg-
ment . . L. 1834.
Clericus Iteicestriensis. Rev. Aulay
Maiaulai/ Tour through South Holland
and a part of the Austrian Netherlands,
1793 *' Gent, ilag./' November, 1793,
and the following volumes.
Clerieus Surriensis. JBev. Gilbert
Buchanan, LL D., in the " Gent. Mag."
Clerimont. J/rs. Elizabeth Roue.
Friendship In death ... 4th ed. L. 1737.
Cleric of the "California/' The.
Sieaine Drake. Account of a voyage for
the discovery of a north-west passage by
Hudson Streights to the western and
southern ocean of America ... L. 1748.
Clerke of Oxenforde, The. John Pen-
dleton Kennedy. Blackwater chronicle,
a narrative of an expedition ... in Ran-
dolph county, Virginia N.T. 1853.
Cleveland, Kate. 3/rs. Rebecca S.
(Reed) Nichols, -who contributed a series
of sprightly papers to the "Cincinnati
Herald" under this nom de plume.
Cliffe, Leigh. George Jones. The
pilgrim of Avon, By ... L. 1836.
Clifford, Charles. Samuel William
Henry Ireland. The angler: a didac-
tic poem. L. 1804.
Clifton, Tom, Alfred Farthing Bob-
bins In doubt. 1878.
Clifton, Zeaa. Mrs. Lilian T. (Ro-
sell) Messenger, whose first writings ap-
peared in the <e Memphis Avalanche"
tinder this nom de plume
Climax, Christopher, Esa« Josiah
Thomas. Biot [at Cambridge] ; a mock
heroic poem in three cantos, by ...
Clinton, Walter. William Henry
Davenport Adams. Sword and pen ; or,
English worthies in the reign of Eliza-
beth. Edinb.1869.
CLIO. Joseph Addlson. The letters
in the " Spectator" composing the name
of the Muse of History were written by
Addisou, and signed with each letter
consecntively. It is also related that he
only employed these letters to distinguish
whether they had been written at Chel-
sea, London, Islington, or the office. —
See also " C. L. L 0."
Clio Richard Gough. Signature to
his reply to " Euterpe," in the "St.
James's Chronicle," 1787.
Clio. Thomas Harwood, the anthor
of several letters in the "Gent.
under this nom, deplume,
Clio. Edwin J. Keilly.
Clionas. Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas.
He was a frequent contributor to the
" Gent. Mag/' His signature, if not his
own initials, was frequently " Clionas,"
an anagram of his surname.
ClotMer, A. John Stanch. The beaux
merchant : a comedy . . L. 1714
Clover, Sam Nugent Bobinson, in^his
contributions to the "Boys and Girls'
Weekly "(N.Y).
Clutterbuck, Capt Cuthbert. &tr
Walter Scott, The fortunes of Nigel.
Edinb 1822.
Clutterbuck, Cuthbert, of Kenna-
quhalr, F.SA, etc. Alexander Hamil-
ton, W.S. Edith of Glammis ... L.
Clyde, Alton. Mis Arnold Jeffreys.
Tried and true, 187- ; Underfoot, 187-.
Cobbler of Alsatla, The. John Nich-
ols, Esq , F.SA. "During his minority
he produced some prose essays on the
manners of the age ... These were
published in a periodical paper, written
chiefly by Kelly, entitled the ' Babbler/
and in the 'Westminster Journal/ a
newspaper, -with the signature of 'The
Cobbler of Alsatia/"
Cobweb Joseph Tinker Buckingham.
Letters from Washington in the "Boston
Courier," 1830 et seg
Cockloft, Pindar. William Irving, in
Cockney, A. Mrs S Green. Scotch
novel reading; or, modern quackery . . .
L. 1824.
Cocoa-tree, The. Philip Francis.
Letter from . . to the Country-gentle-
man. L. 1702.
Codex, Dr. E. Gibson, Bishop of Lon-
don A letter to . on the subject of
his modest instruction to the Crown . . ,
L. 1734. By Gilbert Burnett, Bishop of
Coelebs, M.A, Major Thomas Tristew
Spry Carlyon. The laws and practice of
whist ... L. 1851. Also ascribed to
Edward Augustus Carlyon.
Cosur, Pierre. Mme. Anne Oarotine
Josephine [Husson] de Voisons d'Ambre
L'tlme de Beethoven • a novel. P. 1876,
Coffin, Peter. Theophilus Parson ?.
Result of the convention of delegates
holden at Ipswich . . . Kewburyport,
Cogitaus, John, Charles Morey. The
spiritual mustard pot. Troy, N.Y., 1824.
Coit, Davida. Vida D. Scudder. How
the rain-spirits were freed. 188-.
Colbert. Mathew Carey. Political
economy. Examination of the treasurer's
report. P 1826.
Colcraft, Henry Rowe Hem y Roice
Schoolcrafl. Alhalla; or, the Lord of
Talladega : a tale of the Creek war . . .
N.Y. 1843.
Colcroft, James. John Webb Cole (*),
translator of M. Jules Simon's " Natural
Behgion." L. 1857.
Coles, Miriam. Mrs. Sydney S. Har-
ris. Frank Warnngton. N.Y. 1871.
Colet, Madame. Louise Revoil. Les
fleurs du midi. Paris, 1836.
Collector, A. Mr. Humphrey. Con-
chology; or, natural history of shells . . .
About 1780.
Collegian, A. William Gilmore
8imms (•). Poems, by ... Charlottes-
viile, Va , 1833.
Collet, Stephen. Thomas Byerley.
Kelics of literature L 1823.
Collier, the late Joel, licentiate in
music. J. L. Bicknell. Musical trav-
els through England ... L. 1785.
Ascribed also to Thomas Day and G-eorge
Colmolyn. Charles Sotheran. Percy
Bysshe Shelley as a philosopher and re-
former , . . N.Y. 1871.
Colombey, Emile. JSmfte Laurent.
Euelles, salons, et cabarets ... P. 1858.
Colon & Spondee. Royall Tyler,
who, under this pseudonym, furnished
humorous articles to the "Farmer's
Weekly Museum/' Walpole, K1 H., 1796-
1800. Judge Tyler had previously writ-
ten for the "Eagle," Hanover, N.H.,
under the same pseudonym, and later to
the "Federal Orrery," Boston.
Colonist. Mr. Sewell, in Ms contribu-
tions to the "Montreal Herald" attack-
ing the policy of Sir George Prevost
Colonist, A Thomas Chandler Hali-
lurton, M.A. A reply to the report of
the Earl of Durham . . . Halifax, 1889.
Colored Man, A Paul Jennings. A
C. M.*s reminiscences of James Madison.
Brooklyn, KY, 1865.
Columbanus Charles 0* Conor, D.D.
Columbanus ad Hibernos ; or, seven let-
ters . . . Buckingham, 1810-16.
Columella. Clement Clarke Moore,
LL.D. An inquiry into the effects "of
our foreign carrying trade upon the agri-
culture, population, and morals of the
country . . . KY. 1806.
Columella. #. W. Pinney. The new-
education . . . San 3Tran. 1874.
Colvil, Edward. Mrs. Mary Lowell
Putnam. Kf teen days. An extract from
Edward Colvil's journal. B. 1866.
Colvin, Cecil. Francis Cowky Bur-
nand. My time, and what I have done
with it ... L. 1874.
Colwan, Robert \Vrfngham. J*., / *
Hogg The private memoirs of a justi-
fied'sinner. L. 1824. — See "A Justified
Sinner "
Comet. Mr. Waller, in Ms contribu-
tions to the u Herald " (B., Mass ).
Comet Idterary and Patriotic
Club, The. Thomas Browne Parson's
horn-book By Dublin, 1801.
Comment, Cuthbert, Gent Abra-
ham Tucket. Man in quest of himself . . .
L. 1763.
Committee, A G. W. Crawford and
J. Applewhite. Statistical address to the
people of Austin and Washington coun-
ties, on the subject of railroads. Wash.
D.C. 1852.
Committee appointed by the Pas-
sengers of the "Oceanus," A. James
Clark Fiench and Edward Carey. The
trip of the " Oceanus " to Port Sumter
and Charleston, S.C Brooklyn, 1865.
Committee Man, A. J. Nightingale.
The Scriptural Deacon . . . N.Y. 1845.
Common Sense. Sir Richard Phil-
lips, in the " Monthly Magazine/' Lon-
don, of which he was editor and proprie-
tor for about thirty years.
Commoner, A. Rev. William Gould.
A letter to the commoners in Roeking-
ham Forest . . . Stamford, 1744.
Communipaw Pliny Miles. His
letters from abroad, under this and less
well-known pseudonyms, convey a
graphic idea of foreign sight-seeing.
Companion Traveller, A. JLftss K
F. 8. Hams. From Oxford to Rome,
and how it fared with some who lately
made the journey. L. 1847.
The authoress subsequently became a Catho-
lic, and publicly expressed her deep regret for
many of the unauthorized statements, or false
impressions concerning the Chnrch of Rome, in
the above work. — 0. H.AM8T.
Compiler ot "Anecdotes of distin-
guished Persons," The. William Se-
ward, Esq. Biographiana. L. 1799.
Comprehensionist, A. Frederick J.
Wilson. My rights! Tour rights!! Our
rights!!! My right to my tenancy as
my freehold ... L. 1876.
Comus. Robert Michael Bdl&ntyne.
The robber kitten. L. 1858.
Comyn, Alexandra de. Charles
Thomas Browne. Irene. L. 1844.
Concivis. G. H.Bdden {*}. Letters
to the people of the United States. 1ST.Y.
Confederate Lady, The. Mrs. J&favd
J. (Fuller) Young, who, during the late
civil war, wrote songs, etc., for the Con-
Congregational Minister, A. Eev.
Wdham B. Orvis. The coming of Christ
in his kingdom . . . X.Y. 1869.
Connecticut Farmer's Boy, A, Fitz-
Greene Halleck, whose first appearance
in print "was in ** Holt s Columbian/1 New
York, 1813, in a short poem bearing this
Connecticut Pastor, A. Reo. Enoch
Fitch Bwr. Ecce Ccelum; or, parish
astronomy. B. 1867.
Connecticut Pastor, A. Rei. Joseph
Darling Hull, AM Plea for religious
newspapers a sermon preached to his
own people on the Lord's Day, Decem-
ber 29, 1844, by ... Hartford, 1845
Conover, Elizabeth Miss — l)ur-
Conrad. Alfred Bunn. The stage,
both before and behind the curtain . . .
L, 1840.
Conrad, Georg, Piince George, of
Prussia. Dramatische Werke. 1870
Conservative, A. John Lettsom Elliot
A letter to the Electors of Westminster.
L. 1847.
Conservative, A. James Denmstoun.
A letter to the Lord Advocate [Francis
Jeffrey] on the Scottish Reform Bill.
Edinb 1832.
Consistent Loyalist, A. John Parr.
Remarks on a late pamphlet entitled "A
vindication of Governor Parr and his
council"... L. 1784.
Consistent Protestant, A. Adam
Calami/, a writer in the "Gent Mag"
under this pseudonym, 1740 et seq.
Consistent Protestant, A Owen
Manning. Considerations on ... arti-
cles and liturgy of the Church of Eng-
land . . . L. 1774.
Consistent Protestant, A. Richard
Watson, E>.D. Considerations on the
expediency of revising the liturgy . .
L. 1790.
Consistent Whig, A. J2t Rev. Dr.
Thomas Lewis 0'Jfetrae. Considerations
on the late disturbances, by ... 1781.
Constance. Mrs. Bessie W, (John-
son] Williams, who, under this nom de
plume, has published articles in " Scottfs
Magazine" and the "Mobile Sunday
Constantia. Mrs. Judith (Sargent)
Murray. The repository and gleaner,
B. 1798. Mrs. Murray was also a con-
tributor to the "Massachusetts Maga-
zine" and the "Boston Weekly Maga-
Constantia, L. A. Leopold Auguste
Oonstanttn Hesse. Bibliothekonomie . , ,
JUipsie, 1840.
Constitution. John Carttettght. A
letter to Edmund Burke, Ee<i, contro-
verting the principles of the American
government, laid down in Ma lately pub-
lished speech on American taxation . . .
in the House of Commons, on the 19th
of April, 1774 L 1775
Constitutional Reformer, A. John
Butter. History of the Shaftesbury Elec-
tion, 1830 . . L 1830.
Consul Abroad, A. Lulgi Monti
Adventures of ... By Samuel Sample-
ton, B. 1878.
Consul's Daughter and Wife, A
Mrs John Elijah Blunt, Twenty years'
residence among the people of Turkey
.. NY. 1878.
Consumptive, A. Robert S. Coffin.
The eleventh hour . . . B 1827.
Contributor at Paris, The William
Makepeace Thacleiay. The ballad of
Bouillabaisse. " Punch," Feb. 17, 1849.
Contributor to "Bentley," A. Wil-
liam, Hollis Miscellaneous Latin poems,
original and translations ... L. 1851.
Contributor to "Blac&wood's Mag-
azine," A. William Pitt Scargill. The
usurer's daughter ... L 1832.
Contributors to Tracts for the
Times By A [John Kebli\9 B [Isaac
Williams'], C. [Dr. Pusey), D. [</". H
Newman}, E [Thomas KeUe], #. \_8ir
George Prevost, Bart.'}, G. [Rev. R F.
Wilson, of Oriel]. Plain sermons L.
Convert, A. Rt. Rev Richard
Challoner. The grounds of the old re-
ligion . . P. 1814.
Convert, A- Rev. S W. Whttchei.
The story of ... as told to his former
parishioners after he became a Catholic.
W.Y. 1875.
Convert from Anglicism, A. George
John Lloyd Crawley* England, Greece, or
Rome ? A letter to a friend. York, 1850.
Conway, H. B. H. B. Coulson. A
nom de theatre.
Conway, H. I>erwent. Henry David
Inglis. Solitary walks through many
lands 3ded. L. 1843.
Conway, Hugh. Frederick John
Fargus. Called back. Bristol, 1883.
The work appeared originally in "Arrow-
sraitli's Almanac," Bristol; was soon published
in a separate form, and more than 80,000 copies
were sold.
Conway, Marie. Frank CaMl, in
his contributions to the " Saturday
Press " (P.)
Conynghame, Kate. Hev. Joseph
Holt Ingraham. The sunny South, or,
the Southerner at home ... P. 1860.
Cookies. — See "Goody, Abimelech "
Coody, Abimelech. Gulian Cromme-
hn Verplanck. An account of Abimelech
Coody and other celebrated writers of
New York . . NY. 1815.
"In the year 1814, a -writer appeared in a
Kew York paper, assuming the name of Abime-
Jech Coody, a mechanic ot that place. He was a
"Federalist, and addressed himself principally to
the party to which he belonged . The writei
was soon ascertained to be Mr. Gulian C. Ver-
planck. Abimelech Coody was replied to by a
writer over the signature of 'A Traveller* . .
who was said to be DeWitt Clinton, who said
that he [Coody alias Verplanck] has become
the head of a sect called the « Goodies * " . . . See
" The Croakers," N.Y. 1860, note, p. 152.
Cook, Hannah. Mrs. Thomas Brad-
Coolidge, Susau Sfiss Sarah Chaun-
cey Woolseij Mischief's Thanksgiving;
and other stories B. 1874
Coombe, Count. William Coombe,
Coontrie Attorney, A. Charles San-
dys. Vindication of ... L. 1847.
Cooper, Frank William Gilmore
Stmms. Poems; Life of Capt. John
Smith; Life of Chevalier Bayard. N.Y.
Cooper, Rev. Wm. U., B A. James
6r. Bertram Flagellation and the Flagel-
lants . . L. 1870.
Cope. W. C. Copeland, in the "Brook-
lyn Eagle."
Copper-Farthing Dean, The. Jona-
than Swift. The most wonderful wonder
that ever appeared to the wonder of the
British nation . . L. 1726.
Copywell, James. William Woty.
Shrubs of Parnassus, containing a variety
of poetical essays, moral and comic . . .
L. 1760
Coquina Cr. 0. Shields, in several
sporting works.
Cordelia. Mme. Virginia Treves, in
"Nell* Azzurro."
Cordial Well-wisher to the cause
of Universal Truth and Righteous-
ness, A Miss Priscdla Hannah Gurney.
A comprehensive view of the nature of
faith... L. 1816.
Cordier, Jules. JEle'onoie Tenaille de
Cordala. Countess Irene de la Rocca
Coriat, Junior. Samuel Patetson.
Another traveller; or, cursory remarks
and critical observations made upon a
journey through part of the Netherlands
in the latter part of the year 1766. L.
Corinna ATrs. Elizabeth Thomas.
Pylades and Corinna ; or, memoirs of the
lives, amours, and writings of Richard
Gwmnett, Esq., and Mrs. Elizabeth
Thomas, Junr. L. 1731. — See " A Lady."
Coriolanus. Col. W. Smith. Re-
marks on the late infraction of the
treaty at New Orleans N.Y 1803. '
Corisande. A/rs Adolphe (Jerrold)
Smith, author of Sketches of society and
scenery in the "London Graphic/' the
" Liverpool Courier," and a novel called
" A Woman of Mind."
Corn-Law Rhymer, The. Ebenezer
Elliott More verse and prose ... L.
Cornelius John Robison. Extracts
from Prof. Robison's "Proofs of a con-
spiracy." B. 1799.
Cornelius, Dr. William Howitt. The
student life of Germany ... L 1842.
Cornet in the Hon East India
Company's Service, A. Thomas L.
Pettigrew Lucien Greville. L. 1833
Cornish Chough, The. Albert Charles
Wildman, in the " Western Daily Mer-
cury" (English).
Cornish Curate, A. Rev Francis
Edward Baston Cole. The Methodistic
tenet of conversion . . . Oxf. and L.
Cornish Liady, A. Mrs. Emihe Earle
(Steete) Hicks. First lessons in useful
things. Truro, 1868
Cornish Vicar, A. Rev. Robert Ste-
phen Hawker, MA A letter to a friend
. L. 1857.
Cornishwoman, A. Miss Ellen J.
Pearce Peace or war* An appeal to
the women of Great Britain and Ireland.
Truro, 1876.
Cornubian, A. Henry John DanieL
The Anti-Newtonian Institute : a satire
in two cantos, n p., n d.
Cornubian, A. John Trenhaile, Kec-
reations in rhyme, by ... L. 1834.
Cornwall <7. H. Botsford, in his
letters entitled "Always Everywhere,"
contributed to the "Inter-Ocean" (Chic.,
Cornwall, Barry. Bryan Waller
Procter. Memoir of Charles Lamb. L.
Cornwall, C. M Miss 3fary Abigail
Roe. Free, yet forging their own chains.
Coroner's Clerk, A. Rev* Erskine
Neale The note-book of ... reprinted
from " Bentley^s Miscellany/'
Corporal. Zenas T. Haines. Letters
from the 44th reg. M. V. M., 1862-63 . . .
B. 1863.
Corporal of Riflemen, A. Henry
Beau foil, Esq. Scloppetaria j or, consid-
erations on the nature and use of rifled
barrel guns . , . L. 1808.
Corrector. Bishop John Henry Ho-
lart. A reply to a letter addressed to
tlie Hight Her. Bishop Hobart, by "Wil-
liam Jay, in a letter to that gentleman.
K.Y. 1823.
Correggio. One of the pseudonyms
attributed to Junms (? r ) The letter
thus signed bears the date Sept. 16, 1707,
and caricatures the ministry.
Correspondent <lu Canadien, IJe.
J \V O'Biien. Excursion aux prov-
inces maritimes. Impressions de voyage
Quebec, 1864
Corresponding Member of tlie So-
ciety for propagating Christian
Knowledge, A Elisha Smith The law
of laws... L. 1719
Corsair. Jame* Wood Davidsont in
his contributions to various Southern
Corslncon Hugh Dalziel. British
dogs: their varieties, history, character-
istics, breeding, management, and exhi-
bition L. 1880
Corvinus Travels TWss, D.Q.H.
Hungary: its constitution and its catas-
trophe ... L. ISoO
Corvimis, Jakob. Wilhdm Rcabe.
Chronik der Sperhngsgasse. 1857.
Cosmo. John Mathew Cfutch^ Esq.
Letters of Cosmo. Bristol, Eng.
Cosmo. John Hall-Stevenson. ]j£aka-
rony fables . . . - By . . , Mythogelastie
Professor, and P M.S. L. 1767.
Cosmopolitan, A, Charles Henry
Putten Miss Columbians public school ;
or, will it blow over'2 ... L. 1871.
Cosmopolitan, A. John Dix, after-
wards Ross Pen and ink sketches of
eminent English literary personages. L.
Cosmopolite, Lmenzo Dow. A cry
from the mlderness . , , U.S 1830.
Cosmopolite. Alfred Tobias John
Martin. The Penzance library. A sat-
ire [in verse] Penzance, 1842.
Cosmopolite. James Lawson. Tales
and sketches. By ... 1830.
Cosmopolite, A. John Dix, afterwards
Ross. Sportsman in Ireland, with Ms
summer route through the Highlands of
Scotland ... I/. 1840
Cotton, Robert Turner. Mortimer
Colhns. Mr. Carington. A tale . » .
. ib i o.
Cotton Manufacturer, A. Edward
Atkinson. Cheap cotton and free labor . . .
B. 1861.
Cfoulthurst K H. W., 0.IX, <&c. Rev.
Alexander Geddes. A sermon preached
before the university of Cambridge,
by ... [in doggerel rhymos]. L, 1796.
Count, Noah. Edwin H. Trqfion,
editor of the "Art Review" (N.T. and
Chic.), 1870-71.
Countreyman, A. %ev. John Andei-
son, ZLA A letter from ... to a curat.
Glasgow, 1711
Country Bookseller, A- George Mil-
ler Latter struggles in the journey of
life . Edinbl883.
Country Clergyman, A. Rev. Thomas
SiJces. M.A An address to Lord Teign-
mouth..- L. 1805.
Country Clergyman, A. John Kins-
man Tucler The catechism of the
Church, of England explained and illus-
trated Ipswich, 1849
Country Clergyman, A. Rev. flump-
ton Wilson. The connection between doc-
trine and duties ... in a sermon by ...
L. 182(5.
Country Clergyman, A. Rev. W.
Fletcher. A C. C.'s humble and earnest
appeal to the hearts and understandings
of the Lords and Commons in Parlia-
ment assembled. L. 1803.
Country Clergyman, A. Rev Elisha
Smith. The cure of Deism ; or, the me-
diatorial scheme by Jesus Christ the only
true religion , . . Lt. 1737.
Country Clergyman, A. Rev Charles
Dunster, of Petworth, Sussex. Discur-
sory considerations on St. Luke's pre-
face ... L.1805
Country Clergyman, A. Rev. ISob-
eit Ingram. An explanation of the
Prophecy of the Seven Vials ... L.
Country Clergyman, A. Rev. John
Sutler. The extent and limits of the
subjection due to princes . , . L. 1747.
Country Clergyman, A Rev Wil-
liam Dodwdl. Letter to the author of
" Some considerations on the act to pre-
vent clandestine marriages" ... L.
Country Clergyman, A- Rev John
Balrjuy. Letter to a Deist, concerning
the beauty ... of moral virtue . . L.
Country Clergyman, A. Rev. John
Will tarn CunningJiam. Morning thoughts
... L.182B.
Country Clergyman, A, Rev. Wil-
liam Wake. A letter . . to his brother
in the neighbourhood touching some re-
proaches cast upon the bishops. L. 1702
Country Clergyman, A. Samuel
Wilberforce, D.D, Note-book of ... L.
Country Clergyman, A. Jftez?. Ed'
ward Serene. Pastoral advice to mar-
ried persons. By , . . Oxf. 1821.
Country Clergyman, A. Reo . C. G.
Perceval. Plain sermons preached in a
village church ... L. 1851.
Country Clergyman, A Rev Charles
Dunster, M A Psalms and hymns, se-
lected ... L 1812
Country Clergyman, A. Rev. Ed-
ward Beiens Tracts on the relative
duties of married persons . . . Oxf.
Country Curate, A. Rev. Zachary
Grey. A free and familiar letter to that
great refiner of Pope and Shakespear,
the Bev. Mr. William Warburton . . .
With remarks upon the epistle of friend
A. E. In which his unhandsome treat-
ment of this celehrated writer is expos'd
in the manner it deserves. L. 1750.
The "Epistle of friend A E." is Grey's
"Word or two of advice, etc." The letters
"A. E." are the \owels in Zachary Grey.
Country Curate, A. Rev. Erskme
Neale. The living and the dead ... L
Country Curate, A. Rev. Charles
Benjamin Tayler, M.A. May you like
it ... L. 1823.
Country Curate, A. Rev. James WJiite.
Village poor-house By ... L. 1832.
Country Curate, The Rev. Alexan-
der Robert Charles Dallas. The 0. C.'s
offering to his parishioners ... L.
Country-Divine, A. Rev. William
Binckes. An expedient proposed ... L.
Country Divine, A. Rev. Samuel
Wesley. A letter . . . concerning the
education of the Dissenters . . . L. 1703.
Country Editor, A. Johnson J.
Hooper. — See " Suggs, Simon."
Country Gentleman, A. Sir Thomas
Turton. An address to the good sense
and candour of the people of England,
in hehalf of the dealers m corn ... L.
Country-Gentleman, A. H. Halker-
stow, of Bathillet, Fifeshire. Considera-
tions on man, in his natural as well as
moral state . . . Edinb. 1764.
Country Gentleman, A. Sir Charles
Bmgham. An essay on the use and ne-
cessity of establishing a militia in Ire-
land . . . Dub. 1767.
Country Gentleman, A. Zachary
Grey. Examination of a late edition of
Shakespeare ... L. 1752.
Country Gentleman, A. Rt. Hon.
Edward Weston. Family discourses . . .
L 1768.
Country Gentleman, A. Rev. Rich*
ard Polwhele. The family picture; or,
domestic education: a poetic epistle
from ... to his college friend the Bishop
of *««w». L. 1808
Country Gentleman, A. Wih<am
Coomle, Esq. A letter from . . to a
Member of Parliament. L. 1790.
Country Gentleman, A Sir Fian-
cis Grant, Lord Oullen A letter ... to
his friend in the city ... n p , u.d
Country Gentleman, A. William
Kmg&man) of Petworth. A letter to the
Right Honble. Sir John Sinclair, Bart.
... L. 1811
Country Gentleman, A. William
Fletcher. Lights, shadows, and reflections
of Whigs and Tories ... L 1841.
Country Gentleman, A. Rt. Rev.
Dr. Thomas Lewis O'Beirne. Series of
essays in a daily newspaper under the
signature of ... 1780.
Country Gentleman, The Rt Hon.
Edward Weston. The C. G.'s advice to
his neighbors L 1755.
Country Gentleman, The. Abraham
Tucker. The C. G.'s advice to Ms son on
the subject of party clubs. L. 1755.
Country Gentleman, formerly of
the University of Cambridge, A.
Thomas James Mathias. A letter to
[John Mainwaring] the author of a
pamphlet entitled " Remarks on the pur-
suits of literature "... £. 1798
Country Magistrate, A. Dr. Glasse.
The magistrate's assistant . . . Glocester,
Country Minister, A. Caleb Wroe.
Four letters to a friend ... I/. 1725.
Also ascribed to Dr. Thomas Morgan.
Country Minister, A. Rev. Alexan-
der Dunlop. The law of the Sabbath, of
perpetual obligation . . . Edinb. 1847.
Country Parson, A. Andrew Ken*
nedy Hutchison Boyd, D.D. Autumn
holidays". L. 1864. -
Country Parson, A. Rev. Mr. Ed
wards, of Aldwinkle, Northamptonshire.
A Christmas carol ... L. 1715
Country Parson, A. Rev. W. Salis-
bury. An epistle ... to a residentiary of
St. Paul's. Chelmsford, n.d
Country Parson, A Rev. Henry
MouU. My kitchen garden . . . L. 1860.
Country Pardon, A. Rev Francis
Charles Hingeston-Randolph, 3LA. Rec-
ords of a rocky shore ; or, annals of our
village... L. 1876.
Country Parson, A Retired. Rev.
Richard Warner. Diary of ... [in
verse], L. 1848.
Country Parson's Daughter, A
Mrs. Elisabeth (Emra) Hdmes. Lawrence
the martyr : scenes in our parish. 2d se-
ries. Bristol, 18-
Country Pastor, A. Etv. Richard
Whatdy. A letter to liis parishioners on
the disturbances which have lately oc-
curred ... L. 1830.
Country Rector, A. Rev. Spencer
Cobbotd. The duty of acknowledging
Jesus Christ m all we do * a sermon . . .
Ipswich, 1835.
Country School Master, A. William
Leqgett Tales and sketches ... NY.
Country Vicar, A. Rev. F. Mere-
neatker. A defence of moderation in re-
ligious doctrine, practice, and opinion
... L 1812.
Countryman, A Rev. Isaac Backus.
A letter . . concerning taxes to support
religious worship ... L. 1771.
Countryman of Martin Luther, A.
Rei Anthony Kohlman, S.J. Centennial
jubilee, to be celebrated . . throughout
the United States ... in commemoration
of the Reformation , . . 1517 . . . Bait.
County Court Judge, A F Bayley.
The origin and object of Roman Catho-
lic doctrines. L. 1875.
Cour, T. E. W. G. T. Barter. Two
essays : life, law, and literature. L 1863.
Conrtenay, Peregrine. William
IfacLuorth Praed, in "Knight's Quar-
terly Magazine," 1828-24.
Courtenay, Sir William Percy
Honeywood, K M. — See " Tom, J. N."
Couthouy, Marion. Marion C. Smith,
in the " Philadelphia Bulletin."
Coventry. Rei\ Jonathan Evans, in the
"Gospel Magazine," 1777-78, and the
" Christian Magazine," 1790-93.
Cowkeeper, The. Samuel Wdber-
force, in the "John Bull," about 1827.
Coxe, Henry, Esq. John Millard.
The gentleman's guide in his tour
through France. L. 1817.
Crabtree, Culpepper, Esq. Rev.
Robert Jackson MacGeorge> who edited
the " Sedenmts " in the " Anglo-Ameri-
can Magazine/' Toronto. — See "Solo-
mon of Streetsville."
Crackenthorpe, Mrs. The supposed
editor of the " Female Tatler/' L. 1709.
Craddoek, Charles Egbert. Jlfiss
Nanj y. 31urfree. In the Tennessee
mountains. B. 1884.
Craft, Zachary. Charles Kelsall The
first sitting of the committee on the
proposed monument to Shakspeare,
taken in shorthand . . . Cheltenham,
Craig, J. H., of Douglas, Esquire.
James Hogg. The hunting of Badlewe :
a dramatic tale ... L. 1814.
Crambo, Cornelius. William Barnes
Rhodes, Esq. Eccentric tales, in verse . . .
L 1808.
Cramer, Julian. Joseph Lemuel Ches-
ter. He was a frequent contributor to
the press, under various pseudonyms, of
which the best known is "Julian Cra-
Crassus, Lucius Alexander Hamil-
ton. Examination of the President's
message . . . N.Y. 1802.
Craven. Capt. John William Carle-
ton. Hyde Marston; or, a sportsman's
life... L. 1844.
Crawley, junior, fit. JECon John Wil-
son Croker, in Lady Morgan's "Florence
Crawley, Capt George Fredenck
Pardon Guide to London and its sub-
urbs. L
Crawley, Captain Rawdon. George
Frederick Pardon. Backgammon . . .
L. 1858.
Crayne, Ruth. Mrs. Louisa Amelia
(Piatt) WGaffey, whose poems hare
been published in the ** Ohio Cultivator,"
the " Odd Fellows' Casket and Beview "
(Cin ), and the " Ohio Farmer/'
Crayon, Christopher James Eunng
Ritchie, in his contributions to the
« Christian World/' 1884.
Crayon, Geoflfrey, Gent. Washing-
ton Irving. The sketch book N.Y. 1820.
Crayon, Porte. David Hunter Strother*
Virginia illustrated . . . N.Y. 1857 Also
in his contributions to " Harper's Maga-
Crayon, Porte. Bernard Isaac Dur~
ward. Wild flowers of Wisconsin. 1872.
Credens, Caleb Fleming. An antidote
for the rising age against scepticism and
infidelity . . . from . , to " Scepticus/*
L. 1765.
Crediton Poet, The. C. Jones.
Creole Mrs. A. M. C. Massena.
Mane's mistake B. 1869.
Creole de la Louisiane, Tin. Eu-
gene Musson. Lettre & Napole'on HI. sur
resclavage aux Etats du Sud. Paris.
Cresinus. Jedediah Hunt. The cot-
tage maid : a tale in rhyme. Cin. 1847
Also in his contributions to various peri-
Cress. Mrs. Robert P. Po?te7,in her
contributions to the "Enquirer" (Cin.).
Creyton, Paul. John Townsend Trow-
bridge* Father Brighthopes ; or, an old
clergyman's vacation . . . N.Y. 1853.
Crib, Tom. Thomas Moore. Tom
Crib's memorial to Congress ... By
one of the Fancy. [Inverse] L 1819.
Crick, Susan. Horace IfayJtew (*).
Letters about missuses, by a maid of all-
work ... L 185i.
Crimean Chaplain, A Henry Press
Wright. Recollections of ... and the
story of Prince Daniel and Montenegro.
L. 1837.
Crine, George, M.D. Sir John Hill.
The management of the gout . . . n.p.
Cringle, Tom. Michael Scott. The
cruise of the " Midge." Edinb, 1836,
Crialile, Nym. Andrew C. WTieekr.
The chronicles of Milwaukee . . . Mil-
waukee, 1801, Also art critic of the N.Y.
« World."
Crino. Samuel J. Tilden
Crippled Fayette. Thomas Fayette
Jeffries " Crippled Fayette/' of Rock-
Inghflm . . Mountain Valley, Ya,, 185T.
Crispin. Dr. ffiilliam Wagstaffe.
Cnspin the cooler's confutation of Ben
E-dly... L. 1711
Crispinus. John Westland Marsttm.
The patrician's daughter. L. 1841. He
was one of the editors of the " National
Magazine/' and contrxbuted to the u Athe-
naum " some stirring lyrics, of -which the
best known is his " Death ride at Bala-
Crispus, Major 0. 0. Wheeler, in the
Brooklyn "Eagle."
Cristal, Maurice. Maurice G-erma*
Delassements du travail. Paris, 18-.
Critliaaaah, JoTx Jonathan Birch.
Eli'ty-one original fables, with morals
and ethical index, -written by ... L.
Critieus. Rev. William Orme. Me-
moir of the controversy respecting the
Three Heavenly Witnesses, 1. John, v. 7
. . L. 1830.
Critique. Dennis B, Sheahan.
Critique marie", tie. Jules Gabriel
Janw. Le manage du critique, in the
" Jotvrnal des Debats." Paris, 1841.
Crito. Two letters bearing this sig-
nature have been attributed to Junms
(o.r,). They appeared in the "Public
Advertiser " for April 20 and 27, 1769,
and are addressed to the Hon. Edward
Crito. Samuel Brown, in the London
" Insurance Magazine."
Crito. 22ey. John Duncombe, who,
under this pseudonym and others, con-
tributed to the " Gent. Mag." for twenty
years, 1765-1785
Crito. Thomas Sanderson. "As an
author, Mr, Sanderson first became fa-
miliar to the public by various prose and
poetical pieces, published under the sig-
nature of ' Crito J ... in the 'Cumber-
land Pacquet.' >}
Crito Charles Lamb. On the danger
of confounding moral with personal de-
formity, contributed to the " Reflector/*
Crito. John Millar. Letters ... on
the causes, objects, and consequences of
the present war. 2d ed. Ediub, 179(5.
Crito. Elijah Waring. A poem on
the death of that faithful and laborious-
minister of tho Gospel, Benjamin Kidd.
L. 1752
Crito Cantabrigiensis Thomas Tur'
ton, D.D. A vindication of the literary
character of the late Professor Porson
. . L 1827.
Croafcer. Joseph Bodrnan Drake.
The first four of the once famous " Croaker
Pieces" were written by him for the "New
York Evening Post," in which they appeared
between tb« IQtti and 20th of Marcb, 1S10. Then
Drake made Fitz-Greene Halleck o partner, and
the remainder of the pieces vere signed <( Croak-
er and Co " The last one written by Drake was
** The American Flag/* and the last of the series,
"CarUm Conversations." Teas contributed by
Croafeer and Co. Joseph Rodman
Brake and Fitz-Gteene Halleck, in the
"2sTew York Evening Post/' 1819.
Crocus. Charles C, Leonard, His-
tory of Pithole . . . Pithole City, Pa.,
Croesus, Chippeadbiain. A* W. Caws-
ton. ^Fortunate youth; or. . containing
the commencement, action, and denoue-
ment of the Newmarket Hoax. 1818.
Croftangry, Ckrystal. Sir Walter
Scott. Chronicles of the Canongate.
Edinb. 1826-28.
Croix, Blanche Charles Edward
Long, Esq. The crest of Howard/' Gent.
Mag./' Fehniary, 1W9.
Cromwell of ISTew England, The*
Samuel Adams, so termed in a London
Croquelardon, £16 R- P. Jean GUIes
temp [Boniface?. Jacques A,lbin Simon
Collm de Planet/ Les trois animaux
philosophcs j ou, les voyages de Fours de
Samt-Corhinian . . . Pans, 1818
Croquis, Alfred. Darnel Machse,
&.A . Portraits in " Eraser's Magazine."
Crosse, Launcelot M. Frank Carr.
Characteristics of Leigh Hunt. L. 1878.
C(rossman)> C. O. William Mapmn,
in the "London Literary Gazette" in
Crossmaa, F. F. William ML$innt m
the " London Literary Gazette " in 182-.
Croxv, Oraiiaes. George Stfven&an Pine.
Crowfield, C&rlstoplier. Mrs, Har-
riet Beecher Slowe. Home and home
papers. B. 187-.
Croxvqulll, Alfred. £{fi ed Henry For-
rester. The pictorial grammar. L 1S7-.
Crowquill, Alfred. Charles Robert
Fan ester, as well as Alfred Henry, Trho
used this pseudonym conjointly from
1SJO to 1844.
Crucelli, F. James A. Sideij. Mis-
tura curiosa . being a higgledy piggledy
ot Scotch English Irish Kigger golfing
curling comic serious and sentimental
odds . . . and fables . . . Edinb. 1809.
Cruiser, Benedict, M.3I. (mamed
man). George Augustus Sala. HOTV I
tamed Mrs. Cruiser . . . Edited ... L
Crusoe, Robiusou Daniel Defoe
The life and surprising adventures of
... of York. Mariner. Written by him-
self L. 1819.
Crust, Cliristie. Eliza Freeman Deni-
son. Autumn leaves . . . Portland, Me., •
Cryptonymus. Joseph Gurney Sevan.
A brief reply to Catholicus's season-
able address to Disciplinarians ... L.
Cryptonymus. Kenneth Robert H.
Mackenzie. The royal Masonic cyclo-
paedia of history, rites, symbolism, and
biography. L. 1877
Cub, The Charles James Fox. The
cub: a satire [on his dismissal from
office] L, 1774.
Cultivateur, Un Americain. Sector
St. John Crevec&ur. Lettres . . . e'crites
a Win. S., Esq., 1770-1786. Paris, 1787.
Cultivateur de New Jersey, Tin.
William Livingston. Examen du gouveme-
ment d'Angleterre ... L. 1789.
Cumberland Landowner, A. Sir
James Robert George Graham. Free trade
in corn the real interest of the landlord
... L. 1828.
Cumberland Poet, The. William
Cumberraere, Ijprd Claudius Hast-
ings. Jean Baptiste Alfred Assolant.
Les aventures de K. Bninner . . . Paris,
Cuore, IJavinia Buon. Mme. Lavinia
Buoncuore Urlino. Sunshine in the palace
or cottage. B, 1854.
Curate of London, A. Rev. Arthur
Ashley Sykes. A letter to ... the Earl
of Nottingham ... L. 1721.
Curate of Wilts, A. Rev. William
Fleeticood. A Letter to the Reverend
Dr. Snape, wherein the authority of the
Christian Priesthood is maintained . . .
L. 1718. The letter is signed " S. T."
Curator of the Antiquities, The.
Rev. Charles Wellbeloved. A descriptive
account of the antiquities in the grounds
and m the museum of the Yorkshire
Philosophical Society . . York, 1852
Curdle, Cream, Irving Broun The
character of the nurse's deceased hus-
band in " Romeo and Juliet " By . .
Edited by\\ Ord Hunter, n p , u d.
Curieux Septuagenaire, Tin Bai on
Felix Se'hastien Feuillet de Conches. ^Sou-
venirs de jeunesse d' . . . Paris, 1877,
Curiosibhoy, Adersey. Joseph /S',
Moore. The " Parsee " letters, addressed
to Horace Greeley, Sahib. N Y., 1800.
Curioso, II Parlante. Don Ramon
de jMasonero y Romanos. Panoiama ma-
tritense. Madrid, 1835
Curiosus. G-eorge Oliver, I) D
IB 1S28, in conjunction with the Kcv J P.
Jones of North Bovey, Dr Oliver published
the "Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Devon and
Cornwall," a series of papers first contnbuted to
the "Exeter and Plymouth Gazette," under the
signatmes of "Curiosus'* and "Devomeneis "
He also " contributed for many yeara a valuable
senes of letters, under the signature ' Ourtosus,'
to the columns of the ' Exeter Flying Post.' "
Curiosus. John James Gibson Fuller.
Brasses formerly in Crowan Chnrch.
West Breton, 1868.
Curl-Fated John Hamilton Reynolds,
in the "London Magazine."
Curtiss, Percy. Mrs. William N.
Cox. Richard Peters ; or, could he for-
give him ... B. 1872.
Curtius. Dr. William Jackson, author
of letters in the "Public Ledger under
this pseudonym.
Curtius. Noah Webster. His signature
to a series of papers, in 1795, sustaining
Jay's treaty.
Curtius. John Taylor (1). A defence
of the measures of the Administration of
Thomas Jefferson , . . Wash., D.C.,
Curtius. William J. Qrayson. Let-
ters of Curtius. Charleston, S.C.} 1851.
Curtius. John Thompson. Letters of
Curtius Richmond, 1804.
Cusbmazi, LUla N. Anna M. S. Ros-
Custos. Thomas Sevan. Lindley
Murray Hoag and the Society of Friends.
L. 1853
Cutting, Pierce. Charles Hull Webb,
in his contributions to the "Boys and
Girls' Weekly " (N.Y ).
Cycla. Mrs. Helen Clacy. Aunt
Dorothy's will: a novel. L. 1860.
Cyclos. George E. Blackham, J/.Z).
An American bicycler.
Cyclos, a Member of tlie Glasgow
Skating Club. George Anderson, The
art of skating . . . Glasgow, 1852
Cymon. Frederick Thomas Somcrly.
Hits and dashes ; or, a medley of sketches
and scraps ... B. 1851.
Cypher^ A. H. Nutting. A few plain
remarks on decimal currency . . . Lu-
ton, Beds., 1856.
Cypress, J , Jr. William Post Hawes.
Sporting scenes and sundry sketches
... NY. 1842.
Cyrilla. BCD oness Tautphceus, formerly
Miss Jemima Montgomery. Cyrilla. a
tale. L. 1853.
Cyrille. Baton Adolphe d'Avril. De
Paris a 1'Isle des Serpents a trayers la
Eoumane la Hongrie, et les benches du
Danube. Paris, 1876,
A. David Macbeth Moir. Biographi-
cal memoir of the late Mrs. Hemans.
L. 1836.
A. Francis Barham. A loyal address
to the Queen's Most Gracious Majesty . . .
L. 1840.
A. Benjamin Disraeli. Venetia. L.
8. John Henry Newman. — See "a"
(under alpha).
D. Duke of Buccleitgh. To the D. of
B. , animadverting upon his political
conduct. Edinb. C2) 1776.
D. Rev. Benjamin Franklin De Costa,
in his letters to the "Advertiser" (B.)
during 1861-62.
D. Rev. Charles Dyson. "Pour po-
ems, contributed under the signature
'D/ to the volume entitled 'Days and
seasons/ published in 1845, show . . . the
power and beauty with which he could
write "
D. John Frere. His signature to
papers in the " Microcosm," published at
Eton College, 1787 et seq.
D. Rev. John Henry Newman, one of
the contributors to "Tracts for the
Times." L. 1840-48.
D JRev. David Malcolme. An essay
on the antiquities of Great Britain and
Ireland tin letters signed "D."]. Edinb.
D. Ormlle Deivey, D.D. A letter on
devotion at church. Prom the "Chris-
tian Examiner." Vol. IV., No. IV. B.
D. John Dickinson. Letters from a
farmer in Pennsylvania to the inhabi-
tants of the British Colonies. [The sev-
eral letters signed "A Farmer, and the
whole subscribed «D."] L. 1768.
D., Dr. Dr. Nicholaus Delius.
Shakespeare, Edited ... L. 1854.
D., A. Anne Dutton. A discourse
upon walking with God ... L. 1735.
D , A. A. Darby. An exhortation in
Christian love to all who frequent horse-
racing, cock-fighting . . . plays ... or any
other vain diversions . . . By . . „
Shrewsbury, 1765
D., A. Mr A. Dawson. A guide to
the musical tuition of very young chil-
dren. By an old lady ... L. 1868.
D., A. Mrs. A. Deane. A tour through,
the upper provinces of Hindostan . . .
between the years 1804 and 1814 . . „ L.
D. A. Y. David Ehsha Davy. His
signature in the " Gent. Mag "
D., B Benjamin Dorr. The history
of a pocket prayer-book ... P. 1839.
D B. Charles M. Fleury, D.D. Me-
moir L. 1854.
D., B. F. Benjamin Franklin De Costa*
Ticonderoga once more. N.Y. 1870.
D., C Mrs. Charles Dyson. Memori-
als of a departed friend L. 1833.
D., C Chailes Deane, New England's
prospect ... By W. Wood [With a
" Preface to the present edition," signed
"C.D."] B. 1865.
D., C. Charles Dent Socialist excur
sion to Eosherville Gardens . . . [Verses.]
L. 1844.
D , C. A. Ms. C. A. De Wint. Mel-
zinga. N.Y. 1845.
D., C. B. Itev. Charles Browne Dai-
ton, lf~4. New Zealand. Letters from
the Bishop to the Society for the propa-
gation of the Gospel. Edited ... L.
!>., C. C. Charles Carroll Dawson.
Occasional thoughts and fancies. Des.
Moines, Iowa, 1860.
D., C. F. Chat les Force Deems, author
of " Triumph of peace and other poems,"
185-, etc., editor of the "Southern Meth-
odist Pulpit/' and contributor to the
London " Gent. Mag.," " Southern Meth-
odist Quarterly," and other journals.
I>. C. ti. Alexander James Beresford-
Hope. Letters on church matters. By
... Prom the "Morning Chronicle "
L. 1851.
I>. D., Cajrtafc. Richard Wilson. The
praises of T. Carlyle, the historian . . .
(Praises of T. Wright, a learned histo-
lian . . Let the praises of other Chel-
sea worthies be added . . .) L 1873
D., E Edward Denham, in Ins contri-
butions to the " State " ( Pachmoad, Ya.)>
D,, E. Edmond Douay Comme on
devient un homme d'apres les idees de
B Franklin. Edited . . . Pans. 1865.
D , E. EliphaUt Di/er. Remarks on
Dr. Gale's letter to J. TT., Esq n p.
IX, E Eduard Dennant. The suffer-
ings oi Christ, the glory of saints. By
. . Ips\nch, 1790.
D , E. Rev. Sdward Danson. Tenta-
inen theologicum , or, an attempt to
assist the young clergyman ... in the
choice of a subject for his sermon . . .
Durham, 1850.
D , E. Emerson Dowson The youth's
spelling, pronouncing, and explanatory
theological dictionary . . L 1818. —
See " N. & Q /' 4th ser , si , 402, 431.
D, E. A, Mrs. E A. Davenport.
Philip; or, content a story. L. 1855.
D , E. F. JS. F. Dagky. Fairy favours
and other tales ... L. 1825.
D,E. H, Ellas Haslet Derby. Keality
versus fiction a review ... #. 1850. —
See " A Citizen of Boston."
P. F. Damel Defoe. An enquiry into
the occasional conformity of Dissenters
... L. 1701.
D, F. I. JLfrs. Florence /. Duncan.
Ye last sweet thing in corners ... P.
D., G. George Dyer, in Lamb's "BUa,"
Oxford in the Vacation.
D , — G- George Daniel. All's well
that ends well . . . \vith remarks ... L.,
about 1828.
IX, GL George Dodd. Chambers*
handy guide to the Kent and Sussex
soast in six routes or districts. By . , .
L. 1863.
D., Gr. £. Doughty. Ckurco-cate-
3hisnx ... L. 1703.
D., G. George Daniel. Democrltus
n London, with the mad pranks and
comical conceits of Eobin Groodfellow.
By... L. 1852.
D.,G. &Dani. England... L.1878.
!>., G-. George 2?unbart HerodottiSj
jisece et Latine . . . Edited . . . Edinb.
D.» O. George DarUy. The life of
FirgiL Signed... L. 1825.
0-> O- George Dyer. The poetical
vprks of J, Hammond and Lord Hervey,
nth biograpliical sketches of the auth-
ors. By... L. 1818.
D., O , and B , E George Daniel and
Edwin Bentleg. Stanzas on Lord Nel-
son's death and victory. By ... L.
D , G. H. Rev Geojge HemyDash-
uood Sigilla antiqua. Engravings from
ancient seals attached to deeds and char-
ters [at] Stowe-Bardolpht . . . Stoue-
Bardolph, 1847-62
D , G W. George W. Drtggs. Open-
ing of the Mississippi; or, two years'
campaigning in the South-West * . .
Madison, Wis , 1864.
D. H J?/ chard Gougli, his usual signa-
ture in the " Gent. Mag." His first com-
munication to that periodical was an
account of the village of Aldfriston ju
Sussex (Yol XXXVII, p. 443) under
this signature. "Antiquities at Aldfriston
in Sussex."
D.; H Hemy Drummond A defence
of the students of prophecy ... L. 1328.
D , H. Harriet Dallaway Etchings
of views in the vicarage of Letherhead,
Surrey, by ... L 1821
D., H Hannah Doyle. A few words
on the third query ... L. I860*
D , H Henry Davies Hours in the
picture gallery of Thirlestonc House,
Cheltenham . . . Cheltenham, 1846
D,H Mrs. Harriet (Milki] David-
son. Lines for little lips , . . Edinb. 1856.
D., H Henry Dircks The Polytech-
nic College ... L. 1867.
D., H , ESQ. Hugh Dokerty. The dis-
covery ; or, the mysterious separation of
. „ . and Ann his wife By ... L. 1807.
D., H., Ripensis, Heneage Dering.
Beliquse ISboracenses !er. . Eboraci,
B., H. A. Mss Henriette Duff, in
"Temple Bar," "St. James's Magazine,"
the " Graphic," and the " Spectator/'
I) , H B Henri/ Barton Dawson. The
colors of the United States first raised
over the capitol of the Confederate
States, April 3, 1865. Morrisania, 1866.
D., H. F. Mrs. H. F. Delf. "Safe
in the arms of Jesus " ; or, memorials of
L, A. Delf. By her mother... L.
B'l, I. Isaac D' Israeli, Esq. Re-
marks on the biographical accounts of
the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D. ... in
the "Gent. Mag./3 December, 1780, p.
D,, J. James Dunwootfy JSraivnson B?
Bow, editor of the " Southern Quarterly
Beview," 1843-45, founder and editor of
"De Bow's Monthly Beriew" at New
Orleans, 1846-57 et seg., author of "In-
dustrial Resources and Statistics of the
Southern and Western States/3 185S. —
See " A Citizen."
D., J. John Dibturnett. The Eastern
tourist . . KY. 1848.
!>., J James Daffbrne. ITairholt's
" Houses, haunts, and works of Rubens "
... Edited... L. 1871.
D, J. John Davidson. The fall of
the Pope, and the fate of the French
President L 1852
D., J. John Dix, afterwards Ross.
Pen pictures of popular English preach-
ers ... L. 1851.
D., J Jane Dewhurst. Poems , , .
Kingston, 1858
IX, J. John Davidson Remarks on
some of the editions of the Acts of the
Parliaments of Scotland. Edinb. 1792.
D., J. John Davy. Sir H. Dav/s
consolations in travel; or, the last days
of a philosopher. Edited ... L. 1851
D., J. James Dallaway. Some ac-
count of the Cistertian Priory of Bipa
Mola ... In a letter ... by . . Edited
by N C.,ie, Nicholas Carlisle, L. 1837.
D., J., CJdrurgus. John Dix. — See
*' Chirurgus."
D., J. F. /. F. Davis. A vocabulary
containing Chinese words and phrases
peculiar to Canton and Macao * . ,
Macao, 1824.
D., J. H. Ret,. J. H. Davies. The
lady of the valley: an Essex legend.
Colchester, 1875.
Dv J. H. J, Hamilton Dundas (?)
Scraps of a scribbler : being a f&vr short
poems ... on various subjects By . . .
Bdinb 1834.
D , J L J. L. Dowling. Ye Mstorie
of Leadenball [Market]. By . . L.
I> , J. 3VI. John Marriott Davenport.
Memorandum as to oaths . . . 1873.
!>., J. N. John Nelson Darby, Notes
on Scripture. Glasgow, 1866.
D., J. N. Rev. John Neale Dalton, Jr.
"Sermons to naval cadets. By ... L.
D., J. R. John DiX) afterwards Ross*
A hand-book of Kewport and Rhode
Island . . . Newport, 1852.
IX, J, R. James Reid Dill. A sermon
from the Grave. L. 1862
D,, J. W. Rev. John William Donald-
son.. A brief exposure of the Ber. J. S,
Perowne- L. 1855.
I>.,J.W. John Wt/hamDawson,LLJ>.
"Catalogue of Canadian plants in the
Holmes Herbarium . . . Montreal, 1859.
IX, J. W. /. W. Duffy. Julia In-
grand . . . 2?rom the Spanish. By ...
L. 1877.
D , Li. Leonard Digges. Gerard, the
unfortunate Spaniard. L. 1653.
D , M. Matthew Dawes. A letter to
Lord Chatham, concerning the present
war of Great Britain against America,
etc. By a gentleman of the Inner Tem-
ple L. 1776
D, M. A. Michael Aislabie Denham.
Folk lore; or, manners and customs of
the North of England. By ... Civ.
Dunelm, 1850-52.
J> , M. A, Mrs. Mary A.ndi ews Deni-
son John Dane ... B 1874.
D, M. P. P. Mcny F. P. Dundar.
The Shakespeare birthday book. [Mot-
toes selected by M. F. P. D j ^ L. 1875.
D,, 31. J. Mi Margaret Juliana Maria
Dunbar. Art and nature under aa Italian
sky. By... L 1852.
D , H. M. Mrs. Mart/ Mapes Dodget
editor of « Saint Nicholas " (K.Y.).
D., N. B. N. JB. Dennys. A short
vocabulary of the Mongolian language,
in the dialect chiefly used on the north-
ern border of China * . . By the editor
. . . Hong Kong, 1867.
D., N. H. Nathan HaskeU Dole, as
literary editor, and contributor, to the
"Philadelphia Press. "
D., F. Philip Dodd. Ko change for
the worse, a mistaken notion. By . . .
L. 1803.
B. P. (I.Q., Desiderius Pastor). Rev
Gerard Moultree, M.A., who contributed
tliirty-five hymns to the "People's
Hymnal" (1867), some of which are
signed "D. P," others "M," and one
" The Primer."
D., R. Richard Duppa. Elements of
the science of botany ... L. 1809.
D.,R. Richard De Courcy. Jehu's
looking glass . . . Edinb. 1772.
D., R. H., Jr. Ridiard Henry Dana,
Jr. Two years before the mast . . .
NY. 1844.
D., S. — See " Dowell, Samuel."
D., S. Selina Ditcher. Life lost or
saved . . L. 1866
D., S. A. Samuel A. Drake (1 ). Cat-
alogue of the private library of S. G.
Brake . . . (His life-work and his li-
brary, by S. A. D.) 1876.
!>., S. O. Samuel G. Drake. Notice
of W. T. Harris . . . [With a preface
byS. G.D.] B.1855.
ID., S. M. Mrs. Sarah Matilda Davis.
I/if e and times of Sir Philip Sidney. B.
!>., S. B. Rev. Spencer Rodney Drum-
mond, M.A* [A sermon preached after
the funeral of C. Drummond. With a
memoir by . , .] L. 1868.
D., T. Thomas Delaune. The image
of the beast . . . L. 1712.
O., T, Rev, Thomas Dale. The widow
... of Nain; and other poems. By ...
D., T. F. Thomas Frognall Dibdin.
Bibliography : a poem ... L. 1812.
D., \V. William Drysdak, correspon-
dent of the "New York Times."
D,\V. W. Duncan. Britain's glory;
or, the downfall of the French Repub-
lic ... L 1794.
D, W. Tr. Day. A collection of
psalms and hymns for public worship.
Compiled . Eveshara, 1795.
D., W #cr, William Dalton (?). A
course of sermons on the creed of Pope
Pius IV. ... Wol vernampton, 1841.
D , W. William Douglass. A disser-
tation concerning Inoculation of the
small pox. B. 1736.
D , \V. W. Davidson Letter to the
Bev. John Gumming, D.D. ... L. 1851.
D., W. William Duane. Remarks
upon a speech delivered by Mrs. E. Cady
Stanton! during the summer of 1870.
P. 1870.
D, W. Wedderburn Dundas. St.
Andrews. Lines by . . 1838-39.
D., W., M.A. William Derham. The
artificial clockmaker ... L. 1700.
D., TF. A. William Augustus Davis,
Biographical notice of Charles Stearns
Wheeler, A.M, who died at Leipzig,
June 13, 1843, aged twenty-six years.
By . . B. 1843.
D.,W.A. Bishop William Aberneihy
Drummmd. The lawfullness of breaking
faith with heretics . . . Edinb. 1778.
D., W. <*. William Giles Dix. The
deck of the "Crescent City": a picture
of American life. XT 1853.
D , W. K. Witttat* H. Dvrman. The
close of twenty-eight years of associa-
tion with J. 2T. D[arby] ... L. 1866.
D., \V*. J. William John Deane. Lyra
Sanctorum . . . Edited ... L. 1850.
D., \T. J. TK JT. Duncan. Notes on
the rate of discount in London . . .
Edinb. 1877.
D., W, L. W. L. Dickinson. The lit-
tle book of family prayer . . . With an
introduction by ... L. 1870.
P. V. Edmund Quincy, in the "Anti-
Slavery Standard."
D****. JSenr i Gabriel Duchesne. No-
tice hiatorioue sur la vie et les outrages
de ,T. B. Forta. Paris, 1801.
baron de Lamothe-Langon. Memoires
de Louis XVIH ____ Paris, 1832.
!>***, J. A. Jacques Antoine Dulaure.
Pogonologia; or, a philosophical and
historical essay on beards [the dedica-
tion signed "J. A. D***"]. Translated
from the Trench [by E. Drewe ?].
Exeter, 1786.
D##* jw#*. James Delacour. Abe-
lard to Eloisa • in answer to Mr Pope's . .
Eloisa to Abelard. By ... Dublin,
D*****? §***#*# Susanna Dowson*
Poems, domestic and miscellaneous . . .
Norwich, 1844.
D##*#n. — Dawson. Observations
on the conduct of Messrs. W*****cks
and., towards Mr. B***dB**r [Brewer],
their cashier Dublin, 1755.
D*#*n, B**b. Bubb Dodmgton. A
dialogue between G[ile]sE[arl]e and ...
D5****!!, J'^n, D D John Duncan*
D D The plea for a private indulgence
of grief. Addressed to the Hon. P**l*p-
B^ytftfie [Philip Bouverie] L. 1804.
I> . Erasmus Darwin. The botanic
garden . a poem ... L. 1791.
D , Duke of. William Cavendish,.
1st Duke of Devonshire. The charms
of liberty a poem by the late ... L.
D , D— — of. Duke of Dorset. The
. . . letters to the L[or]d C[hance]ll[o]r
of Ireland. L. 1753
D — — , His K. EL, tile DuLe of Cum-
berland. An attempt towards an apology
for ... [A satire by K. Bentley.] L.
D , Benjamin. Benjamin Disraeli.
Benjamin D , nis little dinner. Ulus-
trated by " Whew." L. 1876.
A sqmb in prose and verse on the policy of
B. Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield.
D , G Q-eorge Daniel. Cumber-
land's British theatre . . . L. 1829-43.
D , J. B. Rev. James Reid Dill.
A sermon from the grave. Memoir of
38T. Sproule . . . L. 1862.
D__e? E Edward Dingle. *Tis a real
good thing in a family. Signed . . .
Plymouth, 18-.
D— It, S— B Stephen Duck. The year
of "wonders ; being a literal and poetical
translation of an old Latin prophecy
found near Merlin's Cave, by ... L.
D— n, "Stir. John Dryden A descrip-
tion of ... funeral : a poem* L* 1700,
By T. Brown (?)-
D — n, Erasmus. Erasmus Darwin.
The Golden Age : a poetical epistle from
... to Thomas Beddoes, M.D. L. 1794.
D — n, J. John Dean. A genuine ac*
count of the ship S[usse]x ... L. 1740,
s, C — s, Bellamy Brownjohn,
and Dombey. Rubeit Carr Dunham
No thoroughiare. B 1S68.
D — st D— r, The. Conyers Middle-
ton, DD. The Deist Doctor detected;
or, free remarks on Dr. M.'s examina-
tion. By Philotheos. L. 1750
D-la-y, Rev Dr Patrick Delany. A.
letter of advice to the . . . humbly prp-
pos'd to the consideration of a certain
great Lord. [In verse.] Dublin, 1725.
D-Jl-s, Revd. M-rm-d-ke. fiev Mar-
maduke Dallas. A short and true state
of the affair betwixt the Revd J***m***t
[Jemmet], Lord Bishop of C-rk [Cork]
and E-ss [Ross], and . . . Dublin, 1749.
D - - mm - - d, Mrs. Mrs. Drum-
mond. The female speaker; or, the
priests m the wrong a poem ... L.
IX A., Anna. Anna If Almeida. A
lady's visit to Manilla and Japan . . . L.
Dacre, Charlotte, better known by
the name of " Rosa Matilda." Mrs. Char-
lotte Dacre Byi ne. Hours of solitude. A
collection of original poems . . . L. 1805.
Dadd, B. John R. Williams.
Daddow, Daniel. Charles Bennett.
Cornish comicalities in prose and verse.
Truro, 1875.
Dagobert, ChrysostOme. Jean Bap-
ttste ALphonse Led'huy. A bon chat bon
rat, tit for tat ... L. 1855.
Dagonet. George Robert Sims, in his
contributions to the " Referee." L 1877
et seg.
"Daily News" special correspon-
dent, The. J. F. Maurice. The Ashan-
tee war [with England in 1873-74]. A
popular narrative. By ... L 1874.
Daisy, Winter. Miss — Whiteway.
Ettie Knott; or, silver-lined clouds.
By ... L. 1877.
Dakotah, Hal &. General Henry Hast-
ings Sibley, in his contributions to "Por-
ter's Spirit of the Times," etc.
Dale, Ellis. G. A. McKenzze, in his
contributions to the te Canadian Monthly
Magazine" (Toronto).
Dale, Salvia Mrs, Alice Dalsheimer.
" Her contributions to the ' New Orleans
Times/ principally poetical, under this
pen-name elicited encomiums and en-
couraging predictions of future success."
Dalgetty, Dugald. Major- General
Sir Alexander Murray Tidloch, K.G.B.,
who, under this signature, wrote in the
Indian journals, calling attention to cer-
tain abuses practised on their soldiers by
the Honorable East India Company.
Dalin, M. Linda White Vtllari.
Courtship and campaign' a Milanese
tale of '66. 1873
Dalmocand. Geoige ^facdonald.
Poems and essays ; or, a book for the
times. By . . L. 1851.
Dalriada. D. B. Knox, of Annoy,
Ireland, in his contributions to " Texas
Sif tings" (ffY).
Dalrymple, Gilbert, DD. Gcrcud
Legh. A letter from Edinburgh to
Dr. Sherlock. . L. 1718.
Daly, Frederic. Lewis Austin. Henry
Irving in England and America, 1838-84.
L. 1884. — See "Lewis, Augustin."
Daly, John. John Besemeres. Old
Salt : a serio-comic drama in two acts.
L. 1868.
Damon. Ehas Broclett. The yea
and nay stock-jobbers ; or, the 'Change-
Alley Quakers anatomized. In a bur-
lesque epistle to a friend at sea. L.
Danburian Charles E. A. Mac-
Danbury Newsman. James Mont-
gomery Bailey. Life in Danbury B.
Danforth, Harry. C. J. Peterson
A native and resident of Philadelphia ;
proprietor and co-editor of "Peterson's
Ladies' National Magazine."
Dangerfield, John. Oswald John
Frederick Orawfurd. Grace Tolmar: a
novel . . L. 1872. Also in his contri-
butions to the "New Quarterly Maga-
zine" (L.).
Daniel. Euarda Garcia. Lucia No-
vela . . . Buenos Aires, 18UO,
Daniel, Bp. of Calcutta. Daniel
Wilson. Expository lectures on St.
Paul's epistle to the Colossians . . . 1845.
Daniel, tne Prophet. Daniel Defoe.
D. the prophet no conjurer; or, his
Scandal-Club's scandalous ballad, called
the Tackers answered paragraph by par-
agraph. L. 1705.
Danmoniensis. William Burt. Des-
ultory reflections on banks in general . . .
L. 1810.
D'Anvers, Caleb. Nicholas Amhurst,
the name he assumed as editor of the
"Craftsman'* (L. 1726) in connection
with Pulteney and BoUnglroke. He also
wrote for the " Evening Post " under the
name of " Philalethes."
D'Anvers, Caleb. William Pulteney.
An argument against excises ... L. 1733.
D'Anvers, Caleb, Esq. Henry St.
John, Viscount Bolingbroke. The crafts-
man extraordinary ... L. 1729.
D'Anvers, 3ST. N. B E. Bell Ele-
mentary history of art. L. 1874.
Dapiferus, Jacobus, CorcagiensSs.
Jeremiah Dame! Murphy. "Adventus in
Biberniam Regis vera atque perfecta
histona," in " Blackwood's Mag ," Octo-
ber, 1821. He was also the author of
" The Rising in the North/' in " Black-
wood," August, 1822
Darby, John. James Edmund Gar-
retson, M.D. Hours with ... P. 1877.
Dare, Daniel. Mana Sidonia (Ser-
un) Ketjmet Revanche posthume. Paris,
Darcey, Daniel. Maria Sidonia (Ser-
?«/•) Reqnter, in contributions to the
"Liberte'/' Pans, 1870, and other Pari-
sian periodicals.
Dare, Shirley. Mrs Susan C. (Dun-
ning) Pouer. Behaving . . . N.Y. 1877.
Dare, Sydney. Mrs. Martha J Cock-
ran, in her contributions to "Harper's
Young People "(N.Y).
Darppil. Geoige Lippard Legends
of the Revolution 1847.
Daryl, Sidney. Douglas Straight
Harrow recollections . . L 1867.
Dash, la comtesse Gabnelle Anne
Cisteine de Courtiras, FJ 'comtesse de Saint-
Mars. Les aventures d'une jeune mane'e
Paris, 1870.
Dashaway, Kate. Mabella Ann Ward.
Dashwood, Sylvanus George Still-
man Hlllard, a member of the " Polyglot
Club." — See the "Harvard Register,"
Camb., December, 1827.
Daubeny, Mr Benjamin Disraeli,
Lord Beaconsfield, in Trollope's novels.
Dauge, Henri. Mrs. E. H. Hammond.
A fair philosopher. N.Y. 1882.
Daughter of the Church of Eng-
land, A. Mart/ Astell The Christian
religion as professed by ... L. 1705.
Daughter of the fcate Author of
the " Cambrian ^Plutarch," A Mrs.
A. E. (Parry) Nightingale. Gleanings
from the South, East, and West. L.
Daughter of the I/ate Serjeant
[George] Wilson, A. Miss Anne Wil-
son. Lady Geraldine Beaufort, by ...
L. 1802. t
David, C. G. David Goodman Oroly.
A Positivist primer. By ... N.Y. 1871.
Davns. Rev. John Cecil Tattersall,
B.A, in Byron's "Childish Recollec-
tions" Newark, 1807.
Davy. The first two pieces of Alex-
andre Dumas, viz., "La chasse et
1'amour" (1825) and "La noce et Fen-
terrement" were represented under this
Dawdle, Dolly. Mrs. Mary C.
(Painter) Lukens.
Dawes, J. N Richard Person, A.M.
His signature to a letter on some Greek
constructions in the "Monthly Maga-
zine," December, 1802.
Dawplucker, Jonathan, Esq. John
Barclay, M.D. Remarks on Mr. John
BelFs anatomy of the heart and arteries.
L. 1799.
Daynell, V. Wiltshire Stainton Aus-
tin, Jt , and another Lives of the Poets-
Laureate . . L. 1853.
Dayton, Captain Will Cecil Bur-
high On the staff of the "New York
Witness " in 1880 et seg , and has pub-
lished poetry with this signature.
Deacon Hnam Ca/kins, Albany cor-
respondent of the " Spectator" (N.Y )
Dead Seat Joseph Howard, Jr., in
the "Brooklyn Eagle "
Dean Jonathan /Swift, D.D. Advice
to a certain Dean. 17-.
Dean, The. Jonathan Swift, D.D.
The Dean's provocation for writing The
lady's dressing room 1734
Dean, The Copper-Farthing. Jona-
than Swift, D.Z>. The most wonderful
wonder that ever appeared to the wonder
of the British nation . . . Written . . .
L. 1726
Dean of Canterbury, The. Henry
Alford. The Riviera: pen and pencil
sketches from Cannes to Genoa. L.
Deane, Margery. Mrs. Mane J.
(Dams) Pitman. European breezes. B.
Deans, Jennie. Mrs. Jane Gray G.
Swisshelm, in her contributions to the
"Saturday Gazette" (P.) et al
DeBieville. Edmond Desnoyers. Les
devorants. Paris, 1843.
De Bury. Ange Henri Blaze. Le
Faust de Gcethe. Paris, 1840.
De Camille. Pauline Guyot Lelrun
TJne amitie de femme Paris, 1843.
Decanus. Very Rev. Edward Newen-
ham Hoare English settlers' guide
through Irish difficulties. L. 1850.
Decanver, H. C. C. H. Cavender
Catalogue of works ... in refutation of
Methodism . . . P 1846
Decayed Macaroni, A. Christopher
Anstey. Liberality ; or, memoirs of ...
Bath, 1788.
Decimus. Thomas Ohatterton, in the
"Middlesex Journal."
Decius. Samuel Jackson Gardner, for
some time editor of the Newark (N.J.)
"Daily Advertiser"; wrote many essays
for periodicals, under the signatures of
"Decius/' etc.
Decius. John Nicholas. D/s letters on
the opposition to the Federal Constitution
in Virginia Richmond, 1789.
Also ascribed to Dr. Montgomery.
Decius Thomas Pet egnne Courtenay
Observations on the American treaty,
in eleven letters ... L 1808.
Declan Wdham Phelan, DJ).
" A pamphlet which he published under the
siguatuie ot 'Declan' (after an ancient worthy
of the Irish church, -who flourished before the
dominion of the Pope was recognized in the
'holy isle') placed its author at the head of
modern controversialists "
De Cordova, i?. «/. De Coi data. Mrs.
Fizzlebury's new girl. N Y 1878
De Courcy, Kate. Miss Katherine
Armstrong , in her contributions to various
Deen, Ethel. Mrs. Augusta De Hilly ,
•who, during the civil war, contributed to
the literary •journals of "Dine " — princi-
pally the " Southern Field and Fireside"
(Augusta), and " Magnolia Weekly "
(Richmond) — under the signatures "E.
D" and « Ethel Been."
Deene, Kenner. Mrs. Charlotte ( Tur-
ner ) Smith. Christmas at the Cross Keys
L. 1863.
Dsfonz, Milo. Mlo Defons Codding.
Defonz' phrenological chart . . . N.Y.
De Gleva, Mary Mary Roberts. An
account of Anne Jackson; with some
particulars concerning the great plague
and fire in London, written by herself.
Edited by ... L. 1832.
De Grasse, Will. William Fur-
nisB. Swallows on the wing . . . N.Y.
De Kay, Se Charles D. Kirke. Woo-
ing and warring in the wilderness. N.Y.
Also in his contributions to the "Couner-
Journal," Louisville, Zy.
Delafield Mrs. Maria L. (Little)
Child, in her contributions to "Arthur's
Magazine." J
Delamothe, Emile. Emile de Girar-
din His original name.
De Launay, JJe Vicomte de. Mme.
Delphine (Gay] Girardin. Lettres pari-
isiennes, Paris, 1856.
Delaware Wagoner, A. David Nel-
son. Investigation of that . . . misrepre-
sentation of truth set forth by Thomas
Paine in his ... "The Age of Reason"
, . . Wilmington, Del., about 1800.
Delinquent Banker, A. Sir John
Dean Paul, Bart. Rouge et noir, in six
cantos. L. 1821.
Delia Crusca. Robert Merry. Diver-
sity : a poem . . L. 1788.
Delia Rosa, Signer. Jtichard Coker.
Delmar, Ide. Miss Essie B. Chees-
boiough, who, under this nom de plume,
contributed to the "Southern Literary
Gazette," etc.
Delorme, Charles, Esq. Chaites
Rumball. The marvellous and incredible
adventures of Charles Thunderbolt, in
the moon ... L. 1851.
Delorme, Joseph. Charles Augustin
Samte-Beuve. Poesies de . . . Paris,
DelpMne P. or Delphme P. Baler.
Solon; or, the Rebellion of '61, Chic.
Delta. Edward Denham, in his
contributions to " Good Literature "
Delta. Henry W. Domett, for eight
years New York correspondent of the
"Boston Transcript "
Delta. Rev. Moses Harvey, of St.
Johns, Newfoundland, in his letters to
the "Traveller" (B. 1870).
Delta. Charles Deane. Bibliographi-
cal reprints. B. 1865.
Delta. Datid Macbeth Moir. Poems.
Delta. William Millett Boose, MJ>.
Sketches of Cornwall in the "Selector
Magazine," 1827.
Delver, A. Alfied AJsop From
dark to light; or, voices from the slums.
By ... Manchester, 1881.
Delver into Antiquity, A. Wil-
liam Barclay David Donald Turnbull.
Fragmenta Scoto-monastica . . . Edinb.
Democritos. George Daniel Demo-
critus in. London . . , with notes f estivous
. . . L. 1852.
Democritus. Hugh Henry BracTc-
enridge. The standard of liberty:
an occasional paper. P, about
Democritus, Doctor Charles Cftaun-
cy Emeison, a member of the "Polyglot
Club." — See the "Harvard Register,"
Carnb., December, 1827.
Democritus, Junior. Judak Lee
Bliss. — See « O. F. and A. K."
Democritus Junior. Robert Burton.
The anatomy of melancholy ... L.
Denarius. Henry Cole, C.B. Shall
we keep the Crystal Palace ? By ...
L. 1851.
Dennery (also D'Ennery). Adolphe
Philippe. Le tribut de Zamora. Paris,
Densel, Mary. Mrs. Mary Selden
jtfcCobb, in her contributions to "Har-
per^ Young People" (N.Y.).
Densyli L Sidney (?). A brief
statement of the Unitarian doctrine . . ,
Rochester, Eng., 1844.
De Pembroke, Morgan.
Evans. Poems. L. 1860.
De Pontaumont , 3/. E. Lechanteur.
La rosiere de Bricquebec. Liege, 1861.
The above work is translated word for -word
from the " Pride of the Village " by Washington
Deputy Governor, The. GilpmChrst
A narrative of an excursion to Ireland
... L. 1825
Derbyshire Working-Miner, A.
Anthony Tissmgton. A letter to a friend
on the mineral customs of Derbyshire
... L. 1768.
De Rosa, Ludovico, Luisa (Emman-
uel) Saredo. Affare Zappoli, in the
"Corriere Italiano," Florence, 1860.
Derrick, Francis Mrs, Frances
Eliza Zhllett Notley. Olive Varcoe . , .
L. 186*-.
Descendant, A> Geotge Chambers,
LL.D. A tribute to the principles, vir-
tues, habits, and public usefulness of the
Irish and Scotch early settlers of Penn-
sylvania. By ... Chambersburg, 1856
Descendant in the Fourth Genera-
tion, A. Dr. Charles Henry Parry. A
memoir of Peregrine Bertie ... L.
1838. The dedication is signed "C. H P."
Descendant of tne Plantagenet, A.
J/rs. Frances Mary English, The Tudors
and the Stuarts ... L. 1868
Desennuye'e, A. 3fr$. Catherine Grace
Gore. The diary of . . L. 183$.
Desire, Hazard, Octave Femttet. He
made his first appearance in letters by
being one of the authors of tbe romance
" Le grand vieillard," which appeared in
"Le National," Paris, 1845.
Desorxueaux, Joseph Ripault. An-
toine Dmge". Discours sur rhistoire de
France. Pans, 1790.
Desprez, Ernest. Ele'onore Tenaille de
Vaulabelle* Jours heureux. Paris, 1836.
De Stendhal. Marie Henri Beyle.
Histoire de la peinture en Italie . . .
Paris, 1817
Desultory Reader, A. Alexander
Graf/don. A number of his essays, very
popular at the time, will "be found in the
Phila. "Portfolio," under the title of
"2sotes of a desultory reader." 1813-14.
Detective, A. Andrew Edmund Brae,
Literary cookery, with reference to mat-
ter attributed [by J. P. Collier] to Cole-
ridge and Shakespeare. A letter ad-
dressed to the "Athenaeum/' L. 1835.
Detective, A. William JRusselt. Strange
stories of,.. ST.Y. 1864.
Detective, A J. Bennett Tom Pox ,
or, the revelations of ... L. 1860,
Detective, The Female, The City
Detective, The Private Detective, are
all f or An drew Forrester. L 1863-68
Detective Police Officer, A. Wil-
liam Russell Diary of ... By " Waters."
N.T 1S64.
Detective's Daughter, A Mis Eol-
ei t P Porter, in her contributions to the
Detector. Hemy J. T. Drury, of
King's College, Cambridge.
For an account of the hoax perpetrated by him
in 1S10 upon Sir Walter Scott, under this pseu-
donym, see "STotes and Queries," 1st Ser., V.
Detector. Rev. Henry Gauntlett. Let-
ters to a stranger in Beading ... L.
Determinatus. Samuel Adams, in
the « Boston Gazette," Aug. 8, 1768 , Jan,
8, 1770
De Terrier, £ord Edward Henry
Smith Stanley, Earl of Derby, in Trol-
lope's "The Prime Minister."
Detlef, Karl Klara Bauer. Die
geheimnissYolle Sangerin , and Eussische
Idyllen. 1878
Detroit Free Press Man, The. C. 3
Lewis. "Quads odds": anecdote,, hu-
mor, and pathos. Detroit, 187-.
Deutsch, Christian Jbhann Ifeiti
rich August JEbrard, Stephan Klinger
Devon, H. T Thomas Hounsell Hodge*
-who wrote for the "Brit. Amer. Mag."
under this signature Author of "A tale
of the Bay of Qumte," etc., in that jour-
Devoniensis Bev. J". P Jones. — See
Devonshire Dog-Trot, A. John
Oooke. Old England for ever, from . . .
Devonshire Poet, The. Owen Jones.
Poetic attempts 1786 The author was
an uneducated wool-comber.
Dewall, Johannes van. August
Kuhne, Die beiden Russinnen. 1886.
De Worfat, William. Rev. Button
Beetham. A bran new wark, containing
a true calendar of his thoughts concern-
ing good nebberhood . . . Kendal, 1785.
D'Hele, Thomas- Thomas Hales, an
English dramatic writer, who produced
in French several successful comedies,
among which are "The judgment of
Midas" (1778), and "The jealous lover/'
Dhu. Robert TT. McAlpine, in his
contributions to the "Tribune" (ST.Y.),
Dhu, Helen. Charles Edwards Lester ;
Stanhope Burleigh: the Jesuits in our
homes. A novel By ... N.Y. 1855
Diabolus. Joseph Howard. Cony
O'Lanus, his views and experiences.
N.Y. 1867.
Diana Mrs. Abigail (Smith) Adams.
The signature she used in correspondence
with her young friends, before her mar-
nage. She afterwards sometimes signed
her letters "Portia."
Diarist, A Alexander Wheelock
Thayer. His signature to many arti-
cles published hi "Dwight's Journal of
Dicaiophttus Cantabrigiensis. Rev.
Roger Long, S.T.P. The rights of
churches and colleges defended . . .
L. 1731
Didier, David Anatole Julien Chate-
lain. Le jouer d'orgue • drame en un acte.
Paris, 1866.
Digg, Dr. E. Goethe. Benjamin
Drew, in the "Carpet-Bag" (B. 1852).
Digniiyd Clergy-man of the
Church of England, A. Rev. George
Hickes. The celebrated story of the
Thebaean Legion no fable ... L. 1714.
Digress, Deloraine. Robert Haber-
sham His signature to a letter on
"Digression" in the "Harvard Univ.
Collegian," 1830.
Dilettante, A. William Gardiner.
Music and friends; or, pleasant recol-
lections of ... L. 1838.
Dinaux. Jacques Felix Beudin and
Prosper Parfait, Goubaux. Trente ans;
ou, la vie d'un jouer. Paris, 1827.
D'Inc. Margarita Ernesta Napollon,
in contributions to the "Sibero Pen-
Dinks Not E. W. Herbert, but only
edited by him. The sportsman's vade
mecum . . . N.Y. 1856.
Diodoros. Johannes Henrik Tauber
Fibiger. Graabroderen (the Francis-
cans), 1880
Diogenes, Jr John "Brougham, in the
" Lantern," a humorous paper which he
edited in New York City.
Diplomat, A. Joseph Q Nunes. A
diplomat on diplomacy ... P. 1863.
Diplomatic Servant, An old. S. H.
Parish. British diplomacy illustrated in
the affair of the "Vixen" . . . Newcas-
tle, 1838.
Diplomatist, A Rising. Henry Wi-
koff. The adventures of a rising diplo-
matist. N.Y. 1856,
Director, A. Henry E. Pierrepont.
Historical sketch of the Fulton ferry . . .
Brooklyn, 1879.
Dirrill, Charles. Richard SilL Ee-
marks on Shakespeare's "Tempest" . . .
L. 1797.
Disbanded Volunteer, A. Joseph
Barber. Wai letters of . . . N.Y. 1864.
Disciple of Selden, A Henry Rich-
ard Vassall Fox, 3d Lord Holland. Par-
liamentary talk ... L. 1836.
Disciple of the Prince of Peace, A.
Joseph Hemmmgs. Mystic Babylon de-
scribed ... L. 1843.
Dissenter. Rev. dlicawli TOIL good.
Dissenter's apology. L. 1739.
Dissenter, A. Rev John Ballanti/ne.
A comparison of Established and Dis-
senting Churches. Edinb. 1830
Dissenter, A. Rev. Daniel Neal A
letter ... to the author of the "Crafts-
man".. . L 1733.
Dissenter in the Country, A. Rev.
James Peirce. An enquiry into the pres-
ent duty of a low-ehureh-man ... L.
Dissenting Gentleman, The. Rev.
Micaiah Towgood. The dissenting gen-
tleman's answer to the Rev. Mr. White's
three letters. L. 174G.
Dissenting Minister, A. Rev. Robert
Chnstison. Church defence, by ... L.
Dissenting Minister, A John R.
Beard, D.D. Government plan of edu-
cation defended ... L 1839.
Dissenting Minister, A. The work
"Struggles for Life " (L. 1853) over this
pseudonym has been variously attributed
to the Rev. William Leask, of Kenning-
ton, Rev. Thomas Binney, and Rev.
Thomas T. Lynch. —See "N. & Q.," 1st
Ser., xii , 9, 52, 115.
Dissenting Minister, A Rev. Charles
Lloyd. Particulars of the life of .. 1812.
Distich, Dick. Alexander Pope. His
signature to a paper contributed to the
" Guardian."
Distinguished Living Character,
A. Sir Philip Francis. The identity of
Juntas with . . established. By John,
Taylor. L. 1816.
Distinguished Southern Journalist,
A. Edward Alfred Pollard. The early
life, campaigns, and public services of
Kobert E. Lee ... N.Y. 1870.
Dlstria, Dora, Countess, Selene
Ghika, Princess Kcdzow-Massalski. Des
femmes; par une femnie. Paris, 1864.
Ditson, Dick. M. L. Saley, of Epck-
ford (111.), in his contributions to various
Ditto, Phflo. James Moore Smith,
in a communication to the " Daily Jour-
nal " (L., April S, 1728), relative to Alex-
ander Pope.
J>iver, Jenny. Mrs, Jane Jones.
Diversity William B. Scott. Essays
oa taxation and reconstruction. 2T.Y.
J>ivine of the Church of England,
A. James J/acsparam, D D. America
dissected ; being a full and true account
of all the American colonies . . In sev-
eral letters, from . . . Dublin, 1753.
Divine of the Church of England,
A. John King. AnimadTersions on a
pamphlet (by Increase Mather) intituled
"A letter of advice to the churches of
the Nonconformists m the English na-
tion - . L 1701
Divine of the Church of England,
A. Thomas JZurnet. An appeal to com-
mon sense . . L. 1719.
Divine of the Church of England,
A. Rev Mr. Scott. An appeal to the
understanding of the meanest capacities,
for the truth of the Christian religion.
L. 1728.
Dix, J. Ross. Georye Spencer Phillips.
Dix Queevidi. Prof. Edward North,
LM.D, in his contributions to "North
American Review/' aad "Knickerbocker
Magazine"; and author of memorials
of H. H. Curran and President Simeon
Dixie J. Dixie Doyle, Washington
correspondent of the " Spirit of the
Times" (NY).
Dixon. IT/ne. Clfmence (Harding)
Massvn, author of numerous tales.
Dixxm. Sidney Andrews. The South
since the war ; 14 weeks in Georgia and
the Caroiinas. B. 1866.
Dixon, Granby. Henry Kingsley.
Oakshott Castle: the memoir of an
eccentric nobleman. L. 1878.
Dobbins, Peter, Esq.., R. C., IT. S. A.
William Fessenden. The political far-
rago . . . Brattlehoro, Vt., 1807.
Dobbs, Rev. Philetus, I>.D. Rev.
Heman Lincoln Wayland.
Doblado, Don Leucadlo. Joseph
Blanco White, M.A. Letters from
Spain . . L. 1822.
Doctor, The. George Henry Kings-
ley. — See " Earl, The."
Doctor, The. Robert Southey. The
Doctor . . L. 1853.
Doctor of Divinity, A, but not of
Oxford. Thomas Raffles, DJb.(l). Hear
the Church ! A word for all. By ...
L. 1839.
Doctor of laaws, A, Hugh Bailhe.
An appendix to a letter to Dr. Sheb-
beare . . . 1775,
Doctor of Physic, A. W. M Tay-
lor. The book of travels of . . P. 1871.
Doctor of Physick, A Probabh
William Couard. A discourse concern-
ing the certainty of a future and immor-
tal state. L 1700.
Dodd, Charles. Hugh Tootell. An
apology for the church history of Eng-
land from 1500 to 1G88 . . . Being a
reply to a ... libel, intitl'd "A specimen
of amendments . under the name ot
' Clerophilus' " [John Constable]
L. 1742.
Dodd, Derrick. FianL Gassaway
Dodd, Dr , and Chace Price TfV-
liam Coombe, Esqr. A dialogue in tho
Shades between . . L 1777
Dodger. Petei Thompson
Dods, Jeannie. Miss MacLay, in
"Figaro" (L)
Dods, Mrs. Margaret, of the Clei-
kum Inn, St Ronans. Mis Ohtis-
tina Jane Johm>tone, The cook and
housewife's manual . . . Edinb. 1826.
Dods, Meg Mrs Christina Jane
Johnstone. — See " Mrs. Margaret Dods."
Doe, Dorothy. Mrs. Galusha Ander-
son, in the N.Y. " Examiner/'
Doe, John. Greorge Caiendish Ben-
tmcl. Barefaced imposters. A farce,
in one act. By ... Eichard Eoe [/ e.f
the Hon E. G. B. Ponsonby] and John
Noakes [z e., Toni Taylor]. L. 1854.
Doestieks, Q. K, Philander, PB.
\Le.} Perfect Brick]. Mortimer M
Thompson Doesticks. what he says
N.Y. 1855.
Doggrel, Sir Iliad. Sir Thomas Bur-
net, and George Ducket. Homerides ; or,
a letter to Mr. Pope, occasioned by his
intended translation of Homer. By . . .
L. 1715.
Dogood, Mrs* Silence. Benjamin
Franklin ; by whom the essays published
in the "New England Courant " (B.
1722) under this signature are supposed
to have been chiefly written.
Doherty, Sir Morgan O', Bart —
Dolent, Jean. Antoine Foumier. Le
livre d'art des femmes ; peinture, sculp-
ture . . . Paris, 1877.
Dolores. Miss Diclson. Music to
numerous songs, — more than 60. 1854-
Dom Catalogus. Pierre Gf-ustave Brit-
net. Curiosites bibliographiques et ar-
tistiq.ues Geneva, 1867
Dom Jacobus. Charles Potvin. Les
tablettes d'tui libxe-penseur. 1879.
Dom. Xd"ber. Charles Potvin. I/e faux
miracle du saint sacrement de Bruxelles.
Domal, C. William Eenry Simmons,
His signature to " A Saturday Night " in
the " Harvard Univ. Collegian," 1830
Domestic Poet, The William Cowper.
Domitian. One of the signatures of
Junius (qv.). The letters contributed
to the "Public Advertiser" under this
signature are recognized by Junius in his
private letter to Mr. Woodfall, dated
Feb 22, 1772.
Don /. E. Diekenga Tom Chips
P. 1871. [Joint author with " Ouno " i.e ,
T. M. Ashworth.]
Don Carlos Henry P. Cheevei, in
the " Philadelphia Sunday Mercury."
Don Fuso. Arnoldo Fusmato. Ge-
dichte 185,3-54.
Don Sacheverellio, Knight of the
Firebrand Dr. Henry Sacheverell A
character of ... in a letter to Isaac Bick-
erstaff, Esq Dublin, 1710. Subscribed
John Distaff [pseud.l
Don Spavento Martin Cohn. Typen
und Silhouetten von Wiener Schriftstel-
lern und Journalisten 1874. — See
« August Mels."
Donatello. Francis Julius Le Moyne
Burleigh; who, in 1867, went into journal-
ism, and has been on the staff of the
"Chicago Evening Post," "Brooklyn
Eagle/' "Brooklyn Union," " New York
World/' "Times/* "Tribune," and the
" Witness/' and was at one time editor
and proprietor of the "Northampton
(Mass.) Free Press."
Doncourt, Chevalier A. de. Antoi-
nette Josephine Francoise Anne (St/mon de
Latreiche) Drohojowsfca.
Doos, Gurreb John Prinsep. Stric-
tures and observations on the Mocurrery
system of landed property in Brazil . . .
L. 1794
Dora, Sister. Dorothy W. Pattison
Dorcastriensis. Thaddeus Mason
Harris, S.T.D.
Dorset, St. John. Rev. Hugo John
Bel/our. Montezuma : a tragedy in five
acts ; and other poems . . L. 1822.
Doubtful Gentleman, A. James
Kirke Paulding Tales of a good woman.
N.Y. 1829.
Doughty Champion in heavy ar-
mour, A Rev. Newcome Cappe. Let-
ters published in the " York Chronicle."
L. 179-
In reply to the attack of Dr, Cooper, under
the signature of " Erasmus," upon Mr. Lindsay
on his resigning the living of Catterick.
Douglas, Edith. Clara L. Burriham.
"We Von Ardens. 188-
Douglas, Marion* Mrs. Annie Doug-
las ( Gi eene] Robinson. Picture-poems for
young folks. B. 1871.
Dputney, 3Irs. T. Narcisse Hen net
G titoiu* I told you so; or, an autobi-
ography . . . Camb , Mass.
Dow, Junior. Elbndge Gerry Paige.
Short patent sermons. P. 1S7-.
Dowell, Samuel John Close. A
month in London; or, the select adven-
tures of S. D , the village bard, edited by
A. M. Wntewell. L. 1844.
In 1846 four numbers of a new edition -were
issued with the following title "Adventures of
an author , or, the Westmoi eland novelist." Ed-
ited by Tim Caxton.
All the above names are pseudonyms of Close.
Downing, Major Jack Charles
Augustus Davis, author of " Peter Scri-
ber's Letters "and "Major Jack Down-
ing's Letters," in the "Xew York Com-
mercial Advertiser."
Downing, Major Jack Seba Smith.
The life and writings of ... B 1834.
Downright. One of the pseudonyms
attributed to Junius (qv.). The letter
thus signed is dated Dec. 22, 1767, and
contains an attack on Lord Chatham.
Doyle, Martin. Ross Hickey. Com-
mon things of every day life . . . Dub-
lin, 1857.
Doyle, Thomas. John J. More. Five
years in a lottery office ... B. 1841.
Dragoon, A. James Hildreth. Dra-
goon campaigns to the Rocky Mountains
... NY. 1830
Drahlegne. Frederick J. Englehardt,
in the "Turf, Field, and Farm" (N.Y ).
Drake, Francis, Esq. Benjamin
Humphrey Smart. The metaphysicians
... L. 1857.
Dralloc, N. John Collar d. Praxis of
logic for schools. L. 1799.
Dramatist, A. B. Frere. The ad-
ventures of ... on a journey to the Lon-
don managers, L 1818.
Dranmor. Ferdinand von Schmid.
Poetische Fragmente. Leipsic, 1865.
Draper, The. William Webster, D D.
The Draper's reply. L. 174r-.
Draper of London, A Jfey, TF. Web-
ster. The consequences of trade, as to
the wealth and strength of any nation . . .
L. 1740.
Drapier, A. James Aicherfey. A dra-
pier's address to the good people of Eng-
land ... L. 1773.
Drapier, The. Jonathan Swift. The
Hibernian patriot . . . Dublin and L.
Drawcansir, Sir Alexander,
Knight. Henry Fielding, who in 1752
started the "Covent Garden Journal"
under this name. See Andrews's "Brit-
ish Journalist."
Dreamer, A. Major John Andre.
This was liis signature in "Rmngton's Royal
Gazette/' in which he published the *'Ccrw
lisued'm London in 17S1 It vras originally pub-
lished on the morning of the day on -which he
w as taken prisoner. The last stanza was : — -
" And now I've closed my epic strain,
I tremble as I show it,
Lest this sume 'warrior-driver, "Wayne ,
Should ever catch the Poet"
Dreamer, A. Henry Theodore TucL-
erman. Leaves from the diary of ...
L. 1853.
Dreeaaii, Councillor. James Russell
Endean The political catechism for
1868; or, the verdict of facts. L. 1868.
Dreltab, Maistre. Leonard Baker.
Officiate haadboke of ye Strivelm
Fancye Fayre ... ye drawing-man. 1882.
Drille, Hearton, USA Jeanme H.
Grey Flirtation; or, Cupid's shoulder-
strap tactics. N Y 187".
Dropper, H Louis J Jennings. Eighty
years ot Republican government in the
United States L. 1868.
Drugger, Abel. John Hardhan. The
fortune tellers ... a medley, n p , n.d.
Druid. Henry M. Flint, who wrote
for the "New York World" over tlie
signature "Dnnd."
Druid, The. Henry Ball Dixon. Sad-
dle and sirlom; or, English farm and
sporting worthies L 1870.
Drait, Henry. William Flint.
Drury, Karl. Edgar Faiccett. Chris,
the car conductor; or, a brave man's
fight with late, in the "Family Star
Paper.*' N. Y. 1884.
Dryasdust, The Key. Dr. Sir Walter
Scott, in the introduction to several of
his novels.
Drydog, Doggrel Charles Clark*
September; or, sport and sporting.
Colchester, 1S5G.
Du Baudtrier, Sieur. Jonathan Swift,
DJ). A new journey to Paris . . . trans-
lated from the French. L. 1711.
DuboiSj Alfred. James Stuart Bowes^
who, under this pseudonym, " contributed
a number of highly successful pieces to
the London stage.*'
Dubourg, Antony. One of the pseu-
donyms of Paul Lacroix.
Dueaigne, R E. W. McKendree
Du Camp, Jules Jules Lecomte His-
toire de la Revolution de Fevrier . . .
Pans, 1850.
Ducas, Theodore. Charles Mills.
Travels of ... in Italy at the revival of
letters and art. L. 1822.
Ducdame. Henry Hooper. Wash.
Boltor,M.D,; or, the life of an orator
... L. 1872
Duchess, The Mrs. Maggie Argles.
Eossnioyne. P. 1883
Duchillon. Louis Dutens Memoirs
of a traveller, now in retirement . . L
Duckworth, Dr. DocUmus, A. N. Q.
Asa Gi eene The life and adventures of
. . . KY 1833.
Dudley, Arthur. Mine. J fane Pau-
line Hose, (Stewart) Blaze de Bitri/, who,
from the age of 18 years, under the
pseudonyms of "Arthur Dudley" and
"Maurice Flassan," has published a con-
siderable number of critical articles and
novels in the " Bevue de Paris " and in
the " Revue des Deux-Mondes "
Dudley, Dorothy Mrs Mary Wd-
hams (Greeley) Q-oodridge.
Dadu. Miss Julia Fietcher. Kismet.
B 187-.
Duff, R Rev. Richard Gifford, in the
"Gent, Mag."
D'Uflfey, Mr Thomas D'Uifey. The
Houbble Bubbles ... L. 1720.
Duffle, Thomas. John Gait The
steamboat. Edinb. 1822.
Dufour, Pierre. Paul Lacroix. L'his-
torre de la prostitution . . . Brussels,
J>ufour<3[uet, Thalaris. Mme. Jenny
JDufourquet JBastide Un drame au palais
des Tuileries. Paris, 1832.
Duggeuij DIonysius William Ma-
ginn,in the London "Literary Gazette/'
Duke of Scampington. E. (J. &>
Murray, The member for Paris. L.
Dumpling-Eater, A Rev. Thomas
Stona. A letter to the Norfolk militia . . .
L- 1759.
Dunajew, Wanda von Aurora von
Sacker-Mct-socL Boraan einer tugendhaf-
ten Frau, und Echter Hermelin. 18-.
Dundreary, I»ord. Charles Kvngsley.
Speech of Lord D. in section D. ... on
the great Hippocampus Question. Camb,
Dunheved Alfred Fartklny Bobbins,
in his contributions to the "East Corn-
wall Times " (Launceston, Eng ).
Dunn, Alken Thomas C. Lotto, in
the Brooklyn "Times."
Dunn, Deborah. Mrs. Frank R
Stockton, in her contributions to various
Dunshunner, Augustus Keginald,
Esq., of St. Mlrrens, William Edrnon-
stowe Avtoun. Tales in "Blackwood,"
D-nt-n, Mr Mr Danton. Neck or
nothing : a consolatory letter from . . .
to Mr C[u]rll, upon liis being tost in a
"blanket ... [In verse ] L. 1710 By
Samuel Wesley C2).
Dupe, Johnny. John Hancock, in a
letter from a loyalist in Boston to Dr.
Duplessis, Arm and. Edmond Den-
nis de Manne and another. Avant souper.
Pans, 1864.
Dupre. Edmond Dennis de Manne.
Durand, Pierre Eugene Gkiinot, who
edited the " Siecle," Pans, till 1848, un-
der this pseudonym, and at the same
time produced vaudevilles under that of
*' Paul Vermond."
Durangelo, R. Arnold Huge. Bianca
della Rocca 1869
D'TJrfey, Young. Frederick Forrest.
A rattle for grown children . . L. 1766.
Durocher, Leon Marie Roch Louis
Reybaudt who, under this pseudonym,
•contributed to the "National" (Paris).
Dusenbury, V. Hugo. Henry C.
Bunner, editor of "Puck" (N.T.).
Dustwich, Jonathan. Tobias Geotge
Smollett. The expedition of Humphrey
Clinker . . . L 1794.
Dusty. Willard G Nash. A century
of gossip ; or, the real and the seeming
New England life. Chic. 1876
Dutiful Son, A. Thomas George Fon-
nereau The diary of . . L. 1849.
Duverney, Jacques. L'Ahb€ Casimir
Ulysse J. Chevalier. Ge*ologie contempo-
raine. Tours, 1867.
Dux, Irax. Mrs. Anna HoIyoLe
( Outts) Howard, in her contributions to
the "Household" (Brattleboro, Vt.).
D\vight, Jasper. William Duane. Let-
ter to George Washington ... P. 1796.
Dy, W. H. William H. Darby. Bap-
tism and the conflict of indwelling sin ...
L 1859.
Dyce, Gilbert. Percy Heiherington
Fitzgerald. Bella Donna; or, the cross
before the name . a romance. By . . .
L. 1864
Dyson, Mr. Her. Sydney Smith. Mr.
T).'s speech to the freeholders on reform.
35th ed. L. 1831.
€. Isaac Williams. — See "a" (under
*« Alpha ").
E. Dr. William Heberden, in his con-
tributions to the "Athenian Letters" . . .
L. 1741-43.
E Rev. Thomas Keble, one of the con-
tributors to "Tracts for the Times/' L.
E Margarita Ernesta Napollont her
signature in the " Sibero Pensiero."
E. rAo7nasjErsfone,LordErskme. The
fanner's vision. L. 1819.
E., Redruth. Richard Edmonds, Jun.
Proposed reformation of the laws of
England, in the "Cornish (Eng.) Maga-
zine," 1828.
E. A. Samuel Adams, in the " Boston
Gazette/' Feb. 27, 1769.
E., A. Reo. Arthur Ellis. — See "A
E. C. George Mackenzie, Earl of Cro-
marty. An abstract of what was spoken
in Parliament, n.p. 1705.
E., C. Charlotte Elliot. Hours of
sorrow cheered and comforted ... L.
E., C., 3MLD. Charles Lamb (?), in
Hone's "Table Book/'
E., D. Sir David Ersldne. Annals
and antiquities of Dryburgh and other
places on the Tweed. By ... Kelso,
E., D. David Esdaile, D.D. Contri-
butions to natural history. Edinb. 1865.
E. G-. Rev. Edmond Hogan. The his-
tory of the warr of Ireland from 1641 to
1653. Edited by... Dublin, 1873.
E., G- S, George Samuel Emerson. A
sketch of the life of Francis William
Greenwood. From the "Monthly Relig-
ious Magazine/' B. 1847.
E., H. Sir Henry Charles Engkfield.
Description of a method of taking the
differences of right ascension and decli-
nation . . . Bath, 1788.
E. H. C. M. Rev. Nathan Davi*.
Israel's true emancipation. L. 1852.
The letters E. H. O. M. stand for " Editor
•Hebrew Christiana* Magazine.' "
E., J. James Eliat i.e.t John Lamb,
Charles's brother. — See Lamb's "Eiia,"
a My relations,"
E., J. John Evelyn. The charters of
the city of London ... L. 1738.
E., J. Jonathan Ellis. The justice of
the present war against the French . , .
Newport, R.I., 1755.
E, J., Esq. John Elsitvn. Epigrams
upon the paintings of the most eminent
masters ... L. 1700.
E , J. C. J O. Ercl. The Irish Ec-
clesiastical Register . . . Dublin, 1817
E., Ij. Louis Engel, in his musical
criticisms contributed to the "World"
E., lj. Mrs. L. Edwards, Dial of
meditation and prayer. L. 1858.
E., I*. Eleanor Eden. Easton and its
inhabitants ... L. 1858
E. IJ. Mrs. Lydia Lillybridge Simons.
Leisure hours; or, desultory pieces in
prose and verse Calcutta, 1846.
E., M. Matthias Earbery. Elements
of policy, civil and ecclesiastical . . .
L. 1716
E. 31. E. E. E. Milliard. Random
casts ; or, odds and ends from an angler's
note-book. KY. 1878.
E. M S Rev. James Dallaway, F.S.A.
" ^Ir. Dallaway was an occasional correspond-
ent to the 'Gentleman's Magazine' under the
signature 'E M.S.' (Earl Marshal's Secretary),
and he \\ rote several essays under the same sig-
nature m the ' General Chi omcle and Literary
Magazine,' published in 1811-12 "
E., O A. OlafA. Ericsson A cruise
under six flags. By... P. 188S.
E., P. G. Sir Philip de Malpas Grey
Egerton. Grillion's Club, from its origin
in 1812 to its fiftieth anniversary. By
. . . L. 1880.
E., B W. Ralph Waldo Emerson.
The wanderer: a colloquial poem By
William Ellery Chanmng. B. 1871.
[The preface signed " R. W. E."].
E, T. Thomas Edwards. Free and
candid thoughts on the Doctrine of Pre-
destination. By ... Author of the
«C[a]n[o]ns of Cr[i]t[i]c[i]sm." L.
E. T., Gent. Simon Bermgton. The
memoirs of Sigr. Gaudentio di Lucca . „ .
L. 1737.
E., W. William Eaton. Interesting
detail of the operations of the American
fleet in the Mediterranean [1804].
Springfield, Mass., 1805.
Earl, The. George Robert Charles
Herbert, 13th Earl of Pembroke. South
Sea bubbles, by ... and the Doctor
[George Henry Kingsley]. L 1872.
Early Settler, An. Lt. Col. Samuel
Strickland. Twenty-seven years in Can-
ada West; or, the experience of ... L.
Earnest, Elsie. Mrs. Jf. V. Scruggs.
Sketches. Bait. 1874.
East Anglian, An. Charles Feist.
Thoughts in rhyme. L. 1825.
Eastwood, Frances. Mrs. D. C*
Kneveh. Geoffrey the Lollard. N.Y.1870.
Easy, James. James Heywood, in a
letter to the « Spectator" (No. 268).
Eben-ezer. Rev. Ebenez&r Akhed.
The little book . . . Derbyshire, 1811
Ebn Osn. Benjamin Stephenson. At-
tempts at poetry. L. 1807.
Ebony. William Blackwood, a humor-
ous appellation applied to him by James
Hogg in the,;ez/ d'esprit "The Chaldee
Ms ," which appeared in " Blackwood's
Magazine" for October, 1817.
Eboracus W. W. Broom Great
and grave questions for American poli-
ticians ... B. 1866
Eccletus. Luke Howard A few
notes on a letter to the Archbishops and
Bishops of the Church of England . .
Echard, L. Samuel Pegge. On the
promiscuous use of singulars and plurals
among the Latin poets, "Gent. Mag./'
1790, p. 785, — See "Gent. Mag,"
LXVI,p 1083
Echo, Oliver. S. D. Forbes, in his
contributions to the "Evening Wiscon-
Ecir Pi of. Isaac L. Rice, in the
"Philadelphia Bulletin" Author of
" What is Music * " N. Y. 187-.
Eclea-Nobj-moni Benjamin Coole.
A letter from a gentleman in the city to
his kinsman in the country. L 1705.
Ecneps, Phesoi Joseph Spence.
"In 1764 he was well portrayed by Mr.
James Kidley, in his admiiable 'Tales of the
G-enii,' under the name of ' Phesoi Ecneps (his
cwnnameread baekwai ds) Dervish of the Groves,
and a panegyrical letter fiom him to that ingen-
ious racialist, under the same signature, is inser-
ted in * Letters of Eminent Persons,' Vol. HI.,
p. 139."
Edax. Charles Lamb, in his essay on
"Appetite," contributed to the "Re-
Edgar, Sir John. Sir Richard ISteele.
"In January, 1720, he began a paper
under the name of Sir John Edgar called
the 'Theatre/ which he continued
every Tuesday and Saturday till the 5th
of April following/'
Edgerton, Wild. Brock Me Vtcker.
Edianez, Anna. Mile Ztnaide Marie
Anne Fleuuot, who has written stories-
under the above pseudonym which have
found great favor among French readers.
Edinburgh Burgess of 1786, An.
John Gladstone. The justice and expedi-
ency of the plan contained in a report
addressed ... to the Chancellor of the
Exchequer . . . Edinb 1836.
Editor, An. Lewis G-aylord Clark.
Knicknacks from an editor's table. N.Y.
Editor, The, Ambrose Eccles. The
plays of King Lear and Cymbeline. By
William Shakspear. With notes and
illustrations, selected ... by ... L. 1801.
Editor of "BelTs Life in London/'
The. Frank L. Downing Pights for the
championship L. 1860.
Editor of "Chrysal/5 The Charles
'Johnston. The history of Arsaees, Prince
ofBetlis. By. . Dublin, 1774-75.
Editor of "Columella," "Euge-
nius," The. Rev Richard Graves. The
reveries of solitude . L. 1793
Editor of " Dodsley's Collection of
Old Plays/' The Isaac Reed. The
plays of William Shakspeare . . . The
third edition, revised and augmented by
. . L 1785.
Editor of the "Examiner," The.
(James Henry) Leigh Hunt. The "Re-
flector," a quarterly magazine, on sub-
jects of philosophy, politics, and the lib-
eral arts. Conducted by ... L. 1811.
Editor of the "Glossary of Archi-
tecture/' The. John Henry Parker.
Some account of domestic architecture
in England, from Richard II. to Henry
Vin. . . . Oxford, 1859.
Editor of "Kind Words," The.
Benjamin Clailce. The life of Jesus, for
young people. By ... L, 1868.
Editor of " King Lear/' The. Charles
Jennens The tragedy of King Lear, as
lately published, vindicated . . . L. 1772.
Editor of "Life in Normandy,"
The J. F. Campbell. A short Ameri-
can tramp in the fall of 1854, by ...
Edmb. 1865.
Editor of "Notes and Queries,"
The William John Thorns. The E. of
" Notes and Queries " and his friend, Mr.
Singer; or, the questionable credit of
that periodical. L. 1856. By William
Robinson Arrowsmith.
Editor of "Once a Week," The.
Eneas Sweetland Dallas. The Stowe-
Byron controversy . . L. 1869.
Editor of "Salmagundi/' The.
George Suddesford. I/es champignons
du Diable; or, imperial mushrooms: a
mock-heroic poem ... L. 1805.
Editor of a " Quarterly Review,"
The. William Frederick Deacon. War-
reniana ... L. 1824.
Editor of that Edition, The. Rev.
William West. A few words in reply to
the "British Quarterly Review " on the
new edition of Archbishop Leighton's
works. By ... L. 1870.
Editor of that Journal, The. Jo-
seph Gurney JBevan (? ). A vindication of
the American Colonization Society and
the Colony of Liberia. Extracted from
the " Herald of Peace." By ... L. 1832.
Editor of that Periodical, Tne.
Samuel Gardner Drake. Review of
"Winthrop's Journal, as edited and pub-
lished by the Hon. James Savage . . .
Prepared for ... the " New England
Historical and Genealogical Register."
By . . B 1854.
Editor of the "Adventures of a
Guinea/' - The. Charles Johnston. The
history of John Juniper, Esq., anas Juni-
per Jack ... L. 1781.
Editor of the "Annals of Agricul-
ture," The Arthur Young. National
danger, and the means of safety. By ...
L. 1708.
Editor of the "Aurora." Benjamin
Franklin Bache Truth will out! The
foul charges of the Tones against . . .
repelled . . P 1798.
Editor of the "Boston Daily Ad-
vertiser/'The. Nathan Hale Remarks
on ... a railroad . . . from Boston to the
Connecticut River ... B. 1827.
Editor of the "British Workman,"
The. T. B Smytkies. Stones about
horses. Compiled ... L. 1876.
Editor of the "Canadian Free-
man," The. Francis Collins. An
abridged view of the Alien Question
unmasked . . . York, U.C , 1S26.
Editor of the "3Ianchester Her-
ald/' The Joseph Aston. Metrical
records of Manchester L. 1822.
Editor of the "Monthly Reposi-
tory," The. Rev. Robert Aspland. The
Christian Reformer . . . Hackney.
Editor of the "National," The.
George Jacob Holyoake. The life of
Thomas Paine ... L. 1847.
Editor of the "Newport Mercury,"
The. George CJtamplin Mason. Newport
illustrated in a series of pen and pencil
sketches. By ... ST.Y. 1854.
Editor of the "Port Folio/' The.
John E. Ball Memoirs of eminent per-
sons, with portraits and facsimiles : writ-
ten, and in part selected ... P. 1827,
Editor of the "Spiritual Quixote/*
The. Rev. Richard Graves. The coali-
tion; or, the opera rehears'd: a com-
edy. .. L. 1794.
Editor v. Publisher. Edward Wat-
ford v. Elliot Stock. A short narrative
of his editorial connection with, the "An-
tiquary," in 1879-80; by E. Walford. L.
Editors of the « Children's Priend/'
The. Rev. William Wilson. One hun-
dred hieroglyphic Bible readings for the
young. Compiled by ... Ir. 1869.
Edmund, The Bight Rev., Bishop
of Chester. Edmund JZeene. Sermon
before the Society for Propagation of
the Gospel in Foreign Parts^ 1757. L.
Edwards, John H. John Edward
Ha fines, with Charles Hajnes^ author of
" Star of hope," *' Sabbath-schooL songs "
X Y. 1ST-. Also in his contributions to
periodical literature.
Efendi, Murad. Franz von Wernci.
Balladen und Bilder. 1879
Effessea. Francis Swell Cole. Oce-
amca, etc. Southampton, 1871.
Effingham, C, Esq. John JSsten
Coole. The Virginia comedians; or, old
days in the Old Dominion ... NT.
Egmont. Et. Michel Masse, in his con-
tributions to " Le Courrier du Bas-Rhin,"
Eg—t, J , E — I of John, Earl of Eg-
mont. A letter from a person of distinc-
tion to tke right hon. . . L 1749.
An answer to three pamphlets, of which Lord
Egmont was the reputed author. The "Monthly
Keview." Vol. I., 1849, p 23S,
Ego Gabriel Norbert Eilliari, in his
contributions to "La Monde Illustre"
Egyptian Kafir, An. Samuel Bailey.
Letters of . on a Yisit to England in
search of a religion ... L. 1839.
Egyptus. Joseph Parrish Thompson,
Eight Clergymen, Rev. Hugh Stow-
dl, Rev. John Gale, etc. The Churchman
armed. A course of lectures ... L,
Ettni, C. WiUzJxis. Charles Wilkin&
Webber. Instinct, reason, and imagina-
tion, in the " Democratic Review w Vol.
16, p. 408.
JBAAXISTpS. Thotws Foster Bar-
ham. Reliquiae Series; or, Christian
musings . . Short pieces in verse. By . . .
Elag-nitin, J. Joseph Nightingale.
Mock heroics, on snuff, tobacco, and gin,
and a rhapsody on an inkstand. L. 1822.
El Atcfcfcy. Lyman Hotchkiss Bagg.
His signature in the Jsf.Y "Graphic,"
April, 1873, and in the K.T. "World/'
April, 1878.
Elberp. George Henry PreUe, ^hose
first article, composed in his 14th year,
appeared in the " Experiment," Portland,
Me , under this nom de plume.
Eld, Oeorge ./o^» Taylor, the
water-poet. Superbise flagellumj or,
the \phip of pride. L. 1621.
Elder of tlie Church of Scotland,
An, Hugh Barclay. A plea for Chris-
tian union, by ... JEdinb. 185-.
Eldon, JDr. Abraham. Thomas
The Continental traveller's oracle .
L. 1828.
Elector, An. JSenry Romilly Public
responsibility and rote by ballot. L
Elector in 1771, An. Samuel Adams,
in the "Boston Gazette/' May 20, 1771
Eleomora. Eleanor Butler. "Gay
Eleoaora's smile,3' in Anna Seward's
"Llangollen Yale."
Eleven Sophomores. " Harry/1 by
a F. Thwing,- tcThe bear/5 by B. 0
Peirce; "Rose Bud's story/' by *S. B.
Stiles; "Jamie's mice/' by C H, Rar~
rows; " Santa Clau&'s deer/5 by G. S
Pine; "Maggie's walk" by ^f, Hmlleij ;
"Chicken's mistake/' by C. A. Dickin-
son; "About the stars," by W. E. Page;
"Bertie's dream," by F. A Stimson;
"Bumble's first day at work," by T* C.
Williams; "Bronco," by A. A Whee-
ler Stories for children B. 1875.
J^lfiiL. Miss Georyiana Ve7~rall. A
Cornish ghost story. A nightjs adven-
tures at the Devil's Stile; or, Jacky
Trevose and Mary Treyean, By " E."
Truro, 1862.
BLfrlda. Mrs. Elizabeth (Simpson) Tnc7i-
lald, in Beloc's "Sexagenarian/* H. 394
2de<i. L. 1818
JClhegos. Mbridge Henry Goss, in his
contributions to the "Boston AdTertiser/'
etc , from 1870
Elia. Charles Lamb, in the celebrated
"essays" contributed to the "London
Magazine/' 1820-25.
"The adoption of the signature waspurely acci.
dental. His first contribution AV»S a description
of the Old South Sea House, —where Lanib had
passed a few months' novitiate as a clerk thirty
years before,— and of its inmates, Tvho had long
passed away; and, remembering the name of a
gay, hgbt-hearted foreignei, who had fluttered
there at that time» he subscribed hie name to the
essay.11— T. N. TALFOTTRD.
Elia, Bridget. Mary Lamb, sister of
Charles Lamb, 'was the author of " Mrs.
JJeicester's school ... L. 1808.
Elia, James. John ILamb, brother of
Charles Lamb.
Eliafeim. Count ModesU Gruau de la
Harre. Les Yisions d'Esaie et la nouyelle
terre . . . Rotterdam, 1854.
Elias- John Lingard^ D,D.
Perhaps his signature in the « Ke-wcastle Cour.
ant»" for \7hicb, in 1805, fce wrote a series of let-
ters > which were afterwards collected under the
title of "Catholic loyalty Yindiaated " ; or, more
probably, of his anonymous paomhlets in his
controversy with the Biahop of JDnrham and
others, 1806-13.
Elie, Le Pdre. Marie Sfasrimilifn
MareL L'esprit du sacerdoce. Paris.
Eliot, George J/rs. Marian (Evans
Lewes) Gioss. Scenes of clerical life,
1858, Adam Bede, 1858. L. and
" Nor can we omit, in concluding this notice
of a most remarkable book, some notice of the
disputes as to ita authorship The newspapeis
have been full of them Mr. Anders, rector of
Kirkby, Tvmtes eaily in April of this year to as-
sure the vi orld that « the author of Adam Bede
is Mr Liggms, of Nuneaton, Warwickshire, and
the chaiacteis whom he paints m Scenes of Cler-
ical Life, aie as familiar there as the twin spires
of Coventry ' But just as \re have satisfied our
minds that this is the true state of the case, and
are feeling greatly obliged to Mr. Anders, a
wrathful letter from ' G-eorge Eliot ' disturbs
us; asking (not nnreasonably) whether * the act
of publishing a book deprives a man of all claim
to the courtesies usual amongst gentlemen?' . . .
Then some gentleman is ' receiving subscriptions '
as the ilj-used author of Adam Bede. Finally,
the Messrs Blackwood, turning at last to throw
a stone, declare that, ' those works are not writ-
ten by Mr. Liggins, or by any one with a name
like Liggms7 . . . ITow, upon all this we have
only to remark, that we cordially agree in the
dictum of Mr. Eliot, that * the attempt to pry
into what IB obviously meant to be withheld., —
his name,— is quite indefensible.'" — Edinb.
Reo , 1859.
Eliza. Mrs. Elizabeth Carter. The
name under which she began to contrib-
ute verses to the "Gent. Mag.," at the
age of seventeen.
Eliza. Mrs. Eliza Jane (Poitevent)
Nicholson, in her contributions to the
"Times-Democrat" /New Orleans, La.).
Eliza. Anne Elisabeth (Petitpam)
Voiait. L'Algerien. Paris, 1816.
Eliza. Mrs. Elizabeth Draper. Let-
ters from E. to Yorick [Laurence
Sterne]. L. 1775.
Elizaphan of Parnach. Benjamin
Church, MJD. Liberty and property vin-
dicated, and the St — pm— n burnt . . .
B. 1706.
Ellen Mrs Rebecca S. (Reed) Nich-
ols, whose earliest poems were published
in the Louisville "News Letter/' under
this nom de plume.
Ellen Louise. Mrs. Ellen Louise
(Chandler) Moulton, who, in 1841, com-
menced furnishing prose contributions to
the periodicals under this nom de plume.
Ellen of Exeter. Mrs. Anne Maria
Mackenzie. The Neapolitan ; or, the test
of integrity. L. 1796.
Ellersberg, Eduard. Editard Zie-
hen. Gaston von Ronac. 186-.
Ellice, Liuey. Miss Ellen Moriarty.
One of the noms de plume under which
she wrote for Miles O'Reilly's « Citizen/'
Elling, Franz von. Karl Muller.
Elliot, Edith. Mrs. Anna Holyoke
(Cutts) Howard, in her contributions to
the "Household" (Brattleboro, Vt.).
Elliot, Madge. Maraaret Eytinge.
Elliott. Samuel Elliott Cones. Ke-
marks on the Bunker Hill monument . . .
Portsmouth, N.H , 1840
Elliott, Elinor. Mia S. Sat gent.
Elliott, Ruth. Miss Lilhe Peck. A
voice from the sea ... L. 1876.
Elloie Miss Zoda Stith. Poems.
Nashville, Tenn., 1869.
Ellsworth. Elmer E Wadman, in
his contributions to various periodicals
of Boston, Mass., etc.
Ellwood, Ella. Men Shade.
Elmar, Karl Karl Swiedack. Die
Wette um ein Herz. 1841.
Elmlicht, Twinrock, Esq. Thomas
Peter Mitchell. Theophania ; or, a Scrip-
tural view of the manifestation of the
Logos, or pre-existent Messiah . . . L.
Elmwood. James Russell Lowell.
Elxnwood, Elnathan, ESQ. Asa
Greene. A Yankee among the Nullifiers :
autobiography. N.Y. 1833.
Elocution Walker John Walker*
A name given to him from his being a
distinguished teacher of elocution.
Elokta Ttenrub. Athole Burnett.
Elon. Dt. Linnaeus B. Anderson, in
his contributions to the "State" (Rich-
mond, Va ).
The pseudonym is an anagram of SToel (Va.),
his residence.
El Penseroso. G. F. Lanigan, a
Canadian writer, who, under this signa-
ture, contributed to the " Western Jour-
Elvira Mrs. Perkins. Harp of the
willows. B. 1858.
Elysio, Filinto. Francisco Manoel do
Nascimento, among whose works, pub-
lished under this assumed name, are a
number of odes and a translation of La
Fontaine's "Fables."
Emajmel, Christian, Esq. George
Ensor. Janus on Sion ; or, past and to-
come ... L. 1816
Embryo " Harvest Man," An. Jere-
miah Bigg. Quakerieties, by ... L.
Embryo M.P , An. — North. Anti-
Coningsby ; or, the new generation grown
old. L.1844.
Emeff. Mary Flagg, in the €t Home
Emendator. Caleb Whitefoord. Ad-
vice to editors of newspapers. L. 1799.
Emeritus. Mr. Prower. The Militia-
man at home and abroad . . , L. 1857.
Emeritus Professor, An. J. L. H.
McCracken. The art of making poetry
by ... in the 2d number of the " Knick-
Emerson, Sir James. Sir James
Emerson Tennent. Letters from the
jEgean or Grecian Islands. L. 1829.
Assumed the name of u Tennent1' m 1S32.
Emery, Marie. 31me. Vandenbussche.
Ivan... ISVF. 1873.
Emigrant Samuel Sidney. Emi-
grant's Journal. L. 1849-50.
Emigrant, An. Adam Thorn. Letter
to the Eight Hon. E. G. Stanley . . .
Montreal, 1884.
Emigrant Farmer*, An Rev. Joseph
Abbott. Memoranda of a settler in Lower
Canada . . . Montreal, 1842.
Emigrant Mechanic, An. Alexan-
der Harns. Settlers and convicts; or,
recollections of 16 rears' labour in the
Australian back-woods ... L 1847.
Emilia Miss Pameiia S. Vmnmg,
a Canadian poet, \rho wrote for some
time under this pen-name She was
afterwards a contributor to the "US
Mag.," which was merged in " Emerson's
Mag " then in " Emerson and Putnam's
Mag.," and finally for several years in
the " Great Bepublic Mag." Miss Tinning
also wrote for the "Ladies' Repository/'
Cincinnati, and the " Canadian illustrated
Xews," Hamilton.
Emiliane, Gabriel d3. Antonio Go-
yin. Ruses et fourberies des pretres et
des moines. Leipsic, 1845.
Emily. Miss Emily Angove Clara
May; or, bring your cares to Christ.
Bedruth, 1860.
Eminent Citizen of Virginia, An.
Benjamin Watlcms Leigh. Letters of
Algernon Sydney in defence of civil
•liberty. . "Richmond, 1830
Eminent Collector in Edinburgh,
An. David Laing. Catalogue of a por-
tion of the rare and curious library of
... 1850.
Eminent Editor, An. Sector Mac-
neili. Memoirs of the life and character
of Gilbert Purring , . . Edinb. 1805.
Eminent English Counsel, An.
John L&ngley. Observations on the trial
by jury . . . Edinb. 1815.
Eminent Ijawyer, An. — Smith.
The opinion of — concerning the right
of appeal from the Vice-Chaneellor of
Cambridge to the Senate, etc I/. 1751.
Eminent Lawyer of Connecticut^
An. John Hooker. New-England Loyal
Publication Society . . . Letter, written
by ... n.p., n.d.
Eminent Lawyer of the Temple,
Aa. Dr. John Arbuthnot. John Bull's
lost Will and Testament . . . 2d ed. I/.
The preface is signed *' Philonomus Eleuthe-
Eminent Literary Men. Charles L
Flint and others. Eighty years3 progress
of the United States , . - Hartford,
•» Qf3G
Eminent Tuner, An. Thomas D'At-
maine fr Co. D'Almaine & Co 's now
\rork upon the art of tuning the piano-
forte and harmonium . . L. 1862
Emma. Miss M. L. JEvenst, in her
contributions to the " Globe-Democrat "
(St. Louis, Mo.).
Emmellne. Kathinla (Halem] Zdz
Emmeran, Eusebius. Geoig Fried-
rich Daitmer
Emmet, Elizabeth. Mrs Elizabeth
A. Coinstocl.
Enenay to Peace, An. Jonathan
Swift, DD A learned comment upon
Dr. Hare's excellent sennon ... L
Engelyom, Van. Jules Lecomte.
Lettres sur les e*criTains francais Brux-
elles, 1837*
Engineer upon that Expedition,
An. Major Moncnef A short account
of the expedition against Quebec, com-
manded by Major-General Wolfe, in the
year 1759 . L. n.d
English-Catholic, of the Metropoli-
tan Diocese, An. Caleb Fleming A
Catholic-epistle; or, pastoral letter . . .
L. n.d.
English Churchman, An. T. H.
Shaw. The consumptive boy: a narra-
tive by ... L. 1854.
English Civilian, An. William Wal-
ton. A reply to two pamphlets entitled
"Illustrations of the Portuguese Ques-
tion" ... and "The last days of the
Portuguese Constitution "... L. 1830
English Connaught Ranger, AJQ
Edward Cooper The cure for Ireland
Dublin, 1850.
English Critic., An. George Herbert
Townsend. William Shakespeare not an
imposter. L. 1857.
English Detective, An William
Eussell. Autobiography of ... By
"Waters." L. 1863.
English Gentleman, An. Wdltam
Newnham Blane. An excursion through
the United States and Canada during the
years 1822-23, L. 1824.
English Gentleman, An. W. Wind-
ham. A letter from . . . giving an ac-
count of a journey to the glaciers . . ,
in Savoy ... in 1741, L. 1744.
English Girl, An. Anne Manning,
Account of a Moravian settlement in the
Black Forest. L. 1858.
English, Goliah. John Bo?/?e, Earl
of Cork and Orrery. — See « O. *K/'
English Governess, The. Mrs. Anna,
Harnette Leonowens The English gov-
erness at the Siamese Court. 1862-67.
B. 1870.
English Grammar School Head
Master, The. Edward Rupert Hum-
phreys, LLD. England's educational
crisis ... L. 1856.
English Journalist, An. William
Charles Mark Kent [better known as
Charles Kent} What shall be done
with Cardinal "Wiseman'2 An inquiry.
By ... L 1850
English Lady, An. Mrs. A. Phelps
'Bay-man Notes and letters on the
American war. L. 1864.
English Lady, An. Mrs. A. Saint-
George A sketch of the life of ...
Washington ... NY, 1834.
English Landowner, An Sir Ar-
tliwi Hallam Elton. An inquiry into the
alleged justice and necessity of the war
with Russia . L. 1855.
English Merchant, An John Camp-
bell The Spanish Empire iu America . . .
L. 1747.
English Officer, An. Lieut Col
Alexander Jar dine. Letters from Bar-
'bary, Prance, Spain, Portugal ... L.
English Opium Eater, The Thomas
De Quince//. Confessions of an ... L.
English Play-goer, An John Oxen-
ford, author of " Robin Hood " an opera
... L 1863.
English Priest, An. Ret 8. B.
Harpei . The catholicity of the Church's
love and the humility of her ceremonial.
L. 1850.
English Republican, An. Algernon
Charles Swinburne. Notes of ... on the
Muscovite crusade. L. 1876
English Resident, An. T. IL
Hughes Revelations of Spam in 1845 . . .
L. 1845.
English Sappho, The. Mrs. Mary
Robinson. The wild wreath. L. 1805.
English Sister of Mercy, An. Miss
Maiqaret Goodman. Experiences of ...
L. 1861.
English Sportsman, The. Hon.
Geoige Charles G-rantley Fitz-Hardinge*
In the Western prairies. L. 1861.
English Terence, The. Richard
Cwnbeiland, to whom Goldsmith alludes
in his " Retaliation" as "The Terence of
England, the mender of hearts."
English Tory Sir Richard Steele.
The Guardian (No. 128, Aug. 7, 171S),
English Traveller, An. Orville
Dewey. Letters of ... on revivals of
religion in America. B. 1828.
English Traveller, An. Martin Sher
lock. New letters from ... L. 1781.
English Traveller, An. Rev. Joseph
Hunter. Notes . . . during a two days'
sojourn at Ober-Wesel on the Rhine. 'L.
English Traveller at Rome, An.
Wdham G-odolphint Marquis of Bland-
ford. A letter . . to his father, of the
6th of May, 1721.
English Traveller in Spain, An.
John Talbot Dillon Letters ... on the
origin and progress of poetry in that
kingdom ... L. 1781.
Englishman. William Sharp, Jr.
Englishman's remonstrance. L. 1771.
Englishman, An — Belton. An-
gler in Ireland; or, an Englishman's
rambles through Connaught and Mun-
ster, during the summer of 1833. L.
Englishman, An. Thomas Paine.
Common sense ; addressed to the inhabi-
tants of America ... P. 1776.
Englishman, An. Samuel Phillips
Day. Down South; or, an Englishman's
experience at the seat of war, 1861. L.
Englishman, An. Thomas Gordon,
Francis, Lord Bacon . . . 5th ed. L.
The dedication is signed " BntannicuB."
Englishman, An J. Dalhnger The
general use of machinery . . . Dalling-
hoo, 1821.
Englishman, An. Dr. John Burton.
A genuine and true journal of the most
miraculous escape of the Young Cheva-
lier ... L. 1749.
Englishman, An. Philip Quartt.
The hermit; or, sufferings and other
adventures of ... L. 1727.
Englishman, An. Henry Richard
Vassall Fox^ 3d Baron Holland. Letter
to a Neapolitan from ... L. 1818.
Englishman, An. Dr. John Jebb. A
letter to Sir William Meredith upon the
subject of subscription to the liturgy
. . . L. 1772.
Englishman, An. John Cam Hob-
house, Lord Brpughton. Letters writ-
ten by ... resident at Paris ... L.
Englishman, An. John Home Tooke.
The petition of ... L. 1765.
Englishman, An. James Bwry, Pick-
ings up in Ireland ... L. 1859.
Englishman, An. Isaac Candler.
Summary view of America ... L. 1824.
Englishman, An. John Gough. A
tour through Ireland in the years 1818
and 1814 . . By ... Dublin, 1817.
Englishman, An. John Benicell.
Travels in America. L. 1853.
Englishman, An. William Whitta-
Jeer Bairu A walking tour round Ireland
in 1865 By ... L, 186T.
Englishman, An. Edmund Wheeler.
What shall we do at Delphi 7 An E.'s
letter to the Humanitarians. L. 1857.
Englishman Abroad, An. Alexan-
der Tigke Gregory. Practical Pans
guide L. 1S5S
Englishman, The. Rev. Stephen Wes-
ton The Englishman abroad, 1824-25.
L 1825.
Englishman, The. Thomas H. Glad-
stone. The E in Kansas . . . NT. 1857.
Englishman, Tlie Roving Eustace
Clare Grentdle Murray. The roving
Englishman ... L. 1854.
Englishman, A Young. William
Wnt. The British spy; or, letters of
. , . Richmond, 1808.
Englishman in Switzerland, An.
Alexander Tighe Gregory. A practical
Swiss guide illustrated . . L. 1856.
Englishman resident at Paris, An.
John Cam Hobhouse, Lord Broughton.
Substance of letters from Paris in 1815.
By... L.1816
Englishwoman, An. Miss Jane Por-
ter. Animated address to our fab: country-
women, in "Gent* Mag./* December,
1811, pp. 601-502.
Englishwoman, An. Sarah Mytton
Maury An E. in America. L. 1848.
Englishwoman, An. Mrs. Barbara
( Wreaks Hook) Hofland. A letter of . . .
L. 18-,
Englishwoman, An. Mrs. M". ^filler.
Letters from Italy ... L. 1776.
Englishwoman, An. Mrs. Charlotte
Am (Waidie} Eaton. Narrative of a
residence in Belgium during the cam-
paign of 1815 ... L. 1817.
Englishwoman, An. Mme. Frances
( Wright] D'Arusmont. Views of society
and manners in America L 1821.
Englishwoman, The. Mrs. Sophia
(Lane) Poole. The E. in Egypt; letters
from Cairo ... in 1842-44. L. 1844
Englishwoman in America, The.
Mrs. Isabella (Bird) Mayo. The aspects
of religion in the United States of
America. L. 1859.
Englishwoman in Utah, A. Mrs.
F. Stenhouse. An Englishwoman in
Utah . . . 1880.
Englishwoman resident at Brus-
sels In June, 1815, An. Mrs. Charlotte
Ann { Waidie) Eaton. The days of the
battle; or, Quatre Bras and Waterloo.
L. 1853.
EnnuySe. Mis. Anna (Murphy) Jame-
son. Diary of an Ennuyee. L. 1826.
Enoch Richard Laurence, LL.D. The
book of Enoch the Prophet . . . Oxf.
Enos. Cecil Perci val Stone Asians' •
a tale of the massacre of the Nestorian
Christians. L 1858
Enquirer, An. Judge Qeorge Tucker,
who, under this signature, contributed to
Wirt's " British Spy "
Enquirer, The. William Atkinson.
A letter in answer to one suspected to
have been written by a stranger, assisted
by the Jacobin priests of West-Kiding.
By ... L. 1801.
Enrique, Erratic. Senry Clay Lu-
len$, of •' New York Daily News/' author
of " Jets and Plashes." N.Y. 1883.
Ensanada. Jacques Albin Simon Col-
lin de Plancy.
Epaminondas. Gideon Granger Ad-
dress of to citizens of the State of
New York. Albany, 1819.
Epaminondas. Augustus J5. Wood-
ward Considerations on the govern-
ment of the Territory of Columbia W
Ephemera of " Bell's Life la Lon-
don " Edward Fitzgibbon. A handbook
of angling ... L. 1847.
Epicure, An. Frederic Saunders,
Salad for the solitary and the social . . .
N.Y. 1871.
Epicurus Rotundus. Shirley Brooks,
in London "Punch."
Epigram, Ephraim, Esq. Ambrose
Pitman, Esq , who, about the year 1788,
resided in the Weald of Kent, occasion-
ally figuring as a poetical correspondent
of the "Maidstone Journal/' under the
above signature.
Episcopal Divine, An. Dr. Hay.
Imparity among pastors ... n p. 1703.
Episcopalian, An. Rev. — Lake.
A letter respectfully addressed to the
Lord Bishop of London... 2ded. L.1811.
Episcopalian, AH. Richard Whately
Letters on the Church. By ... L. 1826.
Episcopalian of . . Maryland, An.
John Keud&ij An enquiry into the va-
lidity of Methodist Episcopacy . . . Wil-
mington, 1807.
Epistleographos. Gouvemeur Carr
Epsilo-n. Edward Denham, in Ms con-
tributions to the "Transcript" (B.
Epsilon. Richard Edmonds, Jun. Mr.
Peel's act. In the "Cornish (Bng.) Mag-
azine." 1828.
Epsilon. Reii J Baldicm Brown.
The moral government of God ... L.
Erasmus. 2>Iiss Jeanette L. Gilder,
as regular literary correspondent in New
York, of the "Philadelphia Press."
Erasmus. Frederick May (?) The
Bible exposed by . . B. 1862
Erasmus, W. J. Erasmus Wilson.
Practical and surgical anatomy L 1838.
Erastus. Rev. Joseph Jefferson, of
Basingbroke (Hants ), in his contributions
to the "Gent. Mag." (L.)
Erceldoune Willis H Bocock, of the
University of Virginia, in poems con-
tributed to the " Central Presbyterian "
(Richmond, Va.)
Erdan, Alexandra. Alexandra Andre'
Eremus. John Wilson. The snow
stoim,m "Blackwood's Magazine." Vol.
7, p. 37 et seq.
Erienensis. Walter Cavendish Crof-
ton. Sketches of the Thirteenth Parlia-
ment of Unper Canada . . . Toronto.
Erie-us. Col Adam Hood BurwelL
Taibot Road (1818), and other poems
contributed to Canadian periodicals.
Erith, "Lynn. Eduard Fox. Poet-
ical tentatives. L. 1854.
Erzaite. Rev. Patrick Eugene Mori-
Ernst. Zfathias Jakob Schleiden.
Gedichte. 1858 and 1873.
Ernst, Julius. Julius Stinde.
Erodore Jacob Abbott.
Erquar, Marie Jozon d*. Joseph
Marie Qu&rard. Les supercheries iitter-
aires devotes . . . Paris, 1869.
Errym, Malcolm J. Malcolm J. Ry-
mer. Townsend the Runner. 18-.
Ervie. Emily O. Pearson. Echo-
bank : a temperance tale . . . N.Y. 1868.
Eskdale Tarn. Thomas Telford, in
"Ruddiman's Weekly Magazine." In
early life he contributed several poetical
pieces of merit to " R/s W. M.," under
the signature of "E. T." See Ander-
son's "The Scottish Nation," Vol. 3,
p. 553.
Esmond, Henry, Esq. William
Makepeace Thackeray. The history of
Henry Esmond, Esq., a colonel in the
service of Her Majesty Queen Anne;
written by himself. L. 1852.
Espriella, Don Manuel Alvarez.
Robert Southey. Letters from England . , .
L. 1807.
Essayist on the Passions, AB. Nich-
olas MichelL The fatalist; or, the for-
tunes of Godolphin. L* 1840.
Essenus. John Jones, LL D A new
version of the first three chapters of
Genesis. L. 1819.
Essex Justice, An. And) etc John-
ston. A pocket index to Oke and Stone.
By ... Gloucester, 1877
Estelle. Miss Elisabeth Bogart, who,
under this signature, contributed many
articles to the " JSew York Mirror " and
other periodicals.
Estelle. Mrs. Martha TF. Frazer
Brown, whose poems were published in
the " Southern Literary Messenger," etc.
Estelle. Emily Mar ion Harris.
Estelle. Mrs. Piper. Lucy Herbert . . .
B. 1863.
Esther, Aunt. Mrs. John A. Smith.
Letters from Europe . . . Chic. 1870.
Estoile, Pierre de I'. Arsene Hous-
saye. L'histoire en pantoufles, in "La
Presse " Paris, 1861.
Etheridge, Kelsic. W. B. Smith.
Egypt Ennis ; or, prisons without walls.
KY. 1876.
Ethophile, Un. Docteur Imbert-Ghor-
beyre. Un mot & M. le professeur Gonod,
etc. 1845.
Etlar, Carit. Karl BrosbdlL Salo-
mon Baadsmand. 1880.
Etonian, An. Charles Howcroft.
Confessions of an Etonian. L. 1852.
Etonian, An. Robert William Essmg-
ton. The legacy of ... Edited by Rob-
ert Nolands, sole executor. Camb. 1840.
Etonian, The Younger. Rt. Hon.
William EiLatt Gladstone. Ancient and
modern genius compared, in the " Eton
Miscellany." 1827.
Etoniensis. Rt. Hon. William Ewart
Gladstone, in the London " Contemporary
Ettrick Shepherd, The. James Hogg.
The Altrive tales. The queer book: be-
ing a collection of poems. Edinb. 1832.
Eugene. lUdotiard Roger de Bully
Beauvoir. Le cornet & piston. Paris,
Eugene Hugo Arnot. A letter to
the Lord Advocate of Scotland [Henry
Dundas]... Edinb. 1777.
Eugenie. Kathinka (Halein) Zitz.
Eugenius. John Hall-Stevenson. Crazy
tales. L. 1762.
Eugenius Junior. James Owen.
Church-pageantry displayed . . . L. 1700.
Eugenius Philalethes. Rev. Arthur
Ashley Sykes. The innoceney of error,
asserted and vindicated ... L. 1715.
Eulalle. Mrs. Mary JSulalfe fee Shan-
non. Buds, blossoms, and leaves: poems
by... Gin. 1854.
Eumenes. WttKam Griffith. Eumc-
nes : a collection of papers . . . exhibit-
ing some of the errors and omissions of
the constitution of jSew Jersey . . .
Trenton, 1799.
Eunomus. John James Park, LL D.
Juridical letters, addressed to Eight
Hon. Hobert Peel . . . L. 1830.
Eupator. Joseph Mendham. Cardi-
nal Allen's admonition to the nobility
and people of England and Ireland . . .
A.B. 1558. Eeprinted with a preface
by . . L. 1842.
Euphranor James Bohvar Hanson.
Contemporary Scottish art. A series of
pen and ink pictures, drawn from the
exhibition of 1864 By ... Edinb.
Euphrosyne. Rev. Richard Ghaves,
who, under this name, published two vol-
umes of poems which went through sev-
eral editions
Eureka. Thomas N. Ralston, D.D.
Ecce unitas; or, a plea for Christian
unity . . Cin. 1875.
European, An. Francois Alexandre
Fre'de'ric, Due de la Eochefoucauld-
Liancourt. On the prisons of Phila-
delphia . . .
Europe'en, Tin Frangois Alexandre
Fre'de'nc, Due de la Rochefoucauld-Lian-
court. Des prisons de Philadelphie . . .
P. 1796.
Euryalus. George John, 5th Earl of
Delaware, in Byron's " Childish Recollec-
tions." Newark, 1807.
Evcrepeis Rev JR. Welton. The
clergy's tears; or, a cry against persecu-
tion . . . n.p. 1715.
Eusebia. Frances Thynne Somerset,
Countess of Hertford.
Eusebius. Rev. Edward Dorr Griffin
Prime, who was for some years one of
the editors of the K.Y. u Observer/' in
which his letters under this signature
attracted considerable notice.
Eusebius. Rev. Robert Boucher Nick-
oils, LL.D. "On the growth of schism in
the Church among the Methpdistic cler-
gy, and the means of checking it/' In
the "Anti-Jacobin" for May, 1809.
Eusebius. Edmund Rack. Eeflec-
tions on the spirit and essence of Chris-
tianity. By ... L. 1771.
Eusebius Exoniensis. Richard Pol-
whele. An essay on the evidence from
Scripture that the Soul immediately
after the death of the body is ... in a
state of happiness or misery ... L.
Euterpe. Isaac ^Israeli, Esq.
"Verses addressed to Bichard Qough,
the 'Modern Camden/" in the "St.
James's Chronicle " for Nov. 20,
Evangelical Preacher, An. Wil-
liam Bengo Collyer, D.D. An appeal to
the legislature and to the public ... L
Evangeline. J/*ss Ellen A. Moriartii,
who, under this noin de plume, wrote for
Miles O'Reilly's "Citizen."
Evangeline Mrs. A. E. Newman
European leaflets, for young ladies . .
N.Y. 1861
Evans, Owen William Henry An-
derdon The adventures of ... Edited
byW. H.A. L. 1863.
Evelyn, Chetwood, Esq. Robert
Conger Pell. The companion: after-
dinner table-talk. N.Y. 1850.
Everett. J. E. McAshan. Houston
(Tex.) correspondent of "Texas Sift-
ings "
Everett, Paul. Cornelia Lovejoy.
Evergreen. Washington Irving, his
signature in the " Salmagundi "
Everpoint Joseph M. Field. The
drama in Pokerville; and other stories.
P. 1847.
Evolutionist, An. John FisLe. Ex-
cursions of . . B. 1883.
Ex-Barber to His Majesty the
Bong of Great Britain, The. Asa
Greene. Travels in America by ...
N.Y. 1833. See "Fribbleton, George."
Ex-Colonel of the Adj -Gen/s Dept.,
An. Charles Grahame Halpine. Baked
meats of the funeral. A collection of
essays, poems . . .
Ex-Consul, An. Rev. Charles Whee-
ler Denison. Antoine ... B. 1874.
Ex-Curate, An. Rev. Edward John
Watson. An apology [for joining the
R. C. Church] addressed to the clergy
and congregations of Christ church and
St. John's, St. Leonard's-on-the-Sea. By
... of the former church. L. 1877.
Ex-Dissenter, An. George Rawston,
My life ... L. 1841.
Ex-Dissenting Minister, An Rev.
Robert Christison. The Liberatiomsts
unmasked, by ... Leeds, 1874.
Ex-Editor, An. Col. Thomas Picton,
in his contributions to the " Spirit of the
Times » (N.Y.).
Ex-Editor, An. William Young.
Mathieu Eopars: et cetera. By ...
N.Y. 1868.
EX-M.P., An. Henry Lambert. Me-
moir of Ireland in 1850. L. 1851.
Ex-Member of the Society of
Friends, An, Edward Michardson,
Jim. Quakerism versus the Church.
By ... L. 1860.
" Ex-officio " Superintendent of
the Department, The. John Hill
Burton. Memorandum on the collec-
tion and arrangement of the judicial
statistics of Scotland By ... Edinb.
Ex-Orderly Sergeant, An John
Mason (*), Recollections of the early
days of the national guard . . . the
famous seventh regiment New York
rmhtia ... NY. 1868
Ex-Pension Agent, An. Henry Mor~
ford^ Spur of Monmouth; or, Washing-
ton in arms. P. 1876.
Ex-Political, An E> B Eastwick.
Dry leaves from young Egypt ... L.
Ex-Surveyor General. John Osborne.
Sargent. Letter to General Hazen
Excelsior Charles Fntts, a technical
writer on horology, in his contributions
to periodical literature.
Exile, An. Thomas Alexander Bos-
well The journal of ... L. 1825.
Exil6, tin. Yevgenii Obolensh. Sou-
venirs d' . . . 1825-56, en Siberie. Leip-
sic, 1862.
Exile of Erin Rev. M. W. Newman,
in the "ISTew York Tablet" and the
" Irish American" (N.Y.).
Expatriated, An. V. 8. Zorawski.
A few words from . . Cowes, 1844.
Experienced Carver, An George 6r.
Foster. JNew York in slices, by ...
being the original slices published in the
" New York Tribune "... NY. 1849.
Experienced Clerk, An. Henri/
Perkins. Pounds, dims, cents, and mils ;
or, a real decimal coinage vindicated.
Manchester, 1833.
Experienced Dyer, An. Edward
And-iew ParneJL A practical treatise on
dyeing and calico printing . . . N.Y. 1846.
Experienced Oculist, An G. Hi
Beer. The art of preserving the sight
... L.1S13.
Experienced Teacher, An. A. Wrif-
ford (*}. A brief development of the
great secret of giving and receiving in-
struction . . . Concord, 1835.
Experienced Teacher, An. — J5or-
renstem. An easy method of acquiring
the Hebrew ... L. 1822.
Expertus Rev Malcolm HaccolL Is
Liberal policy a failure ? L. 1870.
Explorafcilis. Mrs. Eliza, Haywood.
The invisible spy. By ... L. 1759.
Expositor. Aaron W. Inland. A
letter to the citizens of Charleston, em-
bracing strictures . „ . Charleston, S.C.,
Extinguished Exile, An. T. Wemys
Reid, author of "Charlotte Bronte"
N.T. 1877.
Eyebright, Daisy. Mrs. S. 0. John-
son Every woman her own flower gar-
dener N Y. 1871.
Eye Witness, An William E S.
Baker The battle of Coney Island ; or,
free trade overthrown. P. 1883.
Eye-witness, An. Rev. Thomas
M'Lauchlan. The depopulation system
in the Highlands . . . Edinb. 1819.
Eye Witness, An Alexander Pope.
A full and true account of a horrid and
barbarous revenge by poison, on the
body of Mr. Edmund Curll, bookseller . . .
L. 1716.
Eye-Witness, An. Capt. John Mur-
ray Browne. An historical view of the
revolutions of Portugal, since the close
of the Peninsular War. L. 1827.
Eye- Witness, An. Edward Burk.
The hurricane : a poem . . . Bath, 1844.
Eye- Witness, An. Henry Tanner.
The martyrdom of Lovejoy • an account
of the life ... Eev. Elijah P. Lovejoy . . ,
Chic. 1881
Eye-Witness, An. Lieut. Gordon
TiirnbulL A narrative of the revolt and
insurrection of the French inhabitants
of the Island of Grenada. Edinb. 1795.
Eye Witness, An. W. Walton. Nar-
rative of the poetical changes and events
which have recently taken place in the
Island of Terceira ... L. 1829.
Eye-Witness, An. Joseph Stock, D.D.
A narrative of what passed at Killala, in
the county of Mayo . . . during the French
invasion in the summer of 1798. * By ...
Dublin, 1800.
Eye-Witness, An. Charles Lamb.
Satan in search of a wife, with the whole
process of Ms courtship and marriage, and
who danced at the wedding; by ... L. 1831.
Eyewitness, An. Rev. O-eoige Robert
Gleig. The subaltern; or, sketches of
the Peninsula War during the campaigns
of 1813 and '14. Ev . . . L. 1825.
Eye Witness, An. Thomas Savage.
A summary account of the marches,
behaviour, and plunders of the rebels . . .
L. 1746.
Eye-Witness to the Facts related.
Jttaj.-Gen. Andrew Burn. A second ad-
dress to the people of Great Britain;
containing a new and most powerful
argument to abstain from the use of
West India sugar. By ... 1. 1792.
Eyland, Major Sethi, Late of tlie
Mounted Rules. David E. Oronin.
The evolution of a life. JST.T. 1884.
Eyler, Emilie. Mary Osten. Grand-
mother's curiosity cabinet ... B. 1869.
F. Nicholas Francis Flood Damn, one
of the authors of "Readings by Star-
light," contributed to the "Evening
Star,"L 1806.
p. — Favell, who left Cambridge
because he was ashamed of his father,
who was a house-painter there. — See
Lamb's " Elia," " Christ's Hospital."
F. Barren Field. — See Lamb's " Elia,"
"My First Play."
F Sir George Prevost, Bart., one of the
contributors to "Tracts for the Times,"
L. 1840-48.
F. Thomas Ignatius Maria Forster.
Epistolarium ; or, fasciculi of curious
letters . . . Bruges, 1845.
F. William C. Folger. Memoir of the
late Hon. Walter Folger. New Bed-
ford, 1874.
F. Edward Fillebrown. Richard Grant
"White and "The Bacon Shakespeare
Craze." By ... In the " Common-
wealth," Boston, March 31, 1883.
F. and F., J F. James Frederic Fer-
guson, Esq., in the " Gent. Mag.," March,
1853, p. 267, and August, 1855, p. 161.
F. A C T. Osborne Howes, Boston
correspondent of the " Spectator" (N.Y.),
F , A. P. Alexander Penrose Forbes.
A memoir of the pious life and holy
death of Helen Inglis . . . L. 1854.
F., B Benjamin Furly(1). The light
upon the candlestick . . . translated into
English by ... L. 1811.
F., B., Esq. Barron Field. — See
Lamb's "Elia," "Distant Correspond-
ent," in a letter to B. F , Esq.
F., C. diaries File, in his contribu-
tions to the "Star" (N.Y.).
F., O. Charles James Fox. Epistle
[in Terse] from . . . partridge-shooting,
to the Honourable J. Townshend, cruis-
ing. By Richard Tickell. L. 1779.
F. C , The. William Makepeace Thack-
eray. Brighton in 1847. "Punch,"
F., C. & E. C. Catharine Foster and
Elizabeth Colling. A new metrical ver-
sion of the Psalms of David L. 1838.
F., Hon. C. J. Hon. Charles James
Fox. The beauties of administration: a
poem. With an heroic race to the pal-
ace between L[or]d Sh[e]lb[ur]ne and
... L. 1782.
F., E. Edgar Fawcett, in his contri-
butions to the " Tribune " (X Y.) etc.
F., E. Edward Fillebrow*> The biog-
raphy of William Shakespeare. By ...
In the "Brooklyn Chronicle," May 27,
F , E Mrs E. Fletcher. Elidure and
Edward ... L. 1825
F , E. E. Field A manual of devo-
tions for sea-faring men. Oxf. 1854
F., E. Ebenezei Forsyth. Shakespeare ;
some notes on his character and writings.
L. 1867
F , E , Jr. Edward Fell, Jr., in the
"Gent Mag."
F., E. E. Elizabeth E. Flagg. Little
people whom the Lord loved. N.Y.
F., E. T. Edward Tat/lor Fletcher. —
See " Korah."
F , E. W. Edwin Wdkins Field. On
Mr. Tagart's " Remarks on mathematical
reasoning" From the "Christian Re-
former," February, 1838. L. 1838.
F, F. Francis Fauqmer, An essay
on ways and means for raising money
for the support of the present war . . .
L 1756
F., F. Frederick Fi/sh. Nature's voice
in the Holy Catholic Church : a series of
designs. L & Derby, 1864.
F. F. of the Cedars. Henry William
Herbert. Field sports in the United
States ... L. 1849.
F., GrevUle, of Barnes. Greville
Fennell. The rail and the rod ; or, tour-
ist angler's guide to waters and quarters
thirty miles round London. L. 1867.
F., G. H. Granville Hamilton Forbes.
No antecedent impossibility in mira-
cles ... Oxf 1861.
F., H. Henry Foley. — See " A Mem-
ber of the Same Society/'
F., H. Hi. Henrietta Louisa Farrer.
The arrival at a new home. L 1850
F., H. B. Henry Ralph Francis. The
fly-fisher and his library, by ... L.
1856. [A Cambridge (Eng.) essay.]
F., J. John Fransham. An exact ac-
count of the charge for supporting the
poor of the city of Norwich . . . L. 1720.
F.,J. John Fry. The legend of Mary,
Queen of Scots ... L. 1810.
F., J. John Forster. Memorials of
John Hampden. By Lord Nugent.
Fourth edition, with a memoir of the
writer by ... L. 1860.
F., J. James Freeman, S.T.D. Re-
marks on the American universal geog-
raphy. B. 1793.
F., J. F. Hon, John F. Finerty, of
Ohio, in his contributions to the " Trib-
une " (Chic 1884)
F , J G. A J G-. A. Forster. A
chronological abridgment of the Russian
history . . . trans, by . , . L. 1767.
F., K J. K. J. Fmlaij By the loch
and river side. Edinb. ItfGG
F, M. F. E. Alary Fiances Elizabeth
Boscaiwn, Viscountess Falmouth. Bub-
bles of Spa water j or, six weeks in the
Ardennes in 1876, by ... Brighton, 1877.
F., M. H Mrs. M. H. Fiske, in her
contributions to the " Missouri Republi-
F, N. Nicholas French. — See "A.
Gentleman in the Country."
F., N. L. Nathaniel Langdon Fi othing-
ham, D D. The home for destitute and
incurable women. [A poem.] B. 18-.
F., O Oran Follett. The Shakes-
peare plays; The theatre, etc. "Who
wrote Shakespeare * By ... Sandusky,
0., 1879.
F., O. Hi Mrs. Olive Leonard Foster,
who for 40 years responded to number-
less solicitations for an original hymn or
poem, and contributed to numerous
newspapers and magazines under these
F, P., Minister of the Church of
England. Rev. P. Fuller. A letter to
the Reverend Mr. Pyle ... L. 1718.
F., R. Richard Frankum. The bee
and the wasp : a fable in verse ... "L
F., R. Richard Finch. Seasonable
advice to a young clergyman ... L.
F., R , Gent. Robert Forbes. Ajax .
his speech to the Grecian knabbs ; from
Ovid's "Metam.," lib. XIH. ... at-
tempted in broad Buchans, by ...
1755. 1869
F. R G. S., A, Richard Francis Bur-
ton. Wanderings in "West Africa, from
Liverpool to Fernando Po. By ...
L. 1863.
F., R. It. R. L. Frere. A few plain
*words on the sacrament of the Lord's
Supper . . . Birmingham, 1831.
F., R. W. R. W. Falconer. Cata-
logue of Tenby plants. L. 1848.
F., S. A. Miss Sarah A. Flint. The
conqueror. By ... B. 1865.
F S.A Rev. Latham Wainwright,
F.S.A. «Dr. Paley and Mr. Lytton
Bulwer," in "Gent. Mag.," November,
F., S. H. Sarah Hustler Fox. Poems,
original and translated. L. 1863.
F., S. M. B. M. Fitton. The four
seasons. L. 1865.
F , T. Thady Fitzpatrick An enquiry
into the real merit of a certain popular
performer ... L. 1760.
The above work is directed against Band Gar-
nek. It consists of a series of letters, which ongi-
nally appeared m the "Craftsman, or Gray's
Inn Jouinal" o\er the follovtinar pseudonvms:
"T. F."; "3: Y. Z.", "Theatricus", "Anti-
theatncus " ; e< Candidas " ; " Philo-Tragicus " ;
«flngenuus"; *'W. W.", and "A Lo^er of
F, T. Thomas Foxcroft A funeral
sermon, occasioned by several mournful
deaths ... B. 1722.
F. T. Robert Fleming. The history of
hereditary-right ... L. n.d.
F., T. Thomas Ford. Reminders in
grammar and orthography ... L. 1855.
F, T. Thomas Flatman. Virtus redi-
viva. [A collection of poems.] L.
F., T., Assistant-Curate at ,
and Joint-Lecturer of St. . Rev.
Thomas FrancLlm. A letter to ra bishop,
concerning lectureships. L 1768.
F., T. V. Rev. Thomas Vincent Fos-
lery. Hymns and poems ... L. 1844.
F , W. William Field. An historical
and descriptive account of the town and
castle of Warwick, and of the neighbour-
ing Spa of Leamington . . . Warwick,
F., W., Esq. William Freke The
fountain of monition and inter-communi-
cation divine ... L. 1708
F , W., Sir. Sir W Fownes. Methods
proposed for regulating the poor * . .
Dublin, 1725.
F.,W.A. Lieut.- Col William Augustus
Fyers. The Italian crisis ... L. 1859.
F , W. D Wilhelm David Fuhrmann.
Leben . . . des Lucilio Vanini . . . Leip-
sic, 1810.
F., W. E. W. E. Flaherty The
annals of England. Oxford, 1876.
F., W. J. William John Fitepatrick.
Who wrote the Waverley novels? L,
F , R , Gent. Robert Forbes.
Ajas: his speech to the Grecian knabbs,
From Ovid's " Metam.," lib. XTII . . .
Glasgow, 1755.
F— n,C. C. Ferguson. — See "3?-r-n,
F-r-n, Mr. C. Ferguson. A letter
addressed to every honest man in Britain
... L. 1738. [The letter is signed <e C.
F— y, J— n. John Fry. Bibliographi-
cal memoranda . . . Bristol, 1816.
Fabian. Mrs. Virginia Dwrant Cw«
ington, who, during the late war, made
her ddbut as a writer in the ** Southern
Meld and Fireside," published at Angus
ta, Ga., as "Fabian," and since that time
has been a frequent contributor to South-
ern periodicals under the assumed names
of " Casper/' " Popinack," and under her
own name.
Fabius. John Dickinson. The letters
of . . in 1788, on the federal constitu-
tion, and hi 1797 on the present situation
of public affairs. Wilmington, Del ,
Fabricius. Joseph Galloway. Fabri-
cius; or, letters to the people of Great
Britain. L. 1782.
Fac et Spera. William Harding, in
his contributions to the " Clipper "
Factory Hand of Waltham, A
Josiah Bigelow. Review of " An address
to the workmgmen of New England " . .
Camb., Mass , 1832
Fadette. Mrs Minnie Beeves Rodney
or Maiian G. Legare Reeves. Weari-
thorne; or, in the light of to-day . . .
B. 1872.
The "Libraiy of Congress" has the foimer
name, the "Female Writeis of the South," the
Faed. — See " Waverley "
Fag, Frederick. James Johnson. The
recess; or, autumnal relaxation in the
Highlands and Lowlands . . a serio-comic
tour to the Hebrides L. 1834.
Fair Inquirer, A. Rev. John Hawkins.
A few remarks on an address to the
Roman Catholics of the United States of
America, occasioned by a letter addressed
to the Catholics of Worcester by Mr.
Wharton, their late chaplain. By the
Bight Rev. Dr. Carroll. By ... Worces-
ter, Eng , 1796.
Falrchild, Paul. John A. Taylor.
Defense of insanity. N.Y. 1876.
Fairfax, Ruth. Mrs. Agnes Jean
Stibbes, a favorite contributor of novel-
ettes, poems, and sketches to Father
Ryan's paper, the "Banner of the
South/' under this nom de plume.
Fairford, Alan. John Kent, editor of
the " Canadian Literary Magazine," To-
ronto, 1834. " Under this signature in a
widely-circulated periodical a series en-
titled "The English Layman."
Fairleigh, Frank. Francis Edward
Smedley, who edited " Cruikshank's Mag-
azine," etc., under this name.
Fairplay, Oliver. Thomas Jefferson.
Proposals ... for publishing the private
and public life of the First Consul. P.
Faith Workless.— See "Methodist
preacher in Cambridgeshire, A."
Faithful Monitor, A One ot tlu>
pseudonyms attributed to Jumus (q r )
The lettei bearing this signature is dated
August 25, 1707, and censures the appointment
of Lord Townshcncl as Loid Lieutenant ot lie.
land, and of his biotbei, the Hon. Cluules Town-
abend, as Chancellor ot the Exchequer.
Falconbridge. Jonathan F. Kelly.
The memoirs of ... a collection of hu-
morous and cvery-day scenes. P. 1850.
Falcon Feather. John Collter. Lan-
cashire dialect and poems. L. 1828.
Falconer, Edmund. Edmund
O'Rourke. Extremes, or, men of the
day: a comedy. L 1850.
Falconer, Frank. E. N. Carvalho,
in the "Turf, Reid, and Farm " (N.Y.).
Fales, Fanny. Mrs. Frances Elizabeth
Falkland. Fisher Ames.
Falkland. Nathaniel Chapman, M.D ,
in the " Philadelphia Portfolio."
Falkland. Rev. John Robert Scoft,
D D. A review of the principal charac-
ters of the Irish House of Commons.
Dublin, 1789.
Falkland. Francis Perceval Eliot. A
series of letters ... L. 1814.
Falkland, Frank. G. L. Wilson
FalstafF, Sir John. For the supposed
editor of the "Anti-Theatre." L. 1720.
Fanchon. Mis. Laura Brad)/ Starr,
in her letters to the " Cleveland Leader "
Fanchon. Mis. Laura M. Sanford.
History of Erie County, Pennsylvania.
P. 1862.
Fancy, One of the. Frederick Tay-
lor. System of horse-taming ... L.
Fancy, One of the. Thomas Hfoorv.
Tom Crib's memorial to Congress. L.
Fane, Florence. Mrs. Frances Fuller
Victor. All over Oregon and "Washing-
ton. San Fran. 1872.
Fane, Violet, Mrs. J/an/ (Mont-
gomerie Lamb) Singleton, Collected
verses ... L. 18S6.
Fan-Fan. Mrs. Prances Lene
Smith. Fan-fan stories. B. 1803,
Fanny, Aunt Mrs. Frances D(tn<t,
(Barker) Gaye, who, under this signa-
ture, wrote many beautiful stories 1'or
children, besides stanzas and sketches.
Fanny, Aunt. Mrs. Fanny Barrtw
All sorts of popguns. N.Y. 1£JCO.
Fant, Eli. Edward Bean Underbill*
Struggles and triumphs of religious lib-
erty, N.Y. 1851 ; and his contributions
to various periodicals.
Farbriek, Jonathan, Silas Pinch
ney Ilolbrook Letters from a mariner
and travels of a tin peddler, contributed
to the " Boston Courier." 183-.
Farmer. Henri/ Brooke. Farmer's
letters L. 1745
Farmer, A Tristiam Burges. Ad-
dress ... to the honest men of all parties
in the State of Rhode Island and Provi-
dence Plantations, n p , n d.
Farmer, A James Anderson, LL D.
Essays relating to agriculture . . .
Edinb. 1775.
Farmer, A. Hon. Levi Lincoln, Jr.
A farmer's letters to the people. P.
Farmer, A. Dr. Samuel Seabury.
Free thoughts on the proceedings of tlie
Continental Congress held at Philadel-
phia, Sept. 5th, 1774. By ... N.Y.
Also ascribed to Rev. Isaac "Wilkins.
Farmer, A — Arbuthnot. An in-
quiry into the connexion between the
present price of provisions and the size
of farms . . L. 1773
Farmer, A. Dr. Laughan, Letters
addressed to the yeomanry of the United
States P 1701.
Farmer, A Anthony Benezet (*) A
serious address to the rulers of America
on the inconsistency of their conduct
respecting slavery . . . Trenton, N,J,
Farmer, An American Hector St
John (Jrevecozur. Letters from ... P.
Farmer, An American. Frederick
Law Olmsted. Walks and talks of ... in
England. N.Y. 1852
Farmer, A JJlanbrynmair. 8. Rob-
erts(1 ). Diosg Farm . . . Newtown, Eng.,
Farmer, A Munster. Thomas Moore.
Captain Rock detected. L. 1824.
Farmer, A New England. John
Lowell. A dispassionate enquiry into
the reasons alleged by Mr. Madison for
declaring . . . war against Great Britain.
L. 1808.
Farmer, A Pennsylvanian. John
Dickinson. Letters to the inhabitants of
the British colonies. P, 1767-68.
Farmer, The. Arthur Young. The
F/s letters to the people of England . . .
L. 1767.
Farmer in Cheshire, A. Benjamin
Stilhngfleet ( * ) . The honour and dishonour
of agriculture . . . trans, by , . , n.p. 1760.
Farmer of New Jersey, A. William
Lirinaston, Observations on govern-
ment... NT. 1787.
Farmer, May. Mr* E. V. Wilson.
Farmer's Boy, The. Robert Bloom-
Farningham, Marianne. Mary Anne
Hearne. " Holiday sketches/' in the
" Christian World." 1868.
Farquharson, Martha. Mrs. Martha
Farquharson Finley. Allan's fault. P.
Farthing Poet, The. Richard Hen-
gist Home. Orion: an epic poem. L.
Fast, Grip. Frank Leslie Baker, in
his contributions to the " Morning Mail "
(Lowell, Mass.).
Fat Contributor, Our. William
Makepeace Thackeiay. His signature
(with others) to his articles in "Punch,"
from August 3, 1844, to October 23,
Fat Contributor, The. A. Minor
Griswold, in the Cincinnati "Saturday
Night," a humorous weekly, through the
medium of which Minor Gnsuold, "The
Pat Contributor," sportively derides care,
for his fun-loving readers.
Father, A Rev. Hosea Hiidreth. A
book for Massachusetts children, in fa-
miliar letters from a father ... B 1829.
Father, A. Robeit Ainshe. A father's
gift to his children. L. 183-.
Father, A. John Gregory A father's
legacy to his daughters. L. 1774.
Father, A. Rev. James Paton. Let-
ters ... to his son, a student of divinity.
Edinb. 1796.
Father, A. Benjamin Cook. Miscel-
lanies ; or, sundry discourses concerning
trade, conversation, and religion. Being
the advice of . .to his children, on those
subjects L. 1712.
Father of America, The. Samuel
Adams. So addressed by Stephen Sayre,
a London banker, 1770.
Father of the American Revolu-
tion, The. Samuel Adams. So called in
the "Independent Chronicle" (B.), 1803,
in announcing his death.
Father of English Geology, The.
William Smith, author of the first geo-
logical map of England.
Father of German Literature, The.
Gotthold ISphraim Lessing
Father of the late Thomas Rodd,
The. Thomas Rodd, Senior. Manuscript
catalogue of the late Mr. Malone's
Shakesperian library. By ... L. about
Father of the Society of Jesus, A.
F. J. Boudreaux. The happiness of
heaven. By ... Bait, 1871.
Fawkes, Guy. Edward James.
Fax, Augustine Barnum, in his con-
tributions to the "Mail and Express "
Fay ATrs. Fayette Snead, in her con-
tributions to the " Courier-Journal "
(Louisville, Ky.).
Fay, Fredericlc. Dr. James John-
Fay, Gerda. Caroline M. Gemmer.
Baby-land. L. 1877.
Feardana. Robert Dwyer Joyce, M.D.
About twenty yeais ago tlie nom de plume
"Feardana "was a household woid among the
reading poition of the Irish people. It was the
veil behind which the young poet modestly hid
his individuality. He was then a medical student
at the Queen's University The "Harp" and
other periodicals published in Dublin and Coik
at this time, and for several yeais, contained
patriotic songs, short sketches, and historic bal-
lads from his pen. " The Blacksmith of Limer-
ick," which hewiote in the confused days suc-
ceeding '48, giew almost instantly Into popular
favor, and helped much to create and foster a
new soul in Ireland. About that time, perhaps
later, the "London Universal News," then edited
by the lamented JohnF O'Donnell (" Caviare"),
a distinguished poet and hteiateur himself, in
reviewing Joyce's "Ballads, Komanccs, and
Songs" — published in book form by Duffy of
Dublm — hailed Joyce as "The Scott of Ire-
land," a distinctive title most eminently deserved
and deservedly bestowed. The book attained an
extensive cnculation, especially in the south of
Ireland, where were located most of the stmmg
scenes, and incidents, and legendary and tiadi-
tional reminiscences on which the "Ballads,
Romances, and Songs" were founded. There
is little doubt that Joyce's writings at that
period had a powerful influence in developing
the national spirit which, a few ycais later on,
became so powerful and defiant undei the name
of " Fenianism," the spirit of physical resistance
to foreign rule. The "Dublin Weekly lllus-
trated News," established less than 20 years ago,
contained many a lacy stoiy, sketch, and poem
from his pen. A little Jatei the doctor, who was
then Professor of English Literatuie in the Prc-
piiatory College of the Catholic University,
Dublin, published " The Squne of Castleton,"
an historical no; *»!, the scene of which was laid
in the south of Ireland, as a seiial m the " Dub-
lm Irishman." It "vuis subsequently republished
in book foira. When the " Dublin Irish People,"
the Fenian organ, was established in 1365, Dr.
Joyce, undei the nom de plume "Merulan"
(the Wizard) became, by request of the leaders
of the National party in Dublin, one of the regu-
lar contributors, and his fiery, patriotic, and
able pen was recognized as a powerful aid in
sustaining the grand spirit of patriotic resolve
which was then lampant and defiant throughout
the land.
Federal Farmer, The. Richard
Henry Lee Observations leading to a
fair examination of the system of gov-
ernment proposed by the late conven-
tion . . . 1787.
Federal Republican, A. Henry Wil-
liam Desaussure. Address to the citizens
of South Carolina, on the approaching
election of President and Vice-president.
Charleston, 1800.
Federalist, A. Noah Webster. A
letter to General Hamilton occasioned
by his letter to President Adams, about
1800. The letter is signed " Anstules "
Felicia Mrs. Mary Mitchell Colliiei.
Letters from ... to Charlotte. L 1750.
Felix Bon Louis Jlenn Mat tin.
Wolfthurm Paris, 1800
Felix, Marcus Miiiucius. Sit Damd
JDalri/mple Octavius . a dialogue, by ...
Bdinb 1781.
Felix, Minutius Geonje ITaidinge.
The essence of Malone. L. 1800-1.
Felix, N Nicholas Wanobtrocht, the
younger. Felix . on the uso of a
cricket bat together with the history
and use of the catapulta L. 1845
Fell, Archie. Miss Mary J. Capron.
Apron strings, and which way they were
pulled N.Y, 1871.
Fell, J. Richard Sterne. The whole
duty of man By ... 1800.
Fellow of a College, A. Cupel Loft.
Self-formation; or, the history of an
individual mind. L. IS-.
Fellow of the College, A. Dr. Peter
Shaw. The juice of the grape ... L.
Fellow of *** College, Cambridge,
A Geiaid Fiancis Cobb The kiss of
peace ... £. 1867.
Fellow of the Antiquarian Society,
A. Lieut.-Gen. George Robert Aimhc.
Illustrations of the Anglo-French coin-
age : from coins in the possession of the
author, by ... L. 1800.
Fellow of the Antiquarian Society,
A. Foote Gower, MD. Sketch of the
materials for a new history of Cheshire . .
L. 1771.
Fellow of the Antiquarian Soci-
eties of London and Scotland, A,
Lieut.-Gen. George Robert Ainslie. Illus-
trations of the Anglo-French coinage,
from the cabinet of ... L. 1847,
Fellow of the Linncan Society, A.
John Murray. The economy of vegeta-
tion. L. 1838
Fellow of the Linnsean and Horti-
cultural Societies, A. ,/. W. Bennett.
A treatise on the coco-nut tree ... L.
Fellow of the Royal and Antiqua-
rian Societies, A. Josiah ForshaU. The
apology of an Israelite for not becoming
a Christian. Sidmouth, 1851.
Fellow of the Royal Society, A,
Cotton Mather The angel of Bcthcsda . . ,
New-London, 1722.
Fellow of the Royal Society, A.
James Orchard HalliwelkPhillipps. An
introduction to the evidences of Chris-
tianity ,.. L. 1859.
Fellow of the Royal Society, A.
James William G-ilbai t, F.R.S. Logic for
the million . L 1851.
Fellow of the Royal Society, A.
W. F. Stevenson Most important errors
in chemistry, electricity, and magnetism
pointed out and refuted ... L. 1840.
Fellow of the Society of Antiqua-
ries of Scotland, A. John Dick. Here
and thcie in England; including a pil-
grimage to Stratiord-upon-Avon ... L.
Fellow of the University College,
Oxford Sir Edivaid West, M. A. Essay
on the application of capital to land , . .
L. 1815.
Fellow-Citizen, A. Henry CocLburn,
Lord Cockburn A letter to the inhabi-
tants of Edinburgh, on the new police
bill. Edmb. 18*22
Fellow Labourer, A. John Maclaren.
The desk and the counter . . . Edinb.
Fellow Sufferer, A. John Park. An
address to the citizens of Massachusetts
on the causes and remedy of our national
distresses . . B 1808.
Fellow-Townsman, A John Wick-
stead. Address . . to the inhabitants of
Shrewsbury 1824
Fellow-Townsman, A. J. Bridge.
A letter intended for the " Manchester
Guardian," now . . recommended to the
ladies of the Anti-Corn-Law League.
Manchester, 1810.
Female Friend, A Mrs. Moorhead.
Lines addressed to the Rev. James Dav-
enport on Ins departure from Boston.
By ... B. 1741.
Female Physician, A Jonathan
Swift. D.D. Receipt for cuckolding . . .
Female Slave, A. Mattie Griffiths.
Autobiography. N.Y. 1857.
Fenian Head. Centre. James Steph-
ens. Arrest and escape of James Steph-
ens ... 18C-.
Fenwood, Harry. William W. Walsh.
Ferishtah, Dervisn-Seriosse. Robert
Browning. Divers fancies of ... L.
Fern. Frank E. Hamilton.
Fern, Fanny. Mrs. Sara Payson
(Willis Eldredge) Parton. Pern leaves
irom Fanny's portfolio ... L 1854.
Fernando, the Gothamite. Fer-
nando Wood,
Ferney, Jules. Mlenne Araao, who
wrote for the " Siecle " under this signa-
Ferragrus. Louis Ulbach, Lettres de
Ferragus in "Le Figaro," Paris, 186-.
Ferrall, S. A tiimon A. Q'Ferrall,
Ferret John Shelleaie, MD, in
Smollett's novel of " Sir Launcelot
Greaves "
Ferry, Gabriel. Eugene Louis Ga-
briel de Ferry de Bellemaie Le dragon
de la reine ; ou, Costal, Tlndien. Roman
historique. Pans, 1855 [Under the
same pseud. M. L de Bellemare has fur-
nished numerous articles to the " Revue
des Deux Mondes," 1846-52 ]
Fiat Justitia. Rev. Di. Thomas Bin-
ney, a celebrated independent divine.
Fiat Justitia. One of the pseudo-
nyms adopted by Jumus (qv.).
The letter thus signed is dated May 19, 1768,
and censuies Loid Bailing ton.
Fidelia, Mrs. Mai y Lawrence. — See
Fidelis. Miss A. M. Machar, in her
contributions to various Canadian peri-
Fidelis. William Broclhhurst Stone-
house, D C.L. The crusade of ... Derby,
Fidelis. Dr. Power, Bishop of Water-
ford. Letters on the royal veto . . .
Waterford, 1809. Reprinted from a
newspaper called the "Shamrog," pub-
lished at Wateriord.
Fidget, Ferdinando. Alexander
Chalmers. Lamentable decrease of rude-
ness, " Gent. Mag /' January, 1802, p. 26.
Field Officer, A. Boss Lewin The
life of a soldier a narrative of twenty-
seven years* service in various parts of
the world . . L 1834,
Field Officer of Cavalry, A. Sir
Digby MacLworth. Diary of a tour
througJi Southern India, Egypt, and Pal-
estine, in the years 1821 and 1822. L. 1823.
Fielding, Fanny Miss Mary J. 8.
Upshur, who, under this signature, has
written for nearly every literary journal
of the South, prose and poetry, from the
" Southern Literary Messenger " to the
« Richmond Pastime."
Fieldmouse, Tiinon. William Bnghty
Rands* The chain of lilies; and other
poems. L 1857.
Fifeshire Forester. John Bethune.
Practical economy explained and en-
forced in a series of lectures by the
brothers Alexander and John Bethune.
Edinb. 1809.
John Bethune designated
" " Under the same
On the title-p
himself a " Fif ear ..
title be contributed poems to the "Scottish
Christian Herald."
Figaro. Henry Clapp, Jr., in his con-
tributions to various periodicals*
Figaro. Mariano Jose" de Larra.
Ohras completas de Eigaro. Paris, 1848.
Filia Ecclesiae. Sarah Anne (Ellis)
Dorse^. Agnes Graham. P. 1869.
Filter, UrTbanus. Under this name
Benjamin Mecom, a nephew of Franklin,
published the " New England Magazine "
(B. 1758).
Only three or four numbers were issued.
Fin-Bee. William Blanchard Jer-
rold. The Epicure's Year-book. L.
Finnegan, Terry. James Me Cat roll
Letters of ... to the Hon. T. D. McGee.
Toronto, 1864.
First Citizen, The. Charles Cairoll.
His signature m his newspaper contro-
versy with Daniel Dulany in pre-Revolu-
tionary times
First Class Man of Balliol Col-
lege, Oxford, A. Thomas Nash. The
Medea of Euripides . . . literally trans-
lated . . . Oxf. 1809
First Politician in the World, The.
Samuel Adams, in a letter of Josiah
Quincy, Jr., 1775, from London.
First of the Knickerbockers, The.
P. Hamilton Myers. The First of the
Knickerbockers. N.Y. 1848.
Fisher, Pay. William Andrew Chatto.
The angler's souvenir. L. 1835, 1877.
Fisher in Small Streams, A. Wil-
liam Lmn Brown. Scribblings and
sketches, diplomatic, piscatory, and
oceanic. P. 1844
Fisherman, A. George Hooper. The
autobiography of the late Salmo Salar,
Esq . . Edited . . . L. 1867.
Fitzadam, Ismael John Macken.
The harp of the desert ... By ...
formerly able seaman on board the
frigate. L. 1818.
Fitzball, Edward. JEdward Ball.
Plays N.Y, 1867.
Fitzboodle, George. William Make-
peace Thackeray, who, tinder this pseu-
donym, contributed to "Fraser's Maga-
zine" in 1842-44, "Confessions'*; "Pro-
fessions " ; and " Men's Wives."
Fitz-Boodle, George Savage, Esq.
William Makepeace Thackeray. Barme-
cide banquets with Joseph Bregion and
Anne Miller, in "Eraser's Magazine,"
November, 1845.
Fitz Eustace, Father, a Mendicant
Friar. W. Fraser (?). Essays. L.
Fitz Eustace, Randolph. W. Fra-
ser (^). The brides of Florence: a
play ... L. 1824.
Fitzgibbpns, Patrick. John W.
McDonnell, in his contributions to the
"Daily News" (N.Y.).
Fitz-Harding. Dr. James Hook, in
the London "John Bull/' who, during
his brother's charge ot this journal, wrote
a series of letters to various statesmen,
under this signature.
Fitzhugh, Francis Fiancis Alexan-
der Maclcaij. The curse of Schainyl ; and
other poems. Edinb. 1857.
Fltzjersey, Horace liev. Theodoie
William Alois Buckley, editor of a large
number of books for the London book-
Fitznoodle, Francis. B. B Vullen-
tine, in his contributions to "Puck"
Fitzosborne, Sir Thomas. William
Melmuth, Jr Letters on several sub-
jects, by . . L, 1742
Fitzvictor, John. Percy Bi/^/iv
Shelley Posthumous fragments of Mar-
garet Nicholson. Oxf. 1810.
Fitzworm, Reginald. John Eot/lc,
Earl of Cork and Orrery. — See " G K "
Flaccus John Waters.
Flaccus. Thomas Ward. Passaic: a
group of poems touching that river;
with other musings ... NY. 1842.
Flag Officer, A. Rear-Admiral
Hawker. Letter to His Grace, the Duke
of Wellington, upon the state of the
English navy . . L. 1840.
Flag Officer, A Virv-Admtial Sir
Charles Vinicombe Penuw. llemnrks on
the conduct of the naval administration
of Great Britain since 1816. By ... L.
Flag Officer of Her Majesty's Fleet,
A. Admiral Sir Charles Napier. The
navy ... L 1808.
Flagellum. Samuel William Henry
Ireland. All the blocks ! or, an antidote
to « All the Talents " . L. 1807.
Flambeau. Floyd Vail, in his contri-
butions to the "Mail and Express"
Flaneur. Park Benjamin.
Flaneur. CoL Chailes G. Gtecne, in
his contributions to the "Post" (Bos-
Flaneur. Bldkely Hall, in his contri-
butions to the "Argonaut" (San Fran-
cisco, Cal.), etc.
Flaneur. Kenward Philip, in the
" Brooklyn Eagle."
Flanenr. General Ebw Ten years
of Imperialism in France: impressions
of a " Flaneur." 1862. — See " Flaneur,
Flaneur, The. Edmund Hodgson
Yates* Letters in the " Morning Star "
(L. 1807). Also in his contributions to
"Tinsley's Magazine" (L.).
Flaneur, Un. Gemye William Henry
s, 4th Earl of Clarendon. Dix ans
cl'impenalisme en France . . . Paris,
This work first appeared m English ; it was
conected by the secretary of Lord Clarendon,
the Hungarian General Ebei, and was translated
by M Bernard Deiosne.
Flassan, Maurice. Mme. Marie Paul-
ine Rose (Stewart] Blaze de Bury, in the
" Revue de Paris " and the " Revue des
Deux Mondes."
Flatter, John. John Mather Arch-
bold. The law and practice in bank-
ruptcy ... L. 1842.
Fleetwood, Everard, Esq. Samuel
Burroughs, Esq. An enquiry into the
customary-estates and tenant-rights of
those who hold lands of Church and other
foundations ... L. 1730.
Fleming, George Miss Julia Con-
stance Fletcher. The head of Medusa.
B. 1880
Flemming, Harford. Mrs Harriet
(Hare) Me Clellan. Cupid and the Sphinx.
N.Y. 1878.
Fleta. Miss Kate W. Hamilton (*).
The brave heart ... P. 1868.
Flimnap, t&e Lilliputian Premier.
Sir Robert Walpole.
In Swift's "Voyage to Lilliput," " Sir Robert
"Walpole suffered in the person of * Flimnap, the
Lilliputian Premiei,' Tones and Whigs in the
'High-Heels and Low-Heels,' Catholics and
Piotestants in the 'Big-enduins and Small-endi-
ans '"—Sec TUCKEBMAN'S "History of Eng-
lish Piose Fiction," p. 174,
Flirt, A. Lady Charlotte Maria
(Campbell) Bury. The history of a
flirt, related by herself. L. 1840.
Florence. Mrs. Frances Sargent ( Locke )
Osfjooa, in early life a contributor to the
" Juvenile Miscellany " under this signa-
Florence. Miss Florence Tyng, in
sketches, etc., contributed to various pe-
Flori, C. de. Mrs. Floride Clemson
Lea. Poet sides, and other experiments
in versification. N.Y. 186-.
Florida, Aunt. Phebe Travers.
Florida, Charles. Dr. J. B. F.
Florlo. James Gordon Brooks, who
was for some time a contributor to peri-
odicals under this signature.
Florlo. Dr. William (?) King. An
epistle [in verse] to ... at Oxford. L
1749; reprinted in the "Retrospec-
tive Review/' 1835. By Thomas Tyr-
Florrle, Cousin. Florence Bliss (?).
Christ or the world ? which ? , . . Bait.
Florus, Julius William Pitt
Before reporteis weie authoiized to publish
the proceedings of Parliament, Mr. Pitt was
reported as "Julius Florus," Mr. Fox as
"CncBus Fulvius," the Eail of Winclaelsea a&
" Caius Claudius Nero," and the Earl of Bath as
" Marcus Cato."
Flower of Strathearn, The. Lady
Carolina Oliphant Nairn.
Fluviatulis piscator. Rev. Joseph
Seccombe Business and diversion inof-
fensive to God, and necessary for the
comfort and support of human society
... B. 1743.
Fly-fisber, A. Rev. W. Cartwright.
Rambles and recollections of ... L.
Foa, Mme. Eugenie. Mme. Eugenie
Rebecca (Rodrigues) Gradis. Le petit
Robinson de ^Paris. Paris, 1840.
Foe to Ignorance, A. Henry Mudge.
A letter to the ratepayers of Bodmin
on the use to be made of the (old) poor-
house . . 1840.
Fogie, Francis, Sen., Eso;. George
Pay son. Romance of California; or,,
golden dreams and leaden realities, N.Y.
Folio, Felix. John Page.
Folio, Tom. Joseph E, JSabson, who
wrote frequent book-notices for the Bos-
ton " Transcript " under the signature of
"Tom Folio"
Folio, Tom. Thomas Rawlinson, (t for
whom Mr Addison is said to have in-
tended his character of c Tom Folio/ in
the 'Tatler/ No. 158" — See "Chal-
mers/' Vol. 26
Follower of Locke, A. Benjamin
Humphrey Smart. A letter to Dr. Whate-
ley... L. 1851.
Foote, S., Junior. Rev. Francis
Wrangham. Reform : a farce, mod-
ernized from Aristophanes ... L.
Forbes, Glacier. James David Forbes,
author of several works on the glaciers-
of the Alps.
Foreigner, A. Robert S. Sturgis. A
F.'s evidence on the Chinese question.
L. 1859.
Foreigner, A. George Watterston*
Letters from Washington on the con-
stitution and laws; with sketches of
prominent characters . . . Wash., D,C ,
Foremast Man, A Edward Hamp-
den Rose, author of several pieces which
have appeared in the newspapers under
this signature.
Forest Warbler. M. R. McCormiclc.
The duke's chase ; or, the diamond ring
vs. the gold ring . . . Gin. 1871.
Forester, Frank. Henry William
Herbert. Prank Forester's sporting
scenes and characters P. 18-.
Forester, Sherwood. Spencer T.
Hall. The Forester's Offering. L.
Forestier, Paul. Josephus Albeitus
Alherdingk-Thym, a Butch writer
Forfarian, A W. Gray, The mar-
tyred queen . . Forfar, 1858.
Forfex. Alonzo G. Shears, of New
Karen (Ct.), m his contributions to va-
rious periodicals
The pseudonym is probably intended for the
Latin equivalent of shears
Forlorn Hope. Mrs Matilda A.
Bailey, a regular contributor to the
"New Orleans Times" "A series of
sketches [of hers] entitled 'Heart his-
tories/ by . . have been very popular."
She has also vnitten comic articles under
the name of " Sam Wangle "
Former Curate of Hunslet, A Rev.
fames ALroyd Beaumont, M.A. Poems .
chiefly relating to children . . . Leeds,
Former Resident of Slave States,
A.. Mrs. L. J. Barker, Influence of
slavery on the white population. N.Y.
Former Resident of the South, A.
Danus Lyman, Jr. Leaven for Dough-
faces ; or, three score and ten parables
touching slavery . . . Cm. 1856.
Forrest, George, Esq., M.A. Rev.
Tolm George Wood. An account of the
history and antiquities of St Leonard's,
Edinburgh . its chapel and hospital.
Bdinb. 1865.
Forrest, Mary, Julia Deane Freeman.
The women of the South, KY 1860; also
in her contributions to the " Brooklyn
Times" (N.Y.).
Forrest, Neil. Mrs, Cornelia, Floyd.
Fiddling Freddy. N.Y. 1871.
Forrester, Fanny. Mrs Emily Q,
( ChubbucJs ) Jitdson Trippings in Author-
land; and many other works.
She complained to K". P. Willis of the meagre
remuneration she received for her literary pro-
ductions, and the post replied •-—
" How can you expect any thing better * Tour
genius is not of a kind to afiiliatc with your
name Who will read a poem signed *0hub-
buek'? Sign yourself « Funny Foi roster,' and
you will see the change "
Miss ChuT> buck adopted the abo\e pseudonym
Forrester, Francis, Esq Daniel
Wise Glen Morris stones. N",T, 1874.
Forrester, Gilbert. Mr. Henry
Bmddon, who contributed to the old
•"Sporting Magazine," under this now.
de plume, and " A Member of the Bur-
ton Hunt."
Forrestler, Auber. J/Tss Annie Au-
bertine Woodward. Echoes from Mid-
land . . Chic 1877.
Forreyner, A. John Dai/man Let-
ter by ... in Blundell's school, Tiver-
ton, 1819
Forscli, Hermann. Hemncli Albert
Oppenncmn Studentenbilder ; odov,
Deutschlands Arminen und Germanen.
Forsith, Mat. Frank Sttimfmth.
Everybody's Christmas Annual Hell
upon earth ... L. 1878.
Fortunio, Paulin M Jean Akj\n\-
dre Pauhn Niboyet. La Dame de Spa . . -
Paris, 1874.
Foster, Frank. Daniel Fuseley. The
Belgian volunteer's visit to England in
1867 . . . L. 1867
Fountain, Ijucy. Kate HiUiard.
Four of Us. Henry James Finn,
James W. Miller, Moses Whitney, Jr.,
and Oliver O. Wyman, "Whim-Whams
B. 1828. The work is illustrated by
Finn, and published by Peter Parley
(y.i?.) The title-page bears the follow-
ing lines : —
" So prolyficlie is oure penno
Ye'll tttmke therie be a score of us,
But, on ye wordes of G-entilraonnc,
Thewe be onely Four of Ue
We'll make ye Brayle, or mako ye si^ho,
Thenne what can ye want more ot ut,
Ye can't doe better than too buyo
This IltteU Boke, by Foui of Us "
Fox, The. Charles James Fox. Tlie
book of the wars of Westminster: from
the fail of the Pox, at the close of 1788,
to the 20th day of the third month, 1784
... L. 1800. By t( Nergalsharezernebo-
rabmagshamgar " (pseud ).
Foxcar, Kicias. Rev. Francis Jacox.
Shakespeare diversions ; a medley of
motley wear. L. 1875.
Foxfcunter Rough and Ready, The.
Paul Curry Treby, Esq "He was for
many years a contributor to the old
e Sporting Magazine/ under the name
of "The Foxhunter Bough and Ready/ "
Foxton, B. Miss Sarah Hammond
Palfrey. Herman; or, young knight-
hood . . . B. 1860,
Fr — . — Ftanklin, Grammar Master
at Hertford.— See Lamb's "Elia"
" Christ's hospital/'
Frauae, Robert. Sir James Denham
Stewart. Considerations on the interests
of the county of Lanark. L. 1700.
Frarnpton, Josiah. William Gilpm.
Three dialogues on the amusements of
clergymen. L 1796.
France, A. de Ernest Albij. La cap-
tivitc du trompette escoffier. Pans, 1848,
Frances iMrs Elizabeth Griffith,
The letters of Henry and Frances 175-
Written in conjunction with her husband,
Richaid Giiffith, and said to contain the genuine
correspondence between them. Their next pub-
lication, wiittenalso in conjunction, was "Two
novels, in letters," 4 vols.; the lust and second
entitled " Delicate Distress," by "Fiances," the
third and fourth entitled the " Q-ordian knot,"
by "Henry." 1769.
Francesca. Miss Francesco, Alexan-
der. The story of Ida, edited with pref-
ace by John Ruskin, D C.L. B. 1883.
" Let it be noted with thankful reveience that
this is the story of a Catholic girl by a Piotestant
one, yet the two of them so united in the tiuth
of the Christian faith and in the joy of its love,
that they are absolutely unconscious of any dif-
feience in the forms or letter of then* religion."
Franchi, Ausonio. Cristoforo Bono-
vino Saggi di cntica e polemica. 1871.
Francis, Virginia. Virginia Francis
Bateman. A nom de theatre.
Franco, Harry. Charles F. Bnggs.
The adventures of Harry Franco : a tale.
N.Y. 1839.
" Harry Franco . .
He has common sense m a way that's uncommon,
Hates humbug and cant, and loves like a woman,
Builds his dislikes with cards and his friendships
of oak "
Frank, Parson. Rev Francis Jacox,
in "People's" and "Howitt's Magazines "
Frank, Uncle. Francis Channing
Woodwoith Uncle Frank's pleasant
pa^es for the fireside. L. 1857.
Franke, F. F. Ferdinand Hauthal
Gebete, Lieder und Gedichte ; von . . .
Leipzig, 1838.
Franklin. William Foster, in the
"Boston Courier," "Transcript," and
other papers.
Franz, Arnold. Dr. Francis Lieber.
Wein und Wonnelieder. Berlin, 1825.
Frater. William George. — See
"Member of the Worcester Anglers'
Society, A."
Frater. Francis Lister Hawks. .Qual-
ifications of lay delegates, N.Y. about
Frazer, Lawrence. Lawrence Frazer
Fredair, Anna. Miss Walker, of Tus-
caloosa. Minor Place N.Y. 1869.
Frederic, M. Frfdfric Dupetit-Mer€.
Le fils banni : melodrame. Paris, 1815.
Fr6dol. Horace Btntdict Alfred
Moqitin-Tandon. Le monde de la mer.
Paris, 1863.
Fredrika, Miss H. F. D. Lyon.
Free, Harry B. Harry Free Boynton,
in the « Turf, Meld, and Farm."
Free Church Elder, A William
Mitchell National homage to Christ not
disestablishment . . Glasgow, 1875.
Free Church Minister, A Rev.
David O. A. Arjnew An eye upon the
Scottish Established Church . . . Edinb.
Free Churchman, A. Rev. Andrew
Gray. Dr Struthers on the Free Church.
Perth, 1845.
Free Inquirer, A. Peter Annet. A
collection of tracts of a certain . . .
noted for his sufferings for his opinions.
L 1739.
Free Lance /. T. Denny, in his con-
tributions to various English periodicals
Free Lance. Alexander Richaidson.
The future Church of Scotland . . .
By ... sometime President of the Uni-
versity Dialectic Society. Edinb. and L.
Free Man, A. William Joseph Snel-
ling. Brief and impartial history of the
life and actions of Andrew Jackson.
By... B 1831.
Free Merchant in Bengal, A. Capt.
Joseph Price. Five letters ... to War-
ren Hastings ... L 1777.
Free-soiler from the Start. John
Gorham Palfrey Remarks on the pro-
posed State constitution. B. 1853.
Free Thinker, A. John Armstrong,
M.D. Conjectures upon the mortality
of the human soul ... L. 1778.
Free Thinker, A. Rev A B. Crocker.
Random sketches upon witches, dreams,
love, and romance . . . Albany, N.Y.,
about 1855.
Free-Thinker and a Christian, A.
John Maicer. A layman's faith . . .
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1732.
Freeholder, A. Henry Boase, A
brief exposition of the agricultural ques-
tion ... L. 1823.
Freeholder, A. William Pulteney,
Earl of Bath. An humble address to the
knights, citizens, and burgesses elected
to represent the Commons of Great
Britain in the ensuing Parliament. L.
Freeholder, A. John Erskine. Re-
flections on the rise, progress, and prob-
able consequences of the present conten-
tions with the colonies. Edinb. 1770.
Freeholder and Landholder of
Scotland, A. John Campbell Colguhoun.
The constitutional principles of parlia-
mentary reform. Edinb. 1831.
Freeholder, An Independent.
Thomas ThirlwalL A calm . . . address
to Sir Francis Burdett, Bart. ... L.
Freeholder, A Yorkshire. Samuel
Bailey. A discussion of parliamentary
reform. L. 1831
Freeholder of Surrey, A John
Home Tooke, in the London "Public Ad-
vertiser/' 1769.
Freeman. William Henri/ Drayton.
He issued, under this signature, on the eve of
the meeting of the Continental Congress, in 1774,
a pamphlet in which he maiked out the couise
to be pursued, and submitted a " bill of Ameri-
can lights " This publication cost him bis
place in the colonial judicial y, hut made him
president of the Provincial Congress, and soon
aftei chief justice of the colony of South Caro-
Freeman William Henry Di ay-
ton, Christopher Gadsden, John Mackenzie,
and others. A letter from ... of South
Carolina to the deputies of North-Amer-
ica . Charles Town, S.C., 1784
Freeman, A. G-eorge Allen. Address
to the freemen of Massachusetts. Wor-
cester, 1832.
Freeman, A Jean Joseph Louis
Blanc French correspondence, in the
London "Spectator," 1867.
Freeman, A. Jacob Bailey Moore
The principles and acts of Mr. Adams'
administration vindicated . . . Concord,
N H. 1828.
Freeman of Massachusetts, A
John Daggett. Remarks . . . concerning
the location of the Boston and Provi-
dence R R. through the burying ground
in East Attleborough ... B. 1834.
Freeman, Jonathan. Morris Birk-
beck, the signature under which he con-
tributed articles, in 1823, to the " Illinois
Gazette" and the " Shawneetown Ga-
zette " in opposition to the establishment
of slavery.
Freeman, O. S. Edward Coit Rogers.
Letters on slavery B. 1855.
Freeman, Theophilus. William
Matthews. A general epistle of broth-
erly admonition and counsel to the people
called Quakers ... L. 1803.
French Clergyman, A. ftev. Stephen
Theodore Badin. The real principles of
the Roman Catholics in reference to God
and the country . . . Bardstown, Ky., 1805.
French Detective. M. Canler. Auto-
biography of ... from 1818 to 1858 . . .
L. 1862.
French Detective, A. William Ens-
sell. The experiences of . * . By
"Waters." N.Y. 1864.
French Politician, The. Edmond
JScherer, one of the editors of the Paris
"Temps/* and a senator, whose letters in
the London "Daily News" (1877-78)
gave a striking picture of the situation
in France.
French Traveller, A. Louis Simond.
Journal of a tour and residence in Gieat
Britain during the years 1810 and 1811
by . . Edinb. 1815
Frenchman, Jack. Jonathan Swift,
D.D J. F *s lamentation. An excellent
song 1708.
Frere, Alice M Mrs Godftey CleiL
Friar, The Phatiuel Bacon, D.D,
who was the author of " The Snipe," one
of the best ballads in the English lan-
guage, and founded on a fact ; tor
the "Friar" denoted the author himself,
and " Peter " his fellow collegian, Pet?r
Zinzan, M.D. This ballad and " A Song
of Similies," by Dr. Bacon, are piesened
m the "Oxford Sausage."
Fribble, T. Jonathan Swift, D 1>
Tittle-tattle, etc [Consisting of extracts
from Swift's "Polite Conversation."]
Fribbleton, Ex-Barber A&a (rt cctie.
The travels of in America N Y. 1835.
Fridoiin, le Major. A. de Vallm nr
La retraite des dix millc, etc., in the
" Revue des Deux Mondes." Paris, 1851
Friend, A [or Quaker]. ELa* BorL-
ett. Aminadab's courtship; or, the
Quaker's wedding a poem ... L 1717.
Friend, A Miss Mau/ Elizabeth Lee,
who, under this modest 'signatuio, con-
tributed her earliest productions to the
" Southern Rose," Charleston, S.C.
Friend, A. Capt. J. A Gilbert, The
change ; or, a memoir of Lieut -Col. Hoi-
combe, C B. L. 1847,
Friend, A Dr. Wtlham Kennel. A
defence of Mr Kennck's review of Dr.
Johnson's " Shakespeare "... L. 1700.
Friend, A John Oldmixon A de-
fence of Mr Maccartney. L. 1712.
Friend, A Sir Richard Hill. Five
letters to the Rev. Mr. F— r [Fletcher]
relative to his vindication of the minutes
of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley ... L.
Friend, A. Thomas Linning. A letter
... to Mr. John Mackmillan ... n.p.,
n.d. but 1708.
Friend, A. Robert Lundin Xhoiw. A
letter to the Moderate Brethren, Edinb.,
n p. but 1842.
Friend, A. Giovanni Domenico Ruf-
fini. Lorenzo Benoni . . . Edinb. 185»3.
Friend, A. Zachary Grey, LL.D A
word or two of advice to William War-
burton, a dealer in many words : by . , ,
L. 1746.
Friend, A. Luke Howard, F.R.S.
The Yorkshireman : a religious and lit-
erary journal. By ... Pontefract, L.,
Leeds, and York, 1833-37.
Friend in the City, A Geoige Mel-
drum. A, letter . . to a meraber of
Parliament anent patronages. Edmb.
Friend in the Country, A. Rev.
John Eiskme. Meditations and letters
of a pious youth . . . Edinb. 1746.
Friend in the Country, A. William
Gibson. A second letter from ... to his
friend in London [Ehas Beckett]. 3J.
Friend of his Age, A Mr Dawson.
A humble tribute to the memory of Mr
Abram IZumney . . . Alnwick, 1794
Friend of Industry? A. — Dearborn,
who, in 1784, under this signature, pub-
lished in the " New Hampshire Gazette "
an article suggesting the employment of
convicts in prisons, a plan soon after
generally adopted.
Friend of Mr St[ee]le Jonathan
Stwft, DD The importance of the
Guardian considered ... L. 1713.
Friend of Religious Liberty, A
William Pale t/, Arch-deacon of Carlisle.
A defence of the considerations on the
propriety of requiring a subscription to
articles of faitli ... JG 1774
Friend of Seamen, A William Allen,
D D. Accounts of shipwreck and of
other disasters at; sea . . . Compiled . . .
Brunswick, Me , 1823.
Friend of the Author, A John Bar-
low Seah. An elegy on a family tomb
[by J. J Brundish] translated into Ital-
ian verse. Camb. 1783
Friend of the Author, A Jonathan
Swift, D.D. Mr. C— ns's [Collins's] dis-
course of free-thinking put into plain
English, by way of abstract, for the use
of the poor ... L 1713.
Friend of the Family, A. William
A ijrton The adventures of a salmon in
the River Dee By . . L. 1853.
Friend of the Negro, A. Wilson
At mislead The garland of freedom : a
collection of poems, chiefly anti-slavery.
Selected . . L 1853
• Friend of the People, A. Richard
Ronaldson. Banks and a paper currency.
P. 1857.
Friend of the People, A Rev. Wil-
liam Chalmers, AM. The Church ques-
tion. Ayr, 1843.
Friend of the People, A. Miss Sarah
Jane Mai/tie. June Rutherford; or, the
miners' strike . , . L, 1854.
Friend of the People, A. Rev. Gteorge
Tod. Letter to James Moncrieff, Esq.
. . . Edinb. 1820.
Friend of the People, A Sincere.
Maurice Lothian. The expediency of a
secure provision for the ministers of the
Gospel . . . Edinb. 1834.
Friend of the Road, A. Elizur
W-> ight The Northern Pacific Railroad,
by ... B 1874.
Friend of the Secession, A Mi.
JBoston, of Falkirk. An antidote against
a new heresy . . . Dundee, 1779.
Friend of the South M. Piatt (t)
In answer to "Remarks on Chanmng's
' Slavery.' " B. 183(3
Friend of Truth, A. John Cleave-
land. The Chebacco narrative rescued
from the charge of falshood and par-
tiality ... B. 1738.
Friend of Truth, A. George Scott,
A concise illustration of the doctrine of
justification by faith . . . Edmb. 1832.
Friend of Truth and Peace, A.
William Walton. The true interests of
the European powers and the Emperor
of Brazil . . L. 1829.
Friend of Truth and Sound Pol-
icy, A Henry M. Bi ackenndge. Stric-
tures on a voyage to South America . . .
Bait. 1820.
Friend of Youth, A. Mary Clark.
Conversations on the history of Massa-
chusetts from its first settlement to the
present period. By ... B. 1831.
Friend of Youth, A Samuel Wil-
lard, D D The Franklin family primer
. . . B. 1811.
Friend of Youth and Children, A.
Frederick White Erans. Brief and moral
instructions for the young . . . Worces-
ter, Mass., 1858.
Friend to Accuracy, A Thomas
Bland, during many years a contributor
to the " Gent. Mag." under this and other
Friend to American Enterprise, A.
George W. Simmons. Oak Hall pictorial
... B. 1854.
Friend to Both, A. Thomas Bowdler.
Liberty, civil and religious ... L.
Friend to Britain, A. Dr. Chamber-
layn. The great advantages to both
kingdoms of Scotland and England by
an union, n p. 1702.
Friend to Candour and Truth, A.
Stephen Jones. Hypercriticism exposed . . .
L. 1812.
Friend to Civil and Religious Lib-
erty, A. Henry Peckwell, D.D. The
account of an appeal from a summary
conviction on the statute 22 Car. ii., c. i.,
to the Hon. G— rt of K. B . . . L. n d.
Friend to Education and Moral
Improvement of the Labouring
Poor, A. Thomas Pok, M*D. On the
irreverent use of the sacred names.
By ... Bristol, about 1823.
Friend to Emancipation, A. John
Glutton. The Emancipation Bill exam-
ined. Hereford, 1825.
Friend to his Country, A.. Robert
French The constitution of Ireland . . .
Dublin, 1770.
Friend to Liberty and Property, A.
Rev. John Lewis. Advice to posterity
concerning a point of the last impor-
tance. Written ... L. 1755
Friend to Peace and Good Order,
A. Harrison Gray. A few remarks
upon some of the votes and resolutions
'of the Continental Congress ... n p.,
probably P. 1775.
Friend to Religious Liberty, A.
Rev John Palmer. Free remarks on a
sermon entitled " The requisition of sub-
scription to the 39 articles and liturgy
of the Church of England not inconsis-
tent with Christian liberty" ... L.
Friend to the Church of England,
A. Francis Maseres. The moderate re-
former . . . L. 1791.
Friend to the Churches, A. Increase
Mather. A plea for the ministers of the
Gospel ... B. 1706.
Friend to the Established Church,
A. Rev. Fiederick Toll. A plain and
proper answer to this question: "Why
does not the Bishop of Clogher, suppos-
ing him to be the author of the * Essay
on Spirit/ resign his preferments"-...
L. 1753.
Friend to the Government, A. Rev.
W. Webster. The draper confuted . . .
L. 1740.
Friend to the Liberty of his Coun-
try, A. Benjamin Church, M.D. — See
"Elizaphan of Parnach."
Friend to the Natural and Relig-
ious Bights of Mankind, A. Rev.
William, Grafiam, of Whitehaven. An
attempt to prove that every species of
patronage is foreign to the nature of the
Church... Edinb. 1768.
Friend to the Peace of the Church
of Scotland, A. George H'Lelland. An
enquiry adapted to the present crisis * . .
Edinb. 1842.
Friend to the Sex, A. — Adams.
Woman : sketches of the history, genius
... of the fair sex in all parts of the
world... L. 1790.
Friend to the Sisterhood, A. Wil-
liam Hayley. A philosophical, histori-
cal, and moral essay on old maids. By
*.. L. 1785.
Friend to the South, A. Miss Belle
Hardinge. Belle Boyd, in camp and
prison. L. 1805.
Friend to the West India Colonies
and their Inhabitants, A James
Tobm. Cursory remarks upon the Rev-
erend Mr Ramsay's essay on the treat-
ment and conversion of African slaves
in the sugar colonies. L. 1785.
Friend to True Liberty, A Edmund
Rack. England's true interest in the
choice of a new Parliament briefly con-
sidered ... L.1774.
Friend to Truth, A. Tyler Pat son*
Candid enquiries . . relative to the diffi-
culties which existed in the town of Man-
chester, Mass ... n p. about 1820.
Friend to Youth, A. Miss Sarah
Hoare. A poem on the pleasures and
advantages of botanical pursuits, with
notes , and other poems By ... Bris-
tol, n.d.
Friend, A Mutual. Mrs. Georrje
Giote C2). The case of the poor against
the rich. L. 1850.
Friendly, Aunt. Mrs. Sarah S.
( Tuthtll) Baker. Meggie of " The Pines "
N.Y. 18-.
Frog, Nicholas. The Netherlands.
— Sec " Strutt, Lord."
Frohberg, Paul. Frieduch Adami
Drarnatische Genrebilder aus der vater-
landischen Geschichte. 1870.
Froissart, Jean. Alphonse Daudet,
who has contributed to a large number
of journals, and notably to the "Monde
Illustre*" and to the "Figaro," where his
"Chroniques rirae'es," signed "Jean
Froissart," have been much noticed.
Frost, S. Annie. Mrs. S. A. 8/iidds.
Fru, F. Emihe ( Schm kit Flyqare Dalin )
Garten. Valdemar Klein. l'S38,
Fuller, Violet. Mrs. Eleanor Fuller-
ton In 1871 she published a volume of
her poems through Sampson Low & Son,
Fulvius, Cnoeus. Charles James MX.
— See" Florus, Julius."
Fume, Joseph. William Andrew
Chatto. A pipe of tobacco ... L.
Fungus, Barnaby, Bsg. Arthur
Benoni Evans, D.D. Fungusiana ; or,
the opinions and table-talk of the late
... L. 1809.
Fungus, Sir Ferdinando, Gent.
— Williams, of Wadham College. New
facts ; or, the whitewasher . . . 1790.
Also ascribed to Mr. Slmmonds of Blandford,
Funnidos, Ittgdum, Gent John
Ballantyne (?). American broad grins.
Edited... L. 1838.
Funnidus, Rigdum. Hoi ace J/ay-
hew, Henry May hew, and Robert B Biough,
editors of Cruikshank's " Comic Alma-
Funny Man, A. Ossian E. Dodge.
Comical doint>& 01 . N.Y. 187-.
F us in a, JTra At nolcto Fusmato.
Gedichte. 185J-54
r Edward George Bollard, Esq., who
wrote for the "Literary Magnet" and
"World of Fashion" under this signa-
•y. John Keble. — See "a" (under
G Dr John Green, Bishop of Lin-
coln, in his contributions to the " Athe-
nian Letters » . . L. 1741-43.
G. Rev. R. F Wilson, one of the con-
tributors to " Tracts for the Times." L.
G — - See " The Lord and Lady There "
G. L. C. Gent. Familiar English
quotations. L. 1877.
G , A Alfred Gatty, D D. The bell :
its origin, history, and uses. L. 1847.
G , A Alexander Gardner. A defence
of infant baptism . . . Paisley, 1851
G , A Agnes Giberne. Mignonette . . .
L 1869.
G, A. Asa Gray, M.D Review of
Darwin's theory of the origin of species
by means of natural selection. From
the " Amer Jour of Science and Arts,"
March, 1800
G , A , Gent John Humphreys Parry.
The maskers of Moorfields a vision, by
the late . . Edited by W. Oriffinhoof.
L 1815 —See "Gnffinhoof, Anthony,
G, A. F Acton Frederick Griffith.
Bibhotheca Anglo-poetica ... L, 1816.
G. A F. John Lister. Epigrams and
jeux d'espnt . Edinb 1870.
G, A. F. Mrs A F Gaston. Our
maid-servants ... L. 1866.
G., A. F Atkinson F. Gibson. A
tribute to the memory of William Grover,
of Stanatead, by ... Warwick, 1826.
G, A H. Alexander H. Giant. Con-
tributions to "London Society," chiefly
G, A. S. A. S. Grenvdh. Poetic
effusions. B. 1822
G., C. Rev. Charles Gibbon, of Lon-
may. A letter by a delegate to the Gen-
eral Assembly . . . Aberdeen, 1840,
G, C. F. Mrs. Catherine Frances
(Grace) Gore. Quid pro quo; or, the day
of dupes : the prize comedy. L. 1844.
G. O. H., Esq.* Barrister-at-law.
H. G. Curran. Confessions of a White-
foot. Edited by ... L 1844
G C. J Mrs. Came J. Fieeland.
Ansdale Hall; or, stand to your colors.
B 187-.
G , C. V. Charles Vaughan Grinjield.
A century of acrostics ... L. 1855.
G, O David Garnck. An ode upon
dedicating a building, and erecting a
statue to Shakespeare, at Stratiord-
upon-Avon By ... L. 1769.
G., E. B Edward Burnaby Greene.
Hero and Leander- a poem. Tr. .
L. 1773.
'- G., F. Fiederick Gale. The public
school matches . . L. 1867
G., F Frangois Gaume. Borne et
ses papes Pans, 1824
G., F. T. Hippolyte Adolphe Tame, in
his contributions to " La Vie Parisienne "
The above letteis are the Initials of "Fr6d6-
nc Thomas G-raindorge/' another pseudonym of
this author "
G., F. W., of the Middle Temple.
F W. Guidickms. An answer to Mr.
Horace "Walpole's late work entitled
" Historic doubts on the reign and life
of King Richard the Third ... L. 1768.
G , G. George Grenvdle. A letter to ...
" Stiff in opinions, always in the wrong/'
L 1767.
G., G G. Gieen. The Shunamite.
N.Y. 1810.
G,, H- Horace Greeleif, in his con-
tributions to the "Tribune" (N.Y.).
G, H. Rev. Harry Grey. Brief
sketches of the early history, conversion,
and closing period of the life of Mary,
second daughter of the Hon. John
Grey . . L. 1855.
G, H. Hudson Cktrney. Cupid and
Psyche . . . Trans, by ... L. 1800.
G, H. B Mr$. H. B. (Goodwin] Tal>
cott. Dr. Howell's family. B. 1869.
G., H. B. Mr*. H J5. 0erry. Eoger
Deane's work. By ... B. 1863.
G., H M. Miss H Maria George,
in art and biographical sketches contrib-
uted to various periodicals.
G., H. H. Henry Mayo Gunn. His-
tory of Nonconformity in Warminster.
L. 1853.
G , J. Jokn Goldicutt. Heriof s Hos-
pital, Edinburgh : the design of the
celebrated architect, Inigo Jones. By ...
L, 1836.
G., J. John Green. A journey from
Aleppo to Damascus ... L. 1736.
G, J. James Glassford. Miscella-
nea... Edinb. 1818.
G, J., late Serrisfctehdar of Ben-
gal. James Grant, An inquiry into
the nature of Zemindary tenures . . . L.
G , J. C. Julia C. Cfrimam. Sacred
lyrics. L 1849
G., J. H Rev. John Hampden Gurney.
The pastor's last words ... L, 1862.
G., J. H. Joseph H. Gibbs and otlm s.
The Quadrilateral. 1865.
G., J. T. Judith TOWCJ s Grant. " Look-
ing unto Jesus "... Bath, 1852
G. K. John Boyle, 4th Earl of Cork
and Orrery
"About 1753 Ikfi Moore undeitook the peri-
odical publication called the e World,' to which
our noble authoi contributed three papers, viz ,
DSTos. 47, 68, and 161 ... The Earl of Cork was a
contributor likewise to tbe ( Connoisseur,1 earned
on by Mi. Thornton and Mr. Oolman. In the
last number of this publication Q-. K , •which was
his lordship's signature, is distinguished by the
ingenious authors as their * earliest and most fre-
quent correspondent' . . . His communications
to the * Connoisseur ' were the most part of NOB,
14 and 17, the letter signed « G-ohah English ' in
No 19, gieat pait of NOB. 33 and 40, and the let-
ters signed * Reginald Fitzworm,' 'Michael
Kiawbndge,' e Moses Orthodox,' and ' Thomas
Vainall,' in Nos. 102, 107, 113, and 129." —
ORAWEBS, Vol. 6.
G , Li E. Lucy JSllen Guernsey. Irish
Amy. P. 1864.
G M. Mrs. Stanley Leathes. Soi-
meme L. 1860.
G. P. Samuel Pegge. A defence of
the propriety of the words " which art in
heaven" in the Lord's prayer "Gent.
Mag./' 1754, p. 310, G. P., the initials
of Paul Gemsege reversed, used one
other time. — See " Gent. Mag.." LXVL.
p. 079.
G , P S. Eev. Peter Southmead Glubb,
B.D. A libretto , containg The armoury,
The holier rood, and The London season.
By... 1875.
G,R. ftupertGreen(*). A brief history
of Worcester; or, "Worcester Guide"
improved ... By ... Worcester,
G,, R. Robert Graham, M.D. (*}.
Characters of genera, extracted from
the British flora of W. J. Hooker.
Edinb. 1830.
G., R. Richard GougL A compara-
tive view of the antient monuments of
India ... as described by different writ-
ers By... L. 1785
G , R Etcha) d Gilbert Liber scho-
lasticus . . . L. 1829
G., R., a Clerfe of the Court of
Common-Pleas. R. Gardiner. Instruc-
tor clericalis ... In the Savoy, 1721-24
G , R , junior, Richard Gonqh. The
history of the Bible, translated from the
French, by . . L. 1747.
This volume, consisting of 1GO sheets in folio,
•was completed by him when ho \vris twelve and
aiaJf years old, and was followed thieo >enia
later by a translation ol tbe " Customs ot the
Israelites," tiaiielated from tbe Froiich of tbe
abbot Fleury, by ... 1750.
G-. R G Rev. George Robert Glefg.
The light dragoon. L. 1844.
Gr., R S. Eoscellus S. Guernsey, in
Shakespeare contributions to various
G., S. tiamuel Gilman, D.D. Cata-
logue of miniature portraits, landscapes,
and other pieces, executed by Charles
Praser, Esq. . . . Charleston, S.C.,
Gr, S. Samuel Grawome. Certamen
religiosum . . . Oxf . 1704. — See also
"A Presbyter of the Church of Eng-
G., S. Simon G-reenlcaf. Remarks on
the exclusion of atheists as witnesses.
B. 1839.
G,S.B. S B Gosfin. [William Ban-
ister's] The art and science of change
ringing . . . Second edition, with coiroc-
tions and additions. [By H. Hak'y and
others. Edited . . .] L. 1870.
G., T. T. Gib. Remarks on tho Ttev.
Mr. Whitefield's journal ... L. 1738
G.,T. Thomas Gwin. Some memoirs
of our dear deceased friend Josiah Ceane
. . . Plymouth, Eng., 1718.
G, T. M. T. M. Gorman. On the
white horse mentioned in the "Revela-
tion" [by Swedenborgl. Edited ... L.
O.} w. — See Gifford, William.
G., W- William Gardner. The law-
yers investigated . . , Brentford, 1771.
G,W. William Gauntlet/. Remarks
on a certain publication entitled " Mac-
aulay;s portrait of the founder of Qua-
kerism." Sheffield, 1866.
G-, W. Sir William Gell. Views in
Barbary, and a picture of the Dey of
Algiers, taken in 1813, by , . . L 1816.
G. W. One of the pseudonyms at-
tributed to Jumus (q.v.).
The two letters thus signed are dated March
29 and April 8, 1771, and are addressed to the
Lord Mayor.
G-» W. 0. WiU'iam D. GWIagher.
Selections from the poetical literature of
the West . . . Gin. 1841.
G , W. R. William Rathbone Greg, in
the London " Pall Mall Gazette."
G***** ***, A B , M D. Augustus
Bozzi Oranville. Critical observations on
Mr. Kemble's performances at the Thea-
tre Royal, Liverpool Liverpool, 1811.
(yw^ pn. Philippe Gfrouvelle. M<£-
moires historiques sur les Templiers . . .
Pans, 1805.
G— — , Percival. Peter Irving. A
Venetian tale (from the French ). N.Y.
Gabble, Gridiron, Gent , Godson to
Mother Goose. Joseph Haslewood.
Green-room gossip; or, Gravity Galli-
nipt. A gallimaufry . . . got up to guile
gymnastical and gynecocratic govern-
ments. Gathered and garnished by ...
L 1809
Gabriel, Virginia. Mrs. Constance
(Crane) Marsh. Wolfe of the knoll;
and other poems. N.Y. 1800.
Gaines, Garry. Virginia S. Patterson.
Gale, Ethel. Helen E. Smith, in the
New York " Independent."
Galen. Richard E. Parker, in Wirt's
(W.) "Old Bachelor" (Bait. 1812).
Galen, Philipp. Ernst Philipp Karl
Lange. Der Alte vom Berge. Roman.
Berlin, 1873.
Galloway Poet, The. William Nich-.
olson. Tales in verse. 1814; 2d ed,
Dumfries, about 1834.
Galoot. Edward P. Kendall.
Gambado, Geoffrey, Esq., Riding-
Master. Henry Bunbury. Academy for
grown horsemen ... L. 1787.
Game Chicken, The. Henry Pearce,
a celebrated pugilist, and once the cham-
pion of England.
Gamma. Dr. John D. Osborne, in his
contributions to the "Picayune" (New
Orleans, La ).
Gander, Sir Gregory, Knt. George
Ellis. Poetry and tales. Bath, 1779.
Gaol Chaplain, A Rev. Erskine
Neale. Recollections of a gaol chap-
lain. Reprinted from "Bentley's Mis-
cellany "
Gaolg, Ekal. J. A. Lake Gttoag. The
Jesuit ; or, the man of the Morgue . . .
Glasgow and L. 1876.
Gar. J. G-arczynski, in the New York
Garon. Rev. Joseph Bretland, in the
•" Monthly Repository " (Hackney).
Garrard, Kenner. Lewis Edward
Nolan. System of training cavalry
horses ... L. 1853.
Garrett, Edward and Ruth. Mrs.
Isabella (Fyme) Mayo. By still waters.
L. 1874.
Garrulous, George. George Amold
— See "Grahame, Allen."
Gastine, Civique de. E. L J Tou
lotte. Histoire de la republique d'Haiti .
Paris, 1819.
Gaston, Marie. Alphonse Dandet
Gath George Alfi ed Townsend. Bo-
hemian days Three American tales.
N.Y. 1880. Also in his contributions to
numerous American periodicals.
Gathercoal, Rev. Rabshakeh, late
Vicar of Tuddington. Robert AlacLen-
zie Beverley. The posthumous letters
of ... L. 1835.
Gauden, Dr. Charles Henry What-
ton, D.D.j in Horace Binney Wallace's
"Literary criticisms," pp. 259-307. P.
Gavarni, Paul. Sulpice Q-uillaume
Chevalier. (Euvres choisies . . . Parisa
Gay, Delphine. Mme. Smile de
Grirardin. La croix de Berney. Paris,
Gay, Getty. Mrs. William Bennett.
Gay, Joseph. John Durant de BrevaL
The confederates. L. 1717.
This play, though published under the name
of Gray, was written by Breval.
Gay, Mr. Joseph. Alexander Pope.
Compleat key to the Non-Juror ... L.
Gaylord, Glance. Warren Ives
Biadley The boy at Dr. Murray's . . .
B. 1871.
Gazul, Clara. Prosper Mfrime'e. Th£-
atre de . . . Paris, 1825.
Gemsege, Paul Samuel Pegge A
letter on poaching, in the " Gent. Mag."
for the year 1751, p. Ill (and 75 other
articles for the 11 years from 1746 to
This signature is the anagram of his name.
See " G-ent. Mag.," LSVL, pp. 979 et seq.
Genealogist, A. Alexander Deuchar.
Concise view of the present state of the
Succession . . . Edinb. 1839.
General Officer, A. Hon. Henry Sey-
mour Conway, An address to the public
on the late dismission of ... By Wil-
liam Guthrie. L. 1764.
General Officer, A. — Ford, 6th
Earl Cavan. A new system of military
discipline, founded upon principle. By ...
Genesee. Prof. J JE£ Gilmore, in the
New York "Examiner."
Genesee. E. M. Crawford. Cricket
Genevese Traveller, A- Matthew L.
Davis, in the London " Times."
Gent, A. Alexander Anderson. Joseph
the book-man • a heroi-comic poem . . .
Edin. 1821
Gent, A Samuel Forster. Mr. Ben-
jamin Bennet's Presbyterian prejudice
further displayed . . . Newcastle-upon-
Tyne, 1720.
Gentile, A. Dyer Daniel Lum. Utah
and its people, by ... NY. 1882
Gentleman, A Rev. Charles Audley
Absheton Ciaven, MA. The adventures
of . .in search of the Church of Eng-
land. L 1853.
Gentleman, A. Sir Greon/e /Stephen.
Adventures of ... in search of a horse.
By Caveat Emptor, Gent. L 1835.
Gentleman, A Elias Bockett. A con-
gratulatory letter to the Reverend Mr.
Patrick Smith, M A., Vicar of Great Pax-
ton, Huntingdonshire, upon the publica-
tion of ... "A Preservative against Qua-
kerism." By ... L. 1731.
Gentleman, A. /Sir John Leslie. The
connoisseur; or, modern fashions: a
comedy in three acts By ... Inver-
ness, 1818.
Gentleman, A. Thomas Skinner Surr.
Consequences ; or, adventures at Braxall
Castle . a novel. L. 1796.
Gentleman, A. Thomas Salmon. A
critical essay concerning marriage . .
L. 1724.
Gentleman, A. Paul Dudley. An
essay on the merchandise ot slaves and
souls of men ... B. 1731.
Gentleman, A. John Esten CooJce.
Estcourt. Memoirs of ... in " Busseli's
Magazine/' South Carolina
Gentleman, A. Priscilla Wakefield.
Excursions in America described in let-
ters from . . and his young companion
to their friends in England, L 1806.
Gentleman, A. Francis Eyre, Esq.
A few remarks on The history of the
decline and fall of the Roman empire,
relative chiefly to the two last chapters.
By . . L. 1778.
Gentleman, A. John Hippisley. Flora :
an opera ... L 1729.
Gentleman, A. Rev John White, B.D.
Free and impartial considerations upon
the free and candid disquisitions relating
to the Church of England Addressed
to the authors [John Jones] of the Dis-
quisitions. By ... L. 1761 ,
Gentleman, A. Henry Penruddock
Wyndham* A G/s tour through Mon-
mouthshire and Wales ... in 1774. L.
Gentleman, A. Thomas Hull. Genu-
ine letters from . , . to a young lady, his
pupil. L. 1772.
Gentleman, A. Rev. George Harbin.
The hereditary right of the crown of Eng-
land asserted ... L. 1710.
Gentleman, A Sir Henry Bate
Dudley (*). History of Essex. L. 1769-
Gentleman, A. Leonard Welsted.
Hymn to the Creator, written by . . in
"Gent. Mag ," October, 1790, p. 936
Gentleman, A. Andieiv Wilson t M.D.
Human nature surveyed by philosophy
and revelation . . L. 1758.
Gentleman, A. Mr. Robinson, of Ken-
dal. The intriguing milliners and attor-
nies clerks . . L. 1740.
Gentleman, A. James Ramsay. A
letter . . . concerning toleration. Edinb.
Gentleman, A. William Beck ford.
Letters and observations written in a
short tour through France and Italy.
By ... L. 1786
Gentleman, A Anthony Hammond*
A modest apology, occasioned by the late
unhappy turn of affairs . . L. 1721.
Gentleman, A John Hatjield. A
new Scarborough guide, containing cus-
toms, amusements, lodging-houses . . *
L. 1797
Gentleman, A. Thomas Baker. Re-
flections upon learning . . L. 1708.
Gentleman, A. William Bromley*
Several years' travels through Portugal,
Spain, Italy . . . Performed ... L.
Gentleman, A. Edmond Hoyle* A
short treatise on the game of whist. L.
Gentleman, A John Adams. Thoughts
on government ... B 1788.
Gentleman (A), a Descendant of
Dame Quickly. James White. Original
letters ... of Sir John Falstaff and his
friends ; now first made public by ...
L. 1796.
Gentleman and no Knight, A.
Zachary Grey, LL.D. The Knight of
Dumbleton foiled at his own weapons,
etc. In a letter to Sir Richard "Cocks/*
knt. By . . L. 1723.
Gentleman at Halifax, A Chief
Justice Martin Howard, of North Caro-
lina. A letter ... to his friend in Rhode
Island . . . Newport, 1705.
Gentleman educated at Yale Col-
lege, A William Livingston, Esq. Phil-
osophic solitude; or, the choice of a
rural life • a poem . . . N.Y 1847.
Gentleman formerly of Boston, A.
Edward Church, Jr The Dangerous Vice
. . . Columbia, 1789.
The "Dangerous Vice*' was John Adams,
Also ascribed to Silvatras Bourne.
Gentleman formerly of Brazen-
nose College, Oxford, A Probably
Chwles Afanjield. Interesting collection
of curious anecdotes . . L. 1790.
Gentleman formerly of Gray's
Inn, A. John Hoft. An attempte to res-
cue that aimciente English poet and play-
•wrighte, Maister Williaume Shakespere,
from the rnaney errours f aulsely charged
on him , . X, 1749.
Gentleman in America, A. Thomas
Cooper , ftf.X) Extract of a letter from
... to a friend in England, on the subject
of emigration. 1794
Gentleman in Boston, A. Charles
Chauncy, Z)D. A letter from . . . to Mr
George Wishart, one of the ministers of
Edinburgh, concerning the state of Re-
ligion in New Eng-land. Edinb. 1742.
Gentleman in Boston, A. Lewis
Tappan, Letter from ... to a Uni-
tarian clergyman in that city. B.
Gentleman in Gloucestershire, A.
John JBlanch. Hoops into spinning-
wheels : a tragi-comedy. Gloucester,
The epistle dedicatory is signed " J B."
Gentleman in Xondon, A. William
Xnox. The claim of the colonies to an
exemption, from internal taxes, imposed
foy authority of Parliament, examined.
In a letter from. ... to his friend in
America I. 1765.
Gentleman in London, A. Hesta
Pachng . Pour topographical letters,
•written in July, 1755, upon a journey
thro' Bedfordshire . . . from . . . New-
castle-upon-Tyne, 1757.
Gentleman la London, A. William
Smith. A. letter from ... to his friend
in Pennsylvania; with a satire ... L.
Gentleman in Philadelphia, A.
John Dickinson. The late Regulations
respecting the British colonies on the
continent of -America considered. In a
letter f rom ... to Ms friend in London.
X, 1766.
Gentleman, in Scotland, A. Charles
Leslie. A letter ... to Ms friend in Eng-
land, against the sacramental test. 2d
«d. L. 17O8
Gentleman in tne City, A. Benjamin
Cook A. letter . . . concerning the
Quakers, L, 1705.
The letter is signed "Ectea-Nobj-moni," an
anagram, of fclie arutbor's name.
Gentleman, in the City, A. Charles
Leslie. A. letter . . . concerning the
threaten'd prosecution of the Rehearsal
. . . n.p. 1708.
Gentleman in the City, A Rev.
Robert Wylie, of Hamilton. A letter
to a minister in the country. Edinb
Gentleman in the English House
of Commons, A. Edmund Burke. A
letter from . . in vindication of his con-
duct, with regard to the affairs of Ireland
... L. 1780
Gentleman in the North, A. Rev.
Alexander M'Laggan, of Little-Dunkeld
A letter ... to a minister who has not
intimated the act of parliament . . .
n.p. 1737.
Gentleman in the North of Scot-
land, A Captain Edward Bint. Let-
ters from ... to his friend in London,
giving an account of the Highlands . . .
L 1754.
Gentleman in the Service of the
East India Company, A. Major Henry
D. Robertson. Examination of the prin-
ciples and policy of the government of
British India. L. 1829.
Gentleman in Town, A. W. H.
Logan. Letter . . . regarding Keeley, the
theatre, and other matters . . . Edinb. 1834.
" Signed "H. M."
Gentleman, Late an Officer in the
Service of the Honourable East-
India Company, A Mr. Evers. A
journal kept on a journey from Bas-
sora to Bagdad . . . Horsham, 1784
Gentleman, late of Bath, A. Dr.
Edward Harmgton. An excursion from
Paris to Fontainebleau. L 1786.
Gentleman, late of the Inner Tem-
ple, A. Henry Baker Essays, pastoral
and elegiac ... L. 1856.
Gentleman lately Resident on a
Plantation, A Peter Marsden An
account of the island of Jamaica . .
Newcastle, 1788
Gentleman lately returned from
America, A. Mr. Hodgkinson. Letters
on emigration. L. 1794.
Gentleman, Native thereof, A John
Blundett. Memoirs and antiquities of the
town and parish of Tiverton . . Exeter,
Gentleman of Boston, A. Nathan
Hale. Notes made during an excursion
to the Highlands of New Hampshire and
Lake "Winnipiseogee. Andover, 1833.
Gentleman of Brazen-Nose Col-
lege, Oxford, A. Rev. John Ellis. The
knowledge of divine things from revela-
tion ... L. 1743.
Gentleman of Bristol, A. S. Butler.
An essay upon education . . . "With a
plan of a new method. By ... L.
1750 (?).
Gentleman of Cambridge, A. Philip
Bennet. The beau philosopher : a poem
L. 1736.
Gentleman of Cambridge, A Coi-
byn Morris, F.R.S. A letter to the Rev-
erend Mr. Thomas Carte . . L. 1743
Gentleman of Cambridge, A.
Thomas Hearne. A letter to the Reve-
rend the Prolocutor ... L. 1718
Gentleman of Cambridge, A. Wil-
liam Mason Mirth . a poem ... L. and
Camb. 1774.
Gentleman of Cambridge, A. Fran-
cis Fancies. The works of Anacreon,
Sappho, Bion, Moschus, and Musseus.
Translated into English by . . L.
Gentleman of Cambridge, Another.
Rev John Duncombe An evening con-
templation in a college : being a parody
on the " Elegy in a country churchyard."
L. 1753.
Gentleman of Christ-Church Col-
lege, Ox on., A. Probably Dr. Zachary
Pearce, Bishop of Rochester A friendly
letter to Dr. Bentley, occasioned by his
new edition of " Paradise lost." L.
Gentleman of Connecticut, A, Wil-
liam Cobbett. The Democratiad : a poem.
P. 1795.
Gentleman of Connecticut, A. Jo-
seph Huntington, D.D. A plea before
the ecclesiastical council at Stockbridge,
in the cause of Mrs. Fisk . . . 1779 . . .
Norwich, 1780
Gentleman of Croydon, A I7. Read.
The British harmonist. Croydon, 1795.
Gentleman of Foreign Extraction,
A. Jacob Duche. Observations on a va-
riety of subjects, literary, moral, and
religious ; in a series of original letters,
written by ... who resided some time in
Philadelphia . . . P 1774.
Gentleman of Gloucestershire, A.
Charles Skuckbwgh. Antiochus: a new
tragedy. L. 1740
Gentleman of Gray's Inn, A. J.
Crisp. The conveyancer's guide . . . L.
Gentleman of Halifax. John Parr.
Vindication of Governor Parr and Ms
council ... L 1784.
Gentleman of Lincoln's Inn, A. D,
Douglas. The biographical history of
Sir William Blackstone ... L. 1782.
Gentleman of Xdncoln's-Inn, A.
Henry Anderson. An enquiry into the
natural right of mankind to debate freely
concerning religion ... L. 1737.
Gentleman of Lincoln's Inn, A.
Philip Carteret Webb. A letter to ...
W. Warburton occasioned by some pas-
sages in . . "The divine legation <>t
Moses demonstrated." By ... L. 1744
Gentleman of Maryland, A Huc/h
Hem // Biackenndge The battle of Bun-
kers Hill. A dramatic piece . . P. 1770.
Ascribed also to John Burk.
Gentleman of Massachusetts, A
Gamaliel Bradford The Writer a series
of original essays, moral and amusing.
By ... B. 1822.
Gentleman of Middlesex, A Jam<^
Johnston. More es&ays of panegyricks
L. 1731.
Gentleman of New York, A Wit-
ham Irving. The poetical works of
Thomas Campbell . . Bait 1811
Gentleman of one of the Inns of
Court, A. William Dodd, LL.D. A
new book of the Dunciad. By ... L
Gentleman of Oxford, A Gcotr/c
Smith Gteen A new version of "Para-
dise lost"; or, Milton paraphrased . ,
L. 1756.
Gentleman of Philadelphia, A
Benjamin Franllm Fiench. Biograplua
Americana . . NY l£iG
Gentleman of Portsmouth, N.II ,
A. Jonathan Mitchell Setcall A vorsili-
cation of President Washington's excel-
lent farewell address to tho citizens of
the United States. By ... Portsmouth,
N.H., 1798.
Gentleman of Seventeen, A Youns*;.
Ambrose Pitman Eugenio ; or, the man
of sorrow. L 1780
Gentleman of South Carolina, A.
C. B. Northrup. Southern odes, by the
Outcast . . Charleston, 1801.
Gentleman of Suffolk, A. — #•/-
monds. A treatise on field diversions.
By ... L. 177G.
Gentleman of the Army, A. Col.
David Humphreys. A poem, addressed
to the armies of the United States of
America . New Haven, 1780.
Gentleman of the Bar, A. LDauref,
Rupp Early history of Western Penn-
sylvania, and of the West, and of west-
ern expeditions and campaigns from
1754 to 1838. By ... Pittsburg, Pa,
Gentleman of the Commission, A.
Ralph Heathcote, D.D. Irenarch; or,
justice of the peace's manual ... I/.
Gentleman of the Committee, A.
Major William Brooke (?), Plans of the
Sunday-schools and School of Industry
established in the city of Bath . . . Bath,
Gentleman of the Faculty, A. Hall
Jackson Observations and remarks on
the putrid malignant sore throat . . .
Portsmouth, N H , 178G.
Gentleman of the Faculty, A. P.
Hayes. A serious awd friendly address
to the public on the consequences of
neglecting coughs and colds . . . L. 1783.
Gentleman of the Force, A. ( Signed
"Policeman X. 54.") William Make-
peace Thackeray. A Bow Street ballad.
"Punch," Nov. 25, 1848.
Gentleman of the Inner Temple, A.
Robert Richardson The attorney's prac-
tice in the Court of King's Bench . . . L.
Gentleman of the Inner Temple, A.
John Campbell. The case of the opposi-
tion impartially stated. L. 1742.
Gentleman of the Inner Temple, A.
W Gardiner. Conversations on the plural-
ity of worlds New trans, by ... L. 1762.
Gentleman of the Inner Temple, A.
George Monck Berkeley. An elegy on the
death of Miss M— s ... L. 1786.
Gentleman of the Inner Temple, A.
John Hottlei}. The history and survey of
the cities of London and Westminster . . .
By ... L. 1753.
Gentleman of the Inner Temple, A
Matthew Dawes. A letter to Lord Chat-
ham concerning the present war of Great
Britain against America ... L. 1776.
Gentleman of the Inner Temple, A.
John Malfory Modern entries, in Eng-
lish ... In the Savoy, 1734.
Gentleman of the Inns of Court, A.
sive Icon hbellorum; or, a critical his-
tory of pamphlets ... L. 1715.
Gentleman of the Law, A. Rev.
Andrew ftloir The indictment, trial,
and sentence of Mess T — s K — r, A — w
B — n, and R — t M — n, before the Asso-
ciate Synod, at the instance of the liev.
Adam Gib. By . . Edmb. 1768.
Gentleman of the Medical Fac-
ulty, A Edward Bancroft. An essay
on the natural history of Guiana, in
South America. L. 1769.
Gentleman of the Middle Temple,
A James Ralph. A critical history of
the administration of Sir Eobert Wai-
pole . . L. 1743.
Gentleman of the Middle Temple,
A. Robert Lucas (1). A critical review
of the liberties of British subjects . . .
L. 1750.
Gentleman of the Middle Temple,
A Counsellor King. The frequented
village : a poem. By ... L. 1771.
Gentleman of the Middle Temple,
A — Pooley (?). A general abridge-
ment of cases in equity ... L. 1757.
Also ascribed to R. JFoley, Sir G. Gilbert,
and Mathew Bacon.
Gentleman of the Middle Temple,
A. Timothy Cunningham. The mer-
chant's lawyer; or, the law of trade in
general ... L. 1761.
Gentleman of the Partie, A. Jonas
Hanway. A journal of eight days' jour-
ney from Portsmouth to Kingston upon
Thames ... L. 1756
Gentleman of the Province, A.
Samuel Andiew Peters, LL.D. A gen-
eral history of Connecticut ... L 1781.
Gentleman of the Temple, A. John
Kelly. The married philosopher ... L.
Gentleman of the University of
Cambridge, A. Owen Manning. — See
Gentleman of the University of
Cambridge, A. Zachary Grey A
chronological and historical account of
the most memorable earthquakes . . .
Camb. 1750.
Gentleman of the University of
Cambridge, A. Richard BuUcehy* Let-
ters to Dr. Clarke, concerning liberty
and necessity. L 1717.
Gentleman of the University of
Oxford, A. Sir Richard Hill, Bart. An
address to persons of fashion, containing
some particulars relating to balls . . .
L. 1761.
Gentleman of the University of
Oxford, A. Percy Bysshe Shelley. St.
Irvyne ; or, the Bosicrucian : a romance
by... L. 1811
Gentleman of Trinity College, Cam-
bridge, A. Thomas Dover. Encomium
argenti vivi ... L. 1733
Gentleman of Trinity College, Ox-
ford, A. Wdliam Lovetmg. Latin and
English poems. L. 1741.
Gentleman of Wadham College, A.
Rev. James Miller. The humours of Ox-
ford : a comedy ... L. 1730,
Gentleman of Wadham College,
Oxford, A. John Swinton. A critical
dissertation concerning the words Safyiwv
and fai^viov ... L. 1738.
Gentleman of Wilkesbarre, A.
Isaac A. Chapman. Sketch of the his-
tory of Wyoming. By ... Wilkes-
barre, Penn., 1830.
Gentleman on his Travels, A. .3frs.
Sarah Scott. A description of Millenium
Hall and the country adjacent, together
with the characters of the inhabitants
... L. 1762.
"Millenium Hall" as the name given to the rural
and elegant abode of a happy society of ladies,
which the author professes to have met with in
the west of England.
Gentleman resident In the Neigh-
borhood, A Charles Snart. Practical
observations on angling in the river
Trent; by . . who has made the amuse-
ment his study for upwards of twenty
years. Newark, 1801.
Gentleman residing in this City, A.
Samuel Latham Mitchill, M.D The pic-
ture of New York . . N.Y 1807.
Gentleman who has left his Lodg-
ings, A Lord John Russell Essays and
sketches of life and character. L 1820.
The preface (dedicated to Thomas Moore, and
omitted iu the second edition) is signed " Joseph
Skillet, the lodging-house keeper," who is sup-
posed to publish these letters to pay the lent due
to hjm by his absconded tenant
Gentleman who has resided many
years in Pennsylvania, A. William
Smith, I) D. A brief state of the prov-
ince of Pennsylvania . L. 1755
Gentleman who is particularly ad-
dressed in the Postscript of the Vin-
dication of some Passages in the
Fifteenth and Sixteenth Chapters of
the Decline and Fall of the Roman
Empire, The. Francis Eyre, Es>q A
short appeal to the publick. L. 171)9.
Gentleman, who resided five years
on the Island, A. John Campbell. An
exact and authentic account of the great-
est white-herring fishery in Scotland . . .
L. 1750.
Gentleman, who resided some time
in Philadelphia, A. Rev. Jacob Duchf.
Caspipina's letters . . . Bath, 1777.
Gentleman who was an Officer
under that general, A James Biggs.
History of Miranda ... L. 1809.
Gentleman who was a Swede, A.
George Sthalberg. An history of the
late revolution in Sweden . . . Edinb.
Gentleman who was in the Town,
A John Michelborne Ireland preserved j
or, the siege of London-derry . . . Dub-
lin, 1739.
Gentleman, Walking, A. Thomas
Colley Grattan. Highways and by eways.
L. 1823.
Gentleman-Commoner of Oxford,
A. Rev, Samuel Croxall. The fair Cir-
cassian : a dramatic performance. L.
Gentleman. Farmer, A, Henry
Utrick Reay, Esq. A short treatise on
that useful invention called the " sports-
man's friend; or, the farmer's footman,"
By ... of Northumberland . . . Newcas-
tle, 1801.
Geologist, A. Hugh Miller. Ram-
hies of a geologist B 1858.
Geologist, A. William PengeHy.
Scraps from, my note-book. By . . in
"Once a TYeek." 1871.
George, Farmer. Geoiye III, of
"It is well known that the King's speech, on
the opening of the session of 1770, spoke oi the
disease among the turned cattle, instead of at-
tending to the violent agitation, and the more
important topics of the time Hence he obtained
the name of " Faroiei George "
George, Uncle Rev Increase Niles
Tarlox. Uncle George's stories. B.
George, Amara. Mathilde (Binder)
Kaufniann. Dissonanzen und Akkorde.
Mainz, 1879.
George, Quiet George Fredenck
Pardon. The juvenile museum ... L.
Georgia JJa'wyer, A. Robert M.
Charlton Leaves from the portfolio
of . . in the N.Y " Knickerbocker Mag-
azine "
Geraint. JFiank Me Hale.
Gerald, Liouise. Mile Mathilde de
Lacoste. Pseudonym used by her in sev-
eral novels.
Gfcrard, Max. Charles de Courcy.
Entre homines, vaudeville . . . 1868.
German Barber, The. Julian E.
Ralph, in his contributions to various
German Countess, A Ida Maria
Louisa Gustava, Grufinn Halm-Halm.
Letters of . . 1843-44. L 1845
German Milton, The. Friedrich Gott-
lieb Klopstod.
German Nobleman, A. Francis
J. Grand. Aristocracy in America;
from the sketch-book of . . , L.
German Prince, A. Heimann Lud-
wig Heinnch von Puck?er-Muskau. Tour
in Germany, Holland, and England, 1826-
27 ... L. 1832,
German Voltaire, The. Christoph
Martin Wiehnd
Gershom. Maj.-Gen. Julius Edmund
Goodwyn. Antitypical parallels . . , L.
Gertrude. Mrs, Jane Gross (Bell)
Simpson. The piety of daily life. Illus-
trated Iby tales, by ... L. 1836. She
also contributed to the "Edinburgh
Literary Journal" of Feb. 26, 1831,
under this pseudonym, the well-known
hymn " Go when* the morning shineth."
Gcerundio, Fray. Modesto Lafuente.
Teatro social del siglo XIX. Madrid.
Ghost of Harry the Eighth's Fool,
The. Alfred Henry Forrestei . A mis-
sile for Papists' A few remarks on
Papacy By . L. 1850
Ghost of Vandegrab, The Sir
James Mackintosh, who wrote a series of
letters for the London " Morning Chron-
icle," under this signature, 179-.
Ghost, of Willy Shakespeare, The.
G. M. Woodward. Familiar verses
from . . to Sammy Ireland ... L.
Gibbon, Edwarda C. J. Stone.
History of the decline and fall of the
British Empire Auckland, 2884, i.e.,
1884. — See "Notes and Queries," 6th
Ser,IX.,p 199
Gibbons, Lee, student of law.
Thomas JRoscoe, Jr. The cavalier a ro-
mance L. 1821
Gifford, John Edward Foss. An
abridgment of Blackstone's commenta-
ries L. 1821.
Gifford, John John Richards Green.
A history of the political life of ... Pitt
L. 1809
Gifford, John, Esq. Alexander Wtiel-
lier. The English Lawyer. L 1827.
Gifford, William. William Fred-
erick Deacon. Warreniana : with notes,
critical and explanatory. By the editor
of a " Quarterly Review." L 1824.
Gift, Theo. Miss Dora Havers. A
matter-of-fact girl . . L. 1881.
Gilbert. William Stevens Robinson.
His signature in the "New York Trib-
une," in 1857-60.
Gilderoy, Roland Chailes Rowley,
Ji . The pictures of the year. Notes on
the Academy . . . Manchester, 1878.
Gill, Andr6. Louis Alexandre Gosset
de Qumes, who, besides caricatures which
have rendered him celebrated, has pub-
lished in the Paris " Hue" and "Peuple"
remarkable articles.
Oilman, Mrs. Maria. Charles Fran-
cis Barnaid. Bach and Beethoven. B.
Gilmore, Ernest. Mrs Helen H.
Gimel. Rev. Elisha Andrews, who
contributed many articles to the Boston
" Christian Watchman " under this signa-
Girard, Just. Just Jean JStienne Roy.
Priest of Auvrigny . . . N.T. 1875
Girard, Kate. Mrs. George F. Howe,
Girl of the Period. Mrs. Eliza L \p\n
Linton. Girl of the period. L. 1869.
Also in her contributions to the " Satur-
day Review" (L.).
Gladiolus. William Ewart Gladstone.
The battle of the genii , or, Gladiolus and
Beakitonus [i.e , B Disraeli, Earl of
Beaconsfield] A story of the general
election ... L 1880
Glananville. Jacques Alhn Simon
Collin de Plancy Un million d'anecdotes
Suisses . . par le Baron de Glananville.
Pans, 1861.
Glasgow Unfortunate, The. George
Donald. Autobiography of ... 1S5-.
Glasse, Mrs. Dr. John Hill — See
"A Lady"
Gleaner. Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch,
in the "Boston Transcript," 1855, to
which he contributed many articles of
historical interest and value.
Gleaner. Abbe' Angel Denis M'Quin,
m the London "Literary Gazette,"
April, 1823.
Glenarvon, Lord. George Gordon
Noel, 6th Lord Byron.
Lady Caroline Lamb's novel, "Glenarvon,"
"is a em ions medley as regaids plot. . . but
there are, nevertheless, some good things m it.
Almost all the characters are portraits, and the
follo\vine may be taken as a &ey to the xrork :
' Lord Glenarvon' is Lord Byron; « Loid Avon-
dale,' Mr Lamb ; * Lady Calantha,* Lady Caro-
lina; < The Gi eat Nabob,' Xortf^oWatttf; 'The
Princess of Madagascar,' Lady Holland; *The
Duke of Myrtlegrove,' the Duke of Devonshire ;
' Sir R. and Lady Mowbray,' Lord and Lady
Melbourne; * Lady Hand evil le,' Lady Oxford;
'Lady Margaret Buchanan,' the Duchess of
Devon; 'Lady Sophia,' Lady Morpeth; « Lord
Trelawny,' Lord Grranville ; * Miss Monmouth,'
Lady Byron, 'The yellow hyena, or, the pale
poet,' Samuel Rogers ; 'Hoiouskim,' Mr Alien,*
' Loid Dallas,' Mr Ward , and ' Sir E, St Clare,'
Sir W. Farquhar." — See " G-ent. Mag ,"
October, 1883, p 344.
Glenmore. Donald Shaw. Highland
legends and fugitive pieces of original
poetry, with translations from the Gaelic,
and vice versa . . . Edinb. 1859.
Glenmore, Addle. Mrs. Alice (Mc-
Gfurc) G-nffin, who contributed verses to
various papers and magazines under the
signatures of "Muni Tell" and "Addie
Glenmore," which afterwards appeared in
a volume entitled "Poems/' Cin. 1864.
Glenn, Gertrude. Mrs. Mary (Harris)
Ware, in the "Home Circle," Nashville,
and otber Southern journals, and also in
" Godey's Lady's Book."
Gloan. Thomas A. Logan. Breech-
loaders... KY. 1873.
Gloucestershire County Gentle-
man, A. Chandos Leigh, Baroa Leigh,
Three tracts, by ... with other works,
chiefly poetical, by the same author.
L. 182-.
Glover, Augustus. Sidney de Fivas.
A nom de theatre.
Glowworm, A. John Lormne Bald-
win, A glimpse at whist . . . 1866.
Glubbins, Mrs. Clara I. N. Robin-
son. Babbleton's baby ... L. 1877.
Glyndon, Howard. Ifrs. Laura C
(Redden) Searing. Sounds from secret
chambers. B. 1873.
Guatho. Alexander Pope, in a letter
contributed to the "Guardian." (No.
11, March 24, 1713.)
Godfather, An Absent. Rev. Joseph
Esmond Riddle, M.A. Letters from . . .
L. 1837.
Godfrey. Sylvester C. Gould, his sig-
nature to poetical contributions between
1860 and 1870.
Godfrey, George Thomas Gaspey.
History of ... written by himself . .
L. 1828.
Godin, Amelie Amtfte (Speyer)
Linz. Sturm und Fneden. 1878.
Godolphin, Mary. Lucy AiLin. Even-
ings at home in words of one syllable . . .
L. 1869
Gon°, ElJyer. William Dawes. Ehjer
Golf's trubbles, travels, and other amooze-
ments (L. 1872); and other humorous
Goggle, Mungo Coulter. Robert
Douglas Hamilton, M.D. Dr. Shaddow, of
Goshngton . . .
Gold Digger, A. J. Sherer. Adven-
tures of ... L. 1856.
Gold-Seeker, A. William Stiaw.
Golden dreams and waking realities;
being the adventures of ... in California
and the Pacific. L. 1851.
Goldie. James Carleton Goldsmith, in
his contributions to various periodicals.
Golding, Godfrey, Alexander His-
lop. Book of good devices. Edmb.
Goldlace. Lieut. E. P. Banning,
U.S.N., in his contributions to various
Goldsmith, Christabel. Miss Fan-
nie N. Smith. Peace Pelican, spinster
... N.Y.1881.
Goldsmith, Rev. J. Sir Ritfiatd
Phillips. Biographical class-book. 18-
Goldsworthy, Ralph. Joseph Tonkin
Rodda. The best mining machinery.
An essay by ... IPalmouth, 1873.
Good Conscience, A. Benjamin
FranUin. The art of procuring pleasant
dreams, one of the bagatelles (written
about 1778).
Good Gray Poet, The. Walt Whit-
Good Hand, A. Humphrey Wanley.
The grounds and principles of the Chris-
tian religion ... 5th ed. Edinb. 1732.
Good Vicar, The. Rev. Richard
DeCowcy. The Salopian zealot; or, . , .
in a bad mood, by John the Dipper.
Goodman, David. David Goodman
Oroly Name under which he edited the
"Modern Thinker" (N.Y. 1870-73).
Gooft, Oofty. Gus Phillips
Goose, Mother. Rebecca ( Wildffoo&e
Hedges) Howse 1737-1818 Known in
Oxford, Eng,, by that name
GoosequiU, Benjamin, and Para-
graph, Peter. James j\lakiltnck Adair.
Anecdotes of the life, adventures, and
vindication of a medical Character, meta-
phorically defunct ... L. 1790
Gopher. Jacob Penis.
Gordon, Sir Cosmo. Sir Samuel
Egerton Brydyes. Letters on Lord
Byron. L. 1824.
Gordon, Hewes E. #. H. Clarke.
Gordon, Janet Mrs (Janet Gordon)
Hardy m. The Connells of Castle Con-
nell. L. 18C8
Gordox Noah W. Pike.
Gore, Mary. William F. 0. Shanks,
in his contributions to " Harper's Maga-
zine7' (NY)
Gorhani, Elsie. Mrs Center. Rainy
day in the nursery. B 187-.
Gorilla, A Learned Richard Giant
White The fall of man ; or, the loves
of the gorillas .. NY. 1871.
Gosebet, Paul. Charles James Lever.
Confessions of . L. 184-
Gossip, John. E. JR. ChampUn.
Gothamito. Col. Thomas Picton
Gotthelf, Jeremias. Albert Bifsuts.
Le miroir des pnysans. I8o0.
Gouraud, Julie. Louise d' An/nay. A
little boy's story. Trans. ... NY.
Governor, A. W. //. Burgem*. Beth-
lem Hospital ... L. 1819.
Governor, The. John Wentivorth. The
memorial of P. Livius, one of His Maj-
esty's council for the province of New
Hampshire with the Governor's an-
swer ... 1773.
Governor, The. Henry Morford*
Shoulder straps : a novel of' New York
and the army in 1862, P. 1803. Also
in his contributions to the " N.Y. Atlas."
Governor of White Cross Street
Prison, The. T. Burdon. Truth i«.
Fiction. An answer to a pamphlet by
the ... styled " The double doom of the
poor debtor/' by an attorney-at-law. L.
Gowrie. W. Anderson Smith. "Off
the chain." Notes and essays from the
West Highlands. L. 1868.
Gracchus. John Thompson, who pub-
lished articles signed " Casca " and
" Gracchus," against the Federal admin-
istration in the "Petersburg (Va.) Ga-
zette." He also, m 1798, addressed letters
signed "Curtius" to Chief-Justice Mar-
shall, which were published in a volume
in 1804.
Gracclms Americanus John G-.
Wells The Grange : a study in the sci-
ence of history . . . N.Y. 1874 Also
attributed to Thomas Shepard Goodwin.
Gracchus, Caius. Ft an?ois Noel Ba-
beuf, who, near the end of 1794, founded
at rans " Le Tnbun du Peuple " . . in
which, under this signature, he devel-
oped the doctrines of communism, the
abolition of property, and the equality
of goods.
Graduate, A. Rev Dr John Me Caul.
The university question considered.
Montreal, 1845.
Graduate of Dame Europa's
School, A. Rev. John Edward Field.
The ladies' school across the water; or,
how came John to be neutral' . . .
Edited by ... L.
Graduate of Medicine, A. Rev. Wil-
liam Dansey. Arrian on coursing . . . L.
Graduate of Oxford, A George
Hughes. Emmanuel: a poem . . . L.
Graduate of Oxford, A. John Bus-
kin Modern painters ... L. 1844.
Graduate of '69, A Lyman Hotch-
fci'ss Bagg Four years at Yale . . . New
Haven, 1871.
Graduate of a University, A.
— Russell A catechism of the Christian
.religion . . . Oxf. 1828.
Graduate of the University of
Oxford, A. Mr. Townsend. The dawn
of freedom : a political satire ... L.
Gradnate of Yale of the Class of
1821. Rev. John Mitchell. Reminis-
cences of characters and scenes in col-
lege . . . New Haven, 1847
Grseculus. Anthony Bat day, Esq
Poi his own amusement, and to amuse and mys-
tify a few of his fiionds, Mr. Barclay wrote under
this signature a Greek version of Richard Henry
Wilde's «' My Life Is like the Summer Rose; or,
the Lament of the Captive," with a Latin transla-
tion, and ascnbed the Greek to Alcseus. It
found its way into print in the "Noith Ameri-
can Magazine," P. 1834, was decided by Greek
scholars to be good Gi eek, and for a time seemed
to show that Mr. Wilde had been guilty of gross
Graham, Grace. Mrs. S. B. Titter-
ington. Mabel Livingstone; or, Christ-
ward led. B. 1872.
Graham, Rosa, Sarah L. Post, in
the " New York Independent/'
Grahame, Allen. George Arnold. As
a writer of comic verse and humorous
sketches, he had many pea-names, —
" Me Arone," " Allen Grahame/' " George
Garrulous," etc.
Grahame, Nellie. flfis. A. K. Dun-
ning. First glass of wine. B. 1876.
Graindorge, Frederic Thomas.
Hippolyte Adolphe Tame. Notes on
Paris ; life and opinions of M. F. T. G.
Trans. . N Y. 1876.
Grandfather, A. Sergius St. John.
First impressions ; or, tales of ... 18-
Grandmother, A Mrs. 0. J. Ham-
bro. Edda; or, the tales of a grand-
mother. L 1847.
Grand-Nephew of Napoleon the
Great, A. William Charles Bonaparte
Wyse. In memoriam of the Prince
Imperial of France. Four sonnets by
... L. 1879.
Grandson of R. Aiken, The. Peter
Freeland Aiken. Memorials of Robert
Burns and some of his contemporaries
and their descendants By ... L 1876.
Grandville, J. J. Jean Ignace Isidore
Gfrard. Les fleures anime'es Paris, 185-.
Granella, Victor. Wilhelm Tanger-
mann. Herz und Welt [Dichtungen].
Grange*. Eugene Piene Baste'. Le
fils du portier. Paris, 1887.
Grant, Allan. William Wilson, for
twenty years a contributor of poems to
the periodicals under the nom de plume
of "Allan Grant" and "Alpin."
Grant, Allan. James Grant Wilson.
Mr Secretary Pepys, with extracts from
his diary. . N.Y. 1867, etc.
Grant, Gerald. Gertrude Grant. The
Old Cross Quarry. 1883.
Gratianus, Aurelius. John M. Neale.
The exiles of Cebenna . . . 18-.
Graue Author of Middle and Un-
party Principles, A. John Humfrey*
Free thoughts continued upon several
points . . L. 1712
Graves, Helen Forest. Hiss Lucy
A. Randall.
GrayiSre, Caroline Mme. Estelle Ma-
ne Louise f( Crevecceur) Ruelens, who wrote
for the "Etoile Beige" and the "Revue
de Belgique " under this pseudonym.
Graviora Manent. James jfe. Man-
ley, M.D. Letters on the College of
Physicians and Surgeons. N.Y. 1841.
Gray, Barry. Moleit Barry Coffin.
Cakes and ale at Woodbmey from
Twelfth Night to New Year's Day. N.Y.
Gray, Barton* George JBT. Sass, in
the "New York Independent."
Gray, Ellis. Mrs Louisa T. Cragin.
Long ago . a year of child life ... B.
Gray, Iron. Abel C. Thomas. The
gospel of slavery. A primer of free-
dom . . . N.Y. 1864.
Gray, Kobertson Eossiter Worthing-
ton Raymond Brave hearts: a novel.
N Y. 1873.
Gray, Simon. Sir Alexander Boswell,
Bart. Edinburgh; or, the ancient Royalty
, . Edinb 1810
Gray, Widett Dewitt Grinnell Ray
Gray Eagle Frederick J. Englehardt,
in his contributions to the " Turf, Field,
and Farm " (N.Y.).
Graybeard John FranTchn Graff.
" G.'s " Colorado A trip to Denver in
1881-82. N.Y. 188-.
Grayson, Eldred, Esq. Robert Hare
Standish the Puritan: a tale of the
American revolution . . N.Y. 1850.
Great Cham of Literature, The
Dr. Samuel Johnson
Great Magician, The Sir Walter
Great Man, The William Pitt. An
address to the Great Man . . L. 1758.
Great Moralist, The Dr. Samuel
Great Unknown, The Str Walter
Green, Invisible, Esq. William G.
Cnppen. Green peas, picked from the
patch of ... Gin. 1856.
Green, John. G-eorge H Townsend.
Evans's music and supper rooms ... L.
Green, Paddy. George H. Townsend.
Glees and madrigals. L. 18-.
Greendrake, Gregory, Es<3(. Joseph
Coad. The angling excursions of ...
in the counties of Wicklow, Meath,
Westmeath, Longford, and Cavan.
With additions by Geoffrey Greydrake,
Esq. [i.e , Thomas Ettingsall]. Dublin,
Greene, Gooseberry Mm J. Collins,
of Mt. Liberty, 0,, in her contributions,
to various periodicals, on household econ-
omy, etc.
Greene, Hiram. William A. Wil-
Greenhorn, Joseph. John T. Bed-
ford, member of the corporation of the
city of London, in his contributions to
" Punch'' (L.)
Greenough, A J. Jane G. Avery.
The boys and girls of Beech Hill. B.
Greenwood, Grace. Mrs. Sara Jane
(Clarke) Lippincott. Greenwood leaves:
a collection of sketches and letters N.Y.
Gregg, George Gregory. Ruleii \V.
McAlpine, in his contributions to vanous
Southern papers
Greif, Martin. Fnednch Hermann
Ftey. Deutsclie Gedenkb latter. Ib75
Gresham, Mr. William Eirutt Glad-
stone, in Trollope's "The Prime Min-
Greville, or Greville, H. John
Hawkesworth " In 1740, lie wrote in tlmt
publication [the "Gent Mag"], under
the name of "Greville" [or tlll Gre-
ville "] " The Devil painter a talc " , etc.
In 1747, he contributed " The accident " ;
etc. In 1748, " The midsummer \\ i*h " ,
etc. In 1749, "Poverty msul ted", etc
Greville, Henri. Alice Mane Ctfi'sle
Henry Duiand. Louis Breuil. Pans,
1883 , also as a contributor to the " Ke-
vue des Deux Mondes," etc.
Grey, Fannie Mrs E D. Huntley.
Grey, Heraclitus. Chaiht* Marshall
Playing trades. N.Y. 1870,
Greybeard, Gaffer. Robert Sanders
Lucubrations of . . L 1773.
Greydrake, GeoffrejT, Esq. T/unnatt
Ettmgsall — Sec " Greendrake, Gregory,
Esq "
Greye, Armar Mrs. Maria Grwr.
Kimbolton Castle and Lady Jane Grey .
L. 1871.
Greylock; Godfrey. Joseph JSdtrni d
Adams Smith Taghconic; o?, letters anil
legends about our summer home. B.
Greyson, B. E. H. H<mry Itw/rr*.
Selections from the correspondence of . .
L. 1857.
Grievous, Peter, Esq , A.B O.D E.
Francis Hopkinson, JEsq. A pretty story
Written in the year of our Lord 1774 . .
p. 1774.
Griffin, Gregory. George Canning,
John Smith, Robert 8mitJit and' John Fm'p.
The Microcosm : a periodical, by G. G ,
of the College of Eton. Windsor,
GrtflQnhoof, Anthony, Gent. John
Humphreys Parry. The maskers of Moor-
fields: a vision. By the late Anthony
Griffinhoof, Gent., edited by W. Griffin-
hoof. L, 1815.
The authoi and editor are the same poison.
The work is also attributed to Q-oorgo Colrnan,
the Younger.
Griffinhoof, Arthur. George Cdmcw,
the Younger. Songs ... in the " Gay De-
ceivers " . . Turnham Green, 1804.
Grifflnlioof, W.— See " Anthony Grif-
finhoof, Gent."
Grildrig, Solomon. Dr. Thomas Ren-
nelly Mr. Kmqht, the Rt. Hon. G-eoige Can-
ning, and the sons of the ^\Iuiqais of
Wellesley, as editors of and contributors
to the "Miniature." Windsor, 1805.
The word "Grildrig" is taken from G-ulh-
ver's "Voyage to Brobdingnag " "Stratfoid
Canning (now Lord Btratforcl de Redcliffe) was
the working editor." The magazine was pecu-
niarily a failure, but its owners were relieved . . .
through the purchase of the unsold copies by Mr.
John Mm ray This circumstance is said ... to
have mtioduced that publisher to Q-eorge Can-
ning . With Canning's [G-eorge] assistance,
Murray took a fresh start in ousmess, and by the
aid of Canning's friends, many of whom were
writers in the " Miniature," he was enabled to
set on foot the *' Quarterly Review " — W. P.
COURTNEY. See " Notes and Queries." 5th
Ber , IX., Feb. 16, '78
Grile, Ood — Bierce, MA. Cob-
webs from an empty skull. L. 1873.
Grlmbosh, Herman. Dr. Charles
Mackay. The Whirligig papers. L.
Grimes, Old. Albeit Gorton Greene.
The author of the lines " Old Grimes is
dead, that good old man "
Grimes, Jeremiah, Jun , Gent. Ed-
ward Holyoke Hedge, a member of the
"Polyglot Club/' composed of the nine
editors of the "Harvard (Univ.) Regis-
ter," 1827-28.
Grimm Louis A m&de'e Eugene Achard.
Lettres parisiennes de . .in " L'Epoque "
1840^7. Paris.
Grimm, Thomas. Marie Henri
Amede'e Escoffier and others, in "Le
Petit Journal." Paris, 1873-80 et seq.
Grin Leo C Eiians, in his contribu-
tions to the " Metropolis "
Grinagain, Giles. William Hogarth.
Grinder Harry H. Marks, in the
New York " Sunday Times "
Grinder, Miss Charity Mary Kyle
Dallas The Grinder papers Being the
adventures of ... NY. 1877.
Gringo, Harry. Henry Augustus
Wise. Tales for the marines . . . B.
Grins and Gripes Ebenezer Bailey,
who wrote the articles under this head
for the "New England Galaxy" (B.).
Grip. J. D. Bengough, of Toronto
(Can ), in his contributions to various
Gronovius. Charles Valentine Le
&nce, M.A. General theorem for a
****** college declamation (in verse),
with copious notes. By ... Camb.
Grotius De Witt Clinton Vindica-
tion of Thomas Jefferson . . NY.
Growler, The. Spencer Wallace
Grumbler, Anthony, Bsq , of Grum-
bleton Hall. David Hoffman. Miscel-
laneous thoughts on men, manners, and
things . . P. 1837.
Grun, Anastasius Anton Alexander,.
Graf von Auersperg Gesammelte Werke.
Grundy, Miss. Miss M. A Sneed>
in her contributions to the "Post"
(Wash. DC).
Guardian, A Retired. William
Bradley. Sketches ofthe poor.
Guare, June. Mrs. Harriet Adelia
Ann (Burleigh) Cole
Guatimozin. Frederick J~ebb and
others Guatimozin's letters on the pres-
ent state of Ireland ... L. 1779.
Guest, A Edward Jenkins. The blot
on the Queen's head . . JO. 1876.
Guildhelm. Wilham A. Biewer, in
his contributions to the " Shrine." Am-
herst, Mass , 1832.
Gulliver, Lemuel. JoTin Arbuthnot.
An account of the state of learning in
the empire of Lilliput; together with
the history and character of Bullum
[? e , Richard Bentley], the Emperor's
library keeper ... L. 1728.
Gulliver, Captain Lemuel. Jona-
than Swift Travels into several remote
nations of the world By ... I*.
Gum Leaf Mrs Dexter. Colonial
gems; or, "The Ninety" foundation
stones of our Parliament Houses . . .
Melbourne, 1860.
Gurth G. Gilbert, in several works
on domestic animals.
Guseck, Bernd voa. Karl Cf-ustav
von Berneck. Deutschland's Elhre. £<eip-
sic, 1837
Gushington, Angelina. C. W. &*
Cooke. Thoughts on men and things . . .
L. 1867
Gushington, The Hon. Impulsia.
Helen Sehna (Sheridan), Baroness Duf-
ferin, afterwards Countess of Gilford.
Lispings from low latitudes ... L. 1863.
Gussle. Augusta Chambers.
Oypsy. Mrs. Grace Courtland. A
marked life ; or, the autobiography of a
clairvoyant ... L. 1879.
H. E. Chibborn, in his contributions
on antiquarian subjects to "Saunders*
News Letter" (Dublin, 1849-50).
H. Mr. Hamel, in his contributions,
on musical subjects, to the "Reform"
H. Rev. Henry (or John) Heaton, in
his contributions to the "Athenian Let-
ters" (L. 1741-43).
H. GharUs Grahams Halpine. Lyrics
by the letter H. K,Y 1854
H. Rowland Gibson Hazard. Our
resources. N.Y. 1864.
H. Luke Howard. "Swear not at
all" (Matt. Y. 24). L nxL
H. Henry Hutchmson. An answer to
observations (by "G. P." i,e., 0. Pea-
cock) on the plans for the new library
(at Cambridge) ; being a defence of the
design presented by Messrs. Rickman
(Thomas) and Hutchinson. By "H."
Birmingham, 1831.
H., A. Abraham Hayward. Faust:
a dramatic poem, by G-oethe. Trans, by
. . . L. 1833.
H, A B« A. B. Hassan. Contri-
butions to the rhymes of the war.
Bait. 1865.
H., A. C. A. C. ffaeselbairth, in the
New York "Mail."
H., A. H. Anna Holyoke (Cutts)
Howard) in her contributions to various
H , A. J. Andrew Jackson Hamilton.
Federal Monthly. A party of the future.
H., A. S. Arthur Sherburne Hardy.
Francesca of Rimini P. 1878.
HB John Doyle, a gentleman of Irish
descent, and the reputed author of the
celebrated "HB." sketches.
H B. Bishop James Doyle. Political
sketches of ... L. 1829-43.
H., B. F. B. F. Hartshorns The
Danes : a prize poem. 1864.
H., B. R. Benjamin Robert Haydon.
Description of the drawings from the
cartoons and Elgin marbles, by Mr. Hay-
don's pupils ... L. 1819.
H. B. T. James Deacon Hume. Let-
ters on the corn laws, etc. ... L. 1835.
H, C. Catherine Hughes. The his-
tory of the township of Meltham . . .
By the late Joseph Hughes. Edited . . .
by ... Huddersfield, 1866.
H., C. Chambers Hall The picture :
a nosegay for amateurs, painters, etc. L. 1837.
H. C., Esq. Samuel William Hemy
Ireland. The fisher boy : a poem . . .
L. 1808.
H , C. E. Mrs. Caroline E. (Z'Ans)
Hawker. Follow me ; or, lost and found.
A morality, from the German. By ...
L 1844.
H., C. F. Cecil Frederick Holmes. A
vocabulary to Eland's Latin Hexameters
and Pentameters ... L. 1863.
H , C. G, Charles G. Hamilton. The
exiles of Italy. L. 1857
H., C. M. Miss C. M Hewms, libra-
nan of the Hartford Library Association,
in her letters to the " Liteniry News "
H., C W. Chandos Wren Hoslnjns
Talpa ; or, the chronicles of a clay farm
. . L. 1852.
H. D. B. William Hamper, Etuj.t
" His earlier productions weie poetical pieces,
which were generally communicated to the pages
of this (' Qeat Msig ') miscellany. The ihat of
these \ve believe to have been the lines entitled
* The Beggar Boy,' in oui number for September,
1798. In the following number js a moio lively
and spirited production, an .inti-ievolutionary
song, beginning, 'To learu Jofmny Bull & IG>
mode de Paris', and, as a clever piece \vutten
•with the same loyal and constitutional fcelmgs,
may be mentioned a ' Pindaric Address/ In Jan-
uary, 1801. These and many otheis are signed
'H D. B.,'— the initiate of Hamper, Dc;ritcmd,
Birmingham. He also uses the eignattiro *N H/
(the final letters of hie name) in * 0«int Mag.,1
March, 1811, September, 1816, and April, ISIT"."
H., B. $i> Everard Home, Bart., in
Beloe's " Sexagenarian/' Vol. I , p. 320,
2d ed. L. 1818.
H., £S. Rev. Edward ETawarden. An
answer to Dr. Clark and Mr. Wliiston
concerning the Divinity of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit ... L. 1720.
H., B, Edward Hinclcs, D.D. The
Enchorial language of Egypt. Dublin,
H., B. Ebenezer Henderson, D.D* The
geysers ... as seen in the years 1814 and
1816 . . . Edmb. 1818.
H , B. Emily ffuntingtan. Little les-
sons for little housekeepers, K,Y. 1875.
H., K3. A. Ethan Allen Hitchcock. He-
marks on the sonnets of Shakespeare j
with the sonnets. By ... N.Y. 1806.
H., E. D. Edward D/yles Haywvrd.
Keasons against martial law, courts mar-
tial, etc. L. 1866,
H.» E. F. S. Miss E. F. S, Harris.
Via dolorosa . . . L. 1848.
H.j K- 3D. Edward Law Hussey. Ex-
tracts from various authors, and frag-
ments of table talk . . Oxl. 1873.
H., E. M. Emily Marion Sams. Four
messengers ... L. 1870.
H.,E. M. Ellen Marvin Heaton. The
Octagon Club ; a character study. ]ST.Y.
H. E. O. Thomas George Fonnereau.
Diary of a dutiful son L. 1849.
H , F. Mrs F. (Howe) Hall, in hu-
morous sketches, etc., contributed to
various periodicals.
H., F. F. Hutckinson. A compassion-
ate address to those Papists who will be
prevail'd with to examine the cause for
which they suffer ... L. 1716,
H.} F. D, Rt. Rev. Frederic Dan
Huntington. Helps to a holy Lent . . .
N.Y. 1872.
H, F. E. Fitzedward Hall. M de
Tassy's history of Hindi literature.
From the " Benares Magazine " for Feb-
ruary, 1851.
H , F. E H. F, E. H. Haines. Jonas
King : missionary to Syria and Greece.
N.Y. 1879.
H., F. L. Florence Leslie Henderson.
Sketches in verse. By F. L. H. Truro,
H., F. S. F. S Hill. The harvest
festival. B. 1826
H.9 F. W. F. W. Halfpenny. Cata-
logue of books on foreign law ... L.
H, G-. George Hall An excursion
from Jericho to the ruins of the
ancient cities of Geraza and Amman, m
the country east of the River Jordan,
By... L. 1852.
H., G. Gavin Hamilton. Gray's
elegy translated into Latin elegiacs , . .
Edmfc. 1877.
H. H. Mrs. Helen Mana (Fiske Hunt)
Jackson. A century of dishonour; a
sketch of the United States' government's
dealings with some of the Indian tribes,
etc. NY. 1881.
H., H. Herbert Haines. A manual for
the study of monumental brasses . . .
Oxf. 1848.
H., Sir H., Bart. BIT Henry Halford.
Nuga? metrioe . . . 1889.
H-, Hct Howard Hinton. My com-
•rades. tf.Y. 1874.
H., H t». H, L. Henry. Little Ada;
or, the three new years. P. 1871.
H., H. N. Henri/ Noel Humphreys.
The corns of England. L. 1846.
H., H S. Henry Scrim HilL Prince-
rtown, its history and its prison. By H,
•S.H. Plymouth, 1869.
H., L John Hewitt. Description of
the figures in the chart of ancient ar-
mour. L. 1847.
H., I J. Rev. James John Holroyd
Gisela : a tragedy ... L. 1889.
H.3 J John Humfrey. •— See " A lover
of Peace and the Pubhck Good."
H , J. James Handley. — See " One of
her Majesty's Surgeons."
H., J. James Horsburgh. — See "An
Old Inhabitant.53
H., J, Rev. Joseph Hunter. Antiqua-
rian notices of Lupset, the Heath, and
Sharlston, in the county of York. By
. L. 1848.
H, J. Joseph HanUeton Appendix
to a letter , , . containing the replies of
Mrs C and her family to " their friend **
J. H. L. 1850.
H., J. John Hawkins. Essay on hon-
esty, in " Gent. Mag.," 1789, pp. 117, 232.
H., J Joseph Highmore. Essays,
moral, religious, and miscellaneous . . .
L. 1766.
H., J. John Hutchinson. Glory or
gravity essential and mechanical . . . Xu
H., J. James Hogg. Hints on the
culture of character . . . Edited by ...
Edinb. 1855-56.
H, J. John Hughes. Lays of past
days ... L 1850.
H , J. «7. Hayden. A letter on family
•worship . . L 1868.
H., J. John Harrison, Letter on
"Hai Ebn Yokdan," by J. E. Manches-
ter, 1835.
H., J John Halht. The life of the
"Kev. Mr Geo. Trosse . . . Ezon, 1714.
H., Mrs, J. Mrs. John Hunter, in
Beloe's " Sexagenarian/' L, 415, 2d ed.
L. 1818.
H , J. E. John Eliot Hodgkin. Fifty
r-and-ink sketches in exact f acsnnile
, . . from a copy of Polydoie YergiTs
"History of England ... L. 1860.
H, J O. James Orchard HalUwell-
Phillipps. A newel which may turn out
to be anything but a jewel. L, 1865.
Also in his contributions to the "Athe-
naeum" and other periodicals.
H., J. B. James Ridgway Hakewell
and another. Athletica . . . Maidstone,
H,, J. B. O. John & G. Hassard, in
Ms contributions to the "Tribune1*
EL, J. T. Sev. Joel Tyler Headley, —
See " Seatsfield/'
H., JJ. Miss &ucy Hooper. "Most of
her poems were contributed to the
ckong Island Star/ where they appeared
under her initials."
H, Li. C. Lama Center Holloivay,
in her contributions to various periodi-
H., L. C. L. C Hill. Laure: the
history of a blighted life P. 1872.
H. M. W. H. Logan — See " A Gen-
tleman in Town."
H., M. Afuiat Halsfead, in his letters
to the " Cincinnati Commercial/'
H., M. Mrs. M Hnllah A few words
about music ... L. 1851.
H., M. Matilda Hoislitrgh. Henry
Morgan ; or, the sower and the seed . .
Edmb. 1863.
H., M. Maria Hack. A popular
account of St. Paul's cathedral, etc. By
... L. 1816.
H., M H. Mayo H Haseltine, in the
"New York Sun"
H. M'K. Rev. H. M. Mackenzie. The
lay of the Turings L. 1849.
H., M. R. Mis. Mary R. Higham.
Athol N.T. 1873.
H., M. W. M. W Haseltine, in his
criticisms in the "Sun" (N.Y.).
H., N. N HerncJc. History of the
five wise philosophers ... L. 1711.
H.,N. Nathaniel Holmes. "The Shake-
spearean myth "... by ... In the
St Louis " Globe Democrat," November
17, 1881.
H. N. Miss Gnqgs. Songs for the
Sorrowing . . . N.Y. 1861.
H., P., M.D. Paul Hijfernan, M.D.
Remarks on an ode on the death of
his royal highness, Frederick, Prince of
Wales. L. 1752.
BU R. Robert Hobson. The guide to
Dovedale, Ham, and scenes adjacent.
By , : . Ashbourn, 1841.
H,, R. Rev. Richard Harvey. Hymns
for young persons. L. 1834.
H., R. Robert Hawker. The plant of
renown ... L. 1805.
H., R., ESQL, near forty years a
Practitioner in this Art Robert Hew-
lett. The angler's sure guide j or, angling
improved, and methodically digested . . .
L. 1706.
H., R. C. Sir Richard Colt Hoare,
Bart. Hints to travellers in Italy. By
... L. 1815.
" Among his communications to the ' Q-ent.
Mag.' were, February, 1823, p. 113, an account
of a Roman bath found at Farley; in August,
1837, p. 113, an account of a Roman Tilla at Lit-
tleton, Somerset; and in January, 1830, p. 17, an
account of a Roman villa at Pitney, Somerset."
H., R. S. Rev Robert Stephen Hawker,
%LA, Mawgan of Melluach, the Cor-
nish wrecker. Verses signed . . . With
a woodcut. "Once a Week," viii., 601-
602. 1862-63.
H., R. S Robeit S. Hunt. Musings
on Psalm cxix Oxf 1878.
H., R. S Robot S. Holland. The
pastoral relation Erom the " Church
Journal " (N.Y 1850).
H,, S. Sophia Hume. A caution to
such as observe days and times ... By
... L. 1754.
H. S. Ralph Thomas Going to the
bar Contributed to "Cobbctt's Maga-
zine," 1832
H., S Spencer Hall Suggestions for
the classification of the library now col-
lecting at the Athenaeum [club]. L.
H., S. J., Esquire. St. John Honey-
wood, JEsq. Poem on reading President
Washington's address declining a re-
election to the presidency . . . Albany,
H., T. Thornton Hunt, in Lamb's
" Elia." Witches and other night-fears.
H., T. Thomas Hewetdine The
country-curate to the country-people
. . . L. 1701.
H , T. Captain Thomas Hamilton
Men and manners in America. Ediub.
H, T., Pharniacop. Rustlcan. T.
Hickes. A compleat treatise of urines
. . . L. 1703
H.} T B , R.A T B. Hwjcn th, R A
The griffinage of the Hon. Newman
Strange... L. 1862.
H., T. R. jP. R IL'ffham. A dialogue
between Tim Thomas and Bill Bilkey,
two Cornish miners . . . Truro, I860.
H., T. S. Thulia Susannah Henderson.
Olga; or, Russia in the 10th century.
L. 1855.
H., W. William JIastitt, in Lamb's.
"Elia." Some sonnets of Sir Philip
H., W. William HorsndL The ice-
bound ship and the dream . . . Mon-
treal, 1860.
H., W, Gent. William Hunt. The
fall of Tarqtum; a tragedy. York, 1713.
H., W., Jimr. William Hodgson.
The life and travels of John Pember-
ton . . . L. 1844.
H., W. B William JBeadon Heath-
cote, B.C. L. The Psalter... Oxf. 1845.
H., W. B. Rev. William JSdtmrd
Heijgate. The death of King Gcren-
nius. Truro, 1848,
H., W. H. William Henry Herbert,
in the New York "World."
H., W H, William Henri/ Harvey,
M.D. Charles and Josiah; or, friendly
conversations between a Churchman and
a Quaker. L. 1862.
H , W. H. H. TF. H H. Haseltme, in
the New York " Sun."
H, W. M. Rev. Wyndham Madden
Hutton Poems. By a member of the
university of Oxford Oxf 1851.
H , W. R W. R. Hawles The mid-
night intruder ; or, Old Nick at C — It— n
H— se. A poem ... L. 1816
H. X Mrs. Biewster Macpherson.
" Gifts for men." Edmb. 1870.
H****, the Right Honourable IJady.
Lady Annabella Eliza Cassandia Hawke.
Julia de Gramont ... L. 1788.
H*****, Mr. Jonas Hanway. A
journal of eight days' journey from
Portsmouth to Kingston upon Thames,
through Southampton, Wiltshire . . .
By ... L 1756.
H . . , J , €. A B.S. J. Hornihold.
The grounds of the Christian's belief . . .
Birmingham, 1771.
H , M . Mrs. Mary Hays, in
Beloe's "Sexagenarian" L, 360. 2d
ed. L. 1818.
H— k, Rt. Hon. P— p, E— 1 of. Rt.
Hon. Philip, Earl of Hardwiclc. The
humble petition of the Freethinkers to
the . . Lord High Chancellor of Great
Britain... L. 1756
Habitual Criminal, An. Charles
John Darling. The criminal code bill . . .
L. 1878.
Hacendado, Un. Cristobal Madan
Llamamiento de la Isla de Cuba a la
Nacion Espanola . . N.Y. 1854.
Hackle, Palmer, Esq. Robert Blakey.
Hints on angling L. 1846.
Hadermann, Jeanette R. Mis. Wai-
worth. Nobody's business. N.Y, 1878.
Hadgi Abd-el Hamid Bey. Louis
Du Couret. L' Arable heureuse. Souve-
nirs de voyages en Afrique et en Asie.
Paris, 1860.
Hafiz. Robert Stott, who, under this
signature, was inflicting the highest
flown of odes upon the readers of the
"Morning Post," and of whom Byron
has said, " What would be the sentiments
of the Persian Anacreon, Hafiz, could he
rise from his splendid sepulchre at
Sheeraz . . . and behold his name assumed
by one Stott of Dromore."
Hail-fair, Lord. Enos Cobb (?) . Fame
and fancy ; or, Voltaire improved . . .
By... B.1826.
Haines, Henry Harrison. Harry
Hairbratn, Timothy. James Ander-
son. In 1790 he commenced the publica-
tion of the "Bee" (1790-94), consisting
of essays, philosophical and miscellane-
ous. Dr. Anderson wrote those marked
"Senex," "Timothy Hairbrain," "Alci-
biades," and many others without signa-
Halcro, Claud John Bteakenndye,
in his contributions to various Canadian
periodicals (1843).
Halcyon. Miss Maud Howe, in her
letters to Boston journals from New
Orleans, La.
Haldane, Harry. R. 0. Heslop.
Geordy's last ; Newcastle Folk-speech. . . .
Newcastle, 187-.
Hal em, Tina. Kathmlca (Halein) Zitz.
Half-Pay Officer, A. Henry Robert
Addison. " All at sea " ; or, recollections
of . . L 1864.
Hall, Elfin Mrs. E. C. Perry. 'Tween
thou and me. 1879.
Hall, aiotte. J/zss Essie B. Chees-
boiough, who commenced her literary
career at an early age, writing under the
noms de plume of "Motte Hall," "Elma
South," "Ide Delmar," and her own.
initials, "E. B. C."
Haller, Gustave. Mme. Wttftdmine
Josephine (Simonin) Fould. Eenee and
Franz. N.Y. 1878.
Haller, Joseph. Henry Nelson Cole-
ridge In Knight's " Quarterly Maga-
zine." L 1823-24.
Halliday, Andrew. Andrew Halliday
Duff. The adventures of Mr. Wilder-
spin on his journey through life. L. 1860.
HalloweU, Florence B. Miss Flor-
ence B. Getchell, in her contributions to
various periodicals.
Halm, Friedrich. Eligius Franz
Josef, Ireiherr von Munch-Bellinghausen.
Der Sohn der "VYildms. Vienna, 1842.
Halter-maker, A. Joseph Reed. A
rope's end for hempen monopolists » . »
By... L. 1786.
Hamden. Isaac Orr, who published
many papers in the New York " Commer-
cial Advertiser," the "Boston Courier,"
Hamet the Moor. Mr. Fielding, a
son of Henry Yielding. Heroick epistle
... to the emperor of Morocco . , . L. 1780,
Hamilton Mathew Carey. The Bos-
ton report and mercantile memorials,
P. 1828
Hamilton. George Henry Whitman.
Essay on a congress of nations. B. 1840.
Hamilton. William Hamilton, Esq.
A soliloquy. In imitation of Hamlet . . ,
By.., L. 1794.
Hamilton W. R. Watson, Esq. (*).
The Whig party ; its objects, its princi-
ples, its candidates, its duties, and its
prospects. An address to the people of
Ehode Island . . . Providence, 1844.
Hamilton, Gail Miss Mary Abigail
Dodge Gala days. B 1863.
Hamilton, John. John Hamilton Rey-
nolds The garden of Florence; and
other poems ... L. 1821.
Hamilton, May. Miss Julia Tilt.
May Hamilton- an autobiography L
Hamlin, P., Tinman. John Wolcot
The horrors of bribery. Edited [or
rather written] by P. Pindar L. 1802
Hampden. Ebenezer Smith Thomas,
in the Charleston (S C ) "City Gazette,"
Hampden Noah Websto Article
in the " Hampshire Gazette "
Hampden John B Jervts. Letters
addressed to the friends of freedom and
the Union .. NY. 1856.
Hampden. Thomas Lister, LL.D. A
mirror for princes . . 1797
Hampden Charles Hammond Ke-
Yiews of the opinion of the Supreme
Court of the United States . . . Steuben-
Yille, 1821
Hampden, John. Lord George Nu-
gent Temple Gfrenville True and faithful
relation of a worthy discourse between
Colonel John Hampden and Colonel
Oliver Cromwell L about 1830
Hampshire Fisherman, A. Richard
Clarke Sewell, JEsq , D.CL.9"s, contrib-
utor to periodical literature, the papers
of 'A Hampshire Fisherman,' in the
* Field ; newspaper being by him."
Hamst, Olphar. Ralph Thomas. Ag-
gravating ladies L 1880.
Hancock. Franklin Dexter. A letter
to the Hon Samuel A. Eliot B 1851.
Handloom Weaver, A William
Thorn Rhymes and recollections of ...
L. 1844.
Hannibal George Joseph L. W. Sil-
Hannibal, Julius Caesar. Wilh am H.
Leivison. Scientific discourses. N.Y. 1852,
Hanoum, Leila. Mme Piaszi. Tin
drame a Constantinople 188-.
Hanoverian, An. Rev Augustus Mon-
tague Toplady, An old fox tarred and
feather' d. Occasioned by what is called
Mr. John "Wesley's calm address to our
American colonys . . By ... L 1775.
Hanson. John Hanson Beadle, as cor-
respondent of the " Cincinnati Gazette."
Haole, A G. W. Bates. Sandwich
Island notes. 1854,
Happy, John J. P. Roberts.
Harcourt, Vernon. Thomas D. Sitp-
Ue, of Gambier (0.), in his contributions
to various periodicals
H^rdcastle, Daniel. Richard Page.
Letter ... on ... the bank of Eng-
land ... L. 1826.
Hardcastle, Ephraim, Will mm
Henry Pym. Wine and walnuts ; or,
after-rlmncr chit-chat L. 1S*2S
Hardliues, Sir Gregory. Sir Chaili>s
Trevelyan, in Trollope's "The thruo
clerks." ''
Hardy, John, Mariner. Isaac Tsrad
Ha >ies.
Hardy, Uncle. Wittinm fipnfor No-
table shipwrecks. L 18-.
Hare, John. John Fan*. A tinm de
Hargiwave, Jasp er Geot ge Ua t di ny?
— See '* Owen, Junior "
Hari Kari Elia* F Can
Harkaway. Char/ev Main/ml/. Sport-
ing notes L 18-
Harkaway, Jack. Btacchiflt/e Hem-
ynge, in numerous tales for juveniles
Harlandj Marion. Mis. Mai y Vir-
ginia (Halves) Tcrhune Alone, 1854 ;
The hidden path, 1855.
Mrs Tardy gives the pseud us " Marian Hur-
Harold George Gordon NM*/, Oth
Lord Byron. Linos to . , [/.r , author
of ••Childo Harold"], etc 184]
Haroun Alraschid Thomas Carlida,
joint author. The unprofessional vaga-
bond, with sketches from the life, by
John Carlisle L 1873
Harriet. Miss liar net Whii&. Verses,
sacred and miscellaneous 185$
Harriet Annie. Miss* ffairn't Annie
Wdkins, a Canadian poet, bettor known
by her Christian names, they being gen-
erally appended to her contributions to
the press. Author of the "Holly
Branch," 1851, and the "Acacia," 1800.
Hamilton, Can.
Harrington, The Earl of. Rt Hon.
Leicester Fitzgerald Chaites Stanhope*
The E. of H. on the Maine law . . .
Derby, 1858.
Harrington, George F. Ilw. Wil-
liam M. Baker Inside: a chronicle of
secession N.Y. 1806.
Harrington, Ralph. Ralph Thomas.
A few words on swimming ... L.
Harris, Maria. Mar fa Elisabeth Glos-
sop Anom de thtiahe.
Harro. Paul Honing. Dolores: a
historical novel of South America » . ,
N.Y. 1847.
Harrovian, An Old. Douglas Straight.
— See " Daryl, Sidney/'
Harrow Tutor, A, Cawl Frederick
Holmes A vocabulary to Bland's " Latin
Hexameters and Pentameters." L. 1863.
Harry, Uncle. John Habberton
Helen's babies . By their latest vic-
tim . . Glasgow, 1877.
Hart, Gerald Thomas J. Irving. In
the rapids a romance. P 187-
Hart, Senator Bob, Rev J. M.
Sutherland, once an American negro min-
strel ; in 1883 a revival preacher in Bos-
ton and elsewhere
Harte, Bret Ft ancis Bi et Harte, the
celebrated novelist.
Hartwell, Mary. Mis. Mwy Hart-
a til Qathenvood. A woman in armor.
IST Y. 1875.
Harvard, Senior. Henri/ Dana Wai d.
The Bible • its testimony and its prom-
ises . P. 18G7
Harwood, John. Charles Miner,
in the " Village Record," West Chester,
Pa , author of the " History of Wyoming."
P 1845.
Haselfoot, Edward Wilham Sid-
ney Walker, in Knight's "Quarterly
Magazine" (*)
Hastatus John Thomas Barber Beau-
mont, Esq. Arcanum (The) of national
defence. L. 1808.
Hatfield, S E Mrs. Sibella Eliza-
beth (Hatfield) Miles. The wanderer of
Scandinavia, or, Sweden delivered, in
five cantos; and other poems L
Hathaway, Anne, Mrs. W. A.
Ingham, in her contributions to the
« Herald" (Cleveland, 0.).
Hattie, Aunt. Mrs Harriet Newell
1 Woods) Baker. Art and artlessness.
B. 1868.
Hautboy John Harper.
Haven, Marion. Mart/ P. Hazen.
Joanna, or, learning to follow Jesus.
N.Y 1871
Havens, Cordelia Josephine Walcott.
Hawkins, Tom, Esq. Theodore Wil-
liam Alois Buckley. The adventures of
Sydenham Greenfinch. L, 185-.
Hawthorne, Alice Septimus Winner.
Hawthorne ballads. P. 1850.
Hawthorne, Emily. Emily Thorn-
ton Charles. Hawthorne blossoms P.
Hawthorne, Helen. Mrs. Helen
Jane Woods, of Montreal, in her contri-
butions to various periodicals.
Hay, Elzey. Fanny Andrews. A
mere adventurer. P. 1879.
Hayden, Sarah Marshall. Mary
Frazaer. Early engagements. Cin.
Haywarde, Richard. Frederic
Swartwout Oozzens, the writer of pleasant
magazine papers under this signature.
He wrote for the " Knickerbocker Maga-
zine " for several years, and af tern ards
for "Putnam's Monthly," and for his own
periodical, the " Wine Press "
Hazard, DesirS Octave Feudlet, who
commenced his literary career in 1844 by
contributing, in conjunction with MM. P.
Bocage and Albert Aubert, to a romance
called the "Grand Vieillard," which ap-
peared in the " Paris National "
Hazard, Winning Albert De Veie.
Billiards made easy. L. 18-
Hazel, Harry Justin Jones. The
flying Yankee. P. 187-.
Hazelton, Mabel O. H. Rand.
Aunt Matty. B 1809
Head, Archibald. John H. Turner.
Head of a Family, in Communion
with the Church of Scotland, The.
Charles Cowan. The analogy which sub-
sists between the British constitution in
its three estates of Queen, Lords, and
Commons . . . Edinb. 1840
Head Master of an English Gram-
mar School, The Edward Rupert
Humphreys, of the Cheltenham Grammar
school England's educational crisis . . ,
L 1856.
Head Master under the London
School Board, A J. T. Amner. Notes
of lessons, and how to write them. By
. . . L, 1878.
Heard, I. Mrs. J. H. Cutter, in her
contributions to various periodicals, etc.
Heartless Woman, A. Mrs. Sue
(Petigni) King. The heart history of ...
first published in the "Knickerbocker
Magazine/' and afterwards as " Sylvia's
Lovers/1 NY. 1860.
Heath, Bushey. William Jerdan.
The little band of literary co-workers -who
seek or communicate information in the pleasant
pages of <c Notes and Queries " may like to "be
leminded that under the~pseudonyra of " Busney
Heath" was concealed the familiar name of
Wilham Jerdan. — See BATES'S "Machse For-
trait G-allery," p. 3. L. 1883.
Heatherbell Eleanor Smith, in. " G-ood
Hebrew Wood Chopper, The. J.
L. Stone. Reply to Bishop Colenso's at-
tack on the Pentateuch. By ... San
Francisco, 1863.
Hedgehog, Humphrey. John G\f-
ford, or rather for " Green, John Rich-
ards," who in 1788 seq., supported the
administration in various pamphlets,
and, under this pseud., fell foul of Wil-
liam Cobbett (Peter Porcupine).
Hefferman, Mr. Michael. Samuel
Ferguson. Father Tom and the Pope;
or, a night at the Vatican As related
by ... Master of the National School at
Tallymactaggart, in the county of Lei-
trim . . . N.Y. 1868.
This piece was first published in "Black-
wood's Magazine," commencing in May, 1838.
Hegelingen, Absolutus von. Otto
Friedrich Gruppe Die Winde, oder:
Ganz absolute Konstruktion der neuern
Weltgeschichte durch Oberons Horn:
gedichtet von . - . 1829.
Heilly, Georges d'. Edmond Antoine
Pomsot Dictionnaire des pseudonyines.
Paris, 1868.
Helmburg, \V. Bertha Behrens. Lot-
tie of the mill. P. 1882.
Heinfetter, Herman. Frederick Par-
leer. Letter ... on Transubstantiation.
L. 1848.
Heinrich, Karl. Heinrich Keck.
Anna. Ein Idyll aus der Zeit der
schleswig-holsteinischen Erhebung. 1880.
Heiter, Amalie. Amalia, Herzogin
von Sachsen Der Kronungstag. 1829.
Helen Mrs. Sarah Helen (Power)
Whitman, whose poetry appeared in an-
nuals and periodicals under this signa-
Helene. Countess Selene Haseler JEM-
sent who made her delmt as an author
under this pseudonym, but in her later
works uses her own name.
Hellenstein, Ernest. Mrs Elizabeth
Oakes (Pimce) Smith. The salamander:
a legend for Christmas. N.Y. 1853.
Helicon, Harry, Esq. Joshua West.
London's glory ... L. 1789.
Helionde. Sidney Whiting.
Helios. E. J. Muybridge.
Heliostropolis, Secretary to the
Emperor of ttie Moon. Daniel Defoe.
The comical history of the life and death
of Mumper, Generalissimo of King
Charles the Second's dogs. L. 1704.
Hell, Theodor. Karl Gottfried Theo-
dor Winkler. Notes de la lyre, Dresden,
1821; Nouvelles notes de la lyre, Bruns-
wick, 1830.
Helmar, Edward. Ernst Koch. Prinz
Helmiua. Wilhelmine Christine von
Che'zy, who made herself known in Ger-
many by the publication of some esteemed
romances, and the composition of different
librettos of operas, among others that of
"Euryante," set to music by Weber.
Helvidiiis. James Madison, who, un-
der this signature, replied to the " Let-
ters of Pacificus " (Mr. Hamilton) in five
Henderson, Harry. 3Trs. Harriet
Elizabeth (JBeecher) Stowe. My wife and
I; or, Harry Henderson's history. L.
Henderson, Marc Anthony. JBer.
George A. Strong. The song of Milgeii-
watha ... Cin 1856
Hengiston, J. W., Esq. Cyrus Red-
ding. A Yankee steamer on the Atlan-
tic, etc. By ... in the " New Monthly
Magazine," 1852-53.
Henricus One of the pseudonyms
attributed to Junius (q.v.).
The two letters thus signed are dated Apri}
15 and May 21, 1771, and are addressed to the
Earl of Suffolk,
Henry. Richard Griffith. — See
" Frances."
Henry, Camille. Countess Irene de
la Eocca. Une nouvelle Madeline.
Paris, 1862.
Henry, Louis. Albert Henry Lewis.
The Boston Boy. B. 1871.
Hensel, Octavia. Hon. Mrs. Man/
Alice Ives Seymour. Life and letters of
Louis Moreau Gottschalk. B. 1870.
Her Daughter. Miss G. F S. Dan-
ielL Aldershot : a record of Mrs. Dan-
iell's work among the soldiers, and its
sequel By ... L 1879
Her Daughter. Elizabeth T. Spring*
Memorial of Eliza Butler Thompson . . .
N.Y. 1879
Her Father. Nehemiah Adams, D D.
Agnes, and the key of her little coffin.
By . . B. 1857.
Her Father. Edward William Hooker,
D.D. A discourse, on the Sabbath fol-
lowing the funeral of Miss Elizabeth P.
Hooker. By ... Hartford, 1850.
Her Granddaughter. Mrs. Flora
Frances Wi/lde. The autobiography of
Flora M'Donald. Ed. by ... L. 18*70.
Her Husband. Eev. John Keep*
Sketches of the religious life and faith
of Mrs. Lydia Hale Keep of Oberlin.
By . . Oberlin, Ohio, I860.
Her Mother. Mrs. William Gardiner.
Brief memoir of Harriet [M. Gardiner] „
with some of her essays in prose and
verse. By ... Oberlin, 1865.
Her Mother. Judith Towers Grant*
"Looking unto Jesus": a narrative of
the brief race of a young disciple. L.
Her Mother. Mrs Joel Hawes, Me-
moir of Mrs. Mary E. Van Lennep , . .
Hartford, 1848.
Her Niece. Charlotte Barrett. Diary
and letters of Madame D'Arblay. Edited
by ... L. 1842-46.
Her Sister. Miss — Keary. Memoir
of Annie Keary. By ... L. 1883.
Her Sister. H. H. Lindesay. Memo-
rials of Charlotte Williams Wynn. Ed-
ited by ... L. 1877.
Heraclides Edtvard Daniel Claile.
The tomb of Alexander reviewed, in
eight letters to a friend. By ... L.
' Herald Correspondent, A. Charles
0' Kelly. The Mambi Land ; or, the ad-
ventures of ... in Cuba. L. 1874.
Herbert, Uncle Timothy Shay Ar-
thur. The budget ... P. 1877.
Herbert, Edward. John Hamilton
Reynolds, in the " London Magazine."
Herbert, Francis, Esq. It was under
this name that Bryant, Sanfa, and Ver-
planck, m 1827-29, published the "Talis-
man" (tf.Y.).
Herbert, T. Rev. Herbert Todd, M.A.
Sketches by the wayside. By ... L.
Herbert, William. A nom de theatre.
— Eden, son of Col. W. F, Eden, of the
Madras army,
Hermann, Emily. Mrs. Catharine
Luders, whose poems appeared from time
to time, under this pen-name, in the mag-
azines and the "Literary World."
Hermann, Theodor. Theodor Her-
mann Pantenius. Wilhelm Wolfschild.
Hermes. B. Lumley Parliamentary
practice ... L. 1838.
Hermes. Henry Miles, Jr. The one
hnndred prize questions in Canadian his-
tory . . . 1880.
Herxnine Mrs. Susan (Blanchard)
Elder, who, from the age of sixteen, has
contributed much to the press under this
Hermit. Rev, Washington Frothing-
ham, in the Troy (N.Y.) "Times."
Hermit, The. Robert Wain, Jr. The
hermit in America on a visit to Philadel-
phia. Ed. by Peter Atall. P. 1819.
Hermit, The. Felix M'Donough. The
hermit in the country. L. 1820.
Hermit of 3>larlow, The. Percy
Bysshe Shelley. We pity the plumage,
but forget the dying bird . , . n.p., 1817.
"Tins is ope of Shelley's most interesting
tracts, and was printed and circulated for politi.
cal purposes. The death of the Princess hap.
pened just at the time of the execution of Bran-
dreth, Turner, and Ludlam, and afforded Shelley
an opportunity of dra^wing a comparison between
the two events, in which he displays such an
amount of feeling as is seldom exhibited by one
fellow-creature towards another, and In which
some bitter attacks on the Government are not
sparingly put forth. It is probable that the tract
was suppressed on account of these remarks,
which occasions its great rarity. Thoa, Bodd,
the eminent bookseller, soon after issued a re-
print, consisting of a very limited number of
Hermit of New York, The Rer
Washington Frothmgham, of Fonda, NY.,
in his contributions to the "Times"
(Troy, N.Y.) .
Heron, Robert, Esq. John Pinkerton,
Esq. Letters of literature L. 1785.
Hertfordshire Incumbent, A Rev.
Joseph Williams Blakesley, while Vicar of
Ware, in a series of letters to the
"Times" (L.) during the Crimean "War,
Herve. Ftorimond Ronger.
Heterosciiin. Rowland G. Hazard.
Language: its connexion with the pres-
ent constitution and future prospects of
man . . . Providence, 1836.
Hewletts. Alfred Duke, in his con-
tributions to the "State" (Richmond
Hibernia. Jonathan Swift, D.D. A
letter from a lady of quality, upon the
general outcry against "Wood's haft-pence.
Dublin, 1724.
Hibernicus. William Sullen. Con-
trasts between the Chancery and Supe-
rior Courts in Ireland and the same
Courts in England. By . . , Dublin.
Hibernicus. De Witt Clinton. Let-
ters on the natural history . . of the
state of New York. N.Y. 1822.
Hibernicus. James Arluckle. Let-
ters; or, a philosophical miscellany.
2d ed L. 1734.
Hiberno-Anglus. Sir John Joseph
Dillon. Letters of ... L. 1812.
Hickory. Thomas W. Jackson, in his
contributions to "Truth" (N.Y.).
Hid- Alia 11. Allan Cunningham, who
wrote for the London " Star," and other
papers, adopting in many instances this
Hieover, Harry. Charles
Practical horsemanship. L. 1856.
Hierophilos. Rev. Patrick Eugene
HieropMLtts. The most Rev. John
McHale, D.D.,
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Tuam, ^ho in
earlier life, while professor at Maynooth, pub
lished under thiB signature a series of contriver
sial letters on Bible Societies, the Protestant
Church an Ii eland, and Roman Catholic Eman
cipation ; and, in 1827, a -work on the " Evi-
dences and doctrines of the Catholic Church"
since translated into the French and German
Hierophilus. John Toland. A word
to the honest priests, L. about 1710.
Hierro. Victor Marie Hugo. The
first editions of " Eernani " and "Marion
Pelonne " (Paris, 1830) Tbore this signa-
Higgins, Zoraster. Rev* Edward
Eggleston, in political ballads and sat-
ires upon the NY. city government
under Wra. M. Tweed.
High Constable, The. William Lee.
The constable's guide ... L. 1826.
High-Heels and Low-Heels Tories
and Whigs. — See "Fliranap, the Lilli-
putian Premier/'
High Private, A. Samuel Milkr
Qmncy. The man who was not a colonel.
B. 1877
Hilarius. W. FeistLoin, in his con-
tributions to the German edition of
"Puck" (N.Y)
Hilda. Miss Hi/da Siller, daughter of
Frank Siller of Milwaukee, and a writer
of short stories
Hildebrand Nikolaus Beets Cam-
era obscura Haarlem, 1839.
Hildebrand, Hall. A F. BirdsaU.
Hildegarde. Mrs. Josephine R. Hos-
Tcins, who wrote for the " South," a liter-
ary journal of New Orleans, under this
Hilding, Habbakkuk, Justice,
Dealer and Chapman Henry Field-
ing . — gee "Alexander, Draweansir"
Hilton, David. David Hilton Wheeler
Brigandage in South Italy . . L. 1864.
Hilton, Maud. Mrs. Fiank Whcher.
Him who should best understand
It. O Sharpe, Esq. A short address to
. . . [Signed "A Warning Voice."]
Ipswich (*), 1832.
Hindoo Rajah, A. Mrs. Elizabeth
Hamilton Letters of . . L. 1796
Hinds, John. J. Bell. Farriery
taught on a new and easy plan .
P. 1848.
Hirsutus, Julius. Julius Charles
Sir "William G-ell notices Mr Hare's translation
of Kiebuhr's '* History of Rome ** as being some-
what defective in style and idiom, and calls him,
In allusion to his name, " Julius Hirsutus " (Hair-
Hare). See "Gent. Mag," April 1855, p 424,
His Brother John P. Seddon. Me-
moir and letters of T. Seddon, artist.
By .. L. 1858.
His Brother. John P. Foote. Me-
moirs of the life of Samuel E. Foote, by
... Cm. 1860.
His Daughter. Miss Josephine Bi own
Biography of an American bondman
[William Wells Brown] . B. 1856.
His Daughter. Miss C. Marsh. The
life of the Rev. William Marsh ... NY.
His Daughter. Miss L, J. Shaw.
Memoir of elder Elijah Shaw. By ...
B. 1852.
His Daughter. Mrs. Elizabeth Mai //
Odling Memoir of the late Alfred
Smee... L. 1878
His Daughter. Mme Henriette de
Witt. Monsieur Guizot in private life.
1787-1874 . . L. 1880.
ills Daughter. J/?A. S F. Ludomilla
( SchetLy ) Rapallo Ninety years of work
and play Sketches from the public and
private career of J. C Schctky, late
marine painter in ordinary to her Maj-
esty. By Edmb. 1877.
His Eldest Son. Jacob Halh Dx'tt
Samuel Drew, MA., the sell-taught
Cornish man A life lesson By . .
L 1861
His Eminence. Cardinal JV. P ^S1,
Wiseman The new glories of the Catho-
lic Church . . . With a preface by ...
L 1855
His Father Rev. Haruj Cioswell,
D D. A memoir of the late Rev. Wm.
Croswell, D.D. . .
His Father. John Ballance Me-
moirs of Mr J. des Carricres Ballance,
late of Queen's College, Cambridge.
Compiled by ... L 1820.
His Father. Walter Loivrie. Me-
moirs of the Rev Walter M. Lowrie,
missionary to China. Edited by ...
N.Y. 1849
His Father. Chailef> Thiirber. Our
Charlie a memorial. By ... Cam-
bridge, 1860
His Grace John Duke of ... John
Dunton. Neck or nothing ... L. 1710.
His Grandson. Geonje Harrison.
Memoir of William Cookworthy, for-
merly of Plymouth By , L 1854.
His Intimate Friend John Lowell.
Notice of the late Hon. Dudley Atkins
Tyng, Jr. B 1829.
His Majesty Himself. Chai hs llorjt,
in his letters to the " Boston Post/7
His Mother. M ? s. M M. Rolls. Ex-
celsior: a truthful sketch of a lovely
youth, B G. L. R. [Bernard Glanvillc
Lyndon Rolls] By his mother. L. 1853.
His Mother Mrs. Mai tanne C. ( Howe )
Johnston. The young chaplain. N.Y.
His Nephew. John Treat Irving^ J\ .
Life and letters of Washington Irving.
By... N.Y. 1862.
His Niece. Miss Frances Dorothy Cart-
wnght. The life and correspondence of
Major John Cartwright. By ... L,
His Respectful Neighbour, J. H,
Rev. John Humphrey, of Frome. A letter
to George Keith concerning the salva-
bility of the heathen ... L. 1700.
His Sister. Mrs. Sophia Lane Pooh
Life of Edward Wilham Lane. By ...
L 1877
His Sister. Miss Jessie AiiLen Wil-
son. Memoir of George "Wilson. By . .
Edinb 1800.
His Sister. Mrs. Ann Bt omfield Tracy.
Reminiscences of John Bromfield. By
. . . Salem, Mass., 1852.
His Sister-in-Liaw and his Eldest
Daughter. Georgma Hogarth and Mamie
Dickens. The letters of Charles Dickens.
Edited by ... L 1880.
His Son. Robert Burns, Jr. The
Caledonian musical museum . . . Em-
bellished with a portrait and fac-simile
of the handwriting of Burns, and con-
taining upwards of two hundred songs
by that . . bard. The whole edited by
. . . L. 1809.
His Son. Jelmger Cookson Symons.
Letters of consolation and advice from a
father to his daughter on the death of
her sister. By Jelmger Symons, BD.,
rector of WMtburn, Durham. Fifth
edition, with an explanatory preface by
his son. L. 1818.
His Soil. John Church Hamilton The
life of Alexander Hamilton. By ...
N.Y. 1834, 1840
His Son. Edwaid Robert Buhcer-
Lytton, Earl Lytton. Literary remains
of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton. By
. . L. 1888
His Son. Wilham A. Me VicJcar, D D.
The life of the Reverend John McVickar,
S.T.D. By . N.Y. 1872.
His Son. William Croswell Doane.
A memoir of the life of George "Wash-
ington Doane, D.D , LL D., Bishop of
New Jersey. By ... N.Y. 1860
His Son. Rev. George J. G. Duncan.
Memoirs of the Rev Henry Duncan,
D.D., Minister of Ruthwell By ...
Echnb. 1848.
His Son. John Addington Symonds.
Miscellanies . . . [by John Addington
Symonds, the elder]. Edited by ... L
His Stepmother Mrs. Charles
Churchill. The praying school-boy: a
brief memoir of R E. H. Churchill. By
... L. 18G9.
His Three Daughters. Katharine
Prescott Wormeley, Mrs Elisabeth ( Worme-
ley) Latimer, and Mrs. Ariana Randolph
(Woimeley) Curtis. Recollections of
Ralph Randolph Wormeley, Rear-Ad-
miral, R.N. Written down by ... N.Y.
His Twin Brother. Oliver William
Bourne Peabody Sermons by ... W. B.
O. Peabody, with a memoir by . . B.
His Widow. Mi s. Fanny Byt n e. Me-
moirs of Miles Byrne [an Irish exile of
1798] . Edited by ... Paris, 1863
His Widow Mrs Eliza Boa- The
mission pastor . . Rev. Thomas Boaz,
LLD, for 24 years missionary in Cal-
cutta. L. 1862.
His Widow. Elizabeth Davies. Walks
through the city of York By Robert
Davies Edited by . . L. 1880
His Wife. Ms Fanny E. (Ghenfell)
Kingsley Charles Rmgsley. Ports-
mouth, 1877.
His Wife. Mrs. Mary (Peabodij)
Mann Life of Horace Mann. B. 1865.
His Wife. Mrs, Martha A. (Perry)
Lowe Memoir of Charles Lowe. B. 1888.
His Wife Mis. Alexandrine Macomb
Cummins Memoir of George David
Cummins, D D N.Y. 1878.
Historian of Manchester, The Joh n
Whitaler. A supplement to the first
and second books of the history of Corn-
wall [by R Polwhele] ... By ... Ex-
eter, 1804.
Historicus Benjamin ffianlhn, in
his essay entitled " On the slave-trade/'
contributed to the "Federal Gazette."
P. 1790
Historicus. Sir William George Gran-
vi/le Veinon-Har court. American Neu-
trality. L. 1865.
Historicus. Charles Cowley. Letter
to E. B. Bigelow, printed in the Lowell
and other newspapers, July, 1858.
Hock, Mr. Francis. John Osborne
Saigent. His signature to an "Extrava-
ganza " in the Harvard Univ. " Colle-
gian," 1880.
Hogg, Cervantes, FSM. (Fellow
of the Swinish Multitude.) Eaton
Stannaid Barrett. The rising sun: a
serio-comic, satiric romance . . . 1807-9.
Hogg, Nathan. Henry Baird Let-
ters in the Devonshire dialect [In
verse.] Exeter, 1847.
Hogo-Hunt, J. W, & Sunavill,
J. F., Messrs. John William Houghton
and James Frank Sullivan. The last daze
of Pompeii. An antiquarian muddle . . .
Hoinos. Rev. James Gilmour. Among
the Mongols. L. 1883.
Holbeach, Henry. William Brightly
Rands. Student in life and philosophy.
L. 1865.
Holding, Ephraim. George Mogridge.
Homely hints to Sunday-school teachers.
L. 1843.
Holm, Saxe. Mrs. Helen Maria (Fiske
Hunt) Jackson (*). Stories, N.Y. 1874.
Holme, Daryl David Herlei t. Tho
lost father; or, Cewha's triumph. . . .
Edinb. 1870.
Holmes, Charles. Chailes Nardkojf,
in Ms contributions to " Harper's Maga-
zine" (N.Y.).
Holmes, Margaret. Mis. M. V.
Holmes, Sidney E. Mts. Sarah E.
Henshaw. Delia Bacon, in the "Ad-
vance," Dec 26, 1867.
Holt, Harry, and Holt, Polly. Mtss
Clata LeClerc, who, in 186o, wrote a
series of " Reveries " f or the "Southern
Literary Companion," by " Harry Holt,"J
and replies, "Old Maid Reveries," by
"Polly Holt."
Holyoke, Anna. Mis. Anna Holyole
(Ctitts) Howatd, in her contributions to
the " Household J> (Brattleboro, Vt.),
Holyoke, Hetty. Mrs Caroline Snow-
den ( Whitman sh } Guild. Never mind the
face Bf.T. 1856.
Homes Cecil Mis. Augusta (Davies)
Webster. The Brisons By . . , in " Mac-
millan's Magazine," 1861.
Home, J. F. Rev. John fieade, the
author of many fugitive and other
poems, in Latin and English, of consider-
able merit, which appeared after 1856 in
the "Gazette/9 "Transcript," and « Wit-
ness" (Montreal), under this signature,
and tbe initials " B. J. C." and " J. E."
Homer JSfamuel H. Homan.
Homespun, Sophia. Mrs Elisabeth
S Mbnmorth Much fruit . . . B. 1871.
Homme grave, tin. Octave Dele-
pierre, LL D. Nouvelles plaisantes re-
cherches d1 . . . sur quelqucs farceurs.
L. 1860.
Homme de Rien, Tin. Louis Leonard
de Lomtfnie. Galerie des contemporains
illustres. Paris, 1846-47.
Homo. Wilson MacDonald, the sculp-
tor, m his contributions to various peri-
Honest Man, An Charles Lfoyd. An
bonest man's reasons for declining to
take any part in the new administration,
in a letter to the Marquis of [Eock-
ingham]. L. 1765.
Honest Man, An. John Douglas,
DD, Seasonable hints of ... L.
Honest Sailor, An. Admiral Edward
Vernon. Some seasonable advice from . . .
[Being letters to the Admiralty, dated
Ang.-Dec , 1745.] L. 1740,
Honestus. Edicard Norton. The
bank charter act of 1844 truthfully con-
sidered . . . L 1857.
Honestus. Benjamin Austin, Obser-
vations on the pernicious practice of
la\r, B 1786.
Honey Bee. Eliza A. E. Smith,
Honeycomb, Will. Geotge Gordon
Honeycomb, William, Esq. Etch-
aid Gardiner The history o± Pudicn
[Miss Sotheiton], a lady of N— rf— k
With an account of her five lovers; -v iz ,
Dick Merryfellow, Count Antiquary
[Mr. Earle], Young Squire Fox. [J/r.
Mare, Jun ], of Dumplm-Hall, Jack
Shadwell ot the Lodge [J/r Button],
and Miles Dinglebob, of Popgun-hall,
Esq [J/?. Lianthwait}. Together with
Miss Pudica's sense of the i\ord "edair-
assement" and an epithalaraium on her
nuptials, by Tom Tenor, clerk of the
pariah. To the tune of " Green grow the
rushes o'" By . L. 1754.
Honeycombe, Henry. Jame* Jfemy
Leigh. Hunt, The Wishing Cap papers '
The author is a pretended descendant of the
celebrated Will Honeycombe in the "Specta-
Honorary Secretary, The. J. IIop-
kmson Transactions of the Watford
Natural History Society. Edited by , .
Watford, 1875.
Hon. IForelgn Secretary to the
Animals' Friend Society, The. Thomas
forster, F.L.S. An apology for the doc-
trine of Pythagoras, as compatible with
that of Christianity ... By ... Bou-
logne sur Mer, 1858
Honorary Secretary of the " Lean-
der Club." Sir Patrick Mac Ghambaich
de Colquhoun* A companion to the
" Oarsman's Guide M L. 1857.
Hon. Secretary of the Royal Blast-
era Yacht Club, The Archibald YQUWJ.
Yachting and rowing. By... L. 1800.
Houora, Lady. — See "A Lounger."
Honoria. Marguerite A. Power. The
letters of a betrothed. L. 1858.
Honorius. Noah Webster, LLD,
who, in 1783, published m the "Connec-
ticut Courant" a series of papers signed
"Honorius," in vindication of the Con-
gressional Soldiers' Pay-bill.
Honourable Mr. , The William
Coombe. The auction: a town eclogue.
L. 1778
Hood, Eu. Joseph J&aslewood. Of
the London theatres, in "Gent. Mag/'
August, 1813 et seq,
Hood; Thomas, tho Younger.
Charles Clark, Esq. Epsom races: a
poem, comic, punning, and racy, by ...
Hoo&er, Richard, Esq., of the
Inner Temple. William Webster, D.D.
The WeeMy Miscellany, L. 1703.
Hoosier. Samuel V. Morris, who has
been a contributor to the "Knicker-
bocker Magazine/' to the Indiana
" State Journal," and other " Hoosier "
Hoosier, A. Adolphus M. Hart. Life
in the far West ; or, the adventures of
... NY.
Hope, Ansted. Miss Burdett,in the
English "Family Herald "
Hope, Ascott R. Robert Hope Mon-
vneff. A book about boys. Edinb
Hope, Ethel. Mrs. Ina M. (Porter)
Henry, who was a contributor to the
"Land we Love" and other Southern
magazines under her maiden name of
"Ina K. Porter" and the pen-name of
" Ethel Hope "
Hope, F. T. 1J. Frederic William
Farrar (?). The three homes. L. 18-,
Hope, Grandmother Mrs. 1?. D.
Knight. Lottie Wilde's picnic . . . NX
Hope, Thomas, Esq. Jonathan Swift>
D.D, The Swearer's Bank . . . wherein
the medical use of oaths is considered
. . . Dublin, 1721
Hopeful, Gregory. William Mittett
Boase, MD. Confessions of, in the
" Selector; or, Cornish Magazine " Fal-
mouth, 1828
Hophthalmos, Friedrich. Johann
Christoph Friedrich Haug, who began his
literary career as an author by publishing
" Sinngedichte von Friedrich Hophthal-
mos." Frankfort, 1791.
The pseudonym " Hophthalmos " is a jocular
Greek equivalent of his own name (Aug, the
eye, equal to Ophthalmos, and therefore Haug
equal to " Hophthalmos ")•
Hopkins, John. Mrs. Jane Marcet.
Notions on political economy. L. 1838.
Horam, the Son of Asmar. Rev.
James Ridley. The tales of the Genii . . .
L. 1764.
Horatio. John Pickens, who wrote a
number of poetical articles in prose and
verse for the "New England Galaxy,"
some of them imitations of Horace, and
signed "Horatio."
"Horatius. Horace Twiss, Esqt)
Q.C {*). St. Stephen's chapel: a
satirical poem, by ... L. 1807
Hormisdas-Peath, Sir. Jacques
Albm Simon ColUn de Plancy. Voyage
au centre de la Terre . . . Paris, 1821.
Horn, Otto. Adolf Bauerte. Therese
Krones, 1854r-55; and Ferdinand Rai-
mund, 1855. Vienna.
Horn, W. O. v. P. F. W. Oertel
Erzahlungen. Paris, 187-.
Hornbook, Adam. Thomas Cooper,
Alderman Kalph. L. 1850.
Horne, Saxe. Mrs. Helen Jane Woods,
of Montreal, in sketches, etc., contribu-
ted to various periodicals.
Horneni, Horace, Esq. George Gor-
don Noel, Lord Byron. The waltz: an
apostrophic hymn L. 1813.
A satire against dancing, which Byron was
very anxious to suppress
"I fear that a certain malicious publication
on waltzing is attributed to me. This leport, I
suppose, you will take care to contiadict, as the
author, I am suie, would not like that I should
wear his cap and bells.'* — Note in ""Works"
(ed 1850) , p. 456.
Horrible, Sir Hildebrand, The —
of the English, novelists. William
Horse-Dealer, A. Frederick Taylor.
[Recollections of ... L, 1861.
Horst, Ben Edwai d G Fast. The
gentleman of the color . . . Bait. 1870.
Hortensius. Sir William Bolland, in
Dr. Dibdin's "Bibliomania."
Hortensius D. Ramsay^.
Hortensius. William Livingston.
In 1776 et seq.t he published several essays,
under this signature, in the " New Jersey Ga-
zette," a paper established to oppose Rivington's
** Koyal Gazette," which was especially virulent
against the "Don Quixote of the Jeiseys," as it
unceremoniously teimed Gov. Livingston. In
1779, he also wrote under the same signature, in
the "United States Magazine."
. Hortensius Judge George Hay. An
essay on the liberty of the press ... P.
Horns. G. C. Fisher.
Hosmot, Hyton William Deal
Baler, AM. The Saturniad: being a
full and true account of the rise, progress,
and downfall of the Uniyersity of Quil-
sylvama [Pennsylvania]. By ... Trans-
lated by A. Lecutt, Esq P. 1836.
Hospita. Charles Lamb, in his essay
"On the immoderate indulgence of the
pleasures of the palate," contributed to
the "Reflector"
Hotspur. Henry Buck, in the London
"Morning Advertiser" and the "Daily
Telegraph "
Hotspur. Henry Mori Feist, in the
"Daily Telegraph" and "Sporting
Hotspur. M T. Walwortk. Twenty
questions . . . NX 1882.
House Holder, A. Samuel Miles
Hopkins. Letters concerning the gen-
eral health . . . NX 1805.
Housekeeper, A Mrs. John Smith
Confessions <>£••• P- 1^™\
Housset, *Arsdne. Anene Houssaye.
Life in Paris. B. 1875.
Hovey, Wayne. WiUiam Johnston.
Howadjl. George William Curtis.
The Nile notes of .. N.Y. 1867.
Howard. JZoland F+ Coffin.
Howard. Joseph Dewey Fay (the
father of Theodore S Fay), who was an
earnest advocate of the abolition of im-
prisonment for debt, m numerous con-
tributions to the public journals, under
this signature.
Howard. Mordecai Manuel Noah
Essays on domestic economy. Originally
published in the "National Advocate "
Howard, Caroline. Mrs. Caroline
Howard (Gilman G-lover) Jervey. A
strange family L. 1870.
Howard, Daisy. Myra Daisy J/c-
Howard, George, Esq. Lieut. Fran-
cis C. Laird, R.N Lady Jane Grey and
her times ... L 1822
Howard, Harvey. Will S. Faris.
Howard, H. Li Charles Jeremiah
Wells. Joseph and his brethren • a scrip-
tural drama ... L. 1824.— See "Fort-
nightly Rev.," Vol. XVII , pp. 217, 232.
Howard of "The Times." Joseph
Howard, Jr., in his contributions to the
"Press" (P.), etc.
Howe, Henry. Henry Howe Hutchin-
son. A nom de tke'dtre.
Howe, Mary. Jonathan Swift, D D.
A letter to Miss Susannah Neville. 1732.
Hubbell, Myron. William E Mc-
Hudson, Frank George Kimball
Hughson, David, LL.D Edward
Pugh. An epitome of the privileges of
London ... L. 1816.
Hugomont, Edmond Hugh E.
Montgomeiie, author of the novels and
translations which appeared m the " Lit-
erary Garland," Montreal, under this sig-
Hull, Mr. Tom Hill. The "Mr. Hull"
of Theodore Hook's "Gilbert Gurney,"
and the " Paul Pry " of John Poole.
Hum, O., & Co. Frederic Saunders
lafe in New York. Edited [or rather
written] by ... N.Y. 1839.
Humble Expectant of the Promise,
An. Rev. William Burgh, The coming
of the Day of God . . . Dublin,
Humbug, Dr. Joseph Reed. Madrigal
and Trulletta. A mock tragedy . . .
With notes by the author . . . critic and
censor-general. L. 1758.
Humm, Sir Henry. George Alexan-
der Stevens. Distress upon distress ; or,
tragedy in true taste. A heroi-comi-
parodi-tragedi-farci-cal burlesque. In
two acts [and in verse] . . . With anno-
tations . . by Sir H H. and notes . . by
Paulus Purgantius Pedasculus ... L.
Humphries, Jack. Jonathan F.
Kelly, better known by his signatures of
" Falconbridge," "Jack Humphries/'
and " Stampede."
Hun nib ee, Kate. Mrs Laura E.
Li/man, joint author of "Philosophy of
housekeeping." Hartford, 1860
Hunter Pailer Gillmore. Hunter's
adventures in the great West. L. 1871.
Hunter, A. Gapt . Flack. A hunter's ex-
periences in the Southern States. L 1806.
Hunter, Harry. Oi/rus West Field
Hunter, Harry. Henry Gibson.
Hunter, Harry. Jame§ L. Gould.
Hunter, W. Ord. Irving Brown. —
See " Curdle, Cream."
Huntington A. H. Clapp, D.D.
Huntington, Faye. Mrs. I H. Fos-
ter Mrs. Deane's way B 1875.
Huntsman, A. Thomas Assheton
Smith Extracts from the diary of ...
L. 1888.
Huntsman, A Hon. George CJiai/es
Grantley-Fitz-Hai dmge BeiLeleij. Remi-
niscences of . L 186-
Hurlbut, Loammi N , M D. James
Hammond Trumbull, used m a series of
papers in the "Independent" entitled
" Limbus librorum "
Hurlothrumbo. Thomas Simpson,
who " proposed and resolved many que&-
tions in the ' Ladies' Diaries/ sometimes
under his own name and sometimes
under fictitious names, such as * Hurlo-
thrumbo/ 'Kubernetes/ 'Patrick O'Cave-
nah/ 'Marmaduke Hodgson/ 'Anthony
Shallow, Esq / and probably others. —
See ' Diaries ' for 1735-60." — CHALMEHS,
Vol. 28
Hush, Bob. Su fiobert Walpole.
Cameronian Whigs no patriots ; or, some
remarkable exploits of Bob Hush. L.
Hyacinth e, Le pere La Pere Charles
Jean Mane Lot/son. Discours prononce*
au congres de Malines.
Hydrant Chuck J F. Mai tin, in
his contributions to the "Fireman's
Journal" (NY.).
Hydrophilus. Rev. Thomas FenwicL
— See "Blue Bonnet"
Hygeist, The. James Honson, Esq.,
the vender of the "Vegetable Universal
Medicines" commonly known as Mori-
son's pills.
Hyperion. Josiah Qmncy, Jr., m the
" Boston Gazette and Country Journal/'
Sept. 28 and Oct. 5, 1707, and Nov. 25,
I,, C. Cosmo Innes Concerning some
Scotch surnames. Edinb. 1860.
I,, D Duncan Innet, — See " A Lay-
man "
I, G. Geoige Iliff. Chronology in
verse without numbers L. 1855.
I , J. James Incji am, D D. The church
in the middle centuries . . Oxf. 1842
L, W. Rev. William lago, BA In-
fringing the bye-laws, a railway misad-
venture Illustrated by "Phiz," and
signed "W. I" in "London Society"
(holiday number), 1860 Also in contri-
butions to other periodicals.
lago Sir Robeit Walpole lago dis-
play'd. The contents. Chap I, How
Cassio accused lago of corruption, etc
L. 1731 (*).
lanthe. Lady Jane Elisabeth (Digby)
Ellenboi ough, in M. About's "La Grece
contemporame " P. 1855
lanthe. Mrs. Emma Catheune (Man-
ley) Emlmy. Guido, and other poems.
N Y. 182-.
later. Dr John Davis> of Bath An
essay concerning pestilential contagion
. . L. 1748.
'larpos. G D. Yeats^ M.D. A bio-
graphical sketch of the life and writings
of Patrick Colquhoun. L. 1818.
Iconoclast, diaries Bradlaugh New
life of David ... L.
Idamore. Miss Mary Cutts Gron-
dalla : a romance in verse. N.Y. 1868
Idle Scholar, The Miss Julia Hat-
jield. Bryant homestead-book. N.Y.
Idle Woman, An Mrs. Sue (Peti-
gru) King Busy moments of ...
Charleston, 185-.
Idle Woman, An. Mrs. Fiances
(Mmto) Elhot The diary of ... in
Italy. L 1872
Idler Marguerite (Power) Gardiner,
Countess of Blessington. Idler in Italy,
1822-28 L. 1839-40.
Idler, An. George Stillman Hillard,
who wrote for Buckingham's " New Eng-
land Magazine" a series of "Literary
Portraits," the articles " Selections from
the papers of an Idler," etc.
Idler, An. Chevalier Henry Wikoff.
Reminiscences of ... 1823-40. N.Y.
Idstone Rev. Thomas Pearce The
Idstone papers. L. 1872.
Ignatius, Brother, Monfc of the
Order of Saint Benedict. Joseph Ley-
cester Lyne The Catholic Church of
England ... L 1864.
Ignatius, Deacon of the Church of
England. Joseph Leicester Lyne May
a monk serve God m the Church of Eng-
land, or not q Oxf n.d
Ignatius, Father, Passionist Hon.
and Rev. Geoige Spencer. The life of
Blessed Paul of the Cross, translated.
L. 1860.
Ignatius, O S. B. Joseph Leycester
Lyne. The Holy Isle a legend of Bard-
sey Abbey. L. 1870.
Ignoto. Richat d Barnfield.
Ignoto Secondo. James Beresfoid,
m the London « Literary Gazette," 182-.
Ignotus James Franklin Fuller.
Culmshire folk L. 1875.
Ignotus Yen Arthur Blennerhasset
Rowan, D.D., M.RI.A. Letters from
Oxford, with notes by ... Dublin, 1843.
Ignotus. F&ix Platel. Portraits d'
Ignotus. Paris, 1878. These notices
first appeared in "Figaro," under this
Ignotus, Pictor William JBlake.
II Musannif. G F Mackenzie. The
romantic Land of Hind By . . . L.
II Penseroso Geotge Demson Pren-
Ill-used Candidate, An. J. 0. Caley.
Indignant rhymes. L. 1859.
Immortal Molly. Mrs. Mary Fowle,
of Cambridge, England.
*' Being in her younger years long a celebrated
toast, she was distinguished in the University
"by the name of the 'Immortal Molly,* which
occasioned the following epigram by the Rev.
Hans JDe Veil
« Is Molly Fowle immortal? No.
Yes but she is. I'll prove her so.
She's fifteen now, and was, I know,
Fifteen full years ago.' "
Impartial Bystander, An. John
Speed, M.D. An I. B/s review of the
controversy concerning the wardenship of
Winchester College. L. 1759.
Impartial Frenchman, An. Thomas
Pichon. Genuine letters and memoirs
relating to ... the islands of Cape
Breton ... L. 1760.
Impartial Hand, An. John Towne.
The argument of the Divine legation
fairly stated ... L. 1751.
Impartial Hand, An. Samuel John-
son A compleat vindication of the licen-
sers of the stage . . . L. 1739.
Impartial Hand, An Rev. John
Hildrop. The conternpt of the clergy
considered . . L. 1739
Impartial Hand, An Dr. John
MitckelL The contest in America, be-
tween Great Britain and Prance ... By
... L 1757
Impartial Hand, An, Sir Richard
Steele The D— n of W— r (i e , Francis
Hare, Bean of Worcester) still the same
. . . L. 1720.
Also attributed to Rev. Benjamin Hoadly
Impartial Hand, An. Richaid Raw-
lmson,LLD. The English topographer
. . By ... L. 1720.
Impartial Hand, An. Peter King,
Lord KLmg. An enquiry into the con-
stitution ... of the primitive Church . . .
L. 1691
Impartial Hand, An. Daniel Turner,
The tashionabie daughter ... By ...
L. 1774
Impartial Hand, An. Isaac Kiviber.
The history of England, from the earliest
acccrants to . . George II. ... L. 1746.
Impartial Hand, An. Richard Row-
lands. History of the lives and reigns of
the kings of Scotland . . . Dublin,
Impartial Hand, An Rev. James
Murray. The history of religion By
. . . L. 1764.
Impartial Hand, An. Sir Jolm Hill,
M.D The history of a woman of qual-
ity; or, the adventures of Lady Frail
[i.e., Anne, Viscountess Vane]. By . .
L. 1751.
Impartial Hand, An. George Goad,
Jr , of Exeter. A letter to the Honour-
able the Lords Commissioners of Trade
and Plantations ... L 1747
Impartial Hand, An. Andrew Hen-
derson The life of John [Dalrymple,
2d] Earl of Stair ... By ... L
Impartial Hand, An. Rev. Thomas
Cox, of Broomfield3 Esses. Magna
Britannia et Hibernia ... In the
Impartial Hand, An. Rev. Francis
Hare A new defence of [Hoadly] the
Lord Bishop o£ JSangor's sermon . L
Impartial Hand, An. William Duff.
A new and full critical, "biographical,
and geographical history of Scotland . . .
L 1740.
Impartial Hand, AD. Rev. Thomas
Allen. A proposal for a free and unex-
pensive election of Parliament ... By
... L.1753.
Impartial Hand, An. Dorothea Went'
worth. Remarks on the second volume
of the memoirs of Mrs. Pilkington . . .
By ... Dublin, 1749.
Impartial Hand, An. Thomas For-
croft. The ruling and ordaining power
of Congregational bishops . . B 1724.
Impartial Hand, Who was an Eye-
Witness to most of the Facts, An.
And:eiu Rendejson. The history of the
Rebellion, 1745 and 1740 . . . Edinb.
Impartial Inquirer, An. R. Casway.
A. miscellaneous metaphysical essay.
L. 1748.
Also ascribed to James Ralph.
Impartial Reviewer, An. Thomas
O'Gonnoi. The Inquisition examined . .
NTT. 1825.
Impartialist, An. Samuel Adams, on
Hobinbon's assault on James Otis, in the
"Boston Gazette/' Sept. 25, 1769.
Impressed New Yorker, An. Wil-
liam G Stevenson. Thirteen months in
the rebel army . . . 1861-62. NX 1862.
Inchlquin Robert Southey, m his con-
tributions to the "Quarterly Eeview"
(L 1814), etc.
Inchlquin, th.e Jesuit Charles Jared
Ingersoll. Indriquin's letters. P. 1809,
Incognitas, Richardns. Richard
Brash. An address to the people of the
British Dominions ... L. 1825.
Inconnue, IA J/rs. L. Wiginia
(Smith) Fiench. Kcrmrood ; or, after
many days . . , Louisville, Ky., 1808.
Incumbent of the English Church,
Nairn, An. Rev. William West. The
position of the English Church in Scot-
land . . By ... Edinh. 1806
Indagator. John Canton. On the
magnetic needle, in. the "Gent. Mag.,"
September, 1761, p. 397 ; and November,
1761, p. 497.
Indagator. diaries Clarice, Esq. Re-
markable particulars in our ancient
parochial churches. "Gent. Mag,/'
August, 1787, p. 661.
Indagator Roffensis. Charles Clarke,
Esq. His signature to a description of
Woldham Church, m the "Gent. Mag."
for July, 1789, p 589.
Independent, An Josiali Quincij, Jr ,
in the "Boston Gazette/' Feb. 12 and
26, 1770.
Independent Freeholder, An. Thom-
as Thirlwall. A calm and dispassionate
address to Sir Francis Burdett, Bart. . .
n.p. 1804.
Independent Observer, An. J.. Red-
foord. Union necessary to security . . .
"By . , . Dublin, 1800,
Independent Voter, An. Rowland
Hunt. UTree thoughts on the late con-
tested election for the borough of Shrews-
bury. Shrewsbury, 1806.
Independent Whig, An. John Al-
mon, in the London " Gazette," 1760 et
Index, Q. P. William McCnllis Gris-
wold. Indexes to the " International Re-
view,'' etc. Bangor, 1880.
Indian Agent, An. Henry W. De
Puy. Mishaps of an Indian agent con-
victed of not plundering the Indians.
Albany, 1863
Indian Journalist, An. William
Knighton, LL.D. Tropical sketches ; or,
reminiscences of ... L. 1855.
Indian Official, An R. H. Holling-
bery. A handbook on gold and silver.
L. 1878.
Indian Official, An. Maj.-Gen. Sir
William Henry Sleeman, K.Q.B. Ram-
bles and recollections of . . L. 1844.
Indian Official, An. Gen, Sir Orfeur
Cavenagh. Reminiscences ... L. 1884.
Indianian, An. James Whitcomb. The
other side of "Facts for the People," hi
relation to a " Protective Tariff," by ...
Indicus. Major Evans Bell. The
rajah and principality of Mysore. L.
Indigina. Mrs. Adelaide Me Cord.
Indiglna. Mrs Dolores A. (Fuertos
Menken Heenen) Newell.
Indignatio. Rev. Henry Taylor. Con-
fusion worse confounded , rout on rout ;
or, the Bishop of G — r's [Gloucester]
commentary on Rice Evans's "Echo
from Heaven," examined and exposed.
By ... L. 1772.
Indophilus. , 8ir diaries Edward Tre-
velyan and another. Correspondence re-
lating to the establishment of an Oriental
college in London ... L. 1858.
Infidel Mathematician, An. Dr.
Halley. The analyst; or, a discourse
addressed to ... By the author of "The
Minute philosopher" [G. Berkeley,
Bishop of Cloyne], L. 1734.
Ingenuus. Thady Fitzpatrick. — See
"T. F."
Ingham, Col. Frederic. Edward
Everett Hale. The Ingham papers. B.
Ingoldsby. James Hildyard, B.D.
The Ingoldsby letters, in reply to the
bishops in convocation and to the House
of Lords, on the revision of the Book of
Common Prayer. L. 1862-63.
Ingoldsby, Thomas, Esquire. Rich-
ard Harris Barham, B.A . The Ingoldsby
legends ; or, mirth and marvels ... L.
Inhabitant, An. F. K. Robinson. A
glossary of Yorkshire words and phrases
. . L. 1855.
Inhabitant, An. Thomas Thaxter.
A narrative of the proceedings in the
north parish of Hingham from the time
of Dr Ware's leaving it to the ordination
of Rev. Joseph Richardson and Mr.
Henry Coleman. By ... Salem, 1807.
Inhabitant, An. Henry Powna/L
Some particulars relating to the history
of Epsom . . . Epsom, 1825.
Inhabitant of Boston, An. Andrew
Newell (2). Darkness at noon; or, the
great solar eclipse of the 16th of June,
1806 ... B. 1806.
Inhabitant of Florida, An. Z.
Kingsley. A treatise on the patriarchal
system of society ... in America . . .
Inhabitant of New England, An.
Timothy Dwight, D.D. Kemarks on the
review of Inchiquin's letters published in
the "Quarterly Review" ... B. 1815.
Also ascribed to Jedidiah Morse, D.D.
Inhabitant of the Province, An.
Calvin Hatheway. Sketches of New
Brunswick ... St. John, 1825.
Inhabitant of the State of Mary-
land, An. Rev. Charles Henry Wharton,
D D. A poetical epistle to his excel-
lency George Wasliington . . . from . . ,
L. 1780.
Inigo. Cfiarles Henry Webb.
Injured Lady, The. Jonathan Swift,
D D. The story of ... Being a true
picture of Scotch perfidy, Irish poverty,
and English partiality. L. 1746
Inkle, Mr. Christopher Anstey. An
election ball, in poetical letters from . . .
at Bath to his wife at Gloucester . . .
Bath, 176-.
Innsly, Owen. Miss Lucy W. Jenni-
son. Love poems and sonnets. By . . .
B. 1881.
Inquirer. A.P.Happer. A letter to
Prof. Friedrich Max Mueller on the
sacred books of China. By ... 1880.
Inquirer, An. James Jackson Jarves.
The confessions of ... B. 1867
Inquirer, The. William Atkinson.
The guilt of Democratic scheming fully
proved against the Dissenters . . . By
... L. 1802.
Inspector, The. Sir John Mll,vrho
wrote "The Inspector" for two years in
the "Daily Advertiser," 1761-53.
Inspector, The. Sir John Hid, M.D.
Letters from ... to a lady, with the gen-
uine answers ... L. 1752. (Letters
signed " J. H." and the answers "B.")
Instar omnium. Samuel Adams. So
termed by Gov. Hutchinson in a letter to
Pownall. 1771
Intimate Friend of his, An Rev
Richard Graves. Recollection of some
particulars in the life of the late William
Shenstone, Esq , in a series of letters
from . L. 1788
Invalid, An. Hemy Mattheus, Esq.
The diary of . . in 1817-19. L. 1820 ^
Invalid, An Harriet Martineau. Life
in the sick-room, essays. L. 1844.
Invalid, An. Fiederic Townsend (?)
Musings of . . N.Y. 185-.
Invalid, An. Hon Robert Fulke Che-
ville Outlines selected from the blotting
book of... 1825.
Invalid, An. W. B. Aspinall San
Remo as a winter residence. By . .
1862-65. L. 1865.
Invalid, An. John Sirang, Esq., LL D.
Travelling notes of . . . in search of
health, first published in the " Glasgow
Herald," but separately in 1863
Investigator. Jacob Barker. The
Rebellion; its consequences ... By ...
New Orleans, 1866.
Investigator. Daniel Oliver. Re-
marks on a pamphlet entitled "Prof.
Hale and Dartmouth College." 1846.
Investigator. Samuel Wheeler. The
triangle ... N.Y 1832
lolo Fardd Glas. Edward Williams,
the well-known Welsh bard and writer.
Ion. Eugene Kmgman, in his contribu-
tions to the " Baltimore Sun."
lone Mrs Mart/ Elizabeth (Moore
Hewitt) Stebbins. Her earlier poems ap-
peared in the "Knickerbocker Maga-
jzine" and other periodicals under this
pen-name, and in Boston, in 1845, she
published a volume entitled "Songs of
our Land, and other Poems." Her name
was originally Jane L. Moore
Iota. Rev. Joseph Jefferson, of Basing-
broke (Hants ), in his contributions to
the "Gent. Mag." {L.}, etc.
Iota. Dr. John Francis Waller (?).
Adventures of a Protestant in search of
a religion. Dublin, 186-.
Iota. John JSarland. Stray leaves
collected for the "Athenaeum Bazaar."
Manchester, 1843.
Ipolperroc. Jonathan Couch, in the
"Imperial Magazine" and the "Pam-
phleteer," 1819 et $eq.
Iredale, John. B. B. Vallentine, in
Ms contributions to "Puck" (N.Y.).
Irenaeus. Jtev. Samuel Irenmus Prime,
author of " The old white meeting-house ;
or, reminiscences of a country congrega-
tion," N.Y, 1845,- also in his contribu-
tions to the «N".Y. Observer," etc.
Irenicus. Joseph Besse. The doctrine
of the people called Quakers, in relation
to bearing arms and fighting . . . L
Irish Adopted Citizen, An George
G Collins. Fifty reasons why the Hon-
orable Henry Clay should be elected
President of the United States Bait.
Irish Archivist, An. John T Gilbert.
On the history, position, and treatment
of the public records of Ireland. L.
Irish Bachelor, An. — Abbot The
freaks of Cupid a novel . L. 1845
Irish Catholic, An. Wilham James
MacNeven An argument for independ-
ence, in opposition to an union . .
By. . Dublin, 1799.
Irish Catholic, An. James Warren
Doyle. Essay on education and the
state of Ireland Dublin, 1880.
Irish Catholic, An Wilhaw Bullen.
A memoir of the Union. By . . Dub-
lin, 1843
Irish Catholic. Whig, An. Charles
0. Gorman. An I C. W. to his fellow-
countrymen in the United States. Prov.
Irish Charles Dickens, The Mrs.
May Laffan Hartley
Irish Country Gentleman, An. Wil-
liam Parnell. An inquiry into the causes
of popular discontents in Ireland . . .
L 1804.
Irish Dignitary, An. Rev. Thomas
Lewis O'Beirne A letter ... on the sub-
ject of tithes in Ireland L 1807,
Irish Gentleman, An. Thomas Wai-
ford. The scientific tourist through Ire-
land ... By ... L. 1818.
Irish Gentleman,- An. Thomas Moot e.
Travels of ... in search of a religion.
L, 1833
Irish Lady, An Mrs. J. It. Greer.
Vindication of friends ... P. 1852.
Irish Land Owner, An Thomas
Martin. A plan for the settlement of
the question of the sale and transfer,
mortgage and registration of land 2d
ed, Dublin, 1862.
Irish National Journalist, An
Richard Pigott. Personal recollections
of ... Dublin, 1882
Irish Peasant Poet, The. C. P.
0' Conor.
Irish Police Magistrate, An. Henry
Robert Addison. Recollections of ... £.
Irish Sennachy, An. Edward Smyth.
Mercer. The Mercer chronicle ... L.
Irish. Traveller, An Rithai d Twiss,
in Beloe's " Sexagenarian " Vol. II , p.
52 2d ed. L. 1818
Irish. Traveller, An Mr. Synge. A
biographical sketch of the struggles of
Pestalozzi . . Dublin, 1815
Irish Whiskey-Drinker John Shee-
Jian. The Irish Whiskey-Drinker papers
L 1868 Also his contributions to
"Temple Bar," etc.
Irishman, An Thomas Moore Cor-
ruption and intolerance : two poems . .
L 1808-9.
Irishwoman, An Miss Anna Pei-
nei The Irishman. L. 1866 Repub-
lished from the "Englishwoman's Do-
mestic Magazine "
Irner. Bon Louis Henn Martin and
•another. Wolfthurm. Pans, 1830.
Ironculus Lord H. Spencer His
signature to letter and poem in the "Mi-
crocosm," published at Eton College,
Irondequoit Francis Tt evelyan
Buckland, in his contributions to the
<" Examiner" (N.Y.).
Ironside, Nestor Sir Richard Steele,
•as one of the editors of the '« Guardian."
L 1713.
Ironside, Nestor, Esq. Dr. Samuel
Groscall. Another original canto of
Spencer . L. 1714.
Irragnticonnor John C. Hennessy,
in the " Celtic Monthly "
Irritable Man, An Robert "Barry
Coffin Matrimonial infelicities. N.Y
Irving, Helen W. Miss Anna H. Phil-
lips Her first poem, "Love and fame,"
appeared in the N.Y. "Home Journal,"
Irving, Henry. John Henry Brodribb
Irving Now. de theatre
Isa Mrs. Isa (Craig) Knor, whose
poems in the " Scotsman," signed
-"Isa," attracted attention, and led to
her being placed on the staff of that
Isaac, JJord Bishop of Worcester.
Isaac Madox, D.D. A sermon . . .
"before , . . the . . . governors of the
hospital for the small-pox and for inocu-
lation . . March 6, 1752 By ... L.
Isabel Mis Anna Cora (Oyden
Mowatt) Ritchie) who gained some liter-
ary celebrity under the assumed titles of
"Isabel" and "Helen Berkley," and a
still wider reputation by her works under
her own name
Isabel William Gilmore Simms. Pe-
layo , or, the cavern of Covadonga : a
romance [in verse] 1ST Y. 1836.
Isaline Janet De La Touche Jean-
nie , or, the flower of Glenburnie. L.
Ishmael Josmh Hai ? is. The pulpit
ot Cornwall- its preachers, and their
teachings Penzancet 1859.
Isidore Isidoie G. Ascher, B.C.L.,
a Canadian poet. "For some years he
had been known as the author of many
poetical pieces , among which were some
beautiful and tender lyrics, which had
appeared in the provincial press, under
his Christian name " Isidore "
Islander Alexander JEferzen, a Rus-
sian litterateur and politician, who, while
writing under the censorship of the Czar
until his fiftieth year, published his works
under this pseudonym, — the Turkish
translation of his Christian name, Alex-
Israelite, An. George Houston. Israel
vindicated . . . N.Y. 1820.
Signed " Nathan Joseph."
It matters Not Who. Rev. Edward
Nates, BD Heraldic anomalies By
... L. 1823.
Italian, An Charles JSatmetti Voy-
age to Mexico and Havanna . By . .
N Y. 1841
Italian Nun, An William Coombe,
Esq Letters of . L 1789.
Ithuriel Clarence Hopper, in his con-
tributions to " Notes and Queries " (L.),
Itinerant, An. Abel Stevens, D.D.,
LL D. Sketches and incidents : a
budget from the saddle-bags of ...
Its Present Owner. Colonel Thomas
Wildman Newstead Abbey . its present
owner, with reminiscences of Lord Byron.
L. 1857.
Ixion. Llewelyn jff Johnson, the earli-
est *' champion " amateur bicycle racer
in America
Ixion Leon N. Salmon.
Izak. John Isaac Ira Adams., in the
Boston " Republican," in 1857.
Izaac, Ikabod. G. S. Stelbins. My
satchel and I; or, literature on foot,
Springfield, Mass., 187-.
J., A. Alexander Justice. A general
treatise of monies and exchanges . . .
1707.— See " A Well-wisher to Trade."
J., A , and R. A. Absalom Jones and
Richard Allen. A narrative of the pro-
ceedings of the black people during the
late awful calamity in Philadelphia, in
the year 1793. P. 1794.
J., C. G. Jacob. An epitome of Mr.
Gunton's History of Peterborough Cathe-
dral. By . . . llth ed. Peterborough,
J., C Rev. Charles Jenner, The man of
family... L. 1771.
J., C A. C. A. Jones. S. John the
Evangelist's day; or, the martyrdom of
the will... L. 1859.
J., D. David Jones. The history of
the house of Brunswick Lunenburgh . .
J., D. W. Douglas William Jerrold, in
the London "Belle Assembled," 1824,
and other periodicals.
J, E. Edward Jarvis, M.D. "Law
of physical life," in the "Christian Ex-
aminer " for September, 1843.
J., E. Miss E. Jolly. The life and
letters of Sydney Dobell. Ed. by ...
L. 1878
J., E. A. E. A. Jackson. Christine
Thornton; or, who is my neighbor?
N.Y. 1870.
J. E. S James Carnegie, Earl of
Southesk. Hermirrius . a romance . . .
Edinb. 1862.
J., G. Giles Jacob. An historical
account of the lives and writings of our
most considerable English poets ... L.
J. G. J.— See "A Member of the
Philadelphia Bar."
J., G. W. G. W. Jordan. New obser-
vations concerning the colours of thin
transparent bodies . . L. 1800.
J. H. Dems Florence M'Carthy Jus-
tina : a play . . Trans, by ... L. 1848.
J , J Rev. Joseph Jefferson, of Basing-
broke (Hants.), in his contributions to
the "Gent. Mag." (L.), etc.
J. K. Jj. James Warren Doyle, It. C.,
Bishop of Kildare and Leighiin. Let-
ters on the state of education in Ireland,
and on Bible societies . . . Dublin, 1824.
J, lj. J. Louis J. Jennings, formerly
London correspondent of the " World "
J,, 31, Mary Jenkins. A guide to
star-gazing ... L. 1861.
J , JVC. E. M. Maigaret Elisabeth Mary
Jones. Ismael and Cassander; or, the
Jew and the Greek ... L.
J., M J. Maria Jane Jewsbury. Phan-
tasmagoria ... L. 1825.
J. O. Matthew James Higgins. The
story of the Mhow court-martial (L.
1864) ; reprinted from the " Cornbill
J. O. Y. Mi 9 S.S Black. Bamblmg
chats and chatty ramblings ... N.Y.
J., R. Richard Jefferies, The game-
keeper at home. L. 1878.
J., B. B Robert Baker Jones. The
vision of Mary ; or, a dream of joy . . .
J., S. Samuel Johnson Ad Urbanum.
A copy of Latin verses, in March, 1738,
addressed to Sylvanus Urban [Edward
Cave], the editor " Gent. Mag./' March,
J , S. Stephen Jones. The history of
Poland from its origin as a nation to the
commencement of the year 1796 ... L..
J., S. Mis. Sarah (Jackson Davis)
Tappan Letters to a young Christian.
By ... N.Y 1851.
J S of Dale. Frederick Jesup Stim-
son. Guerndale N Y. 1882.
J , S. Ij. JSaraJi L. Jones. Life in the
South... L. 1863.
J. T-, Esq. John Wilson Croker. An
intercepted letter from Canton . . . Dub-
lin, 1804.
J. V. Zf. Joseph Veazie. Asphalt. Its.
preparation and application. B 1875
J., W. W. Jordan. Extracts from a
journal kept during a voyage from Phil-
adelphia to Calcutta . . . Serampore, 1812.
J., W. S. W. S. Jordan, of San Fran-
cisco, Cal., in his contributions to vari-
ous periodicals.
J***, M. Thomas Jefferson. Observa-
tions sur la Virginie. Par . . . Paris,
J — M — 3ST, E. E. Jarmain. An inva-
lid's pastime ... L.
J — 11. Joseph Jekyll. See Lamb's
" Elia." — « The Old Bencher of the Inner
J — n, M. J. Mrs. Mary J. Jour dan.
Mind's mirror: poetical sketches . . .
Edinb. 1856.
J— pli— n, R— ph, of tbe Inner Tem-
ple. Ralph Jephson. The expounder
expounded ... L. 1740.
J— 's, H— d, Esq. Ili/debrajid Jacob,
Esq. The curious maid. L 17-.
Jabez Clement Mansjield Ingleby,
MA., LLD., in "Notes and Queries"
(L ), January, 1877.
Jablousky, Boleslaw. Karl Eugen
Tupy. Liebesheder 1841
Jacia. John Ciane. Remarks on
coinage. L 1859.
Jack, Cannibal. Chailes Beach.
Way to win L. 18-.
Jackson., Josephine. Mrs. C. B.
Jackson, Stephen, Esq, of The
Flatts, Malham Moor James Henry
Dixon, LL D. Chronicles and stories of
the Craven Bales L. 1881.
First contnbuted to the pages of a small
monthly publication issued at Skipton, 1853-57 ,
afterward published in book form with the
author's name
Jackson, "Stonewall." Thomas J.
" There is General Bee who, in addressing his
own men at Bull Run, likened Thomas Jonathan
Jackson to a 'stone wall', and Woidswoith,
who in his lines on Chatterton seems to ha\ e hit
the popular view with his ' marvellous boy '
better than Byron with his ' mad genius'; and
Douglas Jerrold, who transmuted Ohailes into
' Good ' Knight , and Hogg, the « Ettnck Shep-
herd.* who found a synonym in 'Ebony ' for Mr.
Blackwood . . and Scott, the originator of the
phrase ' The Crafty,' in application to Archibald
Constable, and he who gave to his school-fel-
lows, James and John Ballantyne, the redoubta-
hlo names of two characters in Caiey's 'Chio-
nonhotonthologos,' ' Aldiborontiphoscophoi mo '
and ' Rigdum Funmdos.'" — Bee " Gent. Mag,"
for January, 1883, p. 89.
Jacob, L/ord Bishop of Quebec.
Jacob Mountain. A sermon ... at Que-
bec ... January 10th, 1799 ... By . .
Quebec, 1799.
Jacob Omnium's Hoss William
Makepeace Thackeray. Bow Street bal-
lads, No. II. "Punch," Dec. 9, 1848.
Jacob, P L , bibliophile, Paul La-
croix. Curiositcs de histoire de France.
Paris, 1858
Jacobstaff. George B. Eaton.
Jacqueline. Mrs. Josephine It Hos-
Uns. Love's stratagem, in the " South-
ern Monthly/' Memphis, 1861,
Jacques Jacques Claude Demoqeot, in
"Contes et Causeries" (Paris, 1862).
Jacques, Cousin. Louis Abel Bejfroy
de Reigny. La petite Nanette. Pans,
Jahnsenykes, The Late Rev. Wil-
liamson, MJ.D William Jenls, D.D.
Memoir of the Northern Kingdom, A.D.
1872 . . . Quebeck, 1901 [B. 1808],
Jake, Uncle. Robert W. Me Alpine.
Jamaica Proprietor, A. Charles
Edwaid Long. Negro emancipation no
philanthropy ... L. 1830.
Jambon, Jean. John Hay Atholl Mac-
donald. OurtnptoBlunderland. L. 1877.
James, Uncle. James RodweU. The
rat ; its history ... L. 1858.
James, S. T. Horace E. Scudder.
Stones from my attic. N Y. 1869.
Jamie, Daft. James Wilson. A la-
conic narrative of the life and death of
. . . known by the name of Daft Jamie
[With] . . . anecdotes relative to him
and his old friend, Roby Awl [E. Kirk-
wood], Edina [Edinb.], 1829.
Jamie the Poeter. James Hogg.
Jamot, B. B. Joseph Thomayer. Na-
tur und Menschen. 1880,
Jane. Mis. Mary E. (Moore) Hewitt,
who contributed many of her " Songs of
our Lord and other Poems " to various
periodicals under this pen-name.
Jane, Paul. Adolphe van Soust de
Borkenfeldt. L'anne'e sanglante. 1871.
Janetta Mrs. Janetta (Scott) Nor-
web. The memoirs of Janetta: a tale,
alas, too true. L. 181 -.
Janus. Dr. Johann Joseph Ignaz von
I)ollmger> in numerous works upon relig-
ious topics.
Janus. Johann Nepomuk Huber. Das
Papstthum und der Staat Munich, 1870.
Janus Junius Eoganesius. John
Toland, his signature to the preface of
one of his works. His Christian name
•was Janus Junius ; but the boys making
a jest of it, the master ordered him to be
called John, which name he retained ever
after. " Eoganesius " was the name of
his country, Inis-Eogan being the place
of his birth.
Japanese Traveller, A.. Laurence
Oliphant Moral reflections by .. in the
"North American Keview," N.Y. 1877.
Signed " Sionara."
Japheth. Theodore Dehon. Cause
and cure . . Charleston, S.C,, 1868.
Jaques J. Ham Fnswell, in his con-
tributions to the "Evening Star" (L.
Jarvie, Mchol. William McDonald
Wood, in the "Brooklyn Times "
Jarvis, Geofiry. Elizabeth Uamihon^
Memoirs of modern philosophers. Bath,
Jasper. JS. P. Robinson.
Jaunt, Jeremy, George (?) Mogridge,
who, under this signature, contributed
papers to the " Birmingham and Lichfield
Jay, W. M. I*. Miss Julia Louisa
Matilda Woodruff. Holdeu with cords
. . . N.Y. 1874.
Jayhawker. CoL J. H. Woodaid, in
his contributions to the " Cincinnati En-
quirer "
Jeames. William Makepeace Thack-
eray. The diary of C. Jeames de la
Pluche, Esq., contributed to "Punch."
Jeames, Mr. William Makepeace
Thackeray. Sentiments on the Cambridge
election. "Punch," March 6, 1847.
Jeames of Buckley Square. Wil-
liam Makepeace Thackeray. A lucky
speculator, etc., in " Punch," 1845.
Jeames, G. P. R., Esq. Wil-
liam Makepeace Thackeray. Barbazure
"Punch/' July, 1847.
Jean, Father James Beat, in his
contributions to the "Echo" (L }
Jean, J. de. John Frazer. Poems
by ... Dublin, 18-.
Jean Jacques. Jean Jacques Rous-
Jean Paul. Jean Paul Friedrich Rich-
ter, in his earlier publications.
** But I return to our history and place myself
amongst the dead, for all are out of the world
Tvho saw me come into it. My father was called
John Cbiistian Christopher Richtei, and was
Tertius (master of the thhd class at a gymna-
sium) and organist in Wunsiedel. My mother,
•who was the daughtei of the cloth-weaver, John
Paul Kuhn, in Hof, was named Sophia Rosina.
The day after my hhth I was baptized by the
senior Apel. One godfather was the above-
mentioned John Paul, and the other John Fied-
enc Theime, a book-bmdei, who did not know
at that time to what quantities of his own handi-
craft he lent his name. From these two spon-
sors was the name of Jean Paul Frederic shot
together. The grandfatherly half I translated
Into Jean Paul, and have thereby gained a name,
the reasons for which shall be fully made known
in future lectures." — Autobiography.
I call him frequently Jean Paul, without add-
ing his surname, both because all Germany gives
him that appellation,, as an expression of affec-
tion for his person, and because he has himself
sometimes assumed it in the title-pages to his
works. —
Jean Pierre. S. W. Cooper, in his
contributions to the "Evening Bulletin "
(P.), etc.
Jean-sans-peur. Hippolyte Babou.
L'homme k la lanterne. Paris, 1868
Jeanne Marie Jeanne Mane von <7a?/-
ette-Georgens. Sich selbst erobert. Ein
M&dchenroman. 1873.
Jefferson. Mathew Carey. Examina-
tion of the Charleston (S.C.) Memorial.
P. 1827.
Jefferson. J. 8. Richardson. Speech
in opposition to disunion, convention,
and nullification. Charleston, 1830.
Jehan, Dr., of the Hall Ryal. John
Jamieson, D.D. A new Bannatyne gar-
land: compylit be ... Imprentit at
Sanet Paulis Wark, at Zule, in the pres-
ent zeir. MDCCCXXVUI.
Jehu, Junior. T. Gibson Bowles, ed-
itor of " Vanity Pair" (L.), in his weekly
biographies contributed to that sheet.
Jenkins, S Joshua E. D. Taylor
Jenks, Jacquetta Agneta Mariana,
of Belgrove Priory in Wales, Wtl-
ham Beckford, Azemia . . a novel
L. 1797.
Jenny Maria. Ce'lme Rcnai d. Monde
et solitude. Paris, 1878.
Jepphi, Recos. Joseph Price. Min-
isterial almanack ... L 1783.
Jepsoa, King. Henry Jepwn Latham.
Among the Mormons San Fran. 188-.
Jermyn, Dud. Walter R Benjamin.
Jerry, Uncle. Mrs. Anne (Emerson)
Porter. Letters to young mothers. B.
Jessamine, James. Bryan Waller
Procter -, in the London "Literary Ga-
Jesse, Uncle. C. E. Babb Talks
about the war. Cin. 187-.
Jeune moraliste, Le ISmile 'Das-
champs. Le jeune moraliste Paris, 1826.
Jinks, Joshua Jedidiah W. B.
Dick. Uncle Josh's trunk-full of fun.
N.T. 187-.
Joannes, Count. George Jones. His-
tory of ancient America. N.Y. 18<13.
Jobber, A. Daniel Defoe. The anat-
omy of Exchange Alley ; or, a system of
stock-jobbing . . L 1719.
Jobbry, Archibald. John Gait. The
member : an autobiography ... L. 1832.
Johannes Catholicus. John Rutty.
An essay towards a contrast between
Quakerism and Methodism . . . Bristol,
" John. John Wesley Beach, in numer-
ous letters contributed to the "Sun"
John. Sampson Sandys. John's let-
ter to Damo Europa, expostulating
against being called a coward. L. 1871.
John, Archbishop of Tuam. John
McHale, D.D , in several letters on the
questions of the Church Establishment
and Education.
John, Corporal. Charles P. 0* Conor.
Songs for soldiers. L. 1884. First pub-
lished in William Fieldson's journal
week after week.
John, Don. Jean Ingelow. Of£ the
Skelligs. L. 1873.
John Earl of Stair. John Dalrymple,
5th Earl of Stair. The state of the
national debt, the national income, and
the national expenditure ... By ...
Edinb. 1777.
John, Junior, Thomas Gibson Bowles,
editor of the " London Vanity Fair/'
John, Uncle. Elisha Noi/ce. The
boy's book of industrial information.
N.Y 1858.
John, Uncle. John Aifan. Children's
album of pretty pictures, with stories.
N.Y 18-.
John, Uncle. J. J. Fuller. Uncle
John's flower-gatherers . . . N.Y. 1869.
John, Uncle Edioin 0. Chapman, in
" Our Boys' Own Stories." N.Y 1879
John At Stiles. John Dowdall. Tra-
ditionary anecdotes of Shakespeare.
Collected in Warwickshire in the year
1693 . . L. 1838.
John of Enon. David Benedict, D D.
The watery war: a poetical description
of the existing controversy between the
Pedobaptists and Baptists ... B. 1808.
John, of Manchester. John Bos-
icorth, as editor of the " Sailor, the Sin-
ner, and the Saint: the eventful life of
George Viney, late of Manchester " (L.
John of York. John H. Tobin, in
the " Old New York Spirit."
John, Gabriel. Thomas ITUr/ey.
Essay towards the theory of the intelli-
gible world intuitively considered, n.p.,
Johnson, Abraham. Dr. John Hill.
Lucina sine concubitu ... L. 1760.
Also attributed to Rev. H Coventry.
Johnson, Benjamin F. James Whit-
comb fiiley. The Old Swimmin' Hole.
Indianapolis, 1883.
Jonah. John P. Wetmore. An. Ameri-
can bicycler.
Jonathan, Brother. Octavius Blewitt.
Jonathan, Uncle. Jonathan Badgley.
English Grammar, taught in plain, famil-
iar conversations, by ... TJtica, N.Y.,
Jones, Cupid. Frank S. Saltus, in
his contributions to the " Clipper" (N. Y.).
Jones, Ignatius. Graham A Worth.
Jones, Mrs. Jane. Jenny Diver.
Jones, Major Joseph. William The-
odore Thompson. Major Jones's court-
ship. P. 1844.
Jones, T. Percy. William JZdmons-
toune Aytoun. Firmilian ; or, the student
of Badajoz : a spasmodic tragedy . . .
Edinb. 1854.
Jones, Thomas. Charles Bright and
others. The Hamlet controversy? . . .
L. 1867.
Jones, Trinity, or, Jones of Nay-
land. William Jones, of Nayland.
The Catholic doctrine of the Trinity
^proved . . . 1756.
Jonquil* J. L. Collins. "Was she
engaged ... P. 1875.
Jorrocks, Mr. John Robert Smith
Surtees. Jorrock's jaunts and jollities.
L. 1859.
Joseph, Uncle Joseph Banks. The
trip to the Great Exhibition of Barnabas
Blandydash and family. By . . . L 1851.
Joseph, Nathan. George Houston. —
See "An Israelite."
Josephus, Jr. Joseph Barry. The
annals of Harper's Ferry, from . . . 1794
to ... 1869 . . . Hagerstown, Md.,
Josh, Uncle. Otis Whitcomb, of Swan-
sea, N.H., in the original play entitled
"Joshua Whitcomb."
Joslyn, Major Jep. J. E. P. Doyle.
Josslyn, Jeflf. J. E. Ferguson. Wash-
ington correspondent of "Texas Sift-
Journalist, A. Samuel JR. Hammond
and Lewis W* Mansfield. Country mar-
gins and summer rambles of ... N.Y.
Journalist, A. Charles T. Congdon.
Reminiscences of ... B. 1880.
Journey-man, A Charles F. Black"
"burn. A continental tour of eight days
for forty-four shillings. L. 1879.
Journeyman Engineer, The. Thomas
Wright. Johnny Robinson: the story
of ... an "Intelligent Artisan." By ...
L. 1868.
Journeyman Mason, A. Hugh Mil-
ler. Poems written in the leisure hours
of ... Inverness, 1829.
Journeyman Printer, A. CJiarles
Mariby Smith. The working man's way
in the world ; or, the autobiography of a
Journeyman Printer. L. 1853.
Journeyman Tailor, A. P. D Holt-
haus. "Wanderings of ... through Eu-
rope and the East, 1824-40. N.Y. 1842.
Joyeuse, Vyvian. Wmthrop Mack~
worth Praed, in his contributions to
"Knight's Quarterly Magazine " (L.).
Judy, Aunt. Mrs. Margaret (Scott)
Gatty. The fairy godmothers, and other
tales. L. 1851.
Jugg, M. T. Joseph Howard , Jr., in
the New York '« Herald/'
Jules. Jean Joseph Gamier. Traite*
du change. Paris, 1841.
Julia, Aunt. Julia CoJman. Boys
and girls' illustrated bird-book. N.Y.
Julian. Karl Richard Waldemar
Uschner. Der letzte Minnesanger. 1876.
Julio. Joseph Sykes, M.A. Later
poems ... L. 1871.
Julius. Richard Rush. Probably his
signature in the Philadelphia "Port-
folio " of 1808-4.
June, Jennie. Afrs Jennie (Cunning-
ham) Croly. Jennie Juneiana. Talks on
women's topics. By ... B. 1864. Also
in numerous works for juveniles.
June, Jessie Mrs. Snnelde Fo)bes.
Junta. Caleb Whitefooid, who wrote
the letter in the "Public Advertiser "
signed " Junia," which had the honor of
being replied to by Jumus himself.
Juniolus Canadensis. Thomas Gary,
editor of the "Quebec Mercury," who,
in 1813, published in that paper, under
this pseud , an invective in the style of
Junius, against Mr. Stuart, a member of
the Lower Canadian House.
Junior Sophister, A. Samuel Dexter.
The progress of science: a poem . . .
n.p. 1780.
Juniper. One of the pseudonyms at-
tributed to Junius (q.v ).
The letter thus signed (Dec. 4, 1771), is de-
signed, like those of Philo-Junius, "to explain,
defend, and support the leputatlon of the prin-
Juniper, Julius, poet laureat to
the Royal College of Physicians
Thomas Foster, B.A. The Brunoniad .
an heroic poem ... L. 1789.
Junius* — See p. 145.
"At the time when the 'Letters' appeared,
pamphlets abounded, fixing their authoiship, to
the perfect satisfaction of each pamphleteer,
upon every public man, the ' G-cnt. Mag '
opened its columns to suggestions, and was tilled
with them; in 1824, the 'Monthly Magazine'
renewed the sub]ect; in 1837, pamphlets again
appeared, with fiesh lights, which flickered and
went out; and lately, 'Notes and Queues' has
woiked like a mole on the subject; but they all
have been gropings in the dark. We believe the
' Letters ' have been fathered, with a greater or
less degree of confidence, upon upwards of foity
public characters The most favoured were Sir
Philip Francis, Lord Lyttelton, Colonel Barre",
Burke, J Dunning (afterwards Lord Ashbur-
ton), Chatham, Dr. Wilmott, Hugh Boyd,
Wilkes, Home Tooke, Lord George Sackville,
Governor Pownall, Sir. G- Jackson, Maclean,
and Dr. Sidney Swwmcy The wildest conjec-
tures have gained believers, and there have been
madmen to lay them to George III , a Captain
Allen, Suett the comedian, Combe (the author
of *Dr. Syntax'), Bickcrton, an eccentiic Oxo-
nian, and an utterly unknown Mr. Jones. "Who
this famous writer was, will bo a question asked
by generations to follow us." — See ANDBEWS'S
JSntish Journalism, Vol. I., p. 185.
" Numerous were the disputants who, emulat-
ing the fame of Junius, now rushed into the lists
with high-sounding Roman names Maicus
Antonms, Scipio, Brutus, Cato, Valerias, Vir-
ginius, played the buffoon in the 'Evening Post,'
and thought they were dividing the lauiels -with
the great gladiator of the ' Public Advertiser ' ;
but they were Komans only in name, — Q-rub-
etreot claimed them for its own. Crabbe has had
his laugh at them in his poem of 'The News-
" 'These Roman souls, like Rome's great sons,
aie known
To live in cells on labours of their own ;
Thus Mi'o, could we see tho noble chief,
FeeUb, 101 Jbis countiy's good, on letja ol beef,
Camillas copies deeds for soiclid pay.
Yet lights the public battles t\\ ice a UAJ '
E'en ncn\ , the godlike Urutus views his seoie
Scioll'd on the bar botud, swinging with the
Wheie, tippling punch, gi.ivc Gate's self you'll
And Amoi Patila vending smuggled tea ' "
See ANDBEWS'S JBritish Journalism, Vol. T ,
p. 1ST. Sec also I)E QUINCE Y'S Note-Hook of
an English Opium Eater.
Junius. Jumus II. 'Browne.
Junius Ebenezer Smith Thomas, his
signature in the "Charleston (S C ) City
Gazette/' 1810-1G
Junius Rev. Calvin Cohon The cri-
sis of the country ... rlhe credit sys-
tem and the no credit system. N.Y. 1840.
Junius. Thomas llou e Edmonds, J3 A.
On the reform of the income and prop-
erty tax. A letter ... to Joseph Ilumo,
Esq, M.P. " Daily News " (L ), 1853.
Junius, Jr George T Denn>on. A
review of the militia policy of the pres-
ent administration . . . Hamilton, 1803.
Junius Aincricanus David Everett,
author of political essays in the " Boston
Gazette " under this signature
Junius Americanus Dr Chailcs
Lee, a frequent contributor to the " Gaz-
etteer3' and "Public Advertiser*' from
1769 to 1771. He is referred to by Ju-
nius in the latter's private correspond-
ence with Mr. Woodfall
Junius Americanus Arthur Lee.
The political detection ... L. 1770.
Junius Americanus George Os-
borne Stearns. A review of " A Discourse
occasioned by the death of Daniel Web-
ster, preached . . . October 31, by Theo-
dore Parker "... By ... B. 1853.
Junius Hibernious John Egan, in
his letters to the " General livening Post "
(Dublin, 1781-82). — See "N, & Q.," 2«1
series, vih , 166.
Junius Secundus. William F/etcho,
in his contributions to the "General
Evening Post" (Dublin, 178 1-82). — See
"N. & Q.," 2d series, viii., 100.
Junius Secundus. Charles KdsalL
Constantine and Eugene ... By ...
Brussels, 1818.
Jupiter of the Press, The. The
London Times.
Juriscola. Tench Coze. An exami-
nation of the conduct of Great Britain
respecting Neutrals since the year 1701,
B. 1808.
Jurisconsult. S. S. Boyd. Consid-
erations on the appointment of a Justice
of the Supreme Court of the United
States... Natchez (?), 1852.
["Julius" LETTERS.]
Juris Consultus. Bev. Alonzo Bouen
Chapin, contributor to the " Knicker-
bocker," etc,, and author of a number of
books and pamphlets.
Juryman, A. William Creech. An
account of the trial of William Brodie
and George Smith . . Edinb. 1788.
Juryman, A. William Smellie. An
address to the people of Scotland on the
nature, powers, and privileges of juries :
by . . Edinb. 1784.
Justia, a Know-Nothing. F. Col-
burn Adams. Our world ; or, the Demo-
crats' rule ... L. 1855
Justified Sinner, A. James Hogg,
the Ettrick Shepherd. The private me-
moirs of A Justified Sinner, written by
himself, with a detail of curious tradi-
tionary facts, etc. L. 1824.
The name of the " Sinner " is Robert Wring-
ham Colwan.
Justinian. Thomas Law. Remarks
on the report of the Secretary of the
Treasury . . . By . . . Wilmington. Del .
Justinian, of South Carolina.
Lewis Gruffer. Sovereign Rights of the
States ... W. 185-.
Justinophilus Samuel Badcock. A
letter addressed to Dr. Priestley Exe-
ter, 178-
Justitia. William A. JBieuer, m his
contributions to various New York and
Boston periodicals.
Justitia. Bennett Lowe. Photographic
note book.
Justitia, M John Frearson The
universal revival of religion ... L.
Justus. 0. Ebhardt. La rifonna
delle biblioteche. Milan, 1876.
Juvenile, The. Col Thomas Picton,
in his contributions to the " Chronicle "
(San Francisco, Cal.), etc.
Juvenis. J W. Stephenson. Brent
Knoll ... By ... L. 1837.
Juvenis. R. G-. Arrowsmith. Doubts
upon the reasoning of Dr. Paley ... L.
Juvenis Suffblciensis. Robert Meeve,
in "Gent. Mag./' January, 1806, p.
Juvinell, Uncle. Morrison Heady.
The Farmer Boy [Washington], and how
he became Commander-in-Chief ... B.
It is not my intention — and, even did I wish to do so, the limits of the present
work forbid it — to give a complete history of these celebrated letters. The subject
has been practically exhausted in the many excellent editions quoted hereafter, and
I shall confine myself to the following statistics : —
I. The date of appearance of the letters signed " Jmrius," together with a list of
the other signatures employed by this writer; to which latter pseudonyms, cross-
references will be found scattered throughout this work.
II. A list of all the claimants to the authorship, with the respective merits of
III. A bibliography of the subject.
IV. Miscellaneous notes, etc.
I. The letters signed "Junius" ap-
peared in the "Public Advertiser" of
Aug. 22, 1770.
Nov. 14, 1770.
Jan. 30, 1771.
Sept. 28, 1771.
Sept. 30, 1771.
Oct. 5, 1771.
the following dates : —
Apr. 22, 1771.
Nov. 2, 1771.
Nov. 21, 1768.
Jan. 21, 1769.
Feb. 7, 1769.
Sept. 7, 1789.
Sept. 19, 1769.
Sept. 25, 1769.
June 22, 1771.
July 9, 1771.
July 24, 1771.
Aug. 13, 1771.
Nov. 28, 1771.
Jan. 21, 1772.
(Two letters.)
Feb. 21, 1769.
Oct. 13, 1769.
Mar. 3, 1769.
Oct. 17, 1769.
See also* — A. B. Amicus Curiae. Anti-
Mar. 18, 1769.
Oct. 20, 1769.
Behal Anti-Fox. Anti-Sejan us, Jun. Anti-
Apr. 10, 1769.
Nov. 15, 1769.
Stuart. Atticus. Augur. Bifrons. Brutus.
Apr. 21, 1769.
C. Correggio. Crito. Cumbriensis. Doraitian,
Apr. 24, 1769.
Nov. 29, 1769.
Downnffht. A Faithful Monitor. Fiat Justitia.
May 30, 1769.
Dec. 12, 1769.
Q-. W. Heniicus. Juniper. L. L. A Labourer
July 8, 1769.
Dec. 19, 1769.
in the same Cause. Lucius. Mnemon. Moder-
July 19, 1769.
Feb. 14, 1770.
ator. Moderatus. Nemesis. Phalaris. Phio-
July 29, 1769.
Aug. 8, 1769.
Mar. 19, 1770.
Apr. 3, 1770.
Junius. Pomona. Poplicola. Q in the Connr.
Scotus. Simplex. Temporura Fehcitas. Tes-
Aug. 22, 1769.
May 28, 1770.
ticulus. Testis. Valerius. Veteran, Vlndss.
A Whig. Why ? S. S. . Y. Z. Tour Beal
See also "Hotes and Queries," 1st Ser., vi.
239, xli.299.
II. The following list of 51 names,
embraces the personages to whom these
celebrated letters have been attributed.
The Roman numerals appended to the
notes indicate the corresponding work in
the bibliography (Part III )
Adair, James, M.P., Serjeant at Law.
d. 1798.
A Mr. Sergeant Adair was once produced, on
the plea of certain ephemeral pamphlets, but the
feebleness they evinced caused hiin to be quickly
given up.— WADE, " Jumus," n xv.
The reader should also consult the lengthy
argument of Mr Adair against granting a nolle
proseqm in favor of the messengers of tbe House
of Commons, and the lefeience to this case in
Junius' letter of April 9, 1771.
Allen, Captain. — See "Notes and
Queries/' 1st Ser , xi. 302.
Barre*, Lieut -Col Isaac, M.P.
In the works by Britton and Jaques (Nos.
LXXXV. and LXXXVI.)» I find the opinion ex-
pressed that Baire" was aided by Lord Shelburne
and Dunning (afterwaids Lord Ash burton).
The "Morning He*rald,"as early as 1813, stated
that the Earl of Shelburne was probably Junius,
and that Barr6 and Dunning assisted him
For the claims advanced in favor of and
against Barre, see Jaques' work, p, 141, Alli-
fcone, Britton, Wade, n. xxix and No LXZVI.
Bentinck, William Heary Caven-
His name is mentioned In Coventry's "Critical
Enquiry " (see No. LSI.)
Bicker-ton, Mr.
In the " Oxford Spy " (Oxf ), 1818, p. 24, will
be found a notice of this eccentric individual,
who is said to have kept a horse in Hertford
College, Oxford, which was sometimes seen
looking out of a window on the second flooi.
For additional information, see " Notes and Que-
ries," 1st Ser., xi. 370.
Boyd, Hugfc M'Aulay. b- 1746; d,
Boyd's claims are summarily disposed of in
Wade's work (No. LXXVII ). Alraon, m the
first volume of " Anecdotes," published in 1797,
designates Boyd as the author of Junins See
also wraxall, " Memoirs of his own Time," 1836,
ii. 93-94, and N"os, xxx., xxxm., xux., LI
Boyd has heen described as «' an adnjtrer of
Junius, and vain enough to wish to be thought
the author. '*
As to Macaulay Boyd's heing tbe author of
Junius's Letters, it is a perfect jole ; no two
characters can be more perfectly unlike than
Boyd and Jimius. — BUTLEB, " lleminiscences,"
Burke, Rt. Hon. Edmund, b. 1728 :
d. 1797.
Bishop Markham, an early friend and patron
of Burke, taxed the latter with the authorship
of the " Letters," telling him that Ms house was
a "nest of adders." Although Burke never
made any poeith e denial to this imputation, he
certainly disavowed any connection with Junius,
on three distinct occasions. Firstly, lie said to
Charles Townshend, "I give you my woid and
honour that I am not the authoi of Junius.1' —
See Burke's " Correspondence," by Lord Fitz-
\villiara, i. 269-273 Secondly, he positively do-
nied tbe imputed authoi ship, on being ques-
tioned by Sir William Drapei , and lastly, ho
rnade a denial to Johnson, when he said, '*!
could not if I would, and I would not if T
could " — See Boswell's "Johnson," Iv , for the
detailed circumstances.
It seems somewhat strange, however, that
Burke should have been so geneiully suspected
as the author. That such •was the case, ne\or-
theless, is obvious, not only fiom the opinion at
first entertained by Sir William Diaper, but
from vtuious public accusations conveyed in the
penodicals or the day The letter of Zeno in
the " Public Advertiser," dated Get 15, 1771, is
addressed " to Junius, alias Edmund the Jesuit
of St. Omei's "
See also Wade's edition of Woodfall, n.,
xx\ii. 138, and Nos. xxxvin., LXII., LSIV., and
Burke, William. — See Jsfo. LXXXVI.
Butler, John, Bishop of Hereford,
d 1802.
Butler wns secretaiy to the Rt. Hon. Bilson
Legge, Chancellor of the "Excheqnei , and Wilkes
is snid to have suspected him us authoi.
Butler, howevei, was n man of no political com-
age, and his woiks lack the fire which charactei-
ize the "Letters." His claims aie discussed in
Dr Good's Essay, in the edition published in 1814.
Camden, Charles, Uorcl h. 1713; d.
It appears almost ludicrous to note that the
great Lord Camden was suspected, simply on
the giound of his dislike to the law and politics
of Chief Justice Mansfield —WADE.
De Lioline, John Lewis, b. 1745 (?) ;
d. 1807.
De Lolme's claims are advocated in Dr. Bus-
"by's work (see No XLVI ), but it must be remem-
bered that he only ai rived in England in 1700.
He is the author of an elegantly written u Essay
on the English Constitution," which is quoted
by Junius.
IMmning, John, afterwards Lord,
Ashhurton. b. 1731 ; d. 1783.
The soul of Junius is, as we conjecture* com-
raemorated in the picture exhibited in Sir Joshua
Reynold's gallery, iepresenting Loid Shelbmno
of Junius's day, Mr. Dunning, and Colonel Barrci
of parliamentary fame, in conference. — JAQVES,
p. 141 (See Burre, ante )
Heron espouses the claims of Dunning, and
Britton includes him among his claimants; but
a very strong point ac^inst him is tin* tact that
he was appointed solicitor-general in December,
1767, and held that office until Murch, 1770.
Hence, admitting that he was Junius, the ian.ous
letter " to the king," in December, 1769, must
have proceeded fiom his Majesty's own aohcitoi-
general I The Earl of Shelburne, who was in.
tinaalely acquainted with Dunning, often declared
that the latter did not " write a line of Jumus."
Dyer, Samuel, b. 1725; d. 1772.
Dyer is referred to in Malonc's "Life of Dry-
den,'* as " a man of excellent taste and profound
erudition, whose principal literary work, wuter
a Roman siffnature, when the voil with which
for near thirty-six years it has been enveloped
shall l)e removed, will place him in a high rank
[<f Jrxius " LETTERS.]
among English wiiters, and transmit a name
now little known, with distinguished lustre to
Malone "held the opinion that if Barke did not
write the Letters, they were at least written by
some one who bad received considerable aid
from Burke iu composing them It is said that
upon Dyei *s death , 13ui ]\c obtained and destroyed
all the papers which he had left behind him
Malono eti ongly favored the claims of Dyer,
but it must be lemembeied that this claimant
was a very old man at the time when these let-
ters appeared, a fact inconsistent with the vigor
and fire they exhibit
Sec also Dr (rood's Essay, and "Notes and
Queries," 3d Sei,, Is. 261,
Flood, Henry, b. 17S2; d. 1701.
For extensive criticisms in favor of and against
the claims of this Irish orator, the reader is 10-
ferred to Dr. Good's Essay, "Wade i 79 (No.
LXXVTI), and "Notes and Queries." 2d Ser.
viii. 101, 180, 259,
Francis, Sir Philip b. 1740 ; d. 1818.
The external evidence is, we thmk, such as
would support a verdict in a civil, nay, in a crim-
inal proceeding. The handwriting of Junius is
the very peculiar handwriting of Francis, slightly
disguised. As to the position, pursuits, and
connections of Juntas, the following are the
most important facts which oan be considered as
clearly proved: First, that he was acquainted
with the technical forms of the secretary of
state's office, secondly, that he was intimately
acquainted with the business of the "War-office ;
thirdly, that he, during the year 1770, attended
debates in the House of Lords, and took notes of
speeches, particulaily of the speeches of Lord
Chatham; fourthly, that he bitterly resented the
appointment of Mr. Chamier to the place of
deputy-secretary of war; fifthly, that he was
bound by some strong tie to the first Lord Hol-
land Now, Francis passed some years in the
secretary of state's office. He was subsequently
chief clerk of the War-office. He repeatedly
mentioned that he had himself, in 1770, heard
speeches of Lord Chatham, and some of these
speeches were actually printed from his notes.
He leeugned his clerkship at the War-office from
resentment at the appointment of Mr. Chamier.
It was by Loid Holland that he was first Intro-
duced into the public service. INbw, here are
five marks, all of which ought to DO found in
Junius. They are all five found in Francis.
We do not believe that more than two of them
can be found in any other person whatever. If
this argument does not settle the question, there
is an end of all reasoning on circumstantial evi-
dence. — KACACLAT.
My own impression fe that the " Letters of
Juniue " were written fay Sir Philip Francis. In
a speech which I once hoard him deliver at the
Mansion House, concerning the partition of Po-
land, I had a striking proof that Francis pos-
sessed no ordinary powers of eloquence. — Koo-
ERS, "Table Talk," p. 272.
I have inserted the foregoing quotations, to in-
dicate what has been said in favor of Francis'
claims; if the reader is curious enough to pur-
sue the subject more extensively, he will find «,
chapter on the disputed question in the u Memoirs
of Sir Philip Francis,*' by Parkes and Merivale,
L. 1867, i . '22S-303 Sec also Taylor's works, Nos.
XL. and XLYIII. ; Wade, it. XXX.-XG., No. LXSYH. ;
"Notes and Queries," 1st Ser., si. 117, and Hos.
LTV , liTl , l/VII., LXX71II., XC.
The following letter, taken from the " Athe-
naeum," March 10, 1861, may be of interest in this
I have often tried to guess the meaning of the
motto to Junius, tlStat nomintt umbra" "The
shadow of tho name stands " But in looking, the
other day, at the title-page of the " Etymologicou
Anglicanum," I thought that I could guess the
meaning. The title is, —
Trancisci Pilil
And under the frontispiece are these words: —
Iraneiscus Junius,
tfraneisci Filius
We know that Sir P. Francis often gave ob-
ecure hints as to his authorship ot Junius. I
think that by the words, " Rtat nomints umbra,"
he meant to indicate fhat Juniua was the son of
Francis. This mayhem far-f etched; but what
other explanation of the motto can you give? My
explanation is that he meant to establish a claim
to the authorship, without being forced to make
that claim , which, in fact, he never had the cour-
age to do.
Taylor, in Woodfall's edition of 1812, was the
first person who fixed upon Francis as the author,
but he fell iuto one of the snares which Junius
had adroitly laid for enquirers. Misled " by one
of those well-contrived feints that were meant to
mislead,** Mr. Taylor inferred titat Junius must
be a person of advanced years, and fixed upon
the Rev. Philip Francis, the father of Sir Philip,
as the author. The elder Francis-was a fine classi-
cal scholar, celebrated for his raasterly transla-
tions of Horace and Demosthenes ; but when Mr
Taylor discovered him to be ten years older than
he had at first been led to believe, he devoted all
his attention toward proving the claims of the
younger man, and embodied hi& researches in a
subsequent volume.
Sir Kathaniel "Wraxall is convinced that Sir
Philip Francis was the authoi of Juuius. I do
not yet believe it. He was too vain a man to let the
secret die with him. — SIR EGEBTON BBTDGES'
" Notes on Wraxall's Memoirs."
I persist in thinking that neither Mr. Burfce
nor Philip Francis was the author of the let-
ters under the signature of Junius. I think the
mind of the first so superior, and the mind of the
latter so inferior, to that of Junius, aa to put
the supposition that either of them was Junius
wholly out of the question. — MB. OHA.BLES BUT-
LER'S Letter to Mr JE H. Barker, June 14, 1828.
We must all grant that a strong case has been
made out for Francis; but I could aet up very
stout objections to those claims. It was not in
his nature to keep a secret, He would have told
It from vanity, or from his courage, or from his
patriotism. His bitterness, his vivacity, Tiis acute-
ness, are stamped, in characters very peculiar,
upon many publications that bear his name; and
very f amt indeed is their resemblance to the spirit,
and, in an extended sense of the word, to the style,
of Jrmias.— DJB. PARR,
With reference to the claims of Sir Philip, I
am inclined to use the form of argument called a
" dllemnoa " Thus, zi Sir Philip Francis was the
author of the letters, he was A scurrilous libel-
ler, if he was not, he was splendide mendax, —
ufrum horum mavis atxtipe,— JOHS WIUKINS,
in 1865.
Francis' claims are also adversely discussed in
Fellows* "The Postbumous Works of Jnnius,"
No. Lxni,; Jaqnes, p. 173, No. t-xxv.j "Notes
and Queries," 2d Ser., vi. 43; 3d Ser., vffl, 183,
356, xi. 102, 4th Ser., xi. 130, 178, 202, 243, 387,
425,465, 512, xli. 33, G9, 81, and JSTos. LIT., LTIII.,
George HI , lung of England.
" Ma'am Serrcs condemns all aspirers to pot
That prate of a Junius, since Uncle Wilmot
Banks scribe of each letter she dares pledge her
As sine as not one came from King G-eorge the
See Ireland's poem, " Scribbleonmrna," p 308,
for a cuiious note on this subject.
Oibbon, Edward, b. 1737 ; d. 1794.
This claimant, beyond holding a position, does
not seem to have distinguished himself to any
extent in the politics of his day, his mind being
too absorbed in the great task which has made
him famous. See Kos. in , Lrv.
Glover, Richard b. 1712; d. 1785.
Johnston declares that he has no faith in the
claim of Glover, although his advocates, as cor-
roborative facts9 assert that he " wore a hag, -with
his xvjg accurately dieesed, and earned a small
cocked hat under his arm, before the year 1776,
and in this costume constantly •walked, in nne
weather, fiom his house in fc$t James Street, in
"Westminster, into the city", this fact being
brought forward in proof of hia being identical
with the " tall gentleman " who threw the letter
into Mr. Woodtall's office in Ivy Lane
Wraxali, Iti his "Memoirs of his own Time,"
1836, ii. 97, states that Qlover's son assured him
that "he had not the least reason to suppose or
to beheva that his father composed the letters of
Junms." See Nos. sue., mix.
Grattan, Henry, b. 1750 ; d. 1820.
Grattan's claims were advocated by Tt Perry
in 1831 ; in the 1SOO edition of the " Letters/'
published by Almon, the compiler says that it
was supposed by some that Grattan and Maclean
were the joint authors. Mr. Almon addressed a
letter of inquiry to the Irish patriot, which evoked
the following leply : —
SIB, — I frankly assure yon that I know Both.
ing of Junms, except that I am not the author.
When Jaruus began I "was a boy, and knew noth.
ing of politics, or the persons concerned in them
I am, Sir, not Jumust but your very good
wisher arid obedient servant,
JDu&Zfe, Nov. 4, 1805 H. GRATTAN.
Greatrakes, William, la. 1729: d.
This clajnoantis brought forward in the ' * Gent.
Mag." for December, 1813, laandii. 647; in Cov-
entry's "Critical Enquiry,'* No. un.: and in
Wraxall's " Memoirs."
Oreatrakes, a native of Ireland, died suddenly
at Hungerford, on his way from Bristol to Lon-
don, and was buried there, with the words "stqt
nominis umbra " inscribed on his tombstone. As
thia motto figures on the "Junius " title-page, it
is easy to imagine how he comes to be classed
among the claimants. Britton undertakes to prove
that G-reatrakes was the araa&uensis employed by
Jumas to copy his letters for the «« Public Adver-
tiser " ; «« but it ought first to be shown," says
Wade, " that Junius employed an. amanuensis.
If he did, and Greatrakes waa hia penman, it
could hardly give him a claim to the motto of his
principal. That was s* distinction, which, if it
nns any significance, could be applicable only to
the shadow of a shade that wrote the letters, not
the copyist of them."
Grenville, George. 1). 1712; d. 1770
The pnme-mmistei died bcfoie the lettcis
weie discontinued, hcnco but Halo attention
need be paid to his claims.
OrenviUe, James, d. 1783
He was the brother of the preceding, find Lord
of the Treasury Although no has boon accused
of the authorship, he himself established no claims
to the honor.
Hamilton, William Gerard. b.
1729; d 1796.
This claimant is mentioned in Pi. Good's
essay, and a letter in the " Public Advoitisei"
of ]STov SO, 1771, is addiessed to William Junius
Bmglespeech, Esa Fox said, that, although he
would not back Hamilton against the Held, ho
would b.'ick him against any single claimant, and
Wiai.aU declares, that, " tlii ougliout the various
companies in which, from 1775 do\\ n to the pies-
cnt time, I have heard this wystcnous question
agitated, the great majoiity concuiiod m giving
to Hamilton the merit of composing the 'Let.
tcia' under examination " Mrs Piozzi and Sam-
uel Johnson weie both inclined to believe In his
The only icason that appeal a for these letters
e\ or having been attributed to Hamilton was that
he happened to be aware of the context of a let-
ter which did not maize its appcanmco until the
following day (For a full account of this curious
story, the icadorisiefeiied to "Notes and Que-
ries," 2d Ser , vJ 44 )
The arguments against him arc foui in num-
ber, and very conclusive • —
1. He was Chancellor of the Exchequer in
Ireland from Septetnbei, 1760, to April, 1704, —
the pei lod when all the letters appeal ed.
2, When questioned on the subject, by Bail
Temple, he positively denied the authorship See
Dr. Good's "Kssay," p. 56.
S Woodfall declared that neither Burke nor
Hamilton weie responsible for the Letters.
4 Hamilton again distinctly denied th<* «inthoi -
ship, just before his death, when questioned by a
member of the House of Commons.
Hollis, James.
He is referred to, AS a claimant, by Wade and
Hollis, Thomas, b. 1720; d 1774.
Alluded to in Coventry's *' Critical Enquiry,"
Ko. LSI.
Jackson, Sir George, Secretary of the
For an account of the claims advanced in his
favor, see "Notes and Queries," 1st Ser., i. 172,
270, 322.
Jones, Sir William, b. 1740; d.1794.
Mentioned, ae a claimant, by Oovonliy and
Kent, John. d. 1770.
Kent wished to pass for Juntas; but, accoid-
ing to Almon, be was only a newspaper editor,
at a small weekly salary. Bee the "Letter'*
dated July 21, 1769, Jn which Junius refers to
this personage.
r,ee, Maj.-Oen. C&arles. b. 1731 ; cl.
In 1803, Gen. Lee Is said to have acknowl-
edged himself the author. If the reader 1s de-
sirous of seeing some curious evidence nguinet
the claimant, he is referred to Wade, i 61-67.
While G-irdlestone (Nos xxxin and
as erfectively espoused his claims.
Lloyd, Charles, d. 1773.
Lloyd was the private secretary to Q-eorge
G-renville, and among those who believed in his
claims was Di. Pair. It must not, however, be
f 01 gotten, that this clannant died, an old man,
just after the letters hud ceased, which fact is
scaicely m haimony with the spmt they exhibit.
See the interesting book by Mi. Baikei, NOB.
LSIII., LXIV., also Jaques* work, 147-171, No.
Lyttleton, Thomas, 2d Lord. b.
1744; d. 1779.
Mi. Dilke, in his "Papers of a Critic," vol.
li.f and Mi Thorns, m " Notes and Queries," 1st
Sei., xi. 19S, have shown that Lyttleton no
longer deserves a place among the Jumus claim-
Sect also "Notes and Queries," 1st Ser., viii.
31, "Littell's Living Age," xlil. 223, and the
" Quaiterly Review," xc. 01.
Maclean, Laughlin, b 1727; d. 1777.
This claimant had been under-secretary of
state during Lord Shelburne's possession of the
oihce for the southern department. (See Ju-
nius' " Letter," of date March 0, 1771 ) During
the years 1760 and 1770, when Jumus was most
active, Mr. Maclean "was absoibed in his own
pecuniaiy difficulties consequent on gambling m
India stock " ; and In 1772 ho was acting as
collector in the city of Philadelphia m this
countiy, while the "Letters" weie still appear-
ing m England. See Gait, " Life of West/' Al-
mon, in 1806, thought that he was a joint-author
with Oiattan. Twenty-two arguments have been
published in favoi of Maclean, in " Waldie's (P.)
Libiary," edited by John Jay Smith. See also
" Notes and Queries," 2d Ser , vii 310.
Marshall, Rev. Edmund, d. 1797.
TMs gentleman, vicar of Charing, in Kent,
occasionally wrote political letters m the " Kent-
igh Gazette," over the pseudonym of "Cantia-
nas " IIis claims are referred to Jn Nichols*
"Literary Illustrations of the Eighteenth Cen-
tury," viii. 680.
Paine, Thomas, b. 1737 ; d. 1809.
See No. I/TKXTX. The audacity of the author
of this work is my apology for its insertion.
Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, b.
1708; d 1778.
Chatham could not very well have been Ju-
nus, as the latter was \cry anxious to obtain
duplicate proofs flora the printer to forward to
Pitt (see tho " Chatham Papers," p. 52), and the
celebrated letter to Lord Mansfield, it is well
known, was sent to Chatham some days before
it was printed. Moreover, Pitt, "though most
effective m oratory, was careless in literary com-
position, inexact, loose, and repetitionary : very
unlike Junius, who not only polished bis public
letters to the highest finish, but never let the
most brief or trivial private note escape him un-
raaiked by tho hand of a master." See also
"JSotes and Queries," 3d Ser , viii 356, 440, and
Nos. xxxrv., LXX., LXXI., TiXxin., LXXXV.
Portland, William, Duke o£ b.
1738; d. 1809.
See Mr. Johnston's work, No. XLVH., in which
the author argues that the principal object of the
" Letteis" was the restoration of the estate of
the Duke of Portland, part of which bad been
taken from him in 1707 and granted to Sir James
Lowther, who had married Lord Bute's daugh-
Pownall, Thomas, b. 1722 ; d. 1805.
— See No. LXXXIY.
Rich, Liieut-Col,, Sir Robert. — See
Roberts, John. d. 1772.
This gentleman was anonymously accused of
having written the Letters m the " Public Ad-
vertiser," March 21, 1772, et passim He died
July 13, 1772, before the Junius Letteis were
Rosenhagen, Rev. Philip.
Upon the authority of Gerard Hamilton, it is
related by Almon that Rosenhagen endeavored
to obtain a pension fioin Lord North, by stipu-
lating that Junms (he himself) should write no
more. But there is no similarity in the hand-
writing of this claimant to that of Junius, and,
moieover, Rosenhagen being of foreign extrac-
tion, could hardly be master of the idiomatic
phraseology that Junius had at bis command.
See also " Notes and Queries," 3d Ser., v. 16.
Sackville, George, Viscount, b.
1716; d. 1785.
Dr. G-ood, in his preliminary essay to Wood-
fall's edition of 1812, states that " Sir William
Draper divided his suspicions between this
nobleman and Mr Burke, and upon the personal
and unequivocal denial of the latter, he trans-
ferred them entirely to the former • and that Sir
William was not the only person who suspected
his lordship even from the first, is evident from
the private letter of Junius, which asserts that
Swmney bad actually called upon Lord Sack-
ville and taxed him with being Junius, to his
face. (See Private Letter, 6.)
Sackville on one occasion observed to a friend,
" I should be proud to be capable of writing as
Junius has done; but there are many passages
in his letters I should be very soriy to have writ-
ten." His lordship, moreover, was afterward
created Loid Q-eorge Germaine, a favorite of
George III , and unlikely to be his accuser. See
also Chalmers, " Appendix to the Supplemental
Apology," p. 7 (No. xsx) ; Wraxall, '* Memoirs
of his own Time," 11. 90; and Nos. LXI., iiXVi.,
Shelbnrne, Earl of, Marquis of Lans-
downe. d. 1804.
He disclaimed the distinction, only a week
before bis death, on being personally applied to
on the subject of Junius by the late Sir Kichard
Phillips. —WADE.
See also Barr£ and Dunning, ante.
Stanhope, Philip Dormer, Earl of
Chesterfield. K 1695; d. 1772.
Chesterfield was over seventy years of age
when the Letters appeared, and Mr. Dilke, in
the "Papers of a Critic, " ii., states that he wrote
to the Bishop of Waterford, — "I am prodig-
iously old, and every month of tbe calendar adds
at least a year to my age. My band trembles to
that degree that I can hardly bold my pen. My
understanding stutters and my memory fum-
See Nos. LV., LXXEE., TraT.
Suett, Richard, d. 1805.
See No. mi. A work described as " a clumsy
display of wit and learning; the former consist-
ing of stale anecdotes and ill-put Jokes ; the lat-
ter of looked-for quotations. To justify his
catchpenny-title, about a dozen pages at the end
are given to the author's interview with a dying
stranger, who confessed himself to be Suett the
comedian, and the author of Jumus.
Temple, Richard, Earl. b. 1711,
d. 1779
The third volume of the " Grenville Papers,"
edited by William J. Smith (L 1832), contains a
discussion on the authenticity of the Junius Let-
ters, with specimens of the haudwiitingof Rich-
ard Gienville, Lord Temple, et al , assuming the
latter to be Junius, and his wife the amanuensis.
Mr. Wade very Justly observes that "Earl
Temple was not reputed by a discerning judge
to be a writer of competent powei to wing the
shafts of Junius . . Temple was an active poli-
tician, a Peer of Parliament, and brother-in-law
of Lord Chatham, and had no need of the ' Pub-
lic Advertiser ' to circulate his opinions." See
Tooke, John Home. b. 1736; d.
In the " Memoirs of John Home Tookc," li.
358, I find it stated that he always appeared
much perturbed when the subject of Junius was
introduced. He was once asked if he knew the
author, and crossing his knife and fork on his
plate and assuming a stern look, he answered,
" I do." "After this," says Mr. Stephen, " his
manner, tone, and attitude weie all too formida-
ble to admit of any fuither mtei i ogatories "
See Nos. vui., xxvm., XLIII., XLIV., LXV.,
Walpole, Horatio, Earl of Orford.
b. 1717 ; d 1797.
Coventry has tboioughly exploded any claims
which this peisonage may have been invested
with. See Wilke's " Papeis of a Critic," n. 158.
"Wedderbarn, Alexander. Lord
Loughborough. b. 1733; d. 1805.
Lord Holland, in bis " Memoirs of the Whig
Party," remarks that George III. always re-
garded Lord Loughbovongh as Junius. I be-
lieve that Lord Holland adds that King William
IV. was his informant.
Lord Campbell repudiates the notion of Wed-
derburn being Junius. Sir Nathaniel WraxalJ,
in his "Memoirs of his own Time" (11 97),
states that *' during many years of my life, not-
withstanding the severity with which Wedder-
burn is treated by * Jumus,' I nourished a strong
belief, approaching to conviction, that the Jate
Earl of Rosslyn, then Mr. Wedderburn, was
himself the author of these Letters, and that
persons of credit had recognized the handwrit-
ing to be that of Mrs. Wedderburn, his first
Wilkes, John. b. 1727 ; d. 1797.
It is said that a wag first propagated the re-
port that Wilkes was Junius, in the columns of
the " G-azetteer." He asserted that, while going
over St. George's Fields, he picked up a piece of
blotted MS., containing a poition of the last
Jumus Letter, which had been thrown out with
the sweepings from Kind's Bench prison, where
Wilkes was then a prisoner. A correspondent
of the " Gtent. Mag." (lix. 786) renewed the
statement, but nothing in support of the hypoth-
esis has been produced.
John Mason Good, in Ms preliminary essay,
remarks, " that Wilkes is not the author must
"be clear to every one who will merely give a
glance at either the public or the private letters.
Wilkes could not have abused himself in the
manner he is occasionally abused in the foimer;
nor would he have said in the latter (since there
was no necessity foi his BO saying), 'I have been
out of town for three weeks,' at a time when he
was closely confined in the King's Bench."
* See Nos. vui., si.
Wilmot, James, O.D b. 1720; d.
Wm. Beckford, the author of "Vathek," is
said in a conversation in the "New Monthly
Magazine," to have expressed his opinion that
Wilmot was Junius, but he adduced no facts to
prove his statement.
Piobably the only other peisonaae who be-
lieved in the claims of Wilmot was his niece, the
celebrated Olivia Wilmot Soiies, ci-d&vant
Pnncess of Cumberland, and she waa an impos-
toi herself. See Nos. sxxix , L., the "Gent.
Mag " for 1813 and 1814, and <( Notes and Que-
ries," 4th Ser., li. 113
Wray, Daniel, b 1701 ; d. 1783.
Wray was Deputy Teller of the Exchequer
by favoi of the Hurdwicke family. See Nichols'
"Illustrations of Literaiy Histoiy"; "Notes
and Queries," 2d Ser., ii. 164; and No. ucvziz.
III. The Bibliography of Junius.
When a title is piecedcd by an asterisk (*), it
is to indicate that the woik in question has been
personally examined by me Subsequent editions
of the same work are omitted
i. *2?earne, Charles. — An Impartial
answer to the Doctrine delivered in a
Letter which appeared in the Public
Advertiser under the signature of "Ju-
mus." L 1700 8vo.
n. *The Political Contest, containing
a Series of Letters between Junius and
Sir Will Draper • also the whole of Ju-
nius's Letters to his Grace the D*** of
G****** pA> the j)uko of Qrafton],
brought into one point of view. L.,
Newbery, s. a. but Aug. 1769. 8vo.
See also "Notes and Queries," 1st Ser., vi.
224, 239, 261, 285, 383.
in. The Political Contest, Part II. ;
being a Continuation of Junius' Letters
from the 6th of July to the present
Time. L., Newbery, s. a. but Sept. 1760.
iv. The Political Contest, containing
all the Letters between Junius and Sir
William Draper. Also the whole of Ju-
mus's Letters to the D*k*s of G*****n
and B*****a [iX Bedford], And his
last Letter on the Rescue of a General
Officer, Dublin, 1700. 8vo,
Lowndes states that this is called the third
edition, and that it is probably a reprint of the
second London edition.
v. *A Collection of the Letters of
Atticus, Lucius, Junius, and others.
With observations and notes. L., Al-
mon, 1769. 8vo.
vi. [Same title.] New Edition, con-
tinued to the end of October, 1769, L.,
Almon, 1769. 8vo.
vii. [Same title.] New Edition, con-
tinued to the end of November, 1769.
L., Almon, 1769, 8vo.
viu. * Interesting Letters selected-
from the Correspondence of Messrs.
Wilkes, Home [Tooke], Beckford, and
Junius. With anecdotes never before
published L , Nicholl, 1769, 8vo.
This is a small pamphlet of 64 pages, and a
parody on the subject
ix. A Vindication of the D of
G [i.e. the Duke of Graf ton], m
Answer to a Letter signed "Junius" in-
serted in the "Public Advertiser" of
Saturday, the 18th of March. L , Nich-
oll, 1769 8vo.
x. Two Letters from Junius to the
D of G , on the Sale of a Patent
Place in the Customs at Exeter. To
which is added, a Letter from Junius,
containing an Address supposed to have
been made to a Great Personage. Taken
from the "Public Advertiser." L. [no
publisher's name], December, 1769. 8vo.
xi. * An Address to Junius on his Let-
ter in the "Public Advertiser," Dec.
19, 1769. L. [no publisher's name]
1769. 8vo.
A pamphlet, m which the letters are attributed
to Wilkes A second edition appeared in 1770.
xii The Twelve Letters of Canana:
on the impropriety of petitioning the
King to dissolve the Parliament. L. [?
a publisher's name] 1770. 8vo.
A pamphlet of 44 pages, and exceedingly
scarce. See also "K"otes and Queries," 2d Ser.,
vi. 44.
xiii. Two Remarkable Letters of Ju-
nms and the Freeholder, addressed to
the K [i.e. the King], with Answers
and Strictures. L. [no publisher's name]
1770. 8vo.
A pamphlet entitled " The King's Answer to
Junius " appeared in Philadelphia tho following
xiv. Letters of Junius. Dublin [?
a publisher's name], 1770. 8vo.
A volume of 108 pages, and evidently a reprint
of Almon's collection of the early letters. See
v., vi., and vii., ante.
XT. A complete Collection- of Junius's
Letters, with those of Sir William Dra-
per. L., A. Thomson, 1770. 8vo.
This publisher issued a second edition with
the snme title m March or April, 1770, which con-
tainod the letter of March 19th ; a third edition
in June, 1770, with the letters of April 3d and
Kay 2Sth , and a fourth edition in August, 1770,
which contained the lettei of August 22d, ad-
dressed to Lord North.
xvi. Junius *s Political Axioms, ad-
dressed to twelve millions of People in
Great Britain and Ireland. L., V. Grif-
fith, s. a. [} 1770], 8vo.
xvn. *The Letters of Junius. L. [no
publisher's name] 1770 12mo.
This is J.Wheble's original edition, but does
not "bear hie name. There is a vignette Cap of
Liberty on the title-page. This work served
Junius as copy for his edition of 1772. It con-
cludes with the Letter to Lord North, dated
Aug. 22, 1770. The second edition appeared the
same year, bore Wheble's name on page 247,
and ended -with the letter to Mansfield dated
2s ov. 14, 1770. The fiist portion of the second
volume also appealed toward the end of 1770,
and the second portion, the following year,
"Wheble published two editions dated 1771,
which must have appeared after Woodfall's
edition; as the first of them concludes with
the note about Home Tooke, and the second
contains the Philo-Junius Letters, and a letter
to Lord Apsley dated February^ 1775 ! ! ! See
also xxn. et seq.
xvni Letters addressed to the King,
the Duke of Grafton, the Earls of Ches-
terfield and Sandwich, Lord Barnngton,
Junius, and the Rev. Mr. Home [Tooke],
under the signature of " P, P. S." L.
[* a publisher's name] 1771. 8vo.
xix. *An Answer to Junius. shewing
his imaginary Ideas and false Principles,
his wrong Positions and random Conclu-
sions. L., Organ, 1771. 8vo.
xx. *The genuine Letters of Junius,
to which are prefixed Anecdotes of the
Author. Piccadilly [no publisher's
name], 1771. 8vo.
This is called the "Piccadilly Edition," and
contains 366 pages. Lowndes thinks, fiom inter-
nal evidence, that there was an earlier edition,
dated 1770, and ending on page 255. The author-
ship is fathered on Burke.
xxi. * Junius. L, Woodfall, 1772.
2 vols. 12mo.
The first authorized edition, printed under the
author's inspection , preceded by a dedication of
10 pages, a preface of 22, and illustrated •with
notes. It was published Maich 3, 1772, without
table of contents or index, but was le-issued about
March, 1773, with both. Many years afterwards,
the remaining copies of either this edition or a
verbatim reprint appear to have been sold off,
and the date erased by the purchaser from the
title-page; which accounts foi a supposed edition
without date — LOWNDES.
Ewmg, a Dublin publisher, issued a reprint of
"Woodfairg edition this same year, and added
fourteen new letters, either written by, or re-
plied to by Junius.
See also "Eotes and Queries," 1st Ber., vi.
224, for a supposed edition of 1771.
xxii. The Letters of Junius. L.,
Wheble, 1772. 2 vola. 12mo.
[See xvn ante."] The title-page of vol. 2 is
struck off fiom the same copperplate, and "vol.
2" is introduced in type; and the MiDCCLSSI. is
turned into MDOOL&SII. by the addition of I.,
also in type. This edition, or at least the second
volume ot it, could not have been published until
after January 21, 1772, as it contains the letter to
Lord Camden — LOWNDES.
Numerous editions of the Letters were pub-
lished during the succeeding twenty years, none
of which call for any special notice.
xxiii. The Hights of the Sailors via-
dicated. In answer to a letter of Junius.
L. [* a publisher's name] 1772. 8vo.
xxiv. [Hughes, Benjamin.] An
Epistle to Jumus. L. [? a publisher's
name] 1774. 8vo.
xxv. * A serious Letter to the Public,
on the late Transaction between Lord
North and the Duke of Grafton. By
Junius. L. [no publisher's name] 1778.
A forgery, -with which Junius had nothing to
xxvi The Intrepid Magazine. L.
1784 8vo
Contains letters signed "Junius."
xxvn Anecdotes of Junius to -which
is prefixed the King's Reply. South-
ampton, Baker, 1788. 8vo.
Tbcae anecdotes are repunted from the Picca-
dilly Edition of 1771.
xxviii. Junius discovered. By P. T.,
Esq L., Pores, s a. but 1789. 8vo.
"Written by Philip Thicknesse, and in favor of
xxix *The Letters of Junius. A
new edition with a copious index. L.,
Hamilton, 1792. 2 vols. 12mo,
The following editions also deserve passing
mention: —
Bensley's, L. 1794, 2 vols., 12mo.
Campbell's, P. 1795, lOmo.
Mundell's, L. 1796, Svo.
Bensley 's, L 1797, 2 vols. , Svo. [A few on T, P ] ;
L. 1798, 2 vols , 12mo and Svo, L. 1799, 2
vols., Svo.
Vernor & Hood's, L. 1800, 2 vols., ISrao; L 1804,
1 vol., ISmo , L. 1S06, 2 vols , 12rao.
Bensley's, L. 1801 and 1806, 2 vole , Svo.
xxx. * Chalmers, George. — An Ap-
pendix to the Supplemental Apology . . .
being the Documents for the Opinion
that Hugh McAulay Boyd wrote Ju-
nius's Letters. L., 1800. Svo
xxxi. #The Letters of Juniue, with
Notes and Illustrations Historical, Polit-
ical, Biographical, and Critical, by Rob-
ert Heron. L. 1802. 2 vols. Svo.
An edition of this book was published in the
same year, containing both volumes in one. A
second edition, of two volumes, was published in
ISO*, containing 70 pages added to the preface of
the first volume, and an appendix of 18 to the
second. It was reprinted in. Philadelphia and
Boston the same year.
xxxii. *Almon, John. — The Letters
of Junius Complete, with letters and
articles to which he replied, and with
notes biographical and explanatory ; also
a prefatory enquiry respecting the real
author. L. 1806. 2 vols. 12mo,
The following editions appeared about this
Ballantyne's, Edlnb. 180T, Svo.
Oddy's, L. 1811, 2 volfl., 12mo.
Goodwin's, L. 1812, 2 vols., 12mo.
xxxiii. * [Girdlestone, Thomas ] —
Reasons for rejecting the presumptive
Evidence of Mr. Almon, that Mr. Hugh
Boyd was the writer of Junius; with
Passages selected to prove the real Au-
thor of the Letters of Junius. L. 1808.
In favor of Mapr-Greneral Charles Lee, of the
American aimy.
xxxiv. [Fitzgerald, Mr.] — Another
Guess at Junius, and a Dialogue in the
Shades. L. 1809. Svo.
In favor of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham.
xxxv. * Draper, Sir W. — Letters to
Junius. L. 1812. Svo.
A defence of the Earl of Granby and Geneial
xxxvi. * The Letters of Junius, includ-
ing Letters by the same Writer, under
other Signatures (now first collected).
To which are added; his confidential
Correspondence with Mr. Wilkes,. and his
private Letters addressed to H. S. Wood-
fall, with a preliminary Essay [by J.
Mason Good, MD.], Notes, etc. L.,
Woodfall, 1812. 3 vols. Svo.
This edition was edited by Geoige Woodfall;
and copies me also found on Lai go Papei It
was lepnnted in Philadelphia the following year,
in two volumes, Svo.
xxxvii. # Girdlestone, Dr. Thomas. —
Facts tending to prove that General Lee
was never absent from this Country for
any length of time, during the years
1767, 1768, 1760, 1770, 1771, 1772, and
that he was the Author of Junius. L.
1813. Svo.
xxxvm. * Roche, John. — An Inquiry
concerning the Author of the Letteis of
Junius ; in which it is proved, by inter-
nal, as well as by direct and satisfactory
Evidence, that they were written by the
late Bight Hon. Edmund Burke. L.
1813. 8vo.
xxxix. *Serres, Olivia Wilmot —
The Life of the Author of the Letters of
Junius, the Rev. James Wilmot, D.D.
By his niece. L. 1818, 8vo,
XL. * [Taylor, John.] — A Discovery
of the Author of the Letters of Junius,
founded on such Evidence and Illustra-
tions as explain all the mysterious cir-
cumstances and apparent contradictions
which have contributed to the conceal-
ment of this "most important secret of
our times/' L. 1813. 8vo.
In favor of Sir Philip Prancis.
XLI. *Duppa, Richard. — Memoirs of
a celebrated literary and political Char-
acter, from 1742 to 1767, containing
strictures of some of the most distin-
["Julius" LETTERS.]
guished men of that time. L. 1813.
In favor of Richard G-lover.
XLII. * Duppa, Richard. — An Inquiry
concerning the author of the Letters of
Jumus, with reference to the Memoirs
by a celebrated Literary and Political
Character. L. 18 14. 8vo.
In favor of Richard G-lover. A second edition,
in which further extracts from curious Mss.
memoirs were added, was published in the same
XLIII *Blakeway, Rev. J B. — An
Attempt to ascertain the Authors of the
Letters published under the signature of
Junius. Shrewsbury, 1818. 8vo.
In favor of John Home Tooke.
XLIV Blakeway, Rev. J, B. — Sequel
of an Attempt to discover Junius. L.
1815. 8vo.
In favor of John Home Tooke.
XLV. *The Letters of Junius. L.,
Woodfall, 1814. 3 vols. 8vo.
This is Woodfall's second edition ; containing
several slight vanations, and omitting the four
pages of advertisement which occur in the edi-
tion of 1812
XLYI. * Busby, Thomas. — Arguments
and Pacts demonstrating that the Let-
ters of Junius were written by John
Lewis De Lolme, author of the " History
of the British Constitution," accompa-
nied with Memoirs of that " most distin-
guished foreigner." L. 1816. 8vo.
XLVII. * [Johnston, A. Gk] — Letters
to a Nobleman, proving a late Prime
Minister to have been Junius; and de-
veloping the secret motives which in-
duced him to write under that and other
signatures. With an Appendix, contain-
ing a celebrated case published by Al-
mon in 1768. L. 1816. 8vo.
In favor of the Duke of Portland.
XLVIII. * [Taylor, John.] — The iden-
tity of Junius with a Distinguished Liv-
ing Character established. With a Sup-
plement, containing fac-similes of hand-
writing and other illustrations. L. 1816.
In favor of Sir Philip Francis. A second and
enlarged edition of this work appeared in 1818,
and a third in 1828. The same author also pub-
lished a supplement m 1817, consisting of fac-
similes of handwriting, etc ; and a second edition
of the Lxtter appeared in the following year. See
also "Notes and Queries," 1st Ser , i. 103, 258.
XLIX. * Chalmers, George. — The Au-
thor of Junius ascertained from a con-
catenation of circumstances amounting
to Moral Demonstration. L. 1817. 8vo.
In favor of Hugh Boyd.
L. *[Serres, Olivia Wilmot.]— Ju-
nius. Sir Philip Francis denied : A Let-
ter addressed to the British Nation. L.
1817. 8vo
In favor of the Rev. James Wilmot, D.D.
LI * Chalmers, George. — The Author
of Junius ascertained from direct proofs
. . . with a Postscript evincing that Boyd
wrote Junius, and not Francis. L. 1819.
LII. Junius Unmasked. A well-known
and most eminent literary character of
the last century. L. 1819. 8vo.
In favor of Edward Gibbon, the historian.
LIII. * Junius with his Vizor up 1 ...
by Aedipus Oronoko, Tobacconist and
Snuffseller. Oxf. 1819. 8vo.
A burlesque in favor of Suett, the comedian.
LIV. *A Refutation of the Claims
preferred for Sir Philip Francis and Mr.
Gibbon to the Letters of Junius. L.
1819. 8vo.
LV. * [Cramp, William.] —The Author
of Junius discovered in the Person of
the celebrated Earl of Chesterfield. L.
1821. 8vo.
A second edition appeared in 1823, and a third
in 1826.
LVI. *The Letters of Junius with pre-
liminary Dissertations and copious Notes.
By Atticus Secundus. Edinb. 1822.
This edition was edited by John M'Diarmid,
who claims that Sir Phihp Fiancis was Junius.
LVII. *The Letters of Junius, with a
Dissertation by I. W. Lake. Paris, 1822.
2 vols 32mo.
Also in favor of Sir Philip Francis.
tyiii. * [Cramp, William ] — The
Claims of Sir Philip Francis refuted;
with a supplement to Junius discovered.
L 1822. 8vo
LIX. Letters of Charles Butler, dated
July, 1799, giving an account of the In-
quiries of John Wilkes and Himself, rel-
ative to the Authorship of Junius. L.
1822. 8vo.
LX. *Lye, Francis. — The Beauties
and Maxims of Junius and his corre-
spondents. L. 1824. 12mo.
I have seen an edition dated 1823.
LXI. * Coventry, George. — A Critical
Enquiry regarding the real Author of
the Letters of Junius, proving them to
have been written by Lord Viscount
Sackville. L. 1825. 8vo.
LXII. * [Kelly, P.] — Junius proved
to be Burke, with an Outline of Ms
Biography, L. 1826. 8vo.
LXIII. Barker, Edward H. — The
Claims of Sir Philip Francis to the Au-
thorship of JUBIUS disproved, in Letters
to the Rev. M. Davy, M.D., Sir James
Mackintosh, Godfrey Higgins, and Uve-
dale Price. Privately Printed, Thetford,
1827. 8vo.
LXIV. * Barker, Edward H. — I The
Claims of Sir Philip Erancis, K.B., to
the Authorship of Junius's Letters, dis-
proved. II. Some Enquiry into the
Claims of the late Charles Lloyd, Esq ,
to the composition of them : III. Obser-
vations on the Conduct, Character, and
Style of the Writings of the late Bight
Hon. Edmund Burke: IV. Extracts
from the writings of several eminent
philologists, on the Laconic and Asiatic,
the Attic and Bhodian Styles of Elo-
quence. L. 1828. 12m o.
LXV. * Graham, John Andrew. — Me-
moirs of John Home Tooke, together
with his valuable speeches and writings ;
also containing proofs identifying him
as the author of the celebrated Letters
of Junius. New York, 1828. 8vo.
LXVI. * [Manning, Joseph Boiles.] —
Junius Unmasked ; or, Lord George Sack-
ville proved to be Junius, By Atticus
Secundus. With an Appendix, showing
that the author of the Letters of Junius
was also the author of the " History of
the Reign of George III ," and of " The
North Briton/' ascribed to Mr. Wilkes.
B., Mass., 1828. 8vo.
The "History of the Reign of George HI."
was published anonymously in 1770, at London.
L3cvii. * [Fellows, John.] — The Post-
humous Writings of Junius. To which
is prefixed an Inquiry respecting the
Author; also a sketch of the Life of
John Home Tooke, and Correspondence
of Wilkes N.Y. 1820. 8vo.
LXVIII *Falconar, James — The Se-
cret Kevealed; or, the Authorship of
Jimius's Letters. L. 1830. 8vo.
In favor of Daniel TVray, deputy teller of the
exchequer, under Philip, second Earl of Hard-
*Newhall, Isaac. — Letters on
Junius, addressed to John Pickering,
Esgt, showing that the author of that
celebrated work was Earl Temple. B.
1831. 12mo.
LSX. *Waterhouse, Benjamin. — An
Essay on Junius and his Letters, em-
bracing a sketch of the life and charac-
ter of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham,
and memoirs of certain other distin-
guished individuals, with Reflections,
historical, personal, and political, relating
to the affairs of Great Britain and
America from 1763 to 1785. B, 1831.
LXXI. * Swinden, John, — Juntas Lord
Chatham, and the " Miscellaneous Let-
ters " proved to be spurious. L. 18S3
LXXII. [West, William (?)] — Recol-
lections ot an Old Bookseller, relative to
the Junius Letters. Cork, 18U5. 8vo
ixsiu. Who was Junius ? L. 1837.
In favor of Lord Chatham.
LXXIV. * Simons, N. W. (editor). —
" A Letter to an Honourable Brigadier-
General, Commander-in-Chief of his
Majesty's forces in Canada" (L. 1760).
Now first ascribed to Junius, etc. The
Refutation of the same, by an officer.
L. 1760.
Reprinted, with incidental notices of Lords
Townshend and Sackville, Sir Philip Frauds,
and otheis. L. 1841 12mo.
LXXV. * Jaques, John. — The History
of Junius and his Works ; and a Kcview
of the Controversy respecting the iden-
tity of Junius. With an Appendix,
containing Portraits and Sketches by
Junius. L. 1843. 12mo.
In favor of Lord G-. Sackville.
LXXVI * Britton, John . — The Author-
ship of the Letters of Junius elucidated,
including a biographical memoir of Col.
Isaac Barrfc, M.P. L. 1848. 8vo.
Some copies were printed on Large Paper.
LXXVII. *Wade, John. — Junius: in-
cluding Letters by the same Writer
under other Signatures, to which are
added his confidential correspondence
with Mr. Wilkes and his private Letters
to Mr. H. S. Woodfall ; A New and En-
larged Edition, with new evidence as to
the authorship, and an analysis by the
late Sir Harris Nicolas. L., Bonn, 1860.
2 vols. 12mo,
A second edition appeared in 1873.
LXXVIII. Some new facts, and a sug-
gested new theory as to the Authorship
of the Letters of Junius. By Sir 3?ortu-
natus Dwarris, Knt. [pseud.], s.l. et a.
privately printed [1850] . 8vo,
In favor of Sir Philip "Francis. The author
claims that the "Letters" were not the work of
a single individual, but -were probably written by
many of those to whom tbey have been attrib-
uted, under the supervision of Francis, who was
also the chief contributor.
LXXIX. * Cramp, William, — Junius
and his Works, compared with the char-
acter and Writings of Philip Dormer
Stanhot>e, Earl of Chesterfield. Lewes,
1850. 8vo.
A second edition appeared at London the fol-
lowing year.
LXXX. * Cramp, William, — -Facsimile
Autograph Letters of Junius, Lord Ches-
terfield, and Mrs. C. Dayrolles* Show-
ing that the wife of Mr. Solomon Day-
rolles was the amanuensis employed in
copying the Letters of Junius for the
Printer. With a postscript to the first
Essay on Jumus and his Works. L.
1851. 8vo.
LXXXI Cramp, William. — Essay on
the Authenticity of the four Letters of-
Atticus. L 1851 8vo.
See also '« Notes and Queries," 1st Ser., 1. 275,
LXXXII Parkes, J., and Merivale, H.
— Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis, K.C.B.,
with Correspondence and Journals. L.
1852. 2 vols 8vo.
A second edition appeared in 1867.
LXXXIII. *Ayerst, Francis — The
Ghost of Junius, or, the Authorship of
the celebrated ' Letters ' by this Anony-
mous Writer, deduced from a letter, etc.,
addressed, in 1775-76, by Lieutenant-
General Sir Robert Rich, Bart , etc., to
the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Barring-
ton, etc L. 1853. 8vo.
In favor of Lieut-Col. Sir Robert Rich.
LXXXIV * Griffin, Frederick. — Junius
discovered. B. 1854. 12mo.
In favor of Governor Pownall.
LXXXV. * Dowe, William. — Junius
Lord Chatham : a biography setting
forth the condition of English preceding
and contemporary with the Revolution-
ary Junian period, and showing that the
greatest Orator and Statesman was also
the greatest Epistolary Writer of his
age. L. 1857. 12mo.
Theauthorhad previously advocated the same
theory, in the " Dublin University Magazine,**
xi. 20.
LXXXVI. Symono, J. C. — "William
Burke, the Author of Junius, an Essay
on his Era. L. 1859. 12rao.
LXXXVII. * Hay ward, A. — More about
Junius. The Franciscan Theory un-
sound. L. 1868. 8vo.
Reprinted, with additions, from " Fraser's
LXXXVIII. Chabot and Twistleton.—
The Handwriting of Junius. L. 1871,
LXXXIX. * Junius Unmasked; or,
Thomas Paine, the author of the Letters
of Junius and the Declaration of Inde-
pendence. Washington, D.C., 1872.
xc. *The Handwriting of Junius pro-
fessionally investigated by Mr. Charles
Chabot (Expert). With Preface and
Collateral Evidence by the Hon. Edward
Twistleton. L. 1847. 4to.
An attempt to prove conclusively, by com-
parative handwriting, that Sir Philip Prancis
was the author of the letters.
IV. Some Miscellaneous Observations.
Here end my researches in the history
of Junius, and in conclusion I shall place
before the reader three quotations, from
which he can choose as he \\ishes, and
endeavor to settle this knotty question
to his own satisfaction.
The first is from the introductory
epistle to Scott's "Fortunes of Nigel,"
in which the author says . —
" A cause, however ingeniously pleaded, is not
therefoie gamed You may remember the
neatly-wrought chain of circumstantial evidence
so artificially brought forward to piove Sii
Philip Francis's title to the Letters of Junius
seemed at first irrefragible, yet the influence of
the reasoning has passed away, and Junius, in
the general opinion, is as much unknown as
Lord Byron had evidently arrived at
no very definite conclusion in respect to
the authorship, for in his " Vision of
Judgment" Junius appears among the
shades, and is as inscrutable as he was
on earth . —
" And several people swore from out the press,
They knew him perfectly; and one could swear
He was "his father, upon \\hich another
Was sure he -was his mother's-cousin's brother.
"I've an hypothesis — 'tis quite ray own;
I never let it out till now, tor fear
Of doing people harm about the throne,
And injuring some mmistei or peer
On whom the stigma might peihaps be blown;
It is — ray gentle public, lend thine ear!
'Tis, that what Junius we were wont to call
Was really, truly, nobody at all."
Lastly, I cannot refrain from quoting
the excellent view of the influence of
Junius' labors as depicted by Messrs.
Parkes and Merivale in their '* Life of
Sir Philip Francis," to wit : —
"That Junius can only be described with
truth as a political adventurer there Is no doubt.
It is plain enough that his own personal success
In life was involved in that of the party whose
cause he adopted, or, to speak still moie accu-
rately, in the fall of the party which he attacked.
And it Is equally true that be was utterly un-
scrupulous in his use of means; that his sincer-
ity, even when he was sincere, was apt to
assume the form of the most ignoble rancor,
and that no ties of friendship, or party, or con-
nection, seem to have restrained his virulence.
All this is but too deducible from the published
anonymous writings only , . . But when all this
has been said, there remains a residue of a
higher order, which must in justice to him be
fairly weighed in the balance. Notwithstanding
all his sins against Justice and truth, Junius was
assuredly actuated at bottom by n strong and
ardent public spirit. He was throughout a
genuine lover of his country. He was earnest in
Behalf of her honor and of her liberties He saw
clearly that her road to the accomplishment of a
higher destiny lay through the maintenance of
that honor and the extension of those liberties.
He hated with an honest hatred the meanness of
principle and venahty of conduct which charac-
terized but too strongly the governments against
-which he fought, and tarnished the political
genius of his time. And veiy remarkable was
the success which attended his sti uggle against
them. GKeat indeed weie the practical \iotoues
achieved by the efforts of this nameless, obscure
agitator. Fieedom of the press and the per-
sonal freedom of the subject owe probably more
to the writings of Junius than to the eloquence
of Chatham 01 Bui ke, the law of Camden and
Dunmng. It is not too much to say that after
the appearance of those writings, a new tone on
these great subjects is found to pievail in oiu
political literatme. Doctrines which had piew-
ously met with almost general consent boeame
exploded, tiuths which up to that time had been
only timidly propounded were placed , in pobt-
Juuian times, on the oidei ot the day. It is no
doubt very tiue tlut he vas only riqluing m the
van of an advanciug cause, and that thobe public
benefits would as ceiUmly h.ivo boon exxuicid to
ua it Junius hadnevei \\uttcii. But it is just as
ceitain that Ameiica would have been discovered
had Columbus never existed, jet no one, then--
fore, contests the gicatncss oi Columbus or th^
obligations undei which mankind lies towaids
And with this ends the history and bibliography of Junius
K. John Collijer Knight. Queried
tracts, from Kitto's "Journal of Sacred
Literature" (L. 1851).
K. James Kenney. Raising the wind :
a farce. L. 1803 — See Lamb's " Eha,"
"The two races of men."
K.j A. Abner Kneeland, in his
contributions to periodical literature,
K., A. Annie Keary. The heroes of
Asgard and the giants of Jotunheim. L.
K , A. A. Kenned\j. The high price
of food. Edinb. 1800.
K,A. Andrew Kippis. "Dr. Watts's
psalms/' "Gent Mag.," Sept. 1794, p.
K, A. J. Alfred John Kempe, Esq ,
F.S.A. His signature in the "Gent.
Among his more valuable papers was a series
tinder the title of " Londmiana " , another on
ancient "English Battle-Fields"; one, m 1830,
entitled, "Tavistock and its Abbey"; others,
December, 1830, m 1831, 1832, and 1S33.
K., C. William Chailes Mark Kent.
Dickens at Gadshill. Lines in the
" Athenaeum " of June 3, 1871.
K., C. Rev Charles Kingsley. Hints
to stammerers ... L. 1864.
K, C. E. Mrs Caroline E. (Kelli/)
Davis. Little Apple-Blossom. B. 1803.
K , D. David Kerf in his letters to the
" Times "(N.Y.).
K., E. D. E. D. Kendall. Master and
pupil ; or, school-life at Old Baldwin . . .
B. 1869.
K., H. Herbert Kynaston. Commemo-
ration address in praise of Dean Colet.
L. 1852.
K., H. St. A. H. St. A. Kitching.
Moral plays ... L. 1882.
K., J. John Kersey. A new English
dictionary ... L. 1702.
K., J, F.R.S. and SA.Sc, James
Keir. The first part of a dictionary of
chemistry, etc. Birmingham, 1789.
K , M. Mary (Morns) Knowlcs Com-
pendium of a controversy on water bap-
tism. L 1805.
K , M. A. Mrs. Mary Anne Kelti/.
Emma ; or, recollections of a friend. L.
K , O. Mine 0. K. Novikoff. Skobe-
loff and the Slavonic cause. By ...
L. 1883
K., R J, Richatd John King. A
handbook to Hereford Cathedral'. By
... L. 1804
K, R. M. Robert Malcolm Kcrr.
Nugae antiquae. By ... 1847.
K., T. T. Knight, of I?apcastle. An
examination of M. La Place's theory of
capillary attraction L. 1809.
K., T. Thomas Keightley. The fairy
mythology L. 1828,
K., W. Wtlham King* ford, O.K. Im-
pressions of the West jind South . . .
Toronto, 1858.
K., W. Bishop Wiite Kennet, A let-
ter to the Lord Bishop of Carlisle con-
cerning one of his predecessors, Bishop
Merks... 3ded. L. 1713.
K., W. W dh am Kelly. Notes on
Ezekiel by ... L. 1870
K., W., Esq. William Kenrick. An
epistle to James Boswell, Esq. ... L.
K*** E., of M*** S***. Etirnnd
King, of Mansfield Street, London, in
Beloe's "Sexagenarian" Vol. 2, p. 90.
2d ed. L. 1818.
- K ,Rev. A , A.M. Rev. Alex-
ander Keith* Observations on the act for
preventing clandestine marriages, By . , .
L. 1753,
Kaiser, Ernst. Eivald Attgttft Kdnig.
Der Deserteur. 1866,
Kaloolah. Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth (Hill-
yer Bollard] Haynaid, who published
poems m various papers under this signa-
Kalula. F. E. Ramsden, in the " New
York Dramatic News "
Kames, St. S. Nugent Townshend.
Colorado; its agriculture, stock-feeding,
scenery, and shooting (N.Y. 1879), origi-
nally contributed to the "Field" (L ).
Kaout 3t 'Chouk, Tridace Nafe*,
Th€obr6me de. Henri Florent Deimotte.
Voyage pittoresque et mdustriel dans le
Paraguay-roux et la Palingenesie Aus-
trale . . . Mons, 1835.
Kapha, Belsliazzar, the Jew. Rob-
ert Dodsley. The book of the chroni-
cle of James the nephew ... L.
Karl, Henri Comte Jules de Carne*.
Marguerite de Keradec. 1876.
Karl, Meister. OhmJes Godfrey Le-
land Sketch book of Meister Karl. P.
Karlsten, Henry. Charles Henry
Luders, in his contributions to the
" Evening Bulletin " (P.)
Kastus. Charles Waddington.
au moyen-age.
Kata Phusin John Ruslm. The
poetry of architecture, with illustrations
by the author, and other papers, signed
... In London's "Architectural Maga-
zine/' 1837-38. Also an article in the
same journal, January, 1839.
Kate, Cousin. Catherine Douglass
Bell. An autumn at Karnford , . .
Edinb, 1847.
Kathleen. Mrs. Kate Ensworth, in
her contributions to the "Detroit Free
Press "
Keeldar, Snirley. Miss My. The
winding Wye: a song. The music by
... L. 1663.
Keen Hand, A. Henry Farnie, The
Golfer's manual . . . Cupar, 1857,
Keith, Leslie. Miss Keith Johnston.
Nobody's lad ... L. 1882.
Keld. Harry S Hewitt, in his contri-
butions to the "Syracuse Herald''
Kemperhausen. Robert Pierce Gil-
lies, one of " Blackwood's " contributors
and the " Kemperhausen " of the " Noctes
Kendal, W. H. William Hunter Grim-
ston. A nom de theatre.
Kendal, Mrs. W. H. Mrs. Margaret
["Madge"] (Robertson) Grimston.
Kent, Alfred. J* Dacres Devlin. Two
odes on occasion of -the Cinque Ports
festival at Dover, Aug. 30, 1839, in hon-
our of the Duke of Wellington. L.
Kentuckian, A. Asahel Langwor-
thij C1). A biographical sketch of Col.
Richard M Johnson. N.Y. 1843.
Kentuckian, A. 8amuel Smith Nich-
olas. Martial law . . . About 1842.
Kentucky Colonel, The. Col 31ay-
nard, in his contributions to the " Senti-
nel" (Indianapolis, Ind.).
Kenwyn, Allen Rev Samuel Pascoe.
On the Cornish coast, a series of thir-
teen excursions on Cornish shores. Truro,
1878. First appeared 111 the "Western
Daily Mercury/' under the above signa-
ture. He has been the author of verse
and prose articles for the " Graphic," the
Plymouth newspapers, and other periodi-
Kerr, Orpheus C. Robert Henry
Newell. Avery Grlibun ; or, between two
fires . a romance. N.Y. 1867.
Kerr, Sherill Miss Julia, Magruder,
in her contributions to various period-
Ketch, Jack. Thomas Kibble Hervey.
Australia, and other poems. L. 1824;
also editor of the "Athenaeum" (L.)
Key-note Prof. Nathan Shepard, in
the " New York Examiner."
Khalid, Eb'n Abdallah. Sir Henry
Taijlor, K a, D.CX.
Khan, The. Mr. Kernigan, in his con-
tributions to the "World" (Toronto,
Kllosa. Harriet Cr. Hosmer.
Kind, K. K. Kaiherine O. Walker, in
her contributions to "Harper's Maga-
zine" (N.Y.).
King, Alice. Mrs. Alice King Hamil-
ton, in tales, etc., contributed to various
King, Toler Mrs. Emily Fox. Rose
O'Connor . . . Chic. 1880.
Bang, The. Mr. Wasborough. A let-
ter from the king. L. 1820.
The letter is signed " Montague Williams."
King of Brobdignags, The. George
III. of Great Britain.
"In other papers the conqueror of Europe
[Bonaparte] was represented as a mere pigmy
— as a man in miniature — when compared to
King George and the Britons. In this spirit,
G-iDray in 1S03 represented the King as the
'King of Brobdignags' eyeing his diminutive
assailant through his opera-glass, as he held
Mm in his hand.'*
King's Friend, A. Thomas Pownall.
Considerations on the indignity suffered
by the Crown ... L. 1772.
Kingcups. The Msses KnatchbulL
The bouquet culled from Marylebone
Gardens. L. 1851-55. [See "Blue-
bell "]
Kingsborough, Lord. Edward King,
Viscount Kingshorough. Antiquities of
Mexico . , . Ed. by ... L. 1831.
Kingsford, Jane Charles Francis
Barnard, Jr. The soprano : a musical
story. B. 1869.
Kingsman, A. Rev. Robert William
Essington, M.A Over volcanoes; or,
through Trance and Spain in 1871. L.
Kinkel, Mme. Elizabeth Sara Shep-
pard. Almost a heroine. B. 1860.
Kirk, Eleanor Mrs. Eleanor Ames
Up Broadway; and its sequel ... NY.
Kirke, Edmund James Roberts Gd~
more. Life in Dixie's Land . . . N.T
Kirwan. Rev. Nicholas Murray. Ro-
manism at home N.Y. 1852
Kit. J. B. Adams, in his contributions
to the '* Tribune" (Denver, Col.), etc
Kit Prof John Wilson (Christopher
Kit. Charles Asbury Stephens. Camp-
ing out ... B 1872.
Kitcat, Dick. Richard Doyle. This
name is given as that of the artist of the
first five etchings of Maxwell's "For-
tunes of Hector O'Halloran," published
by Bentley (L ) in 1842.
Kitty, Aunt. Maria Jane Mclntosh.
Aunt Kitty's tales. N.Y. 1841-42.
Klausner, Chr. Karl Richard Wal-
demar Uschner.
Klikspaan. Jan Kneppelhout. Stu-
dententypen, 1841, and Studentenleven,
KTim, Niels. Baron Ludwig von Hoi-
berg. Voyage de Niels Klinw 18-.
Kn — Oxonian. Rev. John Allan.
!Fiddle-de-dee : a hurdy gurdy ode . . .
by ... corresponding member of the
institute of common sense. Aberdeen,
Knickerbocker. John S. Du Soltt,
in the "Philadelphia Sunday Despatch."
Knickerbocker. John Austin Stevens,
Jr. Resumption of specie TDavment . .
N.Y. 1S73.
Knickerbocker, Diedrich. Wash-
ington Irving. The history of New York.
N.Y. 1809.
Knight, Charles D. Mrs. E. L. Gil-
bert. Thump's client 3ST.Y. 1880.
Knight, The. Sir Robert Walpole.
A dialogue which lately pass'd between
the Knight and his man John [a satirical
poem]. L. 1740(1).
Knight Errant, A. Edward 2)u
Bois, Esq. My pocket book; or, hints
for a ryght merrye and conceitede tour
in quarto ; to be called " The Sti anger m
Ireland in 1805." By ... L 1808.
Knight of Innishowen, The, John
Knight of Kerry. Maunce Fits*
Gerald. A letter to Sir Robert Peel on
the endowment of the Roman Catholic
Church in Ireland . . L. 1845
Knight of Morar, The. Sir William
Augustus Fraser., 4th Bart. Coila's
whispers . . . Edmb 1869.
Knockdunder, Lieutenant Abel,
H.P. Andrew Shortrede. Letter ... on
the proceedings of the Association for
Promotion of the Pine Arts in Scotland.
Edmb. 1840.
Knot, Maple Ebenezer Clemo. The
life and adventures of Simon Seek . . .
Montreal, 1858.
Known Friend of Mr. Leslie, A.
Roger Laurence. Mr. Leslie's defence
from some erroneous and dangerous
principles advanced ... L. 1719.
Knutt, A. P. Augustus M. 2). Livan-
Korah. Edward Taylor Fletcher, who
contributed articles to the "Literary
Transcript " (Montreal), 1837-39, under
this signature, "Tabitha," and his own
Koran, M. Valdemar TJiisted. Breve
fra Helvede 1871
Krasnohorska, Eliska. Hennette
Pech. Zum slawischen Suden. 1880.
Krawbridge, Michael. John Boyle,
Earl of Cork and Orrery.
Kremlin. William Stevens Robinson.
His signature in the "Hartford (Conn.)
Press/' in 1865.
Krik Henry G. Crickmore. Guide to
the turf (N.T. 187-) ; and 35T.Y. " World."
Krinelbol. Claude Prosper Jolyot
de Crtfbillon. — See " Zeokmizul."
Kroates. Josiah F. Polk.
Kron, Karl Lyman Hotchldss Bagg.
Ten thousand miles on a bicycle. By
... N,Y. 1885.
" Between 76 and '82 ... I carried on a lar^e
correspondence, with the signature * "World's Coll.
Chron.' (i.e. chronicler) ; though I never attached
it to a published article, except advertisements or
circulars. * Kol Kron,' which I attached to many
cycling sketches, '79 to '82 (including one article
in 'Lippmcott'), was simply a perversion of this
signature. When I left the « world,* I changed
the « Kol ' to « Karl.' » — Letter, 1885.
Krone, Karl. TeJcla (Svensson) Juel,
with her two sisters, Fanny Svensson and
Alfhilda (Svensson) Mecklenburg, 33i blot
" 1880.
Kruna. Mi s. Julia P Ballot d. The
hole in the bag ; and other stones. N.Y.
Krys. Thomas B. Ghrystal, in his con-
tributions to the "Morning Journal"
Kuklos. John Hairis. A review of
Macaulay's teaching on the relationship
of theology to the science of government.
Montreal, 1874
Kunst, Hermann, Phllol. Professor
Rei. Walter Chalmers Smith. Olrig
Grange Glasgow, 1872.
Kwang GhlTig Ling. Alexander Del-
mar. Why should the Chinese go ? San
Francisco, 1878.
A or \. Chailes Edwaid Long, Esq.
" Memoir of Sir Henry Morgan, ' The
Buccaneer/" "Gent. Mag.," February
and March, 1832, pp. 128, 231 ; " Monu-
ments of the Long family," "Gent.
Mag,," June, 1835, p. 588.
"L. Charles Edward Long, Esq. " Gent.
Mag.," August, 1849, p 153.
L. Rev. John Lawry, Prebendary of
Eochester, in his contributions to the
" Athenian Letters "... L. 1741-43.
L. George Frederick Beltz, Esq.
•" Armorial decorations of Fonthill
Abbey," in « Gent. Mag.," Vol. 92, Pt.
2, pp. 201, 317, 409.
1L Catherine Swanwick. Poems. L.
Ii. Majot Robert Lachlan. Remarks
•on the state of education in the Province
of Canada . . . Montreal, 1848.
L. Israel Lombard. Eemarks on the
tariff bill now before the United States
senate India Wharf [B.] , January, 1861.
Hi James Lenox. Shakespeare's plays
in folio ..." Hist. Mag." N.Y. 1861. "
t», Lady. Lady Lyons. Olivia: a
tale L. 1847.
L, A. Miss Abbij Lee [Appendix
to] Rhode Island tales. N Y. 1839.
L., A. E. A E. Lancaster, in his contri-
butions to the " Evening Telegram" (N.Y. ) .
L , A. E. Zfiss A. E. L. Lee. The
fruits of the valley. L. 1855.
L., C. E. C. E. Lambert. The bar-
sinister ... L. 18o6.
Hi , C. H. Charles Henry Luders, in
his contributions to the "Evening Bul-
letin "(P.).
L., C. H. Rev. Charles H. Leonard.
First steps in the open path. Prepared
for the children and youth of the First
(Universalist) Church of Christ, Chelsea,
Mass. B. 1865.
3D , D. David Laing. Notices regard-
ing the metrical versions of the Psalms
. . . Edinb. 1842.
I/,, E. E. Lord. Discursive remarks
on modern education. L. 1841
Li.E. Samuel Pegge. " Observations on
the Sunday clause in the militia bill,"
"Gent. Mag.," 1757, p. 58 (and forty
other articles, from 1788 to 1795).
"L, E.,"— the final letters either of SamueZ
and Pegge, or of PauZ G-erasege. See «« G-ent.
Mag.," LXVL, pp. 981 and 1088.
L, E. E. Lumb (*). Scattered pearls
strung together ... L. 1860.
TJ.J E. Emma Lewis. Treasures of
darkness. By ... P. 1854
Preface signed "F. W."; i.e Francis Wharton.
L , E. B. Edward George Earle Lytton
Bulwer-Lytton, Baron Lytton, Harold, the
last of the Saxon kings. L. 1848.
L , E E E. Elizabeth Lay. How to
be a hero. B. 187-.
L., E F. E. F. Lloyd. John Brown's
trouble . . . 1863.
L., E. Li Mrs. E. L. Lasselle. Mag-
dalen the enchantress ... P. 1858.
L, E. M. E M. Lawson. Records
and traditions of Upton-on-Severn. By
. . L. 1869.
L , E. N. Elizabeth N. Lockerby. The
wild brier ; or, lays by an untaught min-
strel. Charlottetown, 1866.
Jit , E. S. Hon. Elizabeth Susan Law,
afterwards Lady Colchester. Giustina:
a Spanish tale of real life. A poem . . .
L. 1833
It , F. G-. Frederick George Lee. Lays
of the Church ... L. 1851. See"L.B."
Ij., O. G-eorge Ludlam. The myste-
rious murder; or, what's the clock? A
melodrama . . . 1817.
L., H. A., tlie Old Shekarry. Major
Henry A. Leveson. The camp fire. The
forest and the field. L. 1865.
Jj. H. C. Charles Henry Luders, in his
contributions to the "Evening Bulletin'*
L., H. E. S H. E. S. Leech. Ferns
which grow in New Zealand and tlie
adjacent islands plainly described.
L , J. Rev. James Lupton. Gulliver's
travels, new edition, carefully edited by
a clergyman (J. L.). L* 1867
Jj., J. John Love, Ji . Judas's younger
brother manifested ... L 1704.
Jj., J. Rev. James Lukin. The lathe
and its uses ... 3d ed. L. 1871.
Jj, J. J. Leadbetter. A pilgrimage
to the shrines of Buckinghamshire. By
... L. 1861.
Li., J F. de. Don J. F. de Lizarch.
Pensador Mexicano. Mexico, 1813
L., J B. James Russell Lowell. The
poetical works of J. Keats, with a life.
B. 1854.
It f J. S. John Stockton Littell. The
Clay minstrel ; or, national songster . . .
P. 1842.
ft. K. Charles Chauncy, D.D. A let-
ter to the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield,
publickly calling upon him to vindicate
his conduct or confess his faults. B.
Jj. L. Rev. George Smith. — See " Love-
church, Leonard."
ti. Ii One of the pseudonyms at-
tributed to Junius (q.v.) The two let-
ters thus signed are dated Aug. 5 and
Sept. 6, 1768, and express " indignation at
the dismissal of Sir Jeffery Amherst
from his government of Virginia, whose
services and merits are strongly de-
Ii. I*. Laura Loring Pratt Evening
rest; or, the shadow of the Great Shep-
herd ... B. 1872.
Li , L B. Lambert Blackwell Larking
A description of the Heart-Shrine in
Leybourne Church, with some account
of Sir Koger de Leyburn, Kt. L.
Ij., JLL. E. Mrs. Letitia Elizabeth
(Landon) Maclean. Poetical works. L.
Ij., L. P. Mrs. L. P. Lewis, German
correspondent of numerous American
Li., M. B. Miss Mary Elizabeth Lee,
who contributed to the "Rose Bud,"
afterwards the "Southern Rose," pub-
lished at Charleston, S.C., at first under
the modest signature of "A Friend,"
and, when this became known, under
those initials of her name.
L, M. R. M. R. Lahee. Tim Bob-
bin's adventures with the Irishman . . .
Manchester, 1860.
Ij. N. Rev. George F. Cushman, in his
contributions to the "Churchman"
(N.Y.), etc.
L, R. J. Richard J. Lane. Spirits
and water. L. 1855.
I; , B. W. Rev. Randolph W. Lowrie,
in the " Churchman," April 3, 1880, p.
L , S Stephen Lobb. — See " A Lover
of Truth and Peace."
L., S C. S C. Lampieyb A brief
historical and descriptive account of
Maidstone . . . Maidstone, 1834
Jj S E. Michael Augustus G-athetcole.
Letters to a Dissenting Minister of the
Congregational Independent Denomina-
tion ... L. 1834.
IJ S S. Lauia Sophia Temple. Poems.
L 1805.
Ij , S W Mrs. S. W. Landor. Whis-
perings from life's shore • a bright shell
for children B. 1849.
Jj , T. Thomas Letchworth. A morn-
ing's meditation ; or, a descant upon the
times: a poem. By ... L. 17C5.
Li , T. H. Thomas Henry Lowth. Essay
on architecture. L. 1776.
L. U P - , A M Thomas Edwai ds.
A letter to the author of a late Episto-
lary Dissertation ... L. 1744.
Jj , W., Junior. William Lamboll, Jt
A lamentation over Zion, on the declen-
sion of the Church L. 1747.
Ij., W. B. W B. Lord (*). The
corset and the crinoline ... L.
I/., W. F. B. W F. B. Lawrie. The
Idol-shrine ... L 1851
Ij., W. H William Hemy Leeds. A
treatise on the decorative part of civil
architecture. Revised, etc., by ... L.
L, W. S. Walter Savage Landor.
Dry sticks, fagoted by W S. 'L. Edinb.
This book is very scarce, having been sup-
pressed ; and it is not included in any edition of
Lander's works.
, Mrs. Mrs. Lef&vre. An extract
of letters, — by ... Dublin, 1808.
£ --- 9 X. Thomas Lewis. English
Presbyterian eloquence ... L. 1720.
L/ ... M . . B . . ., armateur. Louis
Mai IB Prudhomme. — See " Armateur."
Labourer for Peace, A. Jane Ogil-
me. A handbook for the Churches . . .
Edinb. 1840.
Labourer in the Same Cause, A.
One of the pseudonyms attributed to
Junius (q.v ). The letters thus signed
are dated June 27 and July 7, 1770, and
are directed against Mr. Wilkes.
IiaTbrunie, Gerard. Gerard de Ner-
val. Piquillo. Pans, 1837.
Lackland, Thomas. Greorge Canning
Hill. Homespun; or, five and twenty
years ago... NY. 1867
Laco. Stephen Higgmson. The writ-
ings of Laco, as published in the "Massa-
chusetts Centmel" in ... 1789. B, 1789.
Lacon. Rev. Caleb C. Colton. Lacon ;
or, many things in few words. L. 1820-
Lacretie, Arnold. Jules Claretie. Le
rocher des fiances. 1851.
Lactantius. Sh David Dalrymple.
Of the manner in which persecutors
died ; by ... Edinb. 1782
Lactilla. Mrs Ann Yearsley. Poems
L 1785.
Lady, A Miss Sarah Fielding. The
adventures of David Simple ... By ...
L. 1744
Lady, A. Mrs. (Mallet) Celisia. Al-
mida. a tragedy, as it is performed at
the Theatre-Royal, in Drury Lane. L.
Lady, A. Mrs. Henry Freshfield
Alpine byways ; or, light leaves gathered
in 1859 and 1860. L 1861.
Lady, A Mrs. Mary J Jourdan.
The Althorp Picture Gallery, and other
poetical sketches. Edinb. 1836.
Lady, A Miss Elisabeth Missing
Seweii Amy Herbert ... L 1844.
Lady, A Mrs. Hannah G-lasse. The
art of cookery made plain and easy . . .
L. 1747.
The name, "Mrs. G-lasse," is held by some
authorities to be a pseudonym of Dr. John
Hillt to whom the authorship of the above
work is ascribed.
Lady, A. Miss Maria Farquliar. Bio-
graphical catalogue of the principal Ital-
ian painters. L 1854.
Lady, A Mrs Ballantyne. Birds,
British and Foreign. [Verses.] By . . .
Lady, A. Mrs. Pinchard. The blind
child; or, anecdotes of the Wyndham
Family . . . n.p. 1796.
Lady, A. Mrs. Farren. Boston Com-
mon : tale of our own times ... B.
Lady, A. Miss Eliza Perlms, of War-
wickshire. The botanical and horticul-
tural meeting . . . Birmingham, 1834.
Lady, A. M. E. Jackson. Botanical
lectures. By ... L 1864.
Lady, A. Mrs M. E. Parker Bouligny.
Bubbles and ballast. Being a description
of life in Paris, during the brilliant days
of the Empire . . . Bait. 1871.
Lady, A. Mrs ( Wight] Cox. Burton
Wood. In a series of letters. Probably
published at London, about 1783. See
the " European Magazine," iii., pp. 120,
Lady, A. Mts. — Stringer. The chain
of affection ... By ... 1830 ?
Lady, A. Mrs. Anna Cora (Ogden
Mowatt) Ritchie. The character of Ham-
let, by ex-president Adams and James H.
Hackett. Edited by ... N.Y. 1844.
Lady, A Ms. R. Ward The child's
guide to knowledge ... 2d ed. L.
Lady, A. Miss Harriet M Gunn.
Conversations on Church polity. By . . .
L. 1833.
Lady, A Mrs. Ellen Fox Oreudson.
The countries of Europe and the man-
ners and customs of its various nations
... By.. L. 1849 (*).
Lady, A. Mrs. James F. Palmer. A
dialogue in the Devonshire dialect (in
three parts) by . . to which is added a
glossary, by James F. Palmer. L. 1837.
Lady, A. Mrs. Anna (Murphy) Jame-
son. The diary of an Ennuye'e 1826.
Lady, A Annabella Plumptre. Do-
mestic management . . . 1810.
Lady, A. Mrs. Cockle. An explana-
tion of Dr. Watts' hymns for children
... By... L. 1836.
Lady, A. Mrt. — Thompson. Family
commentary . . . York, 18-.
Lady, A Mrs. — (Minijie) (-running.
Familv pictures • a novel . . . By . . .
L. 1764.
Lady, A. George Alexander Stevens.
The female Inquisition. L 1753.
Lady, A. Mrs. Elizabeth Sanders.
First settlers of New England ... B.
Lady, A. Mrs. (Marshall) Cochrane.
Flights of fancy [poetry]. Arbroath,
Lady, A. Mrs. Elizabeth Washington
(Gamble) Wirt. Flora's dictionary.
Bait. 1829.
Lady, A. Maria Julia Young. Gen-
ius and fancy; or, dramatic sketches.
By... L. 1791.
Lady, A. Mary Jane Mackenzie
Geraldine ; or, modes of faith and prac
tice. L. 1820.
Lady, A. Mrs. H. J. Moore. The
golden legacy a story of life's phases
... NY. 1857.
Lady, A. Mrs. Elisabeth Wmslow
Allardyce. The goodwife at home; in
metre . . . Aberdeen, 1867.
Lady, A. Lady Elizabeth (Itigby)
Eastiake. Handbook of painting: the
German, Flemish, Dutch, Spanish, and
French schools. Partly translated from
the German of Kugler, by ... L. 1854.
Lady, A. Elizabeth Isabella Spence.
Helen Sinclair : a novel ... L. 1799.
Lady, A. Albinia Givt/nn. The his-
tory o± the Honourable Edward Morti-
mer. L. 1785.
Lady, A, Millicent White&ide Cook.
How to dress on £ 15 a year as a lady
... L. 1874.
Lady, A. Mrs. James Keir. ^ Interest-
ing memoirs. By ... L. 1786.
Lady, A. Martha Nicol. Ismeer;
or, Smyrna and its British hospital in
1855 ... L. 1856.
Lady, A. Mis. F. D. Budges. Jour-
nal of ... 's travels round the world. L.
Lady, A. Mary Anne Hanway. A
journey to the Highlands of Scotland . . .
L. 1777.
Lady, A Lizzie Selina Eden A
lady's glimpse of the late war in Bohe-
Lady, A. Mary Wray, Lady Cecil.
The ladies' library, written by ... L.
Lady, A Mi s. Rose Lawrence. The
last autumn at a favourite residence . . .
L. 1828.
Lady, A. Mrs. Mart/ Wiseman. A
letter from ... to her daughter, on the
manner of passing Sunday rationally and
agreeably. L. 1788.
Lady, A. Mrs. Charlotte MacCarthy.
A letter from ... to the Bishop of Lon-
don. L.1768.
Lady, A. Thomas Amory. A letter
to the Reviewers, occasioned by their
account of a book called "Memoirs." L.
Lady, A. Mrs. Walker. Letters from
the Duchess de Crui and others on sub-
jects moral and entertaining . . . L. 1776.
Lady, A. Mrs. — (Ward Rondeau)
Vigor Letters from . . . who resided
some years in Russia, etc. L. 1775.
Lady, A Mrs. Julia Charlotte Mait-
land. Letters from Madras during the
years 1836-39. L. 1843.
Lady, A. Miss Anne Wilson. Letters
on ancient history ... By ... 1809.
Lady, A, Mrs. Mary Dams (Cook)
Walks. Life in Eeejee; or, five years
among the Cannibals. By ... B. 1851.
Lady, A Mrs. Margaret (Hoi ford)
Hodson. Lines to a boy pursuing a
butterfly. By ... L. 1826.
Lady, A. Mrs. Elizabeth (Alsager)
Zornlm. Lines addressed to Lord Nelson
after the celebrated battle of the Nile
By ... L 1805.
Lady, A. Mtss Emily Trevenen Little
Derwent's breakfast. By ... Illus-
trated with engravings ... L. 1839.
"These poems were written ... for the
amusement and instruction of her [the lady's]
godson, Derwent Moultrie Coleridge, son of
Rev. Derwent Coleridge, and grandson of S. T.
Lady, A. Mrs Ann (Ritchie) jtfenn^
The lives of St. John the Baptist, rJr.
twelve apostles, and of St. Paul . .
Eduab. 1824
Lady, A Jane Budc/e. Manual of
English history simplified . L. I860
Lady, A. Rosalind St. Clair. Mars-
ton a novel . . L. 1805.
Lady, A Lady Anne Hallett. Medi-
tations on the twenty-fifth Psalm . . .
Edinb 1771.
Lady, A Mrs. — M'Tagqmt. Me-
moirs of a gentlewoman of the old school
L. 1830.
Lady, A. Elisabeth Rolt. MibCella-
neous poems ... L. 1708
Lady, A. Anne Fmdi, Countess of
Winchelsea. Miscellaneous poems, on
several occasions. L 1713.
Lady, A. Mis. H. St. A. Kitcluny.
Moral plays ... L. 1832.
Lady, A Mtss Charlotte Elliott.
Morning and evening hymns, for a
week . . . L 1842.
Lady, A. Mrs. — • Rundell. A new
system of domestic cookery. 1808-
Lady, A. Mrs. — \Yoodfin. Northern
memoirs, or, the history of a Scotch
family. By ... L. 1756.
Lady, A. Mrs. Harry Rawson. Notes
of Eastern travel ; being selections from
the diary of ... Manchester, 1874.
Lady, A. Mrs. R. Douglas. On the
conservative elements of the American
republic . . . Chillicotho, 1842.
Lady, A. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe.
Passion flowers. Poems. B. 1854.
Lady, A. Miss Coxe. A picture of
Monmouthshire ; or, an abridgment of
Mr. [William] Coxe's historical tour in
Monmouthshire. By ... L. 1802.
Lady, A. Mrs. Elizabeth Griffith.
The Platonic wife : a comedy. By ...
L. 1765.
Lady, A. Mrs. Emilie Earle (Steele)
Hicks. Pocket guide to the Lizard. By
. . . Truro, 1876.
Lady, A. Elizabeth Thomas. Poems
on several occasions ... L. 1726.
Lady, A. Mrs. Sarah Ghreer. Quaker-
ism ; or, the story of my life. By ...
who for forty years was a member of the
Society of Friends. Dublin, 1851.
Lady, A. Mrs. Felicia Dorothea
(Browne) Hemans. The restoration of
the works of art to Italy : a poem. By
. . Oxf. 1816.
Lady, A. Mrs. Dalkeith Holmes. A
ride on horseback to Florence, through
France and Switzerland, described in a
series of letters, by ... L. 1842.
Lady, A. Miss Susan Fenimore Cooper.
Rural hours. N.Y. 1854
Lady, A. Ms. Eliza Lee (Cabot)
Pollen. Selections from the writings of
Fe'nelon, with a memoir of his life. By
. . . 2d ed. B. 1829.
Lady, A Jane Austen Sense and
sensibility : a novel. By ... L 1811
Lady, A. Rebecca Wilkinson. Ser-
mons to children ... By ... L 1830 (7).
Lady, A. Mrs Hannah Anderson
(Chandler) Ropes. Six months in Kan-
sas, by . . B 1856
Lady, A. C. L. Moody. A sketch of
modern France . . . Written in the years
1790 and 1797, during a tour through
France. By ... Edited by C L. Moody,
LL.D,F.A.S. L. 1798.
Allibone enters the work under Dr. Moody' s
name as the author.
Lady, A Miss Cleaver. Some ac-
count of a new process in painting by
means of gla2ed crayons ... By ...
Brighton, 1815.
Lady, A. Mrs. E. Throop Martin
Songs in the house of my pilgrimage,
selected and arranged by ... N.Y.
Lady, A. Miss SalUe A. Brock. The
Southern amaranth N.Y. 1809.
Lady, A William Kenrick. The
whole duty of woman ... L. 1753.
Lady, A. Hannah Maynard Pickard.
The widow's jewels. In two stories.
By... L 1831.
Lady, A. Mrs. Eliza (Botch) Farrar.
The young lady's friend ... B. 1830.
Lady, A Clara Jesup Moore. The
young lady's friend . . By Mrs. H O.
Ward (pseud ). P. 1880.
Lady at Cape Frangois, A. Miss
— Hassall. Secret history; or, the hor-
rors of St. Domingo ... P. 1808.
Lady in England, A. Thomas Ticl-
ell An epistle ... to a gentleman at
Avignon. L. 1717.
Lady of Boston, A Miss Susan D.
Nickerson, The bread winners. By ...
B. 1871.
Lady of Boston, A. Elizabeth John-
son. Pious thoughts. By ... B. 1834.
Lady of Boston, A. Rebecca Brown.
Stories about General Warren ... B.
Lady of Charleston, S.C., A. Mrs.
Miza Murden. Miscellaneous poems.
Charleston, 1826.
Lady of England, A [AXO.E.~1.
ChatlotteM Tucker.
Lady of Fashion, A. Miss Blackwell.
Ernestine, or, the child of mystery. L.
Lady of Massachusetts, A. Mis.
Hannah Foster. The coquette; or, the
history of Eliza Wharton : a novel . . .
by... B. 1797.
This work underwent many editions, and was
finally reprinted " with historical preface and
memoir of the authoi, by A (another) Lady of
Massachusetts " (i.e. Jane E. Locke) . P. 1S66.
Lady of Massachusetts, A. Jane E.
Lode, — See preceding
Lady of Massachusetts, A. Mis.
Lydia Maua Child The first settlers of
New England, or, conquest of the Pe-
quods, £3arragansetts, and Pokanokets
. . By . . B 1829.
Lady of Massachusetts, A. Mrs.
A. M. Richards Memories of a grand-
mother ... B. 1854.
Lady of New Hampshire, A Mrs.
Saiah Josepha (Buell) Hale. The genius
of Oblivion,* and other original poerns.
By ... Concord, N.H., 182<J.
"Lady of New York, A. Mi s Sarah
(Roneis) Haight. Letters from the Old
World . . kY. 1840.
Lady of Pennsylvania, A. Miss
Rebecca liu&h. Kelroy . a novel ... P.
Liady of Philadelphia, A Mrs.
Sarah (Ewmg) Hall. Conversations on
the Bible ... P. 1S27.
Lady of Quality, A. Miss Frances
Williams Wi/nn. Diaries of . . from
1797 to 1844. Ed , with notes, by A.
Hayward. L. 1864.
Lady of Rank, A. Mary Mai gar et
Egerton, the Countess of Wilton. The
book of costume ... L. 1841.
Lady of Rank, A. Lady Charlotte
Maua (Campbell) Bury (i). The mur-
dered queen; or, Caroline of Brunswick.
By... L. 1838.
Lady of South Carolina, A Mrs.
Mary Elisabeth (Moiagne) Davis The
British partizan* a tale of the olden
time. Macon, Ga, 1804.
Lady of South Carolina, A. Mrs.
Louisa S. ( Cheves) MacCord. A letter to
the Duchess of Sutherland . . in the
"Charleston Mercury," July 30, 1853
Lady of Virginia, A. Mrs. J. W.
(Broclenborouah) McG-uire. Diary of a
Southern refugee during the war . . .
N.Y. 1867.
Lady of Virginia, A. Mrs. William
Cabell Rives. Tales and souvenirs of a
residence in Europe ... P. 1842.
Lady, Resident near the Alma, A.
Mrs. Andrew Nedson. The Crimea;
its towns, inhabitants, and social cus-
toms. L. 1855.
Lady who prefers to be anony-
mous. Miss Emily Jolly. An experi-
Her contributions to "Household Woids"
and "All the Year Round " were lepublished in
thiee volumes m 1S75 under the title of "A
Wife's Story, and other tales."
Laertes. George Alfied Townsend.
Washington, outside and inside. Hart-
ford, 1874
Lageniensis. Rev. John O'Hanlon,
M.R LA. Irish folk-lore . . . Glasgow,
La Girandole JSmik le Girardm
He " did not gam the confidence of any con-
siderable body of his countrymen, and has justi-
fied in every act of his public life the soubnquet
bestowed upon him of 'La G-irandole,' the
Laicus. Rev. Lyman Abbott. Laicus ;
or, the experiences of a layman in a
country parish. ET.Y. 1872.
Laicus. Ira Warren (*) Be view of
the Rev. William Cros well's letter to
the Bishop of ... Massachusetts. B.
Laird of Torfoot, an Officer in the
Presbyterian Army, The. Thomas
Brownlee Narrative of the battles of
Drumclog and BothweU Bridge . . .
Glasgow, 1822.
Lake, Claude. Mathilda Blind
Poems by ... L. 1867.
Lake-Elbe, Archibald Bkloch. A
glance at the Old World . . . Edinb.
Laker, Cecil. Mrs. Harriett (Smith)
Bambndge, who uses this pen-name in
periodical literature, and published
"Irene Floss, and other poems" in
La Mara Marie Lipsius. Musika-
lische Studienkopfe. 1873-80.
Lamber, Juliette. Mme Edmond
(Lamber) Adam. Les po&tes grecqnues
contemporains. Paris, 1881.
Lan, Viggo. Hother Tolderlund, a
Banish author, who published under this
pseudonym a collection of poems.
Lancashire Artisan, A. Malcolm
Macleod. Practical guide to emigrants
to the United States . . . Manchester,
Lancashire Incumbent, A Rev.
Abraham Hu,me,LLD., in the "London
Times," 1857-58.
Lancashire Lad, A. Thomas Sowden
The sie^-e of Rome, and Bishop Colenso
slain with a sling and a stone . . . Man-
chester, 1857.
Lancashire Manufacturer, A. Hen-
nj Bleckley. Butler's analogy a lay
argument by . L 1876
Lancaster, W. P Hon. John Byrne
Leicester Wairen. Philoctetes : a metri-
cal drama . . . L. 1806.
Lancer. 0 C Stouder. Shakespeare's
biography Does it conform to the
author of the plays 7 In the " Witten-
berger Magazine/' Springfield, 0 , No-
vember, 1880
Lancewood, Lawrence, Esq Rev
Daniel Wise. Lindendale stories . . .
B. 1868.
Lander, Jean. Mme. Etnest Hdlo.
Nouvelles et remits villageois. Paris,
Lander, Meta. Mrs. Margarette
( Woods] Lawrence. Fading flowers. B,
Landholder, A. Elisha E. Potter.
Address to the freemen of Rhode Island.
Providence, 1881.
Landholder, A. Willdns Updike An
address to the people of Rhode Island
. . Providence, 1828.
Landholder, A. Clement Clarice
MOOJ e} LL I). A plain statement, ad-
dressed to the proprietors of real estate
in the city and county of New York . .
NY. 1818
Landor, Charles. Caroline 8ticLnei/9
in her contributions to " Harper's Maga-
zine" (N.Y.).
Landowner, A. Lord Charles Toicn-
shend. National thoughts, recommended
to the serious attention of the public . . .
By ... L. 1751.
Landscape Painter, A. Charles Lan~
man. Letters from ... B. 1845.
Lane, Chancery, Esq. James Edwin
Wilson. A throw for a throne; or, the
Prince unmasked ... L. 1872. — See
"Zmn, Sergeant"
Lane, Wycliffe Mrs. Edmond Jen-
ings. My good for nothing brother. L.
Lang Syne. William McKoy, in a
contribution to "Poulson's Daily Adver-
tiser," 1829. — See "Historical Maga-
zine," September, 1861 (N.Y.).
Langdon, Mary. Mrs, Mary H.
(Greene) Pike. Climbing and sliding:
book for boys. B. 1873.
Langenevais, F. de. Ange Henri
Blaze de Bury* His signature as musical
critic in the " Revue des Deux Mondes "
from 1864.
Langshank, Laurence, Gent. Rob-
ert Mudie. Things in general. L. 1824.
— " See N. and Q.," 4th Ser , xi. 156, 510 ;
xii. 19.
Langstaff, Launcelot, Esq. Wash-
ington It vmg, William Ii vmg, and James
Knke Paulchng. Salmagundi, or, the
Whimwhams of ... and others. JST.Y.
Langs ton, Lawrence Reverdy John-
son. Bastiles of the North Bait. 1863
Laon. W. D. Le Sieur, in his con-
tributions to the "Canadian Monthly
Magazine" (Toronto).
La Rogue Louis Boyer, who wrote
many vaudevilles, the most of them with
others, and signed them with the pseudo-
nym " La Roque "
Larwood, Jacob. L. R. Sadler. The-
atrical anecdotes. By ... L. 1882.
Lascelles, Lady Caroline. Mrs.
Mary Elizabeth (Braddon) Maxwell. The
backhand. L. 1866.
The pseudonym was suggested by Sir F. C.
Lascelles Wrasall, who " claimed a family right
in the name." — See " Wraxall, Lascelles/'
Lass with the golden Locks, The.
Mrs. Anna Maria Smart, of Reading,
Berks, relict of Christopher Smart,
M.A., of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge,
thus celebrated in one of his bal-
Last of the Puritans, The Samuel
Adams. So named by Edward Everett,
in 1825.
Last Traveller, The Viscount George
Annesley Valentia, in Beloe's " Sexagena-
rian," Vol. 2, p. 77. 2d ed. L 1818.
Late American Statesman, A.
Charles Fenton Mercer. The weakness
and inefficiency of the government of
the United States ... L 1863.
Late Barrister at Law, A. Sir John
Strange A collection of select cases re-
lating to evidence. By . , L. 1754.
Late Chief-Secretary of that King-
<<Lom, A. Sir George (afterwards Earl)
Macartney. An account of Ireland in
1778. Priv. printed, 1778.
Late Eminent Prelate, A. William
Warburton, Bishop of Gloucester. Let-
ters from ... to one of his friends
[Hurd, Bp of Worcester]. L. 1809.
Late Fellow of All Souls College,
•Oxford, A. Rev. Arthur Philip Perceval.
A letter to the members of both Houses
of Parliament, on the Dissenters' peti-
tions ... L. 1834.
Late Fellow of King's College, A.
Thomas Ashton, DD. Extract from the
case of the electors of Eton College to
supply all vacancies, etc. 1771.
Late Graduate of Oxford, A. Fred-
erick Naghten, B.A. A metrical version
of the Song of Solomon, and other
poems ... L. 1845
Late Learned Judge, A. Sir Geof-
frey Gilbert. An historical account of
the . . . law of devises and revocations.
L. 1739.
Late Lord Lyttelton, The Wil-
liam Coombe Letters of . . L 1806.
Late Master of the Temple, The.
Caleb Fleming Natural and revealed
religion at variance . L. 1758.
Late Member of the University, A.
Theophilus Lindsey An examination of
Mr. Eobinson of Cambridge's plea for
the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ . . .
L. 1785.
Late Member of the University, A.
Peter Le Page Benoiif. The character of
the Rev. W. Palmer . , . L. 1843.
Late Merchant, A. Asa Greene. The
perils of Pearl Street, including a taste
of the dangers of Wall Street. N.Y 1834.
Late Noble Writer, A. Henry St
John Bohnqbroke A vindication of nat-
ural society By ... or, rather T\ ritten
in ridicule of his opinions, by Edmund
Burke. L 1762.
Late Officer in the United States
Army, A. Jervase Cutler. A topo-
graphical description of the State of
Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana . . .
B. 1812.
Late Patriot Prisoner, A. Tfiomas
Jefferson Sutherland. Loose leaves from
the portfolio of . . in Canada. N.Y.
Late President of a select Chess
Club, The. C. Pearson. Chess exem-
plified in a concise and easy notation . . .
L 1842.
Late Prime Minister, A. Duke of
Portland. Letters to a nobleman, prov-
ing ... to have been Junius. With an
appendix [by A. G. Johnston]. L. 1816.
Late Recorder of Newcastle, The.
C. Fawcett. A letter to ... by an old
friend. 1754.
Late Resident at Bhagulpore, A.
David Hopkins The dangers of British
India, from French invasion ... L. 1808.
Late Resident in Bengal, A. John
iShore, Lord Teignmouth. Considera-
tions on the practicability ... of com-
municating to the natives of India the
knowledge of Christianity ... L. 1808.
Late Resident in the Bast, A. John
Hobart Cannier, B.D. The cadet ; a poem,
in six parts, containing remarks on Brit-
ish India ... L. 1814.
Late Staff Officer, A. Woodbourne
Potter. The war in Florida; being an
exposition of its causes, and an accurate
history of the campaigns of Generals
Clinch, Gaines, and Scott ... By ...
Bait. 1836.
Late Staff Sergeant of the 13th
Light Infantry, A. John Mac Mullen.
Camp and barrack-room ... L. 1846.
Late Steward of the Sons of the
Clergy, A. Nathaniel John Hollings-
worth. A defence of the Society of the
Sons of the Clergy . Newcastle, 1812.
Late Stipendiary Magistrate in
Jamaica, A Stephen Bourne. — See " A
Resident in the West Indies for Thirteen
Years "
Late Teacher, A William Singleton.
Mentor and Amander; or, a visit to
Ackworth School ... By ... [In
verse.] L. 1814.
Late Under Secretary of State, A.
William Knox. Considerations on the
present state of the nation . . L. 1789.
Late very learned and reverend
Divine, A Samuel Pegge. Anonyim-
ana ; or, ten centuries of observations on
various authors and subjects . . . L. 1809.
Late Vicar, A. Rev Robert Masters.
A short account of the parish of Water-
beach. By ... Waterbeach, 1795.
La Tenella. Mrs. Mary Bayard (Dev-
ereux) Clarke. The nom de plume she
first adopted.
Latienne. Lizzie TO Bacchus. The
Confederate dead. 1866.
Latimer, Faith. Mrs. John A Mil-
ler. The children's church ... P. 1868
Latona. Mrs. Sallie J. (Hancock)
3attey. Rayon d'amour. Poems. P.
La Touche, Geoffrey. Theodore Wil-
liam Snow, in the " Collegian," a period-
ical published by a number of under-
graduates of Harvard University in 1830.
. Latonche, John. Oswald John Fred-
erick Grawfurd. Travels in Portugal.
L. 187-.
Latour, Tomline. William ScJiwenck
Gilbert. Happy Land • a burlesque. L.
Laugel. The papers upon the United
States, contributed to "La Eevue des
Deux Mondes" (Paris, 1865), and signed
"Laugel," are attributed to the Comte
de Pans.
Laim, Friedrich. friedrich August
Schulze. GEuvres completes. Stuttgart,
Laura. Mrs. Maria Robinson. Signa-
ture to poems published in the " Oracle."
Laura, Maria. Mrs. Maria Robinson,
who corresponded under the name of
"Perdita," and who was called "The
English Sappho." The words of the
once popular song, "Bounding billow,
cease thy motion," were written by her
Laurent-Jan. Laurent Jean Lausanne,
TV ho to his first article, written for a
satirical journal, signed only his Chris-
tian names, which, by a mistake of the
printer, appeared as Laurent-Jan. This
name the author afterwards signed to all
his publications.
Laurie, Annie. JLfts. Laura Brady
Stai i , in several of her earlier writings.
Laval. Rev Bernard O'jReilly. The
two biides a tale N.Y. 1879.
Lavengro Geon/e Borrow. Laven-
gro. the scholar, the gipsey, and the
priest. L. 184-.
Lavigne, Jean. Arthur de Boisiiiea.
Lettres du village, extraites du journal
de Saune-et-Loire, 1878-80 Paris, 1880.
Law Clerk, A William RusselL
Leaves from the diary of ... L.
Lawrence, Slingsby. George Henri/
Lewes. Sunshine through the clouds.
A drama in one act, adapted from " La
joie fait peur " by Madame De Girardm.
By S. L L 187-.
Lawton, Effle Mrs. S. Mai/ Sell.
Lawyer, A Charles Cowley'. Leaves
from a lawyer's life afloat and ashore.
Lowell (*), 1879.
Lawyer, A. Sir James Stewart. The
life of ... written by himself. L. 1800.
Lay Baronet, A. Sir Henry Martin,
Bart. Archbishop Murray's D'ouay and
BhemiBh Bible . . 1848. L 1850.
Lay Brother of the Same Society,
A. Henry Folet/ The life of blessed
Alphonsus Rodriguez, Lay-brother of
the Society of Jesus . . L 1873
Lay-dissenter, A. John Stevenson*
A letter to a dissenting minister . . .
n.p. 1780.
Lay Dissenter, A. Richard Sharp*
A letter to the public meeting of the
friends to the repeal of the Test and
Corporation Acts ... L 1790.
Lay Gentleman, A. Dr. Francis Lee.
The history of Montanism. L. 1700,
Lay-band, A. Thomas Lewis. The
clergy-man's advocate ... L. 1711.
Lay Hand, A. Sir Richard Cox, Lord
Chancellor of Ireland. An enquiry into
religion . . . L. 1711.
Lay Hand, A. Roger Lawrence. Lay
baptism invalid ... L. 1708.
Lay-Member of the British and
Foreign Bible Society, A. George
Stokes. Bible Society. L. 1826.
Lay Member of the Church of
England, A. John Mitir. A brief ex-
amination of prevalent opinions on the
inspiration of the Scriptures ... L.
Lay-Member of the Church, of
England, A John Stow Thoughts
on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. By ...
Greenwich, Eng., 1846
Lay Member of the Church of Scot-
land, A — Stevenson The harmony
of the Bible with facts . . . Edinb.
Lay Member of the Church of
Scotland, A Thomas Carhjle Letter
to the Rev. Rohert Burns, D.D. . . .
Greenock, 1830
Lay-member of the Committee, A.
William Rivmrjton. Remarks and sug-
gestions regarding the want of parson-
age houses in the parish of St. Pancras
... By... L. 1849.
Lay Preacher, The. Joseph Dennie,
who is best known for the essays which
he contributed to the "Farmer's Muse-
um," a periodical which he published at
Walpole, N.H., 1796-98.
Lay Seceder, A. George Wilson
HeadLey. A letter to the Bishop [Bur-
gess] of St. David's ... L. 1814.
Layman, A. Samuel Adams, in the
"Boston Gazette," March 27, 1769.
Layman, A. John Skinner. A L.'s
account of his faith and practice. Edinb.
Layman, A. Peter Virtue, the younger.
An address on ignorance of the Scrip-
tures ... By ... 1873
Layman, A Joseph Jewell. An ad-
dress to Christians, particularly those
who are united in circulating the Scrip-
tures. By ... Oxf. 1821.
Layman, A. John Hay Forbes. Lord
Medwyn. Address to the members of
the Episcopal Church in Scotland.
Edinb. 1847.
Layman, A. Patrick Dmgenan, LL.D.
An address to the nobility and gentry of
the Church of Ireland . . . Dublin, 1786.
Layman, A. Thomas Williams. The
age of infidelity ... By ... L. 1795.
Layman, A. Solomon Lowe. The
antidote or full answer to Air. Woolston's
Five Discourses on the Miracles of our
Saviour ... L. 1729.
Layman, A. , William Hussey. An
appeal to the holy Scriptures themselves
. . . L 1830.
Layman, A. S. Robinson. An appeal
to serious Dissenters . . . 1805.
Layman, A. John Taylor. Arma-
geddon ... L. 1851.
Layman, A. Asa. Wilbur. Biblical
standpoint ... B, 1874.
Layman, A. William Penney, Lord
lunloch. The circle of Christian doc-
trine . . . Edinb. 1861.
Lay man, A. William Brown (*). The
claims of Thomas Jefferson to the Presi-
dency examined at the bar of Christiani-
ty P. 1800
Layman, A. John Osborne Sargent.
Common Sense veis>us Judicial Legisla-
tion . . . The rule in Minot's case . . .
By... NY. 1871.
Layman, A. John David Chambers.
A companion to Confession and Holy
Communion. Trans, by ... L 1853.
Layman, A. Goldwin Smith, MA.
Concerning doubt . . . Oxf. 1861.
Layman, A. John Mmr Considera-
tions on religion . . . Edinb. 1842.
Layman, A. James Whatman Bosan-
quet. Daniel's prophecy of the seventy
weeks interpreted. L. 1836.
Layman, A Harold Richard Bush*
David's choice of three evils ... A dis-
course on the distress in the cotton dis-
tricts. By ... L. 1862.
Layman, A. Thomas Falconer. De-
votions for the Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper ... By . . L. 1786.
Layman, A. John Watts De Peyster*
A discourse on High Church doctrines.
Poughkeepsie, 1860.
Layman, A. Ralph Hodshon, of Lintz.
A dispassionate narrative of the conduct
of the English clergy ... L. 1768.
Layman, A. William Falconer. Dis-
sertation on Paul's voyage from Caisarea
toPuteoli... Oxf. 1817.
Layman, A. F. Bohngbroke Ribbans,
LL D. Doctnnes and duties ; faith and
practice. L. 1843.
Layman, A. Rev. William Hacfar-
lane. Duty; or, ability and present
action contrasted . . . Edinb. 1856.
Layman, A. Sir James Allan Park,
D.G.L. An earnest exhortation to a
frequent reception of ... the Lord's
Supper. L. 1804.
Layman, A John Allen. Enquiry
into the tripartite Division of the Tithes
in England L. 1833.
Layman, A. Peter Waldo. An essay
on ... the Lord's Supper ... by ... L.
Layman, A. William Stevens. An
essay on the nature and constitution of
the Christian Church ... L. 1773.
Layman, A. Thomas Carlyle. An
Essay to illustrate the foundation . . .
and the evidences of Christianity . . .
Edinb. 1827.
Layman, A. Rev. John Hollis. Es-
says meant as an offering in support of
rational religion . . . n.p. 1790.
Layman, A. Robert Benton Seeley.
Essays on the Church . . L 1834.
Layman, A. James NOT ton. Essays
and reflections in Australia, Sydney. L.
Layman, A. Alexandei Watson Es-
says, religious and moral . . Edinb. 1821.
Layman, A. Caleb Fleming An
examination of Mr. Chubb's discourse on
miracles . . . L. 1742
Layman, A Samuel K. Jennings, M D.
An exposition of the late controversy in
the Methodist Episcopal Church . . .
Bait 1831.
Layman, A. William Rivington.
The extent, evils, and needlessness of
Sunday trading in London ... L.
Layman, A. Capt. Matthew Monta-
gu, R N. A few words on Popery and
Protestantism ... L. 1854
Layman, A. Theodore Irving, LL D.
The Fountain of Living Waters. N.Y.
Layman, A. Frederick John Monson,
5th Lord Monson. Pour sermons . . .
L. 1842.
Layman, A. Rev. Nathaniel Neal
A free and serious remonstrance to Prot-
estant Dissenting Ministers on occasion
of the decay of religion ... L 1746.
Layman, A. Rev Andrew Macgeorqe.
The Tree Church . . . Glasgow, 1873.'
Layman, A. David Rowland. An
inquiry concerning the principles of the
•constitution of human nature. L 1856.
Layman, A. Arthur Ellis. Is the
vicar of Brompton a Tractarian* . . .
L. 1855.
Layman, A. George Foster Talbot,
A.M. Jesus, his opinions and charac-
ter. The New Testament studies of ...
B. 1883.
Layman, A. William Itivington. The
late payment of weekly wages consid-
ered in connexion with Sunday trading
in London . . L. 1854.
Layman, A Alexander Dunlop. The
law of the Sabbath of perpetual obliga-
tion . . . Edinb. 1847.
Layman, A. John Skinner, Bishop
of Aberdeen A layman's account of
his faith and practice. Edinb. 1801.
Layman, A. Thomas Hughes, A lay-
man's faith. L 1868.
Layman, A. Lyman Abbott, DD. A
L.'s story j or, the experiences of John
Laicus and his wife in a country parish.
N.T 1873.
Layman, A. Samuel Greg. Legacy
in prose and verse. L. 1877.
Layman, A Thomas Gordon, A let-
ter of consolation and counsel to the
good people of England ... L 1750,
Layman, A. Duncan Lines, of Edin-
burgh. A letter ... to a Lay-deacon, of
the lurk of Scotland n p. 1740
The address to the reader is signed " D I '*
Layman, A. Sir Geoige Colcbroole,
Bent A letter to a nobleman, contain-
ing considerations on the laws relative
to Dissenters . L 1790
Lay mail, A Richaid Gouqli. A let-
ter to [B. Porteus] the Bishop of Lon-
don, n p. 1799
Layman, A. Thomas James Mathm*.
A letter to the Lord Marquis ot Buck-
ingham . . . chiefly on the subject of the
numerous emigrant French priests and
others of the Church of Home ... L.
Layman, A Samuel Sounders. A
letter to the Rev. Mr Tong, Mr. Robin-
son, Mr. Smith, & Mr. Reynolds. Occa-
sion'd by the late differences amongst
the Dissenters ... L. 1719.
Lay-man, A. John Shute Ban ingtvn
A letter to the Right Revd. the Lord
Bishop of . L 1714.
Layman, A. Thomas Kynaston, A
letter to Theophilus Lindsey . . L.
Layman, A. Rev. Walter Farquliar
Hook. Letters to the authors of the
"Plain tracts for critical times." L.
Also ascribed to John Sibbald Edison.
Layman, A Thomas Cogan, M.D.
Letters to William Wilberforce, Esq ,
M.P L. 1799.
Layman, A. John Lamcount Ander-
don. Life of Thomas Ken, Bishop of
Bath and Wells. L. 1851.
Layman, A. Prince Jffoaie, Esq. (*)
Manual of the Latin words ... of the
Church service. 1822.
Layman, A. Sir William Domville,
Bart The Mosaic Sabbath . . . L. 1850.
Layman, A. Tf M. Stevenson The
natural or the supernatural. By . . .
L. 1874.
Layman, A. Michael Dodson. Kew
translation of Isaiah ... by ... L. 1790.
Layman, A. John Poynder. Obser-
vations on the Sunday newspapers
Layman, A. Richard Monckton Mif-
nes, Lord Houghton. One tract more
... L. 1841.
Layman, A. Stephen Colwell Poli-
tics for American Christians ... P.
Layman, A. Sir John Bai/ley, Bart
Prophecies of Christ . L. 182*8.
Layman, A. James Augustus St.
John. The reasonableness of Chris-
tianity . . . "With a biographical essay
. . . and notes by . . L. 1850.
Layman, A John Lowell, LL D.
The recent attempt to defeat the Con-
stitutional provisions in favour of relig-
ious freedom ... B 1828
Layman, A. Andrew Wilson, M.D.
Reflections upon some of the subjects m
dispute between the author of the "Di-
vine legation of Moses" [Warburton]
and a late professor in the University of
Oxford [Lowth], by ... 1767.
Layman, A. Sir Walter Scott. Re-
ligious discourses. Edinb. 1828,
Layman, A. B. Bartlett. Remarks
on the proceedings of the Episcopal con-
ventions for forming an American Con-
stitution ... B. 1786.
Layman, A. William Witherby. A
review of Scripture ... By ... L.
Layman, A Samuel Austin Alhbone.
A review by ... of a work entitled
" New themes for the Protestant Clergy "
[by S. Colwell]. P. 1852.
Layman, A. Samuel Heywood. The
rights of Protestant Dissenters to a com-
pleat toleration asserted ... 2d ed. L.
Layman, A. Edgar Taylor, in his
revision of the New Testament ... L.
Layman, A Sharon Turner, Esq.
Sacred meditations and devotional poems
by ... L. 1810.
Layman, A. William Peter, M.A.
Sacred songs, being an attempted para-
phrase of some portions of Scripture;
with other poems. By ... L. 1834.
Layman, A. Ralph Nicholson Wor-
num Saul of Tarsus, or, Paul and
Swedenborg, etc. By ... L. 1877.
Layman, A. Sir Edward Hall Alder-
son A second letter . . . 1851.
Layman, A. Thomas Sanden, M.D.
A second letter to the Rev Dr. Goddard.
Chichester, 1815.
Layman, A. James Wardrop. Ser-
mon occasioned by the death of Alexan-
der Christie, Esq., of Townfield, late
chief magistrate of Montrose . . . By
. . . L. 1796.
Layman, A. George Hardinge. Three
sermons. 1813.
Layman, A. Richard Dykes Alexan-
der. The speech of ... at a late anni-
versary meeting of a Bible association in
the County of Suffolk, 1826.
Layman, A. George Griffin. The
sufferings of Christ. N.Y. 1845,
Layman, A. Thomas Crowther Broun^
Suggestions for a Church of Unity By
Layman, A. William Oldisworth.
Timothy and Philatheus ... By ...
L. 1709-10
Layman, A. C. N. Cumlerlege Ware.
The union of Church and State ... By
. . . L 1869.
Layman, A. John Edmonds Stock.
Umtananism tried by Scripture, etc.
Bristol, 1840.
Layman, A. John Bevans, Jr. A
vindication of the authenticity of the
narratives contained in the first two
chapters of the Gospels of St. Matthew
and St. Luke ... By ... L. 1822.
Layman, A. Orlando Meads. What
ought the Diocese to do ... 1845.
Layman, A. George Brown. Words.
from a layman's ministry at Barnard
Castle. L 1871.
Layman of Boston, U.S , A. Hon.
Nathan Appleton. The doctrines of Origi-
nal Sin and the Trinity ; discussed in a
correspondence between a clergyman of
the Episcopal Church in England [i.e.
Rev. William Edward Heygate] and . . .
B. 1859.
Layman of the Church, A. William
Edmonstoune Aytoun. The Drummond
Schism examined and exposed. Edinb.
Layman of the Church of Eng-
land, A. William Knox. Considera-
tions on the universality and uniformity
of the theocracy. L. 1796.
Layman of the Church of Eng-
land, A. John Watson. The New Tes-
tament . . . with notes . . By ... L. 1822.
Layman of the Church of Scot-
land, A. Thomas Blackwood. Remarks
on the Constitution of the Canadas,
civil and ecclesiastical, with a view to its
amendment, n.p., n.d.
Layman of the County of SuffoUfcf
A. P. Deck. The advantage of a na-
tional observance of Divine and Human*
laws . . . Ipswich, 1792.
Layman, A Leeds. George Rawson,
known as "A Leeds Layman," was resid-
ing at that city when he contributed 15
hymns to the "Leeds Hymn Book,"
Layne, Pyngle. J. Fox Turner. A
short discourse on sermons ... L. 1855.
Layton, Lillie. tilts. Emetine H.
(Brown) Johnson, whose last poetical
productions, written on her sick-bed,
appeared in the "American Courier,"
Philadelphia, 1850, under the above sig-
Lazarus, Ebenezer. Robert Mason.
Description of the town of Kelso . . .
Kelso, 1789.
Leal. E. Disosway Fables for little
folk. N.Y 1871.
Leander, Richard Hichard Voll-
mann. Traiimereien an franzosischen
Kammen : marchen. 1871. 12th cd.
Learned, Faithful, Zealous, and
Reverend Minister of the Gospel in
the Church of Scotland, A. Rev.
Ebenezer ErsLine. The groans of believ-
ers under their burdens . . Edinb 1722.
Learned Hand, A Sir Matthew
Hale. History of the Common Law of
England In the Savoy, 1713
Learned Hand, A. Zachary Grey,
LLD. A preface to Dean Moss's ser-
mons. By . .. L. 1732
Learned Judge, A. Sir Francis
Butter. An introduction to the law rela-
tive to trials at Nisi Prius. By ... L.
Lebrun, Alfred* Alfred Henneqmn.
J'attends mon oncle, 1869; and Trois
chapeaux. Brussels, 1870.
Lebrun, Camille. Pauline Guy at.
T7ne aimtie de femme. Paris, 1843.
Le Clerc. Mrs. Samuella (Mardis)
Cowen, who has written for several South-
ern journals under this signature, — the
«New Orleans Mirror," the "Southern
Literary News," etc.
Ledyard, Hope. Mrs. F. McCready
Harris, in numerous works for young
Lee, Alfred. John Clark Ferguson.
The Empire of Music ; and other poems.
L. 1849
Lee, Alice Gordon. Mrs. Alice (Brad-
ley Neal) Haven. The game of checkers,
published in the Philadelphia " Saturday
Lee, Edith. Miss Florence Bwckett.
Wildmoor. P. 187-.
Lee, Griffin Paschal Beverley Ran-
dolph, MD. Pre- Adamite man. N.Y. 1863.
Lee, Holme. Harriet Parr. Annis
Warleigh's fortunes. L. 1863.
Lee, Leila. Miss R. Coe. Wee Wee
Songs B. 1859.
Lee, Minnie Mary. Julia Amanda
(Sargent) Wood. Hubert's wife: story
for you. Bait. 1875.
Lee, Patty. Miss Alice Gary, who,
under this pen-name, wrote a series of
prose sketches and essays in the "Na-
tional Era" ( Washington, D.C.).
Lee, Sheppard. Robert Montgomery
Bird. Sheppard Lee . . . N.Y. 1836.
Lee, Stannic. Mrs. Laura S. Webb,
who, for several years, contributed poems
and sketches to various papers under
this pen-name.
Lee, Vernon Violet Paget Belcaro,
being essays on sundry aesthetical ques-
tions By ... L. 1881.
Leevit, Don T. B., of Chickomango,
Ohio, ITS. James Mudie Spence,
F.E G.S. Life on the Great Ilydropa-
thmm ... L. 1877.
Lefebre, Dr. Rene*. Jtfdouai d Labou-
laye. Pans m America ... NY. 1863
Left Hand, The. Benjamin Franl-
hn A petition of the left hand : one of
the bagatelles. Written about 1778.
Le G., C. V. Charles Valentine Le
Grice — Sec Lamb's " Elia/' " Christ's
Hospital "
Legion Hon. Robert Baldwin Sulli-
van. Letters on responsible govern-
ment . . . Toronto, 1844
Leicester, Mrs. Miss Mary Lamb.
Mrs Leicester's school; or, the history
of several young ladies ... L. 1808.
Leigh, Florence Mrs. Anne T ( Wil-
bui ) Wood, who wrote for papers and pe-
riodicals under this pen-name.
Leigh, Hart John Thomas Denny,
in his contributions to "Wideawake"
(L.), etc.
Leigh, Larrie L T. Wat ner. The
true Grecian bend. N Y. 187-.
Leigh, Stuart. Mrs. Mary Bayard
(Deiereux) Clarke, who published con-
siderably under this pen-name.
Leighton. Jesse Appleton, S.T.D,,
who, under this signature, wrote for the
Boston "Panophst" and the "Piscata-
qua Evangelical Magazine."
Leila. Mrs. Emma Barlow, a frequent
contributor to "Harper's Magazine,"
"Scribner's," and other periodicals.
Leila. Miss Ella Campbell, who con-
tributed poetry to the " Louisville (Ky.)
Democrat," under this pen-name.
Leina, Wil D', Esq., of the Outer
Temple. Prof. Daniel Wilson. Spring
wild flowers. 'Toronto, 1870.
Leisurely Saunterer. J2ey Edwaid
Eggleston, in his contributions to " Hearth
and Home."
Lemage, Gaspard. Jean Charles
Tache't M.D. La Pleiads Rouge . . .
Quebec, 1864.
Lemoine. Eugene Lemome Didier.
The life and letters of Madame Bona-
parte. N.Y. 1879
Lena. Mrs. Mary Torrans Lathrop.
In early life her signature in the country
Lennox, Mary. Mrs. Mary Louise
Cook. AnteBellum. P. 1869.
Leo. J. K. Casey. Rising of the
moon. L 18-.
Leo. Col. — Pemberton. The scape-
goat. L. 1870.
Leo, Andre". Mme. L. Champseix.
Les deux filles de Monsieur Plichon.
Pans, 1865
Leo, Dr D) . Leo de CoJange The pre-
servation of beauty. N.Y. 1877.
Leo the Second. Lawrence Eusden,
in a letter contributed to the " Guard-
ian," No 124, Aug. 3, 1713.
Leola Mrs. Lotila (Kendall) Rogers,
whose productions consist of fugitive
pieces, many of them published in the
newspapers of the day.
Leoline. Mrs. Emma B. (Sargent)
Dunham, in her contributions to the
"Christian Leader" (B ), etc.
Leon. Leonaid BoiteL Feuilles
mortes. Paris, 1836.
Leoni, Leone. Dr. John D Osborne,
as Paris correspondent of the "World"
Leontes James Bindley, who .was the
" Leontes " celebrated by Dr Dibdin in
his " Bibliomania '* and in the " Biograph-
ical Decameron."
Leroy. Miss Annie M. Barnwell, who,
under this signature, has been a frequent
contributor to " Scott's Magazine " (At-
lanta, Ga ), and to the "Land we Love"
(Charlotte, NO).
Leslie, Emma Mrs. Dixon.
Leslie, Frank. Frank Collier, pro-
prietor of "The Chimney Corner "(N.Y.)
and numerous other publications.
Leslie, Mrs. Madeline Mis. Harriet
Newell (Woods) Baker. Woodlawn Se-
ries. B. 1868
L'Espion Turc. Giovanni Paolo Ma-
rana. Letters sent by the Turkish Spy.
L. 1770.
L'Estomac, Don Bilioso de. Dr.
John Woodward. The lite and adven-
tures of . . [A satire on Dr. John
Woodward.] L. 1719. By Richard
Mead, M.D.
Leto, Pomponio. Francesco Nobili Vt-
telleschi. Morale induttiva. Roma, 1882.
Letter H , The. Charles G. Halpine.
Lyrics by ... N.Y 1854.
Levater, Louis. Louis Adolphe Spach,
who has in some of his books used this
Leviathan of Literature, The. Sam-
uel Johnson.
Levis, Jeremy. Laughton Osborn.
Sixty years of the life of ... N.Y 1831.
Lewald, Fanny. Mme Fanny (Le-
wald) tStahr. Hulda: translated . . .
P. 187^
Lewis, Augustin.
Leii'is or Louis
The "Nation" of July 17, 1SS4, points out
that two chapters of the biography of Henry
Imng [by Frederic Daly] are copied Trord for
word from an article published m the "Dublin.
University Magazine " for September, 1S77, over
the signature Augustin Le^ is, which it suspects
to be an anagram of the real name of the author
of both eulogies, i.e. " Louis or Lewis Austin."
Lewis, Henry. A H. Lewis. The
Boston boy. B 1871.
Lewis, Monk. Matthew Giegoiy
Leims. The monk . a romance. L. 1795.
Lewtral, H M. Mary Hartwell.
Woman in armor. N.Y. 1875.
Lex Publica, Augustus Gfranville
Stapleton, in the London " Morning Her-
ald," 1850-55.
Libertas. Petei Brown. The fame
and glory of England vindicated. N.Y.
Libertas. Hon. Mrs Caroline Eliza-
beth Sarah (Sheridan) Norton, afterwards
Mrs. Stirling-Maxwell. Letters to the
mob ... L 1848.
Libertas. Charles Mayo Mlis. The
power of the Commander in Chief to de-
clare martial law ... B. 1862.
Libraire, Un P. Chaillot, jeune.
Manuel dulibraire bibliothe'caire, et de
I'homme de lettres . . . Paris, 1829.
Lightfoot John Isaac Ira Allen, in
the "Boston Traveller," 1857.
Lightfoot Michael Martin. — See
" Thunderbolt."
Lil. Waterman L. Ormsby, Jr., in his
contributions to the "Sun" (N.Y.).
Lilburne. James Ealpli, who com-
piled for the "Champion" what was
called an "Index to the Times," which
contained the current news of the day,
under the assumed name of " Lilburne."
LUias. Miss Carter. Class Birnes
(N.Y.), etc.
Lilly, Lambert, Schoolmaster.
Francis Lester Hawks. The early history
of the Southern States ... P. 1832.
Limbertongue, Mr. James Ham
Fnswell. Twelve insides and one out.
Edited from the papers of ... L. 1855.
Limner, Luke, Esq. John Leighton,
F.S.A. London cries and public edi-
fices. L. 1847.
Lincolnshire Grazier, A. Thomas
Hartwell Horne. The complete grazier.
L. 1805.
Llnconnue. Mrs. Janie ( OUivar) Ben-
sont whose poems appeared for the years
between 1861 and 1865 in the "Southern
Field and Fireside," Augusta, Ga.
L'Ineonnue. Mrs. L. Virginia (Smith]
French. Kernwood ; or, after many days :
a historical romance , . . Louisville,
Llndau, Heinrich, Hermann Ft ancle.
Lindon, Lilia. Mrs. Aggie Graves.
Lington^Burr, D LL. &ay Humboldt.
Poems and letters to Don Brown by
G. JL, alias Burr Lington, D.LL, Albany,
Linkluwater, Tim. Mr. Waldo, in
his contributions to the " Picayune"
(Sew Orleans, La.).
Llnois, Georges. Charles de Batz-
Tienqueteon, Amafenetre. Calais, 1852.
Linwood, Lottie Mrs. Helen M.
Lion-Killer. Ce'cile Jules Basile Ge-
Lips. Wilhelm Oertel
Lisle, Fernand de. Edmond (De-
manne et de) Marine, who used the above
as one of his pseudonyms.
Listener, The. Rev. John Macgowan.
Infernal conferences; or, dialogues of
devils. By... L. 1772.
Listener, The. Caroline Fi-y. The
listener in Oxford. L. 1839
Literary, Mrs. Mrs Bailie Elizabeth
(Hillyer Ballard) Maynard, in humorous
contributions to periodicals, etc.
Literary Antiquary, A F. W Fair-
holt. Holbein's Dance of Death. Edited
by... L.
Literary Lounger, A. J. H. Willis.
Scraps and sketches; or, the album of
. . . Quebec, 1830.
Literary and Scientific Association
of Elgin, A Member of the. Dr.
Taylor. Edward L of England in the
North of Scotland . . . Elgin, 1858.
Little, Thomas, Esq. Thomas Moore,
The poetical works of the late T. L.,
Esq. L. 1801.
luittlejohjou Dr. R. Slelton Hacken-
zie. "The present 'Weekly Times'
(I/.) started with some new features.
Une of these was an article on the lead-
ing events of the week, signed '* Little-
John/ The name was a pseudonym, but
not that of any actual person. Two of
the gentlemen who under it wrote per-
haps Longer than any others were Dr.
Shelton Mackenzie and Mr. Frederick
Guest Tomlins."
Ldttlejohn. Frederick Guest Tomlins.
"In Ins early days he was a contributor
to Hetherington's 'Poor Man's Guardi-
an/ and latterly to the ' Weekly Times/
in which the series of articles signed
'Idttlejohn ' were from his pen,"
Ldttlejohn, Hugh. John Hugh Lock-
hart, son of John Gibson Lockhart and
grandson of Sir Walter Scott, for whom
the latter wrote " Tales of a Grandfather 'J
He died when a child.
Littlepage, Cornelius. James Pent-
more Cooper. Satanstoe: a tale of the
Colony. NY 18(50
Littleton, Mark. John Pendleton
Kennedy. Swallow barn. P. 1832.
Live American, A. Henri/ Moifotd.
Over sea, or, England, France, and
Scotland as seen by ... N.Y. 1867.
Liverpool Merchant, A. Henry Ar-
thur Brtffht (*). Free Trade Policy, ex-
amined with respect to ... our Colomal
System . . . L 1846.
Lizard, John. Dr Edward Young, m
a paper to the "Guardian" (No. 86, June
19, 1713).
Uewellyn, Robert Sanders. — See
" Spencer, Nath."
Lleyon, Gutto. Griffith Robert Jones,
at one time of Lleyn, Carnarvonslure,
was once called by a bard " Gwyrgant's
Iducen. Rev. John Gulkn, of Ead-
cliffe-on -Trent, in his contributions to
various British newspapers and reviews.
Local Artist, A. John 0, Fei nihough.
Pen and ink sketches of Liverpool town
councillors, by ... Liverpool, I860.
Local Preacher, A. William, JECenry
Rodd. Impetus. An address to the-
members of the Wesleyan Methodist
Association . . . By . . . Penzance,
Locke, Una. Mrs. Una Locke Bailey.
The school at Elm Oak and the school
of life. NY. 1861.
Locker, Ajrthur J. H. Forbes. Sir
Goodwin's ITolly : a story of the year
1795 . . L. 1864
Lockfast. William Henry Simmons,
in the "Collegian" of Harv. Univ.
Cambridge, 1830.
Locomotive. Rev. Moses Harvey > of
St. Johns, Newfoundland, in his contri-
butions to various local periodicals
Log, Abel. Rev. Charles Butler Great-
rex. Whittlings from the West: with
some account cf Butternut Castle . . .
Ediab. 1854
Logan. Townsend Ward. Letters ....
P. 18-.
Logan. John Neal. Logan, a family
history. P. 1822.
Logan. Thomas Bangs Thorpe C2)
The master's house : a tale of Southern-
life ... N.Y. 1854.
Logan, OUve, Mrs. Olwe (Logan}
Sikes. Get thee behind me, Satan 1 a
home-born book of home-truths . . .
3MT. 1872.
Lola. Jtfrs. Emma (Moffett) Wynne,.
who, during the civil \var, occasionally
contributed to the " Field and Fireside "
(Augusta, Ga ) under this pen-name.
Lombard, A. Benjamin Smart.
'* The fluctuations of our money system, Mr
Smait's occupation enabled him to consider
with peculiar advantages; and accoidmgly, in
addition to frequent communications on points
of fact (' Gent Mag ,' Nov. 1811, 424, signed < B
8 '), he entered, under the signature of ' A Lom-
baid,' into an extensive theoretical discussion
on the eubiect, of which the pages of this
(•Q-ent') Magazine fiom 1813 to 1820 bear
pi oof."
Lombarda, Una. Felicita Morandi.
Ghirlanda di fion per 1'mfanzia e per
Fadoles<!enza. 1857.
London Antiquary, A. John Camden
Hotten. A dictionary of modern slang,
cant, and vulgar words ... L. 1850-00.
London Hermit F. Parke, Poetry
and essays. L. 18-.
London Merchant, A. C. W. Stokes.
An inquiry of the Home Secretary as to
whether Professor Tyndall has not sub-
jected himself [m his Belfast Address]
to the "Penalty on persons expressing
blasphemous opinions" ... By... L.
London Physician, A. James How-
ard. The evils of England, social and
economical. L 1848.
London Physician, A. JEduard
Smith. M D. How to get fat ... L.
London Physician, A. Samuel
DicLson. Memorable events in the life
of ... L. 1863.
London Physician, A. William
Augustus Guy, Hf.D. Principles of for-
ensic medicine. L. 1844.
London W. Joseph H. Dean, editor
of "Bicycling "World" (Boston).
Londoner, A. Walter White. A L *s
walk to the Land's End ; and a trip to
the Scilly Isles. L. 1855,
Londoner, A. Charles Lamb. "The
Londoner/' contributed to the "Re-
Long, Silent. Rev. Thomas T. Lynch.
The ethics of quotation ... L. 1850.
Long Island Farmer Poet. Blood-
(joodE Gutter.
Longchamps." John C. Delitte, Paris
correspondent of the "Spirit of the
Times" (N.Y.).
Looker-On, A. John Dix Ross. Lo-
cal loiterings, and visits in the vicinity
of Boston ... B, 1845.
Looker On, A. Hector Orr. A sketch
of Caraden City, New Jersey, with a view
to business. By ... Camden, 1873.
Looker On from America, A.
diaries Brandon JBoi/nton. The four
great powers. England, France, Russia,
and America . . . Cin. 1866.
Looker-On-Here in Vienna. Mrs.
Mary E. Andersen. The merchant's
Lord and Lady there, The. Lord
George G-remnlle Nugent, and Lady Nugent.
The legends of the library at Lilies, by
... L. 1832.
Lord Bishop of Oxford. Robert
Lowth, D.D. Sermon before the Society
for the Propagation of the Gospel . .
By... L. 1771.
Lord Chief Commissioner of the
Jury Court, The. William Adam. Ex-
tracts from a paper entitled Statement,
etc., by . . . Edinb (*) 1823.
Lorenzo Lorenzo Dow. Polemical
works of Lorenzo. N.Y. 1814.
Lorimer, Mary. M. 0. B. Dunning.
Among the trees, journal of walks in
the woods . . . N.Y. 187-.
Loring, Laura. Laura Lormg Pratt.
Juveniles. B. 1874-75.
Lorm, Hieronymus Hemrick Landes-
mann. High-life in der Vorstadt, in,
« Ueber Land und Meer." 1878
Lorrain, Camille. ffippolyte Babou,
who, under this signature, contributed to
Parisian journals
Lorraine, Mrs. Felix. Lady Caro-
line (Ponsonby) Lamb
" Lord Beaconsfield, in '"Vivian Grey,* roughly
sketched the poi trait of the subject of our articfe
in 'Mrs Felix Lorraine.' At end of the first
edition of that work (1827) . . . there is a key to
the novel, m which these disguised and real
names amongst others are given — ' Marquis of
Caiabas, MarquisofClanricarde , 'Mr.Foaming
Fudge,' Mr. Brougham; ' Mr. Charlatan Gas,'
Mr. Canning ; * Lord Past Century,' Earl of
Eldon, 'Mr Liberal Principles,' Mr. Husfcis-
son ; * the Duke of "Waterloo,1 the Duke of Wel-
lington ; * Prince Hungary,* Prince Esterhazy ;
1 the Marchioness of Almacks,* the Marchioness
of Londonderry ; 'Mrs. Felix Lorraine,* Lady
Caroline Lamb; ' Stanislaus Hoax,' Theodore
Hook; 'Lord Pnma Donna,' Lord William
Lennox , and * the Marquis of Grandgout,' the
Marquis of Hertford." — See "Gent. Mag,*'
October, 1S83, pp. 'ail, 42.
Lorreqner, Harry- Charles James
Lever. Charles O'Malley. L. 1841.
Lorrimer, Laura. Mrs Julia (fin-
ley) Shelton, who, under this signature,
was a contributor to various journals
and magazines, "North and South,"*
"Godey's Lady's Book," "Louisville
Journal," and "Field and Pireside"
among others.
Lot, Parson. Rev. Charles Kings-
"It was at one of these gatherings M at MJV
Maurice's, *' towards the end of 1847 or early in-
1848, when Eingsley found himself in a minority
of one, that he said jokingly, he felt much as Lot
must have felt in the Cities of the Blain when he
seemed as one that mocked to his <Bons-in law.
The name ' Parson Lot ' was then and there sug-
gested, and adopted by him as a firmliar nom de
plume He used it from 1S4S up 10 1856 , at fii st
constantly, latterly much more rarely. But the
name was chiefly made famous by his writings
in ' Politics for the People,' the « Christian So-
cialist,' and the * Journal of Association,' three
periodicals which covered the years from '48 to
*52, by 'Alton Locke,' and by tracts and pam-
phlets, of which the best knovra is 'Cheap
Clothes and Nasty.' "
Lothrop, Amy. Miss Anna B War-
ner. Dollars and cents. P. 1860.
Loti, Pierre Julien Viaud. Azyade :
le mariage de Loti and le roman du
Spahi. Paris, 188-
Lottie. Miss C. Walker. Leaves
blown together. By ... L 1865.
Louis Louis Dutens, in Beloe's " Sex-
agenarian/' Vol. 2, p. 100 2d ed. L.
Louisa, Aunt. Mrs Richard Valen-
tine. Wee Wee Stories. N.Y. 187-.
Lounger, A Frank Fowler. Dottings
of... L. 1859.
Lounger, A. John Matthews. Eloisa
en dishabille. A new version of that
lady's celebrated epistle to Abelard, in
English metre. L. 1780.
This jeu d 'esprit has been attributed to Por-
son, Coleridge, and Mathias , but Moore, ui his
"Life of Byion," says it was written by John
Matthews, Esq., of Belmont, Herefordshire,
and that Porson was in the habit of leciting it,
and even printed an edition.
Lounger, A. William Bromet, M.D.,
F.S.A. Perigrine in France ; or ...
journal. L. 18-.
Lounger, A, an Old Maid, and Lady
Honora. Alexander M Gibbon. An-
swer to the satirical poem on Stirling.
In three respondendos . . . Stirling, 1809.
Lounger, The. George William Cur-
tis, probably his signature in some paper
or periodical.
Lounger, The. Joseph B. Gilder, in
his contributions to the " Critic and Good
Literature " (N.Y.).
Lounger at the Clubs, The. Ed-
mund Yates, in the " Illustrated Tunes "
for many years, from 1855.
Lounger in the Lobby, The. Royal
W Merrill, in his contributions to the
"Press" (P.).
Love, James. James Dance. Pamela :
a comedy. L. 1742.
Lovechild, Mrs. Lady Eleanor Fenn.
The child's grammar. L. 1851.
Lovechild, Solomon. Lady Eleanor
Fenn. Sketches of little boys and girls.
Lovechurch, Leonard. Rev. George
Smith, of Sheffield. A letter to the in-
habitants of Sheffield on a subject which
has lately made, and is likely to make,
much noise in the town and neighbour-
hood ; or, a short peal on the new bells
. . . Sheffield, 1709.
This pamphlet, signed ' ' L L ," was reprinted
from the "Countiy Spectator" (Gamshoiougli,
1792-93), wbeie it was subscribed "Leonard
Lovel. John Lamb, father of Charles.
— See Lamb's " Elia/' " The Old
Benchers," etc.
Lovemore, Sir Charles. Mrs. N.
Manley de la Riviere The adventures of
Blvella ; or, the history of the author of
the Atalantis . . L. 1714.
Lovengood, Sut. George W. Harris.
Sut Lovengood : yarns spun by a " Nat'-
ral born durn'd Fool " ; warped and wove
for public wear. P. 1S7-.
Lover of Christ, A. Rev. John CoUett
Rt/iand. The life and actions of Jesus
Christ... By... L. 17GG
Lover of Christian Liberty, A. Wil-
liam Matthews. Considerations on public
worship ... By ... Bristol, 1808.
Lover of Episcopacy, A. JZachary
Grey, LLD. A century of eminent
Presbyterian preachers ; or, a collection
of choyce sayings, from the publick ser-
mons before the two houses, from Novem-
ber, 1640, to Jan 31,1648. (The day after
the king was beheaded.) By ... L. 1723.
Lover of 38Yee Grace, A. John Wes-
ley. What is an Arminian'2 answered.
By ... L 1770.
Lover of her Sex, A/ Mary AstelL
A serious proposal to the ladies ... By
... L. 1695.
Lover of his Country, A. Henry
Fielding. The crisis : a sermon on Rev.
xiv. 9, 10, 11 . . . L.1741.
Lover of his Country, A. George
Ridpath. A discourse upon the union of
Scotland and England . . . n.p. 1702.
Lover of his Country, A. William
Macintosh, of Borlum. An essay on the
husbandry of Scotland . . . Edinb. 1702.
Lover of his Country, A. William
Smith, D.D. An historical account of
the expedition against the Ohio Indians
in 1764, tinder the command of Henry
Bouquet, Esq. By ... P 1766.
Lover of his Country, A. Caleb
Fleming. The immorality of prophane
swearing demonstrated ... L. n.d.
Lover of his Country, A. Rev. Ar-
thur Ashley Sykes. A letter to a friend
. . . Lf 1717.
Lover of his King and Country, A.
3. Hat/ward. A. letter to the inhabitants
of Great Britain and Ireland ... By ...
L. 1756.
Lover of his Memory, A. John
Rhodes. Fruits of a father's love : being
the advice of William Penn to his chil-
dren ... L 1726.
Lover of History, A. Zachary Grey,
LL.D A caveat against Mr Berij Ben-
net, a meer pretender to history and criti-
cism. By ... L. 1724.
Lover of Literature, A. Thomas
Green, Esq. Diary of ... Ipswich,
Lover of Mankind, A. Anthony
Benezet. The Mighty Destroyer dis-
played ... the dreadful havock made by
the . . use as well as abuse of distilled
spintuoits liquors. By ... P. 1774.
Lover of Mankind and of Common
Sense, A. John Wesley. The desidera-
tum ; or, electricity made plain and use-
ful. By... L. 1769.
Lover of Old England, A. Daniel
Defoe. Mercurius politicus . . . L. 1720
Lover of Order, A. Rev. Joseph
Bretland, in the "Theological Reposi-
tory » (L.).
Lover of Order, A. William God-
win (?). Considerations on Lord Gren-
ville's and Mr. Pitt's bills, concerning
treasonable and seditious practices, etc.
By... L.1795.
Lover of Peace and Order, A.
Esther Tuke. An address to the inhabi-
tants of the city of York . . . By . . .
York, about 1794.
Lover of Peace and the Public
Good, A. John Humfreif. Letters to
Parliament-Men ... L. 1701.
Signed "J. H."
Lover of Peace and Truth, A.
Joseph Priestley. A free address to those
who have petitioned for the repeal of the
late act of parliament, in favour of the
Roman Catholics. L. 1780.
Lover of Peace and Truth in this
Church, A Rev. James Adams. Mar-
row-chicaning displayed ... n p. 1726.
Lover of Stability. Noah Webster.
Article in the " Hampshire Gazette."
Lover of that innocent and health-
ful diversion, A. George Smith. "The
Angler's Magazine" . . . (L. 1754).
Lover of that People, A. John
Barclay. An affectionate address to
such of the people called Mends as
reside in London and its vicinity. By
... L.1818.
Lover of the Church of England,
A. Patrick Drewe. The Church of Eng-
land's late conflict with, and triumph
over, the spirit of fanaticism ... L.
Lover of the Fine Arts, A. Maria
(Gowen) * Brooks. Judith, Esther, and
other poems ... B. 1820.
Lover of the Gospel, A. Joseph
Priestley D.D. A familiar illustration
of certain passages of scripture ... L.
Lover of the Gospel, A. Thomas
Reader. A letter to ... [Dr. Priestley!
... L. 1772.
Lover of the Protestant Religion,
A. Rev. William Wright. The Jacobite
curse . . . Glasgow, 1714.
Lover of the Publick Welfare, A.
Andrew Stevenson. De mumcipum jura-
mento . . . Edinb. 1746.
Lover of the Pare Gospel, A. Sil-
vanus Gibbs. The Calvinistic doctrine of
election and reprobation exploded : in a
letter to a friend . . . Plymouth-Dock,
Lover of the Truth, A. Jonathan
Warne. The Babel of Quakerism thrown
down ... L. 1739.
Lover of the Truth in Fife, A. Rev .
Wdliam Campbell, of Dysart. A just view
of the principles of the Presbytery of
Belief . . . Edinb. 1778.
Lover of the Word, A. Harvey A.
Ingham. Glad tidings; or, walks with
the wonderful . . . Rochester, N.Y.,
Lover of Truth, A. Thady Fitzpat-
rick. — See«T.P."
Lover of Truth, A. George Coade, Jr.,
of Exeter. A letter to a clergyman
relating to his sermon on the 30th Janu-
ary, n.p. 1746.
Lover of Truth, A. Rev. David
Wilson. A modest apology for the con-
duct of Seceders ... L. 1773.
Lover of Truth and Decency, A.
John JEwer, Bishop of Landaff , A vindica-
tion of the Bishop of Landaffs sermon
. . . N.Y. 1768.
Lover of Truth and Liberty, A.
James Ralph. The history of England
during the reigns of K. William, Q.
Anne, and K. George I. ... L. 1744.
Lover of Truth and Mankind uni-
versally. Francis Hatt. Friendly ad-
vice to children and all mankind in gen-
eral ... By ... n.p. 1765.
Lover of Truth and Peace, A. Rev.
Arthur Ashley 8ykes. The external peace
of the Church only attainable by a zeal
for Scripture in its just latitude ... I/.
Lover of Truth and the British
Constitution, A, Caleb 'Evans, D.D.
A letter to ... John Wesley on his Calm
Address to the American Colonies . . .
L. 1775.
Lover of Zion, A. John Glass, the
founder of the "Glassites." A letter
. . . discovering the mystery of national
church covenanting under the New Tes-
tament Edinb. 1728
Lovette, Lillie Mr. M. W. Torreij.
Lowe Farmer, The. William Law
Gane, an English and Canadian writer
He wrote for the " Royal Ladies' Maga-
zine " in 1830, and afterwards for " Black-
wood," the "New Monthly Magazine,"
the " Gentleman's Magazine," "Eraser,"
the "Tablet," "Douglas Jerrold's Maga-
zine," " Household Words/' and finally
for "Punch." He also contributed to
the " Metropolitan," the " Cabinet," and
"Bentley's Miscellany," and was editor
of the "Lady's Magazine," the " Court
Magazine/' and the " Town and Country
Magazine", was sub-editor of the "Morn-
ing Chronicle/' and wrote for the " Sun "
and other dailies and weeklies. Becom-
ing acquainted with Cobbett, he contrib-
uted several papers to " Cobbett's Maga-
zine/' Coming to Canada in 1860, Mr.
G. contributed prose and poetry to the
"Saturday Header," Montreal, and in
1865 edited a comic weekly called the
"Sprite," Quebec.
Lugay, H. de. Henri Rochefort de
Lugay. "Le mousquetaire " of Alex.
Dumas. Paris, 1854.
Lucifer. John Ball. The baptism of
fire. B. 1877.
Lucius. One of the signatures adopted
by Junius (q v.).
The letters subscribed "Lucius" i elate ex-
clusively to the dismission of Sir Jeffery Am-
Tierst from his post of G-overnoi of Virginia for
the sole purpose, as it should seem, of ci eating a
T>ost for the Earl of Hillsborough's intimate
friend, Lord Botetourt, who had completely
ruined himself by gambling and extravagance —
JAWJES, Junius.
Tne first of these letters appeared in the
«« Public Advertiser," Aug. 10, 1768.
Lucius. Dr. Samuel Parr, who con-
tributed papers on Troy and the Troad
to the " British Magazine " signed " Lu-
Lucius. Rev. James Match Piggot
Dennis, B.A , F.G & A letter to Lord
John Russell ... By ... L. 1848 ; and
another, 1850.
Ludlow, Johnny. Ellen (Pi ice) Wood.
Anne, and other tales. By ... 188-.
Ludlow, Park. Theron Brown, Nick
Hardy at college ; or, the wooden spoon.
B. 188-.
Ludolff, M. Luise Huyn. Beata. 1880.
Luganski, Kosak. Vladimer luano-
vitch Dahl Chmoel. St Petersburg, 183~.
Lulu. Miss Louise G. HalL Manna :
night and morning; selected and arranged
by ... NY. 1880.
Lunar Wray, A. Minot Judson Sav-
age. At the back of the moon. B 1870
Lunettes, Henry. Margaret O. Cor\-
Umg. American gentleman's guide to
politeness and fashion. N Y 187-
Lunt, Irene Irene Bradbury, in her
contributions to the " Cottage Hearth."
Luola. Mrs. Mary (Ayer) Miller, who,
under this pen-name, published poems in
the youth's department of the " North
Carolina Presbyterian " and the " Cen-
tral Presbyterian" (Richmond, Va ), and
"vrote several Sunday-school books for
the Presbyterian Board of Publication.
Lycurgus. John Kent, a frequent con-
tributor to the " Public Advertiser " dur-
ing 1769, and an opponent of the minis-
try. He is classed among the claimants
to the " Junius Letters " (qv). See also
"' Private Letters of Junius," No. 5.
Lycus. John Fitzgibbom, 2d Earl of
Clare, in Byron's "Childish Recol-
lections" (Newark, 1807).
Lyle,Annot Mrs.Annot (Li/le) Saxon,
who contributed poems and sketches to
the "American Courier" (P.) under this
Lyle, Currer. Mrs M Louise (Royeis)
Crossley, who, under this pen-name, con-
tributed some of her most finished arti-
cles to the " Literary Companion " (pub-
lished in Ncwnan, Ga ).
Lyn, R. Sir Robert Walpole The life
of Mr R. Lyn, etc. L. 1728.
Lynceus. Frederick Starr, Jr. Let-
ters for the people . . . N.Y. 1853.
Lyndon Mrs Matilda A. Bright.
Margaret: a story of life in a prairie
home . . . N.Y. 1868.
Lyndon, Barry. George Lowell Aus-
tin Under the tide. B. 1870.
Lyndon, Barry, Esq. William Male-
peace Thackeray The memoirs of . . *
written by himself L. 1856.
Lyndon, Mary. Mrs. Mary (Ncal
Sergeant G-ove) Nichols. Mary Lyndon;
or, revelations of a life. An autobi-
ography. N.Y. 1855.
Lynn Bard, The. Alonzo Lewis.
forest-flowers and sea-shells. B 1831.
Lynn, Ethel. Mrs. Elhel Lynn Besrs.
General Prankie : story for little folks.
N.Y. 1863.
, Lyon, Bonnet de. Ame*d€e Sonnet.
Eloge du docteur Alph, Dupasqmer.
Paris, 1849.
Lyrist, The. E. Randies, who was the
lyrist mentioned by Miss Seward in her
poem called " Llangollen Vale."
Lysander. Rev. Thomas Frognall
Dibdin, who was the " Lysander " of his
own " Bibliomania."
Lysander. James Cheetham. Annals
of the Corporation relative to the late
contested elections . . . N.Y 1802.
IJysander. William P. Van Ness. A
correct statement of the late melancholy
affair of honor between General Hamil-
ton and Colonel Burr . . . July 11, 1804
. . By... NY. 1804.
Liyttelton, Lord. William Coombe,
Esq. Lord L.'s letters. L. 1784.
Lyttte, Byrd. E. Victona Lomax.
Mary Austin ; or, the new home. P 1870.
Ijyulph. H. R. Lumley. Something
hke a nugget : a drama. By ... L, 1868.
M. Mr. Macintosh, editor of the
" Buffalo News/* in his contributions to
various periodicals.
M. Thomas Manning, the Cambridge
mathematical tutor. — See Lamb's "Elia,"
" Dissertation on Roast Pig," and " The
Old and New Schoolmaster/'
M. Maunde, dismissed schoolmas-
ter.—See Lamb's "Elia," "Christ's
M. Mai/nard, who hanged himself. —
See Lamb's "Elia," "The South-Sea
M. Joseph Mellish, his signature to a
paper in the " Microcosm," published at
Eton College, 1787.
M. Rev. Gerard Moultrie, who contrib-
uted 35 hymns to the "People's Hymnal "
(1867), some of which are signed "M,"
others with the initials of his nom de
plume, " D. P ," for " Desiderius Pastor " ;
and one is signed " The Primer "
M. Alexander Pope. — See " Bavius."
M. Rev. William Lewis Rham, his
well-known signature in the London
" Gardeners' Chronicle."
M. Matthew F Ward.
M. Sir George Steuart Mackenzie,
Bart. A letter to William Rae, Esq
on the public execution of criminals.
Edmb. 1815
M. Hugh Miller. Letters on the
herring fishing in the Moray Frith. In-
verness, 1820.
M., tie Marquis de. M. Moise Schwab.
Melanges bibliographiques. Marseilles,
M., Mrs. Mrs. Basil Montagu. — See
Lamb's "Elia," "Oxford in the Vaca-
M., A. A. Mannington. Footprints of
the holy dead ; trans L. 1868.
M., A, Alfred Miles. A word or two
on the Liturgy. By ... L. 1837.
M., A., Esquire. Daniel Defoe. —
See " Moreton, Andrew, Esq."
M., A, a Layman Alexander Murray.
A clear display of the Trinity from
Divine Revelation . . . By ... L.
M., A. B. Arthur Bache Matthews, as
editor of the "Riots at Birmingham.
July, 1791... L. 1863.
M., A. B. Rev. Artemas Bowers Muz-
zey. The Sabbath School Service and
Hymn Book . . . B. 1855.
M., A. C. Agnes O. Maitland. Elsie:
a Lowland sketch. L. 1875.
M., A. D. Louis Charles Alfred de
Musset, as translator of De Quincey's
"Confessions of an English Opium
Eater" (1828), etc.
M., A D , H.F.S A. Albf Ang€ Denis
McQuin. A description of more than
three hundred animals . . . By . . .. L.
M., A. S. A. S. Moffat Cedar Brook
stories ; or, the Clifford children ... B.
M., A. W. Agnes W. Mitchell. The
smuggler's son. P. 1842.
M. B. Rev. Roger Baxter, SJ. The
Alexandria controversy; or, a series of
letters between . . . and Quaero, on the
tenets of Catholicity . . . Georgetown,
D C., 1817.
M , B. Mrs. Barbara (Miller) Macan-
drew. Ezekiel, and other poems. Edinb.
M., B. Bernard de MandeMlle. Pree
thoughts on religion ... L. 1720.
M., B. Barclay de Mounteney. Letter
to Lord Brougham on the elective fran-
chise. L. 18S9.
M., B. Bezaleel Morris. A letter to
Mr. Theobald, in verse, against Mr. P.
. . . (i.e. Alex. Pope) contributed to the
" Daily Journal," June 11, 1728.
M. B.j Draper. Jonathan jSwift. A
letter to the people of Ireland. Dublin,
The letter is signed " Publicola."
M. B., Drapler. Jonathan Swift*
The Drapier letters. 1724.
These letters were directed against the coinage
of farthings and half-pence, and resulted in theii
author obtaining the name of " The Copper-
Farthing Dean " (?«?.).
See also " The l)nipier " and " M. B., Draper."
M., B. A. Brother Azarias Mullany.
An essay, contributing to a philosophy
of literature. P. 1877.
M., C , J H. G and M. B Respec-
tively Campbell Mackmnon, Joseph H.
Gibbs, and Hontgomerte Banking, au-
thors of the " Quadrilateral." L.
These poems are dedicated by the ahove gen-
tlemen to C. M. Crawford, whose name com-
pletes "The Quadrilateial."
M., C., Vicar of Brixworth. Rev.
Charles Marshall. A plain and easy
introduction to the knowledge and prac-
tice of gardening, with hints on fish-
ponds. By ... L. 1706
M., C. B. Mrs. Clara Barnes Martin.
Mount Desert, on the coast of Maine.
Portland, 1867.
M., Mr. C J. Chailes Julius Mickle.
A concise essay on the nature and con-
nexion of the philosophy and mythology
of Paganism ... L. 1826.
M, C. P. Christopher Parr Hale.
Have you any fear of death ? Birming-
ham, 1851.
M., C. R. Rev. Charles Robertson Man-
ning, MA. The canticles of the Book
of Common Prayer, marked for chanting
... L. 1858.
M.D., of Newark, OMo, An. Dr. J.
R. Slack. Alcohol as a medicine. Syra-
cuse, 1870.
M. D. C , C. Claude Francois Xavier
Mercier de Compiegne. Histoire de Marie
Stuart . . . 1820,
M., D. G. Donald Giant Mitchell.
Bream life ... N.Y. 1866.
M., E. Rev. Edward Melton. Annals
of the church in Brimfield. Springfield,
Mass., 1856.
M., E. E. Magrath. A letter
on Canada in 1806 and 1817 . . .
M., E. Edward Moxon. Memoir of
Charles Lamb, in Leigh Hunt's "London
M., E. A. Mrs. E. A Haddock.
The Liturgy explained. L. 1839,
M. E. B. Mrs. Mary £. Gellie.
Clement's trial and victory ... L.
M, E. S. Edward Stanford Martin
Sly ballades in Harvard China. B.
M., F. Sir Frederick Madden. How
the goode wife thaught hir doughter.
Edited by ... L. 1838.
M., F. Rev. Frederick Martin. iNbies
on the four gospels. L. 1838.
M., F. 1J. F. L. Morse. Onward to
the heights of life. B. 1880.
M., G. George Mooar. Historical
manual of the South Church in Anclo-
ver, Mass., August, 1850. Andovcr,
M., G. Gervase HarTcham. The young
sportsman's instructor. L. 1820.
M., G. ti Gdbeit Laing Meason. On
the landscape architecture of the groat
painters of Italy. By ... L. 1828.
M, G. W. George W. Marshall. A
catalogue of pedigrees hitherto unin-
dexed. Ed. by . . . L. 1867.
M., G. W. Geoige Wharton Mairiott,
J3.C.L. Memoir of Rev. Dr. Gaskin, in
" Gent. Mag.," Vol. 99, 2d Pt., 183, 280,
M, G. W. George Wilson Meadley.
Memoirs of Mrs. Jebb. L. 1812.
M., H. Harriet Martineau. The mar-
tyr age of the United States . . . Kew-
castle-upon-Tyne, 1840.
M., Sir H. Sir Humphrey MacJcworth.
Down with the mug ... L. 1717.
M., H. E. Henry Edwatd Manning.
Dies consecrati ... L. 1855.
M., H. Ja. Mrs. Hannah L. Murray.
Florence Murray: a narrative of facts.
By her mother ... B. 1849.
M. I. D. Rtchard Hengist Home, in his
contributions to the "Monthly Reposi-
tory" (L.).
M'G, J. John M'Gilchrist, M.D.
Chatelard: a tragedy in five acts.
Edinb. 1862.
M'S., J. Dr. Joseph Macsweeny. An
essay on aerial navigation . . . Cork,
M., J. John Muir. The course of
divine revelation . . . Calcutta, 1846.
M., J. Josiah Martin. The great
case of tithes truly stated ... L.
M., J. James Moraant D.D. Elegy,
Mark Luke Grayston. L. 1830.
M., J. John Martin. An inquiry into
Echard's statement in his history of Eng-
land... L. 1852.
M., J. J. MasBon. Miscellaneous ob-
servations upon authors, ancient and
modern. L. 1731-32.
M., J. Rev. Joseph Morris, M.A. Mon-
uments in Feltham Church, Middlesex, in
"Gent. Mag.," July, 1824, p. 39.
M., J. James Maidment. A new
book of old ballads. Edited . . .
Edinb. 1844.
M, J. Joseph Massie. Observations
on Mr. Pauquier's " Essay on Ways and
Means for Baising," etc. L. 1756.
M., J. John Major. Bational mad-
ness : a song for the lovers of rare and
curious books. L. n.d
M., J. Major AJoyle Sherer. Scenes
and impressions in Egypt and Italy, etc.
L. i824.
M., J. J Tl/o? timer. La Secession aux
Etats-Ums et son origine. Paris, 1861.
M., J. Rev James Murray. The trav-
els of the imagination ... L 1773.
M., J., Esq., FRS. John Mortimer.
The whole art of husbandry ... By ...
L. 1707.
M , J , Rev , D D , F S A John Mil-
net, D D. A vindication of the end of
religious controversy ... L 1822
M,, J , of the Inner Temple. Jasper
Mauduit. The Legislative authority of
the British Parliament with respect to
North America ... L. 1766.
M., Sir J , and Dr. Ja. S. Sir John
Mennis and Dr. James Smith. Facetiae.
Musarum deliciae ... L. 1817.
M., J., et P., R. James Maidment and
Robert Pitcairn. Nugse derelictas quas
colligerunt . . . Edinb. 1822
M., J. A. Mrs. J. A. Merryweather.
The hermit of Eskdaleside ; with other
poems . . . Whitby, 1833.
M., J. A. Sir John Archibald Murray,
Lord Murray. Letter to the Judge Advo-
cate . . . Edinb. I860. — See "A Mem-
ber of Court/'
M , J. O., Esq. J. O. Mellish. Mary
Stuart : a tragedv. Trans, by ... L.
M., J H, John Herman Merivale,
Esq — See " Gent. Mag.," November,
1837, p 481.
M., J. H. James Henri/ Monk. Me-
moir of Duport . . . Cambridge, 1825.
M., J. H. B. Jacob Henry Brooke
Mountain. A sermon preached at Blun-
ham church ... on ... the completion
of an cast window, by M. E. Sadler, with
a preface by J. H. B. M. L. 1884.
M , J. Li J L. Martin. Native bards :
a satirical effusion ... P. 1831.
M , J. M. J. M. Moore. Lord Nial.
N.Y. 1834
M., J. R John Ramsay MacCuUoch,
Tracts ... on metallic and paper cur-
rency, by S. J. Lloyd. Edited by ...
L. 1858.
M., J. W. H. John William Henry
Molyneaux. Private prayers . . . selected
. . . L. 1866.
M., K. Kate M'Clellan. Anne and
Pierre; or, our father's letter. N.Y.
M , tt. F. Mrs. Lydia Falconer Miller.
Cats and dogs; nature's warriors and
God's workers. L. 1808.
M., Li. M. Mrs. Louise (Chandler)
M., M. F. Mary Fawl&\j Maude.
Scripture natural history, etc L. 1848.
M., M Li Mary L. Meaney. Grace
Morton ; or, the inheritance ... P. 1864.
M. M. M, William Tooke, Esq , F.R S.
Verses. Edited by ... L. 1860.
See " (rent. Mag.," July, 1844, p 2, an inquiry
under this signature on the origin of the name of
Tooke. On many other occasions Mr Tooke
wrote under the signature of " M AI. M.,*' as his
father had done previously. They were the
initials of the family motto, ftfilitia Mea Multi>
M., M. M. Miss M. M. Montgomery.
Lights and shadows of German life. P.
M , M. N. Mrs. Mary Noel (Bleecker
M'Donald) Meigs. Poems by ... 1T.Y.
M, Matt. Robinson. Matthew Rob-
inson Montagu. Peace the best policy.
L. 1777.
M. N. William Wotfon, D D., in a
letter contributed to the " Guardian."
Kb. 93, June 27, 1713.
M., "N. Nathaniel Morren. Annals of
the General Assembly of the Church of
Scotland . . . 1739-76 . . . Edinb.
M , O. Oswald MoosmuUer St. Vin-
cenz in Pennsylvanien ... NY. 1873.
M., P. Rev. Patrick Middleton. A
dissertation on the power of the Church
... L.1733.
M. P. Mrs. Marianne Girdlestone
Ftlteul. Marion ; or, the smuggler's wife
... L.1873.
M. P, An. William Pollard Urqu-
"hart. The currency question and the Bank
Charter Committee of 1857-58. L. 1860.
M., P. D. Rev. Peter Du Moulin. —
See "A Prebend of the Church of Can-
M., R. Richard Morris. — Sec "One
of the Excluded Members of Parlia-
M , R C Robert Cotton Money. Jour-
nal of a tour in Persia during the years
1824 and 1825. L. 1828.
M., Rose O. Rose O. Monckton. Let-
ters from Puttehgurh. Clifton, 1858.
M., R. K. Richard Kendall Mackit-
M , R. S. Dr. Robert SMton Macken-
zie, in his contributions to the " Lady's
M., R. W, Robert W. McAlpim, in
his contributions to the "Press " (P.).
M , S. Samuel Merriman, M.D., one of
his signatures in the "Gent. Mag.,"
1828-47. His others were " Correspond-
ent," " L. 1ST ," and " 'Itepavepfaos." See
"Gent. Mag ," 1853, Pt. I., pp. 207-209.
M , S Miss Selina Martin. Narrative
of three years' residence in Italy. L.
M, S, and S, G. M. Samuel Me-
cutchen and Geoicje M. Sayre. The new
American Arithmetic. P 1877.
M S. A. and M. B. A. S., An. Robert
Scott Burn The grammar of house
planning . . . Ednib 1864.
M., T. Thomas Maule. An abstract
of a letter to Cotton Mather . . . u.p.
M, T Thomas Moimsey. A brief
account of Thomas Fell of Swarthmore
Hall By ... Manchester, 1846.
M , T. A suffering Presbyter of the
Church of Scotland. Thomas Moubray.
A catechism, appointed in the liturgy of
the Church of Scotland .' . . Edinb.
M., T. C , M.B , F L S Sir Thomas
Charles Morgan. An expostulatory letter
to I)r Moseley ... L. 1808
M., T. S. T. & Muii Notes on re-
mains of ecclesiastical architecture and
sculptured memorials in the southern di-
vision of Scotland. Edinb. 1855
M., W. William Mason. — See " A
Gentleman of Cambridge."
M., W. Rev. William Maslell, M.A.
Bude Haven . a pen-and-ink sketch, with
portraits of the principal inhabitants. L.
M., W. Rev. William Marsh. Jeho-
vah's ancient temple, city, and land.
Dublin, 1863.
M., W. William Mackenzie. The pyra-
mid and the Bible . . Edinb. 1868
M., W., a Benefited Priest William
Maskell A letter to the Very Rev. Wil-
liam Cockburn, D.D., Dean of York . . ,
L 1842.
M.,W.I.L. W. 1. L. Mutter. TJeber
London und Paris nach Rom . . . Berlin,
M., W. S. William Shaw Mason.
Bibhotheca Hibernica ; or, a descriptive
catalogue of a select Irish library, col-
lected for the Right Hon. Robert Peel.
Dublin, 1823.
M.***, louisianais. Dr. Alfred Mer-
cier. Le fou de Palerme . . . ^".0.
M***, Paul Hyppolite de. Paul
Hyppolite de Mwat. Les paradoxes du
capitaine Marc-Luc-Roch Barole . . #
Paris, 1802
M***e, T***y. Thomas Moore. The
fudger fudged ; or, the Devil and
T[omm]y M[oor]e. L. 1819.
gyivain. Pierre Syhain
Mat falial. Dictionnaire dcs athccs
anciens et modernes . . . Paiis, 1800
M*th**s, Thomas James Thomas
James Matluas. The sphinx's head
broken: a poetical epistle, with notes,
to ... Clerk to the Qu*%'s TWs*r*r ;
proving him. to be the author of the
"Pursuits of Literature." By Andrew
GEdipus, an injured author. L. 171)8.
M , Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu,
in Beloc's "Sexagenarian," I., o35. 2d
ed L. 1818.
M , H . Hannah Moie, in Be-
loc's "Sexagenarian," I., 338. 2d ed.
L 1818
M — d, Dr. Dr Mead. An account
of a strange . . . dream, etc [A satire
on Dr. Mead]. By Dr. John Woodward.
L 1719.
M— e, Right Hon. Lady M— y
W— y Right Hon. Lady Mary Woitley
Moniague Letters of ... written during
her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa
... L. 1763
Ma., Ch. El. Chailes Ellin Mathews,
of Exeter, in his contributions to " Notes
and Queries " (L.)
Mabel. Mart/ P. Hazen. Joanna;
or, learning to follow Jesus NY 1871
Mac. E. A. Mac Clean, in contribu-
tions to the "Library Journal" (B ), etc.
Mac (Artist). W.McConnell. Twice
round the clock. L. 18-
Mac (The Danburian) Chailes E
A. McGfeachy.
McArone. George Arnold, who, as a
writer of comic verse and humorous
sketches, had many pen-names, —
"McArone," "Allen Grahame," "George
Garrulous/' etc.
MacArone, Mat. Theodore P. Cook.
Macaroni, A. Christopher Anstey.
Liberality, or, memoirs of a decayed
... L. 1788.
Macaulay. Rev. Washington Froth-
ingham, in the "Rochester (N.Y.) Demo-
crat "
Macaulay, Mr. Babbletongue.
Thomas Babinyton Macaulay.
"We remember the * Times' commenting
on Lord Macaula>'s too flippant address to his
constituents, dated fiom Windsor Castle, with
attempted humor equally reprehensible, called
the then member for Edinburgh, 'Mr. Babble-
tongue ILicaulay,* in a pooi play upon bis second
name of Babinyton,"— See ANDREW'S " ButJsh
Journalism," Vol. 2, p 221.
MacCarte, Duncan, a Highlander.
Rev. Samuel Squire. "A letter to John
Trot-Plaid, Esq.," author of the " Jaco-
bite Journal "... L. 1748.
McCoomb, Florence. Mary Miller
Mehne. The Montarge's legacy. P.
MacDavus. Herbert Mayo. Letters
on the truths contained in popular super-
stitions [first published in "Blackwood's
Magazine," vol. 01, etc., under this signa-
ture]. 3d ed. L 1851.
Macgillicuddy, Irene. Laurence Oli-
pliant The tender recollections of ...
N Y. 1878. [First published in "Black-
wood's Magazine."]
McGratli, Terence. Henry A. Blake.
Pictures from Ireland. L. 1880.
MacGregor, Malcolm. Maurice Mor-
gan, Esq Ode to Mr. Pinchbeck, upon
his newly invented candlesnuffers . . .
L. 1776. See "Gent. Mag," December,
1815. Also ascribed to Rei. William
Mason, Canon of York.
McGuire, M. Malcom McPherson, in
the " Amateur Emigrant "
Mack Joseph B McCullough, editor
of the St Louis " Globe Democrat " and
*' Cincinnati Commercial."
McKenzie, Christine. Miss Annie
Duffell In the meshes. P. 1877.
Mackworth, Humphry. Robert
Harley, Earl of Oxford and Mortimer.
A vindication of the rights of the Com-
mons of England. L. 1715.
Macleod, the late Dr. Archibald.
Rev. William Lisle Bowles, M.A. Ellen
Gray , or, the dead maiden's curse. L.
MaePacke, Jose, a "bricklayer's
labourer. James Peacock. OittiSia; or,
nutshells. By ... L. 1785.
Macrobin, Mark Allan Cunningham,
in " Blackwood'a Magazine."
M'Rory, Rev. Rory. James Cameron
Lees, D.D M'Stottie's tour : a highland
yarn By the . minister of Tobersnory,
presbytery of Dall. Edinb. 1880.
MacSarcasm, Rev. Sir Archibald,
Bart Rev. William Shaw. The life of
Hannah More ... L. 1802.
Macsarconica, Archy, F.R.S. Thom-
as Hastings. The book of the wars of
Westminster ... L. 1784 — See " Fox,
Mac-Shinie, Gillespie. Archibald
Simson Annals of such patriots of
the distinguished family of Eraser, Pry-
sell, Sim-son, or Pitz-simon, as have 'sig-
nalized themselves in the public service
of Scotland . . Edinb. 1795.
Maeswell. TF. L. Russ, in his contri-
butions to the "Courier" (Buffalo, N.T.).
MacWhirter, Theresa, WhlstOLebin-
kie, N.B. William MaJcepeace Thack-
eray. A legend of the Rhine. L.
Mace, Sloper Charles Godfrey Le-
land. Ballads 18-.
Mad Poet, The. McDonald Clarke.
The elixir of moonshine ; being a collec-
tion of prose and poetry, by ... Gotham
[N.Y ], A.M. 5822 [1822].
Mada. Mary Latham Clarke. Birth-
day present. B 1869.
Madison, Virginia. Mrs. Sallie A.
(BrocL) Putnam. Kenneth, my king
N.Y. 187-.
Marzroth, Dr. Moritz Barach. La-
chende Geschichten. 1880-81.
Maevius. Dr. Richard Russell. — See
Maga. Blackicood's Magazine.
Magenta. Capt. Mahon — See " Cav-
alry Officer, A "
Maggie, Aunt. Mrs. Raymond Blath-
wayt, in her contributions to various peri-
Maggie, Aunt Mrs. Henshaw.
Magistrate, A. Patrick Colquhoun,
Esq. A treatise on the police of the
Metropolis ... By ... L. 1796.
Magistrate for Middlesex, A. John
Thomas Barber Beaumont. Letters on
public house licensing. By ... L.
Maglone, Barney. Robert A. Wilson,
in his contributions to the " Republic "
Magoogin. JoJin J. Jennings, in his
contributions to the "Post-Dispatch"
(St. Louis, Mo ).
Magpie. William H. Well). Word
method primer. N.Y. 1859 (*).
Maguire, Aunt. Mrs Fiances Miriam
Berry, in Godey's "Lady's Book."
Maharba. John Abraham. An impe-
rial manifesto, and other poems. Lis-
keard, 1872.
Mahmut the Spy. Giovanni Paolo
Marana, a Jesuit. The Turkish spy. The
eight volumes of letters writ by Mahmut,
the Spy, who lived five and forty years
undiscovered in Paris, unfolding the in-
trigues of the Christian courts between
1637 and 1682. L. 1770.
The work has been characterized as "specn-
lating very freely on all subjects, under a mask
of bigotry."
Hairet, Jeanne. Mme. Mary (Sealy)
Bigot. Marca. Paris, 188S.
Maitland, Mrs. Margaret. Mrs.
Margaret 0. ( Wilson) Oliphant. Passages
in the life of ... of Sunnytide. L.
Maitland, Thomas. Robert Buchanan .
"The Fleshly School of Poets," contribu-
ted to the "Contemporary Review" (L.
Major, The. Ben Perky Poore.
Makewright, George Washington.
Frank Cahill, in his contributions to the
" Saturday Press " (P.).
Malack, Muly. Mordecai Manuel
Noah, in the New York "Times," 1811.
Malagr owther, Malachi. Sir Wa Iter
Scott. Thoughts on the proposed change
of currency . . . Edinb. 1826.
Malakoff. Dr. W. F. Johnston, in the
New York "Times"
Malet, fcucas. Mrs. (Kingsky) Har-
rison. Mrs. Lorimer. a study in black
and white. L. 1883.
Malone, Carroll. M. McBuiney.
Maltitz, Hermann von. Hermann
Klencke, who, under this name, published
a long series of historical and social nov-
els from distinguished German authors.
Mambrino. H. D. McKmney, Janes-
ville (0.) correspondent of "The Spirit
of the Times" (N.Y.).
Man, A. Hoi ace Ifa/pcfe, Earl of Or-
ford. Reflections on the different ideas
of the French and English in regard to
cruelty ... By ... L. 1759.
Man about Town, The. The papers
in the "Star" (N.Y.) under the above
pseudonym, are contributed by Charles
E. File, P. McCann, William H. Muldoon,
and others*
Man in the Claret-Colored Coat,
The. Edward S. Gould. The Sleep
Eider; or, the Old Boy in the omnibus.
N.Y. 1843.
Man in the Moon, The. Captain
Anstmther, of Spencerfield. A letter . . .
to Mr. Anodyne Necklace ... L. 1725.
Man in the Moon, The. Daniel De-
foe. A letter ... to the author of the
"True born Englishman." L. 1705.
Man in the Moon, The. Joseph
Browne. The moon calf ... n p. 1705.
Man in the Moon, The. — See " The-
manin them oon /*
Man of Business, A. John Ashton.
Autumn holidays. By . . . Manchester.
Man of Business, A. T. Dicker.
The Christian life exemplified in the
memorials and remains of ... L. 1852.
Man of Business, A. William Rath-
lone, Jr. Social duties . . . benevolence
and public utility. By ... L. 1867.
Man of Fashion, A. John Mills (*).
IVHorsay; or, the follies of the day.
By..* Ji.1844
"The personages introduced figure under
flimsy disguises, and the reader will hardly need
a * key ' to indicate the originals of the Earl of
Ohesterlane, Mr. Pelbara, General Beel, kord
George Bedtick, Mr. George Bobbins (* too Prince
of Auctioneers '), the Marquis of Itiveiioid, Lord
Huntmgcastle, Mister Slonghraan, Joe Banks
(the 'Stunner'), the Earl of Bywoiden, the
Countess of Rwington, the Earl of Raspberry
Hill, 'the cncumciscd duvei of the cabriolet'
(Benjamin Disraeli), and the Maiqms of Here-
for£l;*>__See " Maclise Poi trait Gallery," p. 290.
"Man of Kent," A. Robert Cowtan.
Passages from the autobiography of ...
1817-1865, L. 1866. Edited by Regi-
nald Fitz-Roy Stanley [pseud.].
Man of the People, The. Charles
James For.
Man of the People, The. William
Thomson. The man in the moon ... L.
Man of the Revolution, The. Sam-
uel Adams, so termed by Jefferson, in
Man of the Times, A. John Pendle-
ton Kennedy. Letters of ... to the citi-
zens of Baltimore. Bait 1830.
Man of the World, A. Charles Phil"
lips. Napoleon the Third ... L.
Man who wishes to "be Governor
of Pennsylvania, A. Geoige W. Wood-
ward. Opinions of ... P. 1802.
Managing Clerk, A G. Stuart. A
concise system of book-keeping . . .
By... L. 1862.
Manchester Layman, A. Rev. J.
GilL A literary curiosity. A sermon
in words of one syllable only . . . Man-
chester, 1860.
Manchester Man, A. Rev. j: Lamb.
Free thoughts of ... L. 1866.
Manchester Man, A. Richard Burn.
The present and long-continued stagna-
tion of trade; its causes, effects, and
cure . . . By . . . Manchester,
Manchester Manufacturer, A. Rich-
ard Cobden. England, Ireland, and
America. By . . , 1835.
Manchester Poet, The. Charles
Manchester Prison Philanthropist,
The. Thomas Wright.
Manchester Spinner, A. John Cam-
eron. Yarns. Manchester, n.d.
(Manent, Groviora. James J?. Man-
lei/, M.D. Letters on the College of
Physicians and Surgeons. N.Y 1841.
Manetti, Fanny. Fanny Smith.
Manfred. — Pteston. Lord Byron
vindicated : or, Eorae and her pilgrim . . .
L. 1876.
Manhattan. Charles Alexander Nel-
son, as New York correspondent of the
"Bookseller and Stationer." Chicago,
Manhattan. Joseph A. Scoville, who,
at the time of his death in 1864, was the
correspondent of the " London Herald "
and " London Standard " under this sig-
Manley, Jack. The stories in the
"Boys and Girls' Weekly" (N.Y.) over
this pseudonym were partly written by
Alfred Trumble and partly by Charles
Hull Webb.
Manlius. Christopher Gore. Manlius;
with notes and references. B. 1794.
Mann, Nellie A. Helen A. Mamnlle.
Heart echoes: book of poems. N.Y.
Mannering, Max. Josiah Gilbert Hol-
land, in the " Springfield Republican " in
Mannering, May. Mrs. Harriet
J*. H. Nowell. Helping hand series.
B. 187-.
Manners, Mrs. Mrs. Cornelia H.
(Bradley) Richards At home and
abroad; or, how to behave. N.Y.
Manners, Mrs. Horace. Algernon
Charles Swinburne, Ms signature in the
"Tatler" (L.).
Manners, Motley. Augustine J. H.
Duganne. Parnassus in Pillory : a satire.
fr.Y. 1851.
Mansfield, Walworth, W, H. Wal-
ton. Love for life. 18-.
Manson, James B., Bannockburn.
James Murray. The Bible in school . . .
Edinb. 1852.
Manton, Kate. Mrs. S. G-- Knight.
Manuel, Elrnest. Ernest L'Spine.
Lalegende de Croque-Mitaine. Paris,
Maori. James Inglis. Sport and work
on the Nepaul frontier ; or, twelve years'
sporting reminiscences of an indigo
planter. L. 1878.
Maple-Knot. Ebenezer Clemo. The
life and adventures of Simon Seek;
or, Canada in all shapes. Montreal,
Mar, Helen. Mrs. D. M. F. Walker.
Marble, Major. Rev. Henry T. Chee-
ver. The whale and its captors. N.Y.
Marcellus. John Quincy Adams, who,
1790-94, varied his law practice by occa-
sional communications to the "Boston
Centinel " signed " Publicola " and " Mar-
Marcellus. Allan Ramsay, Jr., in his
contributions to the "Public Adver-
tiser " (L. about 1776), on the war with
Marcellus. Am€d& Marteau, in
"L'Esprit des Femmes." Paris, 1860.
MarceUus. Noah Webster. Letter
to the Honorable Daniel Webster on the
political affairs of the United States.
P. 1837.
Marcb, Anne. Constance Fenimore
Woolson. The old stone house ... B.
March, Marjorie. Augusta Liebich,
in her contributions to the " House-
March, Walter. Odando Bolivar
Willcox. Shoepac recollections. N.Y.
Marcliffe, Theophilus. William God-
win. The looking-glass: a true history
of the early years of an artist [William
Mulready, B A.] . . . L. 1805.
Marcoy, Paul Lorenzo de Saint- Cricq.
Travels in South America from the
Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean.
Translated from the French. L. 1875.
Marcullus. Philip G. Kershaw. Re-
flections on itinerary parliaments . . .
Montreal, 1856
Marcus. William Charles Wells, M.D.
In the latter part of the year 1780 he
published an account of Mr. Henry
Laurens, some time president of the
American Congress, m the form of a
letter under the signature of "Marcus,"
to the printer of the "Public Adver-
Marcus. Oliver Wolcott. British in-
fluence in the affairs of the United
States proved and explained. B. 1804.
Marcus. Joseph Blunt An examina-
tion of the expediency and constitution-
ality of prohibiting slavery in the State
of Missouri . . . N.Y. 1819.
Marcus. William P. Van Ness. Let-
ters addressed to De Witt Clinton, Esq..
... N.Y. 1810.
These letters originally appeared in the
" Pougbkeepsie Barometer," 1805.
Marcus. Matthew L. Davis. The plot
discovered. Poughkeepsie, 1807. — See
also "Philo-Cato."
Margaret, Aunt. Miss Margaret (?)
Buchan, a well-kno-vm writer for the
"St. Nicholas" in 1883, became princi-
pal of Wolfe Hall, a school for young
ladies at Denver, Colorado.
Maria. Clemens Brentano. Satyren
uncl poetische Spiele. Leipsic, 1800.
Maria del Occidente. Mrs. Maria
(Gowen) Brooks, ^vho, in "The Doctor"
is styled by Southey "the most impas-
sioned and the most imaginative of all
poetesses," and who received from him
the name of " Maria del Occidente."
Marlaker, Bile. ]£variste Otfprien
Felix Boulay-Paty. Odes nouvelles.
Paris, 1844.
Marie. Harriet M. Skidmoi e. Beside
the Western Sea. a poem. N.Y. 1878.
Marietta. Miss Harrietts Mary Brad-
ley. Minnie's birthday; and other juve-
nile stories. L. 186-.
Marine Officer, A Major-General
Andrew Burn. Who fares the best, the
Christian or the man of the world * By
. . . L 1792
3Iariotti, Luigi. Antonio Cat lo Napo-
leone GaUenga. Italian grammar. L. 1868.
Maritzburg, Pieter. Rev. T. Jacl-
son. The fire of London. 18-.
Marius Thomas Day. The letters
of ... or, reflections upon the Peace, the
East India Bill, and the present crisis.
L. 1784
Marius, Claude. Claude Marius Du-
planif A nom de theatre.
Mark, Uncle. Mark Lemon. — See
Markham, Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth
(Cart-aright) Penrose. New children's
friend . . . L. 1836
Markham, Howard. Mary Cecil
Hay. Old Myddleton's money. L. 18-.
Markham, Pauline. Mrs. Margaret
(Hale) McMahon.
Marlay. D W. Chapman.
Marling, Matt. The stories in the
"Boys and Girls' Weekly" (N.Y.), over
this pseudonym, were partly written by
A/fled Trumble, and partly by Charles
Hull Webb.
Marlinsky, The Cossack. Alexander
Bestoujeff, a Russian poet, who, under
this name, wrote small novels and
sketches for the " Telegraph," a period-
ical of Moscow, and for some others.
Marlitt, E. Henriette Fnederike
Christiane Eugenie John. Old Marnselle's
secret ... P. 187-.
Marlow, The Right Hon. Ijady
Harriet. William Bedford. Modern
novel writing; or, the elegant enthusiast,
and interesting emotions of Arabella
Bloomville . . L. 1796.
Marmaduke, Sir. Theodore TiHon.
The sexton's tale, and other poems
N.Y. 1867. Probably his signature to
contributions to the press.
Married Critic, The. Jules Gabriel
Marryat, Florence. Mrs Florence
(Marryat) Ross-Church, in her numerous
works of fiction.
Marsden, Frederick. W. A. Sliver.
Clouds . comedy. N.Y. 187-.
Marshall, . Thomas Holcroft. The
German hotel : a comedy. L. 1790.
Marshall, William, Gent. Horace
Walpole. The castle of Otranto : a story
translated by ... from the original of
Onuphrio Muralto, Canon of the Church
of St Nicholas, at Otranto. L. 17G5.
Martel. Rev. Washington Fi Qthm<jham,
in the New Hampshire " Statesman'/'
Martel, Charles. Thomas Ddf. The
principles of colouring in painting. L.
Martesia, Honoria. Judith Sargent.
Martext, Oliver. James Cook Rich-
mond, a member of the "Polyglot Club,"
which consisted of the nine editors of
the " Harvard Register." Camb. 1827-28.
Martin, Edward Winslow. James
D. McCabe. History of the Grange
Movement Chic, 1874.
Martingale. Charles White. English
country life ... L 1813.
Martingale, Hawser. John Sher-
burne Sleeper. Mark Rowland : a tale of
the sea. B. 1867.
Martlet. Richard Bint/ham Davis, in
the " Drone papers " in the " New York
Martyn, William Frederick. Rev.
William Mavor, LL D. Dictionary of
natural history. L. 1784.
Martyne, Herbert. William Tait
Ross, a Scottish poet.
Marvel, Andrew William Goddard,
printer of the " Constitutional Courunt,"
of which only one number was issued,
Sept. 21, 1765, and issued at Burlington,
New Jersey. There is a copy in Harvard
College library.
Marvel, Ik Donald Giant Mitchell.
Reveries of a bachelor ... 1851. — See
" Opera Goer, An "
Mary, Aunt. Mary A. Lathbitri/.
Fleda with the \ oice, with other stones.
N.Y. 1876.
Mary, Aunt. Miss JLTany Low. A
peep into Uncle Tom's Cabin. By . . .
L. 1853.
Mary, Cultivator. Miss Man/ Ase-
nath Short, who is well known at the
West, having frequently written under
this signature for the " Ohio Cultivator,"
and for " Grace Greenwood's " " Little
Pilgrim." Her later poems were signed
"Fanny True."
Marylander, A. Reverdy Johnson.
The dangerous condition of the Coun-
try... Bait. 1867.
Mask. Probably James Grant. St.
Stephen's ; or, pencillings of politicians.
L, 1830. See "Notes and Queries," 6th
S*r., L, 60, 373, 896, 467.
Mason, Ida. Eliza A. Mason Fisher,
in her contributions to "Peterson's Ladies'
Magazine" (P. about 1860), etc.
Massachusettensis. David Leonard.
Origin of the American contest with
Great Britain . . . N.Y. 1775.
Also m a seues of political letters (17) he con-
tubuted to the Boston newspapers, frequently 10-
piinted PeeSabin, " Dictionary of Books i elating
to America," No 40,097 Inthecontioversyoeci-
sioned by these lettei s, John Adams i ephed, under
the pseudonym of " .Novanglus."
Massachusetts. Ehas Haslett Derby.
His signature in the Boston papers. See
"A Rail-Road Director."
Massachusetts Lawyer, A. John
Lowell, Jr Review of a treatise on ex-
patriation by George Hay, Esq By ...
B. 1814.
Massachusetts Yankee, A. Lyman
Hotchkiss Bayg. His signature in the
"Anglo-American Times" (L. 1876) and
the "Nation" (NY 1880).
Master Mason, A. — Ward. Free-
masonry: its pretensions exposed . . .
N.Y. 1828
Master of Arts, A. William King,
LL.D. Elogium fama inserviens Jacci
Etonensis, sire Gigantis , or, the praises
of Jack of Eton, commonly called Jack
the Giant : collected into Latin and Eng-
lish metre, after the manner of Thomas
Sternhold, John Hopkins, John Burton.,
and others ... By ... L. 1749.
Master of Arts of the University
of Oxford, Ar William Asplm Alki-
bla: a disquisition upon worshippiug
towards the east ... By ... L. 1/28-
Master of Arts of Trinity College,
Cambridge, A. R. Allen The life,
times, and travels of Abraham. L.
Master of the Grammar-School at
Arundel, The. Charles Caraccioh. An-
tiquities of Arundel: by ... L.
Mata. William R. Thompson.
Materfamilias Mrs. C. M. Sell.
Tales from the Odyssey, for boys and
girls, N.Y. 1880.
Mathetes. John Wikon (Christopher
North), in Coleridge's "Friend."
Soon after leaving the university (of Oxford),
he purchased the beautiful estate of Klleray, on
the noble lake of Wmdermere, which led to his
intimacy with Wordsworth, Southey, Quillinan,
Coleridge, and DeQuincey. Here he contributed
eome fine letters to Coleridge's " Friend,*' under
the signature of " Mathetes." See " Maclise Por-
trait Gallery," p. 60.
Mathilde. Henriette Friederilce Amalie
von Hohenhausen, in her contributions to
Lecke's " Monatrosen.'*
Ma9os, ©ffo$. Thomas South. Early
magnetism ... L, 1846.
Matilda. Mrs. Matilda Caroline
(Smiley) Edwards. Poems by ...
llichmond, 1851.
Matrimonial Monomaniac, A. L
A. Abbot. Seven wives and seven pris-
ons ; or, experiences in the life of ...
N.Y. 1870.
Matthews & Co. Leicester Sill Buck-
ingham. Aggravating Sam: a comic
drama ... L 1854.
Matthey, A. Arthur Ainould. Zoe
Chien-Chien. Paris, 1881.
Matthias Lord Bishop of Chiches-
ter. Matthias Mawsont D.D. A sermon
. . before the . . . Society for the Propa-
gation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts . . .
February 18, 1712-43. By ... L.
Maude. Miss Clotilda Jennings. Lin-
den Rhymes . . . Halifax, 1854
Maurice, Caesar, Esq. Dr. George JF.
Maurice, Jacques. James W. Morris.
K. N. Pepper, and other condiments.
N.Y. 1859.
Mauris, Maurice. Marquis de Caq-
lengano, a native of Nice, a Garibaldian,
and an ardent admirer of Victor Hugo.
Mauritius, Pfaflfe. Moritz Hartmann.
Eeimchromk des Pf affen Mauritius. 1840.
Maury, J. C F. Auguste Tillet.
Treatise on the dental art ... P. 1842.
Mawe, Thomas. John Abercrombie.
Every man his own gardener. L. 1767.
Mawr, Eta. Elizabeth Colling. Far
and near ; or, translations and originals
... L. 1856.
Max. William H. Maxwell. Novels
and tales. L. 187-.
May. M. Porter.
May, Cora. Mrs. Jennie Curtis.
May, Edith. Anna Drinker. Katy's
story. P. 1855.
May, Mattie. Mrs. C. R. Brown.
Ethel Button. B. 1880.
May, Morna. Miss Leila, B. Bickford.
May, Sophie. Rebecca Sophia Glarle.
The Asbury twins. B. 187-.
Mayfield, Frank. Daniel Starnes.
Mayfield, Millie. Mrs. Mary Sophie
(Shaw) Homes. Carrie Harrington; or,
scenes in New Orleans. N.Y. 1857.
Mayflower, Minnie. Mrs. Catharine
(Stratton) Ladd, who contributed tales,
sketches, essays, and poems to various
journals, under the signatures " Minnie
Mayflower," "Arcturus," "Alida," and
May Fly. Wellington Somerset. A
Continental tour ... L. 1871.
Maynard, Walter, Thomas Wilhrt
Beale, The enterprising impresario. L.
Mayne, Hope. Mrs. E. Auderton.
Mayne, fceger D. W. B. Dick, S. A.
Frost, and W. Taylor. What shall we do
to-night l or, social amusements. N.Y.
Mayo, Frank. Fionas Maguire.
Me. H. C. Banner. Remarks by Me,
contributed to "Puck" (N.Y.)
Me, the Hon B. B., Esq. Joseph
Green. Entertainment for a winter's
evening ... B. 1750.
Me, Phil Arcanos, Gent., Student
In Astrology. Joseph Green. The
Grand Arcanum detected . . . 1755.
Mechanic, A. Chailes Devonshire.
Clara ; or, the marriage feast . . . Pal-
mouth, 1836.
Medical Man, A. Forbes Watson.
Flowers and gardens; notes on plant
beauty. L. 1872.
Medical Student, A. Robert Douglas.
Eeminiscences of ... in the "New
Monthly Magazine" for 1843-44.
" Several of his early effusions first appeared
in the ' Q-lasgo-w Courier ' with the Celtic signa-
ture of « Sholto.' "
Medico Campo, Don Richardo de.
Gabriel Harvey. The trimming of
Thomas Nash ... L. 1871.
Medicus. George Bott Churchill Wat-
son. Hints for pedestrians, by ... L.
Medicus. John Epps, M D. Internal
evidences of Christianity, deduced from
phrenology. By ... member of the
Edinb. Phren. Soc. Edinb. 1827.
Medicus. Forbes Benignus Winslow.
On the nature, symptoms, and treat-
ment of cholera. By ... L.
Medicus. Daniel Denison Slade,
M.D. Twelve days in the saddle. A
journey on horseback in New England,
during the autumn of 1883 ... By ...
B. 1884.
Medicus Cantabrigiensis. John
Spurgin. Wisdom, intelligence, and sci-
ence, the true characteristics of Emanuel
Swedenborg ... L. 1862.
Medicus & Co. Joshua T. Woodhead.
The golden referee, a guide to health . . .
By ... Liverpool, 1874.
Medlus. Benjamin Franklin. Re-
marks and facts relative to the American
paper money. P. about 1765.
Medlar, Momus. James Smith. Mac-
beth travestie. By ... L. 1852. [In
"Rejected addresses; or, the new thea-
trum poetarum." By J. and H. Smith.]
Medlecott, Humphrey. For the sup-
posed editor of the " Observator." L.
Medley, Matthew. Anthony Aston.
The fool's opera. L. 1731.
Meirion. W. Owen, in his contribu-
tions to the " Monthly Magazine." L.
Mel, Mary. Mary E Bennett. Poems
and tales, by ... Mary Campbell [pseud J,
etc. N.Y. 1851
Mela Britannicus. Charles Kel-
Melata, Don Macario Padua. Ftfix
Amat. Tratado de la Iglesia de Jesu
Chnsto. 1793-1803.
Melena, Elpis. Mane Espe'rance
(Brandt) von Schwartz. Gemma, oder,
Tugend und Laster. Munich, 1877.
Melesville Baron Anne Honor e Jo-
seph Duveyrier. Valerie : comedie. Paris,
Melissa. Jane Huqhes Brereton.
MeUot, Claude Tom Taylor. This
character in Charles Kmgsley's "Two
Years Ago 'Ms said by Thomas Hughes
to represent Mr. Tat/lor. — See "Mac-
millan's Magazine" for August, 1880,
"In Memoriam."
Melmoth. Judge Saint-George Tucker \
in Wirt's " Old Bachelor."
Melmoth, Courtney. Samuel Jacl-
son Pratt. The sublime and beautiful of
Scripture ... L. 1777.
Mels, August Martin Cohn. Baron
Leo von Oberg, M.D. A story of love
unspoken [trans ] B. 1868.
Melville, Emily. Mrs. Emily Jone$
Member, A. Joseph Sparkes. An
affectionate address to the Society of
Friends in Great Britain and Ireland.
By ... L. 1834.
Member, A. WiUiam Milnor. An
authentic historical memoir of the
Schuylkill Pishing Company of the
State in Schuylkill . . , P, 1830.
Member, A. Thomas Greer Jacob.
Brief remarks on the Christian Sabbath
. . . addressed to ... the Society of
Friends . . , Belfast, 1832
Member, A. Maria Arthington. A
few remarks addressed to the Society of
Friends on the subject of a revival of
religion amongst them. By ... Leeds,
1886 (?).
Member, A Samuel Gdwan, D.D.
Memoirs of a New England village choir
. . . B 1829.
Member, A. John Faulder. Remarks
on the birthright membership of the
Society of Friends. By ... L.
Member for Chiltern Hundreds,
The. Henry W.Lucy. Men and manners in
Parliament ... L. 1874. Also in his
contributions to the "Gent. Mag"
Member for Paris, The. Eustace
C!are Grenville Murray, the English nov-
Member of a Close College, A. Augus-
tus William Hare. A letter to Daniel K.
Sandford, Esq, Professor of Greek m
the University of Glasgow . . . Oxf .
Member of a Provincial Parlia-
ment, A. Eduard Gibbon Wakejield.
View of Sir Charles Metcalfe's govern-
ment of Canada ... L. 1844.
Member of Convocation, A. Rev.
White Kennet. Dr. Snape instructed in
some matters especially relating to con-
vocations and converts from popery.
L. 1718.
Member of Convocation, A. Rev.
Thomas Vaughan. The legality of the
present academical system of the Uni-
versity of Oxford . . . Oxf. 1831.
Member of Convocation, A. George.
Hornet D D. A letter to the Eight Hon-
orable, the Lord North, Chancellor of
the University of Oxford, concerning
subscription to the 39 articles, and par-
ticularly the under-graduate subscription
in that university. By ... L. 1773.
Also ascribed to Rev. Thomas Patten.
Member of Court, A. John Archibald
Murray, Lord Murray. Letter to the
Lord Advocate on the procedure in the
court of session and jury trials . , .
Edinb. 1850.
The letter is signed " J. A. M."
Member, of Gray's Inn, A. P. B.
Leigh. Law students' guide . . „ L.
Member of his Privy Council, A.
Charles MacCormick, LL.B. Secret his-
tory of the court and reign of Charles
II, by... L. 1792.
Member of it, A. Rowley Lascelles*
Member of Lincoln's Inn, A. John
Raithby. The study and practice of the
law considered in their various relations
to society ... By ... L. 1798.
Member of Lincoln's Inn, A. John
Lind, Esq. Three letters to Dr. Price
... By... L. 1776.
Member of neither Syndicate, A.
Henry Addington, M.A., Lord Sidmouth.
A few remarks on the " New Library "
question . . . Carnb. 1831.
Member of one of the Societies, A.
W* Dale. Calculations deduced from
first principles ... By ... L. 1772.
Member of one of the Religious
Societies, A. Richard Finch, A de-
fence of the Eev. Mr. Whitefield's doc-
trine of regeneration . . . By ... L.
Member of Parliament, A. George
Ellis, in Beloe's " Sexagenarian/* Vol. 2.
p. 110. 2ded. L. 1818.
Member of Parliament, A. Trey sac
de Vergy. A defence of his royal high-
ness the Duke of Cumberland. L. 1770.
Member of Parliament, A. Itoltert
Henley Ongley, 1st Baron Ongley. An
essay on the nature and use of the
militia ... By ... L. 1757.
Member of Parliament, A. Sir Rob-
ert Walpole. A letter . . . concerning the
duties on wine and tobacco. L. 1733.
Member of Parliament, A. William
Pulteney, Earl of Bath. A letter . . .
concerning the sum of £ 116,000 granted
for the service of the Civil List. L. 1729.
Member of Parliament, A. Sir
Humphrey Mackworth. A letter . . , giv-
ing an account of the proceedings of the
Tackers ... L. 1704.
Member of Parliament, A. Oon-
stantme John Phipps, Lord Mulgrave. A
letter ... on the late proceedings of the
House of Commons in the Middlesex
elections, n.p. 1769.
Member of Parliament, A. Sir
William Meredith. The question stated
... L.1769.
A treatise upon "Wilke's election.
Member of Parliament, Another.
Sir William Blackstone. A letter to the
author of "The Question Stated." By
... L.1769.
Member of Parliament, A Late.
Thomas Carew, Esq. An historical ac-
count of the rights of elections of the
several counties, cities, and boroughs of
Great Britain ... By ... L* 1755.
Member of the Arcadian Academy
of Rome, A. Joseph Cooper Walker.
Historical memoir on Italian tragedy . . .
By ... L. 1799.
Member of the Association, A.
Henry Bigqs. Annals of the county and
city of Cork, commencing with an
abridged report of the transactions of
the British Association ... L. 1843.
Member of the Athenian Society,
A. John Dunton. The Athenian oracle
... By... L. 1703-4.
Tbe preface is signed "Philaret, a Member
of Athens."
Member of the Bar, A. C TF.
Hart. Essay on industry, and biographi-
cal sketches of Theophilns ftadclifEe and
Emma Jones. By ... SteubenriHe, O.,
Member of the Bar, A. Phineas
Bacon Wilcox Thoughts . . . Colum-
bus, 0,, 1836.
Member of the Bar, A. Leonai d Kip.
The Volcano Diggings : n tale of Cali-
fornia law ... NY. 1851.
Member of the Boston Bar, A
Ivers James Austin. An account of the
origin of the Mississippi doctrine of re-
pudiation ... B. 1842.
Member of the Boston Bar, A
John Augustus Bollcs. The affairs erf
Rhode island, being a review of Dr.
Wayland's " Discourse *' . . . B. 1842.
Member of the British Parliament,
A Ft cincls Ingi am /Seymour Convoy, Vis-
count Beauc-harap A letter to the Tirst
Belfast Volunteers in the Province of Ul-
ster. By. .. L. 3782.
Member of the Burton Hunt, A,
Henni Bi addon, in the "Sporting Maga-
zine" (L.)
Member of the Church at Oxford,
A William Palmer. At him again'
or, the fox without a tail, being another
word for Mr. Bulteel Oxf 1882
Member of the Church of Christ,
A Rev Richard Clarke An essay on
the number seven . . . By ... £,. 1759.
Member of the Church of Eng-
land, A. Rev, William Hoplins, B A.
An appeal to the common sense of all
Christian people ... By ... L.
Member of the Churcli of Eng-
land, A. Charles Leslie The case truly
stated, wherein the case restated is fully
consicler'd, L, 1714.
This work is in the form of a dlalogne, and is
signed "Philalethes"
Member of the ChurcJi of Eng-
land, A. Jostah Woodward. The Chris-
tian peace maker ... L. 1710.
Member of the Charch of Bug-
land, A. William Palmer, M.A. Ex-
amination of an announcement made in
the "Prussian State Gazette n ... Oxl
Member of the Church of Eng-
land, A. J A. Thointhwaite. The young
churchman's manual . . . By ... L.
Member of the Church, of England,
from Birtti and Education, A. liev.
Edward Evanson. The doctrines of a
Trinity and the Incarnation of God ex-
amined . . . L. 1772.
Member of the Church of God at
Oxford, A. William Palmer, M.A. A
hard nut to crack ; or, a word in season
to Mr, Bulteel . . . Oxf. 1832,
Member of the Clmrcli of Soot-
land, A. Itev. James Hog, of Carnock.
An essay to vindicate some Scripture
truths . . . n.p. 1716
Member of the Class of '07, A. JPaif
Benjamin. Shakings. Etchings from
the naval academy ... B. 18G-.
Member of the College of Justice,
A. James Watson. New form of pro-
cess "before the Court of Session . . .
Edinb. 1799.
Member of the College of Justice,
A. William Spml, S.S.C. Scones and
sketches in legal life. L, 187G.
Member of tho College of Physi-
ciaus, A. Jeremiah Wamewnght. An
anatomical treatise of the liver, with tho
diseases incident to it. L. 1722.
Member of the Committee of Peace
in Paris, A, Q-eorge M. Q-ihbs. A let-
ter to the American Peace Society . .
Paris, 1842.
Member of the Community, and a
Sincere Friend to his Country, A.
John CampbelL The naturalization bill
confuted ... L. 1751.
Member of the Congregation, A,
Joseph Moule. A letter to the membeis
of the congregation of St James* chapel,
Edinburgh . . Edmb. 1842
Member of the Convention of tho
Royal Burghs of Scotland, A Daj-< d
Dundas Scott. Blue-book cuiiositics . . ,
Edinb 1867.
Member of the Corporation, A.
Samuel Atlm& Eliot. A letter to the
president of Harvard College ... B.
Member of the Dramatic Lunatic
Asylum, A. Crosbie Ward, Esq. f Ihe
haunted housemaid; op, the villain of
the velvet vcskit Christchureh, Kow
Zealand, 1865.
Member of the Duddingston Curl-
ing Socletyj A. Rev, James Ramsay.
An account of the game of curling.
By ... Edmb. 1811.
Member of the Edinburgh Photo-
graphic Society, A. — Burnett, of
Edinburgh. Photography in colours . . .
By... Edinb. 1867.
Member of the English Bar, A.
John Sibbald Edison. "St. George for
England." An address to, and corre-
spondence "with, certain persons disaf-
fected to the established constitution . . .
Ji. 1850.
Member of the EagUsh Bar, A.
John Hbdgtin. Incumbered Estates
(Ireland) Bill. Objections, by the Irish
attonries and solicitors; and answers
t>y . . . L. 1849 (').
Member of the Established Church,
A. Sir John Baytey. The Book of
Common Prayer, with notes. L.
" The author withheld his name, not from any
wish improperly to conceal it, but because it was
no part of his object to diaw himself into notice."
Member of the Established Church,
A. Dr. Samuel Parr. A letter from
Irenopolis to the inhabitants of Eleuthe-
ropolis . . . Bii-mirfgham, 1792.
Member of the Executive Commit-
tee, A. Jordan L. Mott. Report to the
inventors of the United States. Morri-
sama, N.Y., 1854.
Member of the Faculty, A. Robert
Eannatj* Letter to the Dean of the Fac-
ulty of Advocates . . . Edmb. 1823
Member of the Faculty of Advo-
cates, A. Charles Ferguson, younger, of
Kilkerran. The early history of Church
Patronage . . . Edmb. 1833.
Member of the Faculty of Advo-
cates, A. James Starke. An introduc-
tion to the study of the law of Scotland
. . . Edinb. 1832.
Member of the Free Church, A.
James Gall. A free Church and a free
trade... 1844
Member of the Gild, A. James Au-
gustine Stothert. A short series of lec-
tures on the parochial and collegiate
antiquities of Edinburgh, read to the
Holy Gild of St. Joseph. By ... Edinb.
Member of the Guildry, A. James
87wra. An historic sketch of Cowane's
Hospital, Stirling. By ... Stirling,
Member of the Honourable Society
of Writers to the Signet, A William
Jamieson A letter to the Right Honour-
able Lord Viscount Melville . . . Edinb.
Member of the House of Assembly
of Newfoundland, A. Patrick Morris.
A short reply to the speech of Earl Ab-
erdeen . . . Liverpool, 1839.
Member of the House of Commons,
etc., A. William ArnalL Animadver-
sions on a Reverend Prelate's [Bishop
T. Sherlock's] remarks upon the bill . . .
entitled "A Bill to prevent suits for
tythes... By... L. 1731.
Member of the House of Commons,
A. John Hervey, Lord Hervey. An an-
swer to the Country Parson's Plea against
the Quakers* Tythe-Bill ... By ... L.
Member of the House of Commons,
A. Archibald Hutcheson. An estimate
of the value of South-Sea stock. L.
Member of the House of Commons,
A. Daniel Defoe. A letter . . , relating
to the Bill of Commerce ... L. 1713.
Member of the House of Commons,
A. Rolen Molesiuortli, Viscount Moles-
worth. A letter . . . relating to the Bill
of Peerage ... L 1719.
Member of the House of Commons,
A Philip Caiteret Webb. Some obser-
vations on the late determination for
discharging Mr. Wiikes from his com-
mitment to the Tower of London . . .
By... L. 1763
Member of the House of Commons
in Ireland, A. Jonathan Siv\fi, D.D. A
letter from ... to a member of the House
of Commons in England ... L. 1709
Member of the Howard Associa-
tion of New Orleans, A. William L.
Robinson. Diary of a Samaritan. N.O.
Member of the Humane Society, A.
Wendell Dams. Barnstable, Massachu-
setts A description of the eastern coast
of the county of Barnstable . . . B. 1802.
Member of the Humane Society, A.
John Davis, LL.D The life boat: a
poem . . . n.p , n.d.
Member of the Inner Temple, A.
H Roscoe. A discourse on the study of
the laws ... L. 1824
Member of the Irish Bar, A. Den-
nis Burrowes Kelly. The Manor of Glen-
more j or, the Irish peasant . . . L. 1839.
Member of the Irish Parliament, A.
Heivey Redmond Morres, 2d Viscount
Mountmorrcs Considerations on the in-
tended modification of Poyning's Law.
L. 1780
Member of the Late Parliament, A,
Lord Robert Griosvenor, Baron Ebury.
Leaves from my journal during the sum-
mer of 1851. L. 1852.
Member of the Legislative Assem-
bly of Upper Canada, A. Son.
Francis Hincks. The Seigniorial Ques-
tion : its present position . . . Quebec,
Member of the literary and Sci-
entific Association of Elgin, A. Dr.
Taylor. Edward I. of England in the
North of Scotland . . . Elgin, 1858.
Member of the Lower House, A.
Charles Trimnell, D.D. An account of
the proceedings between the two Houses
of Convocation which met October the
20th, 1702... L. MDCCIV.
Member of the Lower House, A.
Robert Walpole, Earl of Orf ord. Thoughts
of ... in relation to a project for . . .
limiting the power of the Crown in the
future creation of peers* L. 1719.
Member of the Lower House of
Convocation, A. Francis Atterbury.
The case of the schedule stated ... L.
Member of the Manchester Athe-
naeum, A. J. P. Culvencell. Manches-
ter in 1844 ... L. 1844
Member of the Marine Society, A.
Jonas Hanway. A letter . . Shewing
the piety, generosity, and utility of their
design . 5th ed. L 1757.
Member of the Maryland Legisla-
ture, A Lauience Sanqston. The Bas-
tiles of the North . Bait. 1863
Member of the N. E Hist. Gen So-
ciety, A. Timothy Fauar. Memoir of
the Farrar family. B. 1853,
Member of the New York Bar, A.
Vine Wright Kinysley. Reconstruction in
America... NY.' 1865
Member of the NY Genealogical
and Biographical Society, A. \Vd-
ham Lintaham Kip. The olden time m
New York, 1664-1775 N Y. 1883
Member of the Numismatic Soci-
ety of Philadelphia, A. Henry Phillips,
Jr Historical sketch of the paper money
issued by Pennsylvania . . P 1862
Member of the Oxford Convoca-
tion, A Rev. O A. Row, of Pembroke
College. Letter to the "Right Honour-
able Lord John Russell, M.I*. . on the
constitutional defects of the University
and Colleges of Oxford . . L. 1850.
Member of the Philadelphia Bar,
A. John G. Johnson. A criticism of Mr.
"Win. B. Reed's aspersions on the charac-
ter of Dr. Benjamin Rush ... P. 1867.
Member of the Philadelphia Bar,
A. Dand Boyei Broion. Heply to Hor-
ace Binney on the privilege of the Writ
of Habeas Corpus under the Constitution
... P. 1862.
Member of the Political Economy
Club, A. Col Robert Ton ens. The budget.
L. 1841.
Member of the Press, A. Gr. P. Ure.
The hand-book of Toronto . . . Toronto,
Member of the Red River Confer-
ence, A. Thomas Osmond Summers, D D.
Post Oak Circuit. Edited by ... Nash-
ville, 1857.
Member of the Reformed Catholic
Church, A. George Finch. A brief re-
ply to ** A sure way to find out the true
religion" ... L, 1841
Member of the Revision Commit-
tee of the Church of Ireland, A. H.
Lloyd. The doctrine of absolution . . .
By . Dublin, 1871.
Member of the Rock County Bar,
A. J. M. Bundy. State rights and the
appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme
Court of the United States . . . Beloit,
Wis , 1860
Member of the Roxburghe Club,
A. Thomas Fiognall Dibdm, D.D. Cran-
mer: a novel L 1839.
Member of the Royal College of
Surgeons, A William Wadd Cursory
remarks on corpulence L. 1810.
Member of the Royal Society, and
of the Society of Antiquaries, of
London. Sir James Bui row A few
anecdotes and observations relating to
Oliver Cromwell and his family . . .
By... L. 1763
Member of the Said Society, A.
White Kennet. Bibhothecae Americante
primordia . L 1713.
Member of the Same Society, A.
Heniy Foley. English province S. J.
Alphabetical catalogue . . . Roehamp-
ton, 1875.
The introduction is signed " H. F "
Member of the Senate, A William
Fiend. Considerations on the oaths re-
quired by the University of Cambridge . .
Member of the Society, A. Edward
Ash, M.D. An address to the Society
of Friends on ... disseminating Chris-
tian knowledge among the Heathen
By ... L 1828.
Member of the Society, A. Frank
Arnee Brief remarks, on an important
subject; or, a parent's thoughts on the
means of obtaining a guarded and relig-
ious education for youth at schools . . .
By . . Bristol, 1820.
Member of the Society of Antiqua-
ries in London. Fiancis Wise. Some
enquiries concerning the first inhabitants,
language, religion, learning, and letters
of Europe, by ... L. 1758
Member of the Society of Anti-
quaries of Scotland, A. Archibald
M'Neill, W.S. Notes on the authenticity
of Ossian's poems . . . 1868.
Member of the Society of Artists
and Manufacturers of Philadelphia,
A Tench Coxe. An essay on the man-
ufacturing interest of the United States,
etc. P. 1804.
Member of the Society for Consti-
tutional Information, A. William Da-
vies Shipley. The principles of the Gov-
ernment ... L. 1783.
Member of the Society of Friends,
A. Joseph John Gurnet/, The contribu-
tion of ... to a lady's album. 1827.
Member of the Society of Friends,
A. James Boivden. An examination
into the scriptural lawfulness of mar-
riage with a deceased wife's sister, e*tc.
By... L. 1868
Member of the Society of Friends,
A Henry^ Callaway. Immediate reve-
lation : being a brief view of the dealings
of God with man in all ages . . . By . . .
L. 1842.
Member of the Society of Friends,
A. Jonathan Pirn Is it right for a
Christian to marry two sisters * By . .
Dublin, 1863.
Member of the Society of Friends,
A Mai i/ Stacey, Jim. A letter on the
Lord's Supper. By ... L 1830.
3Iember of the Society of Friends,
A William Collier. Quakerism. By
.. . Plymouth (*), 1837.
Member of the Society of Friends,
A. Philip Thompson. The remem-
brancer, for such as believe in the truth
as it is in Jesus ... By ... Wood-
bridge, 1820
Member of the Society of Lincoln's
Inn, A. Timothy Brecknock. Droit le
Eoy . . . L. 1764.
Member of the Sodality of the B.
V. Mary, Church of the Most Holy
Redeemer, East Boston. Ja mes Fitton.
Influence of the Catholic doctrines on
the emancipation of slaves ... B 1863.
Member of the Suffolk Bar, A.
Harrison Gray Otis. A letter to the Hon.
Josiah Quincy ... on the law of libel . . .
B 1823.
Member of the Suffolk Committee
of 1829, A Henry Gassett. Catalogue
of books on the Masonic Institution . . .
B. 1852.
Member of the Synod of United
Original Seceders, A Rev. John Q-ra-
ham. Non-intrusion weighed in the bal-
ance and found wanting . , . Ayr, 1843.
Member of the Twenty-Seventh
Congress, A John Pendleton Kennedy.
Defence of the ^Yhigs. N Y. 1844.
Member of the University, A. Ben-
jamin Blayne?/. An espostulatory letter
-to ... Dr. Randolph. Oxf. 1773.
Member of the University, A IJate.
Peter Le Page Renouf. The character of
the Rev. W. Palmer, M.A., of Worcester
College . . . L. 1843.
Member of the University of Cam-
bridge, A. Richard Duppa, B.O.L. An
address to the Parliament of Great Brit-
ain, on the claims of authors to their own
copyright. L. 1813.
Member of the University of Cam-
bridge, A. Thomas Perronet Thompson.
Catechism of the Corn Laws. Manches-
ter, n d
Member of the University of Cam-
bridge, A. Jackson Musptatt WiUtams
The elements of Euclid . . By . .
Member of the University of Cam-
bridge, A. Bev. Edward John Nixon.
The facts as they are . . Camb 1844.
Member of the University of Cam-
bridge, A William Burdon, M.A A
few words of plain truth . . . Camb. 1797
Member of the University of Cam-
bridge, A. Pi of. George Long. Hanni-
bal's passage of the Alps. L 1800.
Member of the University of Cam-
bridge, A. Rev. Philip Stanhope Dodd,
M.A. Bants to Freshmen, from . .
Member of the University of Cam-
bridge, A Benjamin Hall